Clinical Hypnotherapy and Health

Hypnosis can help many with health issues, bad habits, phobias and a variety of issues.  Since the mind and body are connected, many physical ailments that stem from mental disorders, can also be alleviated through clinical hypnotherapy.  Despite the magical image of stage hypnosis, individuals who actually learn about true hypnosis are opened to a world of possibilities in alleviating numerous mental and physical ailments.

Clinical Hypnotherapy has many health benefits for mental maladies and their physical manifestations on the body.


Clinical hypnotherapy is a powerful tool for helping people address physical and psychological issues. If you’re looking for a non-invasive, natural way to improve your health and wellbeing, clinical hypnotherapy may be the answer. In this blog post, we’ll explore the history, mechanics, and potential benefits of clinical hypnotherapy.

What is Clinical Hypnotherapy?

AIHCP offers a four year certification in Clinical Hypnotherapy for qualified professionals looking to help others through this alternative and non evasive process



Clinical hypnotherapy is a form of psychotherapy that uses hypnosis to help people address a wide range of issues. It is based on the idea that our thoughts and behaviors are shaped by our unconscious mind. By tapping into our unconscious, therapists can help us work through issues that we may not be able to access through conscious thought.

Hypnotherapy can be used in a variety of ways, from helping people quit smoking to assisting with trauma recovery. It is a safe, non-invasive, and natural way to help people heal and improve their overall wellbeing.

History of Clinical Hypnotherapy

The history of hypnotherapy dates back to ancient times. The practice was used in ancient Greece, Egypt, and China to treat a variety of physical and psychological issues. In the late 1700s, Austrian physician Franz Mesmer popularized the use of hypnosis for healing. He used a combination of mesmerism and suggestion to help his patients.

Throughout the 1800s, hypnotherapy was used as a tool for treating physical ailments. In the 1950s, the practice began to be used for psychological issues, such as stress and anxiety. Since then, clinical hypnotherapy has become an increasingly popular way to treat a wide range of physical and psychological issues.

How Does Clinical Hypnotherapy Work?

Clinical hypnotherapy works by tapping into the unconscious mind. During a session, the therapist will guide the patient into a state of deep relaxation. This state is often referred to as a trance. Once the patient is in a trance, the therapist will use hypnotic suggestions to help the patient work through their issues.

The trance state helps the patient access their unconscious mind, which can be beneficial in a variety of ways. It can help the patient recall memories and experiences that may have been previously inaccessible. It can also help the patient address deep-seated issues that may be causing them distress.

What Are the Benefits of Clinical Hypnotherapy?

There are a number of potential benefits to clinical hypnotherapy. It can help people address physical and psychological issues, from pain management to addiction. It can also be used to help people develop healthier habits and behaviors. Here are some of the potential benefits of clinical hypnotherapy:

  • Reduced stress and anxiety
  • Improved sleep
  • Improved mood and outlook
  • Increased confidence
  • Improved concentration and focus
  • Improved performance
  • Increased self-awareness
  • Improved relationships

Clinical Hypnotherapy for Stress and Anxiety

Clinical hypnotherapy can be a powerful tool for reducing stress and anxiety. During a session, the therapist will help the patient enter a relaxed state. Once the patient is relaxed, the therapist can use hypnotic suggestion to help the patient work through their issues. This can help the patient relax and manage their anxiety.

The therapist may also use visualization techniques to help the patient imagine a more relaxed state. This can help the patient reduce their stress levels and gain a better understanding of their feelings.

Clinical Hypnotherapy for Depression

Hypnosis can help one with a broad range of mental issues from anxiety to depression to a multitude of phobias and bad habits


Clinical hypnotherapy can also be beneficial for those suffering from depression. The therapist can use hypnotic suggestion to help the patient reframe negative thought patterns. This can help the patient break out of the cycle of negative thinking that can often accompany depression.

The therapist may also use visualization techniques to help the patient imagine a happier, more positive state. This can help the patient gain a better understanding of their depression and work towards a more positive outlook.

Clinical Hypnotherapy for Pain Management

Clinical hypnotherapy can be a powerful tool for managing pain. During a session, the therapist may use hypnotic suggestion to help the patient enter a more relaxed state. This can help the patient reduce their perception of pain and make it easier to cope with.

The therapist may also use visualization techniques to help the patient imagine a more pain-free state. This can help the patient reduce their pain levels and gain a better understanding of their pain.

Clinical Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss

Clinical hypnotherapy can also be beneficial for those looking to lose weight. The therapist may use hypnotic suggestion to help the patient break out of unhealthy habits and behaviors. This can help the patient make better dietary choices and form healthier habits.

The therapist may also use visualization techniques to help the patient imagine a healthier, more active lifestyle. This can help the patient gain a better understanding of their weight and work towards a healthier body and mind.

Clinical Hypnotherapy for Addiction

Clinical hypnotherapy can be a powerful tool for treating addiction. During a session, the therapist may use hypnotic suggestion to help the patient break out of destructive patterns. This can help the patient gain a better understanding of their addiction and make it easier to break the cycle of addiction.

The therapist may also use visualization techniques to help the patient imagine a life without their addiction. This can help the patient gain a better understanding of their addiction and work towards a healthier, addiction-free lifestyle.

Finding the Right Clinical Hypnotherapist and AIHCP Certification

Please review AIHCP’s Clinical Hypnotherapy Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional needs


If you’re interested in clinical hypnotherapy, it’s important to find the right therapist for you. Look for a therapist who has experience in the areas you’re looking to address. Also, be sure to ask about their qualifications and experience.

It’s also important to feel comfortable with your therapist. Look for someone who is compassionate and understanding. It’s also important to make sure that the therapist is certified and licensed.  AIHCP offers a Clinical Hypnotherapy Certification that provides a multitude of qualified professionals who can help.


Clinical hypnotherapy is a powerful tool for helping people address physical and psychological issues. It can help people reduce stress and anxiety, manage pain, and even treat addiction. If you’re looking for a non-invasive, natural way to improve your health and wellbeing, clinical hypnotherapy may be the answer. Be sure to find a qualified, experienced therapist to ensure that you get the best results.

AIHCP trains numerous professionals into the art and science of Clinical Hypnotherapy.  Qualified professionals can earn a four year certification with the American College of Clinical Hypnotherapy.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals.  If you are interested in learning how to help others overcome mental phobias and anxieties, then please review AIHCP’s Clinical Hypnotherapy Certification and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.


Additional Resources

“Hypnosis for Health. Can Trances Work?”. July 2019. News in Health. Access here

“Hypnosis”.  John Hopkins Medicine.  Access here

“Hypnosis”. Psychology Today.  Access here

“What Is Hypnotherapy?”. Lisa Fritscher. July 9th, 2021. VeryWellHealth. Access here

“Hypnotherapy”. Anthony Watt.  April 1st, 2019. Healthline.  Access here



Conversational Hypnosis

By: Dominick L. Flarey, Ph.D, RN-BC, ANP-BC, CH-C
       Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist by the American Board of Hypnotherapy
       Executive Director, The American College of Hypnotherapy


Conversational hypnosis (1), also known as covert hypnosis, is a type of hypnosis that is often used by therapists, counselors, and coaches to help their clients achieve specific goals. This type of hypnosis is different from traditional hypnosis in that it does not require the use of formal trance induction techniques. Instead, conversational hypnosis relies on the use of conversation and rapport-building techniques to induce a state of relaxation and suggestibility in the client.

Conversational Hypnosis article Photo of a woman holding up a sign that reads HYPNOSIS

Conversational Hypnosis is a technique employed in order to get others to do as you direct them to, during everyday situations, without their knowledge of your influence. All forms of hypnosis, conversational or therapeutic, are based on very simple rules, steps that eventually lead a person into a state of hyper-suggestibility. According to John Kappas, founder of the Hypnosis Motivational Institute, 25% of the people you encounter during your lifetime will be naturally suggestible to you; the other 75% you will have to work on in order to exercise influence over their subconscious thoughts. Subconscious thoughts are those that exist below the level of conscious awareness. They are the product of the unconscious mind, which is constantly active, even when we are not aware of it. Subconscious thoughts (2) can influence our behavior, emotions, and decision-making, even though we are not aware of them. This is where knowing the basic rules and processes of hypnosis can come in handy, and give you the edge over the competition.

The Steps of Conversational Hypnosis

Step I

Step one is building rapport. Rapport is built on trust, and trust is based on the belief that whomever you are dealing with is just like you, or at least has your best interests in mind. In order to build rapport with someone you have never met, you must see yourself through their eyes, and experience a dialectical exchange from their point of view. Mimicking their posture, attitude, and affection can send strong cues to them that you are two of a kind. During this phase of the process, it is all about listening to what the other person is saying, and how they are saying it, then agreeing and affirming that what they believe is valid. Without rapport it will be impossible to exercise any type of influence.

Building rapport is important for several reasons. First, when we feel comfortable with someone, we are more likely to trust them and feel safe around them. This is important in both personal and professional relationships. Second, rapport helps us to feel more connected to others, which can improve communication and lead to better relationships. Finally, building rapport can help reduce stress and anxiety, and create a sense of well-being.

Conversational Hypnosis Photo of a pocket watch that is swinging back and forth with blurring images in the background

Step II

Step two is to create an overload in the conscious mind (confusion). Overloading the conscious mind (3) refers to a state where the level of information or stimuli in the environment exceeds the capacity of the individual’s working memory. In this state, the individual is unable to process all of the information and may experience feelings of confusion.

At this point the other person should feel comfortable with you. “Hey, this guy isn’t so bad; he understands where I’m coming from,” and of course, you do.  Now, what is needed is a statement that while affirming what the subject believes to be correct, also seems to contradict that which has already been established as agreed upon. These statements should include words that appeal to the subject’s suggestibility type. Physical people respond to words that describe concrete ideas, while emotional subjects respond more readily to inferences and words that describe states of feeling. Crowding the subject and making physical contact, if they are physical, can also help create an overload in the conscious mind. This leads to the conscious mind’s desire for an outlet, an escape from the state of disequilibrium, which is exactly what will be provided in the next step.

Step III

Step three is where influence is exercised by giving the subject a suggestion that allows them to gain a state of homeostasis, and at the same time is beneficial to the cause. Giving the subject a weakly phrased statement they can agree with provides the subject’s conscious mind with the escape it needs, thereby allowing direct access to the unfiltered unconscious. The last statement is then followed immediately with a more strongly phrased suggestion that is in accordance with the directive. While in this state of hyper-suggestibility, the suggestion is implanted directly into the subconscious mind. It then becomes part of the subject’s belief system, without the subject’s conscious awareness. Hypersuggestibility is a state of heightened suggestibility in which individuals are more responsive to suggestions than usual. This can occur in both positive and negative contexts, with people being more likely to either accept or reject suggestions depending on the nature of the suggestion. Hypersuggestibility is often associated with altered states of consciousness, such as hypnosis or sleep, but it can also be induced by drugs, trauma, or other forms of psychological stress.

Conversational Hypnosis and Hypersuggestibility

The benefits of hypersuggestibility are numerous. For one, hypersuggestibility can help individuals overcome negative emotions and experiences. Additionally, hypersuggestibility can help people learn new information more quickly and easily. Finally, hypersuggestibility can also increase creativity and imagination.

Conversational Hypnosis Overview

That’s it. That is all there is to it: Creating rapport; overloading of the conscious mind leading to a state of disequilibrium, thereby triggering the conscious mind’s need to escape; providing a means of escape for the conscious mind, creating a direct route to the subconscious. The subconscious mind is the part of the mind that controls automatic processes and is not accessible to conscious awareness. It has been described as a hidden reservoir of knowledge and feelings that influence our conscious thoughts and behaviors. The subconscious mind is not a separate entity but is a part of the overall mind system. Franz Mesmer, the father of hypnotism, understood this from the very beginning. However, just knowing the techniques will not guarantee you success. As in the case of every good hypnotist, personality goes a long way and determines in large part how effective these techniques will be for you.

Conversational Hypnosis Woman laying on a table with eyes closed being hypnotized

In Conclusion

In conclusion, conversational hypnosis can be a powerful tool to influence others. When used correctly, it can help you get what you want and achieve your goals. However, it is important to use it ethically and responsibly, as it can be easy to abuse. Conversational hypnosis must be used in ethical and legal ways. This means that the trained hypnotist should only use suggestion for good, and never to exploit or control someone. When used correctly, conversational hypnosis can be a powerful tool to help people make positive changes in their lives. It is often used in sales and marketing, but is also becoming increasingly popular in healthcare. There are many potential benefits to using conversational hypnosis in healthcare, such as helping patients to relax and feel more comfortable during procedures, increasing compliance with treatment plans, and reducing stress and anxiety levels. We see it being used in pre-op anesthesia to help patients relax prior to surgical procedures. It is also being used in dental practices to assist patients to relax and become more calm prior to dental procedures. There are a wide range of uses of this type of hypnotic technique that are being employed in health care practices today.

If you are a health care professional and are interested in expanding your practice in the area of Clinical Hypnotherapy, The American Institute of Health Care Professionals, Inc. (AIHCP) offers a full curriculum of continuing education courses with Board approvals, leading to Certification. Upon successful completion of the program, graduates receive Certification as a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist in the American College of Hypnotherapy. The American College of Hypnotherapy is a subdivision of the AIHCP. You may preview our Clinical Hypnotherapy Certification program here: access information here.


1. Convert Hypnosis. Wikipedia. access here.

2. Subconscious Definition: The Hidden Power of Your Mind. Matt Coates. Mindvalley. November 27, 2018. access here.

3. The Role of the Conscious Mind. Kendra Cherry. Very Well Mind. September 1, 2022. access here.

4. Franz Mesmer. Wikipedia. access here.


Hypnotherapy Certification Blog on the Nature of Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy is a very misunderstood holistic therapy.  With many images of stage hypnosis, it is no wonder many doubt its effective nature, however this is farther from the truth.  Hypnotherapy under the guidance of a qualified professional can help one through deep trance and relaxation face past phobias, traumas and correct bad habits.

True hypnotherapy is holistic tool to help with emotional healing. Please also review AIHCP’s Hypnotherapy certification


The article, “What is hypnotherapy really like?” by Suzanne Shenderey looks at the true nature of hypnotherapy and how it has helped many people.  She states,

“Hypnosis as a healing tool has been seen in many cultures for centuries; ancient relics from Egypt depict something similar to hypnosis. Recounting the history of hypnosis in his book, Hidden Depths: The Story of Hypnosis, Robin Waterfield describes practices resembling the trance state used by Aboriginal Australian, Native American, and Hindu cultures. But in reality, these practices bear little resemblance to my work.”

To review the entire article, please click here

Please also review AIHCP’s Hypnotherapy Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Hypnotherapy.

Clinical Hypnotherapy Certification Program Article on Hypnosis and Bad Habits

Hypnosis through a trained professional or even in some cases self hypnosis can help one master discipline over bad habits.  From smoking to nail biting, hypnosis can help reach the core of the issue and help individuals find better ways to cope with bad habits.

Hypnosis can help retrain the mind into overcoming bad habits. Please also review AIHCP’s Clinical Hypnotherapy Certification


The article, “How self-hypnosis can banish bad habits” by Jaymie Hooper looks closer at how self hypnosis can help one overcome bad habits.  The article states,

“Clinical hypnotherapist Georgia Foster describes this state as somewhere between being awake and being asleep.  “It’s called the alpha-theta brainwave state and it’s what happens approximately 20 minutes before you fall asleep,” she explains.  Once in this state of total relaxation, it becomes easier to change your habitual thinking patterns, which means it’s the perfect time to suggest certain goals or desires to yourself.”

To read the entire article, please click  here

Please also review AIHCP’s Clinical Hynotherapy Certification Program.  The program can help train and educate professionals in the use of hypnotherapy.  Hypnotherapy can help others overcome habits that are no longer desirable.


Clinical Hypnotherapy Certification Article on the Benefits of Hypnosis

Like EFT, Hypnotherapy is a non evasive way to heal oneself.  Hypnotherapy, like EFT, is usually administered through a healthcare professional or someone with high certification credentials.  Hypnosis can help heal may traumas, but also help others face fears or quit bad habits.  Hypnosis can help the brain overcome many obstacles.

Hypnotherapy is becoming more main stream and is a useful tool for many people in healing. Please also review our Clinical Hypnotherapy Certification


The article, “HARNESSING THE HEALING POWER OF HYPNOTHERAPY” by Victoria Cristie reviews the numerous ways Hypnotherapy can help individuals heal.  She states,

“Many people still associate hypnosis with dated Vegas magic shows, and while Chisholm agrees that there’s some enduring skepticism around hypnosis in the medical field, it’s becoming a more common recommendation for drug-free pain management. “I’m very privileged to work with wonderful nurses and physicians who are open to [hypnosis] because they’ve seen it be effective,” she says. “They’re very supportive because they want what’s best for the patient.”

As hypnotherapy enters more and more into the mainstream, its benefits will help millions overcome pain, trauma and fears.  If you would like to read the entire article, please click here

Hypnotherapy is an excellent certification for healthcare and behavioral health professionals.  Please review AIHCP’s Clinical Hypnotherapy Certification and see if it meets your professional goals.

Is Hypnotherapy an Effective Treatment for Panic Disorders?

Many people who suffer from panic disorders are reluctant to treat the disorder with prescription drugs. At least some of that trepidation is justified; the mood-altering medications used to treat depression, anxiety and panic disorders can have some very troubling side effects for some people.


Perhaps that is why so many people are turning to alternative treatments like hypnotherapy to treat their panic disorder. Some patients use hypnotherapy alone, while others use this natural treatment as an adjunct to medication, therapies and other traditional approaches to the problem.


If you are thinking about seeking treating for your own panic attacks with hypnotherapy, it is important to understand how the process works. During the typical hypnotherapy session, the hypnotist will guide the patient to a relaxed state of mind. Once the patient is feeling calm but still alert, the hypnotherapist draws their attention to the behavior they want to change. That behavior can be virtually anything, from smoking and overeating to succumbing to stress and panic disorders.


Research has shown that hypnotism can be particularly well suited to treating stress, anxiety and related conditions. Hypnotherapy has been shown to be one of the most effective treatments for getting rid of phobias, and there is evidence to show that it can be just as good at treating panic disorders.

What is Panic Disorder?

Panic disorders have been found to be a strong presentation of the “flight or fight” reaction of the sympathetic nervous system. An over exaggeration of this reaction that occurs suddenly for no apparent reason or due to a mild stressor. There tends to be a genetic component to the disorder as well. It is believed that the problem lies within the amygdala in the brain. A key to treating the disorder is to calm down the amygdala and thus the flight or fight reaction.  Calming the sympathetic nervous system is key to treating this disorder.


Panic attacks tend to come with triggers. Triggers can be anything that brings on a panic attack for the patient.  They may include a sudden stressor, a memory or anticipation of a stressor. Or, in this disorder, an attack or experience may occur out of nowhere, for no apparent reason at all.


Panic attacks often involve feelings of being out of control, feels of extreme anxiety, fear, feelings of impending doom or death, feelings of “losing my mind.” Many physiological feelings and symptoms are also experienced such as rapid heartbeat, nausea, shacking, blurred vision and other symptoms of an over active sympathetic nervous system.



Hypnotherapy for Panic

A good hypnotherapist can guide the patient and help them recognize the triggers that bring on a panic attack and teach the patient how to induce immediate relaxation to overcome the sympathetic flight or fight reaction.  That in turn can help the patient control the trigger, which can help sufferers avoid or lessen their next panic attack. The hypnotherapist teaches the patient how to do self-hypnosis as well.  This is so the patient can master self-relaxation on an ongoing basis and train their nervous system to be in a state of more calm and relaxation and thus lessen over activity of the sympathetic nervous system. Over time this can significantly assist in reducing the number of panic attacks and the severity and the intensity of the attacks.


Hypnosis and hypnotherapy work with the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is the “master mind” so to speak and can significantly influence our body’s processes, including our nervous system. Our subconscious mind, through hypnotic suggestions, can be trained to reduce the incidence and severity of inappropriate exaggerated reactions of the sympathetic nervous system.


If you suffer from panic attacks or generalized anxiety, it is important to talk to your health care provider before embarking on a course of hypnotherapy. Getting a firm diagnosis from a doctor can help you choose the right course of treatment and get the help you need.


A growing number of medical professionals are open to alternative treatments for conditions like stress, anxiety, phobias and panic disorders. In some cases your doctor might recommend hypnotherapy as a first course of treatment to see if it will relieve the symptoms or at least make them less troublesome.


Other physicians may prefer to use hypnotherapy in combination with medication, talk therapy and other traditional treatments. The combination of traditional medication and hypnotherapy can be very effective for many patients, and many people have already seen great results.


Whether used alone or in combination with other treatments, there is reason to believe hypnotherapy is an effective treatment for panic attacks. If you suffer from these debilitating attacks, you owe it to yourself to talk to your doctor and see if hypnotherapy can help you overcome your fear.

Selecting a Certified Hypnotherapist

When selecting a hypnotherapist to see, it is advised that you seek out a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, one that has gone through an extensive training program and is duly credentialed and certified by an organization or association that provides for high standards for its members. The American College of Hypnotherapy is an Organization that provides an extensive education and training curriculum, as well as official certification for health care professionals seeking to achieve professional certification status as a Clinical Hypnotherapist. You may access information here for more information: Hypnotherapy Certification.

Waking Life – Centre for Hypnoenergetics & Past Life Hypnotherapy



American Institute Health Care Professionals‘s insight:

This post focuses on “hypnoenergetic” hypnotherapy. There are many sub-types of hypnotherapy being used today in clinical practice. You will find this type interesting. If you are interested in hypnotherapy, the American College of Hypnotherapy offers a comprehensive education program. You may preview the program at: hypnotherapy courses

See on

Sounds Synced With Brain Waves Enhance Memory During Sleep

Brain waves
Brain waves

The article, “Sounds Synced With Brain Waves Could Help Enhance Memory During Sleep, Study Suggests”, source; Huffington Post

“Playing sounds with certain rhythms could enhance memory during sleep, new research suggests.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:
Such sounds have an effect on our brain waves. Changing brain wave pattern can affective various aspects of our brain and our functioning. Hypnotherapy is another way to produce a brain wave change, from beta to alpha or theta. Learn more about becoming a hypnotherapist at: hypnotherapy

See on

Hypnotherapy can help resolve many of life’s problems


The article, “‘Hypnotherapy can help resolve many of life’s problems’”, source; Borneo Post states

“KUCHING: Today’s fast-paced lifestyle often leaves many feeling very stressed but whatever the problems may be, hypnotherapy may hold the key in dealing with the issues.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:
Many of life’s problems do not need to be treated with prescription drugs or other medications.    Our minds and bodies are quite capable of healing and curing themselves.   One such way we can accomplish this is by hypnotherapy.    By tapping into our subconscious mind we are able to see what is truly bothering us.    For about hypnosis you should go to our page.

See on

Hypnotherapy and Theta Healing

The Basics of Hypnotherapy and Theta Healing

Hypnotherapy and theta healing refers to a set of techniques and tools which allow you to access the unconscious mind in order to change the beliefs and thoughts that are no longer useful. By accessing theta brain wave, a person can easily facilitate both psychological and physical healing. This healing is performed in a safe, fast and highly effective way, and there are no side effects whatsoever. Here you will find detailed information about theta healing and how you can use this technique in your best interest:

What Is Theta Healing And What Does It Involve?

woman being helped up
Hypnotherapy and theta healing can help anyone in need.

In a nutshell, theta healing is a healing therapy, just like spiritual meditation or Reiki practices. In theta healing, the theta master commands the Universe to facilitate the healing process (no matter if this technique is used for the healing of the body, mind or soul), and to witness the healing. With the help of theta healing, a person can create a system of beliefs and thoughts that lay at the basis of a healthy and prosperous life.

This is a hypnotherapy technique that focuses mainly on thought and prayer, and teaches people how to rely on unconditional love and natural intuition. It is believed that the brain wave cycle can be easily changed with the help of theta healing, and this technique aim to help you become a better person in the long run. Basically, this is a therapeutic self-help technique that can act on all four dimensions of our existence: spiritual, emotional, mental and physical.
In other words, theta healing aims to remove all the negative thoughts. There are numerous studies which come to support the fact that bad, toxic thoughts can affect your mental and physical health in a negative manner. This is where theta healing steps in and “alters” your thoughts and emotions in such a way that they will benefit you, instead of hurting you. Perhaps one of the most relevant examples of theta healing is the Indian fakirs, who can walk on burning coals without getting their skin burnt.

Theta Brain Wave

Theta state refers to slowing down the brain waves. This state can be achieved through deep and intense meditation and it allows the patient to reach a deep state of meditation without any prior practice. During this mental state, the patient can witness a series of miracles, and he will receive information about the beliefs and thoughts that he needs to change in order to treat and prevent various diseases of the body and soul. One who has received hypnotherapy certification often learns in their training to induce the theta brain wave.
When brain waves are slow enough, you can gain access to another world filled with creativity, an alternative and multi-dimensional reality that holds the answers to your questions. Otherwise stated, this is somehow similar to that feeling you get when you are half awake, the sole difference that when you enter the theta state, the sensory perception is not limited. This is the moment when you truly feel connected to your life, when you know that there is a higher point and you are a part of it. This is what theta healing aims to do: it aims to show you the beauty of life.
When we daydream, we basically slow down our brain waves (and this is similar to the principle of theta healing). Theta healing aims to train your brain to slow down its waves on a constant basis.

Who Can Use Theta Healing?

Basically, everybody can use this miraculous technique in order to heal himself or to help others. This is highly recommended to those who feel sad or depressed and want to improve their mood, who are looking for answers to their most ardent question, who want to achieve wisdom and enlightenment or who want to connect to the divine spirit. It is an effective technique that will change your life radically, and will make you see the things that really matter in life. You may also consider taking some hypnotherapy courses and learn how to effectively induce the theta brain state.


To sum up, this is what theta healing involves. It is an ancient hypnotherapy technique that makes you focus on the “full side of the glass”, it helps you purify your thoughts and desires and it controls your brain waves in such a way that you will obtain the answers you are looking for. No matter if you have questions about yourself, about God or the spiritual world, theta healing can help you get all.
If you are interested in learning about hypnotherapy and hypnosis then you need to check out our certification page here.