Stress Management Program Article on Headaches and Health

Headaches can be merely stress induced or may be the sign of more serious underlying issues.   The frequency and intensity of headaches can definitely point to levels of stress or possible health issues that one should be aware of.   Stress Management alone is usually an efficient way to reduce the stress related headaches that occur.

What causes your headache? Please also review our stress management program and see if it meets your academic needs
What causes your headache? Please also review our stress management program and see if it meets your academic needs

The article, “What Your Headaches Can Tell You About Your Health” by Amy Marturana discusses health and headaches.  The article states,

“Experts don’t completely understand what’s happening in our skulls when a headache hits, but the most likely explanation is that something causes the blood vessels to swell, subsequently stretching the nerves around them and firing off pain signals.”

To read the entire article, please click here

While some headaches cannot be avoided, many can be lessened in frequency and intensity with good stress management in one’s life.   Understanding what causes your stress induced headaches and then preventing it or at least utilizing stress relief tools can be the difference between a good or miserable day.  Please also review our Stress Management Program and see if it matches your academic needs.