Stress Management Consultant Program Article on Work Stress

Stress at work is no secret.  Many individuals deal with hard to work co employees, as well as stressful deadlines.  This article looks at some of the top stress causing incidents that can occur while at work.

Young stressed secretary in the office overwhelmed by work and desk full of files, her boss is bringing more paperwork to her

The article, “What’s The Leading Cause Of Stress At Work? Yep, You Guessed It…” by Victor Lipman discusses some of the leading causes of stress.  He states,

So what’s an employee to do about a stressful boss? There often aren’t simple answers, but here are a few suggestions to guide you. I wrote a piece last summer on 3 Fundamental Steps In Dealing With Bad Bosses. A quick review of key points:

To read the entire article, please click here

To learn more about Stress Management, then please also review our Stress Management Consultant Program and see if it matches your academic and professional needs.

Stress Management Program Article on Headaches and Health

Headaches can be merely stress induced or may be the sign of more serious underlying issues.   The frequency and intensity of headaches can definitely point to levels of stress or possible health issues that one should be aware of.   Stress Management alone is usually an efficient way to reduce the stress related headaches that occur.

What causes your headache? Please also review our stress management program and see if it meets your academic needs
What causes your headache? Please also review our stress management program and see if it meets your academic needs

While some headaches cannot be avoided, many can be lessened in frequency and intensity with good stress management in one’s life.   Understanding what causes your stress induced headaches and then preventing it or at least utilizing stress relief tools can be the difference between a good or miserable day.  Please also review our Stress Management Program and see if it matches your academic needs.

Stress Management Article on Minerals and Herbal Supplements

Good article on minerals and vitamins that can help alleviate anxiety and stress.  Many natural aides can be utilized in helping the body find peace from anxiety and stress.  These natural supplements are sometimes the best way.  Less side effects and better results usually stem from natural supplements.   Holistic care, combined with modern methods can help someone alleviate anxiety and stress.

Natural is always better to fight stress and anxiety. Please review our Stress Management program
Natural is always better to fight stress and anxiety. Please review our Stress Management program

The article, Feeling Anxious? These 12 Vitamins, Minerals & Herbs May Help, by Ellen Vora states,

“When anxiety reaches a fever pitch, many people want to reach for something that will help soothe their nerves and bring them back to calm—STAT. That’s understandable; anxiety and stress can be unbearable and hugely interfere with your life—including your health, your job, and your relationships. We have a lot of pharmaceutical options to choose from, many of which provide extremely quick and effective relief. It’s important to remember, however, that these pharmaceutical options are not without side effects, which range from weight gain to muscle weakness to decreased libido.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review our Holistic Nursing, Life Coaching and Stress Management programs and see if they match your academic and professional goals.

Stress Management Consulting Article on Stress and Negativity

How we respond to negativity is a big element in how we feel in regards to stress.  Individuals who cannot cope with negativity are more stressed and angry.  Hence is important to develop skills in how we respond to negativity in our life.

Please also review our Stress Management Consulting Program. In the meantime, cope with negativity in better ways to reduce stress
Please also review our Stress Management Consulting Program. In the meantime, cope with negativity in better ways to reduce stress

The article, “The Way Meditation Helps With Stress Has A Lot To Do With How You React To Negativity, Study Shows” by Georgina Berbari discusses meditation and stress in relationship to coping with negative things.  The article states,

“How do you respond to negative, stressful situations? Honestly, it’s hard not to let it affect you when things don’t go the way you planned, but then again, you always have the power to choose how you respond to less-than-ideal circumstances — and practicing mindfulness might help, according to the results of a new study.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Also, please review our Meditation Instructor Program, as well as our Stress Management Consulting Program and see if it matches your academic and professional needs.

Stress Management Consulting Article on Stress Relief Toys

Good article on stress relief gadgets and toys that really help others overcome stress.  This article is in an time for Christmas list for the stressed person in your life, or even yourself!

The article, “13 Stress-Relief Toys That Actually Work” by PJ Feinstein states,

These stress relief gadgets can erase stress. Please also review our Stress Management Consulting Program
These stress relief gadgets can erase stress. Please also review our Stress Management Consulting Program

“Some days, life can make even the calmest person feel anxious. First, try taking a few deep breaths, then find your zen with one of these calming products.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review our Stress Management Consulting Program and see if it matches your professional goals.  With a Stress Management Certification you can offer clients and friends stress relieving guidance.

Stress Management Certification Article on Customer Service Stress

Good article on dealing with stress on the other side of the counter as a customer clerk this holiday season.  Customer service may be the most stressful job during the Holidays or any time.  One needs to control their stress and issues from home to properly help the customer.  Many need stress reducing techniques to effectively deal with the stress.\

Holiday stress of customer service. Please also review our Stress Management Certification
Holiday stress of customer service. Please also review our Stress Management Certification

The article, “7 Tips for Managing Customer Complaints and Stress This Holiday Season” by Joseph Michelli looks into this issue. The article states,

“It’s crunch time for retail! The holiday season may bring out the best in humanity but holiday shopping can also bring out the worst. We’ve all seen the “Black Friday Brawls” as shoppers play tug-of-war with the last doorbuster sales item.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review our Stress Management Certification

Stress Management Training Article on Holiday Stress

Holiday stress can be a real thing.  Christmas lists, dinner preparations, family from out of town, decorating, and all the excitement.   While the holidays are fun they definitely are stressful.  This article looks at how to lessen that stress.


Holiday stress can affect even the most happy person. Please also review our Stress Management Training Program
Holiday stress can affect even the most happy person. Please also review our Stress Management Training Program

The article, “10 Simple but Crucial Ways to Deal With Holiday Travel Stress” by Korin Miller states,

“Thanksgiving is one of the busiest—and as a result, most stressful—travel times of the year. With everyone around you trying to get to their holiday destinations, that means some serious crowds, bumper-to-bumper traffic, and delays that zero people are psyched about.”

To read the entire article, please click here

In the meantime, try to enjoy the Holidays.  Find peace in family and spirituality to counter the secular hurry.  Please also review our Stress Management Consulting Training program and see if it matches your academic and professional needs

Stress Management Training Program Article on Leadership

Leaders in able to lead need to be at peace within themselves.  Leaders need to be confident and focused and not distracted by emotions and stress.  Stress prevents leaders from being decisive and clear minded.   Stress Management is key for good leaders in their ability to properly function.

Leadership and stress do not go well together. Please also review our Stress Management Consulting Program
Leadership and stress do not go well together. Please also review our Stress Management Consulting Program

The article, “The Importance Of Stress Management For Leaders” by Maggie Webber emphasizes the importance of stress management for leaders.  The article states,

“Leaders in any workplace are burdened with huge responsibilities of guiding their teams towards the achievement of professional success. They also need to take care of the welfare of their team members, while still maintaining their own professional capabilities. “

To read the entire article, please click here

In the meantime, those in leadership need to focus on controlling stress and maintaining a clear mind in their executive roles and leadership duties.  Please also review our Stress Management Consulting Program and see if it matches your academic and professional needs.


Stress Management Program Article on Achievement While Stressed

The ability to operate at a high professional level is critical at work and even more so when the pressure is on and one is dealing with stress.  One’s ability to perform while under duress is what determines a winning outcome.   Being able to manage stress and utilize stress management techniques can help an individual better cope with stress and achieve optimal outcomes.

Please also review our Stress Management Program to learn more about handling stress and achieving goals
Please also review our Stress Management Program to learn more about handling stress and achieving goals

The article, “Overcoming Stress (And Performing Your Best) When The Pressure Is On” by Gary Bradt states,

“Do you ever talk to yourself this way at work? You pile pressure on yourself in an already pressure-packed situation. It’s easy to do. The project is late; the client is upset. Senior management is feeling the heat and passing it down to you.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review our Stress Management Program and see if it matches your academic and professional needs.

In the meantime, handling stress is an important skill that can determine failure or success in life.  Stress is something that many deal with on a daily basis and if one is incapable of coping, then they will face many difficulties in life.

Stress Management Training Article on Exams and Stress

Exams are among the most stressful times for individuals.   Exam week can put alot of anxiety upon one who is trying to receive the highest marks.  The stress and pressure to succeed can cause high levels of anxiety and make it hard for one to cope or perform well on the exam.  Stress Management Training can help one be more efficient during these times.

The article, Students learn to cope with stress and anxiety ahead of exams, by Chris Peddler states

The school hosted its annual Well-being Week with students offered a variety of ways to relax and unwind when the pressures of life and exams become too much”.

To read the entire article, please click here

If students can learn to better cope with stress and learn how to manage their time and study, then they should be able to better their chances during exam week.

Please also review our Stress Management Training