Children express loss differently than adults. Depending on the age, children in pre-operational age may understand loss quite differently than older children. Ideas of non-permanence of death, or magical thinking are all common issues that can exist within a child. Furthermore, understanding analogies about death can confuse the child. Many times, parents hide the first experience of death of a pet from a child. This robs the child of learning about death and life. Also, sometimes parents will keep children apart from the process of saying good bye to a dying pet. This to can cause grieving issues for the child.
It is important for children depending on age to play a certain role in understanding and partaking in the event of death. Keeping it hidden or keeping them away from the event does not help the child grieve or learn about life and death itself.
Please also review AIHCP’s Pet Loss Grief Support Certification and see if it matches your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Pet Loss Support.
Humanity in the fallen world has numerous needs to maintain existence. Among the most basic needs are food and water. Instinctively within human nature is a drive for to satisfy hunger and thirst, as well as drives to reproduce. These are natural evolutionary forces that push the human person to exist and perpetuate the species. In Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Maslow lists basic needs of existence as the base of all needs. Following these needs are needs of safety and shelter. Beyond that is a more complex social need of belonging and love. Following this basic social need, is a mental need to perform and succeed in certain areas and talents that help manifest self esteem. Still even beyond those accomplishments, there needs to be a self actualization of self that recognizes one has met one’s fullest potential. Finally, after all these physical, social and mental accomplishments, one needs to find an existential or spiritual idea of meaning and tie that meaning into one’s life (Myers & Dewall, 2019, p. 351). Hence humanity has many needs to find completeness .
When these basic needs are denied or removed, one can experience a sense of loss. Human loss is more than merely losing a loved one but is an assortment of losses that range from the everyday minor issues to other losses that include home, shelter, job, career, relationships, or lack of success. Some of these loses are losses related to physical events, while other losses are more abstract, ambiguous or anticipated (Kastenbaum & Moreman. 2018, p. 374-375).
Attachment is key to any type of loss. John Bowlby observed that the greater the attachment to something, the greater the loss reaction (Kastenbaum & Moreman, 2018, p. 378). Hence grief is a simple formula of losing a vital attachment and learning to adjust without it. The problem is the adjustment. Especially when one considers the core of human needs includes love, being loved and belonging. When someone is ripped away from another, these needs are now unfulfilled and lead to an adjustment period referred to as the bereavement period. Ironically, there is no true period of grieving but a life long reaction to adjustment of the absence of that love. Some proceed through the adjustment period without pathology, while others are able to better cope.
Kubler Ross gave various stages to the adjustment of loss. Denial, anger, sadness, negotiating and acceptance became the 5 classic steps to grieving ( Kastenbaum & Moreman. 2018, p. 380). However, while these emotions clearly are part of the grieving process, one cannot neatly place grief into stages. Grief instead is messy. Grief oscillates from extremes and reverts back and forth between different emotions. (Bonano, G. 2019, p.40). Ultimately, the person must perform the needed grief work to adjust to the new status. The person must search for meaning in the loss (Wolfelt, A.
This is why Robert Neimeyer’s work on Meaning Reconstruction is so key to overall healing. Neimeyer looks to connect past, present and future, pre-loss and post-loss into one story of a person’s life. The loss must be incorporated into the full narrative of the human person (Worden, J. 2009, p. 5-6). This incorporates the loss more fully into the person’s existence and finds meaning in the loss itself. It also helps the individual realize that while the loss and absence of love physically exists, the continued bond in memory and in life itself still exists. The love that was shared is a part of one’s life and continues to shape oneself.
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs clearly illustrates the necessity of love, being loved and belonging, but when these things are torn away through loss, a serious grief reaction occurs and individuals need to understand how to cope and incorporate loss into life.
Motivation to Find the Beloved
In psychological studies, the person is driven by motivation. Motivation is defined as “need or desire that energizes and directs behavior” (Myers & Dewall. 2019, p. 349). In addition to genetic and evolutionary drives, one is also driven to certain goods via an arousal of the psychological state that looks to decrease that desire through obtaining or fulfilling it. This is referred to as Drive-Reduction Theory (Myers and Dewall. 2019, p. 349).
The need and drive finding the beloved after loss is definitely a natural and evolutionary urge. The process of bereavement helps the individual react and adjust through a series of emotions to understand the loss itself. This can be difficult at first to rationally understand, since emotionally charged events are first deciphered through Amygdala. This short road is far more emotional and reactionary to an initial loss (Myers and Dewall. 2019, p. 370). Charged emotions respond to this drive to find the lost or deceased person. This is why denial is so common when a horrible event occurs.
Emotion plays a large role in one’s appetites and how one is pushed towards or pulled away from an object. According to Myers and Dewall, emotion itself is the response of the whole organism from physiological arousal, expressive behaviors and conscious experience (2019, p. 369). Within the list of emotions, many scientists differ what are the core base emotions, but most concede that anger, fear, disgust, sadness and happiness are the basic human emotions (Myers and Dewall. 2019, p.369). Others also include interest, shame, guilt, as well as pride and love (Myers and Dewall. 2019, p. 369).
Obvious sadness is a key emotion related to loss. The desire to return to a normal state of existence and the inability to do so frustrates the will and the absence of the beloved causes intense sadness. Sadness as an emotion helps readjust but it also is beneficial as a social key in illustrating to others a sign of distress. Due to various cues of facial expressions one can infer another person is struggling (Bonano, G. 2019, p. 31). So while the bereaved is motivated internally and naturally to find the deceased, the function of sadness helps the person find adjustment and understanding overtime of the loss.
The drive to continue the bond with the deceased is not pathological, as past Freudian views pointed out ( Kastenbaum & Moreman. 2018, p. 379). Instead it healthy to continue the bond through spiritual practice or memorialization. Successful grieving in fact involves this continuation of the bond (Bonano, G. (2019, p. 140). However, there are limits to healthy continuation of the bond and pathological. Healthy coping will continue the bond in a non maladaptive way that accepts the loss and permits everyday existence but unhealthy bonding can be illustrated in cases such as clinging to possessions of the deceased (Bonano, G. 2019, p. 141). This clinging is far different than keeping a few objects, but this pathological reaction involves extreme hoarding of past possessions and refusal to move forward. In fact, in some cases, the room is left perfectly as was prior to the death (Bonano, G. 2019. p.140).
Hence one can understand the extreme motivational drive and need to maintain a bond with the deceased even after the death has occurred. It is a healthy drive but one that needs moderated.
Psychological needs to love, be loved, belong and maintain those bonds is a key drive within the human person. When these things are frustrated, the drive continues to push forward in the process of bereavement. Overtime, this drive adjusts but it takes time to adjust to loss.
Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification and see if it matches your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Grief Counseling.
“Exploring Psychology” 11th Edition. Myers, D & Dewall, N. (2019). Worth Publishers: Macmillan Learning, NY
“Other Side of Sadness”. Bonano, G. (2019). Basic Books, NY.
“Death, Society and Human Experience” 12th Edition. Kastenbaum, R. & Moreman, C. (2018). Routledge, NY and London.
“Understanding Your Grief” 2nd Edition. Wolfelt, A. (2021). Companion, Fort Collins, CO.
“Grief Counseling and Grief Therapy”. 4th Edition. Worden, J. (2009). Springer Publishing Company, NY
Additional Resources
“Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs”. Mcleod, S. (2023). Simply Psychology. Access here
“The Value of Sadness”. Firestone, L. (2015). Psychology Today. Access here
“What is Attachment Theory? Bowlby’s 4 Stages Explained”. Ackerman, C. (2018). Access here
“16 Tips for Continuing Bonds with People We’ve Lost”. Williams, L. (2014). What’s Your Grief? Access here
Humanity in the fallen world has numerous needs to maintain existence. Among the most basic needs are food and water. Instinctively within human nature is a drive for to satisfy hunger and thirst, as well as drives to reproduce. These are natural evolutionary forces that push the human person to exist and perpetuate the species. In Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Maslow lists basic needs of existence as the base of all needs. Following these needs are needs of safety and shelter. Beyond that is a more complex social need of belonging and love. Following this basic social need, is a mental need to perform and succeed in certain areas and talents that help manifest self esteem. Still even beyond those accomplishments, there needs to be a self actualization of self that recognizes one has met one’s fullest potential. Finally, after all these physical, social and mental accomplishments, one needs to find an existential or spiritual idea of meaning and tie that meaning into one’s life (Myers & Dewall, 2019, p. 351). Hence humanity has many needs to find completeness . Obviously in this search and motivation, the only fulfilling source of happiness is God. God is the ultimate source of happiness that can never be taken or stolen but promises infinite and eternal happiness that meets every human need.
Humanity still nonetheless experiences needs in the fallen world that fall short of the perfect End which is God. Throughout life, there are a multitude of illusionary goods that can distract the person from the true good. In psychological studies, the person is driven by motivation. Motivation is defined as “need or desire that energizes and directs behavior” (Myers & Dewall. 2019, p. 349). In addition to genetic and evolutionary drives, one is also driven to certain goods via an arousal of the psychological state that looks to decrease that desire through obtaining or fulfilling it. This is referred to as Drive-Reduction Theory (Myers and Dewall. 2019, p. 349).
In addition to drive, human nature is also guided by arousal. Some motivated behaviors increase arousal instead of decrease it (Myers and Dewall. 2019, p. 349). The Yerkes-Dodson Law points out that optimal performance exists when moderate arousal is present (Myers and Dewall. 2019, p. 350). Hence certain levels of arousal can be detrimental to overall human performance when not properly moderated.
Morality and Human Needs
These Psychological concepts help explain many of the inner workings of why a person is motivated to certain a good or need, but Moral Theology completes the story through spiritual explanation of the inner moving of the intellect and will. In Thomistic Philosophy, the soul is comprised of the intellect and will. The intellect processes information from the senses and is guided by the conscience in judgement. The will is the motivational force behind human decisions. Like in Psychology, the will seeks needs and ascertains the good of each need. Due to humanity’s fallen nature, sometimes this decision can be in contradiction to true moral good and the conscience.
St Thomas Aquinas refers to two types of human appetites within the will. The two he lists are the Concupiscible Appetite and the Irascible Appetite ( Aquinas. Summae Theologica). The Concupiscible Appetite’s formal object is a sensible good or evil, which is easily obtained while the Irascible Appetite’s formal object is a more abstract good which is arduous or difficult to obtain ( Aquinas. Summa Theologica). In regards to the Concupiscible Appetite, it is attracted to passions and emotions such as love or hate, desire or aversion, or joy and sorrow in regards to the sensible object (Aquinas. Summae Theologica). In regards to the Irascible Appetite, it deals with things that are difficult to attain and attached to emotions such as hope or despair, fear or daring, or anger (Aquinas. Summae Theologica). In essence, the Concupiscible Appetite deals with direct objects or sensible objects, while the Irascible Appetite deals with more abstract objects. In addition, the will interprets direct objects of the Concupiscible Appetite as they appear good or evil, while the Irascible Appetite is directed towards goods as they present themselves as something good or evil that might be difficult to achieve (Aquinas. Summae Theologica).
Hence emotion plays a large role in one’s appetites and how one is pushed towards or pulled away from an object. According to Myers and Dewall, emotion itself is the response of the whole organism from physiological arousal, expressive behaviors and conscious experience (2019, p. 369). Within the list of emotions, many scientists differ what are the core base emotions, but most concede that anger, fear, disgust, sadness and happiness are the basic human emotions (Myers and Dewall. 2019, p.369). Others also include interest, shame, guilt, as well as pride and love (Myers and Dewall. 2019, p. 369).
Ultimately, in Moral Theology, humanity’s broken nature due to Original Sin, prevents one from controlling one’s passions and emotions. The control our first father, Adam, experienced in the Garden has been corrupted and his descendants experience an ability to control emotion. This can be seen in the Amygdala. When emotional situations are perceived they can travel two ways. In the case of fear, the stimuli can travel the high road through Thalamus and Cortex which later proceeds through the Amygdala with a thought out emotional response, or it can take the faster low road with involves less thought since it is first processed through Amygdala (Myers and Dewall. 2019, p. 370). This leads to emotional outbursts and reactions.
One can see loss of control in many individuals. Whether utter fear, anger, or lust, one can lose control. The Holy Spirit gives humanity four cardinal virtues to help regulate the moral life. Among one of the most important related to emotional control is Temperance. Temperance helps curb emotional desires in moderation. Christians need to pray to the Holy Spirit and help cultivate this virtue in their daily moral life to better curb the Concupiscible Appetite’s desires and direct all deeds to the greater honor and glory of God. Furthermore, when Temperance is tied with the moral virtue of Prudence one can better discern good and evil within the Irascible Appetite’s abstract desires.
To lead a better moral life, one must understand that humanity is broken via Original Sin. While Psychology can give some explanations how these broken processes still operate, it is imperative that Christians take responsibility for their actions. While culpability can be lessened due to emotional outburst, it does not remove consequences or total culpability. One must constantly look to control their emotional actions and desires with direct and indirect objects. This involves prayer, fasting and denial. It involves following the example of Christ who taught temperance and moderation, as well as prayer to the Holy Spirit to supply the necessary graces to overcome one’s fallen nature on Earth.
Please also review AIHCP’s Christian Counseling Certification. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Christian Counseling.
“Exploring Psychology”. Myers and Dewall. (2019). Worth Publishers: Macmillan Learning, New York. 11th Ed.
“The Summa Theologiæ of St. Thomas Aquinas”. Second and Revised Edition, 1920. Online: New Advent. Access here
Additional Resources
“Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs”. Cherry, K. (2022). VeryWellMind. Access here
“Emotions”. Psychology Today Staff. Psychology Today. Access here
“The 6 Types of Basic Emotions and Their Effect on Human Behavior”. Cherry, K. (2022). VeryWellMind. Access here
With several people battling addiction and mental health, addiction and mental health present major global issues today.
For the general public, it’s crucial to understand the relationship between addiction and mental health. Moreover, it’s also important for the successful treatment and recovery of the user’s daily lifestyle.
Let’s delve into the complex relationship between addiction and mental health and provide insight on how to navigate these challenges. That said, if you’re facing any mental health issues, we strongly recommend professional insight to guide you through the right process for treatment and recovery.
What is Addiction, and How Does it Impact Someone’s Life?
Addiction is a chronic, overwhelming, and emotional condition characterized by a compulsion to engage in specific behaviors or consume substances, despite understanding their harmful consequences. Addiction affects people’s mental and physical health in undesirable ways.
In the United States, numerous Community Health Recovery Centers are dedicated to assisting individuals nationwide who are battling drug addiction. Ohio, in particular, is home to a number of these centers that prioritize providing effective treatment plans and comprehensive support. These centers recognize the significance of tailored care and offer a wide array of evidence-based treatments, therapy, and counseling services to address the unique circumstances of each individual. Emphasizing personalized approaches, Ohio Community Health Recovery Centers empower individuals to regain control of their recovery journey and work towards long-lasting well-being. These centers are essential resources within Ohio’s healthcare landscape, fostering a compassionate environment where individuals can find the support they need to overcome addiction and rebuild their lives.
Most of the time, addiction results in a lack of self-control, which in turn affects personal relationships with friends, family, and even one’s overall daily routine. Addiction, in general, can lead to serious financial, legal, and physical health problems.
Also, addiction worsens feelings of anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems. That’s why overcoming addiction requires an expert’s assistance and adherence to a complete treatment plan.
The Relationship Between Drug Addiction and Mental Health
The relationship between drug addiction and mental health reveals to you how important self-awareness and rehabilitation facilities are.
Recovery facilities play an important role in providing treatment to individuals battling addiction and mental health conditions alongside the support of friends and loved ones.
The Link Between Addiction and Mental Health
Addiction and mental health illnesses often coexist and can significantly impact one another. This connection is influenced by some factors, such as:
Self-Medication: People struggling with mental health have a high chance of using illegal substances to self-medicate and deal with negative emotions like anxiety, depression, or trauma.
Neurochemical Imbalance: Addiction and mental health problems can ruin the delicate normal balance of neurotransmitters in the brain, which can really increase the chance of co-occurring illnesses in your physical body.
Genetic Predisposition: Most people are likely to get addicted to drugs because of their family genes. A family history of substance addiction or mental illness can significantly raise the chances of increasing these problems.
Common Co-occurring Disorders
Anxiety Disorders: Health disorders like panic and social anxiety disorder usually come with addiction. Anxiety-related stress can motivate people to seek comfort through the use of drugs.
Depression: Depression results from continued use of drugs. People use drugs or substances to numb their emotional anguish in the meantime or ease their feelings by getting high.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): Traumatic experiences from the past can cause PTSD. It is causing people to self-medicate with drugs just to avoid disturbing dreams that are running through their heads.
Integrated Treatment Approaches
Integrated treatment approaches have been proven to be effective in the past years. They efficiently help address the complicated relationship between addiction and mental health.
Dual Diagnosis Assessment: This is an assessment and diagnosis of addiction and mental health issues required to develop a tailored treatment strategy. It helps concurrently address the patient’s conditions.
Comprehensive Therapies: Treatments such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and trauma-focused therapy are proven to help patients live healthier lives. They also help deal with traumatic situations and manage many health disorders simultaneously.
These treatments are recommended by experts for someone who is battling drug problems.
Medication Management: In some cases, it can be helpful to use medication to treat mental health problems and speed up the recovery process. In fact, it’s highly recommended by mental health experts most of the time. That said, close medical expert supervision is needed to guarantee safe and effective use.
Support Groups: Participating in support groups, such as 12-step programs or group therapy, can help people expand their knowledge and understanding. Peer support is also recommended for the long-term rehabilitation process.
A solid support system is essential in addition to professional treatment. This includes family, friends, or support groups that are used with the difficulties linked with addiction.
Seeking Professional Help: Recovery Centers and Addiction Treatment
Recovery centers are places specialized in offering full care for addiction and mental health problems. These recovery centers hire professionals with experience to help people with specific addictions and mental health issues.
Here are some of the following reasons why a rehab center is recommended:
Expertise: Staff members at rehab centers specialize in addiction treatment. They have tons of experience in managing co-occurring mental health problems.
Holistic Approach: Most recovery plans take what we call a “holistic” approach to treatment. This means that they focus more on the person’s physical, emotional, and mental health.
Safe and Supportive Environment: Recovery centers are built to provide a safe and supportive environment. They also encourage healing and growth with proper treatment.
Why is Having a Strategy for Addiction Rehabilitation Important?
Recovery methods are important for a lot of different reasons. The first reason is to get help in stopping addiction and abuse of substances.
Secondly, the treatment for addiction offers a safe and supportive place for addicts or individuals with a history of substance abuse. They focus on minimizing the triggers and promoting healing. Rehabilitation facilities advise creating proper coping methods, improving relationships, and restoring individuals’ lives.
Lastly, when helping in rehab facilities that are battling addiction it’s more likely that the person will stay healthy. It also reduces the chance of a return or relapse, helping people get back to their normal lives and live a happy life without drug abuse.
Key Takeaways
There is a definite link between addiction and mental health and dealing with both is important for long-term healing. These said treatment methods help deal with these problems at the same time can help people heal and change in a better way.
Getting help from a rehabilitation center is the best way to get support and therapy. They can help individuals beat addiction and overcome other mental health problems.
People take charge of their lives, improve their health, and find a way to long-term recovery.
Remember that the first step toward a better and healthy future for someone with a drug problem is to get the correct information and help from experts.
By Joseph Gilmore
“Joseph Gilmore has been in the addiction industry for six years, including experience working with addiction treatment facilities all across the country. He is passionate about helping people learn more about the dangers of substance abuse and helping people get the assistance they need to fight back against addiction”
Please also review AIHCP’s Certificate Program for Substance Abuse Practitioner and see if it meets your academic and professional goals. These programs are online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification.
Stressful events upset our inner self. They cause anxiety, worry and mental anguish. Life stress which occurs daily but is not necessarily deadly is the one of the worst stresses because it causes the same inner reactions than life threatening stress. The body reacts and activates the Fight or Flight Response which in turn informs the adrenal glands to produce various hormones such as cortisol and epinephrine to prepare the body for a struggle. The heart rate increases, the blood vessels constrict, the muscles tighten and any resources are utilized to prepare the body to defend, flee or fight.
It is hence very important to mentally calm oneself when mundane day to day events occur. Mindfulness is one way to do this. Meditation and relaxation in the moment is key to keeping the inner systems of the body calmer. It is about recognizing the situation, the stress itself, and also subjectively modifying one’s response to it. Hence it is cognitive but also physiological. One utilizes the meditation to activate the body’s Parasympathetic System which reverses many of the Fight or Fight reactions found in the Sympathetic System. Through this, the blood pressure lowers, the heart rate decreases, the vessels relax, the muscles unconstrict and the mind finds ease. Fortunately, anyone can learn Mindfulness Meditation and apply this to everyday situations.
One stressful situation that this can be applied to is the visit to the dentist. For many, there is a true fear and trauma in visiting the dentist. Maybe a child one had a difficult experience, or even as an adult, one fears any type of medical procedure. As each day becomes closer to the appointment there can be a build up of anxiety and stress. The body and mind become more occupied with the visit and stressed hence producing a stress response in the body. The day of the appointment, the anxiety may even be higher and upon arrival, one may in a high state of stress. Mindfulness Meditation can help negate the effects of stress on the body and help ease the mind prior to a visit.
In the article, “How Mindfulness Can Ease Your Dental Anxiety. Even if You Don’t Love Meditating” by Heather Beasley Doyle, the usefulness of Mindfulness prior to dental visits is explored. The article speaks of an interview with a dental professional who utilized Mindfulness not only for dental students but also as a way to help patients better prepare for their visit. The article states,
“For patients anticipating a stressful procedure, I think diaphragmatic breathing is probably the most effective, easiest way to ease their anxiety. It’s called the three-part breath. It uses the diaphragm, the lungs, and then the upper chest. You start by breathing from the belly, into your lungs, and then you lift your collarbone as you breathe into your chest. Then you exhale on a long slow breath that’s twice as long as the inhale. It engages the parasympathetic nervous system, and it’s a very conscious and effective way to relax the body, the nervous system, and to focus the mind.”
“How Mindfulness Can Ease Your Dental Anxiety. Even if You Don’t Love Meditating”. Beasley Doyle, H. (2023). Tufts Now.
Dentist anxiety, also known as dental phobia or odontophobia, is a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by intense fear or anxiety related to dental visits and procedures. This fear can be so overwhelming that it prevents individuals from seeking necessary dental care, leading to a decline in their oral health.
The impact of dentist anxiety on oral health is significant. Avoiding dental visits can result in untreated dental problems such as tooth decay, gum disease, and oral infections. Neglecting oral health can also lead to more serious conditions, including tooth loss and systemic health issues like cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
The benefits of meditation for managing anxiety
Meditation, a practice that involves focusing the mind and achieving a state of calm and relaxation, has been proven to be an effective tool for managing anxiety. It offers a wide range of benefits for both mental and physical well-being. Regular meditation practice can help reduce stress, promote emotional stability, enhance self-awareness, and improve overall health.
When it comes to dentist anxiety, meditation can be particularly beneficial. By calming the mind and soothing the nervous system, meditation can help individuals manage their fears and anxieties associated with dental visits. It allows individuals to cultivate a sense of inner peace and tranquility, making it easier to face dental procedures with a greater sense of calm and control.
How meditation can specifically help with dentist anxiety
Meditation provides a variety of specific techniques and approaches that can help individuals overcome dentist anxiety. One such technique is mindfulness meditation, which involves focusing one’s attention on the present moment without judgment. By practicing mindfulness, individuals can learn to observe their anxious thoughts and emotions without getting caught up in them. This allows for a greater sense of detachment and a reduction in the intensity of anxiety.
Another helpful meditation technique is guided imagery. This involves visualizing positive and calming images, such as serene landscapes or peaceful scenes, to create a sense of relaxation and well-being. By engaging the imagination in this way, individuals can create a mental escape from their dental anxieties and replace them with more positive and calming thoughts.
Breathing exercises are also commonly used in meditation to promote relaxation. Deep, slow breathing can help activate the body’s relaxation response and reduce anxiety. By focusing on the breath during dental procedures, individuals can maintain a state of calm and reduce the physical symptoms associated with anxiety, such as rapid heartbeat and tense muscles.
Techniques for incorporating meditation into your dental routine
Incorporating meditation into your dental routine can help make dental visits more manageable and less anxiety-provoking. Here are some techniques to consider:
Pre-dental meditation: Before your dental appointment, set aside a few minutes to practice meditation. Find a quiet space where you can sit comfortably and focus on your breath or use guided meditation apps or videos specifically designed for dental anxiety. This can help you enter the dental office with a calmer state of mind.
During dental procedures: Practice mindfulness and deep breathing during dental procedures. Focus on your breath and try to keep your attention in the present moment. Whenever anxiety arises, acknowledge it without judgment and gently bring your attention back to your breath. This can help distract your mind from anxious thoughts and promote a sense of relaxation.
Post-dental meditation: After your dental visit, take some time to relax and restore your calm. Spend a few minutes engaging in a mindfulness practice or listening to a guided meditation that focuses on relaxation and self-care. This can help you process any residual anxiety and maintain a positive mindset towards future dental visits.
Finding the right meditation style for you
There are various meditation styles to choose from, and finding the one that resonates with you is essential for overcoming dentist anxiety. Here are a few popular styles to consider:
Mindfulness meditation: This style focuses on being fully present in the moment and observing thoughts and emotions without judgment. It can help build resilience to anxious thoughts and cultivate a sense of calm.
Loving-kindness meditation: This practice involves directing well-wishes and compassion towards oneself and others. It can foster feelings of self-acceptance and reduce self-criticism, which can be helpful for managing dental anxiety.
Transcendental meditation: Transcendental meditation involves the use of a mantra or repeated sound to achieve a state of deep relaxation. It can help calm the mind and reduce anxiety.
Experiment with different meditation styles and see which one resonates with you the most. Remember that meditation is a personal practice, and what works for one person may not work for another. Find the style that brings you the most peace and tranquility.
Additional strategies for overcoming dentist anxiety
In addition to meditation, there are several other strategies you can employ to overcome dentist anxiety:
Communication with your dentist: Openly discuss your fears and anxieties with your dentist. A compassionate and understanding dentist can help alleviate your concerns and create a more comfortable dental experience for you.
Gradual exposure: If your anxiety is severe, consider gradually exposing yourself to dental visits. Start with short, non-invasive procedures and gradually work your way up to more complex treatments. This incremental approach can help desensitize you to dental anxiety over time.
Relaxation techniques: In addition to meditation, practice other relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or listening to calming music. These techniques can help you relax before, during, and after dental visits.
Distraction techniques: Engage in activities that distract your mind during dental procedures. Bring a book, listen to music, or use noise-canceling headphones to focus on something other than the dental environment.
The link between stress and oral health
It is essential to recognize the link between stress and oral health. Stress can have a detrimental impact on oral health by contributing to conditions such as bruxism (teeth grinding), temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ), and gum disease. By managing stress through meditation and other stress-reduction techniques, you can significantly improve your oral health and overall well-being.
Tips for maintaining a healthy smile despite anxiety
Despite experiencing dentist anxiety, it is crucial to prioritize your oral health. Here are some tips for maintaining a healthy smile:
Maintain a consistent oral hygiene routine: Brush your teeth twice a day, floss daily, and use mouthwash to keep your teeth and gums healthy. A clean mouth reduces the risk of dental problems and promotes overall oral health.
Eat a balanced diet: Opt for a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and low-fat dairy products. This ensures that your teeth receive the essential nutrients they need to stay strong and healthy.
Limit sugary foods and drinks: Sugary foods and drinks can contribute to tooth decay and other dental problems. Limit your consumption of sugary snacks, sodas, and candies to protect your teeth.
Schedule regular dental check-ups: Regular dental check-ups are essential for maintaining good oral health. By visiting your dentist regularly, you can catch any dental issues early and prevent them from progressing into more severe problems.
Seeking professional help for dentist anxiety
If your dentist anxiety is severe and significantly impacts your daily life, it may be beneficial to seek professional help. A mental health professional experienced in treating anxiety disorders can provide you with the necessary tools and techniques to manage your dental phobia effectively. They can guide you through exposure therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, or other evidence-based treatments to help you overcome your fears.
Remember, you are not alone in your dental anxiety, and there is no shame in seeking help. Your oral health is essential, and by addressing your anxiety, you can ensure that you receive the dental care you need for a healthy smile.
Conclusion: Embracing meditation as a tool for oral health and overall well-being
Meditation is a powerful practice that can help individuals overcome dentist anxiety and achieve a healthy smile. By incorporating meditation techniques into your dental routine, you can manage anxiety, reduce stress, and promote a sense of calm during dental visits. Finding the right meditation style for you is key, as everyone’s experience with anxiety is unique. Additionally, employing other strategies such as communication with your dentist, gradual exposure, and relaxation techniques can further support your journey towards overcoming dentist anxiety.
Remember, your oral health is a vital component of your overall well-being. By prioritizing your dental care and seeking professional help if needed, you can embrace meditation as a valuable tool for maintaining a healthy smile and living a happier, more anxiety-free life.
Please also review AIHCP’s Meditation Instructor Program, as well as AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Program. Both programs are online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification. Please review the Meditation and Stress programs and see if they meet your academic and professional goals.
Additional Resources
“Coping with Dental Anxiety”. Higuera, V. (2021). Healthline. Access here
“Easing Dental Fear in Adults”. WebMD Medical Contributers. ( 2021). WebMD. Access here
“How To Deal With Dental Anxiety”. HealthEssentials. (2023). Cleveland Clinic. Access here
“What to know about dental anxiety”. Fletcher, J. (2022). Medical News Today. Access here
ADHD Coaching can help individuals better cope with ADHD in everyday life. ADHD Coaches are not necessarily licensed counselors but healthcare professionals who can help guide individuals in coping with ADHD in more effective ways. ADHD Coaching can also be employed by a licensed counselor as a way to minimize medication or supplement it from a behavioral standpoint. Individuals who suffer from ADHD need coping strategies to better organize their day, prioritize events, stay focused, and reduce the stress of ADHD.
ADHD Coaches can offer a variety of methods to help individuals cope better with ADHD. The article, “Is ADHD Coaching Effective?” by Ugo Uche looks closer at a variety of strategies of how to help individuals cope better with ADHD. He also lists numerous advantages of this type of coaching. He states,
“In conclusion, coaching offers a tailored approach to managing ADHD, providing the tools to navigate the conditions’ challenges. By boosting self-confidence, enhancing organizational skills, and promoting calmness in the face of stress, coaching empowers individuals with ADHD to lead more fulfilling and successful lives.”
“Is ADHD Coaching Effective?”. Uhce, U. (2023). Psychology Today.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects both children and adults. It is characterized by symptoms such as difficulty paying attention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. Individuals with ADHD often find it challenging to focus, stay organized, manage time effectively, and regulate their emotions. These difficulties can have a significant impact on their everyday lives, affecting their academic performance, work productivity, relationships, and overall wellbeing.
Living with ADHD can be overwhelming and frustrating, but it is essential to understand that it is not a reflection of one’s intelligence or abilities. ADHD is a neurobiological condition that requires specialized support to manage its challenges effectively. This is where ADHD coaching comes into play.
The Benefits of ADHD Coaching: How coaching can help individuals with ADHD thrive
ADHD coaching is a collaborative and goal-oriented approach that empowers individuals with ADHD to reach their full potential. Unlike therapy, which focuses on exploring the underlying causes of ADHD symptoms, coaching focuses on practical strategies and techniques to address specific challenges in everyday life.
One of the primary benefits of ADHD coaching is the development of personalized strategies tailored to the individual’s unique strengths and weaknesses. Coaches work closely with their clients to identify areas where they struggle the most and devise effective solutions. These strategies can range from improving time management and organization skills to enhancing communication and relationship-building abilities.
Furthermore, ADHD coaching provides individuals with ADHD a sense of accountability and support. Coaches serve as a trusted partner, providing encouragement, guidance, and feedback throughout the coaching process. This ongoing support helps individuals stay motivated and committed to implementing the strategies discussed during coaching sessions.
ADHD Coaching Strategies: Techniques and approaches used by expert coaches
ADHD coaches employ a variety of strategies and techniques to help individuals with ADHD thrive in their everyday lives. Here are some of the most effective approaches used by expert coaches:
Time Management and Organization: Strategies for managing time effectively and staying organized
Time management and organization are common challenges for individuals with ADHD. ADHD coaches help their clients develop practical strategies to overcome these difficulties. These strategies may include creating a structured daily routine, using visual aids and reminders, breaking tasks into smaller, manageable steps, and utilizing technology tools such as smartphone apps and digital calendars.
Additionally, coaches may assist clients in decluttering their physical and digital spaces to reduce distractions and promote a more organized environment. They also work with clients to develop systems for prioritizing tasks, setting realistic goals, and managing deadlines effectively.
Productivity and Focus: Techniques to improve productivity and maintain focus
Maintaining focus and staying productive can be particularly challenging for individuals with ADHD. ADHD coaches employ various techniques to help their clients improve productivity and sustain attention. These techniques may include implementing the Pomodoro Technique, which involves working in short bursts of focused activity followed by brief breaks. Coaches may also teach clients how to minimize distractions, create an ideal work environment, and use strategies such as visualization and positive reinforcement to stay motivated.
Furthermore, coaches may explore strategies to enhance cognitive function, such as incorporating physical exercise, mindfulness practices, and adequate sleep into their daily routines. These techniques can significantly improve overall focus, attention, and productivity.
Emotional Regulation: Tools for managing emotions and coping with ADHD-related challenges
Emotional dysregulation is a common symptom of ADHD, often leading to impulsive behavior, mood swings, and difficulty coping with stress. ADHD coaches work with their clients to develop effective tools for managing emotions and navigating ADHD-related challenges.
Coaches may teach clients mindfulness techniques, deep breathing exercises, and relaxation strategies to promote emotional regulation. They may also assist individuals in identifying triggers for emotional outbursts and developing coping mechanisms, such as journaling, practicing self-compassion, and seeking social support.
Communication and Relationship Building: Strategies for enhancing communication skills and building positive relationships
Effective communication and positive relationships are essential for success in both personal and professional life. Individuals with ADHD often struggle with social interactions, such as active listening, empathy, and maintaining eye contact. ADHD coaches can help individuals develop these crucial skills.
Coaches may provide guidance on effective communication techniques, such as active listening, paraphrasing, and using non-verbal cues. They may also assist clients in improving their social skills by role-playing various scenarios and providing constructive feedback. Additionally, coaches may work with individuals to develop strategies for building and maintaining positive relationships, both personally and in the workplace.
Self-Care and Wellbeing: Tips for self-care and maintaining overall wellbeing
Taking care of oneself is vital for individuals with ADHD to thrive in everyday life. ADHD coaches emphasize the importance of self-care and provide practical tips for maintaining overall wellbeing.
Coaches may encourage individuals to establish healthy lifestyle habits, such as regular exercise, a balanced diet, and sufficient sleep. They may also teach stress management techniques, such as meditation, relaxation exercises, and engaging in enjoyable hobbies. Furthermore, coaches may guide individuals in setting boundaries, managing their energy levels, and practicing self-compassion.
ADHD Coaching Resources: Books, websites, and other resources for further support
In addition to working with an ADHD coach, individuals with ADHD can benefit from a wide range of resources available to support their journey. These resources include books, websites, podcasts, and online communities dedicated to ADHD.
Some highly recommended books on ADHD coaching and strategies include “The ADHD Advantage” by Dale Archer, “ADHD Coaching: A Guide for Mental Health Professionals” by Frances Prevatt and Abigail Levrini, and “The Disorganized Mind” by Nancy Ratey.
Websites such as CHADD (Children and Adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) and ADDitude offer valuable information, articles, and forums for individuals with ADHD and their families. Podcasts like “ADHD Experts” and “The ADHD Support Talk Radio Show” provide expert advice and personal stories related to ADHD.
Additionally, online communities and support groups, such as Reddit’s r/ADHD subreddit and Facebook groups like “ADHD Support Group,” offer a platform for individuals with ADHD to connect, share experiences, and seek support from others who understand their challenges.
Conclusion: Empowering individuals with ADHD to reach their full potential
ADHD coaching is a powerful tool for individuals with ADHD to overcome challenges, enhance their strengths, and thrive in everyday life. By understanding ADHD, exploring the benefits of coaching, and implementing effective strategies, individuals can empower themselves to reach their full potential.
If you or someone you know is struggling with ADHD, consider seeking the support of an ADHD coach. With their expertise and guidance, individuals with ADHD can develop the skills and strategies necessary to navigate life’s challenges, improve productivity, enhance relationships, and experience overall wellbeing.
Remember, ADHD does not define you. With the right support, you can empower yourself to thrive and lead a fulfilling life. Start your journey towards empowerment today.
If qualified and would like to help others cope better with ADHD, then please also review AIHCP’s ADHD Coaching and Consulting Program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in ADHD Coaching.
Additional Resources
“The Life Coach Guide for ADHD: Strategies for Every Age and Stage”. Leahy, M. (2021). ADDitude. Access here
“Does ADHD coaching work?”. Villines, Z. (2023). MedicalNewsToday. Access here
“What to Do When You Can’t Afford ADHD Coaching”. Ferguson, S. (2021). PsychCentral. Access here
“How ADHD Coaching Can Help Teens and Adults Get Focused”. Lowe, K. (2021). VeryWellMind. Access here
As sentient beings, the human person is composed of past and present events that construe identity. Without a process to recall who one was, then one loses the sense of self. While metaphysically, the wholeness of the individual still exists, the physiological ability to recount past events due to dementia or brain damage can play a detriment to the past self. The process of retaining the past and what has been learned is referred to as memory.
Memory is critical to existence of any organism. The memories can be explicit or implicit. Both are extremely important. Explicit memories refer to one’s conscious memories that are retrieved with effort. They include semantic and episodic events. Semantic refers to factual knowledge, while episodic refers to events. The implicit memory is automatic and can recall more primitive and conditioned responses without effort to recall. These include space and time, motor and cognitive skills and natural reactions learned from classical conditioning. Explicit memories are short term stored in the Hippocampus and long term stored in the cortex, while implicit memories are stored in the more primitive areas of the brain in the Cerebellum and Basal ganglia. These types of memories permit one to live day to day knowing one’s conscious past self as well one’s automatic responses and skills that are imbedded within one’s subconscious.
When an event occurs, our senses interpret the data and the brain encodes, stores and when needed later, retrieves. The neurons in the brain form various interconnections and physiologically capture the abstract thought. In this amazing transfer of abstract to material, memories are kept. Some information is stored temporary in short term memory but more important life events are stored in long term memory. Obviously, the more important the event, the more long lasting the memory. In fact, in intense, traumatic, or critically important moments, the emotional part of the brain and the Amygdala reacts to an event. The body produces more glucose for better brain activity and the event and subsequent memory has a far strong imprint upon the person.
In the case of severe trauma, a smaller percentage of the population is unable to store the memory properly and it becomes fragmented and unable to store to the point where it is not properly integrated first with the Hippocampus and then later with the cortex hence resulting in PTSD. The fragmented memory hence becomes a haunting event that is triggered via sound, scent and place and can manifest in flash backs or nightmares and night terrors.
Memory and Loss
Obviously, some of the most intense memories are loss. When someone a loved one passes away, the vivid nature of the memory is more strong due to the emotional connection and the reaction of the Amygdala to the situation. This leaves a very vivid memory. One can relate to the most detailed accounts of an emotional event, to the event itself, but also side details of the what one felt at the moment, the surrounding environment and people present, while other past memories not emotionally charged or almost completely forgotten and if remembered only in a foggy way. The emotion involved in losing someone charges the brain so much that the memory remains very strong. In fact, the neural networking between neurons is much stronger in an emotional memory.
This is good and “bad”. It is good because it is a critical moment in one’s life but it is “bad” because it causes more pain when retrieving it. Obviously, I put “bad” in quotations only because of the distress associated with the retrieval but very few would ever trade an emotional memory of such critical importance no matter how sad. Hence when recovering from a loss, the memory remains vivid and strong and can be retrieved consciously but also through automatic functioning via scent, sound or place. In many ways, the brain does not wish to forget the event and this is why the more intense the attachment, the more intense the loss reaction. The brain clearly understands love and attachment and it holds very dear the memory of that attachment and has evolutionary designs to ensure the connection beyond the event.
While some memories may hurt, many during the grieving process fear the loss of these memories. While memories of loss are painful, they connect one to the lost loved one. The fear of losing those memories is like losing the person again. Sometimes, individuals will fear even losing the memory of loved one’s face, smile or voice. Fortunately, the strong neural networking for important events allows one to hold tight to the treasured memories of a loved one. Even after reconsolidation, when memory is retrieved and reviewed again with the possibility of altering before being stored again, is less likely in a intense traumatic or eventful memory.
While memory is still not perfect due to injury, or forgetfulness over time, many individuals who lose a loved one are encouraged to memorialize the loss. This is not only critical in acknowleding the loss and also celebrating the relationship in a healthy coping way, but it also permits one to submit additional records beyond one’s memory. A written log in a journal, pictures, or a tribute of some type all strengthen memory of the deceased and ensure a written record of one’s loss.
In addition, sleep and dreams at a subconscious level maintain memory. During sleep many things are encoded into the longer term memory. In dreams, information is processed but also neural networks are strengthened. Unfortunately, traumatic events are also relived albeit in symbolic form. The loss of a loved one is remembered in dreams as the brain recollects the emotional event. While most dreams of a deceased loved one are merely the working of the brain while one sleeps, many contend that in dreams the loved one comes to them in a spiritual way due to the subconscious state of the mind. Many religious and spiritual views contend that dreaming is not only remembering but also a way the deceased can communicate. While empirically this is not possible to test, those of faith maintain these experiences. Science in this case cannot negate or confirm, hence one is left to faith and one’s own subjective experience and belief.
Memories are critical to self. The most important memories and life events are fortunately emotionally charged and hard to forget. This plays a major role in how one processes grief and learns to adjust to the loss itself.
Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification and see if it matches your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Grief Counseling.
“Exploring Psychology”. Myers and DeWall. (2019). Worth Publishers, New York.
Additional Resources
“Healing Your Brain After Loss: How Grief Rewires the Brain”. (2021) The American Brain Foundation. Access here
“What Does Grief Do to Your Brain?”. Pedersen, T. (2022). Psychology Today. Access here
“GOOD GRIEF: HOW MOURNING CAN AFFECT YOUR MEMORY”. Lundstrom, J. SimpleSmartScience. Access here
“Emotions Can Affect Your Memory — Here’s Why and How to Handle It”. Swaim, E. (2022). Healthline. Access here
During fight or flight, the body enters into an evolutionary mode of survival. The body produces various hormones to help one stay alive. These hormones increase blood pressure, elevate awareness, tense muscles and lower digestive functions. Since humanity’s early ancestors, the amygdala in the brain responds to threats or perceived threats. The sense of danger is later translated in the hypothalamus to order the Pituitary gland direct the adrenal glands above the kidneys to release various hormones. Adrenaline is released. In the process, cortisol helps one’s body react to danger by giving the body the energy to flee or fight.
Chronic stress can however lead to higher levels of cortisol which is not good for the body. The article, “How To Lower Your Cortisol Levels Safely, According To Experts” by Dylan Bailey takes a closer look at what high and low levels of cortisol can do to the body overtime and how to find ways to keep it in check. He states,
“Having high cortisol levels in short bursts is helpful, but long-term elevation of this steroid hormone can be damaging, says Nicole Golden, a National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) master trainer and owner of FWF Wellness in Sayre, Pennsylvania. In response to a stressor, cortisol levels are meant to rise in the short term as part of the “fight or flight” response to give you the energy needed to better deal with a temporary stressor or crisis, and even recover from an injury or illness. But, if this happens constantly, serious health complications could occur.”
“How To Lower Your Cortisol Levels Safely, According To Experts”. Baily, D. (2023). Forbes Health
Cortisol, often referred to as the “stress hormone,” is a vital hormone produced by the adrenal glands. It plays a crucial role in various bodily functions and is essential for our overall well-being. Understanding cortisol is key to managing stress and maintaining optimal mental and physical health.
Cortisol is released in response to stress, and its primary function is to help the body cope with challenging situations. It regulates various processes, including metabolism, immune response, and blood pressure. In times of stress, cortisol mobilizes energy by increasing blood sugar levels, providing a burst of energy to deal with the perceived threat.
The importance of cortisol cannot be understated. It helps regulate the sleep-wake cycle, enhances memory and cognitive function, and even influences mood and emotions. However, when cortisol levels become imbalanced due to chronic stress, it can have detrimental effects on our mental and physical well-being.
The role of cortisol in the body: Understanding its functions
Cortisol is involved in a wide range of physiological processes that are essential for our overall health. One of its primary functions is to regulate our body’s response to stress. When we encounter a stressful situation, cortisol is released to increase our alertness and prepare us for fight or flight.
In addition to its stress response role, cortisol also plays a crucial role in regulating our metabolism. It helps break down carbohydrates, proteins, and fats to provide energy for the body. Cortisol also influences blood sugar levels, ensuring a steady supply of glucose to the brain and muscles.
Cortisol has a significant impact on our immune system as well. It helps to suppress inflammation and regulate the immune response. However, chronic elevation of cortisol can weaken the immune system, making us more susceptible to infections and diseases.
The connection between cortisol and stress: How stress affects cortisol levels
Stress is a natural part of life, and our bodies are equipped with a stress response system to help us cope with it. When we encounter a stressful situation, whether physical or psychological, our bodies release cortisol to help us adapt and respond effectively. However, prolonged or chronic stress can disrupt this delicate balance and lead to elevated cortisol levels.
Chronic stress can arise from various sources, such as work pressure, relationship problems, financial difficulties, or traumatic events. When stress becomes chronic, cortisol levels remain elevated for extended periods, which can have adverse effects on our mental and physical health.
Research has shown that high cortisol levels due to chronic stress can contribute to anxiety and depression. Cortisol interacts with neurotransmitters in the brain, influencing our mood and emotions. Excessive cortisol can disrupt the balance of these neurotransmitters, leading to mood disorders.
The impact of cortisol on mental health: Exploring the link between cortisol and anxiety/depression
Cortisol levels play a significant role in mental health, particularly anxiety and depression. Studies have shown that individuals with anxiety disorders tend to have higher cortisol levels, especially in situations that trigger anxiety. This suggests a potential link between cortisol and the development or exacerbation of anxiety disorders.
Similarly, depression has also been associated with cortisol dysregulation. People with depression often exhibit abnormal cortisol patterns, such as elevated levels in the evening or flattened diurnal rhythms. This disruption in cortisol secretion can contribute to the persistence and severity of depressive symptoms.
It is important to note that while cortisol dysregulation may contribute to anxiety and depression, it is not the sole cause. Mental health disorders are complex, and various factors, including genetics, environment, and neurotransmitter imbalances, also play a role.
Cortisol and physical health: Examining the effects of cortisol on the immune system, metabolism, and weight gain/loss
Cortisol’s impact extends beyond mental health and affects various aspects of our physical well-being. One crucial area is the immune system. Cortisol regulates the immune response and helps prevent excessive inflammation. However, chronic elevation of cortisol can impair immune function, making us more susceptible to illnesses and infections.
Metabolism is another vital area influenced by cortisol. In times of stress, cortisol promotes the breakdown of stored energy sources, such as glycogen and fat, to provide the body with the necessary fuel. However, prolonged elevation of cortisol can lead to increased appetite, particularly for high-calorie foods, leading to weight gain.
On the other hand, chronic stress and high cortisol levels can also lead to weight loss in some individuals. Cortisol can accelerate muscle breakdown and inhibit muscle growth, leading to decreased muscle mass and overall weight loss.
Understanding the effects of cortisol on our physical health is crucial for maintaining a balanced lifestyle and preventing long-term health complications.
Chronic cortisol elevation: The dangers of prolonged high cortisol levels
While cortisol is essential for our survival and well-being, chronic elevation of cortisol can have severe consequences. Prolonged exposure to high cortisol levels can lead to a range of health issues, both physical and mental.
One of the primary concerns is the impact on cardiovascular health. Elevated cortisol levels can increase blood pressure and promote the deposition of cholesterol in the arteries, increasing the risk of heart disease and stroke. Chronic stress and cortisol dysregulation have also been linked to conditions such as diabetes and metabolic syndrome.
Furthermore, chronic cortisol elevation can have detrimental effects on cognition and memory. Excessive cortisol can impair memory retrieval and cognitive function, leading to difficulties with concentration, decision-making, and problem-solving.
It is important to recognize the signs of chronic cortisol elevation, such as persistent fatigue, weight gain, mood swings, and sleep disturbances. Seeking professional help and implementing strategies to manage stress and regulate cortisol levels are crucial for preventing long-term health complications.
Managing cortisol levels: Tips for reducing stress and regulating cortisol production
Managing stress effectively is key to maintaining balanced cortisol levels and promoting optimal well-being. Here are some practical tips for reducing stress and regulating cortisol production:
Practice stress-reducing techniques: Engage in activities such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, yoga, or mindfulness to help calm the mind and relax the body.
Prioritize self-care: Take time for yourself and engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation. This can include hobbies, spending time in nature, or engaging in creative outlets.
Maintain a healthy lifestyle: Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep play a crucial role in managing stress and regulating cortisol production.
Seek social support: Surround yourself with a supportive network of friends and family who can provide emotional support during challenging times.
Set boundaries: Learn to say no and prioritize your well-being. Establishing healthy boundaries can help reduce stress and prevent overload.
Implementing these strategies can help reduce stress and promote a healthier balance of cortisol in the body.
Testing cortisol levels: How to measure and monitor cortisol in the body
If you suspect that your cortisol levels may be imbalanced, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional. They can perform tests to measure and monitor cortisol levels in your body.
The most common method of testing cortisol is through a saliva or blood test. Saliva tests are non-invasive and can be done at home. They measure cortisol levels at specific times of the day to assess the diurnal rhythm. Blood tests provide a more comprehensive picture of cortisol levels but require a visit to a healthcare facility.
Interpreting cortisol test results should be done in consultation with a healthcare professional, as they can provide insights into your specific situation and guide you towards appropriate interventions if necessary.
Natural ways to balance cortisol: Lifestyle changes, diet, and supplements that can help regulate cortisol levels
In addition to stress management techniques, certain lifestyle changes, dietary choices, and supplements can help regulate cortisol levels naturally. Here are some suggestions:
Get regular exercise: Engaging in regular physical activity can help reduce stress and regulate cortisol production. Aim for a mix of aerobic exercises, strength training, and mind-body practices like yoga or tai chi.
Adopt a balanced diet: Consume a diet rich in whole foods, including fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Avoid excessive caffeine and refined sugars, as they can contribute to cortisol dysregulation.
Prioritize sleep: Establish a consistent sleep routine and aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night. Poor sleep can disrupt cortisol rhythms and contribute to stress.
Consider adaptogenic herbs: Adaptogens like ashwagandha, rhodiola, and holy basil have been traditionally used to support the body’s stress response and regulate cortisol levels. Consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplements.
Practice relaxation techniques: Incorporate techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation, guided imagery, or aromatherapy to promote relaxation and reduce stress.
Remember, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional before making any significant changes to your lifestyle or starting new supplements.
Conclusion: Understanding the importance of cortisol in maintaining overall well-being
Cortisol plays a vital role in our mental and physical well-being. It helps regulate our stress response, metabolism, immune function, and various other physiological processes. However, chronic stress and elevated cortisol levels can have adverse effects on our health, leading to mental health disorders, compromised immune function, weight gain or loss, and other complications.
By understanding the science behind cortisol and implementing strategies to manage stress effectively, we can maintain a healthier balance of cortisol in our bodies. Prioritizing self-care, engaging in stress-reducing activities, and adopting a balanced lifestyle can go a long way in promoting optimal mental and physical well-being.
Remember, if you suspect any imbalances in cortisol levels, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional who can provide personalized guidance and support. Take control of your stress levels and nurture your overall well-being.
Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Program. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Stress Management.
Additional Readings
“What Are the Symptoms and Causes of High Cortisol Levels?”. Santos-Longhurst, A. (2023). Healthline. Access here
When someone is physically ill with symptoms one goes to one’s physician. When someone is sick or ill, others do not consider it a handicap. If one has diabetes, they do not discriminate or spread gossip in a negative way. Yet, the moment someone has a mental health issue, various nicknames or prejudices emerge that the person is weak or even worst crazy. Society has laid a stigma upon the idea of mental health as not a legitimate health issue and makes individuals ashamed of their condition or and feel foolish to seek help.
One can see it in social norms that demand men should never cry, or one should get tougher when it gets life gets rough. No wonder there is a mental illness crisis in the United States with numerous mentally ill not receiving care and some even resorting to suicide or mass shootings. While those who engage in anti social behavior are of the most smallest percentage of those facing mental issues, there are millions who suffer from unresolved trauma, depression, bi-polar, anxiety, ADHD, OCD and a host of other conditions. If individuals would treat their mental health as their physical health, many would lead far more happier and productive lives.
Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification as well as AIHCP’s other multiple mental health certifications in Anger Management, Stress Management, Crisis Intervention and Substance Abuse Practitioner. The programs are online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in any of the above programs.
The anxiety and pain associated with a misplaced loved one is tremendous. A parent that discovers a son or daughter soldier that is overseas that becomes missing in action, or a lost child, if even for those first seconds at a store are intense pains. The continuing agony over the next days, months and years lead to a unresolved and ambigiuous grief that has no ending or conclusion to heal from. The constant suffering of wondering what happened can torture the soul. The desire to hope can also be a paradox. On one side, hope can be inspirational, but on the other side, it can become delusional and a prevention from acceptance and adaptation to the loss. This deep fog of grief with no conclusion can lead individuals to variety paths of despair or unhealthy hope.
Unresolved Loss in Losing a Pet
It is important to not forget pet owners. This disenfranchised group many times are overlooked in pet deaths. The common quirks that is only a cat or dog, or one can simply get another one are all too common insensitive remarks that pet owners are exposed to. It is no wonder then, that pet owners are sometimes also forgotten when a pet is stolen or lost. It is important to not assume that many of the same feelings of anxiety and depression are not present for a pet owner.
In fact, a pet owner who loses a dog or cat, or has a pet stolen will indeed experience the same questions. They will wonder what happened, or if my pet is OK, or if my pet is hurt, or if my pet is being treated horribly and these thoughts will torture them. As the years go by, the same imprint of doubt will exist within the pet owner. They will experience the same trauma as any person who loses a loved one. Of course, some pet owners, may not form attachments with their pets, as some, but for those who understand the true bond between human and pet, the pain remains the same.
Imagine losing a dog and never knowing what became of the once beloved dog that everyday welcomed you home and depended on your love and care? When dogs or cats or horses or other pets are lost or stolen, the same fears, doubts and anxiety exist in pet owners. There is also the same decision to give up hope or to continue the belief that maybe one day one will be reunited. There is also the emotion of falling into complete despair and giving up. Ultimately, the inability to form some type of conclusion as to what happened to one’s pet can keep one up all night. Unlike, a pet who had died, one is left with terrifying thoughts of what possibly could have happened. Was my pet hit by a car and left to the side of the road? Was my pet mistreated by some unscrupulous person? Was my pet hopefully found by a loving person?
Sometimes good things can happen. For those lamenting the most horrible, allow me to introduce one small story. My family discovered one day on the side of the road a beautiful black and white Siberian Husky. As a family that loves Siberian Huskies, my family immediately retrieved the hungry and tired boy and fed him and gave him shelter. Various online and paper ads were given out but to no answer. After numerous months, the Siberian Husky became well adjusted to his new family and other dogs. He lived a long 8 to 10 years and had a very loving and peaceful happy death.
Hope, Despair, Guilt, Blame
So hope or despair? How the mind copes in unresolved grief varies on individuals. Resiliency, support mechanisms, and outlooks all vary from person to person in these types of losses. It important to note that since it grants no finality, this type of grief is prolonged, can lead to severe anxiety and also develop into depression. When individuals fail to cope, they can lose interest in daily life and activities. They can also start to isolate and find little joy in life. When these situations occur, it is imperative to find the proper professional counseling that can help with cognitive therapies or provide necessary medications. Some pet owners may also in their despair enter into extreme guilt. They will second guess their choices or wish they would have done this or that, or they may have been temporarily angry at their pet before the pet went missing. These issues of guilt will need addressed in counseling and logically dismissed. There is also the issue of resentment and blaming of other family members who may have made a mistake in letting the pet loose. In these events, all parties are deeply hurt and sad and once passed the raw emotion, it is time to move past and forgive. The reality is one’s pet is greatly loved and despite short comings or mistakes, or could have or would have scenarios, one needs to focus on the love that was shared not the mistakes or temporary emotions.
If one chooses to hope, then this should not be dismissed. Obviously, one must identify pathological hoping that places unrealistic expectations and negative coping. For instance, if one feels they can never again leave the house for fear they may miss the return of their dog, or develop sleep disorders for fear of missing the sound of a bark, then an individual may need professional help, but if one wishes to push forth hope in productive ways, then it can be a beneficial way to help adjust to the loss itself.
Many individuals who deal with unresolved grief through missing persons utilize their energy in ways to produce social change. For MIA soldiers, many families may form organizations or movements that bring recognition to it. Some who lose a pet may feel the need to supply helpful tips to prevent losing a pet or bring recognition to various animal shelters, or be a voice against animal abuse. In this way, their energy and loss bears some fruit and value and ultimately allows one to find some purpose in the loss itself.
How Can I Prevent Losing a Dog or Cat or Horse?
Despite all best efforts, a pet can get loose, run away, or be stolen but there are some preventative measures one can take to minimize these things. First, it is important to tag your animal with a collar with appropriate contact information. Second, all pets should be electronically chipped. One can even list on the tag that your pet is electronically chipped if someone finds your pet. In addition, one can have trackers put into a pet’s collar that sends information to one’s cell phone. Of course, this is only as good as the collar staying around the pet’s neck and the device’s battery charge. Third, be sure that your surrounding neighbors know your pet and his or her name. Fourth, secure your home. Ensure visitors understand that doors need shut and windows need closed. Many individuals need to build fences around their home. Ensure your fence is equipped for the task and make any modifications needed. Fifth, purchase proper collars and walking gear that is equipped for the breed’s urges and size. Sixth, when walking your pets, let them know their surroundings. Let them mark the surrounding areas and teach them the word “home” in case they ever become lost. Seventh, train your pet to return when called upon. Treat and positive reinforcement for returning upon call are critical. Eighth, know your breed. Some cats may be outside cats and return, other may be more nomadic. In regards to dogs, some breeds have great homing abilities, while other breeds like Siberian Huskies, will run and run until they become completely lost. Some breeds may chase small mammals and become easily lost as well.
When losing a pet, it is important to discern when. Quickly running out and looking is imperative to tracking down a pet but unfortunately sometimes, pets vanish when while one is away or asleep or preoccupied, it is important to be decisive within the first hours, days and weeks. In my personal experience, I have lost pets from 20 minutes to 2 hours to a full week. Every single one of incidents is an anxiety ridden and fear filled episode of life. So it is critical to be proactive early. After searching and calling friends and family and even stopping every stranger on road if he or she has seen one’s pet, one must remain proactive. This includes calling all vet clinics. If one’s pet is chipped, there is a good chance a good Samaritan will take one’s pet to a local vet. The more clinics called, the better chances of finding one’s pet if indeed he or she was picked up. In addition to animal clinics, one should also contact animal shelters and any municipal animal centers as well as fire, police and mail services. In addition, posting on FB and other social media platforms can be extremely helpful. Numerous times, individuals post they have found a dog. In fact, this is how I found one of my Siberian Husky’s through a random person on a bike who said he had seen the description of my dog on his feed. (Miraculous). Yet despite the 21st Century many social marvels, do not discount the power of basic 20th Century social contacting by merely posting a picture on a telephone pole or listing an ad in the paper with promise of reward.
It is my sincere hope, losing a pet is never permanent, but for those who suffer this deep pain, realize there are support groups and professional help that will recognize your pain.
For those looking to help others with pet loss or losing a pet, please also review AIHCP’s Pet Loss Grief Support Program. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Pet Loss Grief Support.
Additional Resources
“Incomplete Endings: Coping With a Runaway or Lost Pet”. Clark, A. (2017). Psychology Today. Access here
“Lost Dog? What to Do If Your Pet Goes Missing”. AKC Staff. (2021). American Kennel Club. Access here
“What Ambiguous Loss Is and How To Deal With It”. HealthEssentials. (2022). Cleveland Clinic. Access here
“What Is Ambiguous Grief and How to Begin Healing”. Sarazln, S. (2023). Psychology Today. Access here