The Use of Technology in Diabetes Care Management

By – James M. Katz, BA

Diabetes is one of the leading causes of death worldwide, but with the increasing presence of technology in our lives, it has become much easier to manage this chronic disease. Technology has revolutionized diabetes care management and is helping people with diabetes to monitor, analyze, and adjust their health. Smartphones, wearable devices, and apps enable people with diabetes to track their blood sugar levels, exercise, nutrition, and medications. With the help of technology, diabetes management can be done more accurately and efficiently, allowing them to live a healthier and more productive life. Additionally, technology has enabled doctors and healthcare managers to provide better quality healthcare to their patients by quickly and accurately diagnosing any issues and making adjustments to their treatment plans. Technology is also providing new treatments and therapies that can help people with diabetes better manage their condition. In short, technology is transforming diabetes care management, providing new opportunities to lead a better, healthier life.

The article linked below goes into further detail on the emerging use of new technologies in diabetes healthcare management. It looks in-depth at the use of insulin delivery systems, blood sugar monitoring devices, as well as other health care management apps. For more please read the quote below and press the link.

“The revised standards, issued this week, include a section devoted to technology, including continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) devices that allow people living with diabetes to check their blood glucose levels at any time, automated insulin delivery systems and digital health tools that offer coaching and access to resources.

The guidelines recommend that anyone living with diabetes have access to FDA-approved technology to manage their chronic condition, especially seniors and underserved populations. The ADA also points out that technology can be used to improve access to care and care management for those dealing with health inequity, or barriers to care caused by social determinants of health.“


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An infograph about diabetes care management


Overview of Diabetes

Diabetes is a condition in which the level of sugar in the blood is too high. There are two main types of diabetes: Type 1 diabetes, which usually appears in childhood or adolescence, and Type 2 diabetes, which usually appears in adulthood. In Type 1 diabetes, the pancreas does not produce enough insulin, which is a hormone that helps break down the food we eat and turn it into energy. In Type 2 diabetes, the pancreas makes enough insulin, but the body cannot use it properly. In both conditions, a person’s blood sugar level rises above normal, and they need to take steps to lower it. People with diabetes often also experience other health issues like cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, and eye disease.

What is Diabetes Care Management?

Diabetes care management refers to the process of managing diabetes and achieving optimal blood sugar levels to prevent complications. In recent years, there has been a growing focus on improving the quality of diabetes care management, with an aim to prevent the development of complications and reduce healthcare costs. Technology is playing a significant role in improving the quality of diabetes care management. Through the use of wearable devices, smartphone apps, and telehealth technologies, people with diabetes are better able to track their blood sugar levels, exercise, nutrition, and medications. Doctors, healthcare providers, and technology are working together to provide better quality healthcare management, enabling clinicians to quickly and accurately diagnose issues and make adjustments to their treatment plans to improve patient outcomes. Additionally, technology is helping people with diabetes better manage their condition and achieve better health outcomes, allowing them to live a healthier and more productive life.

How Technology is Revolutionizing Diabetes Care Management

Wearable Devices – Wearable devices such as blood glucose monitors, activity trackers, and sleep trackers can be used to track a person’s blood sugar levels, daily activity, and sleep quality. These devices can send data to a smartphone app and can also be programmed to send alerts when a blood glucose level is too low or a food or medication is scheduled to be taken. Smartphone Apps – Diabetes apps are available in a variety of forms, including lifestyle apps, social networks, blood glucose tracking apps, and medication reminder apps. Lifestyle apps can help people with diabetes track and improve their nutrition, sleep, and activity levels. Social networks allow people with diabetes to connect with each other and receive support and encouragement. Blood glucose tracking apps allow users to track their blood glucose levels throughout the day and receive alerts when the levels are too low or too high. Medication reminder apps can help people remember when to take their medications and make adjustments when the time is incorrect. These apps are designed to improve the quality of diabetes healthcare management by enabling people to track their blood sugar levels, exercise, and medication intake more accurately and efficiently.


Telemedicine is the use of information technology to provide medical care remotely. This technology is revolutionizing diabetes healthcare management by providing remote monitoring of blood glucose levels and medication adherence. In addition, remote monitoring enables patients and providers to detect health issues at an earlier stage and make appropriate adjustments to treatment plans to prevent complications. Remote monitoring also provides access to care for people who might not otherwise have access to physicians and diabetes management specialists.

Benefits of Technology in Diabetes Care Management

– Improved Compliance with Treatment Regimens – Technology can help patients adhere to their treatment regimens, which is essential for managing diabetes. When patients forget to take their medications or take them at the wrong times, their blood sugar levels are likely to increase and they are at a higher risk of developing complications. With the help of technology, patients can easily and accurately track when they took their medications and can receive alerts when they forgot to take them. – Improved Quality of Life – Technology is also revolutionizing diabetes care management by improving the quality of life of people with diabetes. It can help people track their blood sugar levels, exercise, and nutrition to a greater extent than they are able-bodied. Additionally, technology can help people with diabetes stay connected with others and feel less isolated. – Real-Time Data Accessibility – Another benefit of technology in diabetes care management is its ability to provide real-time data accessibility. Real-time data access allows people with diabetes to track their blood sugar levels and adjust their food intake or medication dosage if needed. Real-time data access also allows doctors and healthcare providers to track their patient data and make adjustments to their treatment plans as needed.

New Treatments and Therapies for Diabetes

Blood Glucose-Sensing Injectables – New blood glucose-sensing injectables are revolutionizing diabetes care management by delivering insulin directly to the bloodstream through a small, painless needle. This can help prevent low blood sugar during periods of exercise or after eating a meal. Artificial Pancreas – An artificial pancreas is a device that analyzes a person’s blood glucose levels, insulin levels, and food intake to determine the right amount of insulin required to keep blood glucose levels within a healthy range. This device automatically delivers insulin to the bloodstream, allowing people with diabetes to live a more normal life. Gene Therapy – Gene therapy is a new treatment that aims to stop the progression of Type 2 diabetes. In this treatment, a virus is injected into the bloodstream, where it travels to the liver and inserts a gene that produces insulin-producing proteins. This therapy aims to halt the progression of Type 2 Diabetes by controlling blood glucose levels and allowing people with diabetes to live a healthier, more normal life.


Diabetes is a serious and growing concern, but technology is revolutionizing the way it is managed and treated. Wearable devices, smartphone apps, and telehealth technologies are helping people with diabetes track their blood sugar levels, daily activity, and medication intake more accurately and efficiently to enable better diabetes care management. Additionally, technology is helping doctors and healthcare providers provide better quality care, enabling them to quickly and accurately diagnose issues and make adjustments to their treatment plans to improve patient outcomes. New treatments and therapies for diabetes are providing hope for people with the condition, enabling them to live a healthier, more productive life.

Diabetes and other health conditions require dedicated healthcare management professionals. Keeping up to date with the latest trends and technology is paramount to giving patients the best care they deserve. If you are in the care management field and would like to add to your education, you should visit our Healthcare Management certification program by pressing here.


American Diabetes Association

Mayo Clinic Diabetes Overview

Additional Resources:

Smartphone-Based Technology in Diabetes Management. Doupis, J., Festas, G., Tsilivigos, C. et al.  Diabetes Ther 11, 607–619 (2020).

Access Here 

Psychology, technology, and diabetes management. Gonder-Frederick, L. A., et al American Psychologist, 71(7), 577–589. (2016).

Access Here 

A Systematic Review of Reviews Evaluating Technology-Enabled Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support. Greenwood DA, et al.  Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology. 2017;11(5):1015-1027. doi:

Access Here 

Active Care Management Supported by Home Telemonitoring in Veterans With Type 2 Diabetes: The DiaTel randomized controlled trial. Roslyn A. Stone, et al. Diabetes Care 1 March 2010; 33 (3): 478–484.

Access Here 

Benefits of Having a Legal Nurse Consultant on Your Team

By: Dominick L. Flarey, Ph.D, MBA, RN-BC, ANP-BC, LNC-CSp.
       Certified Legal Nurse Consultant Specialist

Photo of a file folder with a document laying on top that is titled Professional Malpractice with a judge's gavel laying along side of the document

The benefits of having a Legal Nurse Consultant on the medical malpractice team has been realized time and time again by the legal world. With their knowledge and experience in the medical field, legal nurse consultants can provide critical insight into the nursing and medical issues at the heart of a case. They can break down medical terms, identify errors in medical care, and determine the likelihood of those errors causing harm to the patient. Legal nurse consultants can be the deciding factor in whether a case is won or lost. By examining the medical records and providing insight, legal nurse consultants can assist attorneys in deciding whether a potential case has merit for litigation. With their help, attorneys are able to build stronger cases and increase their chances of success. Legal nurse consultants can provide insight on many different nursing, health care and related medical issues. They can break down the medical terms in the medical records and explain what is happening in the patient’s medical care. They can identify mistakes made in the patient’s care and determine the likelihood of those mistakes causing harm. They can explain why mistakes were made and provide recommendations for how to improve the patient’s care.

These individuals bridge the gap between two fields of nursing and legal issues by employing their knowledge of nursing practice standards and regulations to assist attorneys, insurance companies, and other legal entities with malpractice cases. Specifically, legal nurse consultants provide a variety of services that encompass all aspects of litigation, including research, case analysis, and medical record review, determination of standards of care and damages assessment.

How Legal Nurse Consultants Help Attorneys Win Medical Malpractice Cases

Legal nurse consultants can help attorneys with many different aspects of a medical malpractice case. They can review medical records and provide feedback on whether the records are sufficient and complete. They can assess records for tampering and other forms of falsification. They can identify gaps in the records that should be filled and recommend additional testing that should have been done. Legal nurse consultants can assess the medical care provided to the patient and provide recommendations on how the care could be improved. They can provide insight into the patient’s condition, the patient’s response to treatments and medications, and the patient’s prognosis for recovery. Legal nurse consultants can also assess the actions taken by the medical team, including the decisions made by the physicians and the actions of the nurses and other medical staff, in their consulting role.

Legal Nurse Consultants’ Role in Analyzing Medical Records

Legal nurse consultants can provide critical insight into the medical records in a case. They can break down the medical terms used in the records and provide a layman’s explanation of what is happening in the patient’s medical care. They can identify mistakes in the medical records and determine the likelihood of those mistakes causing harm to the patient. Legal nurse consultants can explain why mistakes were made and provide assessments on how standards of care were likely violated. They can also provide insight on whether the medical records are sufficient and complete. They can identify gaps in the records that should be filled. They can recommend additional testing that should be done and provide insights into the legal implications of medical decisions and treatments. The ability to interpret and analyze medical records is essential for LNCs to effectively identify potential issues related to liability, negligence, and malpractice.

Legal Nurse Consultants’ Role in Providing Nursing and Medical Insight

Legal nurse consultants can provide insight into the patient’s condition, the patient’s response to treatments and medications, and the patient’s prognosis for recovery. They can provide critical insight into the medical issues at the heart of the case, including the patient’s diagnosis, the course of treatment being followed, and the patient’s response to that treatment. They can provide feedback on whether the medical care provided to the patient is appropriate and adequate. They are able to provide a valuable perspective on clinical matters through their knowledge of healthcare delivery, regulations, risk management and quality assurance. Acting as a bridge between the legal and healthcare professions, LNCs help lawyers better understand medical claims, procedures and treatments by utilizing their expertise in nursing, health care and law.


Legal Nurse Consultants’ Role in Assessing Medical Care

Medical laws and legal medicine or malpractice law as a group of hospital workers or doctor and nurse hands holding a justice scale as a health legislation symbol with 3D illustration elements.

Legal nurse consultants can assess the medical care provided to the patient. They can determine whether the care provided is appropriate and adequate. They can identify mistakes in the patient’s care and determine the likelihood of those mistakes causing harm. Legal nurse consultants can explain why mistakes were made and recommend ways to improve the patient’s care. Through their expertise in both legal and medical matters, they are able to provide important information to attorneys, insurance companies, and other interested parties on the standards of care and whether or not those standards were met. They may consult on medical care issues, but they are not permitted to testify as an expert witness on medical practice standards of care in a court proceeding.

Legal Nurse Consultants’ Role in Testifying in Court

Legal nurse consultants can provide expert testimony in court cases. They can provide their insight into the nursing issues at the heart of the case. They can break down the medical terms in the medical records and provide a layman’s explanation of what is happening in the patient’s nursing care. They can identify mistakes in the patient’s care and determine the likelihood of those mistakes causing harm. They can explain why mistakes were made and provide recommendations for how to improve the patient’s care. Legal nurse consultants can also explain the appropriate course of treatment being followed for the patient’s diagnosis. They can provide feedback on whether the nursing care provided to the patient was adequate. They can and do educate the jury and the judge on the nursing standards of care applicable to the case being heard. Legal Nurse Consultants (LNCs) possess the requisite knowledge and experience to provide expert testimony concerning nursing standards of care in a legal context. As such, they are uniquely qualified to serve as reliable witnesses on matters relating to nursing malpractice or other issues related to nursing negligence. It is important to note that the scope of their testimony is limited exclusively to matters pertaining to nursing standards of care.

If not testifying in court as an expert witness, then LNCs may consult with attorneys on other issues of a malpractice case outside of the scope of nursing standards of practice. They may present written consulting reports or provide verbal consultations to their attorney clients on other non-nursing related issues of a case.

Tips for Working with a Legal Nurse Consultant

If you are working with a legal nurse consultant on your case, there are a few tips that can make the process go more smoothly. Make sure to communicate well with your consultant. This can help the consultant understand your case and help you get the insight you need. Make sure to keep your consultant updated on any changes to the case or to the patient’s condition. This can help the consultant provide timely feedback and recommendations. You can also ask your consultant any questions you have as they are reviewing the records and providing insight. This can help you understand the process and get the insight you need.

In order to maximize the efficacy of a legal nurse consultant (LNC) in healthcare-related litigation, certain best practices must be observed. To this end, it is beneficial for attorneys to be cognizant of the LNC’s expertise and provide clear direction regarding the desired outcome. Additionally, open communication should be encouraged throughout the collaborative process to ensure both parties are apprised of relevant developments and can effectively collaborate to reach a resolution.

Finding a Qualified Legal Nurse Consultant for Your Case

Photo of a Stethoscope and judgement hammer or Judge's gavel. Gavel and stethoscope. medical jurisprudence.

Legal nurse consultants provide critical nursing, health care and medical insights that can help attorneys win malpractice cases. When searching for a legal nurse consultant for your case, there are a few things to keep in mind. Look for a consultant with experience in the practice of legal nurse consulting. This can help ensure the consultant understands the issues at the heart of a malpractice case and can provide helpful insight. Also, look for a consultant who has experience with the type of case you have. For example, if you have a medical negligence case, make sure the consultant has experience reviewing records from hospitals and other medical settings and can identify mistakes in those records. Also, consider contacting one of the certifying organizations, such as the American College of Legal Nurse Consulting, and ascertain if they have a list of Certified Legal Nurse Specialists in your area or who have expertise in the area of your specific case.

The Importance of Having a Legal Nurse Consultant on Your Team


Legal nurse consultants are critical members of a legal team. The benefits of having a legal nurse consultant are many and attorneys are realizing this more and more.  In summary, they can provide insight into the nursing and often overall medical issues at the heart of a case, helping attorneys win their cases. Legal nurse consultants can break down medical terminology and provide a layman’s explanation of what is happening in the patient’s medical care. They can identify errors in the patient’s care and determine the likelihood of those errors causing harm. With their expertise in the nursing and health care field, legal nurse consultants are able to provide critical insight into the patient care issues at the heart of a case. They can break down medical terminology and provide a layman’s explanation of what is happening in the patient’s medical care. They can identify errors in the patient’s care and determine the likelihood of those errors causing harm. They are expert at standards of care and identifying deviations from the standards of care. They are very valuable in assisting attorneys in establishing whether or not there was negligence in a malpractice case. Their presence on a legal team in medical or nursing malpractice is really imperative today. The number of Registered Nurse Legal Nurse Consultants continues to grow as demand continues to escalate.

While this article focuses more on the work of LNCs consulting for plaintiff attorneys, future article blogs will also address the LNC as consulting for medical malpractice work for defense attorneys as well.

Education and Certification of Legal Nurse Consultants

Registered Nurses may find the specialty practice of Legal Nursing Consulting an attractive option as a career goal. The American College of Legal Nurse Consulting offers a full curriculum of online, distance education courses that once successfully completed, leads to the attainment of Certification as a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant Specialist. You may view this program by accessing here: Legal Nurse Consultant Certification.

Suggested Readings

1. Always a Nurse: The Legal Nurse Consultant. Howland, Wendie.Nursing Administration Quarterly: January/March 2020 – Volume 44 – Issue 1 – p 71-73. access here

2. The Essentials of Expert Witnessing for the Radiology Nurse. Journal of Radiology Nursing. Vol 34(1);March 2015. access here.

3. Role of the Legal Nurse Consultant. The American Institute of Health Care Professionals, Inc. access here.

4. The Value of Legal Nurse Consultants in Medical Malpractice Claims. Patricia Pagels. Plunket & Cooney. Bloomfied Hills, MI. access here.

5. How To Become a Legal Nurse Consultant (Duties and FAQs). Ingrid Monteiro. Indeed. September 22, 2022. access here.

Benefits of Vitamin D: The “Sunshine Vitamin”

By – James M. Katz, BA

Vitamin D is often thought of as a nutrient that helps our bones and teeth stay strong, but its benefits go far beyond this. Often overlooked, vitamin D is a key part of a healthy diet, as it has been shown to play a role in controlling inflammation, cell growth, and even our mood. This essential holistic nutrient is critical to keeping us healthy, and a deficiency can lead to a number of health issues. In this article, we’ll explore the surprising benefits of vitamin D and how it can impact your health and well-being. From its role in immunity to its ability to lower your risk of chronic disease, the importance of vitamin D cannot be underestimated. So read on to learn more about this important nutrient and how it can help you stay healthy and happy.

Vitamin D is often referred to as the ‘sunshine vitamin’, Vitamin D is a micronutrient that is produced by our skin in response to sunlight exposure. It plays an important role in our bodies, and recent research has highlighted a range of surprising health benefits associated with Vitamin D. These include improved immunity, better bone health, and a lower risk of certain diseases.

Vitamin D helps to reduce the risks of later in life cognitive decay as seen in the article below. By taking vitamin D you can stop and prevent many mental issues such as dementia as stated by a third. Please read below and press the link for the full article.

 “Vitamin D may reduce the risk of dementia by up to a third, a study has suggested.

Researchers at Tufts University in America looked at levels of vitamin D in 290 adults in the Rush Memory and Ageing Project, a long-term study of Alzheimer’s that began in 1997.

The team looked at vitamin D levels in four regions of the brain. Two were linked to Alzheimer’s – one known to be involved in dementia, and another believed to not be linked to cognitive decline with age.

They found that vitamin D was present in all four regions and people with more of it had better cognitive function.”

Vitamin D could reduce the risk of dementia by a third,  Joe Pinkstone. The Telegraph. Wed, December 7, 2022
Access link here

Sources of Vitamin D. Includes Mushrooms, Fish, Cheese, etcCommentary:

Sources of Vitamin D

Most people acquire their vitamin D through the sun. UVB light from the sun is absorbed by the skin and converts into Vitamin D. Hence, people who live in regions where there is a lot of sunlight throughout the year, such as the tropics, have a lower risk of developing a Vitamin D deficiency. In the United States, most people get their Vitamin D from fortified foods, such as milk, yogurt, and cereal, and supplements. Although Vitamin D is naturally created by the sun, the majority of us do not spend enough time in the sun to get the recommended amount of Vitamin D. This is especially true for those who live in Northern climates where the days are shorter and there is less sunlight. Certain groups, such as pregnant women, infants, the elderly, and people with darker skin, are at an even higher risk of developing a deficiency. People with conditions like osteoporosis and autoimmune diseases, such as psoriasis, may also need to pay special attention to their Vitamin D levels.

Vitamin D and Immunity

Most people are aware of the role Vitamin D plays in bone health. However, you may not be aware that it also plays a significant role in immunity. Studies have shown that a Vitamin D deficiency can reduce your body’s ability to fight off infections. This is particularly problematic during the colder months, as you are more likely to come into contact with germs like cold and flu viruses, which can be very contagious. Vitamin D is known to enhance the effects of certain white blood cells, known as T cells, which are the guardians of your immune system and prevent infections from forming. Vitamin D deficiency can also negatively impact your B cells, which are responsible for making antibodies in response to an infection, as well as natural killer cells, which fight off cancer cells. A Vitamin D deficiency can increase your risk of contracting and spreading infections, such as the common cold and influenza, and may be particularly common in groups who are at an increased risk of deficiency, such as pregnant women.

Vitamin D and Bone Health

Vitamin D is not only critical for helping your bones stay strong and preventing osteoporosis, but it also helps to build and maintain bone density. When you are young and your bones are still developing, Vitamin D is essential for building strong and healthy bones, as it helps your body to absorb calcium and phosphorus, two essential minerals needed for bone growth. As you age, Vitamin D is also needed to maintain existing bone density as you are more likely to experience age-related bone loss, which is known as osteoporosis. If you have a family history of osteoporosis or have experienced a fracture in the past due to weak bones, you may be at an increased risk of developing a deficiency. This is because Vitamin D is known to affect the rate of bone turnover, which can increase your risk of fractures if your bones are not as strong as they should be. In fact, research suggests that Vitamin D deficiency may be linked to an increased risk of fractures, especially in older people.

Vitamin D and Mood

Several studies suggest that a Vitamin D deficiency may be linked to an increased risk of depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders. While it is unclear how Vitamin D may impact the production of neurotransmitters in the brain that regulate mood and emotions, it is believed that a deficiency may disrupt the serotonin and dopamine pathways, which can increase risk of depression. Individuals who are more likely to be at risk of developing a deficiency include pregnant women, people living with certain chronic diseases, such as autoimmune diseases, and those who do not get enough exposure to sunlight. While more research is needed to determine the exact link between Vitamin D and mood and anxiety disorders, it may be advantageous to pay attention to your Vitamin D levels and speak with your doctor if you are experiencing mood changes that you believe may be related to a deficiency.

Vitamin D and Cancer Prevention

Studies have shown that higher levels of Vitamin D are associated with a lower risk of certain cancers, including breast cancer and colorectal cancer. Vitamin D can influence cell growth and plays an important role in controlling abnormal cell proliferation. This may explain how Vitamin D can help to reduce the risk of contracting certain cancers. Further research is needed to understand how exactly Vitamin D impacts cancer prevention, but it is believed that Vitamin D may also play a role in regulating genes that can increase the risk of these types of cancers. People who are more likely to be at an increased risk of developing a deficiency include pregnant women, people living with certain chronic diseases, such as autoimmune diseases, and those who do not get enough exposure to sunlight.

Vitamin D and Heart Health

It is often thought that cardiovascular disease is caused by high cholesterol, hypertension, and other major risk factors. However, Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with an increased risk of heart disease. Research suggests that Vitamin D may also play a role in regulating blood pressure and preventing blood clots. A Vitamin D deficiency can reduce the amount of calcium in your blood, which can lead to an increased risk of heart attack and stroke. People who are more likely to be at an increased risk of developing a deficiency include pregnant women, people living with certain chronic diseases, such as autoimmune diseases, and those who do not get enough exposure to sunlight. Given the link between Vitamin D and heart health, it is important to pay attention to your Vitamin D levels and ensure that you are getting enough. While Vitamin D deficiency can be overcome with proper supplementation, heart disease cannot and may be more difficult to prevent.

Vitamin D and Diabetes

Research suggests that a Vitamin D deficiency may be linked to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes. While it is unclear why Vitamin D may play a role in preventing diabetes, it may be related to its ability to reduce inflammation and regulate insulin production. Individuals who are at an increased risk of developing a deficiency include pregnant women, people living with certain chronic diseases, such as autoimmune diseases, and those who do not get enough exposure to sunlight. Given the link between Vitamin D and diabetes, it is important to pay attention to your Vitamin D levels and ensure that you are getting enough. If you are at a higher risk of developing a deficiency, you may want to pay special attention to your Vitamin D levels and talk to your doctor about supplementation.

Vitamin D and Osteoarthritis

While many people suffer from joint pain and inflammation due to rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, there are many ways to prevent or slow down the progression of these diseases. One of these is getting enough Vitamin D. Research suggests that Vitamin D may be able to help ease joint pain and reduce the risk of developing osteoarthritis. Individuals who are at an increased risk of developing a deficiency include pregnant women, people living with certain chronic diseases, such as autoimmune diseases, and those who do not get enough exposure to sunlight. Given the link between Vitamin D and joint health, it is important to pay attention to your Vitamin D levels and ensure that you are getting enough. If you are at a higher risk of developing a deficiency, it may be beneficial to pay special attention to your Vitamin D levels and speak with your doctor about supplementation.


While Vitamin D is naturally created by the sun, most of us do not spend enough time in the sun to get the recommended amount of Vitamin D. This is especially true for those who live in Northern climates where the days are shorter and there is less sunlight. There are several foods that are rich in Vitamin D, including fish and fatty fish, but many of us get too little of this vital nutrient. For example, we only need to spend about 10 minutes in the sun to get our Vitamin D needs met. If you’re spending more time indoors, you may want to supplement with vitamin D. That’s it! Keep this article handy as a reference when you’re looking for the best sources of vitamin D – and remember, you can always ask your pharmacist or doctor for advice.

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Mayo Clinic – Vitamin D and MS 

Wikipedia Vitamin D

Additional Resources:

Non-musculoskeletal benefits of vitamin D, Sunil J. Wimalawansa, The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Volume 175, 2018, Pages 60-81, ISSN 0960-0760,

Access Here 

Vitamin D for Health: A Global Perspective, Arash Hossein-nezhad, et al, Mayo Clinic Proceedings, Volume 88, Issue 7, 2013, Pages 720-755, ISSN 0025-6196,

Access Here 

Vitamin D deficiency in Europe: pandemic?, Kevin D Cashman, et al, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 103, Issue 4, April 2016, Pages 1033–1044,

Access Here 

Vitamin D deficiency 2.0: an update on the current status worldwide. Amrein, K., Scherkl, M., Hoffmann, M. et al.  Eur J Clin Nutr 74, 1498–1513 (2020).

Access Here 

Exploring the Benefits of Case Management in Long-Term Care Today ‍

By: Dominick L. Flarey, Ph.D, RN-BC, ANP-BC, NEA-BC, FACHE
       Board Certified, Adult Nurse Practitioner
       Board Certified, Nurse Executive Advanced
       Fellow, The American College of Health Care Executives

Photo of a collection of words related to the topic of Long Term Care

In today’s health care system, case management is becoming an increasingly important way to ensure quality care for long-term health care patients. Case management is a process that involves a team of health care professionals, who work together to coordinate and provide comprehensive care for patients with long-term health care needs. This team of professionals is responsible for assessing a patient’s medical needs, developing a care plan, and monitoring the patient’s progress. Case management has numerous benefits, from reducing hospitalizations and emergency room visits to improving overall quality of life. It also helps to reduce costs, as case managers can ensure that patients receive the most appropriate and cost-effective care. By exploring the benefits of case management in long-term health care, we can better understand how it can help improve patient outcomes and reduce costs.

What is Case Management?

Case management is a process that involves a team of health care professionals, who work together to coordinate and provide comprehensive care for patients with long-term health care needs. Rather than having health care providers treat specific issues, case managers consider the entire individual and how different aspects of their care are related. This team is responsible for assessing a patient’s medical needs, developing a care plan, and monitoring the patient’s progress. Case management has been used in different areas of healthcare for some time, but in recent years, it has also gained prevalence in long-term care. This type of care typically involves a combination of services, such as nursing, pharmaceutical, social work, and rehabilitation. Long-term care services are generally needed by individuals who have a chronic illness or disability that requires ongoing care.

Long-Term Care

Long-term care is an interdisciplinary field of health care encompassing a range of services and supports for individuals who are chronically ill or have a disability. This type of care is used to provide assistance with activities of daily living such as bathing, dressing, grooming, and eating, as well as instrumental activities like housekeeping, shopping, and managing finances. Long-term care can be provided at home or in other settings such as adult day programs, assisted living facilities and nursing homes.

Benefits of Case Management

Case management has numerous benefits, from reducing hospitalizations and emergency room visits to improving overall quality of life. In exploring the benefits of case management in long term care today, it also helps to reduce costs, as case managers can ensure that patients receive the most appropriate and cost-effective care. By exploring the benefits of case management in long-term health care, we can better understand how it can help improve patient outcomes and reduce costs: 1). Reduced Hospitalizations and Emergency Room Visits, when patients receive coordinated and comprehensive care, they may spend less time in the hospital, as well as in the ER. This is particularly true for patients with chronic illnesses and/or long-term care patients. 2). Ensures greater quality of care, due to the interdisciplinary approach of case management, patients are often provided with more thorough care. This can help to ensure that each aspect of the patient’s care is addressed, which can ultimately improve overall quality of life. 3). Case Management in Long-Term Health Care, one of the primary ways in which case management is used in long-term health care is to help provide an ongoing assessment of a patient’s care, as well as their needs. 4). Provides for a more collaborate approach to long-term care delivery, long-term health care has traditionally been managed by physicians, who have been responsible for both diagnosis and treatment. With the implementation of case management, however, other types of health care professionals, such as nurses and social workers, are also able to provide care. This helps to provide a more interdisciplinary, collaborative approach to long-term care delivery.

Helps to improve patient outcomes

index card on table that is written on it Long Term Care with a blue stethoscope laid around it and a red heart and a pair of eyeglasses laying next to the index care

Case Management is also known as care coordination and/or care management. When individuals in long-term care are involved in case management, there is a potential for improvement in their overall health outcomes. Patients in long-term care who participate in case management are more likely to receive the medical care and services that they need. This could include medications, nutrition therapy, or specialized therapies such as physical therapy. People in long-term care who receive the services that they need may experience better outcomes in terms of their mental health. This may include a reduction in feelings of depression, anxiety, and/or feelings of isolation. People in long-term care who receive the services that they need may experience better outcomes in terms of their ability to live independently. This may include a reduction in the amount of assistance needed to perform daily living tasks, such as bathing or eating.


Challenges of Case Management

While case management offers many benefits, it is important to note that it is not a cure-all for the challenges that exist in today’s long-term health care system. One challenge is that not every patient who needs long-term care has access to it. Although long-term health care is becoming increasingly common, there are still not enough resources available to meet current needs. There is also not enough consistency in the services offered throughout the long-term health care system, as there are many different types of providers, who offer long-term care. This means that patients and families may not receive the same level of care from one provider as another. Another challenge of case management is that it is not always the best option for all patients. While it can be beneficial, it is not appropriate for everyone. This can make it more challenging to identify patients who will benefit from case management services.


Case management is a growing trend in long-term health care, as it offers numerous benefits and helps to improve outcomes. Although it is not a cure-all, it can help to improve the quality of care patients receive and reduce costs. While challenges remain, case management remains a promising way to improve long-term health care.

Education and Certification in Case Management

Are you a registered nurse, social worker or a health care professional who is interested in case management? If so, the American Academy of Case Management offers a unique, online curriculum of core courses that leads to a full Certification and Fellowship Status in the Academy. You may access this link for full information on the program. Courses are continuing education courses with Board approvals and may be taken one course at a time until completion. All of the courses are online with faculty mentoring as needed and there are no travel requirements. Any questions may be addresses to:

Suggested Readings

1. Can post-exposure prophylaxis for COVID-19 be considered as an outbreak response strategy in long-term care hospitals? Sun Hee Lee, International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents. Vol. 55(6): June 2020. access here.

2. Case management in capitated long-term care. Rick T. Zadwaski, Catherine Eng. Health Care Finance Review. National Library of Medicine. December 1988. access here.

3. What Does “Managed Long Term Care Service” Mean in the United States? A Concept Analysis From a Case Manager’s Perspective. Kyungmi,Woo, Home Health Care Management & Practice. Vol.33(3):November 7, 2020. access here.

4. What do we (still) need to know about long-term care management? Howard B. Degenholtz. Generations Journal. American Society on Aging. Spring 2021. access here



The Need for Better Mental Health and Crisis Intervention in Corrections

By James M Katz, BA


Photo showing a gentleman holding a plate with a circle design with the words Crisis in Blue in the middle of the circle

Crisis intervention in the correctional system is an important and necessary component of providing effective support to individuals going through difficult times. With the current population of inmates coming from a wide variety of backgrounds, it is essential for correctional facilities to have a plan in place that can provide immediate help to those struggling with mental health issues. This post will provide an overview of how crisis intervention works, its importance in maintaining a secure and healthy environment for inmates, as well as the different types of interventions available.

In the modern criminal justice system, corrections officers are responsible for providing a safe and humane environment for inmates. This task can be particularly challenging when faced with individuals in crisis. Crisis intervention team involves using specific strategies to de-escalate a situation, rather than relying solely on physical force. It is important that corrections officers understand the principles of crisis intervention and have the skills to respond appropriately and effectively in any given situation. The field of corrections is highly complex and carries with it a wide range of challenges. With the introduction of crisis intervention practices, correctional facilities have been able to better equip their staff in responding to difficult situations. Crisis intervention training has emerged as an essential tool for managing inmates and disrupting violent behaviors before they escalate out of control. This article below examines how better mental health resources is not only reducing the costs of corrections but improving the lives of potential suspects even before incarceration.

“There’s no doubt that among the ways Cuyahoga County could reduce costs and crises at a crowded, inefficient County Jail sorely in need of expensive renovation or replacement is by reducing the jail population. That can be accomplished through bail reform and more efficient, fairer management of cases. But it also could be achieved by making sure that suspects in need of treatment for mental health or addiction are diverted for appropriate treatment first.

That’s what the Cuyahoga County Diversion Center that opened to great fanfare more than 1 1/2 years ago was for. The center on East 55th Street is operated by Oriana House in conjunction with the Alcohol, Drug & Mental Health Services Board of Cuyahoga County.

More needs to be done to divert those in distress to treatment and not just straight to jail: editorial By Editorial Board, Nov 27, 2022
Access Here 


What is Crisis intervention?

Crisis Intervention is a form of psychological support or counseling that helps individuals who are in the midst of a crisis. This type of therapy focuses on providing immediate and practical assistance to help individuals restore balance and cope with their current situation. Frequently a crisis intervention team will be deployed in situations such as national emergencies to assist in providing interventions.

The main goal of crisis intervention training is to reduce the level of distress experienced by an individual in order to prevent further psychological harm. A qualified mental health professional works with the individual to identify feelings and behaviors, assess needs, provide resources, develop strategies for coping and problem solving, and assist them in making positive changes. The therapist also provides emotional support and encourages healthy communication between family members or friends if needed.

Crisis intervention can be used for those experiencing any type of traumatic event such as natural disasters, physical or sexual abuse, bereavement or loss, illness or injury.

Benefits of Crisis Intervention Counseling

Crisis counseling is a type of therapy that helps individuals and families manage their responses to difficult life events. It typically takes the form of brief interventions aimed at helping those in crisis regain control, reduce stress, and develop coping strategies for more effective problem-solving. Crisis counselors are trained to identify the signs of an impending crisis, assess its severity, and provide immediate assistance.

The benefits of crisis intervention include improved communication skills, increased self-awareness, enhanced understanding of personal strengths and weaknesses, improved decision making skills in high-stress situations, better problem-solving abilities, increased emotional regulation skills such as anger management or impulse control strategies. In addition to these short term benefits, crisis counseling can also lead to long term positive changes such as decreased anxiety levels and stronger overall mental health.

Challenges of Crisis Intervention

Crisis intervention is an important part of mental health care, and it has its own unique set of challenges. It involves responding to a person who is in crisis – they may be feeling overwhelmed, confused, and out of control. Crisis intervention requires professional expertise to help the individual address their immediate needs and develop a plan for long-term recovery.

The goal of crisis intervention is to quickly assess the situation, identify any underlying causes or triggers, develop coping strategies and problem-solving skills, and ultimately provide support for an individual’s recovery. It can be emotionally challenging for both the counselor and the person in crisis as emotions are often running high. Therefore it is essential that counselors provide compassionate yet professional support during this difficult time. Additionally, counselors must take into account factors such as cultural background or language barriers when determining how best to approach a situation.

Strategies for Effective Crisis Intervention

Crisis intervention can be a difficult task, especially during times of intense emotional distress. Therefore, it is important to know the strategies for effective crisis intervention so that individuals in crisis can receive the help they need. Learning the fundamentals of crisis intervention helps create an environment where individuals are more likely to receive assistance and support.

One effective strategy for crisis intervention is active listening. Active listening involves responding thoughtfully and respectfully to what someone in a state of crisis is saying. It also requires giving them your full attention while they speak and avoiding distractions or passing judgment on their situation. Additionally, it’s important to remain present with them throughout their expression of emotions and feelings without attempting to provide solutions right away. This basic skill of active listening can go a long way towards helping someone who is facing a learning crisis feel heard, understood and accepted in order to begin healing from their experience.

Impact on Corrections System

Photo of the main watch tower at SAN FRANCISCO, USA - November 4: The Alcatraz Island Prison on October 4, 2014 in San Francisco, California. Alcatraz is one of the most infamous prisons in American history.

Crisis intervention has been a key asset to the corrections system in recent years. It has allowed inmates and corrections officers to learn how to better handle crisis situations within the prison environment, while also providing inmates with an outlet for their emotions. Crisis intervention can help inmates better manage their feelings and reactions when faced with difficult situations, instead of resorting to violence or aggression.

Studies have shown that those who receive crisis intervention training are more likely to be successful in navigating learning crises than those who do not receive the training. This is especially true for those who have experienced trauma in their lives prior to being incarcerated. Through crisis intervention training, these individuals can learn strategies for managing difficult emotions and developing constructive ways of responding in high-stakes situations.


In conclusion, a crisis intervention team in the correctional system is an essential element of providing quality healthcare to incarcerated individuals. Crisis intervention has been proven to reduce recidivism, increase mental health stability, and improve overall wellbeing. Correctional systems can benefit from a comprehensive approach which includes both preventive and reactive strategies. It is important that the correctional staff and health professionals work together to ensure that all inmates have access to the resources they need during times of crisis.

Crisis Intervention not only has a huge impact on the criminal justice world but other areas of mental health care as well. If you are a licensed counselor, a mental health professional or perhaps work in a field that deals with crisis every day then maybe you would be interested in our Crisis Intervention Certification program? All of the crisis intervention courses are available online and are on open enrollment. For more information please visit our certification page.


Additional Resources: 

Barriers and Facilitators to Effective Mental Health Care in Correctional Settings. Olivia Kolodziejczak, Samuel Justin Sinclair. Journal of Correctional Health Care.  Jul 1, 2018
Access Here

Mental health screening tools in correctional institutions: a systematic review. Martin, M.S., Colman, I., Simpson, A.I. et al. . BMC Psychiatry 13, 275 (2013).
Access Here 

Improving Mental Health for Inmates. Heather Stringer / March 2019, Vol 50, No. 3
Access Here

Mental Health of Prisoners: Prevalence, Adverse Outcomes, and Interventions. Seena Fazel, et al. The Lancet Psychiatry, Volume 3, Issue 9, 2016, Pages 871-881, ISSN 2215-0366.
Access Here

Utilizing Crisis Intervention Teams in Prison to Improve Officer Knowledge, Stigmatizing Attitudes, and Perception of Response Options. Canada, K. E., Watson, A. C., & O’kelley, S. (2021). Criminal Justice and Behavior48(1), 10–31.
Access Here

St. John’s Wort: Its Many Uses

By: Dominick L. Flarey, Ph.D, RN-BC, ANP-BC
Certified Adult Nurse Practitioner
St. John's Wort Plants and flowers laying around three brown medicine bottles

Many people have heard of St John’s Wort (1) (Hypericum perforatum) because of its popularity as a depression remedy, but not everyone is aware of its other use as a burn remedy. First, a little history about this yellow flower. The herb is named after John the Baptist because it normally blooms around his birthday, June 24. The word ‘wort’ is the middle English word for ‘herb’. St. John’s wort is a plant that has been used medicinally for centuries. The most common use of St. John’s wort is for the treatment of depression. The active ingredients in St. John’s wort are thought to be hypericin (2) and hyperforin (3). Hypericin is thought to work by inhibiting the reuptake of serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine in the brain.

St. John’s Wort as a Burn Remedy

Long before it was used as a mood stabilizer, St. John’s Wort was traditionally used as a burn remedy. Herbalists in ancient times would make a paste from an infusion of St. John’s Wort and corn starch. This mixture was spread on the burn and dressed with clean bandages made of linen or cotton. Sometimes, an oil made from the flower petals was applied to an inflamed or burned area.

Although herbalists from centuries ago managed to figure out the various uses of this herb, they did not know why it worked. Today science can give us some insight as to why this herb works so well as a natural burn remedy, but its pharmacology is still not completely understood.

Here’s what we do know. The herb contains the chemical compound ‘hypericin’ which has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antibiotic properties. When applied topically to the skin, burns heal faster and with less scarring. Its anti-inflammatory properties make it a great sunburn remedy as well.

Many people report that they’ve had success using St. John’s Wort as a remedy for other skin ailments like psoriasis and warts. Medical studies are under way that may prove St. John’s Wort as a remedy for these skin ailments  and some types of skin cancer.

St. John’s oil or cream is readily available from health food stores or may be ordered online. Store it in a cool dark place, and it should keep for up to two years. If you’re adventurous and prefer to make your own, follow this recipe:

St johns wort herbs flowers laying in a jar with tea mix

* In blender grind one cup of fresh St. John’s Wort flowers to a pulp

* Place the pulp in a clean jar

* Cover with extra virgin olive oil

* Let the jar stand in a warm place, out of direct sunlight

* Shake/stir it daily for two weeks

* Use a cheesecloth to strain and bottle for use

The color should be a deep red. If it’s pink, use fresher flowers next time.

Burns are serious injuries, and if you ever experience even a minor burn, you should immediately apply first aid by immersing the burned area in cold water. Also, be sure to follow your doctor’s recommendations; however, you can consider using complementary therapies in addition to your doctor’s treatment. It’s quite likely that you will heal faster, and that there will be less scarring.

St. John’s Wort for Depression

The active ingredient in the herb is hypericin, which is thought to work by inhibiting the reuptake of certain neurotransmitters in the brain, including serotonin (4). Studies have shown that St John’s wort is effective in treating mild to moderate depression, and it may also be effective against anxiety and other mood disorders. It is a popular herbal remedy for depression that is thought to work by increasing levels of serotonin in the brain. It usually takes about 2-4 weeks for St. John’s wort to start working for depression, though some people may notice a difference sooner.

There is some evidence to suggest that St. John’s wort may act as a monoamine oxidase inhibitor. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) are a class of drugs used to treat depression. They work by preventing the breakdown of monoamines, which are chemicals that play a role in mood and emotion. MAOIs can cause a variety of side effects, including fatigue, insomnia, and gastrointestinal problems.

There is a significant body of research indicating that St. John’s Wort is an effective treatment for mild to moderate depression. The mechanism of action is believed to be similar to that of other antidepressants, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), by increasing levels of neurotransmitters in the brain. Given the lack of serious side effects and the low cost of this herbal remedy, it should be considered as a first-line treatment option for depression.

The dosage of St. John’s wort for depression can vary depending on the severity of the depression and the individual’s response to the herb. A common starting dose is 300 mg per day, divided into three doses. If the depression is mild, this dose may be sufficient. If the depression is more severe, the dose may be increased to 600 mg per day. Typically, patients will take St. John’s wort for at least six weeks to see if it is effective for their depression. If the patient does not see any improvement after six weeks, they may discontinue use of the herb.

table with the words Depression written on it and different supplements tablets laying on the table

Can St. John’s Wort be taken along with Benzodiazepines? Benzodiazepines are a class of drugs that are commonly used to treat anxiety and other mental health conditions. There is some evidence to suggest that this herb may interact with benzodiazepines, and it is therefore important to speak with a healthcare professional before taking these two substances together.

Side Effects and Precautions

The most common side effects of taking St. John’s Wort for depression are gastrointestinal upset, fatigue, and dizziness. Less common side effects include headache, dry mouth, and constipation. Some people may also experience photosensitivity, meaning their skin becomes more sensitive to sunlight. While most side effects are mild and go away on their own, more serious side effects have been reported in rare cases. These include liver damage, mania, and serotonin syndrome.

There are some medications that St. John’s Wort can interact with. These include:

– Antidepressants

– Birth control pills

– Blood thinners

– Cancer medication

– Cyclosporine

– Cancer medications

– Heart medications

– HIV/AIDS medications

If you are taking any of these medications, it is important to talk to your doctor or health care provider before taking St. John’s Wort.

There are a few foods that St. John’s Wort cannot be taken with. These include anything high in tyramine, such as aged cheese, red wine, and cured meats. These foods can cause an increase in blood pressure when taken with the herb. There are other food interactions that are known with St. John’s wort. The herb can decrease the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, such as vitamins A, D, E, and K. It can also reduce the effectiveness of birth control pills, and it may increase the metabolism of certain drugs, such as antidepressants, leading to reduced efficacy. Therefore, it is best to avoid taking St. John’s wort with birth control pills or other medications.

Is drinking alcohol permissible when taking St. John’s Wort? There are no definitive studies that indicate whether it is safe to drink alcohol while taking St. John’s Wort. However, it is generally recommended that people avoid drinking alcohol while taking any medication, as alcohol can interfere with the body’s ability to process and absorb the medication. Additionally, alcohol can increase the risk of side effects from medications, including St. John’s Wort. Therefore, it is advisable to err on the side of caution and avoid drinking alcohol while taking this supplement.

The side effects of this herb can be divided into two main categories: those that are caused by the plant itself, and those that are caused by the interaction between the plant and other medications. The most common side effect of St. John’s Wort is gastrointestinal upset, which can include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Other side effects that have been reported include headaches, dizziness, insomnia, and anxiety.

Other Uses for St. John’s Wort

The modern use for St. John’s Wort besides treating mild to moderate depression and burns is that it has also been traditionally used for nerve pain, such as sciatica and neuralgia and used for insomnia and menopausal symptoms.

Neuropathic Pain

St John’s Wort has been used traditionally in the treatment of neuropathic pain (5), due to its purported antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory properties. It is thought that these effects are derived from its constituent hypericin, which is a flavonoid found in the plant. Hypericin is a potent inhibitor of voltage-gated sodium channels, which may reduce neuronal hyperexcitability and therefore alleviate nerve pain.

a 3D illustration of the spine, the neck showing a lite up area in red and yellow signifying pain

St John’s Wort has been the subject of research in terms of its efficacy in providing relief for nerve pain. Studies have suggested that this herbal remedy can provide significant levels of analgesia when taken regularly and in doses that are consistent with the recommended guidelines. Additionally, the active ingredient Hypericum perforatum has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties which may be beneficial in reducing inflammation caused by nerve damage and thus provide alleviation of associated symptoms such as pain.


St. John’s Wort, is an herbal remedy that has been used for centuries to treat insomnia. It works by modulating serotonin pathways and interacting with neurotransmitter receptors in the brain, resulting in improved sleep quality. Studies have shown its efficacy in reducing symptoms of primary insomnia, particularly when combined with other therapies such as cognitive-behavioral therapy.

St John’s Wort has been documented to have positive effects on the treatment of insomnia, with some studies suggesting that it could be as effective as traditional pharmacological treatments. The active constituents in this herb, including hyperforin, flavonoids and terpenoids, are believed to be responsible for its sedative effect.  It is thought to modulate the serotonergic system, which plays a role in sleep-wake regulation, particularly through its effect on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis.

Menopausal Symptoms

The herb has been evaluated for its efficacy in alleviating menopausal symptoms, with research demonstrating that it can be an effective treatment for reducing the severity of hot flashes. The active components found in St. John’s Wort are believed to be Hypericins and hyperforin, which have been suggested to possess a range of pharmacological activities, including modulating serotonin and opioid receptor activity and increasing GABA neurotransmitter levels.  It is also theorized that the active constituents of St John’s Wort, particularly hypericin and hyperforin, possess potent phytoestrogenic properties which may account for its efficacy in alleviating menopausal symptomatology.


In conclusion, St. John’s wort is a beneficial herb with many potential uses. It has been used since ancient times to treat mental health disorders, may have antifungal properties, and can be used to treat skin wounds and burns, as well as neuropathic pain and menopausal symptoms. Additionally, research suggests that St. John’s wort may be useful for treating symptoms of menopause and improving moods and cognitive function in the elderly. With its many potential benefits, it is becoming increasingly popular as an alternative remedy for a variety of ailments. Certified Holistic Nurses will find the information in this article to be particularly useful in their professional practices especially related to education of their clients.

Are you a Registered Professional Nurse who has an interest in learning more about Holistic and Integrative Nursing Practice? The American Institute of Health Care Professionals, Inc. offers a full curriculum of continuing education courses leading to a Certification in Holistic and Integrative Nursing Practice. You may preview the program by accessing here.


  1. St. John’s Wort. National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. US Department of Health and Human Services. National Institutes of Health. access here
  2. Hypericin. Wikipedia. access here
  3. Hyperforin. National Library of Medicine. access here
  4. Serotonin. The Cleveland Clinic. March 18, 2022. access here
  5. Neuropathic Pain. The Cleveland Clinic. December 7, 2020. access here

Suggested Readings

1. Clinical relevance of St. John’s Wort interactions revisited. Simon Nicolussi, et. al. British Journal of Pharmacology. November 19, 2019. Vol 177 (6):1212-1226. access here

2. Hypericum perforatum (St John’s wort) beyond depression: A therapeutic perspective for pain conditions. Nicoletta Galeotti. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. March 2017. Vol 200 (22):136-146. access here

3. St. John’s Wort. The Mayo Clinic. By: Mayo Clinic Staff. February 13, 2021. access here

Is Meditation an Effective Treatment Option for Anxiety?

By John Edwards, BS

What is Anxiety, How Common is it and is Meditation Effective Against it?

Anxiety is a common emotion that everyone experiences at one point or another. It is a feeling of uneasiness, worry, or fear. Many people feel anxious when they are faced with a challenging situation, such as a job interview or a first date. For some people, however, anxiety is more than just a temporary feeling – it is a chronic condition that can interfere with their daily lives.

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S., affecting 40 million adults. While there are many conventional treatments available, some people prefer to explore alternative methods. Herbal supplements, meditation, and yoga are a few popular alternatives. Some people find that these methods help to reduce their anxiety symptoms, while others find that they do not work for them.

An excellent article below discussed further how meditation is used as an alternative treatment for anxiety. It reviews the study they conducted as well as how effective meditation as a treatment for anxiety was vs commonly used prescription drugs.

During the study, which lasted two months, more than 100 participants with anxiety disorders were trained in MBSR techniques including breath awareness, body scanning, and mindful movement. They were instructed to meditate at home for 45 minutes a day, attend a mindfulness-based stress reduction class once a week, and also went on one day-long weekend retreat during the study. Very few of the patients were on any anti-anxiety medication when the trial began, though a few people were already consistently taking low-dose antidepressants (trazodone, benzodiazopenes).
More than 100 people in a separate group, who also had anxiety disorders, took a newly-prescribed SSRI drug (escitalopram) once a day, for eight weeks.

At the start and end of the trial, all participants were evaluated using the same, commonly used anxiety-measuring scale. Meditators and medicated patients both experienced significantly reduced severity in their anxiety, by about 30%.

Meditation works as well as a common antidepressant for reducing anxiety, study says, By Hilary Brueck – Insider November 11, 2022
Access the Article Here

A picture of a hand pointing to the word Anxiety.


Meditation: What is it? How does it Help with Anxiety?

Meditation is a mental discipline that involves focusing your attention on a certain object, thought, or activity to achieve a state of inner peace. There are many different types of meditation, but the goal of all meditation is to clear your mind of distractions and help you focus on the present moment. Meditation has been shown to be an effective treatment for anxiety. Studies have found that regular meditation can help reduce symptoms of anxiety, including worries, racing thoughts, and physical tension.

Different Types of Meditation: Mindfulness, Breathing, etc.

Mindfulness meditation is a form of mindfulness that is widely practiced in the western world. It involves focusing on the present moment and being aware of your thoughts, feelings, and sensations without judgement.

Breathing meditation is another popular type of meditation that can be used to focus on the present moment and calm the mind. It involves focusing on your breath and counting each inhale and exhale.

There are many other types of meditation that are practiced around the world, such as Transcendental Meditation, Vipassana Meditation, Zen Meditation, and more. Each type of meditation has its own unique benefits that can help to improve your mental and physical health.

How to Meditate

When it comes to meditation, there are many different ways to go about it. There is no one “right” way to meditate, so find what works best for you and stick with it. With that said, here are a few tips on how to meditate:

  1. Find a comfortable place to sit or lie down. You want your spine to be straight, but not tense. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths in and out.
  2. Start by focusing on your breath. Breathe in and out slowly and evenly. If your mind starts to wander, gently bring it back to your breath.
  3. Once you’ve been focusing on your breath for a while, you can start to expand your focus outward. Pay attention to the sensations in your body or the sounds around you.

Benefits of Meditation: Lessens Anxiety Symptoms

Meditation has been found to be an effective treatment for anxiety symptoms. A review of studies found that meditation can significantly reduce anxiety levels and help people manage their anxiety.

Meditation works by calming the mind and body, and it has been shown to be particularly effective in reducing stress and improving mood. In one study, people who meditated for eight weeks had a significant reduction in anxiety symptoms. Meditation can also help people cope with anxiety by teaching them how to control their thoughts and emotions.

Conclusion: Regular Practice of Meditation Leads to Long-term Relief

In conclusion, is meditation a useful tool against stress and anxiety? It can be said that regular practice of meditation definitely leads to long-term relief from stress and anxiety. It is also natural and drug free, helping to avoid any potential negative side effects from medications. It is a simple and effective way to relax the mind and body, and it can be done anywhere, at any time (morning, noon or night). So, give it a try!

With the levels of stress and anxiety we all suffer from, there is a demand for meditation instructors. If you would like to learn more about meditation and how to become a meditation instructor then our online program might interest you. For more information on our Meditation Instructor certification program please visit our webpage here – Certified Meditation Instructor CE Program 

Additional Resources:

Identifying App-Based Meditation Habits and the Associated Mental Health Benefits: Longitudinal Observational Study Stecher C, et al. J Med Internet Res 2021;23(11):e27282
Access here – 

Depression and Anxiety Disorders: Benefits of Exercise, Yoga, and Meditation, SY ATEZAZ SAEED, MD et al Am Fam Physician. 2019;99(10):620-627
Access Here – 

Meditation and Yoga can Modulate Brain Mechanisms that affect Behavior and Anxiety-A Modern Scientific Perspective. Krishnakumar D, Hamblin MR, Lakshmanan S. Anc Sci. 2015 Apr;2(1):13-19. doi: 10.14259/as.v2i1.171. PMID: 26929928; PMCID: PMC4769029.
Access Here – 

Brief Mindfulness Meditation for Depression and Anxiety Symptoms in Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis, Zoe Thomas, et al CJASN December 2017, 12 (12) 2008-2015;
Access Here – 



Conversational Hypnosis

By: Dominick L. Flarey, Ph.D, RN-BC, ANP-BC, CH-C
       Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist by the American Board of Hypnotherapy
       Executive Director, The American College of Hypnotherapy


Conversational hypnosis (1), also known as covert hypnosis, is a type of hypnosis that is often used by therapists, counselors, and coaches to help their clients achieve specific goals. This type of hypnosis is different from traditional hypnosis in that it does not require the use of formal trance induction techniques. Instead, conversational hypnosis relies on the use of conversation and rapport-building techniques to induce a state of relaxation and suggestibility in the client.

Conversational Hypnosis article Photo of a woman holding up a sign that reads HYPNOSIS

Conversational Hypnosis is a technique employed in order to get others to do as you direct them to, during everyday situations, without their knowledge of your influence. All forms of hypnosis, conversational or therapeutic, are based on very simple rules, steps that eventually lead a person into a state of hyper-suggestibility. According to John Kappas, founder of the Hypnosis Motivational Institute, 25% of the people you encounter during your lifetime will be naturally suggestible to you; the other 75% you will have to work on in order to exercise influence over their subconscious thoughts. Subconscious thoughts are those that exist below the level of conscious awareness. They are the product of the unconscious mind, which is constantly active, even when we are not aware of it. Subconscious thoughts (2) can influence our behavior, emotions, and decision-making, even though we are not aware of them. This is where knowing the basic rules and processes of hypnosis can come in handy, and give you the edge over the competition.

The Steps of Conversational Hypnosis

Step I

Step one is building rapport. Rapport is built on trust, and trust is based on the belief that whomever you are dealing with is just like you, or at least has your best interests in mind. In order to build rapport with someone you have never met, you must see yourself through their eyes, and experience a dialectical exchange from their point of view. Mimicking their posture, attitude, and affection can send strong cues to them that you are two of a kind. During this phase of the process, it is all about listening to what the other person is saying, and how they are saying it, then agreeing and affirming that what they believe is valid. Without rapport it will be impossible to exercise any type of influence.

Building rapport is important for several reasons. First, when we feel comfortable with someone, we are more likely to trust them and feel safe around them. This is important in both personal and professional relationships. Second, rapport helps us to feel more connected to others, which can improve communication and lead to better relationships. Finally, building rapport can help reduce stress and anxiety, and create a sense of well-being.

Conversational Hypnosis Photo of a pocket watch that is swinging back and forth with blurring images in the background

Step II

Step two is to create an overload in the conscious mind (confusion). Overloading the conscious mind (3) refers to a state where the level of information or stimuli in the environment exceeds the capacity of the individual’s working memory. In this state, the individual is unable to process all of the information and may experience feelings of confusion.

At this point the other person should feel comfortable with you. “Hey, this guy isn’t so bad; he understands where I’m coming from,” and of course, you do.  Now, what is needed is a statement that while affirming what the subject believes to be correct, also seems to contradict that which has already been established as agreed upon. These statements should include words that appeal to the subject’s suggestibility type. Physical people respond to words that describe concrete ideas, while emotional subjects respond more readily to inferences and words that describe states of feeling. Crowding the subject and making physical contact, if they are physical, can also help create an overload in the conscious mind. This leads to the conscious mind’s desire for an outlet, an escape from the state of disequilibrium, which is exactly what will be provided in the next step.

Step III

Step three is where influence is exercised by giving the subject a suggestion that allows them to gain a state of homeostasis, and at the same time is beneficial to the cause. Giving the subject a weakly phrased statement they can agree with provides the subject’s conscious mind with the escape it needs, thereby allowing direct access to the unfiltered unconscious. The last statement is then followed immediately with a more strongly phrased suggestion that is in accordance with the directive. While in this state of hyper-suggestibility, the suggestion is implanted directly into the subconscious mind. It then becomes part of the subject’s belief system, without the subject’s conscious awareness. Hypersuggestibility is a state of heightened suggestibility in which individuals are more responsive to suggestions than usual. This can occur in both positive and negative contexts, with people being more likely to either accept or reject suggestions depending on the nature of the suggestion. Hypersuggestibility is often associated with altered states of consciousness, such as hypnosis or sleep, but it can also be induced by drugs, trauma, or other forms of psychological stress.

Conversational Hypnosis and Hypersuggestibility

The benefits of hypersuggestibility are numerous. For one, hypersuggestibility can help individuals overcome negative emotions and experiences. Additionally, hypersuggestibility can help people learn new information more quickly and easily. Finally, hypersuggestibility can also increase creativity and imagination.

Conversational Hypnosis Overview

That’s it. That is all there is to it: Creating rapport; overloading of the conscious mind leading to a state of disequilibrium, thereby triggering the conscious mind’s need to escape; providing a means of escape for the conscious mind, creating a direct route to the subconscious. The subconscious mind is the part of the mind that controls automatic processes and is not accessible to conscious awareness. It has been described as a hidden reservoir of knowledge and feelings that influence our conscious thoughts and behaviors. The subconscious mind is not a separate entity but is a part of the overall mind system. Franz Mesmer, the father of hypnotism, understood this from the very beginning. However, just knowing the techniques will not guarantee you success. As in the case of every good hypnotist, personality goes a long way and determines in large part how effective these techniques will be for you.

Conversational Hypnosis Woman laying on a table with eyes closed being hypnotized

In Conclusion

In conclusion, conversational hypnosis can be a powerful tool to influence others. When used correctly, it can help you get what you want and achieve your goals. However, it is important to use it ethically and responsibly, as it can be easy to abuse. Conversational hypnosis must be used in ethical and legal ways. This means that the trained hypnotist should only use suggestion for good, and never to exploit or control someone. When used correctly, conversational hypnosis can be a powerful tool to help people make positive changes in their lives. It is often used in sales and marketing, but is also becoming increasingly popular in healthcare. There are many potential benefits to using conversational hypnosis in healthcare, such as helping patients to relax and feel more comfortable during procedures, increasing compliance with treatment plans, and reducing stress and anxiety levels. We see it being used in pre-op anesthesia to help patients relax prior to surgical procedures. It is also being used in dental practices to assist patients to relax and become more calm prior to dental procedures. There are a wide range of uses of this type of hypnotic technique that are being employed in health care practices today.

If you are a health care professional and are interested in expanding your practice in the area of Clinical Hypnotherapy, The American Institute of Health Care Professionals, Inc. (AIHCP) offers a full curriculum of continuing education courses with Board approvals, leading to Certification. Upon successful completion of the program, graduates receive Certification as a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist in the American College of Hypnotherapy. The American College of Hypnotherapy is a subdivision of the AIHCP. You may preview our Clinical Hypnotherapy Certification program here: access information here.


1. Convert Hypnosis. Wikipedia. access here.

2. Subconscious Definition: The Hidden Power of Your Mind. Matt Coates. Mindvalley. November 27, 2018. access here.

3. The Role of the Conscious Mind. Kendra Cherry. Very Well Mind. September 1, 2022. access here.

4. Franz Mesmer. Wikipedia. access here.

Suggested Readings

1. Efficacy of Conversational Hypnosis and Propofol in Reducing Adverse Effects of Endoscopy. Azra Izanloo, Anesthesia Pain Medicine. October, 2015. access here.

2. Weaning and Extubation Assisted with Conversational Hypnosis: A Systematic Review. Johan Wormser, Research Square. July 6, 2021. access here.

3. Nurses’ perception of integrating an innovative clinical hypnosis–derived intervention into outpatient chemotherapy treatments. Danny Hjeij, Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal. Vol. 32; # 3:2022. access here.

4. Hypnosis for pain and anxiety management in cognitively impaired older adults undergoing scheduled lumbar punctures: a randomized controlled pilot study. Pauline Courtois-Amiot, Alzheimer’s Research & Therapy. 1: September, 2022. access here.


Effective Ways of Managing Your Stress

By John Edwards, BS

What is Stress?

Stress is a common issue that people face daily. It can come from work, family, friends, and many other sources. While some stress is normal, too much stress can have negative effects on your health. Managing stress is important to maintain your health and well-being. There are many ways to manage stress, including exercise, relaxation techniques, and talking to someone you trust.

In the article quoted below, it discusses 15 simple ways you can help manage your stress. They range from simple and easy techniques you can do to more complex stress management strategies such as goal setting. All of them can be done in less than 5 minutes. For the full list please review the link below:

“Does it feel like you have too much to do and not enough time to manage stress in your life? You’re not alone. We all have stress in our lives, and not knowing how to manage time and stress is a recipe for disaster, particularly for our mental health. Responsibilities relating to our family, friends, work, health, and more can become very demanding, and it may feel like you don’t have time for stress-management skills. But if you know how to manage your time, you can find little ways to manage stress. The trick is to know what you can do for yourself in small quantities of time. In order to stay healthy, happy, and productive even when you’re experiencing a lot of stress, it’s important to understand how and where you can incorporate quick stress-relieving activities throughout your day.”

15 Ways to Manage Stress When You Only Have 5 Minutes or Less. By Lauren Presutti. Life After Paralysis. Nov 2nd, 2022.
Access Article Here – 

Stressed out African American Woman Pulling on her hair.


Defining Stress

When it comes to stress, there is no one-size-fits-all definition. Stress is a unique experience that differs from person to person. However, there are some common themes when it comes to what stresses people out.

For many people, stress is caused by external factors such as work, school, or family obligations. These demands can be overwhelming and lead to feelings of anxiety, worry, and helplessness. Other people may experience stress as a result of internal factors such as chronic illness or insecurity.

No matter the cause, stress can have serious consequences on your physical and mental health. It’s important to find healthy ways to manage your stress in order to avoid these negative effects. Some effective stress management techniques include exercise, relaxation techniques like deep breathing, and journaling.

The Effects of Stress:

Stress is a normal part of life that can either help us or hurt us depending on how we manage it. When stress is managed in positive ways, it can lead to better health, improved productivity, and increased resilience. On the other hand, unmanaged stress can lead to anxiety, depression, and even physical illness.

There are a variety of effective stress management techniques that can help us keep our stress levels in check. We can combat stress in a few different ways such as using relaxation techniques or making lifestyle changes. By taking some time out for ourselves to de-stress on a regular basis, we can minimize the negative effects of stress and live happier, healthier lives.

Managing Stress -Relaxation Techniques:

Whether you’re dealing with the stress of a hectic work schedule or coping with the demands of family life, finding ways to manage your stress is essential for maintaining your health and well-being. While there are many different approaches to managing stress, relaxation techniques can be particularly effective in reducing stress levels and promoting calmness and peace of mind.

There are a variety of different relaxation techniques that you can try, depending on what works best for you. One popular option is progressive muscle relaxation, which involves tensing and relaxing different muscle groups throughout the body. This helps to release tension from the muscles and promote overall relaxation.

Deep breathing exercises are another great way to reduce stress levels and promote relaxation. Simply take a deep breath in through your nose, filling your lungs as much as possible. Then breathe out slowly through your mouth. It helps to mentally imagine your stressor being force out of your body and disappearing into the wind.

Managing Stress – Lifestyle Changes:

Stress management is a very important aspect of our lives. It is necessary to learn how to manage stress in order to maintain our health and well-being. There are many different ways to manage stress, but one of the most important things you can do is to make lifestyle changes.

There are many different factors that can contribute to stress, and it is important to identify what these are in order to make the necessary changes. One of the most important things you can do is to get enough sleep. This will help your body to recover from the day and reduce the amount of stress hormones that are produced.

Exercise is another great way to reduce stress levels. It helps to release endorphins, which have mood-boosting properties. In addition, it can also help to improve your sleep quality. Exercise also allows you to focus your mental energies on something other than what’s bothering you.

When to Seek Help:

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by stress, you’re not alone. Stress is a common problem that can have serious consequences for your health. If you’re struggling to cope with stress, it’s important to get help.

There are many ways to get help for stress. You can talk to your doctor about your stress and how it’s affecting your health. Your doctor can provide support and resources to help you manage your stress. You can also talk to a counselor or therapist about how to better cope with stress.

If you’re experiencing severe stress, you may need medication to help you manage it. Medication can be an effective way to reduce the symptoms of stress and help you feel more in control. If you’re considering medication for stress, talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits.


In conclusion, stress management is an important tool that can be used in order to improve one’s quality of life. It is important to identify the sources of stress in one’s life and to find healthy coping mechanisms in order to reduce the negative effects of stress. With proper stress management, individuals can improve their overall well-being and find greater success in both their personal and professional lives.

Stress Management Consulting is a growing profession. Mental health care professionals as well as large corporations recognize the need for relaxation not only in professional careers but in private lives as well. If you are interested in learning about becoming certified in stress management then you should visit our Stress Management Consultant certification program webpage – Please Click Here

Additional Resources:

Effects of stress on immune function: the good, the bad, and the beautiful. Dhabhar, F.S. Immunol Res 58, 193–210 (2014).
Access Here 

Effects of stress and mental toughness on burnout and depressive symptoms: A prospective study with
young elite athletes. Markus Gerber, et al. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport Volume 21, Issue 12, December 2018, Pages 1200-1205
Access Here 

Stress management techniques for students.Kassymova, et al. Proceedings of the International Conference on the Theory and Practice of Personality Formation in Modern Society (ICTPPFMS 2018) PB – Atlantis Press
Access Here 

Stress management techniques: evidence-based procedures that reduce stress and promote health. Liza Varvogli, et al . Health Science Journal – (2011) Volume 5, Issue 2
Access Here 

Energy Medicine: Its Future is Now

By: Dominick L. Flarey, Ph.D, RN-BC, ANP-BC,
       Master EFT Practitioner

The future is energy medicine (1). This is the medicine of the future that will allow us to heal ourselves and others with the power of our minds. It is a form of alternative medicine that is based on the belief that our bodies have an innate ability to heal themselves. Energy medicine is said to be able to promote healing by restoring balance to the body’s energy systems. This type of medicine is becoming more popular as more people are looking for alternatives to traditional medicine.

human body that shows energy scheme in various colors

Observational medicine has encountered several barriers when it comes to the treating of chronic conditions. This has encouraged some people to turn to energy medicine in order to treat their ailments. It appears like an alternative remedy that might sound unfounded in theory yet, in actuality, has proven its effectiveness.

Energy medicine is not a new fad. It has been around for eons. The Chinese have been practicing it over thousands of years as have other cultures. All living things have an energy field and emit and absorb electromagnetic radiation. A person’s health is dependent on the natural flow of this energy. When it is disrupted, imbalances can occur, resulting in disease and illness.

There are several energy modalities being practiced today, including emotional freedom technique and acupuncture and pranic healing. Others are qigong, reiki, therapeutic touch, and tai chi. We will explore these in more detail.

The Emotional Freedom Technique

Emotion Freedom Technique(2)  is another method that use acupressure to relieve energy blockage on key points and chakras of the body.  It can address the emotional reasons behind the illness or condition. By focusing on different aspects of the problem, and then tapping on key points on the face, hands and chest, blockage of energy can be relieved and symptoms can be alleviated. This method can be easily learned and applied with virtually no side effects.

The emotional freedom technique is a form of psychological acupuncture that uses the body’s energy meridians to relieve stress and negative emotions. The technique is based on the belief that emotions are caused by imbalances in the body’s energy meridians, and that these imbalances can be corrected by tapping on specific points on the body. EFT is a form of therapy that works by tapping on the meridians. The theory behind EFT is that when we tap on the meridians, we are able to balance the energy in our bodies and clear any blockages that may be causing us problems. By clearing these blockages, we are able to improve our physical and emotional well-being.

man tapping on facial meridian points doing EFT procedure

The meridian system is a network of energy pathways that run throughout the body. According to traditional Chinese medicine, these pathways are responsible for transporting qi (or life force energy) throughout the body. Acupuncture and acupressure are two common modalities that work by stimulating these points along the meridians in order to promote balance and health.

The emotional freedom technique, also known as “tapping,” is a form of psychological acupuncture that uses acupressure points on the body to help relieve stress and anxiety. Tapping has been shown to be an effective treatment for a variety of mental health issues, including depression, PTSD, and phobias. The benefits of tapping include improved mood, reduced anxiety, and increased feelings of well-being. The emotional freedom technique has been shown to be effective in reducing stress, anxiety, and depression, and in improving mood and well-being.

There is a growing body of research that suggests the emotional freedom technique (EFT) is an effective intervention for reducing psychological distress and improving well-being. EFT is a form of energy psychology that uses acupressure points to help balance the body’s energy systems and alleviate stress. Studies have found that EFT is associated with reductions in anxiety, depression, and PTSD symptoms, as well as improvements in quality of life and positive emotion.

Roger Callahan is a psychologist who developed thought field therapy, a type of alternative therapy. The therapy is based on the idea that negative emotions are caused by disruptions in the body’s energy field, and that these disruptions can be corrected by tapping on specific points on the body. Dr. Callahan is famous for his dramatic cure of a client with a long-standing water phobia using thought field therapy. Our of thought field therapy, the emotional freedom technique was born. Thought Field Therapy remains a very popular and effective energy medicine modality today.


Acupuncture is another method that has become more mainstream and is based on the same principles as EFT. There are over 2000 acupuncture points on the body. Energy flows between those points. Needles are inserted into these areas and turned, which can correct the imbalances created by the energy blockages.

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) technique that involves the insertion of thin needles into the body at specific points. Although the exact mechanisms are not fully understood, it is thought that acupuncture works by stimulating the nervous system and, in turn, the release of chemicals in the brain that can help to alleviate pain.

There is a growing body of evidence that suggests acupuncture can have positive psychological effects. For example, one study found that acupuncture can help reduce anxiety and depression in cancer patients (1). Other research has shown that acupuncture can help improve quality of life and reduce stress in people with various health conditions (2). Acupuncture may work by stimulating the release of feel-good chemicals in the brain, such as endorphins.

Pranic Healing

Pranic healing(3) is a form of energy medicine that uses the body’s own life force to heal itself. It is based on the belief that the body is composed of energy, and that this energy can be used to heal the body. Pranic healing is said to be able to help the body heal itself by working with the body’s own energy. Life force energy is the energy that animates and sustains all living things. It is also known as prana, ki, chi, mana, and other names in different cultures. This energy is thought to be essential for life and health, and it is believed to flow through the body in specific pathways called meridians.

Pranic healing is a modality that uses actual physical sweeping of the hands to remove negative, contaminated energy from the body. Care has to be taken so that the healer does not absorb that energy into his own energy field or aura. Cleansing exercises must be practiced daily to keep the healer clear.  Pranic healers don’t use their own energy but act as a conduit and receive energy from outside themselves. They can infuse this energy into their patients and promote rapid healing. Everyone has the capacity to heal themselves. This is a method that can be learned in a few hours, and you don’t have to be a natural healer to get results.

Therapeutic Touch

Therapeutic touch(5)  is an energy medicine modality that uses the practitioner’s hands to direct and balance the patient’s energy field. The goal of therapeutic touch is to promote healing by restoring the natural flow of energy within the body.

The practitioner’s hands are used to assess the patient’s energy field and then to direct and manipulate the flow of energy. The practitioner may also use light touch or other techniques to help balance the patient’s energy field. There are many benefits of Therapeutic touch. This type of therapy can help to improve circulation, reduce pain, and promote relaxation. It can also help to increase range of motion and flexibility, and to improve the functioning of the immune system. Therapeutic touch can also be used to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.


Reiki(6) is a form of energy medicine that uses the universal life force energy to promote healing. The therapist will place their hands on or near the client’s body in a series of hand positions. The therapist will then channel the energy into the client’s body to promote healing. Reiki can be used to help with physical, mental, and emotional issues.

There is a growing body of evidence that suggests that reiki, an energy medicine modality, can be effective in the treatment of various conditions. A number of studies have shown that reiki can be helpful in reducing pain, improving quality of life, and reducing stress and anxiety. While the exact mechanism by which reiki works is not yet fully understood, it is thought to work by balancing the body’s energy fields and promoting healing.

man laying on table receiving a Reiki healing treatment


Qigong(7)is an energy medicine modality that has been used for centuries in China. It is based on the belief that the human body has an energy field that can be manipulated to promote health and healing. Qigong practitioners use a variety of techniques, including body movement, meditation, and breath control, to balance the body’s energy.

Qigong is a type of energy medicine that uses specific movements and breath work to improve the flow of qi, or life energy, in the body. Qi is said to be the underlying life force that helps to maintain health and vitality. When qi is blocked or not flowing properly, it is believed to lead to illness and disease. Qigong practitioners use various techniques to help unblock and move qi through the body, thereby promoting healing and balance.

Tai Chi

Tai chi(8) is a martial art that originated in China. It is based on the principle of yin and yang, which is the idea that two opposing forces are interconnected and interdependent. Tai chi is often described as “meditation in motion” because it stresses the importance of balance, harmony, and inner peace. The practice of tai chi involves slow, deliberate movements that are meant to be gentle and relaxing.

Tai chi is a Chinese martial art that incorporates both physical and mental exercise. Though often considered a form of “energy medicine,” tai chi’s efficacy in treating various medical conditions has not been extensively studied. Some small-scale studies have suggested that tai chi may improve balance and coordination, reduce stress and anxiety, and boost overall well-being; however, more research is needed to confirm these claims.


Energy Psychology

Energy psychology (9) is a field of study that emerged out of energy medicine. Energy medicine is based on the idea that the human body has an energy field that can be manipulated for healing purposes. Energy psychology takes this concept one step further, and posits that the mind also has an energy field that can be impacted in order to achieve psychological goals.

energy psychology siloutte of brain with atoms swirling around
Mind Geometry series. Abstract design made of Human profile, math and design elements on the subject of reason, science, technology and education

Energy psychology is a field of study that explores the relationship between energy and psychological states. It is based on the premise that our thoughts and emotions are connected to our physical bodies through an energy system, and that imbalances in this system can lead to psychological distress. Energy psychology techniques aim to restore balance to the energy system, and thus alleviate psychological symptoms.


The future of energy medicine looks very promising. With advances in technology, we are able to harness more and more of the body’s natural energy to heal. Energy medicine has been shown to be effective in treating a wide variety of conditions, and as we continue to research and develop new techniques, we will only be able to help more and more people.

Whether you believe in energy medicine or not, there are many people that have been helped or even cured of their afflictions because of it.  Also, energy medicine doesn’t have to be mutually exclusive. It can complement whatever conventional treatments you are doing. Everyone has the ability to heal, you just need to know how to tap into it.

Become an EFT Master Practitioner

Are you a health care professional who is interested in becoming a Master EFT Practitioner? The American Institute of Health Care Professionals, Inc. offers a full curriculum of online continuing education courses leading to Certification as a Master Practitioner in the Emotional Freedom Technique and Meridian Health Tapping. The program includes online video instruction on-demand, as well as  textbooks, handouts and a practicum course. It is a comprehensive program and students can earn 129 contact hours of continuing education which have Board approvals. To learn more, you may preview our program: access here.


1. The Eden Method. access here.
2. Clinical EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Improves Multiple Physiological Markers of Health. Donna Bach, Journal of Evidence Based Integrative Medicine. 2019;24.
3. Acupuncture. Wikipedia. access here.
4. What is Pranic Healing? Pranic Healing Research Institute. access here.
5. Therapeutic Touch. Wikipedia. access here
6. What is Reiki and Does it Really Work? Cleveland Clinic. Healthessentials. August 30, 2021.
7. QiGong: What you Need to Know. National Center for Complimentary and Integrative Health. US Dept of Health and Human Services. National Institutes of Health. access here.
8. Tai Chi: A Gentle Way to Fight Stress. Mayo Clinic Staff. Health Lifestyle Stress Management. Mayo Clinic. access here.
9. Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology. access here.

Suggested Readings

1. Clinical EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Improves Multiple Physiological Markers of Health. Donna Bach, et. al. Journal of Evidence Based Integrative Medicine. Feb 19, 2019. access here.
2. Reexamining the Effect of Emotional Freedom Techniques on Stress Biochemistry: A Randomized Control Trial. Stapleton, P., Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy,12(8), 869-877:2020. access here.
3. Borrowing Benefits: Group Treatment With Clinical Emotional Freedom Techniques Is Associated With Simultaneous Reductions in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Anxiety, and Depression Symptoms. Dawson Church, Journal of Evidence Based Integrative Medicine. Feb 22, 2018. access here.
4. Breathing therapy and emotional freedom techniques on public speaking anxiety in Turkish nursing students: A randomized controlled study. Berna Dincer, Explore. Vol 18;(2):2022. access here.