Suicide and Crisis of Lethality

Crisis Intervention specialists deal with an array of issues.  Usually issues of self harm, harm of others and suicide are a very common theme.  In crisis, logical thinking and hope are erased and the person can sometimes do things out of character that are very lethal in nature.  Understanding suicide, suicide assessment, prevention and intervention are key components of helping individuals in crisis not make a permanent and fateful decision.

Suicide is rarely a conscious choice but one with emotional and mental implications that remove one from a state logical thinking

It is critical for crisis counselors, grief counselors, pastoral care givers and ministry, licensed mental health professionals, as well as those in healthcare to have a strong training and educational background in suicide and crises of lethality.  AIHCP offers certifications in Grief Counseling but also in Crisis Intervention to help train members in those fields with the additional knowledge and abilities to handle crisis of lethality.


While in the past, AIHCP has offered blogs, as well as video content on the nature of suicide, this particular blog will focus on the crisis element of it.  It will identify suicidal signs, assessments, but also focus on intervention in particular.

James points out that a person in suicidal crisis is engaged in an expressive act of homicide where emotional state looks to reduce psychological pain (2017, p. 203).  According to statistics, James point out that 600, 000 to 100, 000 suicides are attempted each year in the United States and 30, 000 to 60, 000 die each year in those attempts, with 19, 000 permanently injured (2017, p. 204).  While different groups within the US  have different rates of suicide as compared to others, the leading group is older white males.

Theories surrounding suicide share many common features but also have different emphasis on certain reasons why one attempts to kill oneself.  Freud’s psychodynamic theories saw suicide as a reaction of some inner conflict with external stressors (James, 2017, p. 206).  Erickson saw reasons for suicide correlated with developmental issues that prevented the person from advancing and reaching certain goals in life.  Individuals who become stagnant and unable to develop sometimes choose suicide as an option to escape (James, 2017, p. 206).   Escapist theory views suicide as the only way out of a bad situation during fight or flight.  Within this theory, individuals feel they fell short, blame themselves, focus on narrow deficits only, and only see a view of perfectionism that if not met can only end in suicide due to the hopelessness perceived (James, 2017, p. 206).   Hopelessness remains a common theme in all situations where the person feels they have no power over the situation.

Another important theory was developed by Edwin Shneidman, the founder of suicidology.   In understanding suicide he measured one’s psycheache or pain in the mind, one’s perturbation or the degree of the pain, and the press or stress due to external factors (James, 2017, p. 206),   With the combination of these things, Shneidman saw how psycheache frustrates  or blocks psychological needs leading to hopelessness and suicide and reaching the state of critical mass to activate suicide.

Durkeim in the 19th Century proposed the sociological theory which looks at a person’s connections to society and how social norms and society based on a person’s integration with those norms plays a large role.  Egoistical suicide refers to one’s lack integration with any group.  Anomic suicide refers to when economic and financial systems of society break down all around the person.  Altruistic suicide refers when a person commits suicide for cultural reasons or the perceived better good according to the society.  Fatalistic suicide refers to if a person is an intolerable or unescapable situation such a concentration camp (James, 2017, p. 207).  According to Van Orden interpersonal states are also key in the mind of those contemplating suicide.  Suicidal individuals may acquire capability by decreasing innate fear of pain and death gradually.  In their personal views, they perceive themselves as burdensome to others as well as failing to belong to anyone or find attachment to anything (James, 2017. p. 207).   Existentialism and meaning also play an important role in suicide theory.  Ideas on death, existential isolation, meaning and meaningless in making sense of the world and the freedom of existentialist thought to make choices all play a role in the construction of existentialist thought.    When challenges to existence and death are overwhelmed and an existentialist anchor is lost, then many individuals can fall into hopelessness without any reason to exist (James, 2017, p. 208).

Another interesting theory follows a basic suicide trajectory model based on various risk factors that correlate with suicide.  This includes, biological, substance abuse history, genetic predispositions, gender, self esteem, psychological maladies, cognitive thinking and environmental stressors (James, 2017, p. 207).    Psychology also points to imbalances within the brain, neurochemical reactions that do not allow a person to better respond to a situation (James, 2017, 208).

From these theories and multiple other ones, one has a better understanding that suicide is rarely a free choice but is committed in a state of emotional turmoil without true cognitive reasoning.  This is why so many religious views on suicide as a choice or sin have been replaced with a better recognition that most if not all are victims of it.

Characteristics of Suicidal Individuals

For the most part, those thinking of suicide exist in an acute state of crisis or a chronic state of depression that leads to certain characteristics that manifest emotionally, socially, mentally and physically.

Many suicidal individuals suffer from depression or hopelessness. Please also review AIHCP’s Crisis Intervention Certification

Situationally, individuals face an endurable pain they cannot overcome.  A stressor frustrates the psychological need (James, 2017, p. 209).  Hence situations involving trauma, death, loss, finances, relationship or anything that creates a perceived unbearable loss appears.  Motivation wise, individuals look to seek a solution and that solution entails to remove the stressor via cessation of consciousness.  Accompanied with this are the affective emotions of hopelessness and helplessness.  Cognitively, individuals see solutions in a very narrow scope with out any alternatives to think their way out of the situation.  Relationally, an individual wishes to communicate intent and find mutual justification in it and acknowledgement of that right to do so.  Serially, characteristics reveal a long history of trying everything else but no other option remains (James, 2017,p. 209).

Within these characteristics of the suicidal mind, it important to dismiss certain myths that distort.  First, one needs to dismiss fears of discussing suicide as if it will cause it.  In fact, discussing suicide and being very upfront is key.  Second, one needs to dismiss the notion that those who say they will commit suicide rarely carry through with it.  In fact, many who say they are contemplating are very high risk of attempting it.  To the individual suicide is perceived as a very rational act.  Third, individuals who commit suicide are insane.  Most who commit or attempt suicide are only acutely affected with emotional issues.  Fourth, suicide is only impulsive.  In fact, most suicides are planned and plotted outside acute crisis.  Fifth, suicide is painless.  Many suicides can be very gruesome and some go awry and very wrong.  Sixth, suicidal thoughts are rare.  In fact, they are more common than one may think with 8.3 million have some type of suicidal ideation (James, 2017. p. 212).

Suicide Assessment is Key

Assessment is critical in saving a life.  While some crisis specialists deal with suicidal individuals in an acute and heated moment, many suicides are well planned and plotted.  Counselors need to be aware of the possibility and assess the lethality

James points out that there are a variety of verbal clues, statements and written letters.  As well as behavioral clues such as self harm or isolation.  Also situational clues that involve death of another person, financial woes, loss job, or divorce should be acknowledged.  In addition, syndromatic clues such as depression, hopelessness and unhappiness with life can play key indicators in possible suicidal.  This is why it is so important to also ask someone in assessment (2017, p. 212).

Another tool to utilize is PATHWARM.  This  is an acronym from the American Association of Suicidology.  It utilizes the letter within the acronym to better identify various warning signs.  Within the acronym is: Ideation, Substance Abuse, Purposefulness, Anxiety, Trapped, Hopelessness, Withdraw, Anger, Recklessness and Mood.

There are many, many assessment keys, questions, or triages one can utilize.  We will briefly go over a select few.

First, the basic clinical interview is essential in determining suicidal ideation.  Within it is a long laundry list of observations and questions.  Here are a few: Does the person exhibit suicidal intent or tendencies?  Does the person have a family history of suicide?  Does the person have past suicide attempts? Does the person have a specific plan?  Has the person experienced a death recently? Does the person have a history of drugs and substance abuse? Does the person display radical changes in mood and behavior?  Does the person display hopelessness?  Has the person experienced past trauma?  Has the person discontinued medication?  Does the person exhibit extreme emotions?  Has the person faced financial troubles or loss of job?  Does the person feel threatened?  Does the person see everything as all or nothing?  Does the person feel as if he or she does not belong? Does the person struggle with identity and self esteem?  Does the person have access to firearms?  Has the person explored suicide through online search or literature?  Has the person not seen a medical professional within the last 3 to 6 months? (James, 2017, p. 215).

SIMPLE STEPS is another acronym that can utilized in assessment during interview. Again it emphasizes the importance of asking the question are you thinking of killing oneself?  Within the acronym are the following points.  Suicidal? Ideation? Method? Pain? Loss? Earlier attempts? Substance abuse? Troubleshooting for alternatives? Emotions? Parental history? Stressors? (James, 2017, p. 216-17).  This triage captures the basic essence again of all assessment in that it asks the difficult question and looks to identify potential lethality and danger of a plan.  Not all cases may present an immediate acute threat while others may require immediate intervention and reference to medical professionals or notification of authorities and family.

Suicide Intervention

In intervention, whether in acute setting or discussing possible plans of a person to commit suicide, professionals need to not judge the person, or demean the person’s perceived tragic nature of life.  Instead, crisis professionals are encouraged to gain an understanding, form a bond and offer alternative options.

The Three “I”s are essential to know if looking to defuse suicidal situations.  The person feels the situation is inescapable, intolerable and interminable (James, 2017,p. 218).  Hence it is important to help the person feel secure, less painful, and offer hope with solid solutions.   When a person is facing crisis, they may feel there is no other way out and may need alternatives presented and applied to the situation.  In addition, the crisis counselor may try to help the person reframe the situation with attributes of CBT to see the situation from a different light.  The crisis counselor must also help the individual face the pain and discover that is not forever.  Helping focus on not so much the lethality but the perturbation of the person can help the person see more clearly, utilize problem solving abilities, and offer alternatives to the current issue.  Addressing stressors and helping the person see hope is the biggest key.  At this core, Crisis Management looks to help the person plan a response to suicidal issues (James, 2017, p. 222).

Those in suicidal ideation need alternatives and options. They need to know the there is escape and an end to the pain that involves not ceasing consciousness

In counseling, professionals should help clients reframe.  This involves not only a new line of thinking but also validating emotions and discussing future suicidal behaviors and how to counter them.  It is important to help the person learn real problem solving skills for issues but also address teaching individuals how to cope with pain and emotions in better ways.  In addition, counselors can help clients find better social connections to prevent isolation as well as play an important role in life coaching with positive thoughts, plans and goals.  Importantly as well, a counselor should obtain from the person a no harm commitment through a suicide “Do not Harm Contract” or “Stay Alive” contract which the individual signs.  It is important to let the person know he or she is not alone and can reach out or call when certain triggers may appear that seem unbearable (James, 2017, p. 227)>  In some cases, calls to the authorities may be needed, or a person may need observed for a period of time before the crisis has subsided.


Suicide is not simply a call for help but a true crisis situation that demands attention.  Through warning signs, assessment and proper intervention, crisis counselors can save lives.  It is also important to note that suicide is not something rationally chosen but one that is mentally and emotionally chosen when in a illogical state of mind.  Hence negative social stigmas need removed and professionals as well as society need to see these individuals who attempt or complete suicide as victims.  This is why it is so important to be educated on the subject and listening and observing with empathy for those who shows signs of suicidal ideation.

Please also review AIHCP’s Crisis Intervention Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification.  Counselors, first responders, clergy and other mental health professionals can play a key role crisis intervention and saving lives from suicide.



James, R & Gilliland, B. (2017). “Crisis Intervention Strategies”. (8th). Cengage

Additional Resources

Clay, R. (2022). “How to assess and intervene with patients at risk of suicide”. APA. Access here

Are you thinking about suicide? How to stay safe and find treatment. Mayo Clinic.  Access here

Ryan, E. & Oquendo, M. (2020). “Suicide Risk Assessment and Prevention: Challenges and Opportunities”. Psychiatry Online. Access here

Suicide and suicidal thoughts. Mayo Clinic.  Access here

Suicide Prevention Tools for Public Health Professionals. CDC.  Access here

988 Life Line  Access here






The Role of a Stress Management Specialist in Wellness

By – James M. Katz, BA

Workplace stress impacts 83% of U.S. workers. This leads to lower productivity, higher healthcare costs, and increased employee turnover rates. A stress management specialist plays a significant role that helps organizations tackle these challenges with evidence-based interventions and support programs. These professionals collaborate with employees and leadership teams to spot stress triggers and create effective coping strategies.

Successful stress management programs need expertise in multiple techniques. These include one-on-one coaching, group workshops, and organizational assessments. Stress management specialists deliver complete solutions that include mental health support, relaxation techniques, and mindfulness practices. Their efforts create lasting, measurable improvements in employee well-being and help organizations build stronger workplace cultures.A male nurse who needs a stress management specialist!

Understanding Corporate Stress

Studies show that one-fourth of employees think about their jobs as their main source of stress. Modern workplaces need a detailed understanding of workplace stress sources and how they affect both employees and organizations through various costs.

Common sources of workplace stress

Workplace stress originates from both organizational and personal factors. A study shows that 73% of employees consider excessive workload their biggest source of stress. The management approach and company culture create significant impact, especially when you have poor communication or limited involvement in making decisions.

Key workplace stressors include:

• Unrealistic expectations with tight deadlines
• Limited control over work processes
• Poor support from team members and managers
• Uncertainty about job security
• Problems with work environment
• Limited career growth opportunities

Effects on employee health and productivity

Workplace stress shows both physical and psychological symptoms in employees. 91% of respondents reported that overwhelming stress negatively affects their work quality. The situation becomes more serious as 50% of workers bring their work home. This creates a destructive cycle that affects their professional and personal relationships.

Employees often experience fatigue, muscular tension, headaches, and sleep difficulties. Stress significantly reduces workplace efficiency, with 41% of workers reporting reduced productivity due to stress. Additionally, 33% of employees showed decreased participation in their work. These factors create a challenging environment where 7 in 10 adults report that workplace stress affects their personal relationships.

The cost of stress to businesses

Workplace stress creates a massive financial burden on businesses. American organizations alone spend USD 300 billion annually on stress-related expenses that include direct and indirect costs from healthcare to reduced productivity.

Business losses are clearly visible through these numbers:

• Healthcare costs are 50% higher for workers who report high stress levels
• One million Americans miss work each day because of stress-related issues
• 60-80% of workplace accidents happen due to stress-related distractions
• Lost productivity costs approximately USD 1.90 trillion yearly from disengaged workers

These numbers show why it’s crucial to create proper stress management solutions and support systems in organizations. Companies now realize that investing in stress management programs and professional guidance can reduce these substantial costs and improve their employee’s well-being and performance.

The Role of a Stress Management Specialist

Stress management specialist bridges the gap between organizational wellness goals and employee mental health needs. They create and implement detailed strategies that equip both employees and organizations to handle workplace pressures and challenges better.

Key responsibilities

A stress management specialist’s main goal includes both preventative and proactive approaches to stress reduction. The core team handles these essential duties:

• Evaluates client stress levels and spots major life stressors
• Creates personalized stress management plans
• Applies proven interventions and coping strategies
• Leads group workshops and seminars
• Offers one-on-one counseling and coaching
• Designs and oversees corporate stress relief programs
• Measures the success of implemented strategies

Research shows that organizations see a most important reduction in stress-related incidents after stress management specialists implement complete programs. These professionals collaborate with management to build environments where 43% of workers report improved stress management capabilities.

Required skills and qualifications

The certification process demands completion of an official education program with a minimum of 225 hours of lecture/study. These professionals must complete 50 hours of continuing education every four years that helps them stay current with the latest stress management techniques and research.

How they integrate into corporate wellness programs

Stress management specialists are vital to corporate wellness initiatives. They develop complete solutions that help both employees and organizations. Research shows that companies with active stress management initiatives experience 62% lower turnover rates. 

These experts team up with departments across the company to:

• Create stress reduction programs that match company culture
• Run regular stress checks and reviews
• Lead workshops and training sessions
• Offer private support services to employees

Their impact speaks through numbers. Organizations with complete stress management programs report a 56% increase in employee engagement. These specialists build environmentally responsible solutions that tackle both current stress issues and future wellness goals.

Stress management specialists help companies take charge of workplace stress. This results in better morale, boosted productivity, and lower healthcare costs. Their value grows as companies realize that investing in stress management programs guides them toward major improvements in employee well-being and company success.

Stress Assessment and Identification

Good stress management at work starts when companies identify and assess workplace stressors systematically. Research shows that 76% of employers are actively addressing workplace stress, and almost half of them conduct formal stress audits and risk assessments.

Conducting stress audits

A stress audit helps organizations assess risks by finding stress sources, locations, and their effects. The process needs several steps:

• Assessment of current stress levels
• Finding what causes stress
• Looking at how stress spreads across departments
• Checking effects on performance and health
• Creating focused action plans
• Setting up preventive measures

Research shows that successful stress audits work best with confidential employee surveys, structured interviews, and complete data analysis. This combination gives both quality and quantity information about workplace stressors.

Identifying high-risk individuals and departments

Organizations need to watch and evaluate their employees carefully to spot those at risk. Research shows that vulnerable team members often change their behavior in ways that disrupt team spirit and work efficiency.

Studies show that high-risk employees are more susceptible to burnout and typically leave their positions more quickly than their coworkers. Companies can maintain a stable workplace by spotting and addressing these warning signs early to protect their employees’ wellbeing.

Analyzing stress patterns in the workplace

Workplace pattern analysis helps us learn about stress distribution throughout an organization. Research shows that employees who handle complex tasks and interact frequently with others are increased vulnerability to environmental stressors.

Environmental factors affect stress patterns substantially. Studies suggest that:

• Task complexity and interaction requirements shape how environmental stressors impact performance
• Longer working hours make demanding work patterns more harmful
• Performance suffers when environmental stressors lead to health issues and negative emotions

Stress management experts use several tools to measure these patterns. The Job Stress Survey (JSS) assesses how intense and frequent workplace conditions affect psychological well-being. The Occupational Stress Inventory-Revised Edition (OSI-R) gives a detailed view through 14 different scales.A stressed out woman rubbing her head.

Today’s workplace assessments look at both individual and organizational views. Companies that regularly analyze stress patterns report they can target interventions better and create more effective management strategies. This organized approach helps stress management specialists develop custom solutions for departments and individuals while keeping the bigger organizational picture in mind.

Implementing Stress Management Strategies

Organizations need to blend individual support with company-wide initiatives for effective stress management. Studies reveal that 28% of full-time employees report feeling burned out at work “very often” or “always,” while 48% experience burnout “sometimes”. These numbers demonstrate why detailed stress management strategies matter.

Individual counseling and coaching

One-on-one stress management support gives you personalized attention that addresses your specific needs. Studies show that employees receiving one-on-one coaching show most important improvements in their stress management capabilities. Research shows that people who participate in personal coaching sessions experience substantial reductions in chronic pain, high blood pressure, and insomnia.

Group workshops and seminars

Group-based programs provide economical solutions and encourage peer support networks. Companies that run regular stress management workshops report significant improvements in employee resilience and team cohesion. These popular group programs help employees thrive:

• Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR)
• Meditation and breathwork sessions
• Yoga and movement classes
• Art therapy workshops
• Team-building exercises

Research shows that organizations offering regular mindfulness sessions see a marked decrease in workplace stress incidents. On top of that, group activities help reduce loneliness, which is identified as a major predictor of professional burnout.

Developing customized stress reduction programs

Organizations need stress management programs that line up with their culture and tackle workplace challenges head-on. Research shows that before implementing stress management training, programs should focus on permanently eliminating root causes of unwanted stress.

A successful customized program needs these key elements:

1. Complete Health Focus
• Nutrition and weight management
• Sleep pattern improvement
• Physical fitness integration
• Mental health support
2. Implementation Strategy
• Employee surveys and needs assessment
• Program marketing and communication
• Progress tracking
• Feedback collection

Research proves that organizations implementing comprehensive stress management initiatives experience significant reductions in associated health risks. These programs blend virtual and in-person elements, and studies show higher involvement when multiple delivery methods are used.

Program sustainability comes from stress management specialists working hand-in-hand with organizational leaders. They build what experts call “human-centric cultures” that put employee well-being first – covering physical, mental, emotional, and social aspects. This all-encompassing approach works wonders, and companies report better employee retention and satisfaction rates.

Today’s programs feature state-of-the-art solutions like virtual counselors and immediate stress monitoring tools. These advances make stress management support more responsive and available, which matters a lot in hybrid work settings.

The program rolls out in these steps:

1. Original assessment and program design
2. Pilot program launch and testing
3. Full-scale implementation with monitoring
4. Regular evaluation and adjustment
5. Feedback-based improvements

Research verifies that organizations implementing structured stress management programs see dramatic improvements in employee well-being and productivity. These improvements show up in metrics of all types, including less absenteeism, better job satisfaction, and increased team collaboration.

Measuring the Impact of Stress Management Initiatives

Organizations need a complete measurement framework to assess their stress management programs’ results. The framework should track both immediate and long-term outcomes. Companies that follow well-laid-out measurement approaches have shown most important improvements. Their systematic tracking of key metrics has enhanced their employee’s well-being and organizational performance.

Key performance indicators

Stress management programs show their success through several performance indicators that show how well the programs work. Studies reveal that organizations implementing complete stress management initiatives experience healthcare cost savings between USD 1.50 and USD 2.75 for every dollar invested.
The financial advantages of stress management programs become clear through research. Studies show that disease management components generate USD 136 in savings per member per month. Organizations that monitor these metrics report 86% of hard healthcare cost-savings from their complete stress management initiatives. 

Employee feedback and surveys

Employee satisfaction surveys are vital tools that measure program effectiveness. A good feedback system should evaluate several aspects of how programs affect employees:

• Skills development and coping strategies
• Content value and relevance
• Quality of overall support
• Program access and involvement
• Success of implementation

Research reveals that 90% of participants notice well-laid-out stress management programs as good organizational investments. Data proves these programs work by showing significant improvements in employee satisfaction, reduced absenteeism, and decreased healthcare costs.

Companies that use regular feedback systems report:

• More opportunities to improve programs
• Better arrangement with employee needs
• Higher participation rates
• Smarter resource allocation

Long-term health and productivity metrics

Measuring long-term success requires tracking lasting improvements in health indicators for both people and organizations. Research shows that depression, anxiety, and sleep problems substantially diminish seven years after implementing effective stress management interventions.

The numbers tell a compelling story about organizational success:

1. Absenteeism Reduction:
• Control groups show 4.65% absenteeism rate
• Program participants demonstrate 3.2% absenteeism rate
• Lasting improvement in attendance patterns
2. Productivity Improvement:
• Improved stress reactivity leads to favorable long-term health effects
• Better recovery from work-related stress
• Higher quality sleep and mental health results

Studies show that organizations using complete measurement systems see significant improvements in workplace behavior and organizational performance. Benefits last well beyond initial stress reduction, and research reveals sustained improvements in mental health and work stress perception. Companies with reliable measurement systems report that sustained awareness within firms ensures program success. Data proves stress management works, especially when improvement in overall stress reactivity scores positively affects sleep quality and mental health outcomes.A man giving a thumbs up after speaking with a stress management consultant.

Modern tracking systems now offer up-to-the-minute data analysis about program success. These systems help organizations:

• Monitor program usage patterns
• Track intervention results
• Assess demographic participation rates
• Measure therapy success
• Calculate return on investment

Research shows that organizations implementing structured measurement frameworks experience significant improvements in program outcomes. This thorough approach to measurement helps stress management programs line up with employee needs and company goals.


Stress management specialists are the life-blood of modern corporate wellness programs. They deliver clear improvements in employee well-being and their organization’s performance. Their complete approach combines personal support with company-wide initiatives that reduce workplace stress costs and improve employee health. Companies with well-laid-out stress management programs report lower healthcare expenses, fewer employees leaving, and increased efficiency.

These programs show their value through less absenteeism and more involved employees, which confirms their role in corporate success. Organizations that make stress management a priority see remarkable improvements in their performance metrics. The numbers speak for themselves – healthcare cost savings between USD 1.50 and USD 2.75 for every dollar invested. These results highlight how professional stress management experts help build strong, productive workplaces that benefit both employees and the organization.

Becoming a stress management specialist can be done online through institutes like ours. We offer a certification in stress management available to healthcare and mental health care professionals. It involves 8 online stress management courses which would need to be completed in order to qualify for the certification in stress management. For full details about the stress management consulting certification program, please go here. 

Research Articles:

Explainability and Interpretability: Keys to Deep Medicine. Shaban-Nejad, A., Et Al (2021). (eds) Explainable AI in Healthcare and Medicine. Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol 914. Springer, Cham.
Access link here

Team Cohesion Profiles: Influence on the Development of Mental Skills and Stress Management. Amaia Ramírez Muñoz, Marta Vega-Díaz, Higinio González-García. (2023) Journal of Sports Science and Medicine (22), 637 – 644.
Access link here

Effectiveness of Stress Management Training on Academic Optimism and Hope of University Entrance Exam Applicants. M.R. Yazdanpanah, Et Al. Volume 11, Issue 2 (2023) Health Educ Health Promot 2023, 11(2): 279-284.
Access link here

Tele-yoga for stress management: Need of the hour during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond? Jasti N, Et Al. Asian J Psychiatr. 2020 Dec;54:102334. doi: 10.1016/j.ajp.2020.102334. Epub 2020 Aug 2. PMID: 32777755; PMCID: PMC7396129.
Access link here


EFT and Stress Management

I.      Introduction

Understanding stress management involves looking at different therapy methods, one being Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). EFT combines ideas from Western psychology with Eastern acupressure, becoming popular as a complete method that seeks to reduce emotional pain by focusing on the body’s energy paths. This overview will explain the basic ideas of EFT, showing how it works and its potential benefits. By tapping on certain acupuncture points while thinking about troubling feelings, people say they experience less anxiety and stress. This paper will show how the mix of changing thought patterns and body focus in EFT makes it a noteworthy option in the field of stress management. In the end, this analysis will help clarify the importance of EFT in improving emotional control and supporting overall mental health.

EFT can play a key role in stress reduction. Please review AIHCP’s EFT Specialist Program

AIHCP offers both an EFT Specialist Certification as well as a Stress Management Consulting Certification for interested and qualified professionals.

A.    Definition of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), which come from both modern psychology and old acupuncture methods, are a useful way to deal with stress and emotional pain. This approach, called tapping, uses light finger pressure on certain points on the body while thinking about emotional problems or physical pain. Studies show that EFT can greatly reduce anxiety and improve life quality, making it a good option to use alongside standard therapy methods (Ambika Warrier, p. 53-58). It is also flexible, helping practitioners tackle various mental health issues in a short amount of time. EFT not only helps relieve stress quickly but also helps people understand the emotional causes of their pain. This understanding can lead to long-lasting emotional strength and well-being. In conclusion, EFT is a complete approach that brings together mind and body awareness, offering a significant change for those who want to handle stress better.

B.    Overview of stress and its impact on health

Chronic stress is being seen more as a big risk for many health problems, both physical and mental. Being exposed to stress hormones for a long time can cause heart problems, lower immune system strength, and stomach issues. Additionally, stress can have serious effects on mental health, often leading to anxiety, depression, and changes in behavior that make mental health issues worse. Recent studies show that the emotional effects of stress can greatly lower a person’s quality of life, affecting how they function daily and their relationships ((Ambika Warrier)). This effect is especially strong among students, as shown by research that looked at stress from the pandemic, which caused more anxiety and depression ((Araceli Bustamante-Paster, p. 1626-1641)). Tackling these stress-related problems is important, as methods like Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) have been found to help reduce these symptoms, which can improve well-being and bring back balance for those affected.

C.    Purpose and significance of studying EFT in stress management

Knowing how well Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) works for handling stress gives important details about alternative therapy ways that might help emotional health. With mental health problems like anxiety and stress rising a lot, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, effective solutions are needed more than ever. Studies show that EFT can lower stress and anxiety symptoms a lot, as shown by the big improvements seen in participants after tapping sessions, which resulted in lower levels of depression, anxiety, and stress (Araceli Bustamante-Paster, p. 1626-1641). Moreover, EFT’s ability to enhance people’s quality of life shows its importance in treating not just symptoms but overall mental health (Ambika Warrier). By looking into how EFT works and its results, researchers can add valuable information to stress management, possibly offering easy and cheap options for those looking for help with mental distress.

II.  Theoretical Foundations of EFT

The success of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) as a therapy method relies on a mix of ideas from psychology and energy medicine. A key point is that emotional issues can lead to physical problems, which is a view traditional Chinese medicine has recognized with its focus on energy flow and meridian systems. EFT combines changing thought patterns, like addressing main beliefs tied to anxiety, with the physical action of tapping at certain acupoints. Many studies have shown it can lower anxiety and enhance well-being (Ambika Warrier). Also, the change in political culture among ethnic groups, such as the Chinese in Indonesia, highlights the role of social context and feelings of empowerment in therapy. In less democratic settings, people may be more passive, but in democratic ones, there is often a move towards being more active, suggesting that therapies like EFT could do better in supportive environments that encourage emotional sharing and healing (Rudi Salam Sinaga et al., p. 6).

A.    Psychological principles underlying EFT

The success of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) in managing stress is due to several key psychological ideas. At the core of EFT is emotional regulation, which connects with Positive Psychology findings that highlight building resilience instead of just reaching a neutral emotional state. This is especially clear in situations like school adjustment problems and anxiety, where emotional issues can interfere with daily life (Hasanova Gulnara et al., p. 34-45). Moreover, the stress that comes from demanding healthcare jobs shows how important good coping strategies are. Mindfulness-based practices, such as those in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) programs, play a critical role in increasing awareness of the present moment and minimizing emotional fatigue among healthcare workers (Martina Finistrella et al., p. 27-40). By combining these psychological concepts, EFT not only tackles immediate emotional pain but also encourages long-term coping abilities, improving overall emotional health. Therefore, the principles behind EFT support its use as an important tool for managing stress.

B.    The role of energy psychology in stress relief

Energy psychology, especially using methods like Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), presents a good way for dealing with stress by combining mental and energetic methods. This combined approach suggests that emotional issues are often tied to problems in the body’s energy system, connecting mind and body. By tapping on certain points while thinking about the troubling emotion, EFT creates a different way to let go of negative thoughts and emotional barriers, leading to a more stable mental state. Research has shown that these methods can greatly lower stress levels, enhance emotional control, and improve overall well-being (Nick Ortner). Therefore, energy psychology not only adds to traditional therapy but also offers people useful, self-help techniques for handling stress daily. This two-fold approach highlights the usefulness of energy psychology as a helpful tool for finding comprehensive solutions to stress management.

C.    Evidence-based research supporting EFT efficacy

More evidence points to the effectiveness of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) as a useful method for handling stress and emotional health. Studies have shown that EFT can greatly lower symptoms of anxiety, depression, and stress through a method that mixes thinking processes and acupressure methods. For example, research with participants who had anxiety showed a big drop in average anxiety scores from 8.3250 to 6.9750 after they used EFT techniques, which shows a gain in mental health (see (Ambika Warrier)). Another study revealed that participants dealing with high stress, anxiety, and depression saw clear improvements after several EFT sessions, as their stress scores dropped from an average of 25.50 to 8.70 (see (Araceli Bustamante-Paster, p. 1626-1641)). These results back up that EFT is a useful alternative treatment and show its ability to improve life quality, thus confirming its importance in effective stress management approaches.

III.             Mechanisms of EFT in Stress Reduction

Looking into how Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) works shows that it has many ways to help with stress. EFT mainly says that emotional pain is often from unaddressed psychological issues, which causes energy blockages in the body’s meridian system. By using both cognitive restructuring and acupressure, practitioners focus on these blockages to help with emotional release and improve mental health. The typical method involves saying distressing thoughts while tapping on certain acupressure points, which might help the body’s energy flow. This combined action can activate the parasympathetic nervous system, reducing physical responses related to stress. Also, new studies suggest that EFT may significantly lower cortisol levels, the main stress hormone, supporting its use as a good stress management method (Jeanne C. Watson et al.). All these elements highlight EFT’s potential as a complete approach for reducing stress.

EFT can help move negative energy from the body and allow the body to heal from trauma and stress

A.    The process of tapping and its physiological effects

The body effects of tapping in Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) are very important for how well it works in stress management. Tapping means touching certain acupressure spots on the body while thinking about emotional pain, making a full approach that mixes thinking with physical actions. Studies show that this method can greatly lessen signs of anxiety, depression, and stress, showing clear changes in body chemistry, like lower cortisol levels and reduced blood pressure (Peta Stapleton). Also, one study that looked at students during the pandemic found big gains in mental health after EFT sessions, showing its potential to lessen serious symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress (Araceli Bustamante-Paster, p. 1626-1641). These results point out the body benefits of tapping, making it a strong method for handling emotions. So, adding EFT into stress management plans can lead to real improvements in both mental and physical well-being, which supports its increasing use in therapy.

B.    Emotional regulation through EFT techniques

The use of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) in managing emotions has gained a lot of interest, especially for handling stress, anxiety, and depression. Studies show that organized EFT treatments can bring about notable improvements in mental health, highlighted by research with participants who had moderate to severe symptoms. After several EFT sessions, anxiety levels dropped from a severe average of 16.69 to a normal average of 4.84, and there were also significant reductions in depression and stress levels ((Araceli Bustamante-Paster, p. 1626-1641)). This supports the idea that managing emotions needs a diverse approach that includes both thought processes and physical aspects. In addition, looking at political cultures of ethnic minorities shows how changes in systems can affect how people express and manage emotions, highlighting the importance of social context in emotional health ((Rudi Salam Sinaga et al., p. 6)). Therefore, EFT is useful not only as a way to help individuals manage their emotions but also as a tool for understanding larger social and emotional issues.

C.    Comparison of EFT with traditional stress management methods

Old ways of managing stress, mostly based on cognitive-behavioral techniques or medications, mainly aim to change thought patterns or fix chemical issues to ease symptoms. Yet, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) present a different way that mixes psychological ideas with physical actions, like tapping on specific points, to deal with emotional problems more broadly. This is shown by the improvements in stress management seen in healthcare workers who took part in an eight-week Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) program, which are similar to results from EFT studies, where participants reported key drops in anxiety and depression along with steady weight loss (Martina Finistrella et al., p. 27-40)(Dawson Church et al., p. 13-14). Unlike traditional methods that can have only short-term effects, EFT seems to provide lasting benefits, connecting mental health and physical health more effectively. These results imply that combining EFT with standard therapies could improve overall results and support long-term emotional strength.

IV.            Applications of EFT in Various Populations

Many in the workplace suffer from chronic stress and can utilize EFT to help reduce it

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) are being recognized more for how they can be used with different groups of people, showing they work well in many situations. Studies show that people with long-term illnesses like cancer or diabetes can use EFT to reduce stress and improve their emotional health, which helps in getting better clinical results. Teachers have also used EFT in schools, giving students ways to handle anxiety and build resilience against school pressures. Additionally, this method has been helpful for veterans and active-duty military, aiding in the treatment of PTSD symptoms and helping with emotional control during transitions (David D. Chen). These uses highlight EFT’s flexibility, making it a helpful option in therapy where different approaches are needed for various groups while focusing on a complete view of stress management methods.

A.    EFT for individuals with anxiety disorders

A good way to handle anxiety disorders includes new methods that mix psychological techniques with physical practices. Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), a type of energy psychology, has come up as a hopeful solution because it combines cognitive restructuring with body-focused practices. Research shows that EFT can significantly lower anxiety levels; for example, one study found that participants’ anxiety scores dropped from an average of 8.3250 to 6.9750 after using EFT for two weeks, showing important improvements in mental health and quality of life ((Ambika Warrier)). Moreover, another study showed that EFT helped reduce anxiety, depression, and stress in students impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, resulting in significant changes in anxiety severity before and after the tests ((Araceli Bustamante-Paster, p. 1626-1641)). These results underline EFT’s potential as an affordable therapy choice for people dealing with anxiety disorders.

B.    Use of EFT in workplace stress management

In today’s work settings, managing stress is a key issue that can affect how well employees do their jobs and how productive an organization is overall. A technique that is becoming popular is Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), which combines parts of cognitive therapy and exposure therapy using a tapping method on certain acupressure points. Studies show that this method can greatly reduce symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress in people in different situations, which means it could work well in the workplace ((Araceli Bustamante-Paster, p. 1626-1641)). Additionally, changes in political culture in various communities highlight a need for empowerment and involvement, which EFT can support as people learn to handle stress in a positive way ((Rudi Salam Sinaga et al., p. 6)). Using EFT not only promotes a better work environment but also builds employee resilience, helping them face challenges with greater emotional skills and lower stress. Therefore, adding EFT to workplace stress management strategies could provide significant advantages for both workers and employers.

C.    EFT in clinical settings for trauma recovery

Recent improvements in trauma recovery focus on using new therapy methods in clinical places, especially Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). This approach mixes cognitive therapy with acupressure and has shown good results in reducing psychological problems and physical issues linked to trauma. Research shows that EFT can lower anxiety and improve life quality for those involved, indicating it can tackle the complex aspects of trauma recovery well ((Ambika Warrier)). Moreover, it can also help with chronic pain, which many trauma survivors face, with studies showing that EFT can improve pain intensity ((Dr. Peta Stapleton)). Using a client-centered method, EFT gives quick relief and helps with deeper emotional processing needed for long-lasting recovery. As clinical practitioners keep investigating EFT’s possibilities, it serves as a useful option or addition to traditional therapy methods for treating trauma.

V.  Conclusion

In conclusion, using Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) in stress management has shown that it can help improve mental strength and reduce symptoms related to stress. EFT’s flexibility lets people perform self-directed techniques, which gives them control over their mental health care. Recent studies indicate that EFT may change how the body and emotions react, offering a useful addition to traditional therapy methods. Additionally, early results suggest that further research on EFT could provide more information about its effectiveness and uses for different groups and stress triggers, helping to expand our understanding of holistic health approaches (Peta Stapleton et al.). Overall, adopting EFT as a practical option for stress management not only supports a more complete view of emotional health but also paves the way for new therapy methods that can tackle the challenges of today’s stress.

Please also review AIHCP’s EFT as well as its Stress Management Certifications and see if they meet your professional goals

A.    Summary of key findings on EFT and stress management

Research on Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) shows that it works well as a new way to help handle stress and anxiety in different groups. Studies find that EFT, which mixes parts of cognitive therapy and acupressure, can lower anxiety symptoms and improve life quality. For example, people in a recent study showed clear improvements in their stress and anxiety levels after taking part in planned tapping sessions, with average anxiety scores dropping from a high starting point to a normal level after the intervention (Ambika Warrier). Also, another study with college students during the pandemic found that, after 16 EFT sessions, participants said they had significant drops in depression, anxiety, and stress symptoms, strongly rejecting the idea that EFT would not work (Araceli Bustamante-Paster, p. 1626-1641). These results highlight EFT as a useful and affordable method for managing stress, suggesting the need for more research and inclusion in wider treatment plans.

B.    Implications for future research and practice

Future studies should look at how well Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) works for handling stress, especially in schools. Previous work shows that EFT can cut down on anxiety, stress, and depression in participants (Araceli Bustamante-Paster, p. 1626-1641). More research could investigate how effective it is over the long term and how it works. Additionally, studies should check how EFT can be used with different groups, such as kids or those from underrepresented communities, to see if it works well in various situations. Given the positive results from different studies, which show big gains in the mental well-being of adults using EFT (Ambika Warrier), therapists might think about adding EFT to their practices along with standard methods like cognitive behavioral therapy. There is a need for consistent measurements and broader research to confirm EFT’s role in stress management strategies, which could lead to better mental health results for different population groups.

C.    Final thoughts on the integration of EFT into holistic stress management strategies

Using Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) in stress management plans can help boost emotional strength and improve overall health. EFT focuses on the mental and emotional parts of stress, which works well with traditional methods like mindfulness, yoga, and cognitive-behavioral techniques. This creates a broader strategy for reducing stress. Studies show that using tapping with mindfulness practices greatly increases self-awareness and how well people manage emotions, helping them deal with stress better. Additionally, EFT is easy to use and can provide quick relief for strong feelings. In summary, adding EFT helps people handle their stress and encourages a proactive mindset towards mental health, leading to a better understanding of emotional triggers and reactions. Therefore, EFT is an important part of modern stress management methods.

Please review AIHCP’s EFT Specialist Certification and AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Program and see if they meet your academic and professional goals.  The programs are online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification.


Stress Management: Mental Exhaustion Video

Many times individuals ignore the signs of burnout and mental exhaustion.  They allow themselves to become overwhelmed with past and present stressors.  The stressors can accumulate and drain into other parts of life.  Mental exhaustion has various physical, social, emotional and mental signs.  It is important to identify these signs, form boundaries and promote better self care for oneself.

Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Stress Management.

Crisis Counseling Vs Traditional Counseling Settings

Obviously crisis counseling is sometimes on the scene of the event.  It is emotional first aid that attempts to restore equilibrium and mobility to the person.  It is short term in its plan and it briefs the individual and carries through necessary tasks to help the person return to pre-crisis state.  It also looks to help the person find orientation and resources to help avoid future crisis and find resolution to what caused the crisis reaction.

Crisis specialists who arrive on scene have an entirely different approach to counseling than long term counselors in mental health

In this blog, we will look at crisis counseling in settings where intake occurs and how counselors work to help individuals leave the state of crisis.  In these cases, the individual is brought in by the police, or rescue and the person requires mental care until able to be released.  These types of counseling sessions differ greatly from traditional counseling settings.  They still are not long term but they do look to alleviate crisis as much as any work on the scene itself.  In addition to reviewing these types of crisis counseling settings, we will look at the efforts to better concert the police with mental health professionals in ensuring mutual safety of first responders and those in crisis.

Please also review AIHCP’s Crisis Intervention Specialist Program, as well as its Substance Abuse Specialist Program for qualified professionals in Human Services and first response.

Crisis Counseling in Facilities

Many mental health community centers are equipped to handle walk-ins, police escorted individuals in crisis, family admitted or social service recommended cases (James, 2017, p. 100).  Like the crisis specialist in the field and on the scene, these professionals provide the same type of de-escalation model to help the person find equilibrium and mobility.  They can also keep the person a few days if necessary and later coordinate with case managers to ensure the person receives continued observation, medication, or future counseling.  Some facilities are 24 hour facilities, while others have emergency call centers beyond the regular hours (James, 2017, p. 102).

Upon entry into a facility, a person is assessed across the range of the triage scale to determine if someone is mildly or severely impaired.  For more severe cases, a senior technician is called upon to help the person.  Crisis specialists will also try to receive a case history of the person to better determine the onset of crisis.  If mental pathology is present, a psychiatrist may be called to better meet the needs of the person (James, 2017, p. 100).   James also references that those who face more severe mental fragmentation will be committed until safe to self and others (2017, p. 100).

The initial intake interview is a key process where questions and basic crisis intervention tasks can be completed.  If the person is appraised negatively with a high level of lethality as well as drug use, then the person will need to stay longer.  The clinician or team following the intake interview, prepares a disposition that describes the case as well as suggestions for treatment.  In some cases, the facility will supply the person with a psychological anchor.  This refers to a professional who will serve as their case worker, advocate or contact person (James, 2017, p. 101).  In some cases, the individual will need short term disposition which meets the immediate physical needs of food, water or shelter.  The Department of Family Services plays a big role with social workers to ensure the proper government entities meet the needs of the person.  However, sometimes, long term disposition occur where the person needs long term care plan which includes counseling abd  medication to help the person deal with future issues and crisis (James, 2017, p. 101).

Crisis and Short Term Vs Counseling and Long Term Cases

Since crisis is about mental and emotional first aid that looks to stop emotional bleeding, its goals and procedures to reach those goals differ greatly from long term counseling and cases.  James lists numerous differences between these two types of mental health models.  In regards to the initial tasks themselves, there is a large difference.  Crisis counseling looks to ensure client safety and assess lethality initially, while long term looks to prevent future problems.  Where crisis counselors look in the first task to form a bond with the person in crisis, long term counselors look to correct issues with sound and tested evidence based treatments.  Where crisis counselors help the person define the immediate problem, long term counselors help provide systematic support for that problem.  Where crisis counselors provides support to help calm the person in crisis, long term counselors help facilitate growth in the healing process.  Where crisis counselors look to help those in crisis see alternate options and develop a plan, long term counselors look to re-educate and help clients express and clarify emotions.  Where crisis counselors resolve with commitment to plan and follow up, long term care counselor continue treatment with resolving issues, accepting realities, reorganizing attitudes and working on maximizing intellectual resources to deal with issues (2017, p. 98).

Those admitted into crisis centers are facing affective, behavioral and cognitive issues that are preventing proper emotional balance and coping. These facilities face different types of intake individuals who face acute crisis

Crisis intervention specialists utilize diagnosis via the triage method looking at the affective, behavioral and cognitive issues on the spot and face to face, while long term counselors work with a detailed case history as well as observation throughout a period of time with most patients not experiencing a state of acute crisis.  Where crisis specialists treat acute trauma and help to stabilize, long term counselors look at the underlying causes for issues over an extended period of time.  Where a crisis specialist’s plan is to meet the immediate physical and emotional needs to stabilize a person, a long term counselor’s plan is a comprehensive effort that covers time and numerous personal and social environments that looks to help alleviate a non acute issue. (James, 2017, p. 98). Hence crisis intervention specialists deal with individuals who are affectively in an impaired state, cognitively unable to think logically and behaviorally out of control and pose a threat to themselves and others, while a long term counselor deals with individuals not in impairment emotionally and is able to think and socially behave (James, 2017, p. 99). This means that crisis professionals whether on the scene, or in a facility helping a person in crisis are working at a mental emergency level where decisions and observations must be quicker and plans may need be adjusted quickly due to safety issues (James, 2017, p. 99)

Types of Issues with Crisis

Obviously dealing with those in crisis requires quick thinking and assessment but it also entails dealing with individuals who are a lethal threat to self and others, as well as many times on multiple types of drugs.  Crisis professionals deal with chronic mental illness, acute interpersonal problems due to relationships and other social factors, and combinations of both (James, 2017, p. 97).  While long term care counselors deal with these type of issues, usually the person is not actually intoxicated, or in a state of mania, or suicidal with gun in hand during a session.  Many crisis counselors deal with an array of acute issues that include those who are constantly in a transcrisis state that can be activated at any moment.  Those facing multiple stressors or anxiety or depression can easily fall into a state of acute crisis in these cases.  In addition to transcrisis, many individuals in chronic crisis will face regression and fall back into old issues that led to crisis.  Others may face issues with possible termination of future sessions with counselor since the counselor has become an anchor (James, 2017, p. 108).  In addition to dealing with those in transcrisis, many counselors deal with individuals with addiction issues and psychotic breaks with reality.  One common type of malady that corresponds with crisis in Borderline Personality Disorder.  This disorder prevents the person from past trauma to achieve stable moods from hour to hour, day to day or month to month.  They can erupt into anger or sadness over minor things they perceive as slights.  Many are also impulsive, self destructive, confused with goals, unable to maintain self esteem, possess suicidal ideation, and have destructive choices in relationships (James, 2017, p. 111). Obviously this type of disorder is a chaotic recipe for crisis calls for the police and later mental health intervention.

These types of issues can lead to big problems with counselors and those in crisis as well as those who offer long term counseling.  It can lead an array of issues where the client is suicidal, deals with abuse, or problems with finances or the law, as well as one who frequently misinterprets a therapist’s statements, reacts strongly to advice, fears resistance and follow through of treatments, as well as transgressing professional boundaries with calls and insults (James, 2017, p. 111).   James points out that when dealing with individuals in chronic crisis or facing other mental maladies, one needs to set ground rules that apply for everyone.  Sessions need to start and end on time. Sessions need to be void of threats.  Everyone speaks for oneself and is fully heard.  Everyone faces all issues discussed and does not have the option to abruptly leave.  The session will not include gaslighting or avoiding the subject.  No one is to arrive drunk or intoxicated.  The crisis counselor or counselor will not take sides.  Time will be respected outside the office and the needs of other clients will not be dismissed for another’s immediate demands (James, 2017, p. 114).  Obviously dealing with those that face multiple issues and chronic crisis is a heavy task.  It involves professionalism, boundaries and sometimes a place to vent for the counselor afterwards.

Crisis Facilities and Law Enforcement

Since the closing of mental asylums in 1963, law enforcement and prisons have picked up the slack of dealing with those in mental crisis.  This has led to many unfortunate incidents of police shootings, or police brutality cases.  While most police officers and law enforcement are good people, the job of dealing with those in mental crisis is exhausting and can trigger a sane individual into actions not normal for fear of safety of self or frustration.  Most police historically have dealt with criminals in the true sense.  Upon apprehending of a thief, the thief understands to drop the weapon or the stop.  Unfortunately in heated situations of mental crisis, people sometimes cannot emotionally understand or comprehend orders.  Due to equilibrium and immobility of a person in crisis, an officer has to show constraint and avoid authoritative and aggressive commands or he/she may escalate the situation.   Some officers are not able to handle this type of mental health interaction but modern policing requires it.  As more and more unfortunate death by cop whether intentional or intentional occurs, the more police need trained in crisis intervention and de-escalation.  Police officers who cannot handle this adjustment either need to find a new profession or soon risk the chance of ending up in prison, sued, or fired themselves.

Police are responding more and more to crisis calls than merely criminal calls. They need to be trained in how to help individuals face crisis to avoid future fatalities

James mentioned the change in policing from instrumental crimes to more expressive crimes where officers are required to adjust their approach in dealing with the person in crisis (2017, p. 102).  James illustrated one of the first joint task teams of law enforcement and mental health and crisis centers with the Memphis Police Department in 1987 (James, 2017. p. 103).   The Crisis Intervention Team or CIT was designed to train police when dealing with those in crisis as well as to coordinate with mental facilities instead of prisons.  James pointed out that the model was not just about training police but also to help create better coordination with the mental health community and consumer advocates promoting mental health awareness (2017, p. 104).  James pointed out that the program covered 40 hours of CIT training that covered cultural awareness of mental illness, substance abuse, developmental disabilities, treatment strategies and mental health resources, patient and legal rights in crisis intervention, suicide intervention, use of mobile crisis teams, education on psychotic meditations and effects, verbal defusing and de-escalating techniques and education on borderline personality disorder and other mental issues (2017, P. 105).

According to James, the program has been a success and a model for other law enforcement agencies in other communities and cities.  Within its first 16 months of operation in 1987 to 1988, Memphis CIT trained officers responded to 5, 831 mental disturbance calls, transported 3, 424 cases to proper mental health facilities without patient fatality (2017, p. 106).   In the 20 and more years since, more calls are received to the hotline differentiating crime and mental crisis and there has been a reduction in the use of force and more individuals being sent to mental facilities instead of jail (James, 2017, p. 106).

This is an important issue and the success shows that modern policing can meet the needs of mental crisis.  Some departments also receive additional aid from social workers, chaplains and other crisis professionals on calls related to mental disturbance.  This does not mean that danger and risk exists both for the person in crisis as well as the first responders but it does reduce the chance for unnecessary and tragic fatality.  This should be an issue every person cares about because anyone can become a victim of crisis and police when called need to be able to de-escalate and not escalate.


Crisis intervention care is not for the faint of heart.  It requires quick thinking and decisions which need to be adjusted on the fly as danger and possible death loom with every call.  Crisis cases whether on scene or in a facility deal with acute crisis.  Individuals are facing dis equilibrium and immobility.  They are affected emotionally, behaviorally and cognitively.  This leads to a different type of response than long term care.  Crisis counselors understand the different nature of their calling and profession. In addition, mental health facilities, the public, and police are all beginning to incorporate better crisis response to negate police brutality or illegal shootings of those in crisis.  This involves understanding that modern policing is more about arresting bad guys but also helping sick people find balance and the proper treatment.

Please also review AIHCP’s Crisis Intervention and Substance Abuse Specialist Programs

Please also review AIHCP’s Crisis Intervention Specialist Certification as well as its Substance Abuse Specialist Certification.  Both programs are online and independent study with mentorship as needed.  The program is open to qualified professionals in law enforcement, healthcare, mental health, human services and chaplaincy.










James, R. & Gilliland, B. (2017). “Crisis intervention Strategies” (8th).  Cengage

Additional Resources

Crisis Centers by State and U.S. Territory.  Access here

Crisis Text Line. Access here

If You or Someone You Know is in Crisis and Needs Immediate Help.  National Institute of Mental Health.  Access here

National Hotline for Mental Health Crises and Suicide Prevention.  NAMI.  Access here

988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. Mental Health America.  Access here

Tich, B. (2023). “What Works in De-Escalation Training”. National Institute of Justice. Access here

Zeller, S. & Kircher, E.  (2020).  “Understanding Crisis Services: What They Are and When to Access Them”. Psychiatric Times.  Access here






How Families Can Monitor Nursing Home Care

Case management is also critical in the mental health fields for good patient outcomes and care. Please also review AIHCP's Case Management CertificationWritten by Mark San Juan.

When one places a family member in a nursing home, the emotions felt are likely complex (on both sides). There’s a sense of relief that the family member is being taken care of and is safe, yet there is a sense of melancholy/abandonment, knowing that the person is advanced in years and will not be in the home they’ve been living in for years.

And if we’re being completely frank, most people don’t want to live in a nursing home, so you’re worried about whether the person you just left there is unhappy. The point is, even in the best case scenario, where the facility is top-notch, this takes some adjusting and getting used to before everybody’s okay with the new situation.

When rooms aren’t that clean, meals seem… Not too edible, and the staff is indifferent? This is why you, as a family member, have to be able to recognize red flags.

We’ll show you all the subtle (and not-so-subtle) signs to look out for and what to do if you think there’s reason to worry.


What Standards to Expect from Nursing Homes

In all honesty, the standards you should expect from a nursing home aren’t anything over the top; you want it to be clean, safe, your loved one to feel respected, and for the staff to do their job. Nothing crazy, so you’d think all nursing homes can stick to this.

Sadly, the reality is different, so let’s get into more details on the standards.

  1. Cleanliness and Safety

There’s a reason why cleanliness/safety takes the number one spot on this list. The nursing home has to be clean (and safe, of course).

The rooms should be kept in an organized manner without any clutter; bathrooms should be hygienic while use of common hallways should not be obstructed by any clutter and should not have any unpleasant odors. This means, the rooms have to be maintained and tidy, the bathrooms have to be hygienic, and common areas can’t be cluttered or smelly.

Linens, bedding, and clothes (this goes for both the staff and the residents) have to be clean, too, and everything has to be washed on a regular basis.

Safety is another top concern. You want all the proper procedures in place (e.g., handrails, lighting, anti-slip flooring, etc.) throughout the entire facility.

Each room should have emergency buttons and safety features (grab bars, entrances accessible by wheelchairs, etc.).

Beyond just “everything needs to be clean and safe”, there’s a deeper reason for the extra caution. And that is to avoid possible infections. The reason is that old people (usually) have weakened immune systems, and are more prone to getting infected.

This is why the COVID-19 protocols actually did a great job in securing such facilities. Hand sanitizers, frequent surface sanitation, staff hygiene, frequent hand washing, gloves, and masks (when necessary).

Not only does this help minimize the chances of an infection, but it also helps minimize the spread of microorganisms.

  1. Sufficient Staff

If the facility is understaffed, the residents don’t get quality care because they just can’t get enough attention from their caregivers. This impacts the seniors’ quality of life, so it’s non-negotiable. It NEEDS to be up to standard.

  1. Resident Rights and Dignity

Quality care also means that all residents are treated with respect. Their privacy needs to be protected and they need to feel dignified.

Those in charge of caregiving should knock prior to making an entry to any of the resident rooms (privacy is important), observe the areas occupied by the patients, and allow them to make their own decisions concerning their everyday activities such as what to eat and what to do.

  1. Proper Management and Procedures for Administration of Drugs-Prescription

In most cases, patients residing in a nursing home are required to take medications within certain intervals of time, which implies that there have to be established procedures that’ll ensure all the medications are taken at the right time without fail (people forget, even refuse, take the wrong dosage, etc. – it needs to be controlled).

Another important thing is for the staff to review the medications every once in a while so that there’s no unnecessary prescriptions, especially with psychoactive drugs.


6 Red Flags

Now that you know what standards every nursing home has to meet, make sure not to compromise on any of them.

But apart from being informed on the standards, you also need to know what red flags to watch out for; let’s take a look.

  1. Sudden Changes in Health or Behavior

Big changes in physical or mental health is usually a sign that something is wrong. If the resident is losing weight quickly, seems depressed, or has bruises or injuries they don’t have a normal explanation for, it’s probably due to neglect.

Pressure sores are another surefire sign of neglect because they occur because of prolonged immobility, so it means that the staff didn’t reposition the resident enough.

  1. Overworked, Tired Staff

Take a look at the staff; do they seem happy and energetic or tired and cranky? If ‘tired & cranky’ is the situation, then the staff members likely under great pressure and stress as a result of being overworked, and if that is the case, then it’s almost certain that they cannot adequately care for their residents.

So, even though this might not be the fault of the employees, it is still the residents who will be the most affected anyway.

  1. Hight Staff Turnover Rate

This is not something that will be obvious, but it is more of something that you’ll find out as time passes. Naturally, if there are a lot of caregivers being streamed through the facility, that means that (most likely) something is wrong. To be fair, it could mean nothing. But, in most cases, it is a call for caution.

High turnovers are usually the result in poor management, poor working conditions, inadequate training, or simply low salaries/high amount of hours. It could also be linked to the previous point, overworked, tired staff.

All of those things, while at first seemingly don’t look like it is YOUR problem to deal with, it actually is. The residents of the facility are going to be the ones that get the short end of that stick. Low morale in workers, means poor living conditions for the residents.

Talk to the current workers (not management) and see how long they’ve been there. If they are new, try finding out why the last person left. You might get no information, or misinformation in the form of gossip/rumors, but nonetheless, you’ll know more than before. You could also talk to some of the residents and ask them if they are happy with the staff, and work from there.

  1. Missing/Misplaced (Personal) Items

If any personal items are being misplaced, or have completely gone missing – this is a huge concern. It could indicate that there’s a lack of organization and security in the facility, or that personal items aren’t being respected.

Regardless of whether the culprit is a staff member, or another resident, personal items should be dealt with respect. It is an issue, and it is not on the victim’s hands to try and deal with it.

If it’s a staff member that’s at fault, management should resolve the issue. If we are looking at another resident/residents, then again, it’s the management or the staff directly who should ensure this isn’t happening.

If the issue persists, then definitely consider contacting an attorney who has experience in this area.

  1. Restrictive Visiting Policies

If a nursing facility (usually) has restricted visiting hours, this could point toward some underlying problems, like understaffing or an unwelcome attitude towards family involvement. Or something worse.

Either way, be wary of such restrictions, and think about how that would affect your elderly loved ones in the long term.

  1. Negative Evaluations and/or Low CMS Ratings

Should the institution fall short of expectations in the ratings system, such as that of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), those will be a clear indication to keep away from that establishment.

A few negative comments can always come from an angry customer that didn’t get their way (even though they were in the wrong). But too many negative comments are (usually) a giant red flag.

Just look at the case of Casa Real Nursing Home failure to meet health standards and you’ll see how low ratings are usually tied to big deficiencies. Casa Real has received repeated citations in basic care areas, and consistently low CMS ratings are one of the biggest red flags ever.

If you’re in a position where your elderly are in a similar nursing home, and you’ve found yourself powerless to take action after your pleas/concerns about any of the red flags were all ignored. Then, you can contact a law firm that specializes in such specific situations.



Everybody deserves to be cared for properly, but especially our fragile seniors.

Unfortunately, they’re easy to take advantage of and if their family isn’t involved or doesn’t visit often, the staff can see that as a chance to not work properly, which leads to neglected, depressed, possibly even sick residents.

Make sure to visit a lot, ask questions, and observe everything around you to see if there’s anything you should be concerned about.


Author’s Bio

Mark San Juan is a distinguished author and health care professional with a passion for transforming health care delivery through innovative approaches. With over two decades of experience in the field, Mark has established himself as a leading voice in health care reform and patient-centered care.


Please also review AIHCP’s Health Care Manager Certification programs and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  These programs are online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification


Crisis Intervention and Assessment of Those in Crisis

Those in crisis require different kinds of counseling than those in short and long term care counseling.  Those in crisis have emotional and mental wounds that are intensely bleeding from within leading to sometimes lethal and dangerous decision making.  Individuals feel lost and without purpose with no light at the end of the tunnel.  Hence those in crisis lose cognitive and mental capabilities to make safe and logical decisions.  This requires on site mental first aid and de-escalation.  Those in EMT, police, FEMA, as well as chaplains and social workers who work with law enforcement approach those in crisis as mental first responders.  One does not know what to expect and the job can definitely be dangerous due to the unexpected behavior of those in crisis.  Individuals trained in crisis hence provide emotional and mental first aid and look to stabilize individuals from a mental and emotional way.  This blog will look at the basic steps of Crisis Intervention and the role of assessing individuals in crisis.

Crisis Intervention professionals assess and implement plans to stabilize the person in crisis

Please also review AIHCP’s Crisis Intervention Specialist Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals

Hybrid Model of Crisis Intervention and Steps

Various models of Crisis Intervention look to examine the best psychological way to understand the state of crisis and how to help an individual reach pre-crisis state.  Crisis professionals all agree that those in crisis experience disequilibrium  as opposed to equilibrium and immobility as opposed to mobility (James, 2017, p. 48).  Disequilibrium refers to lack of emotional stability, balance or poise within an individual (James, 2017, p.48) and immobility refers to the state of a being that is unable to autonomously change or cope or respond to different moods, feelings needs, conditions that require adaptation (James, 2017. p. 48).  Hence it is the duty and vocation of the crisis professional to help individuals again find balance and ability to cope with the crisis inducing situation.  The crisis professional is not again present to help resolve the issues causing the crisis itself but only present to help the person again find ability to cope with the situation in the heat of the moment.  The crisis professional can then guide the person to appropriate resources and support to face the problems that created the conditions for crisis to occur.  This involves various steps and procedures to help a person in crisis stabilize and find balance again.  However, James warns that those in crisis are ones to follow steps but in reality are far more chaotic.  With this in mind, these steps serve as a checklist or guidebook that can be adapted, or repeated, or reused as necessary within the process until the person again finds state of mind.

The Hybrid Model serves as a way for crisis professionals to help de-escalate the situation and help a person find pre-crisis state through seven steps.  The first step is predispositioning/engaging and initiating contact (James, 2017, p. 50).  This essential task sets the table and emotional response between anyone in crisis, whether one is facing little impairment or facing extreme emotional impairment.  This step involves the crisis professional introducing him/herself and attempting to form some type of bond or understanding.   When a person is in intense crisis, approach is key.  An aggressive approach can turn the person to self harm or harm of others or also increase agitation within the mind.  Trained police officers who approach someone in a mental breakdown who approach with more calmness and articulation are far better able to de-escalate as opposed to officers who approach as angry, aggressive or authoritarian.  Many times, police escalate the situation of a person in crisis by challenging, commanding, or threatening.  A person in crisis will not respond logically or calmly to these types of approaches.  The best way is to introduce oneself calmly without threatening (James, 2017, p. 50).  Within this initiation of contact, police or crisis professionals should attempt to learn the name of the person and also clarify one’s intentions in what the person in crisis should expect to happen next.  Calm, clear and precise articulation can help break the ice and begin the process of de-escalation as opposed to making the situation worst.

The second task involves exploring the problem.  This involves understanding the problem from the current context of the individual in crisis (James, 2017, p. 51).  Key to helping and understanding requires core listening skills that encompass empathy and genuineness (James, 2017, p. 51).  In this way,  the crisis specialist examines the situation as a detective.  H/she not only assesses the person (which we will review in the second part of the blog), but he/she also looks for clues about the current problem and addresses the person’s issue as how he/she is experiencing it.  If a person is experiencing a breakdown, the crisis professional will discuss why the person is upset and reinforce understanding of why the situation is bad but also why it can be fixed.  In addition to the person, the crisis professional will also see all the other issues surrounding the current issue, such as interpersonal issues, or other environmental issues and understanding how they fuel the current crisis.

The third task involves providing support.  The crisis specialist, police or chaplain on the scene can provide support via continued empathetic dialogue.  This includes letting the person know he/she is not alone and that the crisis specialist is a person who cares about he or she and that the crisis professional is present to help the person receive the support necessary (James, 2017, p. 52).  This type of reassurance can help a person find some stability.  Many individuals facing natural disasters will need those simply initial words of support to help them find some peace and calm after being completely overwhelmed.  The crisis professional can supply psychological support, logistical support which leads the person to basic survival needs, such as food or water or shelter, social support which includes activating and discovering family, friends, coworkers or church, and information support which can include resources the person can access to find help (James, 2017, p. 53).   Sometimes a person in crisis will need to be reassured that there is support before he/she will accept help from someone or leave a potentially dangerous situation.  A crisis professional can help alleviate the hopelessness by asking and promising the help one needs.  Of course, safety is a huge concern during these discussions.  When weapons or erratic behavior exist, crisis specialists are at risk.  Whether its a violent person in the street, a person threatening to shoot oneself with a gun in hand, the crisis specialist needs to assess, utilize the proper safety guidelines and also the backup present when hoping to diffuse and talk to individuals in a state of crisis.

The fourth task involves helping the person find alternatives to the current mode of thinking (James, 2017, p. 54).  Sometimes rational ideas or different ways of viewing a crisis can help a person find some logic or some hope in finding pre-crisis state.  This involves asking about situational supports the client has had in the past involving family or friends who can help, as well as offering coping mechanisms that include actions, behaviors or resources that can help the client in the temporary crisis.   In addition, offering positive reframing of the current and temporary situation can help the client or person in crisis think more clearly.  A crisis professional can offer a variety of solutions or alternative to the one in crisis to view the situation differently (James, 2017, p. 54).   This ultimately involves a serious examination of the person’s realistic options within the current crisis situation.

Crisis Intervention counselors and specialists on scene look to help the person find emotional balance and mobility to cope with the short term problem through a series of tasks

The fifth task is to create a plan.  Usually these plans are short goal but they offer order in the chaos for the person in crisis.  The crisis professional offers certain ways of proceeding forward and meeting immediate and short term needs of the person.  This type of grounding helps the person find some anchor in the chaos and that there are plans available to escape the crisis.  This is important for individuals who may have lost a home to hurricane or a person who lost his or her job, or a person who is going through a divorce and lost his or her children. The crisis professional helps the person find order and some control (James, 2017. p. 55).  The person should feel part of the plan and have autonomy within it.

The sixth and seventh tasks involve obtaining commitment on part of the person to follow through on the plan and then following up with the client within a few hours, or even days to ensure the person is still on the right path (James, 2017, p. 55-57).  Commitment shows the person understands and comprehends the plan and also gives the person a sense of empowerment.  Follow up is key to ensure the person still understands the plan and is meeting with the necessary agencies or persons to permit the plan to blossom.   This also shows that the crisis professional cares and wants the person to be able to find permanent success following a crisis.  This is important for anyone who lost a job or home and needs to contact certain groups, as well as those who were suicidal are committing to the plan of getting the help they need.

A similar model is referred to as the Robert Model.  This involves assessment of the situation and person regarding lethality.  Following assessment, involves rapport with the individual as found in the Hybrid model.  Following rapport, identifying the problem and crisis and then exploring the emotions is addressed.  Alternative options and plans are then addressed with follow up.  As one can see, most models share a similar 7 step procedure that involves assessments, making contact, understanding the situation and giving options to de-escalate and help the person return to precrisis state with followup.

Interaction with Those in Crisis

Within the first task of initiating contact, it is crucial to establish trust and a bond with those experiencing crisis.  Whether a person is brought to a mental health facility in a state of crisis, or arriving upon a scene, basic interaction with communication and listening skills are important.  As they are in any counseling, particular ways crisis counselors speak and listen can play a big role in de-escalating a situation.  Open ended questions are important that request descriptions of the situation such as “Please tell me” or “Show me” can help a person open up and communicate the crisis.  In addition open ended questions that focus on plans of the person such as “What will you do?” can help make the person in crisis think.  Expansion questions can help broaden the story by simply stating, “Tell me more” or questions that look to assess the situation.  For most cases, “why” questions should be avoided since they provide opening for illogical defense.  While it may attempt to allow one to understand, it also allows the person to intellectualize and defend why one is doing something that one should not do (James, 2017, p. 74).  Close ended questions are used for more focus and quicker responses.  They can obtain specifics, obtain commitments, and help focus on the issue at hand. Crisis counselors can also apply basic counseling skills that involve restatements of what the person feels as well as summaries of how the person is acting.  Sometimes, restating and summarizing can allow a person in crisis to see the insanity of his/her state of mind.

In crisis, crisis professionals many time utilize owning or owning of feelings (James, 2017, p. 75).    Utilizing “It” statements in what is to be done, or how one feels can help the conversation become more intimate and less confrontational as “we”.  The person in crisis has only the professional to discuss, when “I” is utilized.  Such as examples of ” I understand” . It is important not to falsely understand when one does not. In these cases, one should ask for clarification.  Assertion statements are also useful when telling the individual what you expect and how you want someone to do something for one’s own safety.  In these statements, specific actions are asked in the particular moment with “I” statements.  In addition, it is important to offer positive reinforcement when applicable while working a person through crisis.  Compliment the person who is able to breathe smoothly or who is starting to show control of emotions (James, 2017, p. 77).

In addition to various statements that can help create bonds and trust, as well as de-escalation, counselors need to listen with empathy and genuineness (James, 2017, p. 78).  This involves empathetic listening for clues and acknowledging what the person is saying, but also understanding it while helping to guide the person to better options.  It is not patronizing but serious listening and response to what is being related by the person in crisis.  If the person in crisis understands that the counselor is acknowledging fears and taking what the person feels as serious, then respect can exist and the person in crisis will be more listening to reason and statements from the counselor.  Through this, sometimes, a counselor can help create awareness of the situation during reflection of what the person in crisis is stating.  Sometimes, restating the problem via good listening and offering a clear awareness of the difficult situation can be a great aid for the person.  Sometimes, it is also important to allow the person in crisis to talk.  One needs to allow sometimes for the person to talk, express, swear, curse, rant or mourn before reason can be restored (James, 2017, p. 80). In crisis intervention counseling this is referred to as catharsis.  Ultimately, listening and communicating involves empathy with the client in crisis.  It involves proper attending, verbal communication, reflecting feelings, and utilizing nonverbal cues and silence as a way to show empathy (James, 2017, p. 82).

Throughout the tasks, especially when discussing emotions, alternatives and plans, the crisis specialist needs to also promote expansion of the client’s tunnel vision of the temporary moment and open possibilities.  This helps the client see the overall picture (James, 2017, p. 81).   Sometimes during these phases and tasks, crisis counselors can also help individuals focus on the immediate issue.  Many times individuals in crisis will spiral out of control and discuss multiple stressors that are not present.  The crisis counselor can help partition, decompartmentalize and downsize client’s fears and stressors (James, 2017, p. 81).   In addition, counselors during interaction need to know how to supply guidance and help implement order.  Those in crisis and chaos depending on their level of impairment need direction and guidance.  Finally, crisis counselors need to assure those they are working with that they are safe.  “I” statements that assure safety and meeting of physical needs can help a person in crisis become more secure and open to de-escalation (James, 2017, p. 81).

Again, simplified, the basic ABC’s of Crisis Counseling merely involves achieving a relationship, breaking down the problem and committing to a plan of action.  Identifying what activated the event, understanding the beliefs associated with it and the consequences surrounding it.  This involves helping the person again find mobility and equilibrium throughout that process and utilizing the skills listed above in that process and also understanding the affective, behavioral and cognitive states of the person.


Assessment in Crisis Intervention

The tasks in helping a person find balance and mobility again are essential in crisis intervention.  One of the initial observations during the first contact with a person in crisis is assessment of the person.  Crisis Intervention offers a variety of assessment tools and charts to help EMT, police, chaplains and social workers to better able assess a person’s threat to oneself and others.  Most assessment covers affective and emotional states, behavioral states and cognitive states.  It is also important to assess whether a client has been in crisis before or if this is merely an isolated acute situation or if the person is chronic crisis with common re-entry (James, 2017, p. 69).  Chronic, long term and transcrisis can all play roles in the persons limitations on resources and resiliency.

Affective states refer to one’s current mood.  Hence any abnormal or impaired mood can show signs of crisis upon the scene.  A person may seem over emotional  or severely withdrawn.  The behavioral functioning can also be important in assessing.  The crisis professional observes the doing, acting and behavior of the person on scene (James, 2017, p. 58).  Finally the cognitive state of the person in crisis in important in crisis.  The crisis professional reviews the thinking patterns and thoughts of the person in crisis.

These three observations detail the ABC model of affective, behavioral and cognitive states (James, 2017, p.58).   The Triage Assessment system and chart lists a series of questions that look at affective, behavioral and cognitive issues as well as supplying a chart to access severity of crisis (James, 2017. p. 59-64).  A person’s affective state will include observing if the person is on medication or not, under a substance, experiencing psychosis or paranoid or any other mood related or physical appearances.  A person’s behavioral state is ranked based on if the person is defiant, aggressive, reckless, suicidal, or violent.  From a cognitive state, observations include if a person is uncooperative, impulsive, hysterical, confused or unresponsive (James, 2017, p. 60 & 68).

The Affective, Behavioral, and Cognitive scales help assessment with the worst score totaling 30.   Important labels include  no impairment and minimal to low, moderate, marked and severe.  Stable moods are contrasted moods devoid of feeling, behaviors are rated from socially appropriate to behaviors that intensify crisis, and decisions are ranked from considerate of others to decisions that are clear and present danger to self and others (James, 2017, p. 61-62).  Ratings are based off of a 1 to 10 model of each facet of affective, behavioral and cognitive.   Within affective, one rates anger, fear and sadness.  Within behavioral, one rates approach, avoidance and immobility.  Within cognitive, one ranks current transgression, perceived future threat and past reflection on loss.  In addition, there exists observation questions regarding the person that looks at if the person is on or off medication.  Individuals who rate within 3 to 10 total points within assessment are considered minimal impairment and need little direction and can self direct.   Those with ratings of 11-15 require some guidance and direction.  Those with a score of 16 to 19 are indicative of a person losing more and more control of the situation.   Those with scores at 20 are potentially entering into harms way and need intense direction to avoid a lethal range, while those in the upper 20 scores have entered into a lethal range and lethality is present (James, 2017. p. 66).


Please also review AIHCP’s Crisis Intervention Specialist Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals

Crisis Intervention is a structured response to pure and utter chaos.  It is mental first aid.  While structured it is adaptable and adjustable.  Those who are experienced and talented utilize the core concepts and adjust and adapt in the moment.  The seven tasks to help a person find balance and mobility are key as well as assessing low impairment and high impairment cases within one’s affective, behavioral and cognitive abilities.  Those in crisis intervention whether in police, EMT, social work, mental health, and chaplaincy require empathy, patience and skill to safely deal with those who are harmful to self and others.

Please also review AIHCP’s Crisis Intervention Specialist Program.  Qualified professionals can earn a four year certification to help them within this field.  Whether working at a crisis center or trained professionals on the scene, the certification can help give academic and core information that can aid others attempting to work in this high stress but high rewarding field.  The program is online and independent study with mentorship as needed





Bengelsdorf, H., Levy, L. E., Emerson, R. L., & Barile, F. A. (1984). A crisis triage rating scale: Brief dispositional assessment of patients at risk for hospitalization. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 172(7), 424–430. Access here

James, R & Gilliand, B. (2017). “Crisis Intervention and Strategies” (8th). Cengage.

Marschall, A. (2023). “How a Crisis Intervention Provides Mental Health Support”. Very Well Mind. Access here

Myer, R. A., Lewis, J. S., & James, R. K. (2013). The introduction of a task model for crisis intervention. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 35(2), 95–107.  Access here

Roberts, A. & Ottens, A. (2005). “The Seven-Stage Crisis Intervention Model: A Road Map to Goal Attainment, Problem Solving, and Crisis Resolution”. Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention. Access here






Christian Counseling and Sexual Morality

Today, the talk about psychological help and moral advice is getting a lot of focus, especially in Christian groups dealing with sexual morality. Christian counseling creates a way to handle not just emotional and psychological problems, but also brings in religious ideas about sexual ethics. This approach encourages counselors to look at how biblical teachings shape views and actions about sexuality, helping to better understand individual challenges through faith. Examining sexual morality through Christian counseling shows the difficulties of matching personal beliefs with societal expectations, and helps clients find a complete sense of well-being. By looking at the effects of faith-based counseling closely, the conversation can lead to a clearer discussion on how religious beliefs influence personal decisions and therapy practices in these important areas of life.

Please also review AIHCP’s Christian Counseling Certification and how to incorporate good Christian counseling with morality.

A.    Definition of Christian Counseling

Christian morality is a key element in Christian Counseling.

In Christian counseling, a key part is mixing mental health ideas with biblical lessons, which helps with overall mental and spiritual health. This approach highlights how important it is to connect emotional well-being with faith-based values, aiming to lead people to make better life choices through their spirituality. In situations where bad sexual behaviors come up, especially among young adult women who may feel disconnected from their sexuality and spirituality, effective Christian counseling aims to close that gap (see (Armstrong et al., 2019)). By talking about sexual morality and helping understand biblical teachings on sexuality, Christian counseling is important in the spiritual growth of individuals. Therefore, combining traditional counseling methods with scriptural insights not only improves the therapeutic relationship but also creates a space where clients can discuss their issues through their faith perspective.

B.    Overview of Sexual Morality in Christian Context

In the Christian context, sexual morality includes a mix of biblical messages, cultural practices, and personal views. A key point in this discussion is the difference between what people do and what they feel inside, as psychology explains. This difference supports the idea that sexual morality includes not just actions but also motivations and feelings. Many Christian beliefs stress the importance of marriage and the moral aspects of sexual activity, insisting that sexuality should occur in committed partnerships. Moreover, looking at different viewpoints can improve our grasp of this morality, as seen with the inclusion of minority voices in Christian psychology (Behensky et al., 2006). These views question common beliefs and promote a wider look at how sexual morality can be defined and enacted. Therefore, exploring these aspects is important for effective Christian counseling that respects both doctrine and personal experiences.

C.    Importance of Addressing Sexual Morality in Counseling

Understanding sexual ethics is important in counseling, especially in a Christian setting, because it impacts client health and therapy results. Beliefs about sexuality can cause major psychological issues, often making people face struggles between their sexual orientation and religious teachings. Discussing these matters in therapy not only aids individuals in blending their identities but also boosts treatment success, as research shows a clear link between clients’ moral views on same-sex attraction and their opinions on therapy methods (Roller et al., 2011). Additionally, research on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) indicates that talking about sexual ethics can greatly enhance results concerning symptom relief and quality of life in those affected (Myler et al., 2013). Therefore, asking about sexual ethics in counseling is key for creating a helpful and life-changing therapy setting.

II.  Theological Foundations of Sexual Morality

Sexual morality in a religious view greatly affects how the Evangelical church handles counseling and discipline. A solid grasp of biblical ideas on male sexuality, as shown in current pastors’ work, is key for good ministry practices. Understanding the complicated aspects of these teachings can show that sexual morality is more than just rules; it promotes building character and relationships based on faith. Participants in recent studies noted that a full knowledge of scripture, along with teaching and relationship-building methods, is crucial for managing the often uncomfortable talks about sexuality in the church (Silo et al., 2022). Additionally, the push for inclusivity in different theological views helps improve the conversation on sexual morality, encouraging ministers to interact with wider cultural stories while remaining faithful to biblical truths (Behensky et al., 2006). Therefore, a well-rounded view on sexual morality is important for encouraging positive spiritual growth in Christian men.

A.    Biblical Perspectives on Sexuality

Biblical sexual morality finds it basis in Genesis and Adam and Eve

Biblical views on sexuality show a struggle between culture and faith, which greatly influences today’s talks on sexual morals in Christian counseling. The Bible promotes a view of sexuality that encourages loyalty and closeness within marriage, but it also brings about feelings of shame that can prevent open talks about sexual health. For example, many women today, especially those who grew up in the Church, feel a spiritual conflict when their sexual actions do not match the set standards, leading to harmful habits (Armstrong et al., 2019). This gap calls for a review of how churches convey messages about sexuality and faith. The Church’s position, as stated by the Board of General Superintendents, highlights a traditional perspective that values heterosexual marriage as the only valid arena for sexual expression, often ignoring the challenges individuals face when figuring out their sexual identities (Church of the Nazarene et al., 2010). Therefore, counseling practices need to aim for a more inclusive approach that connects spiritual advice with real-life understandings of sexuality.

B.    Historical Development of Christian Sexual Ethics

The development of sexual ethics in Christianity has been shaped by various theological views and cultural situations. Early Christian beliefs, which were largely influenced by Jewish writings, had clear sexual rules that focused on having children and staying faithful in marriage. But as the Church interacted with wider philosophical ideas, especially during the patristic era, opinions on sexuality became more complicated, showing a mix of strictness and recognition of human desire. The Protestant Reformation changed these conversations further, questioning the old moral standards and promoting personal belief that sometimes crossed traditional boundaries. This history shows the contradictions in the Church’s views on sexuality, as noted in today’s studies that indicate a continuing difficulty in combining spirituality with sexuality (Armstrong et al., 2019). Therefore, modern Christian counseling needs to deal with these historical issues to offer clear advice on sexual morality as societal norms change (Kate M. Ott, 2009).

C.    The Role of Church Teachings in Shaping Morality

Church teachings are very important for shaping individual and community morals, especially about sexual ethics. In Pentecostal settings, for example, loyalty to God and single-partner relationships are highlighted, showing that sexual intimacy in marriage is both holy and better morally. These teachings guide followers to deal with complex social rules, especially in cultures where polygamy may be accepted, thereby affecting personal decisions about loyalty and sexual fulfillment (Quiroz et al., 2016). However, the gap between church beliefs and current cultural habits often results in moral confusion. Many women who grew up with strict church guidance find themselves stuck between the ideals of their religion and the social pressures that promote casual relationships before serious commitments (Armstrong et al., 2019). As a result, the clash between religious advice and sexual morality is filled with tension, highlighting the powerful and yet conflicting role of church teachings in today’s world.

III.             Challenges in Christian Counseling Related to Sexual Morality

In dealing with the difficult issues of sexual morality, Christian counselors face big challenges from the mix of faith, culture, and personal beliefs. One key part of these challenges is the requirement to stick to biblical teachings while also dealing with the different and complicated sexual experiences of individuals. Many clients might have problems with their sexual identity or actions that clash with traditional Christian values, which makes counselors think hard about how to respond. As stated in psychology, which includes both behavior and thought processes (Bufford et al., 2006), dealing with these internal feelings is crucial for successful counseling. Moreover, there is a strong need for inclusivity in counseling views that recognize the wider social changes around sexuality. This is seen in efforts to bring together various cultural and theological perspectives (Behensky et al., 2006). These elements highlight the need for continuous conversation and adjustment in Christian counseling practices to better assist those looking for help.

A.    Cultural Influences on Sexual Behavior

The values of the world and the Law of God usually do not coincide with Christian morality and sexuality

Cultural factors greatly influence sexual behavior, which shows the need for a careful understanding in Christian counseling. In different environments, especially where religion meets culture, these factors set rules about sexuality and family planning. For example, studies in rural Malawi show that the features of religious groups—like a leader’s positive view on family planning—can greatly affect how women use contraceptives, indicating that relationships within these religious communities are important ((Jenny Trinitapoli et al.)). Additionally, including various cultural viewpoints can help create more effective faith-based counseling methods, enhancing the conversation around sexual morality. By recognizing different voices and experiences in the Christian community, counselors can handle the challenges from varied cultural stories about sexuality, promoting a more inclusive and caring way to provide advice on sexual ethics ((Behensky et al., 2006)). This cultural awareness is crucial for encouraging healthy sexual practices that are in line with Christian beliefs.

B.    Conflicts Between Personal Beliefs and Counseling Practices

Dealing with personal beliefs in counseling is hard for professionals, especially in Christian counseling and views on sexual morality. Counselors often find it tough to mix their faith-based values with the need to create accepting and non-judgmental spaces for clients who have different beliefs. This situation can cause problems during counseling sessions, where quick and automatic value judgments happen, showing how deep personal beliefs affect professional work (Randall et al., 2024). In addition, shifts in societal views on sexuality make these problems worse, putting counselors in difficult spots regarding their legal and ethical responsibilities. Recent studies show that there is a clear need for better support systems within the counseling field; without this support, many counselors may feel unready to handle these issues, which can hurt their capacity to give good care (Murray et al., 2019).

C.    Addressing Sexual Identity and Orientation in Counseling

Dealing with the difficulties of sexual identity and orientation in counseling needs a good understanding of the cultural and religious backgrounds of individuals. Good counseling methods should include knowledge of societal influences—often shaped by church beliefs—which can create confusion for clients dealing with their identities. Recent studies show that seminaries have different ways of teaching sexuality in their programs, resulting in different counseling results ((Kate M. Ott, 2009)). Moreover, the gap between spirituality and sexuality, especially for women raised in religious settings, shows the need for approaches that support healthy sexual expression along with spiritual development ((Armstrong et al., 2019)). Counselors skilled in these areas can create a space where clients can explore both their sexuality and spiritual health together, ultimately helping them achieve self-acceptance and better relationship dynamics.

IV.            Practical Approaches in Christian Counseling

In dealing with the many problems of sexual morality in Christian counseling, counselors have different practical ways to use both religious ideas and psychological methods. One helpful method is to bring together different cultures and fields in counseling practices, knowing that a person’s background affects their experiences and moral thinking. This supports the need for various voices in the integration process, indicating that different viewpoints can help improve therapy and deepen moral conversations ((Behensky et al., 2006)). Moreover, understanding how to manage one’s reputation can greatly affect pastoral care and counseling practices. By recognizing that clergy often worry about how they are seen by others, counselors can create spaces that encourage honest discussions and healing, which are crucial for tackling sensitive topics like sexuality. In the end, these methods not only make therapy more effective but also support a caring view of sexual morality in a Christian setting ((Bailey K. E. et al., 2019)).

A.    Integrating Scripture with Counseling Techniques

Christian Counseling looks to integrate Biblical principles with counseling and psychology to form the most complete form of truth in counseling

Putting Scripture into therapy frameworks needs a clear understanding of how faith connects with mental processes. A key part of this integration is understanding the unique self-view of Christian clients, especially those in Independent Protestant groups, where the idea of sanctification influences how they see themselves and change. This theological view can clash with traditional psychological ideas that focus on self-awareness and emotional expression as ways to heal. Research shows that for these clients, their connection with Jesus is very important, acting as the way they view their personal challenges and therapy goals ((Darley et al., 2021)). This insight encourages counselors to adapt their approaches to match a client’s spiritual journey while also addressing emotional and thinking issues. Therefore, a teamwork approach that respects Scripture can create a caring and effective counseling experience, promoting deeper healing and aligning treatment goals with the process of sanctification ((Behensky et al., 2006)).

B.    Developing a Framework for Ethical Decision-Making

The way of making ethical choices in Christian counseling needs a strong structure that combines spiritual ideas with the complicated nature of human actions. As counselors deal with the details of sexual ethics, they must find a way to connect their own beliefs with the various backgrounds and values of their clients. A solid grasp of Catholic social teachings can improve this structure by giving moral guidance that is both caring and strong, creating a space where young people can freely talk about their health issues and relationship matters (Cadegan et al., 1997). Furthermore, the idea of integrating values, as pointed out in recent research, stresses the need for counselors to be aware of their own values and to handle them well in their work (Randall et al., 2024). This combined approach, which brings together ethical reasoning and real-life application, helps counselors to thoughtfully manage conflicts and supports their ongoing professional development. In the end, setting up a complete ethical decision-making framework is crucial for bettering the effectiveness and trustworthiness of Christian counseling methods.

C.    Providing Support for Individuals Facing Sexual Issues

Dealing with sexual problems often needs several angles that include both mental understanding and spiritual help. In Christian counseling, dealing with sexual issues means making a safe space where people can address their worries openly. Many struggle because of the mixed messages about sexuality that come from society and the Church. An example is seen in the changing French child protection system, where past beliefs can shape how people think and act about sexuality ((Grevot et al., 2002)). Additionally, many women who are just entering adulthood, raised in homes that do not support talking about sex, feel a conflict between their faith and sexual feelings that adds to their problems ((Armstrong et al., 2019)). By giving counselors the tools to promote open discussions and connect sexuality with spiritual beliefs, helpers can support individuals in aligning their faith with their sexual identities. This kind of support is vital for building healthier relationships and personal development.

V.  Conclusion

In conclusion, the link between Christian counseling and sexual morality needs a careful look at both spiritual and social factors. The interactions within religious groups, especially in varied environments, significantly influence how people think about sexual ethics and using contraceptives. For example, how church leaders impact family planning choices shows the need to tailor religious messages to modern challenges, as seen in rural Malawi where certain church traits are more influential on contraceptive actions than general denomination ties (Jenny Trinitapoli et al.). Additionally, the difficulties clergy face reconciling their beliefs with their duties highlight the fragile balance needed to maintain respect and provide effective support in counseling situations. The management of public perception in religious contexts, as examined in the study of clergy from Chinese and American churches, illustrates how these leaders handle moral issues while assisting their members (Bailey K. E. et al., 2019). In the end, these findings emphasize the need for ongoing discussions and adjustments in Christian counseling methods to promote healthy sexual morality that aligns with people’s real experiences.

A.    Summary of Key Insights

When looking at sexual morality in Christian counseling, several main points come forward that help us understand this complicated topic. To start, the role of face management and how it affects the behavior of clergy shows the need to explore how cultural factors shape counseling methods ((Bailey K. E. et al., 2019)). This connection illustrates how the concern for reputation and feelings of shame might affect choices, which in turn impacts the success of counseling sessions. Additionally, bringing in a variety of views improves the conversation about sexual morality. By considering minority perspectives from different cultural and religious backgrounds, Christian counselors can create a broader approach that addresses existing biases and appreciates the complexity of personal experiences ((Behensky et al., 2006)). This mix of ideas creates a more inclusive and effective way of dealing with sexual morality, which connects with the varied realities of clients while staying true to Christian beliefs.

B.    The Future of Christian Counseling and Sexual Morality

As Christian counseling changes, combining different views is important for dealing with modern issues about sexual morality. This change pushes counselors to listen to voices that were once ignored, making discussions in the field more meaningful (Behensky et al., 2006). By being open to this diversity, Christian counselors can better handle the complicated topics of sexual orientation and identity that often conflict with traditional beliefs. Additionally, research on how Christian university students feel about homosexuality and the effectiveness of sexual reorientation therapy shows that future counseling needs to focus on both ideas and real-world effects of these beliefs (Roller et al., 2011). As counselors work through the connections between faith and sexuality, they must strive to create a respectful and understanding space that respects their religious beliefs while addressing the real challenges faced by individuals seeking help in a more diverse society.

C.    Call to Action for Counselors and Faith Communities


Please also review AIHCP’s Christian Counseling Certification

Counselors and faith groups need to work together to deal with the complicated issues of sexual morality in a Christian context. By promoting open conversations that look at the psychological, emotional, and spiritual aspects of people’s experiences, these groups can offer more complete support for individuals struggling with sexual identity and morality. This teamwork helps counselors gain a better understanding of theology and allows faith leaders to handle sensitive topics with more empathy and informed advice. Additionally, creating educational workshops that examine the relationship between faith and sexuality can help connect traditional beliefs with modern realities, improving the community’s ability to manage these tough discussions. By taking a proactive approach, counselors and faith communities can build an atmosphere of grace and understanding, encouraging people to seek help and healing in their personal journeys.

Please also review AIHCP’s Christian Counseling Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  The program is designed for pastors, ministers, priests, counselors-both pastoral and clinical to utilize integrated Christian Counseling to everyday life in ministry or profession.  The program is also independent study and online with mentorship as needed.

The Best Medical Books to Read if You Love Medicine

Journaling has a good record of helping individuals better cope with loss and griefWritten by Stephen Carter.

Do hours disappear when you’re immersed in medical literature? If you can’t get enough of doctors’ firsthand accounts, research findings, or surgical thrillers, then you’re in good company. Healthcare is not just about fixing what’s broken; it’s a dynamic intersection of ethics, creativity, and commitment to caring for people that constantly redefines the way we practice medicine. If you’re a medicine enthusiast, get ready to dig in – we’ve compiled a list of medical books that’ll capture your imagination! Bursting with courage, passion, and groundbreaking moments, these compelling stories showcase the heart-pumping dramas, philosophical debates, and dedicated struggles that underpin healthcare. Prepare to be not just informed, but provoked and uplifted too.

  1. “The Emperor of All Maladies” by Siddhartha Mukherjee

An absolute must-read, this Pulitzer Prize-winning book is a “biography” of cancer. With cancer’s ancient roots in Egypt as a starting point, Mukherjee rolls out a textured narrative that immerses readers in the impassioned push for a cure, reliving the exhilarating highs and demoralizing lows that have come to define humanity’s persistent battle against this ruthless enemy. Groundbreaking science meets storytelling magic in this tome, refusing to let the reader’s attention stray. Mukherjee’s ability to translate complex subjects into relatable stories makes this work a standout.

A fact worth noting: cancer is responsible for nearly 10 million deaths globally each year, with numbers rising as populations age. Mukherjee masterfully weaves together stories of cancer’s human impact with the tireless efforts of scientists chasing a solution – their groundbreaking discoveries tempered by the unrelenting push to find a cure. The narrative takes you through pivotal moments in the history of cancer research, spotlighting figures like Dr. Sidney Farber and the advent of chemotherapy. Mukherjee does not shy away from discussing the ethical quandaries that arise in the pursuit of a cure, providing a comprehensive view that is both enlightening and heart-wrenching. His exploration of the social stigma attached to cancer and how it affects patients and families adds an emotional depth that resonates long after you turn the last page.


  1. “When Breath Becomes Air” by Paul Kalanithi

Not a book for the faint of heart, “When Breath Becomes Air” is a memoir by neurosurgeon Paul Kalanithi, who was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer in his 30s. With his own mortality staring him down, Kalanithi upends his life’s work, trading his stethoscope for a mirror to query the very essence of healing: What does it mean to love, to care, and to simply exist? What happens when the compassionate scalpel of medical wisdom meets the stern-faced reality of our own demise? This affecting memoir explores that question with disarmingly tender results.

As Kalanithi shares his journey, we’re reminded that behind every diagnosis is a person, not just a list of symptoms and treatment plans. He eloquently discusses the intersection of his roles as a doctor and a patient, offering insights that are both poignant and profound. His reflections on the relationships he formed with patients highlight the deeply human aspect of medicine, illustrating that healing is often as much about connection as it is about treatment. As the last page turns, a haunting question lingers: What does it mean to be human in a world of medical marvels? Kalanithi’s reflections on life, death, and the intricacies of the human experience resonate deeply, urging readers to contemplate their values and the legacy they wish to leave behind.


  1. “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks” by Rebecca Skloot

Ethics, science, and human dignity collide in this account of Henrietta Lacks, a Black woman whose cells, taken without her consent in 1951, became one of the most important tools in medicine. In a stunning laboratory achievement, Henry Lacks’ HeLa cells, discovered by chance, adapted miraculously to their artificial environment, resulting in a windfall of new information about cancer and the intricacies of human genetics. A dark cloud looms over this book’s achievements, as it’s stained by the moral ambiguities of using her cells without permission or credit for so long – a betrayal that refracts Through the prism of medicine and race. We’ve seen this kind of ethical and moral torment more than once in our favorite books on FictionMe, but this book is especially poignant because it’s based on real events. One innocent bystander morphed into an unlikely testament, spearheading waves of revolutionary discoveries while upholding science’s tenaciously preserved principles, ones keenly aware that morality serves as science’s ethical DNA of race and medicine.


  1. “The House of God” by Samuel Shem

If you’re looking for an unfiltered look at the life of medical interns, “The House of God” is as raw as it gets. Young doctors’ struggles take center stage in this fictional romp, which simultaneously rips the Band-Aid off the unvarnished truth and dishes out plenty of laugh-out-loud moments. Shem’s portrayal of the rigors of medical training and the accompanying challenges of burnout, disillusionment, and the quest for identity is both humorous and heartbreaking.

This satirical novel takes readers on a wild ride through the absurdities of hospital life, shedding light on the pressures faced by medical professionals. Behind the scrub tops and stethoscopes, medical professionals often hide the crushing fatigue and self-doubt that accompany their demanding work schedules and life-or-death decisions. It will help you pass the time during the flight, because it fits into your iPhone and can be downloaded to your device. Shem’s writing is sharp, often veering into dark humor, making it an engaging read for anyone curious about the realities of medical practice.

This book not only entertains but also serves as a poignant reminder of the humanity that underpins the medical profession. It encourages empathy towards medical professionals, illustrating how their experiences can mirror the struggles of their patients.


  1. “Medical Ethics: A Very Short Introduction” by Tony Hope

Medicine’s moral landscape is vast and sometimes murky. This compact book is a dependable starting point for those who want to wrestle with the tough questions. With compassion and insight, Tony Hope, a medical ethics expert, walks us through the moral minefields of contemporary healthcare – end-of-life dilemmas, genetic revolution, and confidentiality conundrums.

Want to stay ahead of the curve in medical ethics? This book has got you covered, serving up workable frameworks that translate to real-life scenarios. As medical knowledge expands, the thorniest ethical dilemmas are only going to get thornier. For example, the global market for gene therapy is projected to reach $13.3 billion by 2024, bringing with it complex ethical considerations about altering human DNA. Hope encourages readers to think critically about the implications of medical advancements, posing challenging questions about patient autonomy, informed consent, and the responsibilities of healthcare providers. He provides readers with thought experiments and real-world cases that provoke deep reflection and discussion, making it an invaluable resource for anyone interested in the ethical dimensions of medicine.


  1. “Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End” by Atul Gawande

Another brilliant work by Gawande, “Being Mortal” tackles the often uncomfortable topic of aging and end-of-life care. Gawande pulls back the curtain on a medical community where extending life expectancy often trumps livability, especially when the clock is ticking. For him, living with intention means peeling back the layers to reveal what truly counts – and sometimes, that means trading mile markers for moments of true connection.

Did you know that, according to the World Health Organization, 40 million people need palliative care each year? Flip the script on your concept of living a good life and dying with purpose – this book is about to challenge everything you thought you knew. Gawande explores the limitations of modern medicine and the importance of conversations about death, urging healthcare professionals to prioritize quality of life over mere survival. He offers a compassionate perspective on how we can approach aging and dying with dignity, respect, and an understanding of what truly matters in the end. Gawande’s storytelling not only brings light to the complexities of healthcare systems but also emphasizes the importance of patient-centered care, encouraging readers to reflect on their values and the kind of legacy they want to leave behind.


The Takeaway

Medical fields might seem entrenched in fact and reason, but each book debunks this myth, bridging gaps between abstract ideas and human endeavors, as reflected in enthralling case studies and insider testimonies from healthcare providers and patients. The sprint to perfect medicine hasn’t erased its human essence – not when books like these peek behind the curtain, revealing doctors as dedicated individuals, not just white-coat superheroes

As you dive into these powerful narratives, consider how they challenge your own views on healthcare, ethics, and the human experience. Whether you’re a medical professional, a student, or simply someone who appreciates the complexities of medicine, these books offer valuable insights and provoke thought about the future of healthcare. The stories and lessons contained within them serve as a reminder of the courage, compassion, and commitment that define the practice of medicine, making it a field rich with both challenges and triumphs.

By engaging with these texts, you can cultivate a deeper understanding of the many facets of healthcare, enhancing your appreciation for the professionals dedicated to this demanding and rewarding field. So grab a book from this list, find a cozy spot, and get ready to be inspired, informed, and challenged in your perceptions of what it means to practice medicine in today’s world. Each of these works is not just an invitation to learn but also a call to empathy, urging us all to recognize the profound humanity that underpins the medical profession and our shared experience of health and illness.


Author’s Bio:

Stephen Carter is an experienced content creator and marketing expert who writes about software development at VeePN. He has been helping authors to improve their blogs for over five years, enabling them to turn this hobby into a business. He enjoys researching and discussing technology-related topics and sharing her experiences with like-minded audiences. He also writes about digital marketing, business, and careers.

Content Marketing Specialist at VeePN

Miami Beach, Florida, USA



Please also review AIHCP’s Nurse Patient Educator Certification programs and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  These programs are online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification

Certified Meditation Instructor Advice: Types of Meditation Practices

By – James M. Katz, BA

Meditation has become increasingly popular as people seek ways to reduce stress and improve their overall well-being. Learning from a certified Meditation Instructor can help us learn the different types of meditation practices and the unique benefits they offer, allowing individuals to find techniques that resonate with their personal goals and preferences. From breath awareness to mindfulness meditation, the variety of approaches caters to diverse needs and lifestyles.

This article explores several meditation styles, including guided meditation, focused attention, open monitoring, loving-kindness, and body scan techniques. By understanding these different methods of meditation, readers can discover which practices align with their objectives and start their journey toward inner calm and self-discovery. Whether one aims to sharpen focus, cultivate compassion, or deepen body awareness, there’s a meditation type to suit every purpose.

Certified Meditation Instructor – Guided Meditation: A Beginner’s Gateway

Guided meditation serves as an excellent starting point for those new to meditation practices. This approach involves following the instructions of a meditation teacher, either in person or through audio recordings. It provides a structured framework that helps beginners navigate the often-challenging process of quieting the mind and focusing attention.

A certified meditation instructor teaching a meditation class in the park.
Meditation has numerous health benefits beyond merely stress reduction

Benefits of guided meditation for newcomers

For those just beginning their meditation journey, guided sessions offer numerous advantages. They provide a clear path to follow, reducing the uncertainty that can often accompany solo meditation attempts. This structure helps newcomers feel more confident and comfortable as they explore different types of meditation practices.
One of the primary benefits of guided meditation is its ability to reduce stress and promote relaxation. Research has shown that as little as 12 minutes of daily meditation over an eight weeks can lead to noticeable changes in the brain, decrease anxiety levels, and increase overall well-being. This makes guided meditation an effective tool for managing stress in today’s busy world.

Moreover, guided meditation with a certified meditation instructor can help improve focus and concentration. By following the instructor’s voice, practitioners learn to direct their attention more effectively, a skill that can be applied in various aspects of daily life. This enhanced focus can lead to increased productivity and a greater sense of calm throughout the day.

Types of guided meditations

There are various types of guided meditations, each designed to address specific needs or goals. Some common forms include:

1. Mindfulness meditation: This practice focuses on developing non-judgmental awareness of the present moment, often by paying attention to breath or bodily sensations.
2. Loving-kindness meditation: This technique aims to cultivate compassion and positive emotions towards oneself and others.
3. Body scan meditation: This practice involves systematically focusing attention on different parts of the body, promoting relaxation and body awareness.
4. Visualization meditation: This type uses imagery to evoke specific mental states or emotions, such as imagining a peaceful natural setting.
5. Mantra meditation: This form involves repeating a word or phrase to focus the mind and create a sense of calm.

Each of these meditation styles offers unique benefits, allowing individuals to choose the approach that resonates most with their personal goals and preferences.

Resources for finding quality guided sessions

For those interested in exploring guided meditation, numerous resources are available. Finding a certified meditation instructor is easy! Many meditation apps, such as Headspace and Calm, offer a wide range of guided sessions led by experienced teachers. These apps can be particularly helpful for beginners, providing structured programs and the flexibility to meditate anytime, anywhere.

Online platforms like YouTube also host a wealth of free guided meditation videos. Channels run by certified meditation instructor such as The Honest Guys and Michael Sealey offer a variety of sessions tailored to different needs, from stress relief to improved sleep. For those seeking a more personalized experience, local meditation centers or yoga studios often provide guided group sessions led by trained instructors. These in-person classes can offer the added benefit of community support and the opportunity to ask questions directly to a teacher. Podcasts are another excellent resource for guided meditations. Shows like Tara Brach’s weekly meditation podcast combine teachings on mindfulness with guided practice sessions, offering both instruction and practical experience. By exploring these various resources, beginners can find the guided meditation style and format that works best for them, setting the foundation for a rewarding and sustainable meditation practice.

Focused Attention Meditation: Sharpening the Mind

Focused attention meditation (FAM) is a powerful technique among the different types of meditation practices that aims to enhance concentration and mental clarity. This method involves directing one’s attention to a specific object, thought, or sensation, training the mind to maintain focus and resist distractions.

Techniques for developing concentration

One of the most common certified meditation instructor techniques in focused attention meditation is mindful breathing. This practice involves concentrating on the natural rhythm of one’s breath, observing the sensation of air entering and leaving the nostrils or the rise and fall of the chest. By shifting focus away from distracting thoughts, this technique can offer stress relief and improve one’s ability to concentrate on tasks requiring sustained mental effort.

Another effective technique is counting breath cycles. This method involves counting each exhale up to a certain number before starting back at one. This simple yet dynamic task can help maintain focus on the breath and prevent the mind from wandering, thereby strengthening concentration skills. For those new to meditation, guided sessions can be particularly helpful. These involve following the instructions of a meditation teacher, either in person or through audio recordings. Guided meditations provide structure and can help practitioners discover new techniques while deepening their understanding of meditation.

Using objects of focus (breath, image, phrase)

While the breath is a common focal point in focused attention meditation, practitioners can choose from a variety of objects to concentrate on. Some may prefer to focus on a physical item, taking advantage of our natural tendency to direct attention toward objects in front of us. This object-focused meditation allows individuals to anchor their attention and train their minds to be fully present in the moment.

Alternatively, practitioners might use a specific phrase or mantra as their point of focus. Mantra meditation, as taught by a certified meditation instructor, involves repeating a word or phrase to center the mind and create a sense of calm. This technique can be particularly effective for those who find it challenging to concentrate on physical sensations. Visual meditation is another variation of focused attention practice. This involves directing attention to a specific image or visualization, such as imagining a peaceful natural setting. By engaging multiple senses in the experience, visual meditation can help practitioners immerse themselves fully in the present moment.

Benefits for cognitive function and mental clarity

Research has shown that focused attention meditation can have significant benefits for cognitive function and mental clarity. Studies suggest that this practice can improve attentional control, making it easier to maintain focus and recover from distractions.

Moreover, focused attention meditation has been found to reduce activity in areas of the brain associated with mind-wandering. This can help practitioners stay more present and focused on their current tasks. The practice has also been linked to improvements in convergent thinking – the ability to come up with a specific solution to a well-defined problem. This enhanced problem-solving capability can be particularly beneficial in various aspects of daily life.

Regular practice of focused attention meditation can lead to increased gray matter density in areas of the brain responsible for information processing, learning, and memory. This structural change can contribute to improved cognitive functions, including enhanced memory, attention, and decision-making skills.
In conclusion from a certified meditation instructor point of view, focused attention meditation offers a practical and effective way to sharpen the mind, improve concentration, and enhance overall cognitive function. By consistently practicing these techniques and exploring different objects of focus, individuals can develop a stronger ability to maintain attention and achieve greater mental clarity in their daily lives.

Open Monitoring Meditation: Expanding Awareness

Open monitoring meditation (OMM) is a unique approach among different types of meditation practices that focuses on cultivating a broad, receptive awareness of all experiences arising in the present moment. Unlike focused attention meditation, which directs concentration to a specific object, OMM encourages practitioners to remain open to whatever emerges in their field of consciousness without judgment or attachment.

Principles of non-directive meditation

Non-directive meditation techniques, including open monitoring meditation, are characterized by a relaxed focus that allows thoughts, images, sensations, memories, and emotions to flow freely without expectation or control. This approach is believed to facilitate the processing of emotional experiences, contributing to overall wellness and stress management. In OMM, practitioners maintain a non-reactive and non-judgmental awareness of their present moment experience. Rather than viewing bodily sensations, feelings, and thoughts as distractions, they become objects of observation. This practice aims to develop a more acute awareness of experiences while reducing emotional reactivity.

Practicing open awareness

To practice open monitoring meditation, individuals start by establishing a relaxed focus, often through the repetition of a short sequence of syllables or a non-semantic meditation sound. As attention inevitably shifts to spontaneous thoughts or sensations, practitioners gently redirect their focus back to the present moment without judgment.

The goal is to increase one’s ability to accept and tolerate stressful and emotional experiences as a normal part of both meditation and daily life. This approach differs from other meditation styles that emphasize reducing mind-wandering, as OMM considers the spontaneous flow of inner experiences an integral part of the practice.

Effects on creativity and emotional regulation

Certified Meditation Instructor research has shown that open monitoring meditation can have significant effects on creativity and emotional regulation. A study by Lorenza Colzato found that OMM was more effective in stimulating divergent thinking, a key component of creativity, compared to focused attention meditation. This suggests that the open, receptive state cultivated in OMM may enhance the ability to generate new ideas and think more flexibly.

In terms of emotional regulation, OMM has been found to reduce activity in brain regions associated with autobiographical memory and self-referential processing. This detachment from personal narratives may contribute to a more non-judgmental and non-reactive attitude during meditation. Additionally, OMM has been shown to decrease the relationship between the striatum and attention network regions, indicating a reduction in intentional focused attention.

The practice of open monitoring meditation may also have lasting effects beyond the meditation session itself. Studies have observed that increased connectivity between certain brain regions persists after the meditation practice, suggesting that the benefits of OMM may extend into daily life.

By cultivating a broader attentional focus and allowing for the acknowledgment of any experiences that arise during meditation, open monitoring meditation offers a unique approach to enhancing awareness and promoting emotional well-being. As practitioners become more adept at this technique, they may find themselves better equipped to navigate the complexities of their inner experiences and respond to life’s challenges with greater equanimity and creativity.

Loving-Kindness Meditation: Cultivating Compassion

Loving-kindness meditation, also known as metta bhavana, is a powerful practice among the different types of meditation practices that focuses on cultivating compassion and unconditional kindness towards oneself and others. This ancient Buddhist technique has gained popularity in recent years due to its numerous benefits for emotional well-being and relationships.

Understanding metta bhavana

Metta bhavana, which translates to “love” (metta) and “development” (bhavana) in Pali, is a practice that encourages the development of benevolence and goodwill. Unlike other meditation styles that may emphasize breath awareness or mindfulness, loving-kindness meditation specifically targets the cultivation of positive emotions and compassion.

The practice typically involves repeating phrases or mantras, such as “May I be happy” or “May you be free from suffering,” directed towards oneself and others. These affirmations serve to generate feelings of warmth, friendliness, and connection. Some practitioners also incorporate visualization techniques, imagining positive energy or light emanating from their heart and extending to others.

Steps to practice loving-kindness

Loving-kindness meditation often follows a structured approach, gradually expanding the circle of compassion. Here’s a common sequence:

1. Self-compassion: Begin by directing loving-kindness towards yourself, acknowledging your own worthiness of love and happiness.
2. Loved ones: Extend these feelings to someone you care deeply about, such as a family member, friend, or pet.
3. Neutral person: Broaden your focus to include someone you neither like nor dislike, perhaps a neighbor or acquaintance.
4. Difficult person: Challenge yourself by offering loving-kindness to someone you find challenging or with whom you have conflict.
5. All beings: Finally, expand your compassion to encompass all living beings, wishing for their well-being and happiness.

Throughout the practice, it’s essential to maintain a gentle and non-judgmental attitude, allowing thoughts and emotions to arise without attachment.

Benefits for relationships and emotional well-being

Research has shown that regular practice of loving-kindness meditation can have significant positive impacts on both personal relationships and overall emotional health.
One study found that individuals who engaged in loving-kindness meditation experienced increased positive emotions, ranging from joy and gratitude to contentment and hope. These elevated emotional states contributed to higher life satisfaction and a sense of well-being, which persisted over time with sustained practice.

In terms of relationships, loving-kindness meditation has been shown to enhance social connections, even among strangers. A study conducted by Stanford University researchers discovered that just seven minutes of loving-kindness meditation led to increased feelings of social connection towards others. This improved sense of connection can have far-reaching effects on interpersonal interactions and overall relationship satisfaction.

Moreover, loving-kindness meditation has demonstrated potential benefits for managing social anxiety. By cultivating self-compassion and reducing self-criticism, individuals may find it easier to navigate social situations with greater ease and confidence.

The practice has also shown promise in reducing anger and tension in relationships. A recent trial found that the longer patients practiced loving-kindness meditation, the lower their anger levels were the following day. This suggests that regular practice may contribute to more harmonious and less conflictual relationships.
In conclusion, loving-kindness meditation offers a unique approach among the various meditation techniques available. By focusing on cultivating compassion and positive emotions, it provides a powerful tool for enhancing emotional well-being and fostering stronger, more fulfilling relationships.

Body Scan Meditation: Deepening Body Awareness

Body scan meditation is a powerful technique among the different types of meditation practices that focuses on cultivating a deep awareness of physical sensations throughout the body. This method involves systematically directing attention to various parts of the body, from the toes to the top of the head, or vice versa. By combining body awareness with breath awareness, practitioners can achieve a state of profound relaxation and heightened mindfulness.

Techniques for progressive relaxation

Progressive relaxation is a key component of body scan meditation. This technique involves tensing and then releasing different muscle groups in a specific sequence. As practitioners move through each area of the body, they learn to recognize and release tension, promoting a deep sense of physical and mental relaxation.

To practice progressive relaxation, one typically starts by finding a comfortable position, either lying down or sitting. The process begins with focusing on the breath, taking slow, deep inhalations and exhalations. Then, attention is directed to a specific body part, such as the right hand. Practitioners are encouraged to clench their fist and bend it back at the wrist, holding the tension for about five seconds before releasing it. This process is repeated for each muscle group, moving systematically through the body.

It’s important to note that while tensing the muscles, one should avoid straining or causing pain. The goal is to create a noticeable contrast between tension and relaxation, allowing the body to experience a deeper state of ease. As practitioners move through the body, they may notice areas of chronic tension or discomfort, providing valuable insights into their physical and emotional states.

Combining body scan with breath awareness

Integrating breath awareness with body scanning enhances the effectiveness of the practice. As practitioners move their attention through different parts of the body, they can use the breath as an anchor, helping to maintain focus and deepen relaxation. This combination of techniques can be particularly beneficial for stress reduction and improving sleep quality.

To incorporate breath awareness into a body scan, practitioners can visualize breathing into each body part as they focus on it. For example, when attention is on the feet, one might imagine the breath flowing all the way down to the toes on the inhale and releasing any tension on the exhale. This visualization can help create a sense of spaciousness and relaxation in each area of the body.

Another approach is to notice how different parts of the body move with each breath. For instance, observing the rise and fall of the abdomen or the subtle movements in the chest and ribcage can deepen the connection between breath and body awareness. This integration of breath and body scanning can lead to a more holistic and immersive meditation experience.

Certified Meditation Instructor: Benefits for stress reduction and sleep improvement

Regular practice of body scan meditation has been associated with numerous benefits, particularly in the areas of stress reduction and sleep improvement. By systematically releasing tension throughout the body, this technique can help activate the parasympathetic nervous system, promoting a state of relaxation and calm.
Research has shown that body scan meditation can have a significant impact on stress levels. One study found that an eight-week body scan meditation program resulted in lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol. This reduction in stress can have far-reaching effects on overall health and well-being, potentially leading to improved immune function, better emotional regulation, and increased resilience to daily challenges.

For those struggling with sleep issues, body scan meditation can be a valuable tool. The practice can help quiet the mind and relax the body, creating ideal conditions for falling asleep. Many practitioners find that incorporating a body scan into their bedtime routine can lead to improved sleep quality and duration. The combination of progressive relaxation and breath awareness can be particularly effective in addressing insomnia and other sleep disturbances.

In conclusion, body scan meditation offers a powerful approach to deepening body awareness and promoting overall well-being. By incorporating techniques for progressive relaxation and combining body scanning with breath awareness, practitioners can experience significant benefits in stress reduction and sleep improvement. As with other meditation styles, consistency is key to reaping the full benefits of this practice. Regular engagement with body scan meditation can lead to a greater sense of connection between mind and body, fostering a more balanced and mindful approach to daily life.A young woman meditating on her bed in the morning.


The exploration of various meditation practices reveals a rich tapestry of techniques to enhance mental clarity, emotional well-being, and self-awareness. From guided sessions for beginners to focused attention exercises, open monitoring approaches, loving-kindness practices, and body scan meditations, each method offers unique benefits to suit different needs and preferences. These diverse practices have a significant impact on stress reduction, cognitive function, creativity, compassion, and overall health.

As individuals embark on their meditation journey, they’re encouraged to experiment with different styles to find what resonates best with their goals and lifestyle. Regular practice, regardless of the chosen technique, can lead to profound changes in one’s mental and emotional landscape. By incorporating meditation into daily routines, people can cultivate a greater sense of inner peace, improve their relationships, and develop a more balanced approach to life’s challenges.

After a brief review of the different types of meditation techniques, if you want to become a certified meditation instructor then AIHCP offers a certification in Meditation Instruction available to healthcare professionals. The meditation instructor program consists of several online, self-paced meditation courses. Once completed you would be qualified to become certified in meditation instruction. For full detail on the online meditation instructor certification program, please go here.


Currently, there are no frequently asked questions available related to the article “Certified Meditation Instructor Advice: Types of Meditation Practices.” Please refer to the article for detailed information on various meditation practices such as Guided Meditation, Focused Attention Meditation, Open Monitoring Meditation, Loving-Kindness Meditation, and Body Scan Meditation.

Research Articles:

The Benefits of Mindfulness Meditation on Trait Mindfulness, Perceived Stress, Cortisol, and C-Reactive Protein in Nursing Students: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Alhawatmeh, H. N., Et Al. (2022). Advances in Medical Education and Practice, 13, 47–58.
Access link here

Scientific Evidence of Health Benefits by Practicing Mantra Meditation: Narrative Review. Tseng, Ampere A.. International Journal of Yoga 15(2):p 89-95, May–Aug 2022.
Access link here

The benefits of meditation and mindfulness practices during times of crisis such as COVID-19. Behan C. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine. 2020;37(4):256-258.
Access link here

Psychobiological mechanisms underlying the mood benefits of meditation: A narrative review. Michaela C. Pascoe, Et Al. Comprehensive Psychoneuroendocrinology Volume 6, May 2021, 100037.
Access link here