Stress Management Consulting Video on Work Stress

One of the most common sources of stress is work.  The workplace can be a very stressful place due to interactions, the nature of the job and deadlines.  It is important to be able to handle stress and cope for not only maximum productivity but also overall health.

AIHCP offers a four certification in Stress Management Consulting.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking to become a Stress Management Consultant


Please review the video below

Stress Management Consulting Certification Article on Calm Techniques

We all know stress causes a fight or flight response.  Within the sympathetic nervous system it awakens the body through various increases in adrenaline to prepare the body for action.  Increase in heart rate, muscle tension, blood pressure, digestive shutdown and preparation to face struggle emerge within the body.  Short term this can save oneself, but long term when facing modern problems that cannot be fled or do not pose physical harm, it can cause issues with health.  AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Program offers courses and ideas on how to reduce stress and find calm for oneself and others.

It is very important to identify stressors and reduce the negative impact on the body.  Knowing how to calm the body is key.  There are a variety of ways to calm the body physically, mentally and emotionally.  There are also a variety of tools to help calm the body.  The key is to reverse the effects of the sympathetic nervous system and return to a state of calm.  Of course Meditation is key but not everyone can mediate immediately when stressed.  Long term use of meditation can help overall and when the situation occurs, but one needs to have other strategies also to deal with anxiety, fear, stress and worry.

Too many times, people let worry and stress dominate instead of trying to find peace and calm. Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Program


Physically, Power Breathing is an excellent way to help reverse the ill effects of stress.  When stressed, individuals breath in short shallow breathes.  This reduces oxygen in the blood and also causes anxiety. It is important to take deep breathes that fill the entirety of the lungs, allowing the abdomen to fill and the chest to expand.  These short breathes should focus on inhaling and exhaling to promote a more peaceful mind set.  This in turn can help the body reverse the effects of the stress response on the blood pressure, muscles and heart.

In addition, Yoga postures, as well as various calm postures can help.  Simply by taking a calm postures such as Calm Unfold, that involves a bending to the ground and allowing the arms to dangle, can help reduce stress.  Also, when stressed, jaws become stern.  By touching the roof of one’s mouth with the tongue, the jaw can be relaxed.  Lotus hands and other Eastern postures can also create a sense of calm.   By reversing facial expressions associated with stress such as Calm Demeanor, one can also trick the subconscious that correlates these expressions with happier times.

If one notices, when stressed, people speed up things.  They talk faster, walk faster, breath faster.  Walk slower, speak slower and most importantly by breathing slower, can reverse ill effects of stress.  These slow down calm techniques can be very useful.

Some points also help negative energy within the body process through.  Acupuncture and EFT tapping are all examples of utilizing points in the body to release negative energy trauma and stress.  Self massage points can help reduce tension and stress.  Checkbone rubs, Feng Chih (back of skull), Jan Ku (below ankle), Chin Wei (Below breast bone), ear points, wrists,  top of head and foot reflexology can all be sensitive points that can relax energy channels and muscles.  Aromas such as lavender can also help one find calm physically.

Like meditation, herbs can also play long term keys in helping oneself, but again, these are not immediate fixes like many of the above procedures.  Ginseng, Valerian and Chamomile can all play long term helps, as well as a higher alkaline diet.

Individuals can also employ a wide variety gadgets to help reduce stress on the spot.  Finger bindings, worry beads, stress balls, music, ionizer, bio feedbacks, self hypnosis and stress balls are all techniques and gadgets on the spot that can help reduce stress.

Mentally and emotionally, individuals can also reduce stress.  Stressors for some are not for others.  In many ways, some stress is perception as well as how one copes with the particular stress.  Individuals with type A personalities which are more aggressive, over-worked, self centered and heavy goal orientated individuals suffer more from stress than Type B personalities.  Type B personalities are more laid back and less prone to stress.  Neither personality is superior but if one is more one than the other, then difficulties can arise in how work and goals are met.  It is important to implement a little of both personalities to truly find success without the high stress.

Most stressed individuals can utilize a variety of mental ways to reduce stress by how they view it.  Calm affirmations are on such way.  Calm affirmations replace negative words with positive words for each situation.  Focus is more on the positive.

In addition, Big Screen Visualization can play a big role in helping a person view a stressful situation.  Through the power of imagination and visualization, one can imagine oneself in various situations but with successful outcomes.  Another visualization technique is referred to as Stepping in Time.  With this visualization, one imagines the problem now then reviews it at a later date, and if it bears any power on that date.  This can help one see the true significance of the stressor.

Also, one can similarly try the Ten Year Plan, as well as the Universal Perspective.  The Universal Perspective teaches one to visualize oneself from various frames of height, until one only sees the Earth.  One can even go farther to the edge of the solar system or galaxy.  How important is the stressor at that moment?

Individuals can elicit a calm response through various techniques. Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Certification


Framing is also another useful visualization tactic in which the person can reframe in one’s mind a stressful person or place with comedy.  For those who feel they cannot perform these visualizations or avoid the stress, one can offer a Lets Pretend technique.  The stressed person then pretends they are not stressed.  Sure enough, soon the person discovers he or she is not stressed

Other Type A worriers need strategies.  Permission to let loose, or be a Type B person for an hour, or permission to say no, or permission to play strategies can help them unwind.  In addition, giving one a worry free spot, whether at home or work to go to.  This type of re-programming is based on the environment.  Places, music, or scents that are associated with stress are stressful.  Opposite, places, music and scents associated with peace are not stressful.  One can trick the subconscious to feel safer and relaxed by sitting in area more peaceful, or listening to a song associated with a good moment.

Worry lists can also help.  One can departmentalize the worry and assign it an appropriate time.  This closely resembles the concept of worry dolls.  In addition, sometimes, disconnect is critical.  To walk away from the worry itself to eliminate the stressor and the physical issues associated.

This is a but a small sample on ways to elicit the calm response within the body.  There are many other ways, especially in the text Instant Calm found with SM560.

If you would like to learn more about reducing stress and becoming certified in Stress Management Consulting, then please review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals looking to become Stress Management Consultants


Instant Calm by Paul Wilson


Stress Management Consulting Certification Article on Women and Stress

Life can be stressful for women.  Learning to manage stress for a more healthy mind body and soul is key for many women.  Whether working in a business or keeping the home clean or both, life can be stressful for a woman.

Stress for women is unique in its own way. Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Certification


The article, “4 Stress Management Tips For Women Trying To Balance It All” by Devon Barrow looks at some ways women can better manage stress for a more healthy life.  She states,

“As modern women, we pride ourselves on being able to do anything we set our minds to. Maybe that looks like unleashing our entrepreneurial spirit on the world. Or the full-time job of raising a family. Or saying goodbye to familiarity and traveling the world solo. Maybe it even looks like all the above… But the long story short is: As women, we continue to prove that we can balance it all and then some. So the question is not just what can we do but how healthy and happy can we be while we do it?”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification as a Stress Management Consultant.


Stress Management Consulting Program Article on Employee Stress and Reduction

Reducing stress in the workplace is critically important for productivity.  Stress can negatively affect employees and prevent tasks and production from meeting standards.  Hence, employers invest into reducing stress in the workplace not only for productivity but also overall employee health and investment.

Employers can utilize various strategies to reduce stress in the workplace. Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consultant Program


The article from Forbes, “How To Reduce Stress In The Workplace: 16 Effective Ways Leaders And Employees Can Thrive” kooks at how to reduce stress in the workplace and promote higher productivity to help employees maximize their potential.  The article states,

“According to the World Health Organization, work-related stress can be caused by poor work organization, poor work design, poor management, unsatisfactory working conditions and lack of support from colleagues and supervisors.  If you’re looking to reorganize your daily office workflow process to prevent employees from having too many tasks on their plates, here are 16 strategies from members of Forbes Human Resources Council to help eliminate burnout among your staff members and teach you to lead by example. ”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification as a Stress Management Consultant.

Stress Management Consulting Video on AIHCP’s Stress Management Program

Stress is part of life but how we incorporate stress into our life and handle it is key to success as well as good health.  Stress Management is the ability to understand stress and cope with it in healthy ways.

Stress in the modern world is especially dangerous because it incites the fight or flight response in our body. Hence our body responds to minor stressors as if they are major threats.  It is important to identify minor stress and not harm by limiting this response.

AIHCP offers a four year certification in Stress Management Consulting.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals.  If interested, please review the program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  Stress Managers play key roles in helping others reduce stress with personal sessions as well with corporate entities looking to reduce stress for their employees.

Anger Management Consultant Certification Article on Anger and Couples

Anger can ruin relationships if it is not properly dispersed and understood.  When someone becomes angry with a significant other they may do one of two things.  They may allow the anger to surface, or allow it to dive deep within oneself in the form of anxiety.  Hence many live with the chose of anger or anxiety.  One may not believe it, but anger is the better option.  Why?  Simply put, anger is not something evil in itself but something that allows others to know we are uncomfortable or something is not right.  The reality is anger is good if utilized properly in a constructive way especially in relationships.  When couples properly utilize anger, they can use this important emotion to help resolve arguments instead of inflame them.

Anger as an emotion is a result of the fight or flight response.  The body tightens up, blood pressure increases and the heart beat increases.  This allows the body to prepare for confrontation possibly.  While stressors and irritants can cause this, it is obviously not good to always get angry but to have an appropriate response to stress and allow anger to constructively look to repair the issue.  Anger in this way can help relationships.


Couples should never use anger as a way to punish but as a way to resolve and forgive by exposing the issue and preventing future issues. Please also review AIHCP’s Anger Management Consultant Certification


Anger can help relationships when constructive in multiple ways.  It allows one to express feelings and let others know one has been hurt.  It gives individuals an understanding of one’s boundaries.  Finally by releasing anger, one can sooner forget and forgive.  Those who harbor these negative emotions, fuel a deeper outburst later and find little resolution but only resentment.

Anger that is misused and seeking to punish via quiet or outburst can cause multiple issues to self and relationships.  When misused besides the obvious chance of violence and hurtful words, it also leaves one with weakened self esteem in ability to control emotion.  When looking to punish it also hides the true self because one is either punishing with indifference or verbal assault.  This bitterness weakens communication. Silent anger that looks to punish creates distance and pushes others away but also causes a host of internal physical issues.

When anger is utilized properly it looks to not punish but again find justice or healing.  It empowers one to stand up for oneself.  It helps one communicate issues and break through destructive patterns by another that hurt you.  It asks for a mutual resolution and a potential way to find forgiveness and future prevention of damaging behavior.

Anger within relationships usually though causes multiple issues.  Individuals do not utilize anger in a constructive way but usually in a destructive way.  This may not even be physical or mental abuse, but the reality that couples who argue tend to hurt each other by not understanding how to utilize their anger to resolve.  Instead it becomes a competition of who is right or wrong or who cannot admit they did wrong.

Right or wrong, win or lose, egos need to be tossed aside and the true question needs to be asked in regards to whom was hurt.

This is rarely the resolution though but instead anger fuels arguments.  Assumptions, disapprovals, judgements and accusations against one another can heat the moment and elevate the argument to higher levels, as each become defensive and more angry by the minute.

It is important to remember to avoid assumptions.  Partners should ask how one feels, instead of assuming.  Instead of accusatory statements such as “you”, it is important to use terms such as “I feel”,  It is best not to blame and accuse and label but to listen, praise and forgive.

An argument again is not about who wins or who ultimately is right but resolution.  Sometimes anger that is not constructive can send an argument into other levels of animosity instead of constructively exposing the issue and allowing couples to discuss and identify key issues.


Anger not discussed can cause resentment. Please also review AIHCP’s Anger Management Consulting Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals


AIHCP offers an online and independent Anger Management Consultant Certification, as well as a Stress Management Certification.  Both programs are online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification.  Those interested in Anger Management can utilize the certification to help in a variety of counseling fields and Anger Management classes.  Anger Management is key in helping couples find resolution and forgiveness.

Related Topics

Healing Anxiety with Herbs by Harold Bloomfield, MD.   Chapter 27 deals extensively with anger management and couples

7 Guidelines to Help Couples Manage Conflict by Bernard Golden.  Please click here

How Couples Can Use Anger by Richard Joelson.  Please click here


Meditation Instructor Program Article on Yoga Positions for Headache Relief

Yoga has an ability to help calm the mind and body. In calming the body it can help the body relax and be free of various aches and pain. Certain yoga poses are designed for even more headache and migraine relief.  Learning to utilize them can be very helpful.

Yoga can help alleviate stress and help muscles relax to reduce headaches. Please also review AIHCP’s Meditation Instructor Program


The article, “9 Yoga Poses That Just Might Cure Your Headaches” by Sarah Yang looks at a multiple yoga positions specifically designed to help with headaches.  She states,

“Yoga movement can help you mindfully release and become aware of patterns of muscular tension, Leonard explains. Conscious breathing can help ease the stress and contribute to detoxification. And a regular meditation practice can contribute to overall lower stress, anxiety, and depression, which can lead to fewer headaches that are associated with these conditions, she adds.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management and Meditation Instructor Programs and see if they meet your academic and professional goals.  The programs are online and independent study and are open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification as a Stress Management Consultant or Meditation Instructor.

Stress Management and Pastoral Thanatology Article on Primary Caregiver Stress Reduction

Helping an aging family member is difficult.  Primary caregivers suffer from numerous struggles and stresses.  They give up time but also time to care for themselves.  This lack of time to care for oneself can lead to anger, grief, and guilt later.  Being there for a loved one is important and becoming a caregiver for a family member is the ultimate statement of love but one needs to ensure proper health and care for oneself.

Primary caregivers deal with stress they sometimes conceal. Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Program


Many times, the primary caregiver forgets to care about oneself spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically.  This leads to their own illness or mental breakdown.  It is important then primary caregivers understand that they are only as healthy to care for the loved one as they allow themselves to be.  So it is imperative to ensure better self care and stress reduction.  Sometimes that means taking a day off.

The article, “CAREGIVER STRESS PREVENTION GUIDE” by Jessica Thomas takes a closer look at how primary caregivers can reduce stress on themselves.  She states,

“Caregiving for a family or loved one can be an extremely stressful experience for the caregiver. This stress can have a devastating impact on the caregiver’s physical and mental health and can also generate a wide range of conflicted emotions. Often caregivers find themselves feeling hopeless, as if the situation that they are in is an endless series of days and sad tasks. However, caregivers should not feel this way. There is a wide range of resources and strategies that can help caregivers successfully navigate their stress, no matter what type of caregiver situation they find themselves in”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Program as well as AIHCP’s Pastoral Thanatology Program.   Both programs are online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking four year certifications.


Stress Management Consulting Program Article on Anxiety

Stressors exist throughout life.  How we respond is critical.  Overreation to stress in the modern world is unhealthy.   Our bodies go into a fight or flight mode when the situation is not life altering when stress occurs.  Within the body also occurs anxiety which is an imbalanced reaction to a stressor that causes uneasiness and uncertainty.   Over worry is associated with anxiety

There are times to be nervous.  There are times to worry.  However, it is important to know when unhealthy stress reactions are occurring.  Most successful individuals are able to utilize worry into action and minimize anxiety.  Proper responses and balanced responses are key.

When does stress cross a healthy line and start causing extreme anxiety? Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Program


Yet, anxiety can sometimes be more than external issues.  Most anxious moments can be coped with but those with clinical anxiety can be paralyzed socially and need professional guidance and maybe medication.

The article, “Having Anxiety vs. Feeling Anxious: What’s the Difference?” from Healthline reviews normal anxious feelings with anxiety.  The article states,

“Anxiety is a normal response to stress, and isn’t always a bad thing. But when it gets to be uncontrollable or excessive to the point where it affects quality of life, this may be indicative of an anxiety disorder.  Knowing the difference between anxiety and an anxiety disorder can help you talk with your doctor about your symptoms and any concerns you might be having.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Stress Management Consulting

Anger Management and Stress Management Article on Emotions and Control

Emotions are part of life.  They arise from intense reactions to situations or people and can overtake an individual.  They can be good and bad depending on how the person harnesses them.  Individuals who are able to balance their emotional reactions with their intellect and reason are better able to cope with issues and utilize the emotion in a positive way.

Stoic traditions tried to suppress the idea of emotion and worship reason.  Star Trek’s Mr. Spock and Mr. Data both were characters that forever immortalized the idea of emotion and reason.  The Vulcan, Mr Spock trying to suppress his emotion and enhance logic at all cost.  The character saw emotion as something detrimental to the pursuit of logical exploration of situations.  As the character evolved, the good of emotion was viewed when used in proper balance.  Mr. Data, an android, pursued emotion and wished to experience it.  His character eventually was able to experience emotion through an “emotion chip” that allowed him to feel anger, frustration and fear.  He had to learn to channel these emotions with his reason.

Emotion is natural and good but it can be used against us. It is important to balance emotion with reason and not allow extremes to cause chaos in our lives. Please also review AIHCP’s Anger Management Program, as well as Stress Management and Meditation programs


In both cases,  the value of emotion is expressed as something important to the human condition.  Emotion can be detrimental to logic, it can cause havoc, but when utilized in balance with reason and logic it is a very important part of human existence.

Sadness, anger, love and other feelings are all critical to humanity.  Humanity cannot exist without these emotions.

Sadness is a key emotion that lets others know when something is not right with someone.  It is a reaction to loss and is experienced through grief and mourning.   It is forever tied to the emotion of love.  Love is an important emotion because it expresses attachment and need.  As social beings, attachments are key.  Every relationship has attachment and mutual need.  When this attachment is broken, grief results.  So as one can see grief and love are tied together in this fallen world.

Anger is an emotion that reacts to injustice or at least perceived injustice.  It is critical in balancing right and wrong and protecting others.  It is again important to relationships and maintaining them.  Of love and sadness, anger receives more negative press because it is the emotion that is most misused.  It leads to fighting, violence and war when not properly balanced yet its importance to awaken an individual to awareness of something wrong or harmful to a situation is critical in human evolution.

These three emotions are all important to maintaining and keeping relationships and understanding their role in society.   Without them, attachments and relationships are merely cold calculations.  There are no true enduring connections.  However, when these emotions are not balanced with reason, they can cause despair, lust, and rage.  Hence balance is the key to emotions and reason in everyday life.

Learning to balance emotions are no easy task.  Mr Data in Star Trek had to learn this.  He once told Captain Picard that he wished he could turn off the emotion chip and marveled how human beings were able to act with emotions such as anger and fear and still perform their duties.   It is the essence of being human to be able to balance emotional reaction with reason and intellect and avoid the extremes of emotion that lead to devastation.  Emotions are hence great assets but also when misused great detriments.

Learning to control emotions involves balancing the heart and the mind. It involves Stress Management, Anger Management and Meditation to learn to control impulses


Emotions can be controlled through a variety of practices in life.   The virtue of temperance looks to balance the passions.  In many religious traditions, the passions are seen as out of control.  These traditions teach the inability to control one’s passions is due to sin.  Other traditions see the disconnect from the ultimate reality that causes this imbalance.  Whether imbalance or sin, humanity looks for many ways to control emotion.  Temperance is one such virtue that balances the desires.  Balance is the key word.  It does not look to eliminate the passions or emotions or desires, but control them within the acceptable extreme.

Meditation, Stress Management, Anger Management are all paths to learn to better control external pressures with internal guides.   Meditation naturally calms the mind and body and teaches it how to relax.  Stress Management teaches individuals how to respond to stressful stimuli in a beneficial way.  Anger Management teaches individuals how to identify triggers that lead to anger.

There are many individual strategies within this fields and it is important to train the mind, body and soul to use them in productive ways to learn to control emotion.  Various breathing techniques as well as cognitive strategies to train the mind in how it reacts to bad situations are extremely useful in dealing with emotional outbursts.   It is good to be mindful of emotions and what triggers them in private.  Cooling down sometimes involves walking away and expressing emotions in a  less destructive method that harms no-one.  The ability to do so takes conscious effort.  It takes willingness to identify triggers, study one’s past and natural inclinations and be steadfast in correcting bad habits.

If one does not take steps to control emotions, then life will be far more difficult.  Emotions while good can also destroy one’s life with broken relationships, abuse, assaults and eventually jail.   Even simple outbursts that carry no true legal issues can be detrimental to work, school and family life.  Controlling emotions within a safe and acceptable norm is crucial to emotional development.

If you would like to learn more about controlling emotion or are a professional seeking certification to enhance one’s knowledge on these subjects, then please review AIHCP’s programs on Meditation Instructor, Anger Management and Stress Management Consultants.  The programs are online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking four year certifications.


To learn more, please review

AIHCP’s Meditation Instructor Program, please click here

AIHCP’s video on Anger, please click here

Healthline’s Article on “How to Control Anger: 25 Tips to Help You Stay Calm”, please click here

Healthline’s Article on “16 Simple Ways to Relieve Stress”, please click here