How Recognizing Excellence Amplifies Healthcare Team Performance

clinic, profession, people, healthcare and medicine concept - group of medics or doctors walking along hospital corridorWritten by Veronica Turner.

Recognizing excellence within your healthcare team can be a game-changer, transforming both the work environment and patient outcomes.

By shining a spotlight on individual and team achievements, you not only boost morale but also drive motivation, foster innovation, and enhance overall performance. Imagine a workplace where every effort is acknowledged and valued – it creates a ripple effect that benefits everyone involved.

Let’s explore how recognizing excellence in ten ways can amplify the performance of your team, leading to higher retention rates, improved patient care, better teamwork, and more.


10 Ways How Recognizing Excellence Amplifies Performance

Understanding how recognizing excellence can uplift your healthcare team is crucial. Let’s explore ten impactful ways that appreciation and acknowledgment can enhance performance.

  1. Boosts Morale

Recognizing excellence has a profound impact on morale. When you take the time to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of your healthcare team, it can significantly boost their spirits. Imagine being in a job where your efforts often go unnoticed; it’s disheartening.

However, when you feel valued and appreciated, you’re more likely to stay engaged and motivated. Simple gestures like a thank-you note, shout-outs in meetings, or even small celebratory events can make a big difference. Higher morale leads to better teamwork, increased productivity, and, ultimately, better patient care.

  1. Fosters Innovation

Recognizing excellence isn’t just about celebrating achievements; it also fosters innovation. When you publicly acknowledge creative solutions, you encourage others to think outside the box. Imagine one of your team members devises a new method for streamlining patient intake.

If this effort is recognized with something like custom acrylic awards, it sends a clear message: innovation is valued here. This validates the individual’s efforts and motivates others to pursue innovative ideas without fear of their contributions going unnoticed. Over time, this culture of recognition and encouragement can lead to groundbreaking advancements in healthcare.

  1. Improves Patient Care

When you recognize excellence in your healthcare team, it leads to better patient care. Professionals who feel appreciated are more likely to go above and beyond in their duties.

This results in more attentive and compassionate care for patients. Imagine a nurse who feels genuinely valued; that sense of worthiness can translate into extra patience, a comforting touch, or even taking the time to explain procedures thoroughly to anxious families. When your staff is motivated and happy, it naturally enhances the quality of patient interactions and outcomes.

  1. Encourages Teamwork

Recognizing excellence encourages a collaborative spirit within your healthcare team. When individual efforts are acknowledged, it highlights how everyone’s role is crucial to the overall success of the team. This fosters a sense of unity and mutual respect.

Imagine you’re part of a team where each member’s contributions are celebrated – you’re more inclined to support and cooperate with your colleagues. This positive atmosphere can lead to more efficient workflows, better problem-solving, and a stronger collective effort toward common goals. In the end, appreciation is the glue that binds teams together, enhancing performance.

  1. Promotes Retention

Recognizing excellence plays a critical role in employee retention. In the demanding field of healthcare, skilled professionals want to feel valued and appreciated. When you consistently acknowledge their contributions, it builds loyalty and a sense of belonging. This can be a game-changer for companies as it can reduce turnover rates significantly.

Imagine working in an environment where your hard work is frequently celebrated – you’d think twice before considering other opportunities. High retention not only saves costs associated with recruiting and training new staff but also ensures that experienced, knowledgeable professionals remain part of your team, maintaining high standards of care.

  1. Elevates Job Performance

Recognizing excellence can significantly elevate job performance across your healthcare team.

When people know their hard work will be noticed and appreciated, they’re motivated to maintain high standards and even surpass them. Consider a scenario where team members frequently receive positive feedback for their efforts. This recognition creates a motivating environment where individuals strive to improve continuously.

As staff members see the tangible benefits of their dedication – whether through verbal praise, awards, or other acknowledgments – they’ll be inspired to keep pushing their limits. Ultimately, this leads to better efficiency, higher-quality care, and a more productive workplace overall.

  1. Builds Trust

Recognition plays a vital role in building trust within your healthcare team. When you consistently acknowledge and appreciate the efforts of your team members, it fosters a sense of reliability and mutual respect. Imagine working in an environment where leadership transparently appreciates everyone’s contributions; it naturally strengthens faith in management.

Employees who feel trusted and valued are more likely to be open, honest, and engaged. This trust permeates through all levels, enhancing teamwork. A foundation of trust leads to better collaboration, increased job satisfaction, and improved outcomes for both staff and patients.

  1. Reduces Burnout

In the high-stress environment of healthcare, burnout is a common concern. Recognizing excellence can be an effective way to combat this issue. When team members feel appreciated for their hard work and dedication, it provides a much-needed emotional boost.

Imagine coming to work knowing your efforts will be acknowledged rather than overlooked; it’s incredibly energizing. This sense of appreciation can act as a buffer against the pressures and emotional tolls that come with demanding jobs. Over time, regular recognition helps create a supportive atmosphere, making it easier for staff to maintain their well-being and stay motivated.

  1. Enhances Reputation

Recognizing excellence within your healthcare team benefits your staff and enhances your organization’s reputation. When word gets around that your institution acknowledges and rewards employee achievements, it attracts top talent and boosts public perception.

Think of a reality where your facility is known as a place where professionals feel valued, and morale is high; patients and their families will naturally gravitate toward you. This positive reputation extends beyond just care to encompass community trust and support.

In an industry where reputation matters greatly, consistent recognition can set you apart, making you a preferred choice for both employees and patients alike.

  1. Strengthens Organizational Culture

Recognizing excellence significantly strengthens organizational culture. When you celebrate achievements and acknowledge hard work, you build a positive and supportive environment for your healthcare team. Imagine an organization where appreciation is integral to the daily routine; it fosters a sense of community and belonging among staff members.

This culture of recognition not only boosts morale but also promotes professional growth and teamwork. Employees are more likely to invest in their roles when they feel their contributions matter. Over time, this cultivates a resilient and cohesive workforce dedicated to maintaining high standards and achieving collective goals.


Supporting Excellence Will Help Your Team

By actively recognizing excellence within your healthcare team, you create an environment where everyone feels valued and motivated to give their best. The benefits are clear: improved patient care, higher morale, strengthened teamwork and sustained innovation.

Don’t wait to start making a difference in your workplace. Engage with your team today by acknowledging their hard work and dedication. Simple acts of recognition can lead to monumental improvements in performance and job satisfaction. Take the first step toward a more productive healthcare environment – your team deserves it, and so do your patients.


Author’s Bio:

Veronica Turner is a health and lifestyle writer with over 10 years of experience. She creates compelling content on nutrition, fitness, mental health, and overall wellness.



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How Nursing Ethics Shape Patient Care and Outcomes

At the heart of patient care lies a deep-seated framework of nursing ethics, a cornerstone that defines and distinguishes the nursing profession. Nursing ethics, rooted in the principle of non-maleficence and a rich tapestry of values in nursing, guide nurses in making decisions that not only uphold the dignity and respect of those they serve but also enhance patient care outcomes.  Nursing ethics are the values and principles governing nursing practice, conduct, and relationships between the nurse and patient, patient’s family, other healthcare professionals, and the public. Regardless of practice setting or specialty, nurses face ethical challenges every day. Make sure you are familiar with the ethical principles below. These foundational principles play a critical role in every aspect of nursing practice, underlining the importance of ethics in nursing. As healthcare becomes increasingly complex, the ethical dimensions of nursing practice assume even greater significance, necessitating a thorough exploration of how nursing ethics impact patient care and outcomes.

Ethics in healthcare are critical for patient rights and advocacy. Please also review AIHCP’s Ethical Consultant Program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.


This article delves deeply into the intricacies of nursing ethics, starting with a definition and introduction to its foundational principles, including the nursing code of ethics and the professional values in nursing. It explores the historical perspective of nursing ethics, outlines key ethical principles, and discusses the American Nurses Association’s Code of Ethics in detail. Further, it examines common ethical dilemmas faced by nurses, supplemented with case studies and real-world examples that bring to light the practical implications of ethics in various nursing specialties. Additionally, the role of education and training in reinforcing the importance of nursing professional ethics is scrutinized. By providing a comprehensive overview, this article aims to illuminate the pivotal role of nursing ethics in shaping patient care and outcomes, highlighting the unique values and beliefs that form the nucleus of the nursing profession.

Please also at the conclusion, review AIHCP’s numerous certifications for nurses and other healthcare professionals seeking advancement and career opportunities in healthcare and nursing management, healthcare ethics, and legal nurse consulting.  The programs are online and independent study and offer four year certifications to qualifying healthcare professionals.

Key Takeaways

  • Nursing ethics provide a framework that helps nurses navigate complex and sensitive situations, ensuring patient care prioritizes dignity, respect, and compassion.
  • Ethical principles in nursing include autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice, guiding nurses to make fair and effective decisions.
  • Advocacy is a core aspect of nursing ethics, involving patient advocacy, family advocacy, and advocacy within healthcare teams.
  • Confidentiality and privacy are critical components of nursing ethics, with legal implications for breaches and the need for cultural sensitivity.
  • The evolution of the nursing code of ethics reflects technological advances, societal changes, and the expansion of nursing practice.

Definition and Introduction to Nursing Ethics

Nursing ethics, originating from the Greek word “ethos” meaning character, encompasses the moral principles that govern the behaviors and decisions of nurses in their professional roles. These ethical values are universal rules of conduct that provide a practical framework for identifying what kinds of actions, intentions, and motives are valued within the healthcare setting. Ethics in nursing are crucial as they guide healthcare professionals in recognizing dilemmas, making sound judgments, and ensuring decisions align with both their values and the legal standards that govern their practice.   Nursing ethics are the values and principles governing nursing practice, conduct, and relationships between the nurse and patient, patient’s family, other healthcare professionals, and the public. Nurses make ethical decisions daily. In fact, nurses often walk a line between advocating for patients while also adhering to ethical nursing principles.

The foundation of modern nursing ethics can be traced back to the late 19th century, focusing initially on virtues such as physician loyalty, high moral character, and obedience. Since then, the nursing profession has evolved significantly. Nurses have transitioned from mere assistants to key members of the healthcare team, taking on roles as patient advocates. This shift necessitated the development of a formal Code of Ethics, which was first established in the 1950s by the American Nurses Association (ANA). This code guides nurses in their daily practice, setting primary goals and values for the profession.

The ANA first developed the Nursing Code of Ethics in 1950 to provide nurses with a moral compass to use as they worked with patients each day. As the field of healthcare evolved, new technology was developed and social justice issues came to light over the course of the next several decades, the Nursing Code of Ethics continued to evolve with the times. Today, this code is rooted in the ethical principles in nursing while still providing context relevant in today’s global, multicultural society.  The ANA’s Code of Ethics serves as a succinct statement of the ethical obligations and duties of every individual entering the nursing profession. It provides a non-negotiable ethical standard and expresses nursing’s commitment to society. The Code has undergone revisions to reflect advances in technology, societal changes, and the expansion of nursing practice into areas such as advanced practice roles, research, education, health policy, and administration. These revisions ensure that the Code remains relevant and continues to guide nurses in maintaining healthy work environments and upholding the integrity of their profession.

In daily practice, nurses routinely encounter situations with ethical implications, such as dealing with life-threatening conditions or respecting the individual wishes and preferences of patients. The ethical principles that nurses adhere to—such as Autonomy, Beneficence, Justice, and Nonmaleficence—are instrumental in guiding their decisions and actions. These principles ensure that nurses provide high-quality care while considering the best interests of their patients, thereby upholding the profession’s reputation for high honesty and ethics.

Moreover, the nursing code of ethics emphasizes the importance of cultural awareness and competency. As nurses increasingly care for patients from diverse backgrounds, it is imperative that they make culturally appropriate ethical decisions. This involves understanding how social and cultural differences influence patients’ healthcare-related beliefs, attitudes, and actions. By fostering open communication, normalizing cultural differences, and examining their own biases, nurses can better meet the unique needs of each patient, thus enhancing the overall quality of care and patient outcomes.

Historical Perspective of Nursing Ethics

The evolution of nursing ethics has been closely tied to the historical development of the nursing profession itself. Initially centered on virtues such as loyalty to physicians and high moral character, the ethical framework of nursing began to take a formal shape during significant historical periods, notably during the American Civil War. During this era, nursing began to professionalize, and early nurse pioneers established training protocols and ethical codes that emphasized morality and character. Nurses treated soldiers from both sides of the conflict, striving to improve the health of all patients, reflecting the core ethical principle of impartiality in care.

The need for a structured ethical framework became more pronounced nearly a century later, following the biomedical atrocities committed during World War II and the subsequent revelations of patient harm in experiments, such as those conducted at Tuskegee. This period saw the emergence of biomedical ethics, which focused on ethical issues related to biomedical research and medical practice. The Nuremberg Code, developed in response to these atrocities, outlined major biomedical ethical principles, including respect for autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice, principles that continue to be foundational in both medical and nursing ethics today.

Distinct from biomedical ethics, nursing ethics is primarily relational, focusing on the development of relationships between nurses and their patients, other health professionals, themselves, the nursing profession, and society. This relational aspect underscores the importance of developing a healing relationship to treat the patient holistically, not just the disease—an approach as fundamental today as it was 150 years ago.

Historically, nurses operated without a formalized code of ethics, often using Gretter’s Nightingale Pledge, akin to the Hippocratic Oath in medicine, to guide their practice. The formalization of nursing ethics began in the mid-1800s, culminating in the adoption of the first formal Code of Ethics by the American Nurses Association (ANA) in 1950. This code was a pivotal development in nursing ethics, providing a succinct statement of the ethical obligations and duties of every nurse, and establishing a non-negotiable ethical standard.

The evolution of the ANA’s Code of Ethics reflects broader societal changes and advances in healthcare. Notable revisions occurred in 1960 and 1968, with the latter revision introducing significant changes such as the reduction of provisions from 17 to 10, the addition of brief interpretations to aid application, and a fundamental shift in language to emphasize the dignity and privacy of individuals, unrestricted by considerations of nationality, race, creed, color, or status.

These historical developments in nursing ethics not only shaped the professional practice of nurses but also reinforced the profession’s commitment to providing compassionate, respectful, and ethical care to all patients, thereby upholding the integrity and trust placed in the nursing profession.  The Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements, or “The Code”, is a vital tool for nurses now and in the future. While the foundational values of nursing do not change, The Code is regularly updated to reflect changes in health care structure, financing, and delivery. It supports nurses in providing consistently respectful, humane, and dignified care.

Key Ethical Principles in Nursing


Autonomy in nursing is fundamentally about respecting the patient’s right to self-determination. This principle is crucial, as it involves providing patients with enough information to make informed decisions according to their own beliefs and values. Autonomy extends to respecting the scope of practice defined by state and organizational rules, ensuring that care is patient-centered and not dictated solely by medical or nursing protocols. Examples of autonomy in practice include the administration of as-needed medications and assigning duties based on a nurse’s competence level. It also involves respecting a patient’s decision to refuse treatments, even if these treatments might benefit them, thereby prioritizing the patient’s personal values and choices over clinical recommendations.


Beneficence involves actions that promote the welfare and well-being of patients. Nurses practicing beneficence are committed to doing good and ensuring that the patient’s best interests are always considered, which may sometimes require setting aside personal opinions. This principle is reflected in actions such as providing comfort to those in distress, assisting with daily tasks a patient cannot perform alone, and administering treatments effectively and timely. Beneficence is not just about treatment but also about fostering a caring environment that supports the patient’s overall health and recovery.


The principle of justice in nursing ensures fair and equitable treatment of all patients, regardless of their background or circumstances. It requires impartiality in patient care, which means decisions should not be influenced by factors such as age, ethnicity, economic status, or religion. Justice involves treating all patients with equal care and respect, ensuring that resources are distributed fairly, and advocating for vulnerable populations who might not have adequate access to healthcare services. Examples include fair allocation of nursing resources and unbiased care delivery, which are essential for maintaining trust and integrity in the nursing profession.


Nonmaleficence, a core principle of nursing ethics, dictates that nurses should do no harm. This involves taking proactive steps to ensure patient safety and prevent harm, whether through direct care or systemic practices. It requires careful consideration of treatment interventions, where the potential benefits must outweigh the risks. Nonmaleficence is about protecting patients from unnecessary suffering and ensuring high-quality care that does not compromise patient well-being. Examples include withholding a medication that could cause adverse reactions and implementing safety measures to prevent patient injuries.

These ethical principles are interrelated and guide nurses in providing compassionate, fair, and effective care, ensuring that patient welfare is maintained at the highest standards across all aspects of nursing practice.

The American Nurses Association’s Code of Ethics

The American Nurses Association’s Code of Ethics, known as “The Code,” is a crucial framework that guides the professional conduct of nurses across the United States. It outlines the ethical commitments and responsibilities expected of every nurse, ensuring that they adhere to the highest standards of patient care and professional integrity.

The ANA ensures that there are official standards all nurses must adhere to. Please also review AIHCP’s Ethical Consultant Program

Provisions Overview

“The Code” comprises nine provisions, each accompanied by interpretive statements that provide further clarity and guidance. These provisions encapsulate the fundamental values and commitments of nurses, setting the profession’s non-negotiable ethical standard. The first three provisions focus on the fundamental values and commitments of the nurse, emphasizing respect, dignity, and compassion in patient care. Provisions four through six delineate the boundaries of duty and loyalty, which include authority, accountability, and responsibility in nursing practice. The final provisions, seven through nine, extend the duties of nurses beyond individual patient encounters, addressing the broader roles of nurses in research, policy development, and health diplomacy.

Importance of the Code

“The Code” serves as a vital tool for nurses, providing a succinct statement of the ethical values, obligations, and duties inherent in the nursing profession. It is regularly updated to reflect changes in healthcare delivery, technology, and societal needs, ensuring its relevance and applicability in modern healthcare settings. In 2015, recognizing the critical role of ethical practice in patient safety and quality of care, the ANA designated it the “Year of Ethics,” which included the release of a revised code.

This ongoing development process allows “The Code” to respond effectively to the contemporary challenges nurses face, including those posed by the failings in U.S. healthcare and negative social determinants of health. It empowers nurses to make ethical decisions confidently, enhancing their ability to provide safe, quality care across diverse patient populations and complex clinical situations.

Furthermore, “The Code” acts as a social contract between nurses and the public, illustrating the profession’s commitment to uphold ethical standards and advocate for patient rights and well-being. It underscores the importance of mutual support among nurses, enabling them to meet their professional and ethical obligations.

Through its comprehensive and evolving nature, “The Code” not only guides nurses in their everyday practice but also reflects the proud ethical heritage of the nursing profession, ensuring its integrity and the trust placed in it by society.

Common Ethical Dilemmas Faced by Nurses

Nurses frequently encounter ethical dilemmas that challenge their professional and personal values. These dilemmas often arise from conflicts between a nurse’s duties and their ethical obligations, as outlined in the nursing code of ethics. Understanding these common ethical dilemmas can help nurses navigate these challenging situations effectively.

Autonomy vs. Beneficence

One significant ethical dilemma occurs when a patient’s autonomy, the right to make decisions about their own health, conflicts with the principle of beneficence, which is the duty of healthcare providers to do good and act in the patient’s best interest. For instance, a patient with stage IV cancer may refuse pain medication to remain alert, despite the family’s wishes and the nurse’s knowledge that the medication would alleviate suffering. Respecting the patient’s decision, while difficult, aligns with respecting their autonomy.

Informed Consent and Patient Information

Nurses often face dilemmas surrounding informed consent, where they must ensure that patients or their surrogates are fully aware of the risks and benefits of treatments. This becomes particularly complex when patients receive a dire prognosis or when families request withholding information about a patient’s condition. Nurses must balance the ethical need for honesty with sensitivity to the patient’s emotional and physical well-being.

End-of-Life Decisions

End-of-life care presents dilemmas such as whether to continue life-sustaining treatments or adhere to do-not-resuscitate (DNR) orders. Nurses must navigate these decisions, respecting the patient’s wishes and the ethical principle of nonmaleficence, which obliges them to do no harm.

Personal Beliefs vs. Professional Responsibilities

Nurses may also encounter situations where their personal beliefs conflict with professional responsibilities. This includes scenarios involving abortion, where legal and medical requirements might conflict with a nurse’s personal beliefs. The challenge lies in providing unbiased, respectful care regardless of personal views.

Resource Allocation

Resource allocation becomes a dilemma in situations of scarcity, where nurses must decide how to distribute limited medical supplies or attention among patients. This challenges the ethical principle of justice, which calls for fair and equitable treatment of all patients.

Confidentiality and Privacy

Confidentiality issues arise when the need to protect a patient’s private information conflicts with other ethical or legal obligations, such as reporting communicable diseases or potential harm to others. Nurses must carefully consider the implications of maintaining or breaching confidentiality in each situation.

Professional Boundaries

Maintaining professional boundaries is crucial yet challenging, especially in long-term care settings or small communities where nurses may have dual relationships with patients. Nurses must remain professional without compromising the compassionate care that is fundamental to nursing.

These dilemmas underscore the importance of ethical awareness and decision-making in nursing. By adhering to the nursing code of ethics and seeking guidance from ethics committees or senior healthcare professionals, nurses can navigate these complex situations while upholding the integrity and ethical standards of their profession.


The Role of Advocacy in Nursing

Patient Advocacy

Nurses play a key role in advocacy for their patients. Please also review AIHCP’s various healthcare and nursing certifications

Patient advocacy in nursing goes beyond medical care alone and encompasses a broader range of responsibilities. Nurses help patients navigate the healthcare system and communicate with members of their care team, including when patients cannot speak for themselves. This also involves preserving dignity and ensuring equitable care. Nurses must also advocate for themselves to prioritize a safe work environment.

Advocacy for Families

Nurses play a crucial role in advocating for the families of patients. This includes providing emotional support, ensuring that families are well-informed about the patient’s condition and treatment options, and helping them make informed decisions. Nurses must balance the needs and wishes of the family with the best interests of the patient.

Advocacy within Healthcare Teams

Advocacy within healthcare teams is essential for fostering a collaborative and supportive environment. Nurses should work collaboratively with other healthcare professionals within their patients’ care teams to ensure that each member’s voice is heard and respected. This includes advocating for necessary resources, fair treatment, and the implementation of best practices to improve patient outcomes.

Advocacy in nursing is not limited to patient care; it extends to families and the healthcare team, ensuring a holistic approach to healthcare delivery.

Ethical Decision-Making in Nursing Practice

Balancing Patient Wishes and Protocols

Nurses often face the challenge of balancing patient wishes with established protocols. This balance is crucial to ensure both patient autonomy and adherence to medical guidelines. Factors influencing this balance include the patient’s medical needs, the time available for decision-making, and the nurse’s experience level.

Ethical Dilemmas in Acute Care

In acute care settings, nurses frequently encounter ethical dilemmas that require immediate action. These dilemmas can range from life-or-death decisions to more nuanced issues involving patient consent and confidentiality. Understanding ethics and the consequences of their actions can help a nurse make the best decision when it isn’t always apparent.

Collaborative Ethical Decision-Making

Collaborative ethical decision-making involves the input of various healthcare professionals to arrive at the best possible outcome for the patient. This approach not only unifies nursing practices but also ensures that decisions are beneficial to the patient, nursing student, employee, or organization. A health care organization’s support of ethical principles unifies its nursing practices and settings.

In moments of crisis, the ability to make quick, ethical decisions is paramount for nurses. This highlights the importance of ethical decision-making in nursing.

Confidentiality and Privacy in Nursing

Maintaining Patient Confidentiality

Confidentiality is the right for personal details and health care information to be protected and private unless permission is given to share. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) is a federal law that includes standards to protect sensitive patient health information. Nurses’ obligation to protect patients’ right to privacy is paramount in maintaining trust and promoting effective care.

Legal Implications of Privacy Breaches

Breaches in patient confidentiality can have serious legal consequences. Healthcare professionals must be aware of the legal standards and regulations, such as HIPAA, that govern patient information. Violations can result in penalties, including fines and loss of licensure. It is crucial for nurses to understand their duty of confidentiality to avoid legal repercussions.

Cultural Sensitivity in Confidentiality

Nurses often find themselves navigating the preferences of their patients while also navigating cultural differences. Cultural sensitivity in maintaining confidentiality involves understanding and respecting diverse cultural perspectives on privacy. This ensures that all patients feel respected and secure in their interactions with healthcare providers.

In nursing, maintaining confidentiality is not just a legal obligation but a fundamental ethical duty that supports patient trust and care quality.

Ethics in Interprofessional Collaboration

Building trust among healthcare professionals is essential for effective interprofessional collaboration. Trust fosters open communication and mutual respect, which are critical for addressing complex ethical issues. An interprofessional team, which can be comprised of doctors, nurses, pharmacists, social workers, etc., often relies on this trust to navigate ethical dilemmas and make decisions that prioritize patient welfare.

Effective communication strategies are vital in ensuring that all team members are on the same page regarding patient care. This involves not only clear and concise verbal communication but also the ethical use of electronic health records and other digital tools. Ethical communication helps in maintaining transparency and accountability within the team.

Conflicts are inevitable in any team setting, but they can be particularly challenging in healthcare due to the high stakes involved. Ethical conflict resolution strategies are necessary to address disagreements while maintaining professional integrity and patient safety. These strategies often include mediation, reflective practice, and support from ethical committees.

Ethical challenges can range from respecting patient autonomy while ensuring safety to managing conflicts between patient needs and resource limitations. Preparing for these challenges involves continuous education, reflective practice, and support from ethical committees and experienced colleagues.

The Impact of Technology on Nursing Ethics

Ethical Use of Electronic Health Records

The integration of electronic health records (EHRs) into healthcare systems has revolutionized patient care. However, it also presents ethical challenges. Ensuring the accuracy and security of patient data is paramount. Nurses must be vigilant in maintaining the integrity of these records to prevent data breaches and ensure patient confidentiality.

Telehealth and Patient Privacy

Telehealth has expanded access to care, especially in remote areas. Yet, it raises concerns about patient privacy. Nurses must navigate the complexities of digital communication to protect sensitive information. This includes using secure platforms and educating patients about privacy risks.

Navigating Social Media as a Nurse

Social media offers opportunities for professional networking and patient education. However, nurses must be cautious about sharing patient information online. Adhering to professional guidelines and maintaining boundaries is essential to uphold the trust in the nursing profession.

The use of digital technology might lead to a decrease in nurses’ moral agency and competence to shape patient-centred care. Digital technologies seem to become integral in modern healthcare, but they must be used responsibly to uphold ethical standards.

Cultural Competence and Ethical Nursing Care

Cultural competence in nursing is essential for providing effective and respectful care to patients from diverse backgrounds. Culturally competent care consists of four components: awareness of one’s cultural worldview, attitudes toward cultural differences, knowledge of different cultural practices, and cross-cultural skills. Nurses must be adept at navigating these components to ensure ethical and compassionate care.

In a multicultural healthcare setting, understanding and respecting cultural differences is not just beneficial but necessary for ethical nursing practice.

Ethical Challenges in Specialized Nursing Fields

Nursing in specialized fields often presents unique ethical challenges that require careful consideration and reflective practice. These challenges can range from respecting patient autonomy while ensuring safety to managing conflicts between patient needs and resource limitations. Preparing for these challenges involves continuous education, reflective practice, and support from ethical committees and experienced colleagues.

Case Studies and Real-World Examples

Case Scenario: Mrs. Khan’s Terminal Cancer Diagnosis

A 75-year-old patient, Mrs. Khan, is admitted to the hospital with terminal cancer. She is in severe pain and has difficulty breathing. Her family requests that the healthcare team withhold the truth about her diagnosis and prognosis, believing that knowing the truth would cause her unnecessary distress. The nurse, who has developed a close relationship with Mrs. Khan, faces an ethical dilemma between respecting the family’s wishes and being honest with the patient about her condition. The nurse believes that Mrs. Khan has the right to know the truth to make informed decisions about her care, yet wants to respect the family’s cultural beliefs and wishes.

Ethical Dilemma: Right to Die

A significant ethical dilemma arises concerning a patient’s right to die. The situation involves a 93-year-old patient with a Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) order, who experiences complications leading to a decision on whether to intubate. Despite the DNR, temporary intubation is considered to manage her high ammonia levels, a treatment not immediately available due to hospital formulary restrictions. The patient, being conscious at times, gives verbal consent for short-term intubation. This case highlights the complexities surrounding end-of-life care decisions, the interpretation of DNR orders, and the necessity for timely access to treatment options.

Case Study: Nurse P and Mr. S’s Living Will

Nurse P faces an ethical challenge when a patient, Mr. S, is admitted to the coronary care unit after a cardiac event in the recovery room. Known to have a living will against extraordinary support measures, Mr. S is found to be in a critical condition requiring aggressive treatment. The attending physicians and Nurse P must decide on the course of action while considering Mr. S’s previously expressed wishes, the unlocated living will, and the ethical implications of potentially withdrawing treatment.

Case Study 1: An Intoxicated Patient’s Autonomy

Patient J, after sustaining injuries in a fight and under the influence of alcohol, decides to leave the emergency department despite medical advice. The healthcare team faces the dilemma of respecting the patient’s autonomy while also considering the safety of others if he drives in his intoxicated state. This scenario explores the balance between patient rights and broader community safety, highlighting the ethical principle of autonomy versus the potential harm his actions might cause to others.

Case Study 2: Suspected Child Abuse

A nurse on a pediatric unit suspects child abuse when discrepancies arise between a child’s behavior at the hospital and the mother’s reports. The ethical considerations involve deciding whether to report suspected abuse based on observations and the father’s concerns, despite a lack of concrete evidence. This case study underscores the ethical challenges in pediatric nursing, particularly in assessing family dynamics and the responsibility to protect vulnerable patients.

These real-world examples and case studies illustrate the profound impact of ethical decision-making in nursing. Nurses often navigate complex situations where they must balance their professional responsibilities, ethical principles, and the diverse needs of patients and their families. These scenarios demonstrate the critical role of ethics in nursing practice, guiding nurses through the moral complexities of modern healthcare.

Ethics in Various Nursing Specialties

There are numerous fields within nursing with different applications and specific ethical concerns.

Ethical challenges are inherent in nursing across various specialties, each presenting unique dilemmas that require nurses to balance professional obligations with personal values. This section explores how ethical principles are applied in different nursing specialties, emphasizing the importance of the nursing code of ethics and the role of nurses in advocating for patient rights and care.

Critical Care Nursing

In critical care settings, nurses face acute ethical challenges due to the intensity and complexity of care. The principles of non-maleficence and beneficence are particularly significant, as decisions often involve life-sustaining treatments and end-of-life care. Critical care nurses must navigate these decisions while respecting patient autonomy and ensuring that actions taken are in the best interest of the patient. The development of ethics curricula tailored for critical care settings is crucial for preparing nurses to handle these challenges effectively.

Pediatric Nursing

Pediatric nurses work with a vulnerable population, which raises specific ethical concerns related to consent and advocacy. The principle of justice must be carefully considered, as pediatric nurses often advocate for the best interests of their patients when parents or guardians are making health decisions. Ethical dilemmas in pediatric nursing may include issues surrounding parental rights, child welfare, and the complexities of informed consent in younger patients.

Geriatric Nursing

Nurses in geriatric care deal with ethical issues surrounding consent, end-of-life care, and autonomy in an aging population. Ethical challenges often arise from the diminished capacity of elderly patients to make informed decisions about their own care. Geriatric nurses must balance respect for autonomy with the need for beneficence and non-maleficence, ensuring that elderly patients receive compassionate and appropriate care without compromising their dignity or integrity.

Psychiatric Nursing

Psychiatric nursing presents unique challenges related to patient autonomy, confidentiality, and the ethical use of treatment interventions such as restraints and involuntary treatment. Nurses in psychiatric settings must be vigilant about respecting the rights and dignity of patients who may be unable to make decisions for themselves, advocating for their health and safety while also considering the ethical implications of their care decisions.

Oncology Nursing

Oncology nurses confront ethical dilemmas related to patient autonomy, informed consent, and truth-telling in the context of life-threatening illnesses. The balance between providing hope and presenting realistic outcomes is delicate, requiring nurses to navigate complex emotional and ethical landscapes. Oncology nurses play a critical role in ensuring that patients understand their diagnosis and treatment options, facilitating informed decision-making that respects patient values and preferences.

Nursing Research

Nurses involved in research face ethical considerations related to informed consent, patient safety, and the integrity of research practices. Upholding ethical standards in nursing research not only protects participants but also ensures the validity and credibility of the research outcomes. Nurses must advocate for ethical practices in research settings, ensuring that studies are conducted responsibly and with respect for all participants.

In each of these specialties, nurses must adhere to the nursing code of ethics, which provides a framework for addressing ethical dilemmas and supports nurses in their commitment to provide ethical, high-quality care. By understanding and applying ethical principles across various specialties, nurses enhance their ability to advocate for their patients and maintain the integrity of the nursing profession.

The Role of Education and Training in Nursing Ethics

Nurse training in ethics through such organizations as AIHCP can help equip nurses with a better understanding of their ethical duties to patients and the administration

Education and training in nursing ethics play a pivotal role in equipping nurses with the necessary skills to handle ethical dilemmas effectively. As the nursing profession continues to evolve, the complexity of ethical decisions that nurses must make also increases. Therefore, a robust ethical education is essential for preparing nurses to navigate these challenges competently.

Understanding and Applying the ANA Code of Ethics

Courses focused on the American Nurses Association (ANA) Code of Ethics are fundamental in nursing education. These courses aim to familiarize nurses with the code, helping them understand and apply its principles in their daily practice. Through expert-led discussions and assessments of ethical dilemma scenarios, nurses gain a deeper appreciation of how the ANA Code of Ethics guides their professional decisions.  Courses designed by the American Institute of Health Care Professionals offers courses in nursing ethics for healthcare professionals.

Enhancing Critical Thinking and Ethical Decision-Making

Critical thinking is crucial in managing ethical situations that arise in nursing care. Training programs that enhance nurses’ critical thinking skills are invaluable, as they provide strategies for ethical decision-making. Such programs include micro-courses that define and explore ethics in nursing practice, helping nurses identify and adhere to ethical behaviors and principles. By completing these courses, nurses are better equipped to implement ethical decisions in their daily interactions with patients.

Addressing the Gaps in Ethics Education

Despite the recognized importance of ethics education, gaps remain in both content and delivery. Many nurses graduate without a sufficient understanding of ethics, which can lead to challenges in their professional practice. Innovative teaching methods, such as case-centered approaches, have been introduced to bridge these gaps. These methods involve practical exercises that encourage nurses to apply ethical theories to real-world scenarios, thereby enhancing their ethical sensitivity and awareness.

The Four Topics Method in Ethics Education

One effective educational approach is the “Four Topics Method,” which structures the identification of clinical ethics problems across four broad areas: medical indications, patient preferences, quality of life, and contextual features. This method assists nurses in systematically analyzing ethical issues and making informed decisions. It has been shown to improve nursing students’ ability to handle ethical dilemmas effectively, particularly when combined with case studies that reflect the complexities of clinical practice.

Incorporating Ethics into Nursing Curriculum

Incorporating ethics into the nursing curriculum is essential for preparing future nurses to handle complex ethical dilemmas. Regular ethics training can provide new insights into the ethical challenges that nurses face and how to navigate them. This foundational knowledge ensures that patient care prioritizes dignity, respect, and compassion.

Continuing Education in Nursing Ethics

Continuing education in nursing ethics is crucial for maintaining high standards of professional practice. Nurses must stay up-to-date with advances in ethical practices to fulfill their ethical obligations to patients. This ongoing education helps maintain trust in the nursing profession and supports the development of future nursing leaders.  AIHCP offers numerous courses and programs which include continuing education for healthcare professionals.

Ethical Leadership Development

Ethical leadership development is vital for fostering a culture of integrity within healthcare organizations. By focusing on ethical leadership, nurses can ensure that patient welfare is always at the forefront of care decisions and actions. This approach not only supports nursing colleagues but also contributes to the overall integrity of the healthcare organization.

Ethics training plays a pivotal role in professional development for nurses. While the Nursing Code of Ethics serves as an excellent guideline, regular ethics training can provide you with new insight into ethical dilemmas that nurses are facing and how to navigate them.

Continuous Professional Development and Interdisciplinary Learning

Ongoing education and interdisciplinary learning are also critical components of nursing ethics education. Collaborative efforts between nurses and other healthcare professionals can foster a shared understanding of ethical principles and enhance the overall quality of patient care. By participating in interdisciplinary ethics education, nurses can develop a comprehensive ethical perspective that is crucial for effective teamwork and patient advocacy.

In summary, the role of education and training in nursing ethics is indispensable in preparing nurses to face the ethical challenges of modern healthcare. Through structured educational programs, practical training, and interdisciplinary collaboration, nurses can strengthen their ethical competence and ensure high standards of patient care.


Throughout this article, we have explored the multifaceted role of nursing ethics in patient care and outcomes, highlighting the profound impact ethical principles and the American Nurses Association’s Code of Ethics have on the nursing profession. From the bedside to the boardroom, nurses navigate complex ethical dilemmas, ensuring that patient care is not only effective but delivered with compassion, respect, and integrity. The discussions underscored the significance of education and continuous professional development in equipping nurses with the analytical skills and ethical understanding necessary to face the challenges of modern healthcare.

Please also review AIHCP’s certifications for nurses and healthcare professionals in healthcare management, ethical consulting, case management, nurse patient education and legal nurse consulting

Nursing ethics form the bedrock of nursing practice, guiding nurses through the complex and often sensitive situations they encounter daily. These ethical principles ensure that patient care is delivered with dignity, respect, and compassion, fostering trust in the nurse-patient relationship. By adhering to a strong ethical framework, nurses not only advocate for their patients but also uphold the integrity of the healthcare system.  As we reflect on the themes presented, it becomes evident that the ethical foundations of nursing are indispensable to the profession’s commitment to patient welfare and societal well-being.  Nurses, by adhering to these ethical principles and guidelines, affirm their role as advocates for patient rights, contributors to the healthcare system, and stewards of change. Emphasizing the importance of ongoing education in ethics reinforces the capacity of nurses to make informed, ethical decisions that resonate with the core values As the field of nursing continues to evolve with technological advances and societal changes, the importance of nursing ethics remains steadfast, ensuring that patient welfare is always prioritized. Ultimately, a robust understanding and application of nursing ethics contribute to higher patient satisfaction and the overall effectiveness of healthcare delivery.

AIHCP offer numerous programs for healthcare professionals.  Those in Healthcare Management, Legal Nursing, or other administrative positions can utilize a certification in Healthcare Ethics.  Healthcare Ethical Consultants can help guide facilities in better decision making for patient care and standards.  AIHCP also offers programs in Healthcare Management, Nurse Patient Education and Legal Nurse Consulting.  The programs are online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification.



1. How do ethical considerations influence patient care? Ethical considerations are fundamental in guiding the actions and decisions of healthcare professionals. They ensure that patients are treated with dignity and respect, and that the decisions made in healthcare settings are fair and just, thereby significantly impacting the quality of patient care. Nursing ethics are the values and principles governing nursing practice, conduct, and relationships between the nurse and patient, patient’s family, other healthcare professionals, and the public. Regardless of practice setting or specialty, nurses face ethical challenges every day.

2. What role do nurses play in patient care outcomes? Nurses are pivotal in ensuring positive patient outcomes. Their ability to provide empathetic care and meet both the physical and emotional needs of patients plays a crucial role in how patients perceive their treatment and care.  Advocacy is a core component of nursing ethics. Nurses advocate for their patients, families, and within healthcare teams to ensure that patient care is ethical and that patients’ rights and preferences are respected.  Nurses handle ethical dilemmas by relying on the nursing code of ethics, collaborating with the healthcare team, and considering the patient’s wishes and best interests. Ethical decision-making often involves balancing various ethical principles and seeking guidance when needed.

3. Why is adhering to ethics crucial in nursing? Ethics in nursing are vital because they ensure that the focus remains on providing the best possible care for the patient, even if it means facing adverse consequences like employer or peer backlash. Nurses frequently encounter challenging situations where ethical decisions can significantly impact patient lives. Practical examples of ethical principles in nursing include maintaining patient confidentiality, obtaining informed consent, providing equitable care, and respecting cultural differences. These principles are applied daily in various nursing scenarios.

4. How do ethics shape the nursing scope of practice? Ethics are integral to the nursing profession, forming the foundation of a nurse’s scope of practice. The ethical code provides a framework that guides nurses in their decision-making processes, professional behaviors, and overall care of patients, ensuring that their practice aligns with moral principles.  The four principles of nursing ethics are autonomy and respect for patients, beneficence and nonmaleficence, justice in healthcare, and advocacy. These principles guide nurses in making ethical decisions daily.  Ethics in nursing is necessary because it provides a framework that helps nurses navigate complex and sensitive situations. It ensures patient care prioritizes dignity, respect, and compassion, fostering trust in the nurse-patient relationship.


Additional Resources

Faubion, D. (2024). “7 Main Ethical Principles in Nursing + Why They’re Important”.  Access here

“Ethics and Human Rights”. ANA. Access here

Werezak, L. (2023). “10 Examples of Ethical Dilemmas in Nursing”.  Access here

Wati, N. et al. (2023). “Strategies and challenges in addressing ethical issues in the hospital context: A phenomenological study of nurse team leaders”. Belitung Nurs J. 2023; 9(2): 139–144. National Library of Medicine. Access here

“Nursing Ethics”. Wikipedia.  Access here

How to Use Employee Awards to Keep Healthcare Staff Motivated and Engaged at Work

Group of happy business people discussing and working together during a meeting in office. Finance architect designer work conceptWritten by Veronica Turner

In the dynamic realm of healthcare, where staff face intense pressures and challenges every single day, finding effective ways to maintain motivation and engagement is key.

A well-thought-out employee awards program can be a shining beacon of appreciation, illuminating the efforts of those who dedicate themselves to caring for others. These awards recognize stellar performance and fortify the spirit of teamwork and continuous dedication.

Throughout this guide, we’ll dive into various strategies for leveraging employee awards to foster the kind of work environment that cultivates both individual growth and collective success.


10 Ways to Use Awards to Keep Healthcare Staff Motivated

Engaging and retaining healthcare staff requires thoughtful recognition. Discover 10 ways to use awards that will keep your team motivated, appreciated, and deeply connected to your mission.

  1. Recognize Individual Achievements Publicly

Acknowledging your healthcare staff’s achievements in public settings can significantly boost morale. A public commendation, like naming someone “Nurse of the Year” during a staff meeting, makes the recipient feel valued and noticed by their fellow peers and managers.

It also sets a precedent for excellence within the team, encouraging others to follow in their footsteps. This type of recognition becomes a powerful motivational tool that promotes a culture of acknowledgment and striving for high-quality care among all staff members.


  1. Celebrate Team Successes with Group Awards

When a group within your healthcare facility excels, it’s vital to celebrate their success collectively. By presenting group awards, you underline the importance of teamwork in providing outstanding patient care. This is essential, as your business couldn’t survive without teamwork.

Whether it’s finishing a major project ahead of schedule or achieving high patient satisfaction scores, acknowledging the collective effort builds unity and enhances collaboration. This recognition can take many forms, but all of them should demonstrate appreciation for the team.


  1. Create Custom Award Plaques for Your Team

Crafting custom award plaques and trophies shows your team that you recognize their unique contributions and value their dedication. These personalized and classic tokens of appreciation capture the essence of what makes each role within your healthcare staff special.

By incorporating symbols or phrases that reflect their hard work and commitment, you create a tangible representation of their achievements. Whether displayed on their desk or at home, these plaques become enduring reminders of the meaningful impact they have on patients.


  1. Provide Continuing Education Opportunities as Rewards

Using continuing education as a reward not only recognizes your healthcare staff’s hard work but also fosters their professional growth. When you offer courses or training sessions as incentives, it demonstrates your commitment to their career and personal development.

This approach transforms an award from a mere token of appreciation into an investment in their future and the future of patient care. It’s a win-win scenario: staff members expand their expertise while the practice benefits from updated knowledge and skills.


  1. Integrate Reward Programs with Career Advancement Paths

Linking your reward programs directly to career advancement opportunities can greatly motivate your healthcare staff. By doing this, you’re not just acknowledging their present accomplishments, but you’re also investing in their professional futures.

For example, a series of awards leading to a higher position or specialized training incentivizes consistent performance and loyalty. This strategic approach shows employees that their hard work and dedication can lead to tangible progression within the organization.


  1. Make Use of Peer-to-Peer Recognition Programs

Implementing peer-to-peer recognition programs can be an extremely effective way to boost morale and strengthen team bonds. In the high-pressure environment of healthcare, it’s the colleagues working side by side who best understand the challenges each of them faces.

Encouraging staff to nominate and celebrate their peers for exceptional work gives them a sense of ownership over the recognition process. This type of program promotes a supportive work culture where everyone’s contributions are valued by those they work with most closely.


  1. Offer Practical Gifts That Suit Each Individual

Understanding the individual needs of your healthcare staff and offering practical gifts as rewards show thoughtfulness and consideration. Instead of one-size-fits-all items, tailor your gifts to suit each recipient. If you’re not sure what to give your staff, simply ask them.

Personalized, practical gifts will not only be genuinely appreciated but will also enhance their day-to-day work life. Such gestures make it clear that you recognize and care about their personal contributions to the workplace, reinforcing their value to the team.


  1. Honor Years of Service with Special Celebrations

Celebrating the dedication and longevity of your staff with special recognition for years of service is a heartfelt way to express gratitude. These milestones are significant. They showcase an individual’s commitment not only to the healthcare field but also to your organization.

Whether it’s a personalized gift, an elegant dinner, or a tribute during a team gathering, these celebrations are memorable moments that affirm the value of loyalty and experience. Honoring these anniversaries inspires others to build their careers within your supportive environment.


  1. Incorporate Unexpected Surprises Throughout the Year

Sprinkling unexpected tokens of appreciation throughout the year can keep your healthcare staff engaged and feeling valued. It’s these unforeseen gestures, like surprising your team with a catered lunch after a hard week, that often make the most impact on your staff members.

Such surprises break up the routine and serve as delightful morale boosters, reminding employees that their hard work does not go unnoticed. This can also prove to your healthcare workers that there’s always something positive potentially around the corner waiting for them.


  1. Tie Recognition to Patient Feedback

Connecting employee recognition to positive patient feedback is a powerful way to affirm the impact of your staff’s work. When a patient goes out of their way to talk about the care they’ve received, acknowledging this praise reinforces the importance of patient-centered service.

It also provides a personal sense of accomplishment for the recognized healthcare worker, knowing that their efforts have made a significant difference in someone’s life. Rewarding this feedback with certificates or personalized gifts further highlights your appreciation.


In Conclusion…

Now that you’re equipped with a plethora of strategies to supercharge your healthcare team through thoughtful recognition, it’s time to put these ideas into action. Remember, the most vibrant workplaces are those where appreciation is a core part of the culture.

Start today—identify someone for public praise, design a custom award, or simply celebrate a team’s success. Every gesture counts. Embrace the power of personalized recognition and watch as motivation soars and engagement deepens within your healthcare staff.

Author Bio: Veronica Turner is a health and lifestyle writer with over 10 years of experience. She creates compelling content on nutrition, fitness, mental health, and overall wellness.


Please also review AIHCP’s Health Care Manager Certification program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  These programs are online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification.

Strengthening the Nursing Workforce

The pandemic of 2020 played a key role in nurse burnout, dissatisfaction and retirements.  Many nurses left the field or displayed discontentment with facilities.  The new challenge is to replenish the nursing workforce and strengthen it.  Healthcare managers within departments can play a key role in improving conditions, keeping existing staff, and modernizing the department.  It is critical within the next decade to replenish and strengthen the nursing field.  There are many individuals still interested in nursing and graduating.  Jobs are quickly filled but it is important to keep staff and treat staff with the proper care to keep them.  That includes better pay, tools and management that does not stifle their jobs, and various tuition and learning education reimbursement or opportunities.   Many nurses also look for more flexibility so they too can have a personal life.  These are all challenges for hospitals, facilities, and healthcare managers in the near future in strengthening the nursing workforce.

Healthcare managers can play a large role in strengthening the nursing force. Nurses need better incentives, educational reimbursement and advancement, flexibility and the modern tools to perform their tasks. These issues fall to the hospital and healthcare managers to make it possible


The article, “Rebuilding a strong and healthy nursing workforce | Viewpoint” by Felicia Sadler looks at many of these points in making nursing more attractive by modernizing the workforce and granting the things that attract good nurses the most.  She states,

“According to nurses, the most important factors for overall job satisfaction are regular merit increases, the ability to perform to the full scope of their nursing practice, and tuition reimbursement. Other benefits such as employee housing and loan forgiveness programs can improve job satisfaction and prevent nurses from leaving.”

“Rebuilding a strong and healthy nursing workforce | Viewpoint”. Sadler, F. (2023). Chief Healthcare Executive

To read the entire article, please click here

It is hence critical to healthcare managers to build the next generation of nurses by rewarding them well.  Keeping good nurse is key and that is through meeting their needs in the modern world.

Qualities and Characteristics of ‘The Good Nurse’

The qualities and characteristics that define ‘The Good Nurse’ go beyond clinical proficiency and technical skills. While competence in medical procedures and treatments is undoubtedly crucial, it is the intangible qualities that truly set ‘The Good Nurse’ apart. Compassion, empathy, and the ability to connect with patients on a human level form the cornerstone of their practice. They possess a deep understanding of the physical and emotional needs of their patients, allowing them to provide holistic care that extends beyond the medical aspect.

Moreover, ‘The Good Nurse’ exhibits exceptional communication skills, both with patients and their colleagues. They can translate complex medical information into accessible language for patients and their families, fostering a sense of empowerment and understanding. Additionally, their ability to collaborate effectively with other healthcare professionals ensures seamless coordination of care, enhancing patient outcomes and satisfaction.

Resilience and adaptability are also hallmark traits of ‘The Good Nurse’. They navigate high-pressure situations with grace and composure, remaining steadfast in their commitment to patient care. Their ability to stay calm and focused in challenging circumstances serves as a source of strength for both patients and their colleagues. Furthermore, ‘The Good Nurse’ demonstrates a continuous pursuit of learning and improvement, staying abreast of the latest advancements in healthcare to deliver evidence-based and patient-centered care.

Impact of ‘The Good Nurse’ on Patient Care

The impact of ‘The Good Nurse’ on patient care is profound and far-reaching. Their presence in healthcare settings elevates the overall quality of care and enhances the patient experience. Through their empathetic approach, ‘The Good Nurse’ establishes a therapeutic rapport with patients, fostering a sense of trust and comfort. This, in turn, contributes to improved patient satisfaction and adherence to treatment plans.

Furthermore, ‘The Good Nurse’ plays a pivotal role in patient education, empowering individuals to take an active role in their health management. By providing clear and comprehensive information, they enable patients to make informed decisions about their care and treatment options. This patient empowerment not only improves health outcomes but also cultivates a sense of autonomy and self-efficacy.

In addition to the direct impact on patients, ‘The Good Nurse’ also influences the overall dynamics of the healthcare team. Their collaborative approach fosters a culture of open communication and mutual respect, leading to enhanced teamwork and coordination. This, in turn, has a ripple effect on patient care, as seamless collaboration among healthcare professionals contributes to streamlined and efficient delivery of services.

Challenges Faced by ‘The Good Nurse’

Despite their invaluable contributions to the healthcare system, ‘The Good Nurse’ faces a myriad of challenges in their professional journey. One of the prominent challenges is the high-stress environment inherent in healthcare settings. The demanding nature of patient care, long hours, and exposure to emotional and traumatic situations can take a toll on their well-being. It is essential to recognize and address the mental health and emotional resilience of ‘The Good Nurse’ to ensure their sustained well-being and ability to provide quality care.

Moreover, ‘The Good Nurse’ often grapples with staffing shortages and heavy workloads, leading to fatigue and burnout. The relentless pace of healthcare delivery, coupled with the increasing acuity of patient conditions, can result in physical and emotional exhaustion. It is imperative for healthcare organizations to implement strategies that support ‘The Good Nurse’ in managing their workload and maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

Another significant challenge is the potential for moral distress and ethical dilemmas in clinical practice. ‘The Good Nurse’ may encounter situations where their professional values and ethical principles are tested, leading to internal conflict and moral anguish. Providing them with avenues for ethical reflection, support, and mentorship is crucial in navigating these complex scenarios while upholding their integrity and commitment to patient well-being.

Strategies for Developing ‘The Good Nurse’ Qualities

Developing and nurturing the qualities of ‘The Good Nurse’ requires a multifaceted approach that encompasses education, mentorship, and organizational support. Education and training programs should emphasize the cultivation of empathy, communication skills, and resilience alongside clinical competencies. By integrating these essential qualities into the curriculum, aspiring nurses can be equipped with the foundational attributes of ‘The Good Nurse’ from the onset of their professional journey.  Healthcare managers can play a key role in implementing these types of programs.

Mentorship programs play a pivotal role in the development of ‘The Good Nurse’. Pairing novice nurses with experienced mentors allows for the transfer of not only clinical knowledge but also the intangible qualities that define exemplary nursing practice. Through mentorship, aspiring nurses can learn to navigate complex ethical issues, communicate effectively with patients, and cultivate emotional resilience under the guidance of seasoned practitioners.

Organizational support is equally critical in fostering the growth of ‘The Good Nurse’. Healthcare institutions should prioritize initiatives that promote staff well-being, including mental health resources, flexible scheduling, and opportunities for professional development. By creating a supportive and nurturing work environment, organizations can empower nurses to embody the qualities of ‘The Good Nurse’ while mitigating the challenges they face in their roles.

Recognizing and Rewarding ‘The Good Nurse’

Recognizing and rewarding ‘The Good Nurse’ is essential not only for acknowledging their contributions but also for inspiring others to emulate their exemplary practice. Formal recognition programs within healthcare organizations can shine a spotlight on nurses who consistently demonstrate the qualities of ‘The Good Nurse’. This recognition can take various forms, including awards, commendations, and public acknowledgments, underscoring the significance of their dedication and impact on patient care.

To keep good nurses, reward them. Please also review AIHCP’s Healthcare Manager Certification and see if it meets your goals


In addition to formal recognition, creating a culture of appreciation and gratitude within healthcare teams fosters a supportive and uplifting environment for nurses. Simple gestures such as peer-to-peer commendations, thank-you notes, and celebratory events can go a long way in affirming the value of ‘The Good Nurse’ and reinforcing their commitment to excellence. By celebrating their contributions, healthcare organizations can instill a sense of pride and motivation among nurses, fueling their continued pursuit of exemplary practice.

Healthcare managers and hospital management need to recruit good nurses and keep the ones they have.  Better pay, raises, time off, modernization of tools and educational reimbursement are all ways hospitals and healthcare facilities can better reward nurses.

Training and Education for Aspiring ‘Good Nurses’

The journey toward becoming a ‘Good Nurse’ begins with comprehensive training and education. Nursing programs should incorporate a holistic approach that extends beyond clinical competencies to encompass the essential qualities of empathy, communication, and resilience. By integrating these elements into the curriculum, aspiring nurses can develop a strong foundation for their future practice as ‘Good Nurses’.

Furthermore, ongoing education and professional development opportunities are instrumental in honing the skills and qualities of ‘The Good Nurse’. Specialized training in areas such as patient communication, emotional intelligence, and ethical decision-making equips nurses with the tools necessary to navigate the complexities of patient care with grace and proficiency. By investing in continuous learning, aspiring nurses can continually elevate their practice and embody the qualities of ‘The Good Nurse’ throughout their careers.

Departments should invest in their nurses.  Healthcare managers can play a role in tuition reimbursement and encouraging ongoing education for their staff.

The Future of Nursing and the Role of ‘The Good Nurse’

As the healthcare landscape continues to evolve, the role of ‘The Good Nurse’ will remain integral to the future of nursing. With advancements in technology, shifting demographics, and evolving healthcare needs, the qualities of empathy, resilience, and effective communication embodied by ‘The Good Nurse’ will be indispensable in delivering patient-centered care. Their ability to adapt to changing paradigms of healthcare and maintain a humanistic approach to patient interactions will be crucial in shaping the future of nursing practice.

Furthermore, the advocacy and leadership potential of ‘The Good Nurse’ will play a pivotal role in driving positive change within the healthcare system. As champions of patient rights and well-being, ‘The Good Nurse’ can influence policy decisions, contribute to quality improvement initiatives, and spearhead innovations in care delivery. Their multifaceted impact will extend beyond the bedside, influencing the broader landscape of healthcare and promoting a patient-centric ethos within the industry.

Inspiring Stories of ‘The Good Nurse’

The annals of nursing are replete with inspiring stories of ‘The Good Nurse’ whose unwavering dedication and compassion have left an indelible mark on patient care. From selfless acts of kindness to extraordinary displays of clinical expertise, these narratives epitomize the profound impact that ‘The Good Nurse’ has on individuals and communities. These stories serve as a testament to the transformative power of nursing and the enduring legacy of exemplary care.

One such story is that of a seasoned nurse who went above and beyond to comfort and uplift a terminally ill patient, providing unwavering support and solace during their final days. Through her empathy and unwavering commitment, she not only alleviated the patient’s suffering but also provided comfort to their family, leaving a lasting impression of compassionate care. These stories serve as reminders of the immeasurable influence of ‘The Good Nurse’ and the profound difference they make in the lives of those they touch.


In conclusion, ‘The Good Nurse’ embodies a standard of excellence that transcends clinical proficiency, encapsulating qualities of empathy, resilience, and compassionate care. Their impact on patient care is profound, shaping experiences, and outcomes through their unwavering dedication to holistic well-being. As the healthcare landscape continues to evolve, nurturing and recognizing ‘The Good Nurse’ is paramount in ensuring the delivery of high-quality, patient-centered care.

Please review AIHCP’s Healthcare Manager Certification Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals


By acknowledging the challenges they face, developing comprehensive strategies for their growth, and celebrating their contributions, we can empower and inspire a new generation of ‘Good Nurses’ to continue the legacy of exemplary care. The future of nursing hinges on the cultivation and elevation of ‘The Good Nurse’, whose qualities and characteristics will pave the way for a more compassionate, empathetic, and effective healthcare system

Please also review AIHCP’s Healthcare Manager Certification.  The program is designed to trained healthcare professionals and nurses to properly manage departments and better guide staff.  One aspect is identifying good nurses, keeping them and recruiting others who can replenish the system.


Additional Resources

“The Future of Nursing 2020–2030: Charting a Path to Achieve Health Equity”. (2021). Consensus Study Report. Access here

“The Post Pandemic Future: Nursing in the Region of the Americas and Mental Health”. Silvia Helena De Bortoli Cassiani, PhD, RN Bruna Moreno Dias, PhD, MHS, RN Rebecca Johnson, BSN, MBA, RN. (2023). OJIN.  Access here

“6 Extremely Important Traits the Modern Nurse Needs to Have”. Wolf. D. (2021). Health Works Collective.  Access here

“Strategic Planning for a Very Different Nursing Workforce”. Weston, M. (2022). Nurse Leader.  Access here

Health Care Managers Role in Preventing Staff Turnover

Healthcare managers are faced with multiple issues within their departments. One of the largest issues is maintaining good staff.  A educated and professional workforce in healthcare is pivotal to the success of a department.  What does it take then to keep healthcare workers?  With such a large demand for staffing, it is imperative that healthcare managers understand the needs of their employees and staff.  They need to understand the stresses and problems that may occur with supplies, long hours, less pay and lack of transparency at times.  In addition, they need to create a culture for success.  This culture needs to include better safety, inclusion, and have a strong goal to reduce the sufferings of patients.  Staff needs the ability to meet the needs of patients and help them recover.

A Healthcare Manager can play a key role in keeping the morale of staff and patient care high.


The article, “What Makes Health Care Workers Stay in Their Jobs?” by Patrick Ryan and Thomas Lee take a closer look at why healthcare staff has a large roll over and what key components to focus on to keep staff.  Healthcare managers can play a key role in preventing roll over of staff by creating a good culture within the department that focuses both on employee and patient respect. The article states,

“Leaders must be clear about their values, their commitment to safety, the reduction of suffering, and a culture of respect and inclusion. They must prove their authenticity by committing to measuring how things are going on these issues, being transparent with the findings, and using them to improve. The result will be greater workforce loyalty and resilience, which will translate to better performance of all types.”

“What Makes Health Care Workers Stay in Their Jobs?. Patrick Ryan and Thomas Lee. March 2nd, 2023. Harvard Business Review.

To read the entire article, please click here


A healthcare manager can implement a variety of strategies to reduce turnover and overall staff success


Employee retention is the ability of an organization to keep its staff for an extended period of time. In healthcare, employee retention is critical because it directly affects patient outcomes. When healthcare organizations experience high staff turnover rates, patient care and satisfaction can suffer. High turnover rates can also result in increased costs associated with recruitment, training, and lost productivity.  Healthcare Managers can play a key role in reducing turnover

Why Employee Retention is Crucial for Healthcare Managers

Healthcare managers need to value their employees and staff as persons and professionals. When employees feel valued and supported, they are more likely to be engaged in their work and provide quality care to patients. High staff turnover rates can lead to a decrease in staff morale, which can lead to a decrease in patient satisfaction and an increase in medical errors.

The Cost of Turnover in Healthcare

The cost of employee turnover in healthcare can be significant. It includes the direct costs associated with recruitment, hiring, and training, as well as the indirect costs associated with lost productivity and decreased patient satisfaction. The healthcare industry is also facing a shortage of skilled workers, which makes it even more important for healthcare managers to retain their employees.

Factors that Contribute to High Turnover Rates in Healthcare

Several factors contribute to high turnover rates in healthcare. One of the most significant factors is burnout. Healthcare workers are often overworked and underappreciated, which can lead to burnout and job dissatisfaction. Other factors include inadequate compensation, limited opportunities for professional development and growth, poor communication, and lack of work-life balance.

Strategies for Reducing Staff Turnover in Healthcare

Retaining employees in healthcare requires a multifaceted approach. The following strategies can help reduce staff turnover rates in healthcare organizations:

Building a Positive Work Culture in Healthcare

Building a positive work culture is essential for retaining employees in healthcare. A positive work culture includes a supportive and collaborative work environment, open communication, and recognition and appreciation for employees’ contributions. Healthcare managers can create a positive work culture by promoting teamwork, providing opportunities for social interaction, and encouraging employee feedback.

Providing Opportunities for Professional Development and Growth

Healthcare workers want to feel like they are growing and developing professionally. Providing opportunities for professional development and growth can help retain employees in healthcare. Healthcare managers can provide training and development programs, offer tuition reimbursement, and provide opportunities for career advancement.

Offering Competitive Compensation and Benefits Packages

Compensation and benefits packages are important factors in attracting and retaining employees in healthcare. Healthcare managers should offer competitive salaries, bonuses, and benefits packages, such as health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off.

Improving Communication and Transparency within the Organization

Effective communication and transparency are critical for retaining employees in healthcare. Healthcare managers should communicate regularly with their staff, be transparent about organizational changes and decisions, and encourage employee feedback. This can help create a sense of trust and loyalty among employees.

Creating a culture that values the patient as well is key.  When staff recognizes that management cares about the patient beyond the bottom dollar, then their vocational calling to provide excellent care is also re-energized.  Healthcare Managers can lead by example and show the same compassion for patients and also understand the concerns staff may have in caring for patients due to lack of resources.

Conclusion and Final Thoughts on Retaining Healthcare Employees

Healthcare managers play a key role in department success. Please also review AIHCP’s Healthcare Management Certification


Retaining employees in healthcare is crucial for the success of healthcare organizations and the well-being of patients. Healthcare managers can reduce staff turnover rates by building a positive work culture, providing opportunities for professional development and growth, offering competitive compensation and benefits packages, and improving communication and transparency within the organization. By implementing these strategies, healthcare managers can create a supportive and engaging work environment that attracts and retains skilled and dedicated employees.

If you would like to learn more about healthcare management and keys in retaining staff, then please review AIHCP’s Healthcare Management Certification Program.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified healthcare professionals looking to enter into the management field within healthcare.  Please review the program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.

Additional Resources

“Tracking Turnover Among Health Care Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-sectional Study”. Bianca K Frogner and Janette S Dill.  Observational Study. 2022 Apr 8;3(4):e220371.  doi: 10.1001/jamahealthforum.2022.0371. eCollection 2022 Apr.  PubMed.  Access here

“5 strategies for improving employee retention in healthcare”. June 7TH, 2021. Dignity Health. Access here

“Understanding the American Nursing Shortage”. S. Behring. August 11th, 2021. Healthline. Access here

“What’s Really Behind the Nursing Shortage? 1,500 Nurses Share Their Stories”. Kathleen Gaines. October 10th, 2022.  Access here

Healthcare Management Waste Spending Reduction

By – James M. Katz, BA

Health care costs are rising, and the challenge of finding new ways to reduce them can feel overwhelming. Fortunately, there are strategies you can use to successfully cut costs in health care. Healthcare Management decisions can range from improving processes and taking advantage of technology, to restructuring services and looking for alternative funding sources, there are a range of strategies that can help you achieve significant savings in healthcare. In this article, we will explore seven essential strategies that can help you reduce costs in healthcare, and why they are important. You’ll learn how to develop a plan of action, assess and analyze costs, and identify opportunities for cost-cutting. With the right approach, you can make a real difference to your hospital, clinic, or medical practice’s bottom line.

Healthcare Management can help reduce their wasteful spending in a number of ways. Most hospitals and care providers use a volume payment style for specialists, instead health care managers can move towards a value-based care style. This approach as seen in the video linked below along with other methods can help to greatly reduce wasteful Healthcare Management spending.

How can we do a better job of removing low-value, wasteful care from the health care system?

The quick and easy answer is you stop paying for it. There’s not been a lot of will to do that, so, the question is: what else can you do? There’s really 2 things. One is, you change how you pay specialists. So, 93% of the specialists in this country are strictly volume based, and that does not foster a value-based care environment. You need to build incentive models so that about a third to up to 50% of the revenue that a specialist makes is based on incentives for value-based care, for population health management, and not based for volume. It’s a tricky thing to do, because the specialty incentive model needs to look completely different for each specialty. They have to be designed specialty specific. It’s difficult, not impossible. We’re actually hard at work doing that now.

Link to the Video


Business woman standing in the middle of an office.

Assessing Costs: Looking at the full range of healthcare costs

Before you can find ways to reduce costs, you need to be sure that you are looking at the full range of costs in your healthcare organization. It’s very easy to only consider direct costs, or costs related to the delivery of a medical service, such as the cost of staff salaries, drugs, supplies, and equipment. However, there are a number of indirect costs that are just as important to reducing costs in healthcare management. These costs may be less obvious than the direct costs, but are nonetheless an important part of the total cost of healthcare. Indirect costs include the cost of facilities and equipment, as well as depreciation costs. They also include the cost of administration, which includes costs such as marketing, finance, and human resources. If you are satisfied only looking at the direct costs, you could miss out on significant cost-saving opportunities. By taking a more holistic approach to assessing costs, you can better identify how to reduce costs in healthcare.

Streamlining Processes: Optimizing current processes to reduce waste

Healthcare organizations are often plagued by inefficiency and waste. For example, some processes are designed to be inefficient, meaning that they generate no real benefit for the organization, but simply consume resources. By discovering inefficiencies within your processes, you can find opportunities to reduce waste and make significant cost savings. For example, if you use paper records, you are wasting a large amount of paper. Once you have assessed your paper records, you can see where you can reduce these costs. If you have a procedure where patients are asked to sign a form, but the form is never used, then the sign-up time is wasted. Consider making the form a digital record, which can then be reused instead of being thrown away once the patient has signed it.

Exploring Technology: Taking advantage of new technology to increase efficiency

There are many opportunities to reduce costs through technology. For example, some hospitals have found success in using virtual care technologies such as video conferencing and web-based software. Virtual care can be a perfect solution for remote areas with no nearby medical facilities. Technology can also be used to improve the efficiency of routine tasks in healthcare management. For example, many organizations use EMR systems to record and manage patient records. However, these systems are often used to record information that is far from essential. With careful assessment, you can reduce the cost of using EMR systems, and increase the efficiency of the technology at the same time. Consider using paper records where possible, and transfer less essential information from the EMR to digital systems. You can also find ways to make EMR systems more efficient. For example, you could schedule daily or weekly reports to update less essential information. This can help to reduce the cost of using EMR systems, while still benefiting from the technology.

Restructuring Services: Reorganizing services to maximize efficiency

As services are implemented, it is important to assess their efficiency. For example, if your organization offers a walk-in clinic, you may assume that it is an efficient service. However, walk-in clinics often have long waiting times, which is inefficient. An efficient walk-in clinic can help to reduce costs for your organization. To find ways to reduce costs in healthcare, it is important to assess the efficiency of services. If a walk-in clinic is offered to patients, it could be an efficient service. However, if a specific surgery is offered only at a walk-in clinic, then the service is less efficient and could be restructured. It is also important to assess the efficiency of individual surgeries. For example, it may be possible to perform a less invasive procedure with the same amount of time. The more invasive the procedure is, the more time it takes, so it is important to assess the efficiency of individual services.

Securing Alternative Funding: Pursuing new sources of funding

Many health care organizations struggle to cover their costs, which can lead to a shortage of staff, restricted services, or even closure. To reduce the risk of this happening, some organizations have sought alternative funding, such as self-funding or crowdfunding. Alternative funding options can provide a new way to secure funding for your organization, or for new initiatives. For example, healthcare management team may choose to use a portion of its own funding to support innovative projects, such as a new diagnostic service. Alternatively, funding from alternative sources can help to support a new initiative, such as a new clinical trial. Alternative funding options can be a way to secure funding for your organization. Alternative funding options can be a new way to secure funding for your organization, such as crowdfunding, or a portion of your own funding.

Creating a Plan of Action: Developing a plan to implement cost-cutting strategies

It can be difficult to reduce costs when you are relatively new to the sector, or have only started your cost-cutting efforts recently. However, it is important to remain committed to the strategies that you have chosen, and to make sure that they are being implemented effectively. A key part of developing an effective plan of action is to analyze the results of your cost-cutting efforts. This can be done by documenting your progress, and making regular assessments of the efficiency of your cost-cutting strategies. Healthcare Management should also consider involving your staff in the process of cost-cutting, and making sure that they are all aware of the benefits of cost-cutting. This can help to make your organization more efficient and cost-effective, while also helping to make your staff more cost-conscious.

Conclusion: Summarizing the importance of cost-cutting in healthcare

Health care costs are rising, and many organizations are struggling to cover these costs. Fortunately, there are many cost-cutting strategies that you can use to successfully reduce costs, and make significant savings in healthcare management. It is important to remember that the best way to reduce costs is to assess the full cost of your current health care model, and then look for ways to reduce this cost. This requires a more holistic approach to cost-cutting, in which you take into account indirect costs as well as direct costs. Health care costs are rising, and many organizations are struggling to cover these costs. Fortunately, there are many cost-cutting strategies that you can use to successfully reduce costs, and make significant savings in healthcare.

Healthcare Management can be an excellent transition from the nursing field. If you are interested in becoming certified in Healthcare Management then you might want to check out our certification program here. 


Wikipedia: Unnecessary Health Care

CDC: Healthcare Budgeting

Additional Resources:

Waste in the US Health Care System: Estimated Costs and Potential for Savings. Shrank WH, et al. JAMA. 2019 Oct 15;322(15):1501-1509. doi: 10.1001/jama.2019.13978. PMID: 31589283.

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Reducing Administrative Waste in the US Health Care System. Kocher RP. JAMA. 2021;325(5):427–428. doi:10.1001/jama.2020.24767

Access Here 

Eliminating waste in healthcare spending. Kalipso Chalkidou, et al BMJ 2017;356:j570

Access Here 

Excess Medical Care Spending: The Categories, Magnitude, and Opportunity Costs of Wasteful Spending in the United States. Matthew Speer, et al.  2020: American Journal of Public Health 110, 1743_1748,

Access Here 

The Use of Technology in Diabetes Care Management

By – James M. Katz, BA

Diabetes is one of the leading causes of death worldwide, but with the increasing presence of technology in our lives, it has become much easier to manage this chronic disease. Technology has revolutionized diabetes care management and is helping people with diabetes to monitor, analyze, and adjust their health. Smartphones, wearable devices, and apps enable people with diabetes to track their blood sugar levels, exercise, nutrition, and medications. With the help of technology, diabetes management can be done more accurately and efficiently, allowing them to live a healthier and more productive life. Additionally, technology has enabled doctors and healthcare managers to provide better quality healthcare to their patients by quickly and accurately diagnosing any issues and making adjustments to their treatment plans. Technology is also providing new treatments and therapies that can help people with diabetes better manage their condition. In short, technology is transforming diabetes care management, providing new opportunities to lead a better, healthier life.

The article linked below goes into further detail on the emerging use of new technologies in diabetes healthcare management. It looks in-depth at the use of insulin delivery systems, blood sugar monitoring devices, as well as other health care management apps. For more please read the quote below and press the link.

“The revised standards, issued this week, include a section devoted to technology, including continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) devices that allow people living with diabetes to check their blood glucose levels at any time, automated insulin delivery systems and digital health tools that offer coaching and access to resources.

The guidelines recommend that anyone living with diabetes have access to FDA-approved technology to manage their chronic condition, especially seniors and underserved populations. The ADA also points out that technology can be used to improve access to care and care management for those dealing with health inequity, or barriers to care caused by social determinants of health.“


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An infograph about diabetes care management


Overview of Diabetes

Diabetes is a condition in which the level of sugar in the blood is too high. There are two main types of diabetes: Type 1 diabetes, which usually appears in childhood or adolescence, and Type 2 diabetes, which usually appears in adulthood. In Type 1 diabetes, the pancreas does not produce enough insulin, which is a hormone that helps break down the food we eat and turn it into energy. In Type 2 diabetes, the pancreas makes enough insulin, but the body cannot use it properly. In both conditions, a person’s blood sugar level rises above normal, and they need to take steps to lower it. People with diabetes often also experience other health issues like cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, and eye disease.

What is Diabetes Care Management?

Diabetes care management refers to the process of managing diabetes and achieving optimal blood sugar levels to prevent complications. In recent years, there has been a growing focus on improving the quality of diabetes care management, with an aim to prevent the development of complications and reduce healthcare costs. Technology is playing a significant role in improving the quality of diabetes care management. Through the use of wearable devices, smartphone apps, and telehealth technologies, people with diabetes are better able to track their blood sugar levels, exercise, nutrition, and medications. Doctors, healthcare providers, and technology are working together to provide better quality healthcare management, enabling clinicians to quickly and accurately diagnose issues and make adjustments to their treatment plans to improve patient outcomes. Additionally, technology is helping people with diabetes better manage their condition and achieve better health outcomes, allowing them to live a healthier and more productive life.

How Technology is Revolutionizing Diabetes Care Management

Wearable Devices – Wearable devices such as blood glucose monitors, activity trackers, and sleep trackers can be used to track a person’s blood sugar levels, daily activity, and sleep quality. These devices can send data to a smartphone app and can also be programmed to send alerts when a blood glucose level is too low or a food or medication is scheduled to be taken. Smartphone Apps – Diabetes apps are available in a variety of forms, including lifestyle apps, social networks, blood glucose tracking apps, and medication reminder apps. Lifestyle apps can help people with diabetes track and improve their nutrition, sleep, and activity levels. Social networks allow people with diabetes to connect with each other and receive support and encouragement. Blood glucose tracking apps allow users to track their blood glucose levels throughout the day and receive alerts when the levels are too low or too high. Medication reminder apps can help people remember when to take their medications and make adjustments when the time is incorrect. These apps are designed to improve the quality of diabetes healthcare management by enabling people to track their blood sugar levels, exercise, and medication intake more accurately and efficiently.


Telemedicine is the use of information technology to provide medical care remotely. This technology is revolutionizing diabetes healthcare management by providing remote monitoring of blood glucose levels and medication adherence. In addition, remote monitoring enables patients and providers to detect health issues at an earlier stage and make appropriate adjustments to treatment plans to prevent complications. Remote monitoring also provides access to care for people who might not otherwise have access to physicians and diabetes management specialists.

Benefits of Technology in Diabetes Care Management

– Improved Compliance with Treatment Regimens – Technology can help patients adhere to their treatment regimens, which is essential for managing diabetes. When patients forget to take their medications or take them at the wrong times, their blood sugar levels are likely to increase and they are at a higher risk of developing complications. With the help of technology, patients can easily and accurately track when they took their medications and can receive alerts when they forgot to take them. – Improved Quality of Life – Technology is also revolutionizing diabetes care management by improving the quality of life of people with diabetes. It can help people track their blood sugar levels, exercise, and nutrition to a greater extent than they are able-bodied. Additionally, technology can help people with diabetes stay connected with others and feel less isolated. – Real-Time Data Accessibility – Another benefit of technology in diabetes care management is its ability to provide real-time data accessibility. Real-time data access allows people with diabetes to track their blood sugar levels and adjust their food intake or medication dosage if needed. Real-time data access also allows doctors and healthcare providers to track their patient data and make adjustments to their treatment plans as needed.

New Treatments and Therapies for Diabetes

Blood Glucose-Sensing Injectables – New blood glucose-sensing injectables are revolutionizing diabetes care management by delivering insulin directly to the bloodstream through a small, painless needle. This can help prevent low blood sugar during periods of exercise or after eating a meal. Artificial Pancreas – An artificial pancreas is a device that analyzes a person’s blood glucose levels, insulin levels, and food intake to determine the right amount of insulin required to keep blood glucose levels within a healthy range. This device automatically delivers insulin to the bloodstream, allowing people with diabetes to live a more normal life. Gene Therapy – Gene therapy is a new treatment that aims to stop the progression of Type 2 diabetes. In this treatment, a virus is injected into the bloodstream, where it travels to the liver and inserts a gene that produces insulin-producing proteins. This therapy aims to halt the progression of Type 2 Diabetes by controlling blood glucose levels and allowing people with diabetes to live a healthier, more normal life.


Diabetes is a serious and growing concern, but technology is revolutionizing the way it is managed and treated. Wearable devices, smartphone apps, and telehealth technologies are helping people with diabetes track their blood sugar levels, daily activity, and medication intake more accurately and efficiently to enable better diabetes care management. Additionally, technology is helping doctors and healthcare providers provide better quality care, enabling them to quickly and accurately diagnose issues and make adjustments to their treatment plans to improve patient outcomes. New treatments and therapies for diabetes are providing hope for people with the condition, enabling them to live a healthier, more productive life.

Diabetes and other health conditions require dedicated healthcare management professionals. Keeping up to date with the latest trends and technology is paramount to giving patients the best care they deserve. If you are in the care management field and would like to add to your education, you should visit our Healthcare Management certification program by pressing here.


American Diabetes Association

Mayo Clinic Diabetes Overview

Additional Resources:

Smartphone-Based Technology in Diabetes Management. Doupis, J., Festas, G., Tsilivigos, C. et al.  Diabetes Ther 11, 607–619 (2020).

Access Here 

Psychology, technology, and diabetes management. Gonder-Frederick, L. A., et al American Psychologist, 71(7), 577–589. (2016).

Access Here 

A Systematic Review of Reviews Evaluating Technology-Enabled Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support. Greenwood DA, et al.  Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology. 2017;11(5):1015-1027. doi:

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Active Care Management Supported by Home Telemonitoring in Veterans With Type 2 Diabetes: The DiaTel randomized controlled trial. Roslyn A. Stone, et al. Diabetes Care 1 March 2010; 33 (3): 478–484.

Access Here 

Satisfaction among the Elderly with Telehealth during the Covid-19 Pandemic

By James M. Katz, BA

Telehealth is a rapidly growing field in the healthcare industry that uses technology to deliver care and services remotely. Telehealth can be used for a variety of purposes, including appointments, consultations, prescriptions, and follow-ups.

While telehealth has many benefits, including increased access to care, improved quality of care, and lower costs, there are some challenges that need to be addressed. These challenges include provider training and reimbursement, as well as ensuring patient privacy and security.

Telehealth Concept Picture
Is Telehealth growing?

The article below discusses how health care professionals turned to telehealth as a way to deliver their services to patients during the Covid-19 pandemic. The patients in the study were mostly elderly and from various cultural and ethnic backgrounds. Most scored their satisfaction 6 out of 7. Some of the patients did not find telehealth enjoyable and preferred inpatient treatment. The following article goes into further detail.

“Amid the implementation of restrictions on in-person care during the COVID-19 pandemic, many patients and providers turned to telehealth. Telehealth helped maintain care access during this time, especially for seniors, but researchers from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center wanted to determine patient satisfaction levels among the geriatric population that used virtual care.

For the study, they sent a patient satisfaction questionnaire to 278 patients over 65, 208 of whom completed the survey. The study period ranged from April 2020 to June 2021.”

Older Adults Satisfied with Telehealth During COVID-19 Pandemic, Mark Melchionna, mHealth Intelligence. October 10, 2022
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Satisfaction of Telehealth:

Patients who used telehealth were more likely to report satisfaction with their care, including feeling more connected to their doctor and having better communication with their provider. They were also more likely to say they felt involved in their own care and that their care was coordinated.

Patients who used telehealth were also more likely to report better health outcomes, including fewer emergency room visits and hospitalizations, and better management of chronic conditions.

Benefits of Telehealth:

In recent years, telehealth has become an increasingly popular option for older adults. Telehealth allows patients to consult with their doctors remotely, using a computer, tablet, or smartphone. This can be especially beneficial for older adults who may have difficulty travelling to see their doctor in person.

There are a number of reasons why telehealth may be a good option for older adults. First, it can help them save time and money on travel costs. Second, it can provide them with more flexibility in terms of when and where they can consult with their doctor. And third, it can give them peace of mind knowing that they can still receive high-quality care even if they are not able to physically visit their doctor’s office.

In the past, patients had to physically go to a doctor’s office or hospital for medical care. This is no longer the case with the advent of telehealth, which allows patients to receive care remotely using technology. There are many benefits of telehealth, including increased access to care, improved outcomes, and lower costs.

Disadvantages of Telehealth:

Although telehealth has the potential to improve access to care, there are a few potential disadvantages of using telehealth services, especially when compared to in-person visits with healthcare providers. One such disadvantage is that patients may not be able to get the same level of care through a virtual visit as they would if they were meeting with their provider face-to-face.

Another potential downside to telehealth is that it can be difficult to build rapport and trust with your provider when you’re not meeting in person. This can be especially true if you’re using video conferencing for your visits, as it can be harder to read body language and cues when you’re not in the same room as the other person.

Finally, there’s always the possibility that technology will fail during a telehealth visit, which could lead to disruptions in care or even put patient safety at risk.

Is Telehealth for you?

When it comes to your health, you want the best care possible. You want to be able to see a doctor when you need to and get the treatments you need to feel better. But what if you can’t always get to the doctor’s office? What if you don’t have transportation or you live in a rural area? Telehealth might be the solution for you.

There are many benefits of telehealth. It increases access to care, especially for those who live in rural areas or who have transportation issues.

In conclusion, telehealth is a growing field that is changing how healthcare is delivered. It has the potential to improve access to care, reduce costs, and improve outcomes. However, there are challenges that need to be addressed, such as reimbursement, workforce issues, and technology infrastructure. With the right policies and investments in place, telehealth can help transform the healthcare system and improve the health of Americans.

Health Care Management:

Are you a health care professional who is interested in becoming certified as a Health Care Manager? If so, please review the Health Care Manager and Nurse Management Certification programs offered by the American Institute of Health Care Professionals, Inc. The program is based on open enrollment and is self-paced, meaning you are free to start whenever you are ready and you can move through it at your own speed. All of the exams are 100% online. The CE courses have board approvals as well. To begin, you may preview our program by Clicking Here.

Additional Resources:

Patient and family engagement: a survey of US hospital practices. Jeph Herrin, Et.Al. PMC PubMed Central Epub  June 16, 2015.
Access Here

VA/Pitt Study Shows Telehealth Effective, Preferred for Veterans’ Wheelchair Design and Fit. Sheila Tunney. University of Pittsburgh School of Health and Rehabilitation Services, December 2020.
Access Here 

Strategies for Evaluating Telehealth. Dr. John Chuo Et.Al. American Academy of Pediatrics Volume 146 Issue 5. November 1, 2020
Access here 

Patient and clinician experiences with telehealth for patient follow-up care. Karen Dolenan Et.Al. The American Journal of Managed Care, 01  25(1):40-44 PMID: 30667610 January 2019.
Access here



Health Care Manager Certification Blog on Employee Burnout

Leadership is by example and this no more true than in healthcare.  Healthcare mangers need to lead and help others through the pandemic and help them reach goals.  Keeping morale high is important for employees and they need to find it from their managers.

Leaders need to set examples. Please also review AIHCP’s Health Care Management Certification and see if it meets your goals


The article, “5 Ways to Restore Depleted Health Care Workers” by Leonard L. Berry, Rana L.A. Awdish, and Stephen J. Swensen look closer into leadership.  They write,

“Even before the pandemic, burnout among health care workers was well documented. The pandemic turned it into a crisis. A key component of burnout is depletion, which is characterized by feeling physically and emotionally drained, just barely hanging on — like the ICU nurse who sits in her car outside the hospital and texts a friend, “I don’t think I can make it through another shift.”

To read the whole article, please click here

Please also review AIHCP’s Health Care Manager Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional needs and goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals looking for a four year certification in Health Care Management.

Employee Retention Strategies For The Healthcare Industry

Doctor's uniform and stethoscope isolated in a white backgroudWritten By Lucy Peters

In the current labor market, employee retention is more important than ever. Some are describing the current period as ” the great resignation.” With the impacts of the Coronavirus pandemic causing many to reassess their employment and change jobs, this is doubly true in the healthcare industry, which was of course the industry most involved with dealing with the pandemic. Employers are looking for effective strategies to increase employee well-being and therefore retention, which will reduce turnover and costs associated with hiring new employees.

Why Do Employees Leave?

To come up with useful employee retention strategies, it is first important to understand why employees leave their positions. Once we understand this, we can attempt to mitigate these circumstances as much as possible. The two biggest quoted reasons are usually salary and benefits or feeling overworked. In the healthcare industry, the second option here is usually key. In fact, even pre-pandemic, the turnover rates of US hospitals were seeing a small but steady climb, reaching 19.5% in 2020. Replacing employees is expensive and time-consuming, which is why employee retention planning is also a budgetary issue. One sensible idea is to implement an exit interview or survey when an employee moves on, in which you ask them to outline exactly why they are leaving. This data will help you more effectively design your benefits and retain future employees.

Retaining employees is critical to building strong teams and nurturing talents. The key to employee retention is keeping employees both happy and motivated. This can be a particular struggle within healthcare, an industry where long hours and a high-stress environment is commonplace. All is not lost though, as there are still effective ways to increase happiness and motivation in any work environment, and they might just be the key to reducing your turnover rates.

Review Salaries And Provide Better Work Arrangements

The first thing that should be assessed is the salaries offered. Are they lower than the industry average? Remember, lower salaries may seem like a smart financial decision but can incur “hidden” costs if they are contributing to a high turnover rate, as money is spent on replacing and onboarding new employees. These days, employees are also seeking more flexible working arrangements, and this should be implemented wherever possible.

Make Employees Feel Valued

The next step is to ensure employees feel rewarded outside of salary. Some of the most effective ways to reward employees don’t have to cost the earth, and although salary should be considered here, smaller gestures can go a long way in making an employee feel valued – rewarding employees on a budget is perfectly possible. One idea you could implement is to start weekly or monthly lunches to build morale and foster teamwork. Also, ensure hard work is recognized – for example, the gesture of sending a card can go a long way and lets employees know their work is being noticed.

Offering wellness perks such as discounted gym memberships or free classes are also a great idea, as employees that are fit and healthy are much more likely to be happy. Regular surveys where employees can express their concerns or ideas is a great option – as long as you then act on these. Not only will this increase workplace morale but it also gives your employees the chance to change their working environment for the better, empowering them to do better work.

Employee retention can be a particular struggle within the healthcare industry, which has such a high turnover rate. However, there are some important strategies that can be implemented to help mitigate this. Offering perks to increase employee happiness will go a long way, but overall, the most important thing is understanding why employees leave. The use of employee surveys will help you optimise your strategy and create a working environment that they want to be in.



Please also review AIHCP’s Healthcare Manager Program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.  The program in online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a Healthcare Manager Program