Ayurveda and Holistic Health

Ayurveda is an Eastern form of medicine and health practices.  It has many complimentary uses with Western medicine. Many of its views and practices are being more and more employed in the West to help individuals with a variety of ailments.  It is important to always have a healthcare professional properly guide on through Ayurveda to ensure one utilizes the proper treatments as not to contradict any primary medications. Please also review AIHCP’s Holistic and Integrative Healthcare Specialist program

Ayurveda is an Eastern way of healing. Please also review AIHCP’s Holistic and Integrative Healthcare Specialist Program


The article, “What Is Ayurveda and Does It Work?” from the Cleveland Clinic’s healthessentials looks at how Ayurveda works and how it may be better able to help you.  The article takes an in-depth look at the history of Ayurveda and also its deeper meanings.  In particular it looks at the Vata dosha, the Peta dosha and the Kapha dosha.  It looks how these systems are seen as a foundation for medical treatment in India and the East.  The article states,

“The word “Ayurveda” is derived from Sanskrit and means “science of life.” In Ayurveda, there’s an underlying belief that everything in life is connected. Because of this, general health and wellness rely on achieving balance and harmony. When a person is imbalanced or stressed, they’re likely to develop disease. Ayurveda focuses on implementing lifestyle interventions and natural treatments, therapies and remedies to provide balance among your physical body, mind, spirit and the world around you.”

“What Is Ayurveda and Does It Work?”. healthessentials.  June 10th, 2022. Cleveland Clinic.

To read the entire article, please click here


Ayurveda is a system of traditional medicine native to the Indian subcontinent. It is based on the premise that there is a relationship between the mind, body, and spirit, and that imbalances in any of these three can lead to illness. Ayurvedic practitioners use a variety of techniques to restore balance, including diet, exercise, meditation, and massage.  . Ayurvedic medicine relies on a holistic approach to treatment, taking into account the person’s physical, mental, and emotional state. Herbal remedies, dietary changes, and lifestyle modifications are often used in ayurvedic medicine.

Ayurveda is a traditional Hindu system of medicine which is based on the idea of balance in the body, mind, and spirit. According to Ayurveda, there are three main types of energy, or “doshas,” which are responsible for our physical and mental health: Vata (air), Pitta (fire), and Kapha (earth).

Vata is associated with movement, pitta with metabolism and digestion, and kapha with structure and lubrication. Imbalance in any of these doshas is thought to lead to disease.

The Vata dosha is the energy of movement and is responsible for all bodily functions that involve movement, including circulation, respiration, and elimination. It is light, dry, cold, and erratic in nature and is said to be the most difficult of the three doshas to balance.

The Peta dosha refers to the purification of the mind and body through asceticism. The peta dosha theory states that all of these elements must be in balance in order for a person to be healthy.

The Kapha dosha  is characterized by qualities such as heavy, slow, and wet.  Kapha types are typically heavy, solid, and slow-moving. They tend to have a calm, easy-going personality, and tend to be loyal and reliable friends.  Kapha dosha is responsible for growth, lubrication, and stability in the body. It is associated with the elements of earth and water, and its qualities are heavy, cold, oily, smooth, and static. Imbalance in kapha dosha can lead to conditions such as obesity, diabetes, and high cholesterol.

While many of these philosophies are religious in nature, they also pertain to health as well.  Those concerned only with the secular nature, look at the issues of balance found in these doshas and how they can reflect healthier living for those who may not be religious but looking for health benefits nonetheless.

Holistic and Conventional Remedies

Holistic and complimentary medicine are two terms that are often used interchangeably, but they actually refer to two different approaches to healthcare. Holistic medicine is a comprehensive approach that looks at the whole person, rather than just the symptoms of an illness. This approach takes into account the mind, body, and spirit of the individual, and seeks to treat the underlying cause of illness, rather than just the symptoms.  Complimentary medicine, on the other hand, focuses on treatments that complement conventional medical care. These complementary treatments may include acupuncture, massage therapy, or meditation. Both holistic and complimentary medicine share a common goal: to promote healing and wellbeing.

Trained Integrative and Holistic Specialists in healthcare such as holistic nurses can navigate the boundaries between Ayurveda and Western medicine and help individuals find the proper balance between the two systems.  It is important to never begin a holistic campaign for health, or partake in alternative practices without consulting one’s primary healthcare provider.  Holistic Nurses can help identify the most useful remedies without risking counter effecting the conventional medications one may be on.

In many cases, holistic remedies, and ideas found in Ayurveda can help individuals find a cure or help one find better healthy but they are best used as preventative and long term life style changes to be used in conjunction with one’s healthcare.


In conclusion, Ayurveda is a holistic approach to health that emphasizes prevention and natural treatment. Ayurvedic practitioners use dietary recommendations, lifestyle changes, and herbal remedies to treat imbalances in the body. While there is some scientific evidence to support the efficacy of Ayurveda, more research is needed. If you are interested in trying an Ayurvedic approach to health, talk to a qualified practitioner.

Please also review AIHCP’s Holistic and Integrative Healthcare Specialist Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Holistic Nursing.  Nurses must first complete the core courses before applying for the four year certification.

Additional Resources

“Ayurveda: A historical perspective and principles of the traditional healthcare system in India”.  Lakshmi-chandra Mishra; Betsy B Singh; Simon Dagenais Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine; Mar 2001; 7, 2; ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health Source pg. 36.  Access here

“What is Ayurveda?”. John Hopkins Medicine.  Access here

“What Is Ayurveda?”. Kelli Miller.  March 20th, 2021. WebMD. Access here

“A Beginners Guide to Holistic Health & Why It’s Important”. Amanl Kalti. September 12th, 2022. Healthinsiders.  Access here

EFT and Anxiety Reduction

Many individuals can turn to EFT to help lessen the effects of anxiety.  Anxiety can become unbearable for many. Individuals resort to medications and other remedies, but with the use of EFT, many who suffer from anxiety can better learn to lessen and even remove it.  EFT helps the individual move negative emotion and energy associated with anxiety from the body.  Through tapping points, negative energy associated with anxiety can be removed from the body and replaced with more positive experience.  EFT can help with so many emotional traumas.

EFT tapping can help reduce anxiety in many people. Please also review AIHCP’s EFT Certification Program and see if it meets your professional and academic nee

Commentary on EFT

EFT is a psychological technique that involves tapping on specific points on the body in order to relieve stress and anxiety. It is based on the theory that our bodies are energy systems, and that by tapping on these points, we can release any blocked energy and restore balance. The theory behind EFT is that by tapping on these points, you are able to release any negative emotions that may be causing you distress.  EFT has been shown to be effective for treating a variety of issues, including phobias, PTSD, and chronic pain.

To use EFT, you will need to tap on a series of specific points on your body while focusing on a particular issue or problem. The tapping helps to release any trapped negative emotions and restore balance to your body’s energy system.  There are many meridian points located throughout the body. These points are used in acupuncture and other energy therapies. The eft points are located on the hands and feet. These points are also used in acupuncture and other energy therapies.  Since EFT emulates acupuncture, it looks to help the body move emotional energy, both good and bad.   This is is especially important in removing anxiety and stress.

EFT and Anxiety

There is a growing body of evidence to suggest that EFT may be an effective intervention for anxiety. A number of studies have shown that EFT can reduce the symptoms of anxiety, and that the effects of eft are long-lasting. Eft has also been shown to be more effective than other interventions, such as CBT, in reducing the symptoms of anxiety.  EFT is an evidence-based approach that helps people cope with anxiety. It is based on the premise that the mind and body are interconnected, and that by tapping on specific points on the body, we can help to release emotional stress and improve our overall well-being. EFT has been shown to be effective in reducing anxiety symptoms, and it is a safe and easy technique that can be used by anyone.

In processing negative energy, the individual focuses on the particular anxiety while tapping.  As the individual works his or her through the tapping points, he or she repeats the particular anxiety.  This may take a few cycles of tapping and repeating, which concludes with a new desired state.  The combination of a mantra with the tapping, helps move negative energy.  This is the detailed way EFT helps one deal and cope better with anxiety.  Fortunately, it is non evasive and can be taught easily to another person.  A certified EFT practitioner can train and individual on the way to properly utilize EFT so that one is able to use it alone or when anxiety arises.


In conclusion, EFT  is an interesting and potentially useful tool for managing stress and anxiety. More research is needed to determine its efficacy, but it may be worth trying for those who are struggling with these issues. If you are considering using eft, be sure to consult with a qualified practitioner.   In regards to anxiety,  EFT can be a helpful tool for managing anxiety. It is important to consult with a therapist or counselor to ensure that EFT is used correctly and effectively.  Once one is able to understand its application, many are able to use EFT alone or by themselves in the privacy of home or when an anxiety attack occurs.

Please also review AIHCP’s EFT Certification Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in EFT.  After completing the courses and practicum, one can then apply for the four year certification in EFT with AIHCP.
Additional Resources
What is EFT tapping?”. Kiara Anthony. Healthline. September 18th, 2018.  To access, please click here
“How the Emotional Freedom Technique Treats Anxiety: Alternative Treatment for Panic and Anxiety”. Katharina Star, PhD.  Verywellmind.  May 7th, 2021.  To access, please click here
“5 Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT Tapping Benefits for Stress, Pain & More”. Jillian Levy, CHHC. DR. Axe. October 13th, 2019.  To access, please click here

Anger Management Consulting Program Video on Anger in Relationships

Anger in relationships can turn two people against each other in the most toxic ways.  While it is important as a way to form boundaries when properly utilized, it can become abusive and hurtful if not properly managed.  Couples need to set boundaries, share emotions, but in a respectful way.

Please also review AIHCP’s Anger Management Consulting Program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Anger Management.

Crisis Intervention Training Blog on Compliance and Crisis in Policing

Police officers are public servants but when things become difficult with non compliant citizens, it can quickly lead to violence.  In the news, we see horrible incidents of mental health issues erupting between officers and suspects where individuals end up killed.  Officers need to know how to de-escalate situations and prevent unnecessary death of suspects or citizens in custody.  Crisis Intervention is important to help prevent bad things from happening. Please also review AIHCP’s Crisis Intervention Training program

Interaction with police should not be a dangerous thing. Please also review AIHCP’s Crisis Intervention Training


The article, “How officers can move people from crisis to compliance” by Sergeant Christopher Bax looks closer at helping officers better work for safer outcomes with the public.  He states,

“Moving someone from a state of crisis toward compliance is not easy. By recognizing indicators of emotional distress, gaining information through active listening, communicating understanding, forming connections and making informed decisions, officers can help a person in crisis while achieving the goal of voluntary compliance.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Officers can benefit from additional Crisis Intervention Training.

Please also review AIHCP’s Crisis Intervention Training Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking training in Crisis Intervention.

Anger Management Certification Article on Children and Abnormal Anger

Teaching children restraint with their anger is a basic parenting objective.  It is critical to show children how to behave and control emotion so that they can interact socially with others.  There are sometimes signs to watch for that may indicate deeper anger issues that will require stronger attention.  Please also review AIHCP’s Anger Management Certification

Children need to learn to control anger at an early age. Please also review AIHCP’s Anger Management Certification

Please also review AIHCP’s Anger Management Consulting Program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Anger Management.


Grief Counseling Certification Blog on the Loss of a Child

The loss of a child is the worst loss and a parent’s worst fear.   It is unnatural for a parent to bury a child hence it also carries a deeper pain than merely losing an older family member.  The loss of a child is a life long wound that haunts the parents for the rest of their lives.  It is of no wonder then that many complicated forms of grief develop within parents who lose a child.  Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification

The worst loss for a person is to experience the loss of a child. Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification


The article, “How to Deal with the Grief of Losing a Child” by Melissa Porrey takes a closer look at the pain of losing a child.  She states,

“The loss of a child is unimaginable. Whether anticipated or unexpected, the pain that follows the death of a child is likely to feel overwhelming and endless. With time, healthy coping tools, and help from loved ones and professionals, the worst parts of grief will eventually pass.  This article will provide an overview of common grief reactions, options for seeking help, and ways to cope.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in grief counseling.

Anger Management Consulting Program Video on Difficult People

Difficult people are part of life.  Unfortunately sometimes they can become a big problem in the workplace.  One needs to learn how to manage anger when dealing with difficult people and allow one to lower oneself to their level.

Please also review AIHCP’s Anger Management Consulting Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification

Integrative and Holistic Healthcare Specialist Program Blog on Essential Oil Benefits

Essential oils have meet many health needs for individuals.  Through scent and application, they can enter into the blood stream and help with a variety of issues one may be dealing with.  From stress to nausea, to anything in between, essential oils can be excellent complimentary health tools for an individual.  Please also review AIHCP’s Integrative and Holistic Healthcare Specialist Program

Essential oils can have many health benefits. Please also review AIHCP’s Integrative and Holistic Healthcare Specialist Program


The article, “7 Potential Health Benefits of Essential Oils” by Lauren Bedosky looks at some benefits of essential oils.  She states,

“Essential oils are bottled plant extracts. They’re made by steaming or pressing plants to trap the compounds responsible for their fragrance, according to John Hopkins Medicine. More importantly, their unique aromas have been employed in healing practices for thousands of years and may have healing properties.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Whenever utilizing complimentary and alternative health modules, it is important to consult a primary physician or other trained healthcare professional.  It is important to ensure the proper methods are being applied and are not in competition with other medications.

Please also review AIHCP’s Integrative and Holistic Healthcare Specialist Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to healthcare professionals seeking a four year certification in Holistic Health and Holistic Nursing.

Pet Loss Grief Support Program Blog on Pets and Ashes

When a dog or any type of pet dies, many retain the ashes and put their pet in a urn.  This is a way to keep the pet’s spirit close and within and also a way for the grieving to commemorate and honor their deceased pet.  It gives a sense of finality but also a sense of presence and peace.  Please also review AIHCP’s Pet Loss Grief Support Program

Keeping the ashes of a pet is a way to remember and honor the pet. Please also review AIHCP’s Pet Loss Grief Support Program


The article, “The Moment a Dog’s Ashes Turn into a Pet: ‘Never Truly Leave Us’” by Jeff Salle looks at this moment and the power of spreading or keeping the ashes.  He states,

“It’s never easy to lose a pet. Bereavement of our beloved pets can have the same psychological impact as bereavement of other family members. Biscuit’s owners, who own a 12-year-old German Shepherd and Collie mix named Biscuit, captured a magical moment while scattering her ashes that has wowed the internet and given the grieving owners new hope.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Some find solace in releasing ashes at a pet’s favorite place, or keeping the ashes with them, but whatever the way, what matters most is how it helps one honor the pet and grieve in a healthy way.

Please also review AIHCP’s Pet Loss Grief Support Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Pet Loss Grief Support Counseling.

Grief Counseling Certification Blog on Miscarriage and Loss

Miscarriages are a common grief for couples.  Many times this type of loss is not spoken about or dismissed.  Yet the loss still bears a painful sting of losing a child, albeit, not yet born.  The prospect of parenthood, the connection and excitement being stripped away can cause immense grief for an expecting couple.  Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification

Miscarriage grief and loss sometimes goes unnoticed to others. Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification


The article, “Miscarriage Grief: How to Cope with the Emotional Pain” by Hilary Lebow takes a closer look at this type of loss.  She states,

“Grieving for your pregnancy, your baby, and all that came with the experience is an intimate and unique process. You may experience intense emotions, or you could feel numb and detached. You may not even be sure how you feel or should react. These are all natural ways to cope with a significant loss. How a miscarriage affects you depends on many factors, including your circumstances, support, and emotional resources.”

To review the entire article, please click here

Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional needs and goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Grief Counseling.