Anger Management Consulting Certification Article on Controlling Words

Many times people say things in anger they regret.  Words can damage relationships permanently.  It is important to watch one’s tongue when in anger and never allow emotion to get the best of oneself when dealing with other people.  Learning to what to say when angry is critical.  It is a life skill that can help one stay out of trouble and not hurt family and friends.

It is sometimes best to talk when angry after reflection. Please also review AIHCP’s Anger Management Consulting Certification


The article, “The Thing To Say Every Time You’re Angry” by Laura Vanderkam looks into what is best to say when anger overtakes.  She states,

“In this angry, anxious, and polarized time, it’s easy to lash out, whether on social media or at people in your real life. And we often end up wishing we didn’t:One survey found that a majority of social media users had posted something they regretted.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Learning to avoid the conflict with immediate verbal slashes is critical to good relationships with others. Learning how to walk away and say what gives you more time to reflect is key to not allowing emotion to dictate words you may later regret.

Please also review AIHCP’s Anger Management Consulting Certification.  Qualified professionals can learn how to help others how to manage their emotions and control anger.

Anger Management Consulting Article on Anger Styles

Anger can come in many forms.  Sometimes it is justified.  Other times is not.  Sometimes it is handled in a healthy fashion, while other times it is handled very poorly.  It can be passive or aggressive.  It is important to understand what type of ways you express anger towards others and work on healthier ways to express it.

How do you express your anger? Is it healthy or not? Please also review AIHCP’s Anger Management Consulting Program


The article, “There Are 5 Common Anger Styles. Which One Is Yours?” by Dara Katz reviews the five types of anger styles and what is the best style to express anger.  She states,

“So, understanding the way we typically act on anger helps us get to the crux of why our antennas are pointed up in the first place. And while a person can experience any numbers anger styles, here are the most five common ones, including how to spot them and what to do to make your communication effective and healthy.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review AIHCP’s Anger Management Consulting Program.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals.  Qualified professionals can earn a four year certification by completing the program’s core courses in Anger Management



Anger Management Certification Article on Anger Control

Anger can ruin lives.  While it is only a natural emotion, if it is not controlled or managed, then physical harm can occur.  It is very important if one has an anger issue to work on controlling anger.

How we control our anger and rage will determine overall health as well as safety for others. Please also review AIHCP’s Anger Management Certification


The article, “Managing Anger Issues: Don’t let anger ruin your relationship” by Marie Miguel looks at how anger can be better managed and controlled.  She states,

“Everyone gets angry. It is a normal and healthy emotion that happens to us from infancy to old age. According to the American Psychological Association, or APA, anger is an emotional state that can vary in its intensity from mild irritation to extremely intense rage and fury.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Learning anger management techniques are essential for those who cannot control their anger.  Even at a lower level, anger can be unhealthy for blood pressure.  So it is important to learn to manage frustration and anger for health as well as protecting others from unintended harm.  Please also review AIHCP’s Anger Management Certification and see if it meets your personal and professional academic goals.


Anger Management Training Program on Anger and Today’s Social Issues

Anger is sometimes a result of intense self righteousness or firm belief in a cause.  The frustration results from others who do not believe the same way.  The individual is so firmly entrenched in his or her belief, RIGHT OR WRONG, that when others are oblivious to it, one can become triggered to rage or feel justified in one’s violence.

One can see this type of political and social anger today.  Protests become riots and friendly political rivalries between friends become heated exchanges that can damage a friendship.  This all stems from this ideal that one forms as an identity to oneself.  One may despise a certain or like a certain president because of how he connects or disconnects from one’s belief system.  The president can represent such evil to one that when others find good in him, the end result is anger that can turn rude or even violent.

Anger over political issues today is putting friend against friend. Please also review our Anger Management Training Program and see if it meets your professional goals.


Whether a president is good or bad is not the case in this article.   The point is that one’s perception, whether valid or invalid, creates a source of potential anger which can become very rude or violent quickly.  The riots taking place throughout the nation over race, police and reform is another prime example.  When beliefs are so strong that justified or unjustified anger overflows into rage and violence, then one can see a larger issue.  The anger may be critical to change, but when the anger becomes violent, then it becomes as evil as the issue itself.

Individuals who protest for change, or individuals who have a particular strong political allegiance to a party or president cannot demonize each other with propaganda, nor allow justified anger to overflow into violence.  Violence is never justified.  Terrorism is never justified.

Due to the division, the anger and rage, friendships are torn into two, relationships are torn into two, families are torn into two, communities are torn into two, and a nation is torn into two.   It is fine to be angry.  It is even fine to be angry if your wrong.  What is universally wrong is when one allows emotions over issues to go beyond anger and social graces.  It is wrong to allow anger over issues to become emotionally abusive and violent.  Individuals need to utilize anger properly.  To use it for true change, as well as better dialogue with understanding.

The riots of today will not solve any issues.  The breaking and division of friends and homes will not solve any problems.  What will change the problems is anger used properly and directed towards peaceful protests as well as meaningful and respectful dialogue between political rivals.   This is something however that has been amiss.  Our own politicians behave like children with name calling.   The issue must be resolved from the family house to the White House itself.

Till then, we will continue to see friends, family and communities divided, as well as the rise of left wing and right wing terrorist groups that riot and threaten each other.

In turn, how can we react?  We can stop believing that our opinion is infallible.  We need to re-direct and see if our views are maybe in need of moderation.   If not, so be it, but we need to access our beliefs as well as look to better communicate it with others.  We need to be mindful that others may come from different backgrounds and approach situations differently.  We can disagree with the their points but we cannot demonize them as individuals.  We must further look to calm our own anger when others disagree.  We need to utilize our anger to search for better ways to find justice without allowing our anger to become more evil than the injustice itself.

How we respond to social injustice and utilize our anger is important.


If we find ourselves too consumed with anger, like in any case, we need to walk away from the issue.  We need to reflect deeper on our self and understand why we are angry and allow ourselves to find a time to calm down.  If social media is a source of anger and frustration that can fall into the real world, we need to walk away from comments or threads that can create greater levels of anger.  Every comment does not need a response.

If you would like to learn more about Anger Management or would like to review our Anger Management Training Program, then please review AIHCP’s Anger Management Certification and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.




Anger Management Certification Article on Teens and Anger

Teens can have serious issues with anger.  It is a difficult time of change both physically and emotionally.   Anger needs to be controlled and parents need to be able to guide their teens through anger and emotion.

Helping children learn to control anger is key part of parenting. Please also review our Anger Management Training

The article, “How Can I Help My Teen Manage Their Anger Issues?” by TONYA COTTO looks into how parents can help teach their children control their anger.  She states,

“The teen years are full of challenging times. Notorious for recklessness, unpredictability, and moodiness, these years will test even to most dedicated parents. Thankfully there is help for dealing with teenage anger. Whether through communication or treatment support, learning new tools can help you parent your teen through managing their feeling.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Anger if not controlled can become a big issue for teens. It is also important to learn to control anger as they grow into young adults.  Please also review our Anger Management Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.


Anger Management Consulting Certification Article on Kids and Anger

It is important for parents to teach their children at a young age to control their emotions and anger.  Anger and uncontrolled emotion can ruin lives.  Hence it is critical for children to learn anger management skills at a young age.  Children cannot be permitted to express uncontrolled emotion without consequences and guidance.

Teaching children to control anger is a key parenting step. Please also review our Anger Management Consulting Certification


The article, “Anger Management: Helping You and Your Kids Stay in Control” by Eugene Beresin looks at how parents can better help their kids control their anger.  He states,

“Here are some ways kids and parents can manage anger. These skills need to be tailored to the age of your child, and for everyone, they require practice on a regular basis.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review AIHCP’s Anger Management Consulting Certification and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.

Learning to control anger is a skill that is necessary for social interaction.  Teaching kids how to properly manage anger is a top priority in parenting.


Anger Management Training Program Article on Travel Rage

Travel can be exhausting and stressful.  Frustration is easy to emerge.  Traveling during the pandemic can be especially stressful with all the risks.   Being able to control anger and manage frustration is key.  Sometimes, a simple smile can help and a little of patience.

Travel can be stressful especially during the pandemic. Please also review AIHCP’s Anger Management Training Program


The article, “Travel Rage in a Time of a Pandemics :How smiling can defuse a situation?” by Dr. Peter Tarlow looks at travel rage.  He states,

“During the last decade, tourism officials have noted the evolution of various types of anger among those in the general public and especially among those in the traveling public.  This anger first became apparent in the form of road rage then became air-rage, morphed into full-blown travel rage, with verbal anger at times turning into physical violence.  Now in a time of the pandemic, with the public never sure about what is and will be open or closed, we face the newest form of rage: “Travel Pandemic Rage”.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Anger and travel will always exist but with global issues and pandemic, the easy spread of frustration to anger from travelers to employees can grow.  It is important to remain calm, remain patient and work with others.  Please also review AIHCP’s Anger Management Consultant Training and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.


Anger Management Consulting Training Article on Domestic Abuse

Domestic violence is a dangerous situation for men and women.  More so for women, due to the more aggressive nature of men and their physical strength.   Abusers can mentally and physically harm the other partner and it is important to understand the signs of an abuser.  Physical as well as mental and verbal abuse are all negative effects of domestic violence.  Individuals who seek to escape the cycle of abuse face many questions.

Domestic abuse is a serious issue in relationships. Please also review AIHCP’s Anger Management Consulting Training and see if it matches your professional goals


The article, “Domestic and Dating Violence: Fact or Fiction?” from StrongHearts Native Helpline, looks at the facts and fiction of many questions regarding domestic abuse.  The article states,

“There are a lot of commonly held beliefs about domestic violence that can harm victims and keep people from seeking help. StrongHearts Native Helpline unravels some of the myths surrounding domestic violence and sheds light into the darkness of intimate partner violence (IPV).”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review AIHCP’s Anger Management Consulting Training.  The program is independent study and online.  It is offered to qualified professionals who are seeking a certification to help enhance their work in the field of anger management.  Please review the program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.



Anger Management Consulting Certification Article on Mom Rage

Parenting can be stressful.  Parenting during the pandemic for many has been very frustrating beyond stress.  Children not in school and the stress of not knowing when children will return to school has made working parents, also educating parents.  This has not only led to stress but also frustration and anger.  Parents have to learn to manage their stress and anger in more effective ways when dealing with their children during these more difficult pandemic times.

Mom Rage can affect any parent. Please also review our Anger Management Certification Program


The article, “What Is ‘Mom Rage’? How To Manage Anger While Parenting In A Pandemic” by Erica Wollerman looks at the issue of Mom Rage and how it is affecting home life.  She states,

“Mom rage is something that happens when you become so overwhelmed with parenting and emotions related to your child’s behavior, that you snap a bit. You might need to walk away from your child because you feel like you might yell at them. Or, you actually yell at them and lose your cool. Mom rage is not an excuse to be angry and take things out on your child.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review AIHCP’s Anger Management Consulting Certification and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.


Anger Management Training Program Article on Positive Anger

Anger due to inappropriate reactions receives a negative connotation among emotions.  Anger in fact is a response to something that is dangerous or unfair or unjust.  It is a reaction that something is very wrong.  If anger is channeled properly, it is a useful tool.  If one can learn to become only angry in the right way, then it can be very beneficial and be stripped of its negative results.  Anger Management can play a key role in stripping anger of its negative results.

It is important to utilize anger in positive ways. Please also review our Anger Management Training Program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals


The article, “Anger Management: How to Get Angry the Right Way” by Gurudatta Somayaji H looks at how to become angry in a healthy way.  The article states,

“According to psychologists, anger is a normal emotion that always gets negative press. They view that anger is a sign of something which is not right and needs to be addressed quickly. When we take notice of that signal and rectify the problem, we’re usually much better for it. ”

To read the entire article, please click here

Anger Management can help many people who struggle with anger learn how to express it in healthy ways.  Please also review our Anger Management Training Program and see if it matches our academic and professional goals.