It can be very difficult to finally say goodbye to a dog or cat or any pet. It is something that requires much thought and considerations. It is not only about one’s feelings but also for the best interests of one’s pet family. It is maybe one of the toughest decisions to finally say goodbye and is very painful. Teaching children how to say goodbye is key.
Children need help grieving pets. Please also review AIHCP’s Pet Loss Grief Support
The article, “These three simple things helped my kids grieve after our pet died” by Jessie Harrold looks at how to help children say goodbye. He states,
“We spent the days and weeks after our pup passed telling stories, creating art, and poring over pictures of Roxy. It wasn’t until my son started having impromptu “funerals” on our family outings that we realized how important these little rituals of grieving were to his ability to process something as complex and overwhelming as loss.”
Please also review AIHCP’s Pet Loss Grief Counseling Support Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals looking for a four year certification in Pet Loss Grief Support
Forensic nurses play a key role in society. They serve as aid in understanding the nature of death and death investigations as well as helping victims of sexual abuse. SANE nurses (sexual assault nurse examiner) are a special type of nurse that specializes in helping rape victims. In the overall umbrella of forensic nursing, SANE nurses and nurses certified in forensic nursing can play key roles in various situations. This blog looks to identify some of these key jobs. Nurses who wish to diversify their career and have interest in criminal proceedings can become certified in both.
SANE nurses are excellent candidates for AIHCP’s Forensic Nursing Program. They all can play a key role in assisting sexual assault victims and helping coroner offices with cause of death while working with the criminal justice system
SANE nurses are in many cases the first line of defense for victims of sexual abuse. When a potential rape victim or sexually assaulted individual arrives at the hospital, the SANE nurses cares for them and analyzes the evidence and injuries to the person. During these initial assessments and examinations, SANE nurses determine if foul play occurred and contact the proper authorities. They collect and preserve any DNA evidence and work in concert with the police and district attorney in presenting evidence to juries and possibly testifying as expert witnesses. In this way they serve as a vital bridge between the criminal justice system and healthcare system.
In addition, SANE and Forensic nurses help with death scene reporting and investigations. Working under the leadership of the coroner office, many Forensic Nurses help conduct autopsies of the dead and report cause of death to the coroner office. They also can give vital reports to law enforcement. Some may even run for elected positions within the coroner office and supply local government with their knowledge and expertise.
Due to the connection with the criminal justice system, many are also certified in Legal Nurse Consulting and can work in court room consulting with firms. Many Legal Nurse Consultants are also certified in Forensic Nursing or have SANE certification. They hence are excellent resources for firms in criminal cases beyond the basic malpractice case. AIHCP also offers a program in Legal Nurse Consulting.
Some also work within criminal prison populations and access and work with past perpetrators. At these capability they can also aid in reforming individuals as well as help victims in prison who may be attacked by other perpetrators.
This position holds extreme importance and is open to nurses who take special SANE training and who wish to become certified in Forensic Nursing with AIHCP. SANE nurses are excellent candidates to enhance their forensic background with a Forensic Nursing Certification from AIHCP. The program consists of five online courses that lead to a four year certification. The courses are independent study and can be completed within one’s own time frame. The final course reviews SANE training for nurses who may wish to work with their state in this official training.
If qualified, please review AIHCP’s Forensic Nursing Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.
Acute levels of grief that persist and refuse to lessen in intensity are complications and not part of the normal grieving process. Obviously we think of depression, but there is also Prolonged Grief Disorder which is persists beyond 6 months of the loss. Individuals facing complications with grief, need to see a licensed therapist.
Prolonged Grief Disorder is a complication of grieving. Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification
The article, “What Everyone Should Understand About Prolonged Grief Disorder” by Deborah Seranl looks closer at this complication of grief. She states,
“Prolonged Grief Disorder will vary in intensity, but for children and adults, grief reactions occur most of the day, nearly every day. For children, the death which caused this experience must be 6 months or longer, and for an adult, 12 months or longer. Individuals who experience Prolonged Grief Disorder have significant distress in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning. Emotional numbness, loneliness, identity disruptions (who am I without you) and a marked disbelief about the death leaves many feeling life is meaningless. ”
Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification and see if it matches your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in grief counseling.
Apologetics is an important skill to defend the doctrines of the faith. Ecumenism is the ability to spread the faith and share it with others. It is important to work with other faiths in a multi cultured world and spread the Gospel of Christ in a kind and charitable way. Ecumenism and apologetics go hand and hand.
Please also review AIHCP’s Christian Counseling Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification as a Christian Counselor.
Many individuals lose identity with grief. A loss limb, or a loss of a loved one that they identify with. A father or mother may no longer feel like a parent if they lost a child. Grief can transform one’s identify of self.
Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Program and see if it meets your needs. The Grief Counseling Training is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals.
There are numerous therapies to help children better communicate their grief. They can express through multiple outlets of creativity to help them express the grief and issues that haunt them. Counselors can help children through a variety of methods.
Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Training Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification as a grief counselor. Please also review AIHCP’s Child and Adolescent Grief Counseling Training
ADHD Coaches and consultants can help a family deal with ADHD or help an individual learn to better cope with ADHD. While counseling professionals can earn an additional certification in ADHD Consulting, many individuals can become ADHD coaches who are not counselors. This is important to note.
It is important if an ADHD Coach is working with you that they are at least certified. Please also review AIHCP’s ADHD Consulting Certification
The article, “Could an ADHD Coach Help Your Family?” by Sara Lindberg looks at the role of an ADHD Coach. She states,
“ADHD coaching is a relatively new idea. It’s important to be aware that there’s currently no formal regulation of the role, so technically, anyone can advertise themselves as an ADHD coach. At the same time, there are organizations that offer training and certifications. If you’re seeking a coach, it’s important to request their training and experience in order to know what qualifications they actually possess.”
AIHCP also offers certification to professionals seeking a certification as an ADHD Consultant. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in ADHD Consulting. ADHD coaches do not necessarily have to possess a counseling license, but AIHCP ensures that individuals who do possess the certification have some type of professional and academic status.
Learning to integrate grief into life is critical to loss adjustment. Loss causes change and learning to incorporate that change is part of healthy grieving and adaptation. Those who struggle to incorporate grief into their life narrative struggle with life and suffer from complicated grief. It is important to always remember, the pain of loss will never leave because true love can never die, hence learning to live with the pain of loss is the key to life itself.
Learning to integrate grief into life is difficult. Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification
The article, “What Does It Mean to Integrate Grief?” from “What’s Your Grief” takes a closer look at how to integrate loss and grief in life. The article states,
“Integrated grief is grief that exists within your life, as an ongoing part of your life, without overwhelming or dominating your life. I know, at this moment that might feel unfathomable. But as you learn to carry the complex emotions of grief and you change your relationship with grief, slowly the chasm will close between grieving and ‘functioning’. ”
Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Grief Counseling.
Near Death Experience or NDE are mysterious and empirically unexplainable experiences individuals near death can experience. It is still a mystery as to if NDE is a proof for a metaphysical afterlife or a lack of current understanding of the brain and its unknown processes when responding to possible death. For now, they are accepted as something that is unexplainable and not to be connected with psychosis or any type of mental pathology but a legitimate experience some individuals face when dealing with death.
Near Death Experience or NDE has certain qualities associated with it that differentiate it from other mental states such as dreams or hallucinations. It NDE, there is an out of body experience that occurs, or a autoscopic episode. This episode is when one is unconscious and the trajectory if not corrected will lead to physical death. During this unconscious state, one can experience lucid visions outside one body. To qualify as an NDE, a 16 question survey must score at least a 7 in value.
Are Near Death Experiences metaphysical and spiritual episodes or some unknown yet reaction of the brain to death? Please also review AIHCP’s Pastoral Thanatology Program as well as AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification
Among the many questions include the level of consciousness one felt during the episode. Was the experience equal or greater than normal conscious behavior. This is a key element in differentiating from a dream state or a hallucination. During these states, individuals under anesthesia are able to comprehend things around their unconscious body that the brain should not be able to sense. This type of mental ability questions whether the soul is experiencing a metaphysical experience or if there is some unknown power of the brain yet known to science. Many who experience NDE are able to relate things regarding those around them while they were unconscious that the brain should not be able to observe or sense. In fact, the senses are even more acute and sharp during NDE. Blind individuals are able to see things in some studies, as well as individuals who can see but see more so in deeper colors and understanding than any mere human eyes. In other cases, NDE patients also understood the thoughts of others around them.
Science looks to explain some of these feelings and sensations when the body is in crisis. Russel Noyes, a famous psychiatrist, who researched NDE, pointed out that the body when in crisis experiences various adaptations. There is a sharp mystical awakening to more vivid images, as well as a depersonalization with emotion and a detachment. Also, there is a hyper-alertness with sharper vision and hearing that helps the person survive. Could these abilities be amplified near death?
Most who experience NDE, which is around 1/3rd who have close clashes with death, firmly believe it was a real experience. They return in many cases more peaceful and guided. They look to implement life changes and have less death anxiety itself. The experiences are also multi-cultural and do not differ between Western and Eastern religious codes. Even children with little predisposed religious ideals, experience the same and often beyond their natural understanding. Individuals who are not religious also share similar experiences.
During these religious experiences, many experience a calm and bright light, and in some cases see lost loved ones but others can experience nothingness or more frightful visions. Some see torture and hellish images. They experience upon their return a call for conversion or a scared traumatic response. Others try to explain it away.
Grief Counselors, or more so licensed professional counselors are needed to help individuals discuss and resolve their NDE experience. It is important that the counselor understand that it is not a pathology but to be on the look out for pathological reactions to the experience. Counselors also must be open to the individuals interpretation. Since there is no rational explanation, it may very well be metaphysical or also tied to unexplainable brain functioning that is firing off an array of visions that science cannot understand. It is critical to listen and accept the story of the individual with an NDR and how it relates to that particular individual.
Gaining the trust is key. Individuals, may think they are crazy, or noone will believe their story. It is important to reassure the patient that this is phenomenon is a real experience although unexplainable by science and that their visions are not crazy or pathological. It is essential to help the individual integrate the experience into their life story. Unless pathological reactions occur when extreme anxiety or dangerous new behaviors arise, the person should be encouraged to share and incorporate the experience into their life in a healthy way. There is no treatment since it is not a pathology itself and there is no true medication because the incident is beyond comprehension.
Near Death Experience is a universal experience across cultures. Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification
Those of belief may accept the experience as a religious experience. This is not pathological but acceptable. The reality is it may very well be a metaphysical experience beyond the scope of science and to marginalize it and categorize it against the will of the patient is counter productive. It is best to co-exist with the experience from wherever it came and allow it produce the healthy changes one needs in one life. Ultimately, there may be an explanation or it may be metaphysical, or it may be a mixture of both, but since they are universal and non pathological, it would be prudent to merely care more about how one reacts to the experience in counseling than to define it for the patient. How the patient defines it is the patient’s choice.
Death and dying is a mystery. It is the final chapter of observable existence. NDE is merely another element of it and how we see death beyond the grave and the many spiritual questions that burn within our mind and how our body reacts to death itself.
Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Grief Counseling.
The Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy are all essential works to love one’s neighbor perfectly both physically and spiritually. It is about helping others through life through acts of charity that follow the teachings of Christ. They are essential to living one’s faith.
Please also review AIHCP’s Christian Counseling Program and see if it meets your goals and needs both academically and professionally. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Christian Counseling.