Managing Stress in a Marriage

While marriage is a happy occasion it is also a very stressful situation.  When two people live together there is bound to be issues and problems that can lead to stress.  This is why it is so important to be sure you know who you marry and still even then it can be a challenge.  Most marriages today end in divorce due to a variety of stressors ranging from financial issues to infidelity.  The odds are really against a successful marriage.

Learning to identify stress and anger in a marriage is important in resolving issues. Couples who work as a team have a better chance overcoming the possibility of divorce


This is why it is so important for two people to truly understand the rigors of marriage, the demands and the responsibilities.  In addition to this, a couple needs to know how to manage anger and stress in a conducive way to promote unity and good team play.  The article, “3 Keys to Managing Stress in Your Marriage” by Kevin Bennett, PhD., looks at ways to better cope and manage stress in a marriage.  He looks 3 key elements in managing stress and promoting a healthy marriage. Communication is one key to managing stress between couples.  He states,

“Stress can negatively impact how spouses interact with each other. Under stress, people typically become more irritable, anxious, or emotionally exhausted. This, in turn, can affect spousal communication and behavior. Romantic partners may also have less patience and be more prone to conflicts.”

“3 Keys to Managing Stress in Your Marriage”.  Kevin Bennett, PhD. January 3rd, 2023. Psychology Today.

In addition, Bennett urges better intimacy between couples and a healthy life style to combat the negative effects of stress on a relationship.  To review the entire article, please click here


Managing stress in marriage is key.  Communication and trust are critical for a couple to face stressors as a team.  Couples who can perform as one unit are better able to overcome the stats of a potential divorce.

When it comes to marriage, it can often be a bumpy road. Even the happiest couples can face difficult times and disagreements. Although it’s normal to have some stress in relationships, it’s important to know how to recognize and manage it. In this blog, we’ll discuss the causes of marriage problems, signs of stress in a marriage, tips for overcoming stress in a marriage, communication strategies for dealing with marriage problems, conflict resolution strategies for couples, healthy habits for a successful marriage, seeking professional help for marriage problems, tips for keeping stress low in a marriage, and practical ways to show love and support in a relationship.

What Causes Marriage Problems?

Healthy couples have intimacy and communication in facing stress in a marriage


Marriage problems can arise from a variety of sources. Some of the most common causes of marriage problems include financial issues, infidelity, communication problems, lack of intimacy, and a lack of trust. Financial issues can be especially difficult for couples to deal with because it often involves making decisions about how to budget and save money. Infidelity can also be an issue that causes stress in a relationship if one partner is found to have been unfaithful. Communication problems can arise when couples are unable to talk about their feelings and needs in a meaningful way. A lack of intimacy can be caused by a lack of time spent together due to other commitments. Finally, a lack of trust can be caused by a lack of honesty or respect in the relationship.

Signs of Stress in a Marriage

It’s important to be aware of the signs of stress in a marriage so that you can recognize when an issue has arisen. Some common signs of stress in a marriage include frequent arguments, lack of physical affection, avoidance of conversations, and a decrease in communication. If you notice that you and your partner are arguing more often than usual or that you’re avoiding conversations with each other, it may be a sign that something is wrong. Additionally, if you and your partner are no longer engaging in physical affection or if communication between the two of you has decreased, it may be a sign that stress is present in your marriage.

Tips for Overcoming Stress in a Marriage

If you and your partner are experiencing stress in your marriage, there are steps you can take to help reduce it. One of the best things you can do is to take a break from the situation. Sometimes, just stepping away from the stress for a few hours or days can make a big difference. Additionally, it’s important to be honest and open with each other about what is causing the stress. This can help you to better understand each other’s feelings and needs. Finally, it’s important to learn how to compromise when it comes to difficult decisions. Compromising can be a great way to help manage stress in a marriage.

Communication Strategies for Dealing With Marriage Problems

Lack of communication can allow stressors to dig a divide in marriage. Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Program


Communication is key when it comes to dealing with marriage problems. It’s important to be able to talk openly and honestly with each other about your feelings and what is causing the stress in your relationship. It’s also important to be patient and understanding when it comes to communicating with your partner. Listening to each other’s perspectives can help to reduce misunderstanding and anger. Additionally, it’s important to be respectful when communicating with each other. If you feel too overwhelmed to talk, it’s ok to take a break from the conversation and come back to it when you feel ready.

Conflict Resolution Strategies for Couples

Conflict resolution is an important part of any relationship, especially when it comes to marriage. If you and your partner are having difficulty resolving conflicts, there are some strategies you can use. One of the most important things to do is to focus on the issue at hand. It’s easy to get sidetracked and start talking about unrelated issues, but it’s important to stay focused on the problem. Additionally, it’s important to stay calm and listen to each other’s perspectives. Arguing or raising your voice will only make the situation worse. Finally, it’s important to be willing to compromise. Compromising can be a great way to reach a resolution that both parties can be happy with.

Healthy Habits for a Successful Marriage

There are certain habits that can help to ensure a successful marriage. One of the most important habits is to make time for each other. This can be as simple as having a date night once a week or going on a weekend getaway. Additionally, it’s important to be honest with each other. Honesty is essential for building trust and respect in a relationship. It’s also important to be supportive of each other. Showing your partner that you are there for them can go a long way towards strengthening your bond. Finally, it’s important to keep your sense of humor. Laughter can help to lighten the mood and make difficult conversations easier.

Seeking Professional Help for Marriage Problems

Sometimes, it can be helpful to seek professional help when it comes to dealing with marriage problems. A trained therapist can help you and your partner to better understand each other’s needs and feelings. They can also provide you with strategies for managing stress and resolving conflicts. If you and your partner are struggling to communicate or if you are having difficulty resolving conflicts on your own, it may be a good idea to seek help from a professional.  Therapists also certified in Stress Management can also offer unique insights into how to better manage stress in a relationship

Tips for Keeping Stress Low in a Marriage

There are certain things you can do to help keep stress levels low in your marriage. One of the most important things to do is to be proactive about managing stress. This can include activities like taking time for yourself, exercising, or practicing relaxation techniques. Additionally, it’s important to make time for each other. Even if it’s just for a few minutes each day, taking time to connect with each other can go a long way towards reducing stress in your relationship.  Stress Management is key as the couple mutually identifies stressors and how to properly handle them.  Finally, it’s important to be open to change. If you and your partner are willing to try new things and be flexible, it can help to reduce stress in your marriage.

Practical Ways to Show Love and Support in a Relationship

Showing love and support in a relationship is essential for a happy and healthy marriage. One way to show your partner love and support is to listen to them. It’s important to be an active listener and really pay attention to what they are saying. Additionally, it’s important to be kind and understanding. Being kind and understanding can go a long way towards making your partner feel valued and appreciated. Finally, it’s important to show your appreciation for your partner. Whether it’s through words, gestures, or gifts, showing your appreciation for your partner can help to keep the love alive.


Communication can help couples deal with stress. Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Program


Marriage is a wonderful thing, but it can also be stressful at times. It’s important to be aware of the causes of marriage problems, the signs of stress in a marriage, and the strategies for overcoming stress in a marriage. Communication is one of the most important tools for managing stress in a relationship. It’s also important to have healthy habits for a successful marriage and to be open to seeking professional help if necessary. Finally, it’s important to show love and support in a relationship by being kind, understanding, and appreciative. With these tips, you and your partner can conquer any marriage problem and build a strong, healthy relationship.

Stress Management Consultants can help couples find ways to better manage stress and work together as a team.

Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Stress Management.


Additional Resources

“Is Your Marriage Toxic?” . Joanna Broder.  September 5th, 2021.  WebMed.  Access here

“Common Marriage Problems and Solutions”. Elizabeth Scott. PhD. October 23rd, 2022. VeryWellMind. Access here

“Daily Patterns of Stress and Conflict in Couples: Associations with Marital Aggression and Family-of-Origin Aggression”. Adela C. Timmons, etc., al. J Fam Psychol. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2018 Feb 1. National Library of Medicine. Access here

“Stressed About Your Marriage? Working on It Could Also Help Your Health”. Cleveland Clinic. February 25th, 2019. HealthEssentials. Access here

Relaxing the Busy Mind Via Self-Hypnosis

The busy mind can become strained and weary.  It is important to know how to refresh the brain and allow it to perform at optimum ability.  Individuals with stressful jobs and careers that involve a very actively involved mind need more than mere rest but also a freshness of the brain that allows them to perform.  Self Hypnosis is a way one can remain sharp and fresh.  Self Hypnosis throughout the day is an excellent tool for individuals who need to be mentally alert and ready to resolve issues

Self Hypnosis can help the mind stay calm, fresh and sharp. Please also review AIHCP’s Clinical Hypnotherapy Certification


The article, “Master the art of self-hypnosis to find your inner peace” by Paul McKenna reviews the importance of self hypnosis in keeping the brain fresh and sharp.  He references how Einstein would utilize microsleep as a way to keep the mind fresh.  Likewise, the importance of the mind’s reset prior to sleep onset can make the mind more fresh.  Studies have shown that those with this type of micro sleep performed better even solving math problems.  Hence McKenna compares this type of midpoint between sleep and consciousness as critical to a more peaceful, calm and fresh mind.  Self-Hypnosis is an excellent way to achieve this state.  He states,

“Sleep is where you are unconscious — you go through different stages and you dream. Hypnosis is much more like daydreaming for the majority of people. Commonly, people lose awareness of time, they stop focusing on things going on in the external world and they start focusing on things in their internal world. They usually feel profoundly relaxed.  If I have a creative problem, I will often do self-hypnosis to help me unlock whatever is blocking the free flow of my thoughts. “

“Master the art of self-hypnosis to find your inner peace”. Paul McKenna. January 1st, 2023. Daily Mail.

McKenna continues within the article by introducing the reader to the best ways for self hypnosis and its many benefits. To read the entire article, please click here


Hence, self hypnosis can bring about a calming effect on the brain but also allow it to reset and be more sharp.  Below is more detail on self hypnosis, how to do it and its benefits.

Self Hypnosis

Self-hypnosis is a form of psychotherapeutic technique in which an individual induces a trance-like state of heightened suggestibility, through the use of mental imagery, relaxation techniques, and verbal repetition. It can be used to facilitate cognitive and behavioural change, reduce stress, enhance creativity, and increase self-awareness. Self-hypnosis is thought to work through enabling an individual to access inner resources for problem solving or goal setting that may not otherwise be readily available.

Self hypnosis is a process of inducing a heightened state of psychological receptivity and focus which allows for the reprogramming of thought patterns via conscious suggestion. In order to access this altered state, it is necessary to engage in a series of preparatory activities that facilitate the entry into the trance-like state. These activities include relaxation, concentration, ideomotor response, and imagery/visualization.

Self hypnosis has been associated with a variety of beneficial psychological outcomes, such as enhanced emotion regulation, improved decision making and increased resistance to pain. Research suggests that self-hypnosis can reduce levels of anxiety, depression and stress, as well as increase the individual’s ability to cope with difficult situations in their life. Moreover, this psychological tool has been linked to better concentration and memory performance due to its ability to aid in cognitive restructuring and mental focus.  Through self hypnosis, individuals may be able to facilitate change at the neurological level by making use of neuroplasticity. This allows for the development of new neurologic pathways that are associated with improved cognitive functioning and enhanced emotional regulation.

Micro Sleep 

Microsleep is a phenomenon characterized by brief periods of sleep that occur involuntarily and unexpectedly during wakefulness. It has been found to be beneficial in certain contexts due to its ability to increase alertness and improve cognitive performance. Specifically, microsleep can improve reaction time, attentional processes, and motor control during the period of time following its occurrence. In addition, microsleep may have protective effects against excessive fatigue.

Microsleep and hypnosis are two distinct phenomena that have been studied extensively over the years. Microsleep is a brief episode of sleep that occurs involuntarily in the midst of an individual’s normal waking activity, typically lasting from one to thirty seconds. It is a phenomenon characterized by brief periods of sleep that occur involuntarily and unexpectedly during wakefulness. It has been found to be beneficial in certain contexts due to its ability to increase alertness and improve cognitive performance. Specifically, microsleep can improve reaction time, attentional processes, and motor control during the period of time following its occurrence. In addition, microsleep may have protective effects against excessive fatigue.  Hypnosis, on the other hand, is a trance-like state that involves heightened suggestibility and responsiveness to verbal or non-verbal cues. It is characterized by a deep relaxation of the body and alterations in perception, cognition, and behavior.

Both have similar effectiveness though in helping the mind become more fresh.  Self Hypnosis obviously is more intentional and can provide many of the benefits in refreshing the mind.


Self Hypnosis is a beneficial tool for professionals to unlock the best the mind has to offer.


In conclusion, self hypnosis can be a powerful tool for personal growth and development. It can help you to achieve your desired outcomes, reduce stress, and work through difficult issues. Self hypnosis has been used by many people with success in managing physical pain, improving sleep quality, and overcoming anxiety and phobias. However, it is important to note that self hypnosis should not be used as a substitute for professional medical or mental health advice.

Please also review AIHCP’s Clinical Hypnotherapy Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Hypnosis.

Additional Resources

“Yes, Self-Hypnosis Can Really Work — Here’s How to Give It a Try”. Crystal Raypole. August 16th, 2021. Healthline.  Access here

“What to know about self-hypnosis”. Mathieu Rees. May 29th, 2022. MedicalNewsToday. Access here

“Hypnosis” Cleveland Clinic.  April 1st, 2022. Cleveland Clinic.  Access here

“Self-Hypnosis: What It Is & How to Do It”. Jack Harley. June 30th, 2020. MindSetHealth. Access here





Nonfinite Grief Video

In some cases, grief and loss is not acute nor even directly correlated to a observed loss.  Sometimes loss is more abstract.  Sometimes loss is beyond losing something tangible but is a loss of “what if” or “should have”.  Sometimes loss is something never possessed or greatly desired but never found.  In these cases, a nonfinite grief exists.  This grief is not something to ignore but something that needs attention within one’s life.  One may take upon reflection, respect the emotions and move forward to prevent this type of grief to anchor one into the abyss of existential crisis.

Human happiness is a very complex reality and when one chases things that cannot give perfect happiness then one can find themselves wandering in the desert of life yearning over things not worth.  It is important to see if one’s nonfinite grief is focused on true things of value and make the changes or accept the necessary realities to find happiness.

Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Grief Counseling.

Nurse Case Managers: Benefits of Continuing Education

By – James M. Katz, BA

The demand for qualified Nurse Case Managers has been increasing in recent years, as healthcare organizations become more focused on providing quality care to patients. In order to stay ahead of the competition and remain current on the latest health care trends and practices, it is essential for Nurse Case Managers to invest in continuing education. Continuing education provides Nurse Case Managers with the skills and knowledge to effectively manage and improve patient outcomes It also helps to increase job satisfaction. It can build their confidence and strengthen their reputation within the healthcare industry. Investing in professional development is essential for Nurse Case Managers, as it helps to enhance their skills, stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends, and remain competitive.

Nurse Case Manager Smiling

Continuing education and further training can not only help you stay up to date with modern trends but it can also keep you competitive to any potential health care employers. Showing evidence of training highlights and showcases your commitment to providing the best healthcare to your patients and a willingness to adapt to new concepts. In the article below it details other important aspects of continuing education in nurse case management.

“Continuing education (CE) is one of the most important things a nurse can do. CE allows nurses to stay current on the latest advances in their field, find new ways to care for patients, and learn about new technologies. We’ll explore some of the benefits of CE for nurses and explain why it’s such an important part of your career.

The Importance of Continuing Education

Providing nurses with continuing education opportunities strengthens the nursing profession. It keeps nurses up-to-date on the latest techniques and knowledge. Continuing education can also help nurses stay competitive in the job market, as they can demonstrate their expertise and skills to potential employers. In fact, according to a study by RTN, almost half of all employers say that continuing education is one of the key reasons they hire a new nurse.”

Access Full Article Here


What is Continuing Education?

Continuing education is defined as an organized program of educational instruction. It’s usually intended to advance a person’s professional development. Continuing education is offered both online and in-person, and is frequently used to describe any classes and workshops that are not required for a person’s academic degree. For Nurse Case Managers, continuing education can include attending conferences, webinars and seminars hosted by healthcare organizations or other industry experts. It can also include taking part in mentorship programs or serving as a mentor to others in the field. Continuing education can provide Nurse Case Managers with a wide array of benefits, including increased knowledge and skills, improved job satisfaction and a strengthened professional reputation within the industry.

Benefits of Continuing Education for Nurse Case Managers

There are numerous benefits associated with continuing education for Nurse Case Managers. Some of the most significant benefits include improved patient outcomes, increased job satisfaction and strengthened professional reputation. One of the most significant benefits of continuing education is improved patient outcomes. By gaining a better understanding of the latest health trends and practices, Nurse Case Managers can provide high-quality care to patients and improve their outcomes. These can directly contribute to the bottom line of healthcare organizations. Another significant benefit of continuing education is increased job satisfaction. By investing in professional development, Nurse Case Managers can gain a better understanding of their role within the organization, which can lead to more job satisfaction. Additionally, through the skills and knowledge gained from professional development, Nurse Case Managers can be more effective in their role, which can lead to more job satisfaction.

Strengthened Professional Reputation

As the demand for health care services continues to grow, the need for qualified Nurse Case Managers also increases. There are a limited number of Nurse Case Managers in the healthcare industry, which has led to a high demand for this role. Due to limited supply and high demand, Nurse Case Managers often have the ability to negotiate higher salaries, receive more job offers, and have the opportunity to select from the best healthcare organizations. As the demand for Nurse Case Managers continues to increase, organizations are looking for highly qualified candidates. In order to meet the selection criteria of organizations and be selected for the role, it is essential for Nurse Case Managers to continue investing in professional development. By continuously gaining new skills and knowledge, Nurse Case Managers can make themselves more attractive to healthcare organizations and strengthen their reputation as an industry expert.

How to Invest in Professional Development

In order to make the most of continuing education, it is essential for Nurse Case Managers to choose the right learning opportunities. It is important to select classes and workshops that pertain to the job responsibilities of Nurse Case Managers This is so that they can apply their new skills in the workplace. It’s also recommended that Nurse Case Managers participate in mentorship programs or become mentors to others in the industry. Mentorship programs can provide important insights and guidance to Nurse Case Managers, while also helping others to advance their careers. To make the most of continuing education, Nurse Case Managers can follow these three steps:

– Research the latest industry trends: By researching the latest trends in the healthcare industry, Nurse Case Managers can identify areas of interest, as well as determine which topics are most relevant to their job responsibilities.

– Identify learning opportunities: After selecting the topics of interest, it is essential to identify the best learning opportunities to help advance knowledge and skills in those areas.

– Make the most of continuing education: Once the best learning opportunities have been identified, it is essential to make the most of continuing education to advance knowledge and skills.


As the demand for healthcare services continues to grow, the need for qualified Nurse Case Managers also increases. To remain competitive in the healthcare industry and advance in their careers, it is essential for Nurse Case Managers to continue investing in professional development. There are a variety of benefits associated with continuing education, including improved patient outcomes, increased job satisfaction and a strengthened professional reputation. By following these three steps, Nurse Case Managers can make the most of continuing education and advance their careers.

Nursing Case Management is a growing field with plenty of potential employers looking for highly qualified recruits. If you are a nursing professional looking to enter the case management field or if you need continuing education training then perhaps you should consider our Case Management Fellowship program? For more information please go here.


Center of Disease Control and Prevention –

Wikipedia: Continuing Medical Education – 

Additional Resources:

Continuing Education; Lifelong Learning. Marjan Laal, Et al. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 116, 2014, Pages 4052-4056, ISSN 1877-0428,

Access Here  

Educational benefits for nurses and nursing students of the dementia supporter training program in Japan. Matsuda Y, Et al. (2018) PLoS ONE 13(7): e0200586.

Access Here 

Impact of person-centred care training and person-centred activities on quality of life, agitation, and antipsychotic use in people with dementia living in nursing homes: A cluster-randomised controlled trial. Clive Ballard , Et al. Published: February 6, 2018.

Access Here

Perceived Benefits of Pre-Clinical Simulation-based Training on Clinical Learning Outcomes among Omani Undergraduate Nursing Students. Madhavanprabhakaran G, Et al Sultan Qaboos Univ Med J. 2015 Feb;15(1):e105-11. Epub 2015 Jan 21. PMID: 25685368; PMCID: PMC4318589.

Access Here 

Professional Awareness of Suffocated Grief

Grief experts have labeled the term Disenfranchised Grief to be a type of grief that is hidden due to fear of ridicule, or a type of loss that is not recognized or belittled by others because to others it is outside the range of societal norms or perceived as insignificant.   Types of examples can be the loss of a pet, or particular loss that is extremely painful but personal but not acknowledged by society.  Another example would be the pain of an individual who may be a boy friend or girl friend who may have lost someone in High School.  While the family receives the bulk of the sympathy, the Highschool boyfriend or girlfriend may find themselves on the outside looking in.  Another example of Disenfranchised Grief pertains to suffering from a stigmatizing disease.  Still others who lose a loved one within the LGBTQ community may find a stigmatizing view towards their particular loss. All of these losses are ways society attempts to control how one grieves or what is worthy of grief itself.  These type of constraints are an issue that Grief Counseling attempts to unbind in counseling sessions.  Acknowledging the loss and grief is key and making awareness to others that these losses matter.

Many individuals are expected to react to grief in a quiet and private way. Please also review AIHCP’s Pastoral Thanatology Certification


Society attempts to control grief in other arenas as well.  Not just merely in what is worthy of grief, but also in how one should grieve in public.  Societal norms and standards of public display in the West seem to find contempt in outward expressions of grief.  The discomfort of others witnessing a sobbing mother, or a hysterical child grieving the loss of a parent seem out of control and socially awkward.  “What’s Your Grief” takes a closer look at this attempt to censure public displays of grief in it’s article “What is Suffocated Grief”.  The term labeled “Suffocated Grief” refers to situations where other standards attempt to moderate grief expression.  The article states,

“It wasn’t until years later, sitting in a conference listening to Dr. Tashel Bordere, that I realized it was more than that.. I heard the phrase ‘suffocated grief’ for the first time, a term she coined. She explained that for some, their expression of grief is not simply unacknowledged or stigmatized, as in disenfranchised grief, but it is punished. As she described normal grief reactions being penalized, all those calls to security flashed in my memory.”

“What is Suffocated Grief”. Whats Your Grief.  December 21st, 2022.  Whats Your Grief

To review the entire article, please click here


Hence even if a grief loss is seen as within the norms of societal grief reaction and not disenfranchised, it still may fall under societal condemnation in regards to reaction to the loss and how that reaction is perceived in public.  This literally takes grief bullying to a whole new level and can cause larger issues for the griever.

Many within societal norms see outward expressions of grief as uncomfortable or not acceptable in public


Grief reactions are not universal.  Various cultures and faiths all grieve differently to a particular loss.  One standard of expression or mourning cannot be held higher to another.  Mourning as a public reaction to loss is the primary target of Suffocated Grief.  The prevailing society sets the standards and rules for what is perceived as appropriate.  When encountering loss, one’s reaction within a society must meet those societal standards of duration or extremity.   When one travels off the path of “proper” reaction then that person is perceived as odd or temporarily insane.  The discomfort for others is the primary issue.  Individuals sometimes do not know how to respond to a particular emotion of others.  Some individuals become uncomfortable or embarrassed when confronted with raw human emotion.  Hence, hospitals, facilities and nursing homes will noise regulations or removal of individuals from a particular patient or ICU room when human emotion becomes to raw and visible.

Where is Grief Suffocated?

Suffocated grief unfortunately can be seen in many medical facilities.  The ICU can become a very stressful place and the outward mourning of someone who may have passed may cause a considerable upheaval to the point of removal from the facility.  Noise and crying in public can be perceived as threatening.  Individuals who express themselves in the moment of extreme distress are seen sometimes as insane or out of control.  While precautions need to be taken to protect everyone involved, such outward displays of mourning are usually frowned upon in the West.

The same is true within schools.  Many minority children who experience more loss than white counterparts are sometimes held to a higher standard when expressing the same loss.  They are not permitted to express themselves and when they do, it is seen or perceived as aggressive.

Suffocation of grief is especially seen in the work force.  Many positions have little to no paid bereavement leave.  Instead individuals are forced to return to work while grieving and expected to maintain composure and professionalism.

It seems, once the final shovel of dirt has been thrown over the grave, everyone should become silent and move on with life without expression.

Better Training

Understanding Suffocated Grief is important because it opens one to the pain of others.  It is a sign of empathy to realize others are suffering.   Instead of turning away, one needs to open arms.  Pastoral Care and better training in grief are definitely needed in the caring professions.  Medical professionals and nurses need to become better trained in the reactions of grief.  A less sterile response to the needs of family experiencing a loss need to be implemented.  How medical professionals discuss death and how they reveal these things can play large roles in helping others experience the bad news in a more quiet way.  When these basic decencies are not met, individuals are more likely to be angry or devastated by a loss and display more outward mourning.

These feelings need to be respected within a safety net that prevents physical harm to oneself or damage to property.


Mourning or outward expression of grief within society is a very subjective thing.  Cultures differ across the world.  One way of reacting to loss should not be sanctioned by another community.  Instead, others should be able to express grief and have the time to express grief without fear of ridicule.  Healthcare professionals should receive training in helping others when reactions to grief and loss are experienced.

Alan Wolfelt lists a number of Bill of Rights for Mourners that cannot be taken away.  One is to express oneself uniquely during loss and another is to experience “grief bursts” without fear of societal condemnation or grief bullies.  It is important to grieve and express if one feels the need to do so.

The American Academy of Grief Counseling offers both a Grief Counseling Certification and also a Pastoral Thanatology Certification for qualified professionals in ministry, counseling and the medical fields.  The programs are open enrollment and independent study.  If interested, please review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling and Pastoral Thanatology Programs.

Additional Resources

“Disenfranchisement and ambiguity in the face of loss: The suffocated grief of sexual assault survivors.” Bordere, T. (2017)  Family Relations: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Family Studies, 66(1), 29–45.  APA.  Access here

“THE MOURNER’S BILL OF RIGHTS”. Alan Wolfelt. December 21st, 2013.  TAPS.  Access here

“The Ways We Grieve”. Ralph Ryback, PhD. February 27th, 2017. Psychology Today. Access here

“What to Know About Disenfranchised Grief”. WebMD Contributors. October 25th, 2021. WebMD. Access here


Men and Depression

While society teaches that males should keep sadness to themselves,  psychology teaches that like all human beings, males, as females, need to express their feelings and grieve their losses in order to heal and properly cope with grief.  Social taboo prevents this for many men and it prevents healthy grieving and can lead to complications within grief itself.  With that said, men, like women can become depressed and need the same outlets and aid that women need.

Men in general can have a more difficult time dealing with grief and loss publicly. Grief Counselors can help men better cope


The article, “8 Surprising Signs of Depression in Men” by Valeria Martinez Kaigi, PhD. takes a closer look at depression and men.   She points out that depression exhibits itself differently in men and one needs to notice the signs.  She relates that aggression and frustration and substance abuse are some of the many signs of depression in men, as well as sexual dysfunction.  She laments though that many men are reluctant to seek help unlike women.  She states also that suicide tied to depression is 4 times higher with men then women due to impulse and risk taking of men.  She remarks,

“First, depression is associated with more impulsive and risk-taking behavior and substance misuse in men, which can quickly escalate to behaviors that lead to suicide. Second, men are less likely to talk to a healthcare provider or therapist about their mental health and get the support they need, such as medications or talk therapy. Finally, the symptoms of depression in men are not often recognized by men themselves, their healthcare providers, or loved ones. Which means that many men — and the people closest to them — may not realize they need help in the first place. That’s why it’s so important to know, and share, the above signs of depression.”

“8 Surprising Signs of Depression in Men”. Valeria Martinez Kaigi, PhD. December 1st, 2022. Hartford Health Care.

To read the entire article, please click here


It can be difficult for men to recognize the symptoms of depression, let alone ask for help. With the right understanding and resources, however, it is possible to recognize the signs of depression in men and get them the help they need. In this blog article, we’ll explore the common symptoms of depression in men, how to recognize them, and where to find help.

Grief Counselors can help identify signs of depression and guide individuals to licensed therapists.

Introduction to Depression in Men

Depression is a mental health disorder that affects millions of people across the world. It’s important to recognize that even though men and women can experience similar symptoms of depression, the experience of depression can be very different between genders. Depression in men is often less recognizable than it is in women, and men are often less likely to seek help or talk about their feelings.

Depression in men can be particularly difficult to recognize because men are often expected to be strong and self-reliant. As a result, men can feel like they can’t express their emotions or seek help for their depression. This can make it difficult for men to recognize their own symptoms of depression, or for those around them to recognize them.

Common Symptoms of Depression in Men

When it comes to understanding depression in men, it is important to recognize the common symptoms of depression. These symptoms can be divided into four main categories: physical, behavioral, emotional, and mental.

Physical Symptoms of Depression in Men

Physical symptoms of depression in men can include changes in appetite, changes in weight, fatigue, insomnia, headaches, and digestive problems. Men with depression may also experience a decrease in libido, or a lack of energy and motivation.

Behavioral Symptoms of Depression in Men

Behavioral symptoms of depression in men can include withdrawal from activities they once enjoyed, changes in eating patterns, increased substance use, and increased risk-taking behavior. Men with depression may also have difficulty focusing or making decisions, and they may become easily agitated or irritable.

Emotional Symptoms of Depression in Men

Emotional symptoms of depression in men can include feelings of guilt and worthlessness, feelings of hopelessness and helplessness, sadness, and difficulty feeling pleasure. Men with depression may also experience changes in their mood, such as feeling anxious or tense, or feeling flat and disconnected from their emotions.

Mental Symptoms of Depression in Men

Mental symptoms of depression in men can include difficulty concentrating and making decisions, racing thoughts, negative thought patterns, and suicidal thoughts. Men with depression may also experience intrusive thoughts or images, or they may become overwhelmed by the simplest of tasks.

How to Recognize the Symptoms of Depression in Men

The best way to recognize the symptoms of depression in men is to look for changes in behavior and mood. It is important to note that not all men will experience the same symptoms of depression, and that symptoms can vary from person to person. It is also important to recognize that the symptoms of depression in men can be subtle, and that men may not express their feelings in the same way that women do.

If you are concerned that a man you know may be suffering from depression, it is important to be aware of the common symptoms of depression in men. Look for changes in their behavior, such as a decrease in energy or motivation, changes in their eating patterns, or an increase in substance use. Also, keep an eye out for changes in their mood, such as feelings of guilt or worthlessness, or feelings of hopelessness or helplessness.

How to Help a Man Who is Depressed

If you are concerned that a man you know is suffering from depression, it is important to let them know that you are there to support them. Offer to listen without judgement, and let them know that they can come to you for help. Encourage them to seek professional help, and let them know that there is nothing wrong with seeking help for their mental health.

It is also important to recognize that sometimes it is not enough to just be supportive. If you think that the man you know is at risk of harming themselves or others, it is important to seek professional help immediately.

Where to Find Help for Men with Depression

There are many resources available for men who are struggling with depression. The best place to start is to speak to a qualified mental health professional, such as a psychologist or psychiatrist. They will be able to assess the severity of the depression and recommend the best course of action. A certified Grief Counselor can also supply help in guiding someone through loss or directing one to a licensed therapist.

A certified Grief Counselor can help many men understand grief and loss and how to better cope with it


In addition to speaking to a mental health professional, there are many support groups and helplines available that can provide support and advice. These helplines are often available 24/7, and they can provide a safe space to talk and share experiences.


Depression in men is a serious issue that can be difficult to recognize. It is important to be aware of the common symptoms of depression in men and to be supportive of those who are struggling. If you are concerned that a man you know may be suffering from depression, it is important to encourage them to seek professional help and to provide them with resources and support. With the right understanding and resources, it is possible to recognize the signs of depression in men and get them the help they need.

Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Grief Counseling.  Certified Grief Counselors can help men become more aware of their feelings and how to better cope with loss and properly grieve.  Grief Counselors can also help men it is OK to grieve and that public stigma against a man who cries it not only outdated but also untrue.


Additional Resources

“Male depression: Understanding the issues”. Mayo Clinic. December 21st, 2022. Mayo Clinic. Access here

“What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Depression in Men?”. Erica Cirino.  April 7th, 2021. Healthline. Access here

“Depression in Men”. Debra Fulghum Bruce, PhD. September 4th, 2022. WebMD. Access here

“Understanding the Signs of Depression in Men”. Alison Yarp, MD, MPH. December 17th, 2022. VeryWellHealth.  Access here

The Emotion of Anger and Controlling It

Anger is a human emotion and hence neutral in regards to being bad or good.  It is a natural response to injustice and frustration of achieving an end.   Intent and how it is unleashed, combined with if it is controlled or uncontrolled all play roles in assigning if it is bad or good.  Regardless, too much anger can be harmful to the body and it is good to learn to properly process it safely.  Anger that is not processed properly can be destructive and full of vice as well as unhealthy over long period of times.  It can destroy lives, families, careers and end up resulting in crime and prison.

Uncontrolled anger can rip apart lives, families, careers and lead to incarceration. Please review AIHCP’s Anger Management Certification


Anger Management is hence an important life skill.  Properly channeling anger is key to a successful life. Anger Management teaches individuals how to identify anger triggers and properly cope with the emotion.  Those who have issues controlling anger should find counseling help in the field to learn techniques to better control anger.

The article, “A Guide to Anger Issues” by Mandy Baker looks at anger itself and presents a comprehensive guide to understanding it.  She discusses causes and symptoms of anger, as well as types of anger and where it is directed.  Most importantly, she points out the importance of Anger Management and the types of training one can utilize to better control anger.  She states,

“Anger is a natural human emotion. However, when anger is uncontrolled, it can become an issue. It can cause issues with your overall physical and mental health and daily life.  Signs of anger issues include regularly expressing your anger in unhelpful or destructive ways and anger being your standard emotion.  You can manage anger by getting regular exercise and learning relaxation techniques. However, if you still feel your anger may be becoming an issue, contact your doctor or mental health professional. There are therapies and training to help you manage and overcome anger issues.”

“A Guide to Anger Issues”. Mandy Baker. November 16th, 2022. HealthGrades

To review the entire article, please click here


Anger is a powerful emotion that can have both positive and negative effects on our lives. It can help us take action, stand up for ourselves, and protect those around us. On the other hand, anger can be destructive, leading to destructive behavior, resentment, and even violence. That’s why it’s important to learn how to manage anger and find healthy ways to express it. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of anger management, how to identify emotions and triggers, and techniques for controlling your anger.

Introduction to Anger Management

Anger Management can help curb unhealthy angry outbursts and help one live a more healthy and peaceful life.


Anger management is a set of skills and strategies designed to help people better understand their emotions and how to manage them in a healthy way. It involves learning to recognize and express anger, as well as understanding the causes and triggers of anger. It also involves understanding the consequences of our behavior and learning to manage our responses in positive ways.

The goal of anger management is not to suppress or deny our feelings, but to learn to express them in a safe and constructive way. It’s not about avoiding anger entirely, but rather about understanding it, managing it, and using it in a positive way.  It is especially important to manage one’s anger when on the road, at work, or when around others.  Accidents, fights and physical injuries can all result from allowing anger to gain the upper hand over someone.

Benefits of Anger Management

The benefits of anger management are numerous. It can help improve communication, relationships, and overall quality of life. It can help you manage stress, tension, and frustration in a more effective way. It can also help you make better decisions, handle difficult conversations, and resolve conflicts more effectively.

Additionally, anger management can help you to better understand your triggers and how to manage them. It can also help you identify and work through underlying issues, such as feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or lonely. Finally, it can help you develop healthier coping mechanisms and find healthier outlets for your emotions.

Identifying Emotions and Triggers

The first step in mastering your emotions is to identify and understand what triggers your anger. This involves looking at the situations, people, and events that lead to anger and identifying the underlying emotions. It’s important to understand what triggers your anger, as this can help you manage it more effectively.

Once you have identified your triggers, you can start to recognize the emotions they trigger. This could include things like feeling disrespected, frustrated, or overwhelmed. It’s important to recognize these feelings and not try to ignore them. Once you have identified and accepted the emotions, you can start to look for healthier ways to manage and express them.

Ways to Manage Stress and Anxiety

Stress and anxiety can often lead to anger, so it’s important to learn how to manage these emotions. Exercise and mindfulness can both be effective tools for managing stress and anxiety. Exercise can help to reduce tension, release endorphins, and improve overall mood. Mindfulness can help to keep you grounded in the present moment and can help to reduce feelings of stress and anxiety.

It’s also important to get adequate rest and practice self-care. Taking time for yourself can help to reduce stress and give you the energy and focus to better manage your emotions. Finding healthy outlets for your emotions, such as art, music, or writing, can also be beneficial.

Techniques for Controlling Your Anger

Once you have identified your triggers and emotions, you can start to develop strategies for controlling your anger. This could include taking a few deep breaths and counting to ten. It could also involve walking away from the situation and focusing on calming activities, such as listening to music or taking a hot bath.

It’s also important to practice self-talk and positive affirmations. This could involve telling yourself, “I can handle this,” or “I can find a better way to handle this.” It’s also important to recognize that it’s okay to feel angry, but to learn how to express it in healthier ways.

Practical Steps for Managing Your Anger

Once you have identified your triggers and emotions, and have developed techniques for controlling your anger, you can start to take practical steps for managing your anger. This could include taking a break from the situation and finding a quiet place to calm down. It could also involve engaging in calming activities, such as going for a walk or listening to music.

It’s also important to practice communication techniques, such as active listening. This involves repeating back what the other person is saying and asking questions to better understand their perspective. It’s also important to take responsibility for your own actions and try to compromise when possible.

How to Avoid Anger Outbursts

Outbursts of anger can be damaging to relationships and can lead to destructive behavior. That’s why it’s important to learn how to avoid anger outbursts. This could involve recognizing when you are getting angry and taking a few deep breaths to calm down. It could also involve being mindful of your emotions and finding healthier outlets for your anger.

It’s also important to practice communication techniques such as active listening. This involves repeating back what the other person is saying and asking questions to better understand their perspective. Additionally, it’s important to take responsibility for your own actions and try to compromise when possible.

Professional Help for Anger Management

Certified Anger Management Consultants can help individuals learn about anger and how to better cope and control it in everyday life.


When anger is out of control, it’s important to seek professional help. A licensed mental health professional can provide guidance and support to help you learn how to better manage your anger. They can help you identify triggers and underlying emotions and work with you to develop strategies for managing your anger.

Additionally, a mental health professional can provide guidance on how to avoid anger outbursts and how to practice communication techniques. They can also help you develop a healthier relationship with anger and learn how to use it in a constructive way.

Developing a Healthy Relationship with Anger

The goal of anger management is not to suppress or deny our feelings, but to learn to express them in a safe and constructive way. It’s important to recognize that anger is a natural emotion and that it’s okay to feel angry. It’s also important to recognize that anger can be used in positive ways, such as standing up for yourself or taking action.

It’s also important to remember that anger is only one emotion and that there are other emotions, such as joy, love, and peace. It’s important to take time to recognize and appreciate these other emotions and to focus on building a healthy relationship with anger.


Anger is a powerful emotion that can have both positive and negative effects on our lives. That’s why it’s important to learn how to manage anger and find healthy ways to express it. In this article, we explored the benefits of anger management, how to identify emotions and triggers, and techniques for controlling your anger. We also explored practical steps for managing your anger, how to avoid anger outbursts, and the importance of seeking professional help. Finally, we discussed the importance of developing a healthy relationship with anger and how to use it in a constructive way.

By learning how to manage our emotions, we can create healthier relationships, reduce stress, and improve our overall quality of life. We can also learn how to use our emotions in a positive way and create a healthier relationship with anger.

If you’re struggling with anger and need help managing it, don’t hesitate to reach out to a mental health professional. They can provide guidance and support to help you learn how to better manage your anger and create a healthier relationship with it.

AIHCP offers an Anger Management Consulting Certification for professionals seeking training in helping others control anger.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Anger Management.  Please review the program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.

Additional Resources

“Control anger before it controls you”. American Psychological Association. March 3rd, 2022. Access here

“Anger”. Psychology Today Staff. Psychology Today.  Access here

“Anger”. Wikipedia. Access here

“Anger management: 10 tips to tame your temper”. Mayo Clinic Staff. Mayo Clinic.  Access here

“Do I Have Anger Issues? How to Identify and Treat an Angry Outlook”. Adrienne Santos. March 9th, 2021. Healthline. Access here

Stress and Higher Chance of Stroke is a Reality

Stress negatively affects the body in numerous ways.  One danger is high blood pressure and the possibility of stroke.  In fact, many studies have connected stroke and high stress related life styles due to high blood pressure caused by chronic stress.  It is hence critically important to manage stress to lower blood pressure and hence lessen the chance of a stroke.  Stress Management can play a key role in reducing stress and stress’ adverse effects on health.

Chronic stress can play a role in higher blood pressure which in turn raises one’s chance as much as twice for risk of a stroke


The article, “Stress Can Help Bring on a Stroke, Study Shows” from HealthDay looks at a recent study that correlates high stress and stroke.  The article discusses how individuals with more stressful work are more than twice likely to experience a stoke then someone else with less stress.  The article also discusses the importance of reducing stress and the the role of Stress management.  The article states,

“People who had severe work stress were more than twice as likely to have an ischemic stroke as those with no work stress, the investigators found. They were more than five times as likely to have a hemorrhagic stroke. For those living with either home or work stress, people who felt they could control what happens in their life had a lower stroke risk than those who felt they did not have control.”

“Stress Can Help Bring on a Stroke, Study Shows”. HealthDay. December 27th, 2022. U.S. News

To review the entire article, please click here


Strokes are one of the leading causes of death and disability in the U.S., and they can have a devastating effect on individuals and their families. But can stress really cause a stroke? In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the link between stress and strokes, what the warning signs of a stroke are, and how to recognize the symptoms of a stroke.

What is a Stroke?

A stroke occurs when the blood supply to a part of the brain is blocked or reduced. This can be caused by a blocked or burst blood vessel, or it can be caused by a blood clot that forms in the brain. When the blood supply is blocked, the affected brain cells can’t get the oxygen and nutrients they need, and they begin to die. This can lead to serious and potentially life-threatening complications.

The symptoms of a stroke depend on which part of the brain is affected. Common signs of a stroke include sudden weakness or numbness in the face, arms, or legs; difficulty speaking or understanding what others are saying; difficulty seeing in one or both eyes; confusion; difficulty walking; and loss of balance or coordination.

What is Stress?

Stress is a physical and emotional response to a perceived threat. It’s a normal part of life, and it can be beneficial when it motivates us to handle difficult situations. But when stress becomes chronic, it can have serious physical and mental health consequences.


Stress arises to warn the body into fight or flight but unfortunately, in the modern world, it causes un-needed alert to the body.


Stress can be caused by a variety of factors, including work, relationships, money problems, or health issues. It can also be caused by external factors, such as a traumatic event or a major life change. When people are under a lot of stress, they may feel overwhelmed, anxious, or irritable. They may also experience physical symptoms, such as headaches, muscle tension, chest pain, and stomach problems.

The Link Between Stress and Strokes

Studies have found a link between stress and stroke risk. Stress can increase the risk of stroke by increasing blood pressure, causing unhealthy behaviors such as smoking and drinking, and increasing inflammation. Stress can also cause changes in hormones, which can have an effect on the cardiovascular system.

It’s important to note that while stress can increase the risk of stroke, it is not a direct cause of stroke. People who are under a lot of stress are more likely to have a stroke, but it is not the direct cause of the stroke.

The Warning Signs of a Stroke

It’s important to recognize the warning signs of a stroke, so that you can get help as soon as possible. The most common warning signs of a stroke are sudden weakness or numbness in the face, arms, or legs; difficulty speaking or understanding what others are saying; difficulty seeing in one or both eyes; confusion; difficulty walking; and loss of balance or coordination.

If you or someone you know is experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s important to seek medical help right away. Time is of the essence when it comes to strokes, and the sooner you get treatment, the better the chances of recovery.

Stress Management Techniques

There are a number of ways to manage stress, and it’s important to find a technique that works for you. Exercise, yoga, meditation, and relaxation techniques can all be effective in reducing stress. Additionally, getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, and engaging in hobbies can help to reduce stress levels.

It’s also important to have a strong support system. Having friends and family members who you can talk to and rely on can help to reduce stress levels. Additionally, talking to a mental health professional can be beneficial, as they can help you to identify and work through the sources of your stress.

How to Recognize the Symptoms of a Stroke

Stroke symptoms can vary from person to person, and it’s important to be aware of the warning signs. Some of the most common symptoms include sudden weakness or numbness in the face, arms, or legs; difficulty speaking or understanding what others are saying; difficulty seeing in one or both eyes; confusion; difficulty walking; and loss of balance or coordination.

If you or someone you know experiences any of these symptoms, it’s important to seek medical help right away. Time is of the essence when it comes to strokes, and the sooner you get treatment, the better the chances of recovery.

The Different Types of Strokes

Strokes can be classified into two main categories: ischemic strokes and hemorrhagic strokes. Ischemic strokes occur when the blood supply to a part of the brain is blocked or reduced, usually by a blood clot. Hemorrhagic strokes occur when a blood vessel in the brain bursts and bleeds into the brain.

The symptoms of a stroke can vary depending on the type of stroke, and the treatment for each type of stroke will vary as well. It’s important to recognize the signs of a stroke and seek medical help right away.

Treatment for a Stroke

The treatment for a stroke depends on the type of stroke and the severity of the damage. Treatment can include medications to help reduce swelling, prevent further brain damage, and improve blood flow. Physical therapy can also be an important part of stroke recovery, as it can help to improve mobility and strength.


Learn to manage stress and reduce chance of stroke. Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Certification


Strokes are a serious condition that can have a devastating effect on individuals and their families. Stress can increase the risk of a stroke, so it’s important to practice stress management techniques and seek help if needed. It’s also important to be aware of the warning signs of a stroke and seek medical help right away if you or someone you know is experiencing any of the symptoms. By recognizing the signs of a stroke and seeking treatment, you can increase your chances of recovery and reduce the risk of further complications.

Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Stress Management.

Additional Resources

“Evidence of perceived psychosocial stress as a risk factor for stroke in adults: a meta-analysis”. Joanne Booth, etc, al. BMC Neurology volume 15, Article number: 233 (2015).  Access here

“Prospective Study on Occupational Stress and Risk of Stroke”. Akizumi Tsutsumi, MD, etc, al. Arch Intern Med. 2009;169(1):56-61. doi:10.1001/archinternmed.2008.503. Jama Internal Medicine. Access 

“Can Stress Cause a Stroke?”. Cleveland Clinic. February 11th, 2021. HealthEssentials Cleveland Clinic.  Access here

“Stress Linked to Stroke”. Salynn Boyles. August 30th, 2012. WebMD. Access here

“The emotional stress and risk of ischemic stroke”. Dariusz Kotlęga, etc. al . PMID: 2737514  DOI: 10.1016/j.pjnns.2016.03.006. National Library of Medicine. Access here

Terminal Diagnosis Reactions and Grief in Pastoral Thanatology

It is terrifying to be diagnosed with a terminal illness or to discover a close family or friend discovers such a terrible diagnosis.   There are many existential reactions to such a proclamation.  Individuals respond differently to such a thought.  Finally death becomes a reality and how one deals with this reality determines one’s final chapter of life.  This video reviews the many aspects and reactions that accompany a terminal diagnosis.

Please also review AIHCP’s Pastoral Thanatology Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Pastoral Thanatology.

Adult ADHD and Routine

ADHD can disrupt adult life.  It can mentally distract an individual and send a person’s day into disarray.  The chaos that results can affect careers and relationships.  Individuals who struggle with ADHD need to find ways to better stay on track and focused on what is important.  This may not be so easy for some but through focus and guidance one can find some “grounding” for the day.  ADHD Consultants can present a variety of ways an individual can better organize and focus throughout a day.

ADHD Consultants can help individuals with ADHD focus more and stay on course for routines. Please review AIHCP’s Program


Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by persistent and impairing symptoms of inattention, impulsivity and/or hyperactivity that manifests itself in adolescence or adulthood. The disorder can be conceptualized as having both genetic and environmental components, with the diagnostic criteria including difficulties with executive functioning, organization, planning and regulating emotions. Furthermore, individuals diagnosed with ADHD often present with difficulty achieving goals due to the aforementioned impairments.

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that commonly manifests in childhood and can persist into adulthood. Adults with ADHD present with a range of characteristic symptoms, including difficulty sustaining attention and controlling impulses, restlessness, disorganization and difficulty managing time efficiently. These symptoms lead to challenges with completing tasks, interpersonal difficulties, and poor self-esteem due to unmet expectations.

ADHD and Routine

Routines are an integral part of our daily lives, providing a sense of structure and order. To form better routines, it is important to recognize the underlying cognitive processes which drive behavior. By developing an understanding of how our brains encode and store habits, it is possible to create effective cues that encourage desired behaviors. Additionally, employing techniques such as goal-setting, positive reinforcement and self-monitoring can help facilitate the development of healthy habits.

As individuals with ADHD typically show reduced impulse control, they often find it challenging to stick to a predetermined schedule. Thus, developing healthy routine patterns is an essential part of effective management of the disorder and can be achieved through a combination of cognitive behaviour therapy, educational strategies and medication.

Hence it is critical to find a way to form a healthy routine.  Remaking a routine that fits an individual’s need is key.  Highlighting what motivates oneself and what holds oneself accountable to the new routine is key.   In order to facilitate the formation of beneficial habits and routines, one should employ the technique of habit stacking. This approach involves the linking of desired behaviors with already-established habits so that an individual can become accustomed to forming new practices in a more systematic manner. Furthermore, individuals should strive to establish realistic goals for their routines as this will help to ensure that they remain motivated and engaged in the process of developing these healthy patterns.

Adherence to a routine is an important component of successful behavior management. By establishing and consistently following a set of rules and guidelines, it can foster a sense of structure, predictability, and control in one’s life. This type of procedural regularity can lead to improved psychological well-being, enhanced self-discipline, and the development of important cognitive skills such as impulse control, time management, and problem solving.

Of course, ADHD can make it difficult.  This is why accountability and counseling are sometimes needed to help keep a person with ADHD on schedule.  Through these cognitive techniques and sometimes medication, an individual will have greater success keeping a routine.


In conclusion, ADHD can be managed with the right mindset, support and resources. Routines are an effective way to help those with ADHD stay organized, in control and productive. Structured routines can provide a sense of security, stability and well-being for those with ADHD, as well as their families. Although it takes time and effort to establish routines that work best for each individual, the payoffs are worth it.

Individuals who follow routines more closely will have more control over their lives and be free from side tracking off the road ahead due to ADHD.   Accountability is important in holding one to a routine.  ADHD Consultants can help individuals better stay with a scheduled routine and give cognitive tips to help stay on track in achieving goals for each day.  In addition, ADHD Consultants may also be licensed counselors or healthcare professionals who can give more indepth therapy than merely a person who is certified.

Please also review AIHCP’s ADHD Consulting Certification Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in ADHD Consulting.

Additional Resources

“9 Tips for Creating a Routine for Adults with ADHD”. Kate Bettino. May 23rd, 2021. PsychCentral. Access here

“ADHD and the Importance of Routines”. Sandy Pace. October 18th, 2019. Libero Magazine. Access here

“Maintaining Routines when you have ADHD”.  Maaya Hitomi. March 29th, 2022. Tiimo.  Access here