Meditation Instructor Program Article on Yoga Positions for Headache Relief

Yoga has an ability to help calm the mind and body. In calming the body it can help the body relax and be free of various aches and pain. Certain yoga poses are designed for even more headache and migraine relief.  Learning to utilize them can be very helpful.

Yoga can help alleviate stress and help muscles relax to reduce headaches. Please also review AIHCP’s Meditation Instructor Program

Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management and Meditation Instructor Programs and see if they meet your academic and professional goals.  The programs are online and independent study and are open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification as a Stress Management Consultant or Meditation Instructor.

Stress Management and Pastoral Thanatology Article on Primary Caregiver Stress Reduction

Helping an aging family member is difficult.  Primary caregivers suffer from numerous struggles and stresses.  They give up time but also time to care for themselves.  This lack of time to care for oneself can lead to anger, grief, and guilt later.  Being there for a loved one is important and becoming a caregiver for a family member is the ultimate statement of love but one needs to ensure proper health and care for oneself.

Primary caregivers deal with stress they sometimes conceal. Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Program


Many times, the primary caregiver forgets to care about oneself spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically.  This leads to their own illness or mental breakdown.  It is important then primary caregivers understand that they are only as healthy to care for the loved one as they allow themselves to be.  So it is imperative to ensure better self care and stress reduction.  Sometimes that means taking a day off.

The article, “CAREGIVER STRESS PREVENTION GUIDE” by Jessica Thomas takes a closer look at how primary caregivers can reduce stress on themselves.  She states,

“Caregiving for a family or loved one can be an extremely stressful experience for the caregiver. This stress can have a devastating impact on the caregiver’s physical and mental health and can also generate a wide range of conflicted emotions. Often caregivers find themselves feeling hopeless, as if the situation that they are in is an endless series of days and sad tasks. However, caregivers should not feel this way. There is a wide range of resources and strategies that can help caregivers successfully navigate their stress, no matter what type of caregiver situation they find themselves in”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Program as well as AIHCP’s Pastoral Thanatology Program.   Both programs are online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking four year certifications.


Stress Management Consulting Program Article on Anxiety

Stressors exist throughout life.  How we respond is critical.  Overreation to stress in the modern world is unhealthy.   Our bodies go into a fight or flight mode when the situation is not life altering when stress occurs.  Within the body also occurs anxiety which is an imbalanced reaction to a stressor that causes uneasiness and uncertainty.   Over worry is associated with anxiety

There are times to be nervous.  There are times to worry.  However, it is important to know when unhealthy stress reactions are occurring.  Most successful individuals are able to utilize worry into action and minimize anxiety.  Proper responses and balanced responses are key.

When does stress cross a healthy line and start causing extreme anxiety? Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Program


Yet, anxiety can sometimes be more than external issues.  Most anxious moments can be coped with but those with clinical anxiety can be paralyzed socially and need professional guidance and maybe medication.

The article, “Having Anxiety vs. Feeling Anxious: What’s the Difference?” from Healthline reviews normal anxious feelings with anxiety.  The article states,

“Anxiety is a normal response to stress, and isn’t always a bad thing. But when it gets to be uncontrollable or excessive to the point where it affects quality of life, this may be indicative of an anxiety disorder.  Knowing the difference between anxiety and an anxiety disorder can help you talk with your doctor about your symptoms and any concerns you might be having.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Stress Management Consulting

Anger Management and Stress Management Article on Emotions and Control

Emotions are part of life.  They arise from intense reactions to situations or people and can overtake an individual.  They can be good and bad depending on how the person harnesses them.  Individuals who are able to balance their emotional reactions with their intellect and reason are better able to cope with issues and utilize the emotion in a positive way.

Stoic traditions tried to suppress the idea of emotion and worship reason.  Star Trek’s Mr. Spock and Mr. Data both were characters that forever immortalized the idea of emotion and reason.  The Vulcan, Mr Spock trying to suppress his emotion and enhance logic at all cost.  The character saw emotion as something detrimental to the pursuit of logical exploration of situations.  As the character evolved, the good of emotion was viewed when used in proper balance.  Mr. Data, an android, pursued emotion and wished to experience it.  His character eventually was able to experience emotion through an “emotion chip” that allowed him to feel anger, frustration and fear.  He had to learn to channel these emotions with his reason.

Emotion is natural and good but it can be used against us. It is important to balance emotion with reason and not allow extremes to cause chaos in our lives. Please also review AIHCP’s Anger Management Program, as well as Stress Management and Meditation programs


In both cases,  the value of emotion is expressed as something important to the human condition.  Emotion can be detrimental to logic, it can cause havoc, but when utilized in balance with reason and logic it is a very important part of human existence.

Sadness, anger, love and other feelings are all critical to humanity.  Humanity cannot exist without these emotions.

Sadness is a key emotion that lets others know when something is not right with someone.  It is a reaction to loss and is experienced through grief and mourning.   It is forever tied to the emotion of love.  Love is an important emotion because it expresses attachment and need.  As social beings, attachments are key.  Every relationship has attachment and mutual need.  When this attachment is broken, grief results.  So as one can see grief and love are tied together in this fallen world.

Anger is an emotion that reacts to injustice or at least perceived injustice.  It is critical in balancing right and wrong and protecting others.  It is again important to relationships and maintaining them.  Of love and sadness, anger receives more negative press because it is the emotion that is most misused.  It leads to fighting, violence and war when not properly balanced yet its importance to awaken an individual to awareness of something wrong or harmful to a situation is critical in human evolution.

These three emotions are all important to maintaining and keeping relationships and understanding their role in society.   Without them, attachments and relationships are merely cold calculations.  There are no true enduring connections.  However, when these emotions are not balanced with reason, they can cause despair, lust, and rage.  Hence balance is the key to emotions and reason in everyday life.

Learning to balance emotions are no easy task.  Mr Data in Star Trek had to learn this.  He once told Captain Picard that he wished he could turn off the emotion chip and marveled how human beings were able to act with emotions such as anger and fear and still perform their duties.   It is the essence of being human to be able to balance emotional reaction with reason and intellect and avoid the extremes of emotion that lead to devastation.  Emotions are hence great assets but also when misused great detriments.

Learning to control emotions involves balancing the heart and the mind. It involves Stress Management, Anger Management and Meditation to learn to control impulses


Emotions can be controlled through a variety of practices in life.   The virtue of temperance looks to balance the passions.  In many religious traditions, the passions are seen as out of control.  These traditions teach the inability to control one’s passions is due to sin.  Other traditions see the disconnect from the ultimate reality that causes this imbalance.  Whether imbalance or sin, humanity looks for many ways to control emotion.  Temperance is one such virtue that balances the desires.  Balance is the key word.  It does not look to eliminate the passions or emotions or desires, but control them within the acceptable extreme.

Meditation, Stress Management, Anger Management are all paths to learn to better control external pressures with internal guides.   Meditation naturally calms the mind and body and teaches it how to relax.  Stress Management teaches individuals how to respond to stressful stimuli in a beneficial way.  Anger Management teaches individuals how to identify triggers that lead to anger.

There are many individual strategies within this fields and it is important to train the mind, body and soul to use them in productive ways to learn to control emotion.  Various breathing techniques as well as cognitive strategies to train the mind in how it reacts to bad situations are extremely useful in dealing with emotional outbursts.   It is good to be mindful of emotions and what triggers them in private.  Cooling down sometimes involves walking away and expressing emotions in a  less destructive method that harms no-one.  The ability to do so takes conscious effort.  It takes willingness to identify triggers, study one’s past and natural inclinations and be steadfast in correcting bad habits.

If one does not take steps to control emotions, then life will be far more difficult.  Emotions while good can also destroy one’s life with broken relationships, abuse, assaults and eventually jail.   Even simple outbursts that carry no true legal issues can be detrimental to work, school and family life.  Controlling emotions within a safe and acceptable norm is crucial to emotional development.

If you would like to learn more about controlling emotion or are a professional seeking certification to enhance one’s knowledge on these subjects, then please review AIHCP’s programs on Meditation Instructor, Anger Management and Stress Management Consultants.  The programs are online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking four year certifications.


To learn more, please review

AIHCP’s Meditation Instructor Program, please click here

AIHCP’s video on Anger, please click here

Healthline’s Article on “How to Control Anger: 25 Tips to Help You Stay Calm”, please click here

Healthline’s Article on “16 Simple Ways to Relieve Stress”, please click here


5 Best Stress Management Techniques for Students

Smiling woman with laptop giving thumb up

By Shristi Patni 

Students today experience a significant amount of stress that takes a toll on their grades, health and happiness.

A study conducted by the American Psychological Association found that teenagers have similar stress results as adults.

This means teenagers experience chronic stress and have little means to cope effectively. They feel sad, depressed or overwhelmed and don’t know how to reduce stress.

Stress also affects health-related behaviors such as exercise, diet and sleep patterns which when combined, takes a larger toll.

Causes of Students Stress

Another study was conducted to find the most common causes of stress among students. It was found that most of the stress is caused by school and their activities.

Chronic stress, if untreated, can persist into college years leading to mental health issues and academic disengagement.

The most common causes of stress among students include:

  • Work
  • Relationships
  • Transitions (living independently, moving out, graduating)
  • Social challenges
  • Extracurricular activities
  • Homework
  • School

High school students are the worst hit amongst all the students. They have to take up challenging courses, face intense competition, participate in extracurriculars, study, ace placement tests and plan for their future.

College is another place that causes a lot of stress amongst students. Once a student is accepted, the stress continues. The need to make new friends, fit in, handle the challenging workloads and live independently. Romantic relationships cause an extra layer of stress.

Students don’t understand how they can manage stress and navigate their life better.

With a full schedule of lectures, activities and assignments it’s difficult to dissipate stress.

This is why we bring you the 5 Best Stress Management Techniques for Students.


Tired Black Girl Waking Up In Bed With Sleep Mask

#1. Get Proper Sleep 

The number one mistake you make as a student is compromise on your sleep.

And it’s okay to stay up a night or two when you’re having fun but maintaining a proper sleep schedule is crucial to keep stress at bay.

When you deprive your body of sleep, you reduce your productivity. You feel sluggish and disoriented throughout the day.

This hinders your learning abilities and causes additional stress of missing out on your studies.

Have a strict sleep schedule. Try to get at least 8 hours of sleep every night. Don’t shy away from taking naps either.


Beautiful sunset run

#2. Exercise

The easiest (and cheapest) way to blow off some steam is to start exercising.

You can easily incorporate a small exercise routine into your daily schedule.

Walk or bike to school or college or do Yoga in the morning.

Exercising as little as 15 minutes a day will have a major impact on your overall health and well being.




#3. Start Visualizing

You can use guided imagery to reduce stress. It’s effective, easy and doesn’t require a lot of time.

Visualizations help you calm down, detach from everything and relax.

It’s also an excellent way to prepare yourself for the things that causing you the most stress.

For instance, if you’re nervous about giving a speech, sit down, light your favorite scented candle and visualize yourself giving the speech.

You’ll feel less stressed when you see yourself performing just like the way you wanted to and will by being able to prepare early on.


Woman relaxing on a sofa listening to music

#4. Listen to Your Favorite Music

Research suggests that listening to music can help reduce stress.

It helps you calm your mind and stimulate it as the situation demands.

Relax with your favorite melodies, “wake up” mentally by listening to upbeat music and play classical music when studying.


#5. Get Organizedyoung man start up working on desk

Clutter can cause immense stress, decrease your productivity and can also cost you money.

Most students are guilty of living in cluttered spaces which often leads to negative effects on their grades.

One of the best dress management techniques is to stay organized.

Ensure that your study area is a soothing, minimalist space that’s devoid of clutter and distractions.

This helps reduce stress and saves time in finding lost items and keep you positive.

A clean and tidy space will encourage you to study more and get better grades.

It’s actually worth the effort.


The Takeaway

Stress is a part of human life and the sooner you understand how to deal with it, the better it is.

The best stress management techniques still pretty much remain the same: eat well, exercise regularly, get proper sleep and do things that make you happy.

Other than that, self-talk and use affirmations to help you stay happy and stress-free.

Which stress management techniques work for you? Do you have any other techniques that help combat stress? Tell us in the comments section below.


Author Bio: Shristi Patni

Picture of Shristi Patni

Shristi is a content writer and owner of F and B Recipes. She enjoys creating a list of “Things That Make Happy” or coming up with creative Food Blog Names. Formerly the Chief Content Officer at Raletta, she is currently working on her second cookbook.

Facebook: F and B Recipes







Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consultant Certification and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.  The program in online and independent study and open to qualified professionals.

Stress Management Consulting Article on Stress and Diet

Good diet is essential in every aspect of life.  Stress is no different when it comes to eating.  Certain foods can reduce cortisol and help with stress itself.  Eating according to a stress reducing diet can be an important part of one’s overall health.

Better diet can reduce stress. Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Program and see if it meets your professional goals


The article, “Eat These Foods to Reduce Stress and Anxiety” from HealthEsssentials of the Cleveland Clinic looks closer at certain foods that help the body reduce stress.  The article states,

“If you’re trying to lower your stress levels, you probably already know to start with the basics: self-care, sleep management, and exercise. But did you know there are some foods that lower stress levels, too? Dietitian Courtney Barth, MS, RDN, LD, CPT, explains how certain foods can help reduce your levels of cortisol — the primary hormone responsible for stress.”

To read the entire article, please click here

In addition to better diet and avoiding certain foods, it is also important to remember not to miss meals.  Missing meals and needed nutrition to fight stress can cause long term problems in health.

Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Stress Management Consulting

Stress Management Consulting Program Article on Stress and Resiliency

One’s ability to overcome, cope and be resilience to stress is important in mind and body health.  The ability to bounce back from stress and resume normal activity is key.  Stress is a killer in the world, whether at home or work and those who are more resilient to stress have a far better chance of a longer life.

Resiliency to stress is key to a healthier and longer life. Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Program and see if it meets your professional and academic goals


The article, “How to Improve Your Resilience to Stress” by Kieran Alger looks at resiliency to stress and how to improve it within one’s own life.  He states,

“Modern life is stressful, even without the pressures of a global pandemic. You can take measures to reduce your daily exposure, but shooting for a totally stress-free existence is about as realistic as expecting everyone at the gym to re-rack their weights. Your next best option: learn how to spot the signs, manage your response and build resilience. Find out how to upgrade your anti-stress defenses below.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification as a Stress Management Consultant.

In the meantime, monitor stress, reduce it and cope in healthy fashion for a longer and healthier life.

Stress Management Consultant Article on Stress and Weight Gain

If stress is not bad enough, it is also connected to weight gain because of the chemicals the body produces in the Flight or Fight Response.  Cortisol primarily is a leading culprit in weight gain.  If someone is constantly stressed, this hormone helps the body increase sugar and slows your metabolism.  In addition stress is indicative to unhealthy habits.  Stressed individuals rarely work out or walk in the open sun but instead eat unhealthy and lay in bed worrying.  These things prevent the regular day to day activities that help burn fat.

If Stress was not bad enough, it also leads a myriad of health issues, including high blood pressure, heart issues and weight gain.
Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consultant Program


Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Program.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification as a Stress Management Consultant

Stress Management Consulting Certification Article on Panic Nightmares

Stress builds up within the body even at the subconscious level.  Panic nightmares can erupt in a person’s life due to unresolved stress.  Individuals who experience these nightmares wake in a panic and fear and the nightmare is a manifestation of the stressor or issues that are dominating the person’s mind.  Why the panic attack in the sleep occurs is still open to debate, but the root cause is generally agreed to be stress.

Panic attacks in one sleep are usually rooted in stress. Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Certification


The article, “Why Am I Panicking In My Sleep?” from Cleveland Clinic’s Health Essentials discusses the phenomenon of panic nightmares.  The article states,

“It’s 3:00 a.m. and you’re wide awake. It’s not because you had too much coffee or need to use the bathroom. You’re up because a panic attack jolted you out of your sleep. You’re sweating, breathing hard, your heart is racing and you can’t shake the panic or dread you’re feeling in that moment”

To review the entire article, please click here

Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Certification and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Stress Management Consulting.

Stress Management Program Article on Work and Home Stress Balance

With life, a proper balance with work and life is critical to optimal health.  When this balance is not achieved, bad things occur.  On the extreme of over work, the imbalance leads to multiple stresses that come home with the individual.  These stresses can overtime become chronic and unhealthy for the individual.  Burnout can become a common end result.

Work and home life need to be balanced to avoid stress. please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Program


It is important for workers to understand the need for relaxation and home life and to properly balance life with work.

The article, “How To Offset Stress And Achieve Work-Life Balance” by Ed Beltran looks closer at how to balance work and life to avoid burnout.  He states,

“As if the world wasn’t stressful enough, the pandemic brought greater challenges to the often-elusive work-life balance. One of the biggest challenges was the transition from office life to the solitude of working remotely. Parents suddenly had to learn how to teach their children at home while maintaining the same productivity at work as before. Moreover, millions of Americans united in the fight for equality and civil rights.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification.