Anger is natural and with kids it needs to be directed and channeled properly. If not anger can become rage later in life. It is important for parents to teach self discipline regarding emotional outbursts and reward good behavior. It is also important that they set good examples in how they react to stress and frustration.
Children learn about anger by watching parents. Please also review AIHCP’s Anger Management Consulting Program
The article, “14 proven techniques to help your child get control of their anger” by Kimberly Yavorski looks at ways parents can help their children manage their anger. She states,
“Be aware of your own anger. Studies show that parental emotions influence their children. If you think you don’t exhibit anger often, pay attention to how many times you yell or otherwise show anger (maybe keep a journal), noting what triggers it and how you react (yelling, punching the wall, hitting the steering wheel).”
Please also review AIHCP’s Anger Management Consulting Program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Anger Management
Anger plays a pivotal role in the grief process. Kubler Ross places it as the second step in the grief process after denial. Of course, steps and phases are not science, many experience anger first as well, or even later, but anger definitely plays a role in the process. For some, this emotion is more present in a loss depending on one’s own particular emotional makeup or the facts surrounding the particular loss. Someone who may lose a person to a drinking and driving accident may experience more anger than one who loses someone to natural causes. Others who are naturally more angry with life may lash out regardless. Hence the amount and degree of anger in the grief process varies.
Anger nonetheless if felt is an important emotional release. If one feels angry over a loss, it is important to express that anger in a conducive and healthy way. If one lets anger remain dormant and does not express it, then the grief process itself can stalled. Grief Counselors should encourage all emotional expression to be exhibited in a safe and constructive way.
Anger is a natural part of grief. Grief Counselors should allow the bereaved to express it. Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Program, as well as its Anger Management Program
Here are some things to consider regarding the circumstances of anger during the grief cycle. First, anger over injustice is very common. If the loss was due to drunk driving, a malpractice case, a crime, a foreign attack, or a preventable accident, then anger usually expresses itself early. Later the anger is turned into social reform or the seeking of justice. In the recent deaths of George Floyd, we see constructive anger over the death of Floyd put to societal change and police reform. Second, anger over personal difficult relationships occur. A death can result in anger if the person deceased was not always the best person. An abusive spouse, or a conflicting individual can leave someone with guilt and anger. Some cases of anger are completely due to the person being felt left behind or alone. A struggling widow may have resentment to a husband who did not take his health seriously. Or in some cases, individuals may have resentment in how the person died. Family members who have to deal with the fallout of a suicide victim, may feel resentment and anger as well.
In all these cases, it is important that anger is expressed properly and allowed to surface. Anger itself is can damaging to someone who allows it to ferment within the soul. It can lead to future issues and poor health. Hence it is important for counselors to help it come out in individuals. After the anger is released, individuals can then discover why they are angry and dismiss potential guilt issues or surrounding beliefs about the death of the individual.
Grief Counselors should also be aware that those in intense grief and experiencing anger lash out at others. They displace their grief. Displaced grief and anger is very common. Those angry may lash out at a variety of things or persons. In most instances, the person closest receive the emotional rage, but in other moments, counselors and friends may also experience the anger. In some cases, God is a scapegoat for anger. Those in intense grief can blame God for a loss and even begin to question their own faith and world views.
It is not uncommon for existential crisis and questioning of world views to occur for those suffering intense grief. Meaning of life is questioned and anger at authority is common. Those of faith usually rebound but the initial anger is part of their process of comprehending and experiencing the grief. Grief Counselors in these cases do not enter into a logical or philosophical debate about their faith but instead patiently listen and allow the bereaved to express their anger at their faith, God, or world view. After the person is able to better comprehend the true essence of his or her anger is one able to regain rationality. Yet, still, this process is critical for many in the grief process.
Grief Counselors should never take personal attacks to heart. Instead they need to understand in their training the nature of displacement and how an individual sometimes utilizes anger in their pain. Friends and family should also be patient with those who lash out in intense grief and not take emotional words personally. Patients and love are key for the bereaved. After emotion is permitted to display itself, then true healing and understanding can begin to occur, but the time has to be on the bereaved terms.
Grief requires expression. Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals
Anger hence is an important part of the grieving process. It may be unpleasant but it has purpose towards healing. It brings one ultimately to rationality and allows counselors to see the pain that may be preventing healing. In many cases, anger is also healthy for social reform.
The American Academy of Grief Counseling offers a certification in Grief Counseling. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Grief Counseling. If interested, please review the Grief Counseling Certification program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals. Also, please review AIHCP’s Anger Management Consulting Program. The program is based on similar grounds and is also open to qualified professionals.
Other resources
AIHCP’s video on Anger Management, please click here”
Grief and Sympathy article, “Anger Stage of Grief-It is Normal-How to Move on”, please click here
Anger issues can be existent prior to an actual trigger. Some individuals are constantly upset or angry over things due to mental makeup. It can be as simple as OCD or more complex but individuals can experience an angry nature due to psychological makeup. There is help for these mental issues through counseling and possibly medication to lower the emotional symptoms.
Symptoms of anger are common with some mental maladies. Please also review AIHCP’s Anger Management Consulting Certification
The article, “Feeling angry all the time? Here’s what might have triggered it” from the “TimesofIndia” looks closer at anger and how it overflows for some people. The article states,
“Anger is an emotion that comes naturally to almost everyone. While the cause of anger or aggression may differ in people, it will only lead to rage and aggressive expression. Although some people learn the art of staying in control and keeping their minds calm, there are certain factors that can cause anger issues which are hard to tackle.”
Please also review AIHCP’s Anger Management Consulting Certification and see if the program meets your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Anger Management.
Some individuals do face anger on a more consistent basis to biological and emotional issues. These individuals need counseling and help for the root issue. Anger Management can also help
Teaching children better ways to express emotion is key to parenting. It is essential to guide children through anger and teach them ways to express it and let it out without harming oneself or others. Limiting temper tantrums, teaching patience, setting good examples and promoting awareness of other’s needs are all important aspects in teaching children to be better people.
How well are you installing in your children control of anger? Please also review AIHCP’s Anger Management Training and see if it meets your goals
The article, “How to tackle your child’s violent behavior” from the “Times of India” looks at some ways a parent can curb bad anger tendencies. The article states,
“Are you demotivated by your child’s aggressive behaviour? Do you often think that you have failed as a parent in helping your child manage their emotions? Do not worry because emotional regulation is a skill we all can learn gradually with time. While some children may even take longer to master self behaviour, as a parent you simply need to be patient and should work on your own actions that behave as a barrier to control or manage difficult situations.”
Anger Management skills for children are critical to their development and helping them become productive and safe members of society. It is important to install and implement in their behavior.
Please also review AIHCP’s Anger Management Training and see if it meets your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Anger Management.
Emotions are part of life. They arise from intense reactions to situations or people and can overtake an individual. They can be good and bad depending on how the person harnesses them. Individuals who are able to balance their emotional reactions with their intellect and reason are better able to cope with issues and utilize the emotion in a positive way.
Stoic traditions tried to suppress the idea of emotion and worship reason. Star Trek’s Mr. Spock and Mr. Data both were characters that forever immortalized the idea of emotion and reason. The Vulcan, Mr Spock trying to suppress his emotion and enhance logic at all cost. The character saw emotion as something detrimental to the pursuit of logical exploration of situations. As the character evolved, the good of emotion was viewed when used in proper balance. Mr. Data, an android, pursued emotion and wished to experience it. His character eventually was able to experience emotion through an “emotion chip” that allowed him to feel anger, frustration and fear. He had to learn to channel these emotions with his reason.
Emotion is natural and good but it can be used against us. It is important to balance emotion with reason and not allow extremes to cause chaos in our lives. Please also review AIHCP’s Anger Management Program, as well as Stress Management and Meditation programs
In both cases, the value of emotion is expressed as something important to the human condition. Emotion can be detrimental to logic, it can cause havoc, but when utilized in balance with reason and logic it is a very important part of human existence.
Sadness, anger, love and other feelings are all critical to humanity. Humanity cannot exist without these emotions.
Sadness is a key emotion that lets others know when something is not right with someone. It is a reaction to loss and is experienced through grief and mourning. It is forever tied to the emotion of love. Love is an important emotion because it expresses attachment and need. As social beings, attachments are key. Every relationship has attachment and mutual need. When this attachment is broken, grief results. So as one can see grief and love are tied together in this fallen world.
Anger is an emotion that reacts to injustice or at least perceived injustice. It is critical in balancing right and wrong and protecting others. It is again important to relationships and maintaining them. Of love and sadness, anger receives more negative press because it is the emotion that is most misused. It leads to fighting, violence and war when not properly balanced yet its importance to awaken an individual to awareness of something wrong or harmful to a situation is critical in human evolution.
These three emotions are all important to maintaining and keeping relationships and understanding their role in society. Without them, attachments and relationships are merely cold calculations. There are no true enduring connections. However, when these emotions are not balanced with reason, they can cause despair, lust, and rage. Hence balance is the key to emotions and reason in everyday life.
Learning to balance emotions are no easy task. Mr Data in Star Trek had to learn this. He once told Captain Picard that he wished he could turn off the emotion chip and marveled how human beings were able to act with emotions such as anger and fear and still perform their duties. It is the essence of being human to be able to balance emotional reaction with reason and intellect and avoid the extremes of emotion that lead to devastation. Emotions are hence great assets but also when misused great detriments.
Learning to control emotions involves balancing the heart and the mind. It involves Stress Management, Anger Management and Meditation to learn to control impulses
Emotions can be controlled through a variety of practices in life. The virtue of temperance looks to balance the passions. In many religious traditions, the passions are seen as out of control. These traditions teach the inability to control one’s passions is due to sin. Other traditions see the disconnect from the ultimate reality that causes this imbalance. Whether imbalance or sin, humanity looks for many ways to control emotion. Temperance is one such virtue that balances the desires. Balance is the key word. It does not look to eliminate the passions or emotions or desires, but control them within the acceptable extreme.
Meditation, Stress Management, Anger Management are all paths to learn to better control external pressures with internal guides. Meditation naturally calms the mind and body and teaches it how to relax. Stress Management teaches individuals how to respond to stressful stimuli in a beneficial way. Anger Management teaches individuals how to identify triggers that lead to anger.
There are many individual strategies within this fields and it is important to train the mind, body and soul to use them in productive ways to learn to control emotion. Various breathing techniques as well as cognitive strategies to train the mind in how it reacts to bad situations are extremely useful in dealing with emotional outbursts. It is good to be mindful of emotions and what triggers them in private. Cooling down sometimes involves walking away and expressing emotions in a less destructive method that harms no-one. The ability to do so takes conscious effort. It takes willingness to identify triggers, study one’s past and natural inclinations and be steadfast in correcting bad habits.
If one does not take steps to control emotions, then life will be far more difficult. Emotions while good can also destroy one’s life with broken relationships, abuse, assaults and eventually jail. Even simple outbursts that carry no true legal issues can be detrimental to work, school and family life. Controlling emotions within a safe and acceptable norm is crucial to emotional development.
If you would like to learn more about controlling emotion or are a professional seeking certification to enhance one’s knowledge on these subjects, then please review AIHCP’s programs on Meditation Instructor, Anger Management and Stress Management Consultants. The programs are online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking four year certifications.
To learn more, please review
AIHCP’s Meditation Instructor Program, please click here
Anger is something that needs to be learned to control over time through childhood. Parents can teach children how to control anger and allow it to diffuse in healthy ways. Anger Management tips and techniques can help children become eventual better adults in how they react to stress, anger and anxiety.
Teaching children how to manage anger is key to parenting. Please also review AIHCP’s Anger Management Certification
Anger tips for children are an excellent way to teach children how to manage anger and interact with other children in a healthy way. As parents, it is the duty to prepare children for social interaction and controlling anger is an important component for social integration. Anger issues if not identified and corrected can lead to a future filled with social issues, bad relationships and possible imprisonment. Hence it is key for parents to work with their children on dealing with anger in healthy ways.
Please also review AIHCP’s Anger Management Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification as an Anger Management Consultant.
Adverse childhood experiences can affect one emotionally in so many ways. Anger is one type of common emotion that can later erupt in adulthood from these types of experiences as a child. It is important to channel this natural emotion properly and to understand why it is emerging so it does not become destructive. Anger Management Training can help in these cases. Counseling can also help to understand the root of the issue
Is your anger a result of unresolved childhood trauma? Please also review AIHCP’s Anger Management Training
The article, “How Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Impact Adult Anger” by Dr Bernard Golden looks deeper at ACE’s and how anger later re-emerges. He states,
“Following the original research, hundreds of studies have been performed to determine other potential consequences associated with ACEs—including their impact on trait anger—a predisposition for anger arousal and hostility. This makes perfect sense when we consider that childhood treatment represents a threat to children.”
It is important for individuals to identify their sources of anger. Childhood trauma can play a key role in adult anger.
Please also review AIHCP’s Anger Management Training and see if it meets your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals.
In relationships, especially marriage, it can be difficult living with an angry partner. One angry spouse is bad enough but when both engage, bad things can occur. Domestic violence, emotional abuse and divorce can all lead from unresolved anger in marriage. It is easier said then done to be always saintly and understanding but it is something all couples should strive for in how they treat each other.
Better anger and conflict management is needed in relationships and marriage. Please also review AIHCP’s Anger Management Consulting Program
In diffusing situations, it is important to understand how to de-escalate anger between each other when one is angry and the other is not. This key to a happier and safer marriage.
The article, “Strategies for Dealing With an Angry Partner” from John McCaffrey looks closer at how an angry partner can be helped to transition into less anger. The article states,
“He explained that anger is often central to conflict, and there are ways to use it to promote good and better outcomes. In this regard, he talked about his work with couples in conflict, and how anger between them is sadly too often destructive when it can be the foundation for positive transformation and a better relationship. ”
Good conflicts instead of high conflicts are key in utilizing anger properly and also de-escalating it when it becomes personal and more violent. Couples need to understand basic anger management techniques to better treat each other with respect but also to resolve damaging issues in a safe and beneficial way
Please also review AIHCP’s Anger Management Consulting Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Anger Management Consulting
Anger is a two sided street in business. Managers and employers need to show constraint in how they react to employees. Some employees may cause irritations and cause legal issues and it is important that managers and employers understand how to properly deal with these situations but in a mature and controlled manner. Anger Management is key in controlling emotions when looking to fire someone or discipline someone. Emotions can make it personal and this needs to be avoided.
Employers need to control anger when dealing with less than ideal employees. Please also review AIHCP’s Anger Management Consulting Program
The article, “Anger Management: What’s That Have to do With Employment Legal Issues?” by Bill Nolan looks deeper at anger issues in dealing with employees and legal issues surrounding it. The article states,
“The emotions are normal. But there is not much point in you paying what you have to pay for legal advice just to have the lawyer tell you what you want to hear, especially what you want to hear when you’re understandably upset. How has the lawyer seen it play out before? Are there bad case scenarios you need to be considering? How likely are they? So by all means, get your frustrations off your chest, then take a deep breath and invite some candid input on your choices and next steps.”
Please also review AIHCP’s Anger Management Consulting Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Anger Management Consulting.
Even in Hollywood, the need to control tempers is a must. Rage coaches are employed to help bosses stay cool and calm. Rage coaches may seem odd but in essence, it is Anger Management. Trained professionals offering tips and ways to control anger in work or home. Anger Management is key not just on the job but in multiple facets of life and learning to control rage is essential to a healthy and safer life.
Learning to control anger and rage can be aided with the help of Anger Management Consultants. Please review AIHCP’s Anger Management Consulting Certification
The article, “Hollywood hiring ‘rage coaches’ to combat bully-boss problem” by Ben Cost looks closer at how rage coaches are utilized in Hollywood. He states,
“Rage coaches come from a variety of different backgrounds — including consultants and former CEOs — and include both entertainment industry insiders and outsiders. Top-flight executive coaches can charge a flat rate of anywhere from $20,000 to $110,000 for six months, according to THR.”
To learn more about the industry of Anger Management and to learn how to become a certified Anger Management Consultant, then please review AIHCP’s program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Anger Management Consulting