Many adults never go diagnosed with ADHD during childhood. Later in life these adults can feel like most of their life was a misunderstanding and if they had help they could have done so many things better. Others have other social issues to deal with due to the stigma of ADHD.
Adult ADHD is usually undiagnosed as a kid. Please also review AIHCP’s ADHD Consulting Program
The article, “How undiagnosed ADHD can impact children later in life” by Theresa Ho looks at the impacts of undiagnosed ADHD. She states,
“Nguyen, now 25, said that she didn’t think that she had ADHD because she always earned decent grades growing up, and she thought ADHD was a learning disability. She went to another therapist for a second opinion, and when that therapist confirmed the diagnosis, she went to a psychiatrist who also confirmed her diagnosis. Watson said that ADHD is a unique and complicated diagnosis.”
Please also review AIHCP’s ADHD Consulting Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in ADHD Consulting.
School shootings are a fear of any parent or family member. It is a scary feeling knowing that a place of safety and knowledge can be dangerous. School shootings not only keep parents up late at night, but also students, teachers, administrators and the community. The fear of such a traumatic loss can haunt society every time it occurs and cause ripple effects across the nation. It is important to help stop these needless tragedies and help those who have suffered through them.
Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification.
The loss of a child via miscarriage is something many women and couples suffer alone. Since there is usually no body to bury, the miscarriage is seen as less than losing a child. The woman or couple are left with less support and not seen as parents that loss a child. This disenfranchisement can cause unresolved grief for the woman or couple. It is important to recognize the loss of a child via miscarriage.
Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Grief Counseling.
Those who fall victim to sexually assault need not only mental care but immediate physical care. SANE nurses are the first line of defense for the vulnerable. These nurses provide care and attention to the victim but also collect the needed forensic evidence to help authorities collect evidence and and prosecute potential cases. SANE nurses are excellent candidates for Forensic Nursing Certification
SANE nurses make excellent candidates for Forensic Nurses. Please also review AIHCP’s Forensic Nursing Certification
The article, “What it’s Like To Work as a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE)” by Chaunie Brusie takes a closer look at the importance of SANE nurses. The article provides an interesting and closer look at the job and work of a SANE nurse. The article discusses how SANE nurses play an important role in helping sexually assaulted victims find justice through immediate care and collection of evidence. Brusie in particular interviews Leah Helmbrect who at the time of the article is training to become a SANE nurse. Helbrect has many interesting perspectives on the role of Sane nurses. She states,
“On top of the injustices she sees for victims, Helmbrecht adds that she struggles with battling common assumptions the general public has about sexual assault and domestic violence. For instance, comments like, “Why don’t they just leave if the abuse is so bad?” blame the victim and overlook the reality that the most dangerous time for a victim of intimate partner violence is when a decision has been made to leave. ”
She also adds in regards to the difficulty of becoming a SANE nurse that it is not meant for everyone,
“Many positions require you to have between 2-5 years RN experience (preferably L&D or ER, but not always mandatory), says Helmbrecht. “Also, it can take its toll emotionally and mentally,” she adds. “It can become really easy to self isolate and turn away from romantic relationships after listening to so many terrible first-hand statements of what happened during these assaults. Make sure you are ready to not take on the trauma these patients have experienced, but also not put your past trauma on your patient.”
“What it’s Like To Work as a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE)”. Chaunie Brusie. April 20th, 2022.
A SANE nurse is a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner. This type of nurse is specially trained to provide care to sexual assault victims and collect evidence for use in law enforcement investigations and/or prosecutions. SANE nurses are typically employed in hospital emergency departments, but may also work in other settings such as community health clinics or standalone forensic exam centers.
What do SANE nurses do?
They work to promote healing and provide support to victims of sexual violence. SANE nurses conduct forensic examinations, collect evidence, and provide expert testimony in court. They also provide education and prevention programs to help reduce the incidence of sexual assault. They also work with law enforcement and other professionals to ensure that these patients receive the best possible care and treatment. SANE nurses are an important part of the team that works to keep our communities safe from sexual violence.
The role of SANE nurses is critical in providing comprehensive, compassionate care to patients who have been sexually assaulted or abused. SANE nurses are specially trained to provide high-quality, patient-centered care to these individuals. They are able to provide medical forensic exams and collect evidence, as well as offer emotional support and advocacy services. SANE nurses play a vital role in ensuring that these patients receive the care they need and deserve.
They work closely with county officials to ensure that these patients receive the best possible care and treatment. In addition, they work closely with detectives, law enforcement and prosecution. In this regard, they not only work within the emergency room, but are also called into court for possible expert testimony.
A particular nurse who looks to enter into Forensic Nursing and SANE nursing needs to have an interest not only in care, but also an understanding of law as well as an articulate ability to communicate and speak before others. They must also possess a strong character to seek justice for others. It can become traumatic to see so much violence, so SANE nurses must also be able o see past the broken and help others find justice without allowing the evil of the world to break their spirit.
SANE nursing is not meant for everyone in this regard. This does not mean one who cannot perform these duties is an inferior nurse but shows it takes a different type of person who can process this type of material and still be able to see a positive spin on he world. Hence SANE nursing is not for everyone. The job they do is a difficult one and requires a particular type of personality and professionalism. It is in many ways a calling.
in conclusion, SANE nurses provide an important service to their communities. They help victims of sexual assault receive the care and treatment they need. SANE nurses are specially trained and have the skills to provide care for these victims. They also work to educate the public about sexual assault and its effects on victims. SANE nurses play an important role in victim advocacy and support.
Please also review AIHCP’s Forensic Nursing Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals and nurses seeking a four year certification in Forensic Nursing. Many nurses who pass the SANE exam also pursue a Forensic Nursing Certification to add to their expertise and knowledge in helping the local county with sexual assault.
Additional Resources
“The First Year as Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner: Role Transition and Role-related Stress Within a New SANE Team”. Julia SSengPhD, CNM, RN, etc, al. Journal of Emergency Nursing Volume 30, Issue 2, April 2004, Pages 126-133. Access here
“Evolution of Forensic Nursing Theory——Introduction of the Constructed Theory of Forensic Nursing Care: A Middle-Range Theory”. Julie L. Valentine, PhD, RN, CNE, SANE-A, etc, al. Journal of Forensic Nursing. 2020 Oct-Dec; 16(4): 188–198. Access here
“From Forensics to Advocacy: The Importance of Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners”. September 16th, 2019. Georgetown University: School of Nursing. Access here
“SANEs: Who They Are, What They Do, and Why It Matters”. Elite learning. April 28th, 2021. Elite Learning. Access here
Good article on the importance of exercise and also the frequency. Many individuals exercise very little or they get on exercise binges but do not have a consistent schedule. It is important to exercise and keep to a schedule for optimal health.
How much should one exercise a week? Please also review AIHCP’s Healthcare Life Coaching Certification
The article, “How Often You Should Exercise” from Cleveland Clinic’s Healthessentials takes a closer look at the importance and frequency of exercise. The article states,
“According to the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), the ideal workout regimen balances cardiovascular work and strength training. Their guidelines recommend 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity each week or vigorous-intensity aerobic activity for a minimum of 20 minutes three days a week. Additionally, you should do strength training twice a week.”
Please also review AIHCP’s Healthcare Life Coaching Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification as a Life Coach
It can be far more difficult to receive a diagnosis of ADHD as an adult than when a child. There are far more criteria to be met and a history of symptoms. This can make it more difficult for an adult especially since they need to be referred to a specialist as well.
ADHD in adults can be harder to diagnosis. Please also review AIHCP’s ADHD Consulting Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals
The article, “ADHD SYMPTOMS IN ADULTS: WHY DIAGNOSIS IS SO DIFFICULT” by James Brown and Alex Connor look at why adults have a more difficult time receiving a diagnosis. They state,
“Understanding the condition in adults, taking it more seriously as a disorder, raising awareness of it, and investing in services to improve diagnosis times are key. Diagnosis opens the door to treatment, which can have a marked impact on living with the disorder — such as improving self-esteem, productivity, and quality of life.”
Please also review AIHCP’s ADHD Consulting Certification and see if it matches your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in ADHD Consulting.
In any type of trauma, there is anger. Anger can continue to feed the trauma and keep it alive longer. Anger can also weaken the individual overtime through depression, fatigue and anxiety. Keeping strong emotional anger is unhealthy and it is important to learn how to properly release anger. This does not mean one does not have a right to be angry over the offense and trauma, but i does mean one must escape the anger before it becomes toxic.
Anger keeps trauma highly charged and weakens the self. It leads to sarcasm and bitterness in life, as well as resentment and possibly revenge. Revenge leads to further destruction and a cycle of violence and continued trauma. Furthermore, anger that prevents forgiveness stunts social growth. It prevents trust, increases hatred and forces oneself to close off to others. Hence it is important more so for one’s health to resolve anger and forgive than for the lack of worthiness of the offender to receive it.
Unresolved anger can lead to health issues. It is far better to release anger for oneself. Please also review AIHCP’s Anger Management Certification
Many feel forgiveness is impossible. Perhaps they view the offense as unforgivable. Rape, molestation and murder are sometimes very hard things to forgive. These things represent the worst within human society. Other things may be easier to forgive, but regardless of the degree, if one associates an action as unforgivable, then it becomes an anchor around one’s neck. Others feel they must protect themselves and must remain bitter and remain closed. Those who were physically abused, may feel their anger empowers them and protects them from ever being hurt again by never letting someone get close to them. Others feel they may betray themselves or their loved one, if they forgive the perpetrator. These are all blocks to resolving unhealthy anger and moving forward in life.
Anger is an emotion that may very well be important to the event. It is in fact a true emotion in trauma. It is OK to be angry. It is OK to feel the anger, but eventually, the anger can become toxic. It is important to start to experience the anger and understand it, but in a way that allows one to remain in touch with its importance but not its ill effects. It needs to be analyzed free from the toxic charge of initial rage, so one can understand its rationale and comprehend where it is aimed.
In doing so, many times, things need to be said, when those things cannot be said, then it is important to be able to find other ways to release. This is especially true when justice is not given to a particular case that prevents closure. Justice is an excellent way to help heal unresolved anger but in so many cases, justice at least in this world is not given. It is hence critical to be able to resolve anger sometimes without justice.
Some therapists suggest Gestalt Chairs, when one plays the role of both oneself and perpetrator. This allows the necessary discussion as one plays both roles. Being able to vocally express anger, confrontation and forgiveness is key. Furthermore, those with a belief of the afterlife, can find some closure knowing nothing goes unpunished before God. Ultimately, facing anger, the situation and forgiving, frees oneself from the perpetrator.
Forgiveness, however, does not mean minimizing the event, or condoning it, or forgetting it, or trusting the same person again. It does not dismiss the event, but it frees oneself from the emotional tie of the perpetrator. Even if one does not ask, it can free oneself. Forgiveness does not mean the individual still must pay a debt in this life or the next but it does allow one to move forward.
It is important in some cases to ask for forgiveness, but in other cases, this may not be an option, but the key is to decide to finally heal. Being able to resolve anger and give forgiveness may have to be done in constructive ways to release. Gestalt chairs or belief in God may be the best ways to forgive and understand. One needs to try to forgive the best way they can for their own healing. Sometimes, this can be accomplished through rituals such as confession, or other forms of expression.
In can sometimes be difficult to give forgiveness. Please also review AIHCP’s Anger Management Certification
Trauma is difficult to overcome. Some trauma is more severe and some cases of anger are harder to overcome. It is not an issue of denying the evil that occurred but it is an issue of healing and finding peace for oneself. Holding on to anger does not punish the perpetrator but it punishes the self and allows the perpetrator to continue to hurt the victim. It is hence important to learn ways to live and forgive before one’s life is totally destroyed.
Please also review AIHCP’s Crisis Intervention Program, Grief Counseling Program, Stress Management Program and Anger Management Certification. The programs are online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in the above disciplines
“The Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Sourcebook” by Glenn R. Schiraldi, PhD
Christian Counseling is a unique type of counseling. It looks to point one towards Christ in all forms of healing. It presents truth at all costs. It does not look to the subjective realities of the world or immoral plans of the world, but teaches truth and expects individuals to conform to that truth. Ultimately it is Christocentric.
Christian Counseling is Christocentric in nature
Please also review AIHCP’s Christian Counseling Certification
The article, “3 Universal Truths for Counseling in Particular Circumstances” by Curtis Solomon takes a closer look at the unique qualities of Christian Counseling and how those qualities are applied. He states,
“No matter who you’re counseling, no matter the particulars of his situation, you can and should be patient, show compassion, and point him to Christ. Applying these universals will guard you from becoming a jerk and, more importantly, you’ll model Christ’s character in each particular situation.”
Please also review AIHCP’s Christian Counseling Certification and see if it matches your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals looking to earn a four year certification in Christian Counseling.
Tapping points in EFT can help individuals de-stress and find more peace throughout the day. Once one learns how to utilize tapping, one can calm oneself at any moment or any place by finding a quiet spot to practice EFT.
Tapping points in EFT can help individuals de-stress and find more peace throughout the day. Please also review AIHCP’s EFT Practitioner Program
The article, “9 Tapping Points For EFT That’ll Help You To De-Stress” by Carolyn Steber takes a closer look at the benefits of tapping to destress. She states,
“EFT is based on beliefs from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and involves the use of acupressure to reduce emotional distress, says Hannah Kahn, an EFT tapping practitioner at Charm City Integrative Health. “Basically, you tap on the ends of a series of meridian points, which are the same energetic pathways [used in] other forms of Chinese medicine,” she tells Bustle. “By doing this, you allow your body to more easily process emotions and significantly reduce cortisol stress levels.” You just have to know the proper tapping points for EFT so you can turn to the method whenever you need a reset.”
EFT can help individuals in a variety of ways. If one experiences stress or even trauma, EFT can help. To learn more about teaching others how to utilize EFT, please review AIHCP’s EFT Practitioner Program. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in EFT.
Near Death Experiences are a universal phenomenon throughout the world. No culture is void of their presence. What does it mean? Is there a scientific explanation or is it a metaphysical experience?
Please also review AIHCP’s Pastoral Thanatology Certification as well as AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification. The programs are online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification.