Benefits of Vitamin D: The “Sunshine Vitamin”

By – James M. Katz, BA

Vitamin D is often thought of as a nutrient that helps our bones and teeth stay strong, but its benefits go far beyond this. Often overlooked, vitamin D is a key part of a healthy diet, as it has been shown to play a role in controlling inflammation, cell growth, and even our mood. This essential holistic nutrient is critical to keeping us healthy, and a deficiency can lead to a number of health issues. In this article, we’ll explore the surprising benefits of vitamin D and how it can impact your health and well-being. From its role in immunity to its ability to lower your risk of chronic disease, the importance of vitamin D cannot be underestimated. So read on to learn more about this important nutrient and how it can help you stay healthy and happy.

Vitamin D is often referred to as the ‘sunshine vitamin’, Vitamin D is a micronutrient that is produced by our skin in response to sunlight exposure. It plays an important role in our bodies, and recent research has highlighted a range of surprising health benefits associated with Vitamin D. These include improved immunity, better bone health, and a lower risk of certain diseases.

Vitamin D helps to reduce the risks of later in life cognitive decay as seen in the article below. By taking vitamin D you can stop and prevent many mental issues such as dementia as stated by a third. Please read below and press the link for the full article.

 “Vitamin D may reduce the risk of dementia by up to a third, a study has suggested.

Researchers at Tufts University in America looked at levels of vitamin D in 290 adults in the Rush Memory and Ageing Project, a long-term study of Alzheimer’s that began in 1997.

The team looked at vitamin D levels in four regions of the brain. Two were linked to Alzheimer’s – one known to be involved in dementia, and another believed to not be linked to cognitive decline with age.

They found that vitamin D was present in all four regions and people with more of it had better cognitive function.”

Vitamin D could reduce the risk of dementia by a third,  Joe Pinkstone. The Telegraph. Wed, December 7, 2022
Access link here

Sources of Vitamin D. Includes Mushrooms, Fish, Cheese, etcCommentary:

Sources of Vitamin D

Most people acquire their vitamin D through the sun. UVB light from the sun is absorbed by the skin and converts into Vitamin D. Hence, people who live in regions where there is a lot of sunlight throughout the year, such as the tropics, have a lower risk of developing a Vitamin D deficiency. In the United States, most people get their Vitamin D from fortified foods, such as milk, yogurt, and cereal, and supplements. Although Vitamin D is naturally created by the sun, the majority of us do not spend enough time in the sun to get the recommended amount of Vitamin D. This is especially true for those who live in Northern climates where the days are shorter and there is less sunlight. Certain groups, such as pregnant women, infants, the elderly, and people with darker skin, are at an even higher risk of developing a deficiency. People with conditions like osteoporosis and autoimmune diseases, such as psoriasis, may also need to pay special attention to their Vitamin D levels.

Vitamin D and Immunity

Most people are aware of the role Vitamin D plays in bone health. However, you may not be aware that it also plays a significant role in immunity. Studies have shown that a Vitamin D deficiency can reduce your body’s ability to fight off infections. This is particularly problematic during the colder months, as you are more likely to come into contact with germs like cold and flu viruses, which can be very contagious. Vitamin D is known to enhance the effects of certain white blood cells, known as T cells, which are the guardians of your immune system and prevent infections from forming. Vitamin D deficiency can also negatively impact your B cells, which are responsible for making antibodies in response to an infection, as well as natural killer cells, which fight off cancer cells. A Vitamin D deficiency can increase your risk of contracting and spreading infections, such as the common cold and influenza, and may be particularly common in groups who are at an increased risk of deficiency, such as pregnant women.

Vitamin D and Bone Health

Vitamin D is not only critical for helping your bones stay strong and preventing osteoporosis, but it also helps to build and maintain bone density. When you are young and your bones are still developing, Vitamin D is essential for building strong and healthy bones, as it helps your body to absorb calcium and phosphorus, two essential minerals needed for bone growth. As you age, Vitamin D is also needed to maintain existing bone density as you are more likely to experience age-related bone loss, which is known as osteoporosis. If you have a family history of osteoporosis or have experienced a fracture in the past due to weak bones, you may be at an increased risk of developing a deficiency. This is because Vitamin D is known to affect the rate of bone turnover, which can increase your risk of fractures if your bones are not as strong as they should be. In fact, research suggests that Vitamin D deficiency may be linked to an increased risk of fractures, especially in older people.

Vitamin D and Mood

Several studies suggest that a Vitamin D deficiency may be linked to an increased risk of depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders. While it is unclear how Vitamin D may impact the production of neurotransmitters in the brain that regulate mood and emotions, it is believed that a deficiency may disrupt the serotonin and dopamine pathways, which can increase risk of depression. Individuals who are more likely to be at risk of developing a deficiency include pregnant women, people living with certain chronic diseases, such as autoimmune diseases, and those who do not get enough exposure to sunlight. While more research is needed to determine the exact link between Vitamin D and mood and anxiety disorders, it may be advantageous to pay attention to your Vitamin D levels and speak with your doctor if you are experiencing mood changes that you believe may be related to a deficiency.

Vitamin D and Cancer Prevention

Studies have shown that higher levels of Vitamin D are associated with a lower risk of certain cancers, including breast cancer and colorectal cancer. Vitamin D can influence cell growth and plays an important role in controlling abnormal cell proliferation. This may explain how Vitamin D can help to reduce the risk of contracting certain cancers. Further research is needed to understand how exactly Vitamin D impacts cancer prevention, but it is believed that Vitamin D may also play a role in regulating genes that can increase the risk of these types of cancers. People who are more likely to be at an increased risk of developing a deficiency include pregnant women, people living with certain chronic diseases, such as autoimmune diseases, and those who do not get enough exposure to sunlight.

Vitamin D and Heart Health

It is often thought that cardiovascular disease is caused by high cholesterol, hypertension, and other major risk factors. However, Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with an increased risk of heart disease. Research suggests that Vitamin D may also play a role in regulating blood pressure and preventing blood clots. A Vitamin D deficiency can reduce the amount of calcium in your blood, which can lead to an increased risk of heart attack and stroke. People who are more likely to be at an increased risk of developing a deficiency include pregnant women, people living with certain chronic diseases, such as autoimmune diseases, and those who do not get enough exposure to sunlight. Given the link between Vitamin D and heart health, it is important to pay attention to your Vitamin D levels and ensure that you are getting enough. While Vitamin D deficiency can be overcome with proper supplementation, heart disease cannot and may be more difficult to prevent.

Vitamin D and Diabetes

Research suggests that a Vitamin D deficiency may be linked to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes. While it is unclear why Vitamin D may play a role in preventing diabetes, it may be related to its ability to reduce inflammation and regulate insulin production. Individuals who are at an increased risk of developing a deficiency include pregnant women, people living with certain chronic diseases, such as autoimmune diseases, and those who do not get enough exposure to sunlight. Given the link between Vitamin D and diabetes, it is important to pay attention to your Vitamin D levels and ensure that you are getting enough. If you are at a higher risk of developing a deficiency, you may want to pay special attention to your Vitamin D levels and talk to your doctor about supplementation.

Vitamin D and Osteoarthritis

While many people suffer from joint pain and inflammation due to rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, there are many ways to prevent or slow down the progression of these diseases. One of these is getting enough Vitamin D. Research suggests that Vitamin D may be able to help ease joint pain and reduce the risk of developing osteoarthritis. Individuals who are at an increased risk of developing a deficiency include pregnant women, people living with certain chronic diseases, such as autoimmune diseases, and those who do not get enough exposure to sunlight. Given the link between Vitamin D and joint health, it is important to pay attention to your Vitamin D levels and ensure that you are getting enough. If you are at a higher risk of developing a deficiency, it may be beneficial to pay special attention to your Vitamin D levels and speak with your doctor about supplementation.


While Vitamin D is naturally created by the sun, most of us do not spend enough time in the sun to get the recommended amount of Vitamin D. This is especially true for those who live in Northern climates where the days are shorter and there is less sunlight. There are several foods that are rich in Vitamin D, including fish and fatty fish, but many of us get too little of this vital nutrient. For example, we only need to spend about 10 minutes in the sun to get our Vitamin D needs met. If you’re spending more time indoors, you may want to supplement with vitamin D. That’s it! Keep this article handy as a reference when you’re looking for the best sources of vitamin D – and remember, you can always ask your pharmacist or doctor for advice.

Proactive health care is sometimes the best solution to our healthcare needs. Action is always faster than reaction! If you are interested in learning more about Holistic and Integrative Health Care approaches and have more questions about it then perhaps you should visit our Holistic Health Care Certification program FAQ page


Mayo Clinic – Vitamin D and MS 

Wikipedia Vitamin D

Additional Resources:

Vitamin D for Health: A Global Perspective, Arash Hossein-nezhad, et al, Mayo Clinic Proceedings, Volume 88, Issue 7, 2013, Pages 720-755, ISSN 0025-6196,

Access Here 

Vitamin D deficiency in Europe: pandemic?, Kevin D Cashman, et al, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 103, Issue 4, April 2016, Pages 1033–1044,

Access Here 

Vitamin D deficiency 2.0: an update on the current status worldwide. Amrein, K., Scherkl, M., Hoffmann, M. et al.  Eur J Clin Nutr 74, 1498–1513 (2020).

Access Here 

Exploring the Benefits of Case Management in Long-Term Care Today ‍

By: Dominick L. Flarey, Ph.D, RN-BC, ANP-BC, NEA-BC, FACHE
       Board Certified, Adult Nurse Practitioner
       Board Certified, Nurse Executive Advanced
       Fellow, The American College of Health Care Executives

Photo of a collection of words related to the topic of Long Term Care

In today’s health care system, case management is becoming an increasingly important way to ensure quality care for long-term health care patients. Case management is a process that involves a team of health care professionals, who work together to coordinate and provide comprehensive care for patients with long-term health care needs. This team of professionals is responsible for assessing a patient’s medical needs, developing a care plan, and monitoring the patient’s progress. Case management has numerous benefits, from reducing hospitalizations and emergency room visits to improving overall quality of life. It also helps to reduce costs, as case managers can ensure that patients receive the most appropriate and cost-effective care. By exploring the benefits of case management in long-term health care, we can better understand how it can help improve patient outcomes and reduce costs.

What is Case Management?

Case management is a process that involves a team of health care professionals, who work together to coordinate and provide comprehensive care for patients with long-term health care needs. Rather than having health care providers treat specific issues, case managers consider the entire individual and how different aspects of their care are related. This team is responsible for assessing a patient’s medical needs, developing a care plan, and monitoring the patient’s progress. Case management has been used in different areas of healthcare for some time, but in recent years, it has also gained prevalence in long-term care. This type of care typically involves a combination of services, such as nursing, pharmaceutical, social work, and rehabilitation. Long-term care services are generally needed by individuals who have a chronic illness or disability that requires ongoing care.

Long-Term Care

Long-term care is an interdisciplinary field of health care encompassing a range of services and supports for individuals who are chronically ill or have a disability. This type of care is used to provide assistance with activities of daily living such as bathing, dressing, grooming, and eating, as well as instrumental activities like housekeeping, shopping, and managing finances. Long-term care can be provided at home or in other settings such as adult day programs, assisted living facilities and nursing homes.

Benefits of Case Management

Case management has numerous benefits, from reducing hospitalizations and emergency room visits to improving overall quality of life. In exploring the benefits of case management in long term care today, it also helps to reduce costs, as case managers can ensure that patients receive the most appropriate and cost-effective care. By exploring the benefits of case management in long-term health care, we can better understand how it can help improve patient outcomes and reduce costs: 1). Reduced Hospitalizations and Emergency Room Visits, when patients receive coordinated and comprehensive care, they may spend less time in the hospital, as well as in the ER. This is particularly true for patients with chronic illnesses and/or long-term care patients. 2). Ensures greater quality of care, due to the interdisciplinary approach of case management, patients are often provided with more thorough care. This can help to ensure that each aspect of the patient’s care is addressed, which can ultimately improve overall quality of life. 3). Case Management in Long-Term Health Care, one of the primary ways in which case management is used in long-term health care is to help provide an ongoing assessment of a patient’s care, as well as their needs. 4). Provides for a more collaborate approach to long-term care delivery, long-term health care has traditionally been managed by physicians, who have been responsible for both diagnosis and treatment. With the implementation of case management, however, other types of health care professionals, such as nurses and social workers, are also able to provide care. This helps to provide a more interdisciplinary, collaborative approach to long-term care delivery.

Helps to improve patient outcomes

index card on table that is written on it Long Term Care with a blue stethoscope laid around it and a red heart and a pair of eyeglasses laying next to the index care

Case Management is also known as care coordination and/or care management. When individuals in long-term care are involved in case management, there is a potential for improvement in their overall health outcomes. Patients in long-term care who participate in case management are more likely to receive the medical care and services that they need. This could include medications, nutrition therapy, or specialized therapies such as physical therapy. People in long-term care who receive the services that they need may experience better outcomes in terms of their mental health. This may include a reduction in feelings of depression, anxiety, and/or feelings of isolation. People in long-term care who receive the services that they need may experience better outcomes in terms of their ability to live independently. This may include a reduction in the amount of assistance needed to perform daily living tasks, such as bathing or eating.


Challenges of Case Management

While case management offers many benefits, it is important to note that it is not a cure-all for the challenges that exist in today’s long-term health care system. One challenge is that not every patient who needs long-term care has access to it. Although long-term health care is becoming increasingly common, there are still not enough resources available to meet current needs. There is also not enough consistency in the services offered throughout the long-term health care system, as there are many different types of providers, who offer long-term care. This means that patients and families may not receive the same level of care from one provider as another. Another challenge of case management is that it is not always the best option for all patients. While it can be beneficial, it is not appropriate for everyone. This can make it more challenging to identify patients who will benefit from case management services.


Case management is a growing trend in long-term health care, as it offers numerous benefits and helps to improve outcomes. Although it is not a cure-all, it can help to improve the quality of care patients receive and reduce costs. While challenges remain, case management remains a promising way to improve long-term health care.

Education and Certification in Case Management

Are you a registered nurse, social worker or a health care professional who is interested in case management? If so, the American Academy of Case Management offers a unique, online curriculum of core courses that leads to a full Certification and Fellowship Status in the Academy. You may access this link for full information on the program. Courses are continuing education courses with Board approvals and may be taken one course at a time until completion. All of the courses are online with faculty mentoring as needed and there are no travel requirements. Any questions may be addresses to:

Suggested Readings

1. Can post-exposure prophylaxis for COVID-19 be considered as an outbreak response strategy in long-term care hospitals? Sun Hee Lee, International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents. Vol. 55(6): June 2020. access here.

2. Case management in capitated long-term care. Rick T. Zadwaski, Catherine Eng. Health Care Finance Review. National Library of Medicine. December 1988. access here.

3. What Does “Managed Long Term Care Service” Mean in the United States? A Concept Analysis From a Case Manager’s Perspective. Kyungmi,Woo, Home Health Care Management & Practice. Vol.33(3):November 7, 2020. access here.

4. What do we (still) need to know about long-term care management? Howard B. Degenholtz. Generations Journal. American Society on Aging. Spring 2021. access here



Types of Meditation at Work

Workplace stress is a large issue in the United States.  Individuals burn out or some even become aggressive.  The leading causes for work place stress include not enough time, inappropriate resources, personality clashes, and micro management.   Many times, workers and employees take their frustration home and spread the anxiety and stress to others.  It is hence important to reduce stress at work not only for the health of employees but also for the productivity and morale of the office.

Meditation at work can help increase productivity and reduce stress.


Many individuals turn to meditation.  Individuals in the office or at work find ways to incorporate stress relief techniques or quick meditation to help them through the day.  In fact, some companies spend thousands on Meditation itself.  Meditation Instructors are employed to teach employees how to utilize mediation at work as way to reduce stress and increase productivity.

The article, “5 effective meditation techniques to practice at work” by Akanksha Agnihotri takes a closer look at types of Meditation one can employ while at work to help with stress and productivity.  The author lists a variety of techniques such as deep breathing to visualization.  A special walking meditation is also included.  Through these types of meditation the article hopes to guide an individual to a way to utilize meditation that fits one best.  The article states,

“Increasing work demands and workplace stress levels can take a toll on your mental health. Employees may be unable to perform to their full potential and realise their life goals if they are experiencing such negative effects on their bodies and brains. Practising meditation at the workplace has many proven benefits like reduced stress and improved focus. Increased creativity, productivity and improved relationships with colleagues are some of the great results of meditation one can attain at work.”

“5 effective meditation techniques to practice at work”. Akanksha Agnihotri. November 15th, 2022.  Hindustan Times.

To read the entire article, please click here


Meditation can be a very useful tool in helping employees reduce stress and be more successful at work.  Stress itself is the biggest obstacle to productivity.

Stress at work is a phenomenon that has been well-documented in the literature as a potential occupational hazard. It is defined as an individual’s subjective experience of distress due to a perceived inability to cope with demands placed on them in the workplace context. Stressors can be physical, psychological, or organizational in nature, and may take the form of workload demands or challenging interpersonal dynamics.

Workplace stressors can be defined as the physical and psychological demands placed on an individual while they work, which can have a negative impact on their overall wellbeing. This can include factors such as workloads, working conditions, interpersonal relationships, workplace culture and organizational change. These stressors are often sources of chronic stress for workers, causing detrimental long-term effects both to their mental and physical health.

Meditation at Work

Meditation at work is an excellent stress management technique.


Meditation at work is an increasingly popular practice in modern workplaces, as it provides numerous benefits to employees. It can be utilized as a form of stress management, allowing participants to relax and clear their minds amidst a hectic day. In doing so, it can create an environment of greater focus and productivity, as well as foster healthy habits for self-care that are conducive to the overall well-being of the organization.

Meditation at work is a practice that has been gaining traction among productivity-focused professionals. It involves the intentional control of attention through various forms of contemplative practice, such as mindfulness or self-reflection. There are different types of meditation that can be employed to maximize focus and clarity in the professional environment. Transcendental meditation is a type of meditation designed to induce a state of restful awareness and an inner stillness by silently repeating a mantra.

One of the most popular forms of workplace meditation is Mindfulness Meditation, which encourages practitioners to focus on the present moment and observe their thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations. This type of meditation can be used to reduce stress and anxiety caused by work-related pressures, as well as increase attention span and productivity. Additionally, Transcendental Meditation (TM) is an effective practice for reducing stress experienced in the workplace.

In addition, one can employ Walking meditation.  Walking meditation is a form of mindful practice in which one actively engages the cognitive faculties in order to experience the physical reality of movement. It involves a conscious awareness of each step taken, as well as the environmental factors that affect it such as temperature, air flow, and other sensory inputs. By focusing on these elements, practitioners are able to cultivate enhanced levels of attention, clarity and insight while they walk.

Stress Reduction at Work

Stress reduction tools at work represent a pro-active approach to the mitigation of deleterious psychological states with regard to occupational contexts. Such tools may take the form of various coping strategies such as cognitive reframing, relaxation techniques, and mindfulness practice which can be employed when faced with stressful situations. This intervention is designed to promote psychological resilience and emotional regulation, as well as provide a buffer against job-related stressors.

From stress balls to relaxing music, individuals can find ways to reduce the noise and tension at work.  It is imperative to find a balance to ensure productivity and success in the office or work place.

Meditation Instructors can serve a positive role for companies seeking to train employees in the secrets of meditation and how to employ it for their overall mental health.  In addition, meditation can reduce stress and help company productivity sore by making minds more focused and individuals more calm and able to coordinate and work together.  Meditation instructors and corporate entities are two divergent forces that can benefit from the practice of mindfulness. The former offer a service that has been proven to help individuals cope with stress, anxiety, depression, and other psychological and emotional issues. On the other hand, corporations have recently become increasingly interested in incorporating meditation into their business operations as a way of enhancing employee productivity and performance.


In conclusion, the benefits of workplace meditation are clear. It can help to reduce stress and anxiety, improve concentration, and increase productivity. Furthermore, it can also foster a sense of community among employees, as they come together in the shared practice of mindfulness. Regularly engaging in workplace meditation can lead to better physical and mental health, increased happiness and satisfaction with work, and improved collaboration between colleagues. It is an invaluable tool that should be embraced by more organizations seeking to create a healthier, more effective working environment.

Please also review AIHCP’s Meditation Instructor Certification and Stress Management Certification programs and see if they meet your academic and professional goals.  The programs are online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification.


Additional Resources

“Six Proven Benefits Of Meditation In The Workplace”.  Laura Sage. August 3rd, 2020. Forbes.  Access here

“9 Benefits of Meditation For The Workplace”. Paul Harrison. The Daily Meditation.  Access here

“16 Causes of Workplace Stress & How to Prevent Its Effects”. Jeremy Sutton, PhD. September 7th, 2021. PositivePsychology.Org. Access here



Crisis of Faith Video

Many Christians can face a crisis of faith.  It is bound to happen sometime in life.  Traumatic events or deaths can all shake one’s life and push to one to ask existential questions.  In fact, even evil as a force in the world can sometimes create questions in one’s mind.  “Where is God?” or “Why is God doing this?” can all emerge.

In spiritual life itself, one can enter into arid moments where the relationship with God is not as fresh or easy.  Desolation can occur where the soul feels left behind and abandoned.  Working through this is critical in spiritual life.  A strong foundation will hold any storm.  So it is important to validate one’ s feelings and then diagnose them.  Through emotional and intellectual reflection, but most importantly unceasing prayer, one can find some hope.

Please also review AIHCP’s Christian Counseling Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification.

ADHD and Hypnosis

It is of no wonder that hypnotherapy can help many who deal with ADHD.  Many mental states of mind can be affected through the use of hypnotherapy.  Hypnotherapy calms many dealing with anxiety or stress, but it can also help with mental issues such as ADHD.  It allows the mind to focus more and also remember things better.  Hypnotherapy overall has a soothing effect on the mind that is dealing with ADHD.  Many with ADHD issues are being encouraged by ADHD Consultants to try out hypnotherapy and see if it can positively affect them.

Hypnosis can help individuals with ADHD find more calm and focus.


The article, “Hypnotherapy for ADHD Symptoms: Can Hypnosis Help?” by Beth Guadagni looks closer at how hypnotherapy can help those facing ADHD.  In her article, she looks at a study that utilized hypnotherapy on patients with ADHD and their overall positive outcomes.  The article also looks at the evolution of hypnotherapy and some calming effects on the ADHD mind that one can find.  In regards to the findings in some case trials, the article states,

“While these results may make researchers optimistic about hypnotherapy’s potential, robust clinical trials are sparse. In a small study involving 17 participants in 2014, researchers compared the results of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and hypnotherapy. Both treatment groups improved, but the hypnotherapy patients reported significantly better psychological wellbeing, and decreased anxiety, depression, and ADHD symptoms.”

Hypnotherapy for ADHD Symptoms: Can Hypnosis Help?. Beth Guadagni. November 15th, 2022. ADDitude.

To review the entire article, please click here


Hypnosis is a psychological phenomenon which has been utilized for centuries to induce an altered state of consciousness, allowing individuals to access subconscious memories and beliefs. It is hypothesized that during hypnosis an individual’s level of suggestibility increases, making them more open to the suggestions of another individual or external factors. This heightened suggestibility can be seen in changes in behavior, thoughts, emotions, and physiological responses.  The effects of hypnosis can vary widely depending on the subject’s expectations and motivations for participation, as well as on the techniques employed by the hypnotist.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder which is characterized by persistent difficulties in the areas of executive functioning, self-regulation, and impulsivity. It is associated with impairment in multiple domains of functioning, including academic performance, interpersonal relationships, and occupational outcomes. ADHD is thought to be caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

It has been shown in case studies that hypnosis can help with ADHD symptoms in regards to helping others become more calm and able to focus and concentrate.

ADHD and Hypnosis

Hypnosis has been shown to help individuals with ADHD become more calm and focused with tasks


Hypnosis has been utilised as a potential therapeutic intervention for patients with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in recent years, due to its ability to alter cognitive and behavioural processes. This is due to its potential to help increase attention span, decrease impulsivity and hyperactivity, enhance cognitive functioning, and improve overall behaviour.  By inducing an altered state of consciousness, hypnosis can facilitate access to unconscious psychological material, thus allowing for the exploration of maladaptive behaviours and emotional states that may be contributing to the disorder. Furthermore, hypnosis can also serve as a form of psychotherapy, providing an individual with the opportunity to explore and develop alternate ways of behaving in order to manage the symptoms of ADHD more effectively.

In addition, recent studies have indicated a potential for the use of hypnosis treatment to alleviate some of the symptoms associated with ADHD, such as restlessness or difficulty focusing. Hypnosis has been shown to be effective in reducing anxiety levels which can then help individuals with ADHD cope better with their daily tasks.


Certified Clinical Hypnotherapists can help individuals deal with symptoms of ADHD.  In particular, hypnosis can help individuals become more calm and focused despite ADHD.  This is an alternative therapy which in studies have proven to be helpful.  The evidence suggests that hypnosis can be an effective tool in helping to manage the symptoms of ADHD. The participants in this study found that they were able to concentrate better and had increased focus as a result of their hypnosis sessions. It is also important to note that there were no adverse effects reported from using this treatment, making it a viable option for those living with ADHD. With further research and study, hypnosis may become a more widely accepted treatment for ADHD.

ADHD consultants and counselors may wish to consider also utilizing hypnosis as a way to help their patients deal with ADHD.  Counselors who are ADHD certified may wish to utilize hypnosis as a potential treatment and see if it has benefits for their particular patient.

ADHD can cause lack of concentration and calm. Please also review AIHCP’s ADHD Consulting Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals and needs


AIHCP offers both an Certification in Clinical Hypnotherapy and also a Certification in ADHD Consulting.  Only qualified professionals in the mental health and health care fields are eligible to earn these certifications.  The programs are online and independent study and offer the professional the ability to add these credentials to their professional resume.  After completion of the required online courses, qualified professionals can then apply for a four year certification.  One can then renew that certification every four years to maintain it. Please review the programs and see if they meet your academic and professional goals.


Additional Resources

“The Impact of Hypnotic Suggestions on Reaction Times in Continuous Performance Test in Adults with ADHD and Healthy Controls”. Maarit Virta, etc. al.  May 11, 2015. Plos One.  Access here


“5 Reasons to Consider Hypnosis For ADHD”. Rekha Shrivastava, M.S., CH, CRC. March 27, 2021. Blossom Hypnosis. Access here

“Hypnosis For ADHD | To Help You Treat Short Attention Span and Hyperactivity”. Hypnosis Experts. October 29th, 2021. HypnoHub.  Access here


Christian Teaching On Hell

Hell is one of the most feared and dramatized places discussed in human history.  It teases the imagination, terrifies the soul and entertains the thrill seeker.  It is seen by some as a metaphysical reality while to others a mythical place.  It serves as a source of conformity for others but also a deterrent to many others.  It is described in countless accounts in literature creating a place that may sometimes be more fantastical and mythical than plausible and real.  Through all of these feelings and interpretations, one thing can be known, it is real and that is terrifying enough.

Ideas of Hell as a physical place have existed in humanity’s imagination for centuries.  The attempt to understand a metaphysical reality in human terms.  These attempts are equally as difficult as to explain Heaven.  The human mind cannot comprehend the darkness and putrid evil of such a place but it attempts to do so with illustrations and comparisons to the most horrid deeds of Earth.  From these depictions, humanity has created numerous visions of Hell, through Dante’s Inferno and Milton’s Paradise Lost to even ancient Greek mythologies of Hades.

Of all the physical torments listed, eternal fire is a constant


Scripture and Tradition on Hell

Scripture too paints a physical description of Hell.  Like many other texts, Scripture prompts one to the image of fire and brimstone.  This appears to be one of the chief characteristics of Hell found throughout Scripture and all of its books both in the Old and New Testament.  In the book of Mark, the evangelist states,  “And if your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life crippled than with two hands to go to hell, to the unquenchable fire  (Mark 9:43)”.    Matthew points out regarding the wicked, that they will be thrown into And thrown “fiery furnace. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth (Matthew 13:42)”.  Revelation 20:13-15 proclaims  “And the sea gave up the dead who were in it, Death and Hades gave up the dead who were in them, and they were judged, each one of them, according to what they had done. Then Death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire. And if anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.”

The early Christian Church Fathers also held a concrete idea of Hell as a place of torment for the wicked.  Again, the characteristic of fire is a main theme.   In his Letter to the Ephesians, St. Ignatius of Antioch declares,  “Corrupters of families will not inherit the kingdom of God. And if they who do these things according to the flesh suffer death, how much more if a man corrupt by evil teaching the faith of God for the sake of which Jesus Christ was crucified? A man become so foul will depart into unquenchable fire: and so will anyone who listens to him.”

In Second Clement, St Clement warns that “If we do the will of Christ, we shall obtain rest; but if not, if we neglect his commandments, nothing will rescue us from eternal punishment”.  St. Irenaeus also warns in his work, “Against Heresies” that “[God will] send the spiritual forces of wickedness, and the angels who transgressed and became apostates, and the impious, unjust, lawless, and blasphemous among men into everlasting fire”   In his “Catechetical Lectures”, St Cyril of Jerusalem remarks,  “We shall be raised therefore, all with our bodies eternal, but not all with bodies alike: for if a man is righteous, he will receive a heavenly body, that he may be able worthily to hold converse with angels; but if a man is a sinner, he shall receive an eternal body, fitted to endure the penalties of sins, that he may burn eternally in fire, nor ever be consumed.

The idea of Hell pre-dated Christian concepts in Scripture as well.  The idea of the second death and the place for the cursed is clearly indicated before the coming of Christ.  Deuteronomy 32:22 states, “For a fire is kindled by my anger, and it burns to the depths of Sheol, devours the earth and its increase, and sets on fire the foundations of the mountains.”.  Sheol is the Jewish word describing Hell and this term is referenced throughout the Old Testament.  Isaiah declares, “But you are brought down to Sheol, to the far reaches of the pit”.   Psalm 116;3 cries, “The snares of death encompassed me; the pangs of Sheol laid hold on me; I suffered distress and anguish”.  Job laments, “It is higher than heaven—what can you do? Deeper than Sheol—what can you know (Job: 11:8)”.


From this small sample source of numerous writings in Scripture and the Early Church, one can come to some basic conclusions about Hell.  First, Hell is eternal and forever.  It is the second death for the wicked.  It consumes individuals in darkness, gnashing of teeth, despair and fire.  One enters into Hell by rejecting the gift of Christ of eternal life, by rejecting His commandments and choosing wickedness.  It is place for murderers, immoral souls, blasphemers and those who choose the “beast”.

In one’s attempt to understand Hell, writers over the centuries have attempted to describe it.  Many times these descriptions are based upon humanity’s greatest fears and torments, but all ideas point towards an intense picture of fire.  Fire seems to be the central concept of Hell.  There is also an idea that many are sent to Hell and that within Hell there is an order under the demons and Lucifer.  The concept of Hell as a kingdom.  For it is said “better to rule in Hell than serve in Heaven”.

From a theological perspective what can one honestly expect from Hell despite these vivid images?


Despite literature and images, from a theological perspective, what can one expect from Hell?  First, it is important to strip the element of human imaging that attempts to compare human torment to Hell.  Hell is something far more grave and intense than any depraved imagination can ever imagine.  No horror movie can capture the terrifying nature of Hell.  Hell is something a real place but for purposes of finite human nature it avoids complete human comprehension.  Is there fire?  There is obviously some form of physical pain in Hell–Scripture alludes to it.  Scripture may be utilizing a more poetic description or a physical description.  With so much description throughout so many texts of the Bible regarding the fire of Hell it would be difficult to discuss this description as a metaphor, but beyond this, what can theology teach one about the nature of Hell without being over indulgent in describing it to its walls or the types of torments awaiting?

First and foremost, Hell is the absence of God.  The human will seeks the greatest good.  Throughout life this elusive happiness is refused to humanity in the temporal fallen world.  One can find brief moments of happiness, but ultimately, death or loss tears the good away from the person.  Those who see the through the illusion of this world understand that the ultimate good is God but even so fail to grasp the perfection of God.

The absence of God and choosing Hell over God is the greatest torment of the damned


Once the soul is fully exposed to the grandeur of God, it cannot look away, it sees the perfect good for what it is.  God is the perfect good. He is perfect love. He is perfect happiness.  The soul is overloaded with an immense joy that it cannot exist if not for the grace of God.  When this perfection is presented, one is made worthy through the blood of Christ.  All are unworthy, but those who loved God, who loved Christ, will accept the invitation.  Those who rejected Him in this world, cannot accept.  There will has been made, but they have also seen.  They wish to accept, they know they must accept, but their corrupted will prevents them from accepting.

The simple reality that they now know what God is and cannot have God thrusts them away from His glory.  With the hate they held on Earth, now magnified, they fall into the abyss with Satan and his fallen angels.  There the greatest pain of Hell is separation from God and the refusal to accept His mercy.

From this separation, exists a darkness from the light.  A terrible darkness of the soul consumed with every vice imaginable.  Pure hatred and scorn for everyone and everything ever known.  The souls are thrown into a death pit of pure hate and malice for each other.  Souls tear upon souls, predators prey upon weaker, but all are predator and prey.  There is no joy for the demons even.  The demons themselves are tormented by the same separation.  They tear upon each other and a chaotic survival of the fittest erupts.  There is no order or true Lord of Hell, but only hate and vice consumed with the lack of God’s presence.

When the body resurrects, an added torment emerges, where the same body on Earth shares in the same torment of the soul.  No doubt, this is the fire spoken of in Scripture.

Aquinas and Hell

From a deeper theological perspective, St Thomas Aquinas taught 7 ideas from a philosophical point regarding Hell.  He teaches that despite their fall, God still loves every soul in Hell. Aquinas  teaches that some suffer more than others in Hell, albeit completely.  He teaches also that the souls cannot repent but only see the error in their ways.  Aquinas continues that the punishment hence is eternal.   In regards to hatred towards God, Aquinas points out that the souls know what God is, so directly they cannot but they can be hateful since their will does not meet God’s will.  He also teaches that the soul in Hell cannot wish non existence for it fundamental against the will to exist, hence all the more torture of their unfortunate fate.  Finally, Aquinas points out that while before the final judgement, those in Hell may see the blessed in Heaven, afterwards, there will be an eternal separation

Who Goes to Hell?

Scripture clearly lists the types of sins and vices that send a soul to Hell.   Ultimately, God is seen as a judge, but the prosecutor is oneself.  One chooses Hell, God does not send one to Hell.  In Revelation, Christ separates the sheep from the goats, but souls have already chosen their nature.  As judge, Christ merely presents the evidence.

Sin and vice are only one aspect of going to Hell.  The other is the heart of the human being.   A human being must literally choose to hate God, hate his neighbor and refuse any sign of remorse.  Like Abraham and God in the story of Sodom, God is more than merciful to save even one, if one shows remorse.  The soul that goes to Hell not only commits evil and immoral actions but becomes those actions himself.  The soul fully rejects God and refuses to repent.

As for souls who are not baptized or Christian, these souls can find mercy.  Many live in ignorance of the truth in this world.  They may live good lives but not know or fully understand the good news of Christ.  Through their good action and true heart, God’s mercy and the sacrifice of Christ can save these souls but they need prayers.  It is also important to note, these souls are accountable for what they knew.  Imagine how much more accountable a Christian will be before Christ?

God’s Mercy?

The classical theological question has always been can God forgive the devil?  The answer is yes.  If Satan himself, his demons and all souls in Hell, begged for mercy, God would grant it.  However, due to the corruption of their natures and the complete hate that has possessed their very nature, one who chooses Hell chooses it eternally.  They are so proud, so full of contempt, that the spirit or soul will never kneel before God.

Many believe that Hell cannot be forever, but it is.  They believe that a good God would never allow everyone to suffer forever.  This false belief is based on the fact they erroneously believe God sends a soul to Hell.  When one understands the deformity and evil of a corrupted being and its free will, then one can see God is merciful but cannot change the heart of a creature.


Choose God and Christ as your savior to avoid Hell. Please also review AIHCP’s Christian Counseling Certification


Hence one can expect from a theological perspective that Hell is a place devoid of God and love.  This is the primary pain and torment of Hell.  Besides that, Hell is forever by choice and a place for the wicked who reject God.  Later one’s body is re-united with the corrupted soul to share in the pains, which are described in Scripture as fire.  Everything else is secondary and speculative.  There are theories and descriptions, great literature and stories, but they are merely human attempts to grasp the horrendous nature of such a dark place.

If one wishes to avoid Hell, accept Christ, accept His commandments and love one’s neighbor as oneself.  Everyday tell God that you love him and ask for the grace to never fall into such a horrible place.  If you love God, if you choose God, there is a very high chance you will never reject Him and find yourself in such a terrible spot.

Please also review AIHCP’s Christian Counseling Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Christian Counseling.

Additional Resources

Scriptures On Hell. Access here

What the Early Church Believed: Hell. Catholic Answers. August 10th, 2004. Access here

Hell. Carol Zalesky. Britannica. Access here

Hell. Wikipedia. Access here

Seven Teachings on Hell From St. Thomas Aquinas. Msg. Charles Pope. June 17th, 2020. Access here






The Need for Better Mental Health and Crisis Intervention in Corrections

By James M Katz, BA


Photo showing a gentleman holding a plate with a circle design with the words Crisis in Blue in the middle of the circle

Crisis intervention in the correctional system is an important and necessary component of providing effective support to individuals going through difficult times. With the current population of inmates coming from a wide variety of backgrounds, it is essential for correctional facilities to have a plan in place that can provide immediate help to those struggling with mental health issues. This post will provide an overview of how crisis intervention works, its importance in maintaining a secure and healthy environment for inmates, as well as the different types of interventions available.

In the modern criminal justice system, corrections officers are responsible for providing a safe and humane environment for inmates. This task can be particularly challenging when faced with individuals in crisis. Crisis intervention team involves using specific strategies to de-escalate a situation, rather than relying solely on physical force. It is important that corrections officers understand the principles of crisis intervention and have the skills to respond appropriately and effectively in any given situation. The field of corrections is highly complex and carries with it a wide range of challenges. With the introduction of crisis intervention practices, correctional facilities have been able to better equip their staff in responding to difficult situations. Crisis intervention training has emerged as an essential tool for managing inmates and disrupting violent behaviors before they escalate out of control. This article below examines how better mental health resources is not only reducing the costs of corrections but improving the lives of potential suspects even before incarceration.

“There’s no doubt that among the ways Cuyahoga County could reduce costs and crises at a crowded, inefficient County Jail sorely in need of expensive renovation or replacement is by reducing the jail population. That can be accomplished through bail reform and more efficient, fairer management of cases. But it also could be achieved by making sure that suspects in need of treatment for mental health or addiction are diverted for appropriate treatment first.

That’s what the Cuyahoga County Diversion Center that opened to great fanfare more than 1 1/2 years ago was for. The center on East 55th Street is operated by Oriana House in conjunction with the Alcohol, Drug & Mental Health Services Board of Cuyahoga County.

More needs to be done to divert those in distress to treatment and not just straight to jail: editorial By Editorial Board, Nov 27, 2022
Access Here 


What is Crisis intervention?

Crisis Intervention is a form of psychological support or counseling that helps individuals who are in the midst of a crisis. This type of therapy focuses on providing immediate and practical assistance to help individuals restore balance and cope with their current situation. Frequently a crisis intervention team will be deployed in situations such as national emergencies to assist in providing interventions.

The main goal of crisis intervention training is to reduce the level of distress experienced by an individual in order to prevent further psychological harm. A qualified mental health professional works with the individual to identify feelings and behaviors, assess needs, provide resources, develop strategies for coping and problem solving, and assist them in making positive changes. The therapist also provides emotional support and encourages healthy communication between family members or friends if needed.

Crisis intervention can be used for those experiencing any type of traumatic event such as natural disasters, physical or sexual abuse, bereavement or loss, illness or injury.

Benefits of Crisis Intervention Counseling

Crisis counseling is a type of therapy that helps individuals and families manage their responses to difficult life events. It typically takes the form of brief interventions aimed at helping those in crisis regain control, reduce stress, and develop coping strategies for more effective problem-solving. Crisis counselors are trained to identify the signs of an impending crisis, assess its severity, and provide immediate assistance.

The benefits of crisis intervention include improved communication skills, increased self-awareness, enhanced understanding of personal strengths and weaknesses, improved decision making skills in high-stress situations, better problem-solving abilities, increased emotional regulation skills such as anger management or impulse control strategies. In addition to these short term benefits, crisis counseling can also lead to long term positive changes such as decreased anxiety levels and stronger overall mental health.

Challenges of Crisis Intervention

Crisis intervention is an important part of mental health care, and it has its own unique set of challenges. It involves responding to a person who is in crisis – they may be feeling overwhelmed, confused, and out of control. Crisis intervention requires professional expertise to help the individual address their immediate needs and develop a plan for long-term recovery.

The goal of crisis intervention is to quickly assess the situation, identify any underlying causes or triggers, develop coping strategies and problem-solving skills, and ultimately provide support for an individual’s recovery. It can be emotionally challenging for both the counselor and the person in crisis as emotions are often running high. Therefore it is essential that counselors provide compassionate yet professional support during this difficult time. Additionally, counselors must take into account factors such as cultural background or language barriers when determining how best to approach a situation.

Strategies for Effective Crisis Intervention

Crisis intervention can be a difficult task, especially during times of intense emotional distress. Therefore, it is important to know the strategies for effective crisis intervention so that individuals in crisis can receive the help they need. Learning the fundamentals of crisis intervention helps create an environment where individuals are more likely to receive assistance and support.

One effective strategy for crisis intervention is active listening. Active listening involves responding thoughtfully and respectfully to what someone in a state of crisis is saying. It also requires giving them your full attention while they speak and avoiding distractions or passing judgment on their situation. Additionally, it’s important to remain present with them throughout their expression of emotions and feelings without attempting to provide solutions right away. This basic skill of active listening can go a long way towards helping someone who is facing a learning crisis feel heard, understood and accepted in order to begin healing from their experience.

Impact on Corrections System

Photo of the main watch tower at SAN FRANCISCO, USA - November 4: The Alcatraz Island Prison on October 4, 2014 in San Francisco, California. Alcatraz is one of the most infamous prisons in American history.

Crisis intervention has been a key asset to the corrections system in recent years. It has allowed inmates and corrections officers to learn how to better handle crisis situations within the prison environment, while also providing inmates with an outlet for their emotions. Crisis intervention can help inmates better manage their feelings and reactions when faced with difficult situations, instead of resorting to violence or aggression.

Studies have shown that those who receive crisis intervention training are more likely to be successful in navigating learning crises than those who do not receive the training. This is especially true for those who have experienced trauma in their lives prior to being incarcerated. Through crisis intervention training, these individuals can learn strategies for managing difficult emotions and developing constructive ways of responding in high-stakes situations.


In conclusion, a crisis intervention team in the correctional system is an essential element of providing quality healthcare to incarcerated individuals. Crisis intervention has been proven to reduce recidivism, increase mental health stability, and improve overall wellbeing. Correctional systems can benefit from a comprehensive approach which includes both preventive and reactive strategies. It is important that the correctional staff and health professionals work together to ensure that all inmates have access to the resources they need during times of crisis.

Crisis Intervention not only has a huge impact on the criminal justice world but other areas of mental health care as well. If you are a licensed counselor, a mental health professional or perhaps work in a field that deals with crisis every day then maybe you would be interested in our Crisis Intervention Certification program? All of the crisis intervention courses are available online and are on open enrollment. For more information please visit our certification page.


Additional Resources: 

Barriers and Facilitators to Effective Mental Health Care in Correctional Settings. Olivia Kolodziejczak, Samuel Justin Sinclair. Journal of Correctional Health Care.  Jul 1, 2018
Access Here

Mental health screening tools in correctional institutions: a systematic review. Martin, M.S., Colman, I., Simpson, A.I. et al. . BMC Psychiatry 13, 275 (2013).
Access Here 

Improving Mental Health for Inmates. Heather Stringer / March 2019, Vol 50, No. 3
Access Here

Utilizing Crisis Intervention Teams in Prison to Improve Officer Knowledge, Stigmatizing Attitudes, and Perception of Response Options. Canada, K. E., Watson, A. C., & O’kelley, S. (2021). Criminal Justice and Behavior48(1), 10–31.
Access Here

Drinking Signs of a Bigger Problem

Drinking problems are common among people.  Many individuals who would not even consider themselves addicts experience problems with drinking.  Utilizing liquor to cope with stress is the first sign, but when drinking starts to affect one’s life with work and school, one may need to reconsider one’s relationship with alcohol.  There are furthermore, many high functioning alcoholics who deal with a problem but find a way to fulfill duties all the while still experiencing a drinking problem that is harming their health.

What are some potential signs that your drinking problem may be bigger than you may think?

It is important then to understand oneself.  It is important to see if a certain habit or substance negatively affects one’s life or if it a source of coping.  These types of signs are signs of a possible issue that one should consider to rectify.  In some cases, a certified Substance Abuse Counselor may be a way to find the help needed to re-direct one’s life.

The article, “‘I’m an Addiction Expert. These Are 3 Signs You Have an Alcohol Problem'” by NUNO ALBUQUERQUE reviews three key things he sees in his clients that possible identify a drinking problem.  He lists the three total signs that drinking may be affecting one’s life negatively.   He states,

“I have very few clients that go into residential treatment straightaway because they feel like they have a problem. Normally there are attempts to control or stop their drinking first.  If you attempt to control your drinking, that implies to me that there is already a problem. When you say to yourself, “Tonight, I’ll only have three drinks,” and that becomes a theme, almost every night, that implies there’s a worry and you see your drinking as something you need to start observing a bit closer.”

“‘I’m an Addiction Expert. These Are 3 Signs You Have an Alcohol Problem'”. Nuno Albuquerque. November 15th, 2022. Newsweek.

To read the entire article, please click here


Albuquerque points out that drinking issues usually are subtly noticed by a person when they start to think about limiting themselves to drinks even before they go out.  These types of limits show that one is having issues controlling oneself.  One must be held accountable.  Other issues he points out is when those targets are especially missed.  If one limits oneself to three drinks and has twelve, then issues are definitely on display.  These dump into other parts of one’s social life in relationships, work and school.

Whether one is “officially” addicted, socially inclined to drink too much, or a “high functioning” alcoholic”, all three face issues with controlling alcohol in their life and how they choose to cope with problems in life.  It is important to control intake and cope in other ways to avoid health issues, social distress and legal trouble.

Signs of Drinking Problems

Signs of drinking problems can be observed in individuals who display excessive alcohol consumption, or an inability to abstain from liquor, thereby compromising their daily functioning. In such cases, an individual may demonstrate a pattern of increased tolerance and withdrawal symptoms which are commonly associated with the development of physical dependency. Additionally, they may engage in impulsive behavior which is potentially deleterious to themselves or others while under the influence.

The deleterious effects of alcohol consumption on interpersonal relationships are undeniable. Regular drinking has been shown to undermine the ability to connect with others and to form strong social bonds. This may be due in part to diminished cognitive functioning, resulting from alcohol-induced neurobiological changes, particularly in the prefrontal cortex, which can lead to impaired judgement and an inability to recognize and respond appropriately to social cues.

Limiting Drinking

Limiting drinking is an effective method of reducing the potential for alcohol-related harm. By moderating one’s intake and forming healthier habits, individuals can reduce their risk of developing a dependency on alcohol or engaging in hazardous activities while under its influence. Furthermore, limiting drinking can help to diminish the incidence of negative physiological and psychological effects associated with excessive alcohol consumption.  When attempts to limit drinking or meet goals fail, it may be time to talk to a Substance Abuse Counselor in how to better avoid drinking itself.

When addicted, individuals need to learn new cognitive therapy skills to find other ways to cope with stress without drinking


The cessation of alcohol consumption can be achieved through a variety of interventions that focus on reducing the individual’s susceptibility to relapse. These include behavioral techniques, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy; pharmacological approaches, including naltrexone and acamprosate; and psychosocial approaches, such as peer support and family therapy.  Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is one such approach, which seeks to modify maladaptive thoughts, feelings, and behaviors related to alcohol use. Additionally, pharmacological interventions can be employed to alleviate cravings by introducing medications such as naltrexone or disulfiram.

Ultimately, individuals need to learn how to cope with stress without drinking.  Coping without drinking can be described as the process of abstaining from alcohol consumption, either in the short-term or long-term, to manage negative emotions and stressors. This behaviour may involve a range of adaptive strategies such as self-reflection, positive self-talk, relaxation techniques and problem-solving exercises. Such strategies are often employed in conjunction with social support networks and/or therapeutic interventions to aid the individual in avoiding relapse into unhealthy drinking habits.


In conclusion, alcohol addiction is a serious issue that affects millions of people around the world. It can have devastating effects on the individual, their family and friends, and society as a whole. If any signs of alcohol addiction are present, it is crucial to seek help from a professional health care provider as soon as possible. With the right treatment, recovery from alcohol addiction is possible and many go on to lead healthy and fulfilling lives. Everyone deserves the opportunity to be free from addiction and live life to its fullest potential.

A certified Substance Abuse Counselor can also help one with addiction.  While not all counselors tied to facilities are licensed counselors, many are still able to aid an individual with addiction.  Others may require one on one therapies with a licensed counselor, or meet in peer support groups.  AIHCP offers a Substance Abuse Counseling Certification for qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Substance Abuse Counseling.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals.  Please review and the program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.

Additional Resources

“Recognizing an Addiction Problem”. Mara Tyler. January 12th, 2018. Healthline. Access here

“Signs and Symptoms of Addiction”. Psychology Today Staff. Psychology Today.  Access here

“Top 10 Ways to Eliminate Stress Without Alcohol”. Adl Jaffe. April 2nd, 2019. Psychology Today. Access here

“6 Alcohol-Free Ways to Unwind at the End of a Long Day”. Vivian Manning-Schaffel. September 23rd, 2021. EverydayHealth. Access here



Past Loss and Grief Haunting Video

Grief is a forever thing because love is as well.  As long as love lingers, the loss and grief will linger.  With this, anniversaries and other dates of remembrance can resurface with grief.  The hole in one’s heart forever remains the same, but as time proceeds, one’s life grows and the loss while still big becomes less intense.  The intensity of the aching waves become more spread out.

Yet, past scents, images, or places can always take one back.  While some are haunted in a pathological way and experience prolonged grief, others merely feel the occasional pains of the loss that are natural.  Grief  and loss again is not a finite process with an ending but something that remains with one’s whole life.

Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in grief counseling.

Pet Loss Grief and Disenfranchisement

Losing a pet is painful in itself.  A pet, especially a dog, cat or even horse can form a special bond with someone.  Due to their intelligence, emotional bond, and even overall meaning to the person, the loss of a pet for some can be as painful as losing a family member.  This is far from crazy or insane but is a true reality.  This is even more so for individuals with few family or friends left.

Still despite this pain, many also suffer from little support in these types of losses.  The loss is dismissed as insignificant or not equal to other losses.  This type of disenfranchised grief is not respected, supported or mourned by others.  Instead the person is left to grieve alone and even feel stigmatized for feeling sadness over the loss.

To many, pets are family and the loss of a pet is horrific. Unfortunately, many downplay the loss of a pet as not as important as human loss.


The article, “Review provides new perspective on grieving the loss of a pet” by Cabi of PsychOrg takes a more in-depth look of this type of disenfranchisement in a discussion with Dr Crossley who works with pet loss grief.  The article discusses the impact of disenfranchisement of pet loss grief but also shows how this type of grief manifests in other types of losses.  It is important, according to Dr Crossley, to help others through any type of loss and not to minimize it.  The article states,

“The researchers say that stigma associated with grieving a loss can complicate the healing process and that counselors would expect to see more clients wanting to discuss their grieving—particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic.  They add that while empathy may come more naturally when discussing human loss, there are other types of loss that are not acknowledged or given a similar amount of attention by society.”

Review provides new perspective on grieving the loss of a pet. Cabi. November 25th, 2022. PsychOrg

To review the article, please click here


It is increasingly evident that pets have evolved from being mere domestic companions to important members of our households. While their presence has long been theorized to provide comfort and alleviation of mental health, recent research indicates that they offer an even more profound impact on our lives. Pets, in fact, are capable of providing a form of social support which can prove beneficial in terms of helping us cope with stress and anxiety.  In specific, dogs have long been established as a source of companionship and friendship, but their role in human life is far more significant than that of a mere friend. In fact, canine-human relationships have been the focus of an increasing amount of interdisciplinary research, demonstrating the neurobiological and psychological benefits associated with these cross-species interactions.

Disenfranchised Grief

Disenfranchised grief is a concept used to refer to those who experience loss that is not adequately acknowledged, understood, or accepted by society. It has been described as the “unrecognized and unacknowledged” losses that individuals face without any societal support or validation. The lack of recognition in such cases means that there is no social ritual or language for expressing these feelings, leaving them unable to grieve formally.

The term ‘disenfranchised grief’ refers to the process by which individuals are unable to adequately express their grief due to a lack of societal recognition or social support for mourning those who have died. In regards to pets, this concept can be particularly relevant as these relationships may not be understood or recognized by others, leaving the bereaved unable to engage in traditional rituals of grief and healing.

Assisting individuals through pet loss is an invaluable component of psychological welfare, as it can serve to promote a sense of connectedness and resilience within the community. By providing a platform for those affected by pet loss to process their grief, pet loss support groups act as an integral mechanism for mitigating the emotional turmoil that often accompanies such a devastating event. Moreover, the therapeutic benefits of discussing one’s experiences with others who understand can ameliorate feelings of isolation and foster mutual understanding between participants.


In conclusion, disenfranchised grief is a unique experience that should be acknowledged, respected, and openly discussed. It affects individuals in different ways and can range from minor inconveniences to more complex issues. It is important that those experiencing disenfranchised grief are offered support and resources to assist them in processing their emotions. Additionally, it is crucial to recognize the existence of disenfranchised grief as it has significant impacts on psychological health.

Pet loss is an incredibly difficult experience to handle. It can bring a range of emotions, but it is important to remember that it is a part of life and that you are not alone in your grief. To help cope with the pain, reach out to a friend or family member for support, join a pet loss support group, or seek professional counselling. Remembering the impact our beloved pets had on us and our lives in a positive light may help us heal.

It is important to help others process this grief by respecting it.  Pet Loss Grief Support specialists can help individuals better process this loss.  They can help others understand that the loss is important and respected.  If qualified, please review AIHCP’s Pet Loss Grief Support Counseling Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  The program in Pet Loss Grief Support is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Pet Loss Grief Support.

Additional Resources

“Including Pet Loss in Your Grief Counseling Practice”. Lisa Hutchison, LMHC. Counseling Schools.  Access here

“A Beloved Pet’s Death Can Trigger Deep Grief. Finding Support Can Be Tough”. Cara Murez. Nov. 28, 2022.  US. News.  Access here

“Grieving the Loss of a Pet: Why It’s So Hard and Tips for Coping”. Lily Velez. November 29th, 2022.  Access here

“How to Grieve the Death of a Pet”. Healthessentials. October 4th, 2021. Cleveland Clinic. Access here