Homeopathy: What Holistic Nurses Want to Know


By: Dominick L. Flarey, Ph.D, RN-BC, ANP-BC, FACHE
Board Certified Adult Nurse Practitioner
President, The American Institute of Health Care Professionals, Inc.

Homeopathy has gained popularity in recent years as an alternative form of medicine. With its focus on individualized treatment and natural remedies, many holistic nurses are interested in learning more about homeopathy and how it can benefit their patients. As healthcare professionals who prioritize a patient’s overall well-being, holistic nurses understand the importance of treating the whole person rather than just the symptoms. Homeopathy, what nurses want to know, helps address the need for increasing education in this specialty field of alternative practice.

closeup of a dropper bottle and a pile of purple flowers on a purple background

In this article, we will explore what homeopathy is and how it differs from conventional medicine. We will also discuss what holistic nurses need to know about homeopathy to better serve their patients’ needs. Whether you’re new to homeopathy or looking to deepen your knowledge, this article will provide valuable insights into this fascinating field of medicine.

Homeopathy is a system of alternative medicine that has been practiced for centuries. It is based on the principle of “like cures like” and uses highly diluted substances to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes. Although homeopathy has been a subject of debate and controversy, it continues to be used by millions of people worldwide for various health conditions. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the origins and principles of homeopathy, its methods and dilutions, the regulation and safety of homeopathic products, and the conditions it is commonly used to treat.

1. Origins and History of Homeopathy

Homeopathy was developed in the late 18th century by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician. He believed in the natural law of healing, “similia similibus curentur” or “like cures like.” Hahnemann discovered that a substance causing symptoms in a healthy person could be used in diluted form to treat similar symptoms in a sick person.

The practice of homeopathy has its roots in ancient Egypt and Greece, where the concept of like cures like was first proposed. Over the centuries, homeopathy has evolved and expanded, with practitioners incorporating various substances, including plants, minerals, and animal products, into their remedies.

In recent years, homeopathy has gained popularity in many countries, with an increasing number of people seeking alternative treatments to conventional medicine.

2. The Principles of Homeopathy

Homeopathy is based on two main principles:

2.1 Like Cures Like

The central concept of homeopathy is that a substance causing symptoms in a healthy person can be used in small doses to treat those same symptoms in a sick person. This principle is known as “similia similibus curentur” or “like cures like.”

For example, red onion causes watery eyes and a runny nose, so a homeopathic remedy made from red onion may be used to treat allergies with similar symptoms.

2.2 Dilution and Succussion

Another principle of homeopathy is that the more a substance is diluted, the more potent it becomes. This process of dilution and shaking, called succussion, is believed to activate the healing properties of the substance while reducing its potential for side effects.

Homeopathic remedies are prepared by diluting the original substance in water or alcohol, then shaking it vigorously. This process is repeated multiple times, resulting in highly diluted remedies that often contain no trace of the original substance.

3. Homeopathic Methods and Dilutions

Various mother tincture plant extracts of homeopathic medicine

Homeopathic remedies are made using various methods and dilution scales. The most common scales used in homeopathy are the centesimal (C) scale and the decimal (X or D) scale.

3.1 Centesimal Scale (C)

In the centesimal scale, a substance is diluted 1 part to 100 parts, resulting in a 1C potency. This process is repeated for higher potencies, such as 30C, which is a common potency used in homeopathic remedies.

3.2 Decimal Scale (X or D)

In the decimal scale, a substance is diluted 1 part to 10 parts, resulting in a 1X potency. This process is also repeated for higher potencies, such as 6X or 12X.

Some homeopaths also use other scales, such as the Korsakovian (K) scale and the quintamillesimal (Q) scale. However, the centesimal and decimal scales remain the most widely used in homeopathic practice.

4. Homeopathic Products and Forms

Homeopathic remedies can take various forms, including:

  • Tablets or pellets
  • Liquid drops
  • Gels or creams
  • Tinctures

These remedies are often made from a wide range of substances, such as:

  • Plants and herbs
  • Minerals
  • Animal products, such as venom or tissue
  • Chemicals

The ingredients in homeopathic products are listed in terms of their dilution, such as 1X, 6X, 2C, or 30C.

5. The Homeopathic Consultation Process

When you first consult with a homeopath, they will typically conduct a thorough interview to gather information about your health, lifestyle, and emotional state. This may include questions about your medical history, current symptoms, and any factors that may be contributing to your condition.

Based on the information gathered, the homeopath will then select a remedy that best matches your symptoms and overall health. The chosen remedy will often be tailored to your individual needs, taking into account factors such as your constitution, emotional state, and lifestyle.

6. Conditions Commonly Treated with Homeopathy

Homeopathy is used to treat a wide variety of health conditions. Some of the most common conditions that people seek homeopathic treatment for include:

  • Asthma
  • Ear infections
  • Hay fever
  • Mental health conditions, such as depression, stress, and anxiety
  • Allergies, such as food allergies and dermatitis
  • Arthritis
  • High blood pressure

While there is no strong scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of homeopathy for these or any other health conditions, many people continue to use homeopathic remedies as a complementary or alternative treatment option.

7. The Debate Surrounding Homeopathy

Homeopathy has been a subject of debate and controversy for many years. While proponents of homeopathy believe in its ability to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes, critics argue that there is no scientific evidence to support its effectiveness.

Homeopathy is a form of alternative medicine that has been around for over two centuries. Despite its popularity, there is still much debate surrounding the effectiveness of homeopathy. The question on many people’s minds is does homeopathy really work?

Proponents of homeopathy argue that it can be effective in treating a wide range of ailments, from allergies and headaches to depression and arthritis. They believe that the tiny doses of natural substances used in homeopathic remedies stimulate the body’s own healing mechanisms. In contrast, critics argue that there is little scientific evidence to support these claims and that any benefits are simply due to placebo effects.

Despite this controversy, many people continue to turn to homeopathy as an alternative treatment option. Some individuals may find relief from their symptoms through the use of homeopathic remedies, while others may not see any improvement at all.

Many studies have been conducted to investigate the efficacy of homeopathy, with mixed results. Some studies have suggested that homeopathic treatments may be no more effective than placebos, while others have found some positive effects.

The scientific community remains divided on the issue, with some experts arguing that the principles of homeopathy are implausible and inconsistent with established scientific principles.

Despite the ongoing debate, homeopathy continues to be used by millions of people worldwide, with many reporting positive experiences and improvements in their health.

8. Regulation and Safety of Homeopathic Products

Alternative medicine herbs and homeopathic globules. Homeopathy medicine concept. Panorama, banner

The regulation of homeopathic products varies by country. In the United States, homeopathic products are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as nonprescription, over-the-counter (OTC) drugs. However, homeopathic products are not subject to the same rigorous testing and review processes as conventional drugs.

In the United Kingdom, there is no legal regulation of homeopathic practitioners, meaning anyone can practice as a homeopath, regardless of their qualifications or experience. However, voluntary regulation aims to protect patient safety and ensure that practitioners meet certain standards of practice.

Homeopathic remedies are generally considered safe, with a low risk of serious side effects. However, some remedies may contain substances that are not safe or may interfere with other medications. If you are considering using homeopathic remedies, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional and inform them of any other treatments or medications you are using.

9. Choosing a Homeopathic Practitioner

If you are considering trying homeopathy, it is important to choose a qualified and experienced practitioner. In some countries, homeopathic practitioners are required to hold a license or certification in order to practice. In others, there may be no specific legal regulations governing the practice of homeopathy.

To find a qualified homeopathic practitioner in your area, you can consult various organizations, such as the Council for Homeopathic Certification, the National Center for Homeopathy, or the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians.

10. The Future of Homeopathy

The future of homeopathy remains uncertain, with ongoing debate and controversy surrounding its effectiveness and scientific validity. As research continues, it is possible that new evidence may emerge to support or refute the claims of homeopathy.

In the meantime, many people continue to use homeopathic remedies as a complementary or alternative treatment option for various health conditions. If you are considering trying homeopathy, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional and make informed decisions about your health and well-being. Are you a Holistic Nurse interested in becoming a Practitioner of Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a form of alternative medicine that has been around for over 200 years. It focuses on the idea that the body has an innate ability to heal itself, and uses highly diluted substances to stimulate this natural healing process. If you are interested in becoming a practitioner of homeopathy, there are several steps you can take to gain the necessary knowledge and skills.

Firstly, it is important to obtain a solid foundation in anatomy, physiology, and pathology. This can be achieved by enrolling in a relevant degree program or taking courses at a reputable institution. Additionally, you may want to consider pursuing further education specifically in homeopathic medicine through specialized training programs or apprenticeships with experienced practitioners.

It is also essential to become familiar with the different types of remedies used in homeopathy and how they work. There are many schools of Homeopathic Medicine to chose from today. A good internet search will help you find the most popular schools that offer the ability to obtain certifications and also licensing in your State, where licensing is mandated.


In conclusion, homeopathy has become a popular alternative healthcare practice among holistic nurses. This form of treatment is based on the principle that “like cures like” and involves using highly diluted substances to stimulate the body’s natural healing process. Homeopathy has been used to treat various medical conditions such as allergies, arthritis, and migraines.

Despite its popularity among holistic nurses, there is still controversy surrounding the effectiveness of homeopathy. Some studies have shown positive results while others have found no significant difference between homeopathic treatments and placebos. However, many holistic nurses believe in the power of this alternative therapy and continue to use it in their practice.

Overall, it is important for nurses to educate themselves on different forms of healthcare practices such as homeopathy in order to provide well-rounded care for their patients.

Holistic Nursing Certification

Are you a Registered Nurse interested in obtaining education and Certification in Holistic and Integrative Nursing Practice? The American Institute of Health Care Professionals, Inc. offers a full online, continuing education curriculum of courses for those wishing to study to become Holistic/Integrative Nurses. A full Certification program is offered and those completing the continuing education program are eligible for the Certification. You may preview the program: access here


Integrative and Holistic Therapies for Chronic Pain Management.,

Integrative and holistic healthcare specialists can help many individuals best manage their pain with a variety of alternative therapies.  These therapies range from acupuncture to massage therapy and anything in between.  It is important to properly balance any alternative and holistic therapies with the knowledge of one’s primary physician.   This prevents any misuse or improper mixtures with conventional and alternative modalities.   Holistic Nurses and other forms of holistic specialists can help provide the knowledge and guidance in utilizing there therapies properly for chronic pain.

The article, “The Benefits of Integrative Medicine in the Management of Chronic Pain: A Review” by Hirak Trivedi, Tara A. Avrit, Leah Chan, De Mauria Burchette, Rajni Rathore reviews some of the utilized alternative practices for pain management.  In it, they include massage therapy, acupuncture, yoga, and chiropractic manipulation.  From a reviewed study, they come to the conclusion that yoga and physical therapy have beneficial results in pain management.  The article states,

“Chronic pain is a debilitating condition that affects many individuals throughout their daily lives. While it is common to treat chronic pain with pharmaceutical treatments, an approach that has also shown great benefits is the use of integrative medicine, such as massage therapy, osteopathic and spinal manipulation, acupuncture, and yoga. The keywords “integrative medicine,” “pain,” “chronic pain,” and “pain management” with the use of the Boolean operators “AND,” “OR,” and “NOT” were used to identify relevant studies discussing the effectiveness of alternative medicine in the treatment of chronic pain”

The Benefits of Integrative Medicine in the Management of Chronic Pain: A Review. Trivedi H, Avrit T A, Chan L, et al. (October 05, 2022) The Benefits of Integrative Medicine in the Management of Chronic Pain: A Review. Cureus 14(10): e29963. doi:10.7759/cureus.29963

To review the article, please click here


Natural and integrative holistic approaches to pain management have proven to be very successful for chronic pain in individuals


Holistic and integrative medicine are two approaches to healthcare that take a more comprehensive view of the patient. Holistic medicine focuses on the whole person, taking into account all aspects of their life and health. Integrative medicine takes a more individualized approach, looking at each patient as a unique individual and tailoring treatment to their specific needs.  HIM practitioners view health as more than just the absence of disease, but rather as a state of physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Integrative medicine (IM) is a relatively new field of medicine that combines conventional Western medicine with complementary and alternative medicine (CAM).  The use of this type of approach is also very important in chronic pain management.

Holistic Approaches and Pain Management

Holistic and integrative pain management are approaches that focus on the individual as a whole, rather than just the symptoms of pain. This approach acknowledgement that pain is a complex experience that is affected by physical, emotional, social, and spiritual factors. The goal of holistic and integrative pain management is to address all of these factors in order to help the individual find relief from their pain.

There are many types of holistic pain management, but some of the most popular include acupuncture, aromatherapy, and massage therapy. Acupuncture is a form of traditional Chinese medicine that involves inserting thin needles into the skin at specific points on the body. Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils to promote relaxation and healing. Massage therapy is a form of manual therapy that uses pressure and strokes to relieve muscle tension and pain.

The use of massage therapy is one of the more relaxing forms of pain management.  Massage therapy is an effective way to manage pain. It can help to relax the muscles, increase circulation, and reduce inflammation. Massage therapy can be used to treat a wide variety of conditions, including headaches, back pain, neck pain, and carpal tunnel syndrome.

One of the most successful and most used forms of pain management is chiropractic manipulation. Chiropractic is a branch of medicine that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders, with an emphasis on the spine. Chiropractors use a variety of techniques to manipulate the joints and muscles of the body, including manual adjustments, traction, and massage. Pain management is a broad term that refers to the various methods used to relieve pain. This can include medication, physical therapy, acupuncture, and chiropractic care.

Finally, Acupuncture is a popular and effective form of pain management that has been used for centuries. It involves the insertion of thin needles into the skin at specific points on the body, which can help to relieve pain by stimulating the nervous system.  There is a growing body of evidence to support the use of acupuncture for pain relief, and it is now considered an effective treatment for a variety of conditions such as headaches, back pain, and arthritis.


Integrative and Holistic approaches to chronic pain management are very successful in helping people cope and deal with pain but they need to be used in unison with a trained professional.  Certified holistic nurses or holistic and integrative healthcare specialists can play a key role in helping individuals utilize alternative therapies and combine them with conventional medications.   Yoga, acupuncture, massage therapy and chiropractic manipulation are all successful ways to manage pain.

Please also review AIHCP’s Holistic and Integrative Healthcare Specialist Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Holistic Nursing.  Qualified healthcare professionals and nurses are welcomed into the program and are eligible for certification after completing the core courses.

Additional Resources

“Clinical Practice Guideline: Chiropractic Care for Low Back Pain”. Gary Globe, PhD. et, al.  Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics Volume 39, Issue 1, January 2016, Pages 1-22. Access here

“Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Cancer Pain Management: A Systematic Review”. Priyanka Singh and Aditi Chaturvedi.  Indian J Palliat Care 2015 Jan-Apr; 21(1): 105–115 doi: 10.4103/0973-1075.150202. Access here

“Holistic Alternative Medicine and CAM Definitions”. Val Silver. Holistic MindBody Healing.  Access here

“Pain Management: Alternative Therapy”. WebMD Editorial Contributors. Reviewed by Dan Brennan, MD. October 20, 202. WebMD. Access here


Fighting Adrenal Fatigue and High Cortisol Levels? How to Improve Your Energy / All Body Ecology Articles

If your inner ecosystem is out of whack, it can lead to bacterial overgrowth, inflammation, and a full-blown stress response. Healing the gut will not only support healthy digestion, but it can help to boost energy levels.

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:
Very interesting article. Discusses adrenal fatigue and high cortisol levels in the body, in relation to stress. It also ties in issues related to probiotics.
Hidden factors like a damaged inner ecosystem and Candida overgrowth can place stress on your entire body. What’s worse is that poor digestion can slow down the adrenal fatigue recovery process. Dysbiosis, or damage, can occur in your inner ecosystem if you were born via C-section, have had antibiotic therapy, or eat the standard American diet. To learn more about probiotic therapies, seek out a health coach or a certified holistic nurse.

See on bodyecology.com

Holistic Nurses Recommend Vitamin D Supplementation For Many Reasons

Holistic Nursing and the Use of Vitamin D

In the cloudy days of winter, many people are denied the warm rays of the sun.  The clouds do not only rob people of warmth but also Vitamin D.  This vitamin is essential for better immune systems and energy.
Holistic nursing has always encouraged the importance of vitamin supplements.  This is because many diets lack certain vitamins that are critical to good health.  Vitamin D is no exception. John Phillip below writes about the benefits of Vitamin D and the even greater benefit of its anti-cancer attribtues.

John Phillip in NaturalNews.com, writes about the benefits of Vitamin D in his article, “Researchers Uncover Vital Details to Explain How Vitamin D Prevents Cancer”

“It is an undisputed, scientifically validated fact that vitamin D helps to  prevent many chronic conditions ranging from heart disease to diabetes, stroke  and dementia. Some of the most compelling work has shown that the prohormone can  cut the risk associated with certain forms of cancer by as much as 78 percent. “

To read the whole article, click here

If you are interested in holistic nurse training, please click here


Holistic Nursing and Fighting Fatigue

Holistic Nursing: Are You Always Tired?

Constant or chronic fatigue is not normal and can be dangerous signs but most times it merely has to do with habit and diet.  Holistic Nurses or life coaches can help one find better ways to preserve and gain energy.
The first thing to consider is one’s diet.  If one is eating poorly and irregularly, then their energy levels will fluctuate with this diet.  All professionals encourage those who suffer from chronic fatigue to eat better according to the food pyramid.  In some cases, supplements may also be encouraged that include various herbs that promote higher levels of energy.
The second thing to consider is one’s level of physical activity.  This may seem like a contradiction, but simply by pushing oneself to exercise, one enhances energy and allows the blood to flow throughout the body.  A good sweat for the body is always a good thing.
Third, one needs to create better sleep routines.  If one does not get at least 8 hours of sleep, then one will suffer fatigue throughout the day.  Also consistent schedules that involve consistent bed times and naps are critical.  Unfortunately, many like to “burn the candle” at both ends with excessive work or excessive drinking with little rest.
Fourth, stop unhealthy habits.  If you smoke, or drink too much, then your body will not respond well to exercise and be depleted of important vitamins and minerals.
Finally, one needs to learn how to relax.  Enjoy one’s time off.  Relax on Sunday and save work for the weekdays.  Also, one is encouraged to utilize various natural remedies that enhance relaxation, such as yoga or meditation.
If you are interested in learning about healthier living, you should consider reviewing our holistic nursing or health care life coach certification programs.


What is Holistic Health Care?

Holistic health care is when a doctor or practitioner looks at a person’s whole body versus their current condition. This is in contrast to traditional health care, where only a specific portion of the body is examined. Holistic care examines each specific person and determines exactly what is affecting the person’s whole being. The mind, body, spirit and spiritual aspects of a person are all examined with the idea that specific illnesses can be cured naturally, rather than treated with medicine. Once the various problem areas are cured, the illness will be cured too.

Bunch of veggies in a basket
Holistic Health Care in a basket!

Holistic health care does not include the various medications a traditional doctor would prescribe. Instead, holistic care believes in balancing the mind, body and spirit by utilizing natural herbs. These herbs, accompanied by a change in the person’s diet, help to fix the imbalance inside of the body. Since there is a source for all symptoms, this has proven to be a very effective method in curing people’s ailments.
Since herbs are natural they will not cause any adverse side effects, unlike those seen in various medications. The idea is that nature, along with all of its nutrients and vitamins will work together to heal the patient. However, if a doctor can not find a cure for a patient, they will recommend medicine or a surgical procedure if needed. Unfortunately, there are times when a patient has waited too long and Western medicinal practices might be the only way to ensure that they will be cured.

Holistic Health Care

The doctors who provide holistic care often have their own areas of expertise. That is to say that there are holistic dentists, dietitians and general practitioners. However, there are many other areas of specialties that a holistic doctor may recommend. Some of these areas include:
Acupuncture: Acupuncture was developed in ancient China and utilizes needles in its practice. These needles help to open up the flow of energy throughout the body. This essentially helps the body balance its internal energies. When these energies, or qi, are blocked, they are said to cause diseases or other ailments.
Applied Kinesiology: These practitioners study the body’s muscles to provide feedback about the energy in the body. The feedback will indicate areas of the body where pressure or stimulation should be applied. Once applied, the body’s natural energy can flow normally which helps the body return to a balanced state.
Chiropractic: Chiropractors are widely used throughout the world. These doctors are recommended when there is a misalignment of a vertebrae in a person’s back or neck. These misalignments are believed to stop the flow of nerve impulses throughout the body. When these nerve impulses are allowed to flow freely, they enhance the body’s healing process.
Dentistry: Holistic dentists use non-toxic materials to repair the teeth of their patients. The mercury found in normal dentistry materials is actually toxic to the body. Holistic practitioners believe that healthy and strong teeth are vital to the health of a person’s body.
Reflexology: Reflexology is the use of pressure to a person’s hands and feet. These areas, when targeted, help promote blood circulation and relaxation. This assists the body’s transition into a normal and balanced state.

Woman laying on a bed having reiki done to her.

Reiki: Reiki is a practice where a practitioner transfers their energy from their palms into their patient. This energy that is transferred helps the recipient’s body naturally heal itself and be restored to a state of equilibrium. The areas that are targeted are aligned with the body’s chakras in an effort to help them open up and send energy through the patient at the same time.
These types of care, along with herbs and a proper diet, are used to help the energy inside the body flow uniformly. Holistic health care is a growing field that has seen the increased use of massaging, breathing and relaxation as well. Holistic nurses often teach relaxation classes to clients. When the body is in a harmonious state, the body will start to heal itself naturally. The holistic healing process is said to be more complete than Western methods because it finds and cures the root causes of a problem. Once the root causes are eliminated, the body will be back to a harmonious state of being. As the study of the body’s internal energy progresses, holistic health care will expand even further.
For more information please go to our website.

Bunch of vegatables in a basket
Natural Holistic Health Care is what you eat!