Safeguarding Patient Data: Cybersecurity Measures in Healthcare

Doctors are talking. People are working in medical office.Written by Doris Huber.

Cybersecurity has become a pressing issue for healthcare providers. With an estimated 2,200 attacks occurring daily, amounting to over 800,000 annually, the threat is significant. The widespread use of electronic health records (EHRs), telemedicine, and interconnected medical devices is a signal to everyone that medical data breaches can lead to serious damage. And it’s not just about inconvenience, but also financial and reputational damage.

Recognizing the need for cybersecurity in healthcare, most service providers turn to specialized companies. This is a working approach, but many measures for medical records protection can be implemented even by a small company. Such measures of healthcare cybersecurity are discussed in this blog post.

Top Cybersecurity Threats Facing the Healthcare Industry

In 2023, breached healthcare records hit an all-time high. The HIPAA Journal reported a staggering 156% increase from 2022. On average, 374 000 healthcare records were compromised each day in 2023. Moreover, the 5 listed cyber threats account for about 70-85% of all hacks, according to various estimates.

Ransomware Attacks

Ransomware can encrypt sensitive data, blocking access to patient records and potentially endangering patient care. Recent analysis revealed that about 141 hospitals faced ransomware attacks in 2023.

Phishing Attacks

Phishing emails with malicious links trick users into revealing sensitive information, undermining data security. The HIPAA journal cites phishing as a major cause of healthcare data breaches.

Insider Threats

Internal staff can pose risks through unauthorized access or malicious actions, jeopardizing patient privacy and data integrity. This report highlights that miscellaneous errors, misdelivery, and privilege misuse are common in healthcare, all of which stem from insiders.

Medical Device Vulnerabilities

Implantable medical devices like pacemakers, insulin pumps, and infusion pumps are often exploited. Issues with web interfaces and default hard-coded admin passwords threaten patient safety and data integrity.

Data Breaches

Data breaches through unauthorized access or disclosure of sensitive patient information result from system vulnerabilities, inadequate security protocols, or targeted attacks, posing significant risks to patient privacy and identity theft.

Why is Cybersecurity Important in Healthcare?Health care and medical technology services concept with flat line AR interface.Medicine doctor hand working with modern computer and blank screen on wooden desk as medical concept

There are too many reasons for patient privacy protection to leave any doubt about the importance of cybersecurity in healthcare.

  • Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Healthcare providers must comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). HIPAA sets standards for securing and protecting patient data.
  • Building Patient Trust and Reputation: Adhering to cybersecurity standards fosters patient trust. A healthcare provider’s reputation heavily relies on its ability to protect patient data, making compliance a crucial aspect of maintaining a positive image.
  • Ensuring Continuity of Patient Care: Cybersecurity compliance helps prevent service disruptions caused by cyberattacks. Keeping critical systems operational is essential for providing uninterrupted patient care.
  • Incident Response Preparedness: Having an incident response plan in place is part of cybersecurity compliance.
  • Financial Benefits: Implementing cybersecurity measures can reduce costs associated with data breaches, legal fees, and regulatory fines. Preventing incidents is more cost-effective than addressing their aftermath.

Top Cybersecurity Measures in Healthcare

1 Regular Employee Training

While advanced technologies are crucial, the human element remains vital in protecting patient data. Regular security audits and ongoing employee training are essential to a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy for hospitals.

Equally important is the continuous training of hospital staff. Employees are often the first line of defense against cyber threats. Their awareness and competence in managing sensitive data can significantly reduce risks. Training programs should include best practices for data protection, recognizing phishing attempts, and adhering to security protocols.

2 Create Untraceable Connections

First of all, the office network should be protected, and all connections should be untraceable. But you should also take care of the security of those connections that occur outside the office. It is necessary to ensure reliable user authentication (MFA, strong passwords), teach, update iPhone IP and encrypt your data. By the way, for medical data encryption during data transfer, you can use VPN and zero trust systems.

3 Industry Compliance Check

Healthcare providers must follow strict regulations like HIPAA in the United States to protect patient data. Understanding these obligations and ensuring compliance with security standards is crucial.

4 Perform Risk Assessments

Risk assessments systematically evaluate cybersecurity vulnerabilities and threats in healthcare, assessing the risk level each one poses. They also document measures taken to prevent breaches.

Healthcare organizations should perform regular risk assessments—at least annually—as part of their security strategy. These assessments are crucial for compliance and obtaining cyber insurance. Procedures should be updated whenever new devices or services are introduced.

5 Transparency in Data Handling

Transparency in data handling builds trust. Healthcare organizations must clearly explain how they collect, process, and store patient data. This means being transparent about data usage, consent policies, and patient rights. When patients know their data is well-managed and secure, their confidence in the healthcare provider increases. Clear communication and robust protection measures are key to earning and maintaining patient trust.

6 Implement End-To-End Encryption

It’s vital for healthcare organizations to use end-to-end encryption across all communication channels. This ensures patient data stays protected from unauthorized access, both when shared among healthcare professionals and stored in Electronic Health Records (EHRs). Implementing strong encryption protocols is not just a technical necessity but a fundamental aspect of modern healthcare security.

7 Implement Accountability and Responsibility Practices

Healthcare organizations need to take accountability and responsibility for safeguarding patient data. This involves complying with laws and regulations and going beyond them by adopting best practices in data protection. They must also be ready to act decisively in case of a cybersecurity incident.

Public trust is hard to earn but easy to lose. Every part of a healthcare organization’s data protection strategy—transparency, communication, education, and accountability—builds patient trust. By maintaining high standards in data protection, healthcare providers not only secure sensitive information but also reinforce their relationship with the public.

8 Keep Your Cyber ​​Security Systems Up to Date

Healthcare providers face constantly evolving cyber threats and must stay vigilant to protect their systems. Regularly updating software and security patches is essential, along with conducting periodic security audits and assessments to identify and fix potential weaknesses.

9 Use Cloud Security

As healthcare organizations move to cloud-based solutions, ensuring strong cloud security is critical. Implementing cloud security measures is necessary to protect electronic protected health information and maintain HIPAA compliance in these distributed environments. Robust security protocols safeguard sensitive data and help prevent breaches, ensuring patient information remains confidential and secure.

10 Zero Trust

Many modern healthcare organizations have adopted Zero Trust as a core cybersecurity strategy. Zero Trust involves implementing the minimum necessary permissions to control access to healthcare systems and data, thereby reducing risk. This strategy can be applied to users, devices, data assets, and services to restrict communication and mitigate the risk of abuse. For instance, network access control (NAC) is used to manage device and user access to networks and services.

The Bottom Line

Prioritizing cybersecurity in healthcare is crucial. To protect patient data, healthcare organizations should implement strong strategies like state-of-the-art encryption and regular staff training. Taking decisive action to improve cyber defenses is essential to maintaining patient privacy.


I am Doris Huber – Lead Communications Specialist at VeePN. I have a PhD in Information Security and 6 years of experience in cybersecurity. I consider it my duty to educate people and companies about the importance of protecting their data and customers.



Please also review AIHCP’s health care manager certification program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  These programs are online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification.

Understanding the Psychological Impact of Car Accidents on Employees

Stress, anxiety and sad doctor, medical professional and healthcare worker with negative test results on technology. Thinking with burnout headache or bad news in clinic, hospital or health center.Written by Mr. Mark San Juan.

Car accidents are an unfortunate reality of modern life that can have lasting effects on those involved. Beyond the immediate physical injuries, the psychological toll of such events can be quite devastating.

For employees, the aftermath of a car accident can result in noticeable disruptions in their personal and professional lives that adversely affects their mental health along with their job performance and overall well being.

While many workplaces strive to support their staff in all aspects, contemplating and addressing the psychological impact of car accidents becomes necessary.

To fully grasp the breadth of this issue, we’ve put together some key factors involved for employees affected by car accidents.

Immediate Psychological Responses

The immediate aftermath of a car accident often brings a cascade of emotional reactions. Shock and confusion are common as individuals try to process what has happened. These initial responses can be accompanied by acute stress symptoms, including rapid heartbeat, and difficulty breathing.

For employees, these expressions may interfere with their ability to return to work promptly. Consequently, it necessitates immediate psychological first aid and support.

Long-term Psychological Effects

While some individuals may recover quickly from the initial shock of a car accident, others might experience long-term psychological effects. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), for instance,  is a common outcome, characterized by flashbacks, and severe anxiety related to the accident.

Moreover, depression and persistent anxiety are also prevalent, often exacerbated by the physical injuries and disruptions to daily life that may follow.

Know that such conditions can result in prolonged absenteeism, reduced productivity, and difficulties in maintaining workplace relationships.

Impact on Job Performance

Undoubtedly, the psychological impact of car accidents can greatly hinder an employee’s job performance. Concentration difficulties, and decreased motivation are typical symptoms experienced by those coping with trauma.

These challenges can reflect declined work quality and efficiency. Not to mention the fear of commuting, hence further impacting productivity.

Workplace Interventions and Support

To mitigate the psychological impact of car accidents on employees, workplaces can adopt several supportive measures.

For this purpose, promising access to mental health resources, such as counseling services and Employee Assistance Programs is necessary. These resources can offer employees the professional support needed to process trauma and develop coping strategies.

Flexible work arrangements, such as remote work options can also be beneficial. Allowing employees the time and space to recover without the added pressure of commuting can facilitate a smoother transition back to work.

Besides, nurturing a supportive workplace culture where employees feel comfortable discussing their experiences and seeking help can make a huge difference.

The Legal and Financial Implications

Beyond the psychological and social aspects, car accidents can have major legal and financial implications for employees. Medical bills, insurance claims, and potential legal proceedings can add to the stress.

This is where consulting a car accident lawyer can come in handy. Not only can they provide guidance on managing these challenges, but also help you explore a way forward.

In bustling urban areas like Nashville, the incidence of car accidents remains high, with a startling number of individuals affected annually. For instance, 140 people involved in car accidents sadly lost their lives in Music City last year alone, highlighting the severe and tragic consequences of these incidents.

Such statistics underscore the need for employers to recognize the broader implications of car accidents on their workforce. In response, employers can support their employees by providing resources and guidance on managing these challenges, such as legal advice services or financial counseling.

By doing so, they can implement supportive measures that aid in the affected employees’ recovery process.

The Value of Continuous Monitoring and Support

Recovery from the psychological impact of a car accident is an ongoing process, and continuous monitoring and support are essential. Employers should implement regular check-ins with affected employees to assess their progress and address any emerging issues.

This ongoing support can help employees feel valued and understood, which can contribute towards a more productive workplace environment.

Furthermore, employers should remain open to adjusting support measures as needed, recognizing that recovery timelines can vary significantly among individuals.


The psychological impact of car accidents on employees is a multifaceted issue that requires careful attention and comprehensive support from employers. Providing access to mental health resources, fostering a supportive workplace culture, and addressing practical concerns such as legal and financial implications are key components of a successful support strategy.

By understanding the immediate and long-term effects of such trauma, workplaces can implement effective interventions and promote recovery.


Author Bio: Mark San Juan is a highly accomplished business author with a passion for sharing knowledge and insights in the world of commerce. With a background in business administration and extensive experience in the corporate sector, Mark has developed a deep understanding of various industries and possesses a keen eye for emerging trends.


Please also review AIHCP’s Health Care Management Certification program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  These programs are online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification.

How Recognizing Excellence Amplifies Healthcare Team Performance

clinic, profession, people, healthcare and medicine concept - group of medics or doctors walking along hospital corridorWritten by Veronica Turner.

Recognizing excellence within your healthcare team can be a game-changer, transforming both the work environment and patient outcomes.

By shining a spotlight on individual and team achievements, you not only boost morale but also drive motivation, foster innovation, and enhance overall performance. Imagine a workplace where every effort is acknowledged and valued – it creates a ripple effect that benefits everyone involved.

Let’s explore how recognizing excellence in ten ways can amplify the performance of your team, leading to higher retention rates, improved patient care, better teamwork, and more.


10 Ways How Recognizing Excellence Amplifies Performance

Understanding how recognizing excellence can uplift your healthcare team is crucial. Let’s explore ten impactful ways that appreciation and acknowledgment can enhance performance.

  1. Boosts Morale

Recognizing excellence has a profound impact on morale. When you take the time to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of your healthcare team, it can significantly boost their spirits. Imagine being in a job where your efforts often go unnoticed; it’s disheartening.

However, when you feel valued and appreciated, you’re more likely to stay engaged and motivated. Simple gestures like a thank-you note, shout-outs in meetings, or even small celebratory events can make a big difference. Higher morale leads to better teamwork, increased productivity, and, ultimately, better patient care.

  1. Fosters Innovation

Recognizing excellence isn’t just about celebrating achievements; it also fosters innovation. When you publicly acknowledge creative solutions, you encourage others to think outside the box. Imagine one of your team members devises a new method for streamlining patient intake.

If this effort is recognized with something like custom acrylic awards, it sends a clear message: innovation is valued here. This validates the individual’s efforts and motivates others to pursue innovative ideas without fear of their contributions going unnoticed. Over time, this culture of recognition and encouragement can lead to groundbreaking advancements in healthcare.

  1. Improves Patient Care

When you recognize excellence in your healthcare team, it leads to better patient care. Professionals who feel appreciated are more likely to go above and beyond in their duties.

This results in more attentive and compassionate care for patients. Imagine a nurse who feels genuinely valued; that sense of worthiness can translate into extra patience, a comforting touch, or even taking the time to explain procedures thoroughly to anxious families. When your staff is motivated and happy, it naturally enhances the quality of patient interactions and outcomes.

  1. Encourages Teamwork

Recognizing excellence encourages a collaborative spirit within your healthcare team. When individual efforts are acknowledged, it highlights how everyone’s role is crucial to the overall success of the team. This fosters a sense of unity and mutual respect.

Imagine you’re part of a team where each member’s contributions are celebrated – you’re more inclined to support and cooperate with your colleagues. This positive atmosphere can lead to more efficient workflows, better problem-solving, and a stronger collective effort toward common goals. In the end, appreciation is the glue that binds teams together, enhancing performance.

  1. Promotes Retention

Recognizing excellence plays a critical role in employee retention. In the demanding field of healthcare, skilled professionals want to feel valued and appreciated. When you consistently acknowledge their contributions, it builds loyalty and a sense of belonging. This can be a game-changer for companies as it can reduce turnover rates significantly.

Imagine working in an environment where your hard work is frequently celebrated – you’d think twice before considering other opportunities. High retention not only saves costs associated with recruiting and training new staff but also ensures that experienced, knowledgeable professionals remain part of your team, maintaining high standards of care.

  1. Elevates Job Performance

Recognizing excellence can significantly elevate job performance across your healthcare team.

When people know their hard work will be noticed and appreciated, they’re motivated to maintain high standards and even surpass them. Consider a scenario where team members frequently receive positive feedback for their efforts. This recognition creates a motivating environment where individuals strive to improve continuously.

As staff members see the tangible benefits of their dedication – whether through verbal praise, awards, or other acknowledgments – they’ll be inspired to keep pushing their limits. Ultimately, this leads to better efficiency, higher-quality care, and a more productive workplace overall.

  1. Builds Trust

Recognition plays a vital role in building trust within your healthcare team. When you consistently acknowledge and appreciate the efforts of your team members, it fosters a sense of reliability and mutual respect. Imagine working in an environment where leadership transparently appreciates everyone’s contributions; it naturally strengthens faith in management.

Employees who feel trusted and valued are more likely to be open, honest, and engaged. This trust permeates through all levels, enhancing teamwork. A foundation of trust leads to better collaboration, increased job satisfaction, and improved outcomes for both staff and patients.

  1. Reduces Burnout

In the high-stress environment of healthcare, burnout is a common concern. Recognizing excellence can be an effective way to combat this issue. When team members feel appreciated for their hard work and dedication, it provides a much-needed emotional boost.

Imagine coming to work knowing your efforts will be acknowledged rather than overlooked; it’s incredibly energizing. This sense of appreciation can act as a buffer against the pressures and emotional tolls that come with demanding jobs. Over time, regular recognition helps create a supportive atmosphere, making it easier for staff to maintain their well-being and stay motivated.

  1. Enhances Reputation

Recognizing excellence within your healthcare team benefits your staff and enhances your organization’s reputation. When word gets around that your institution acknowledges and rewards employee achievements, it attracts top talent and boosts public perception.

Think of a reality where your facility is known as a place where professionals feel valued, and morale is high; patients and their families will naturally gravitate toward you. This positive reputation extends beyond just care to encompass community trust and support.

In an industry where reputation matters greatly, consistent recognition can set you apart, making you a preferred choice for both employees and patients alike.

  1. Strengthens Organizational Culture

Recognizing excellence significantly strengthens organizational culture. When you celebrate achievements and acknowledge hard work, you build a positive and supportive environment for your healthcare team. Imagine an organization where appreciation is integral to the daily routine; it fosters a sense of community and belonging among staff members.

This culture of recognition not only boosts morale but also promotes professional growth and teamwork. Employees are more likely to invest in their roles when they feel their contributions matter. Over time, this cultivates a resilient and cohesive workforce dedicated to maintaining high standards and achieving collective goals.


Supporting Excellence Will Help Your Team

By actively recognizing excellence within your healthcare team, you create an environment where everyone feels valued and motivated to give their best. The benefits are clear: improved patient care, higher morale, strengthened teamwork and sustained innovation.

Don’t wait to start making a difference in your workplace. Engage with your team today by acknowledging their hard work and dedication. Simple acts of recognition can lead to monumental improvements in performance and job satisfaction. Take the first step toward a more productive healthcare environment – your team deserves it, and so do your patients.


Author’s Bio:

Veronica Turner is a health and lifestyle writer with over 10 years of experience. She creates compelling content on nutrition, fitness, mental health, and overall wellness.



Please also review AIHCP’s Health Care Manager program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  These programs are online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification.

How to Use Employee Awards to Keep Healthcare Staff Motivated and Engaged at Work

Group of happy business people discussing and working together during a meeting in office. Finance architect designer work conceptWritten by Veronica Turner

In the dynamic realm of healthcare, where staff face intense pressures and challenges every single day, finding effective ways to maintain motivation and engagement is key.

A well-thought-out employee awards program can be a shining beacon of appreciation, illuminating the efforts of those who dedicate themselves to caring for others. These awards recognize stellar performance and fortify the spirit of teamwork and continuous dedication.

Throughout this guide, we’ll dive into various strategies for leveraging employee awards to foster the kind of work environment that cultivates both individual growth and collective success.


10 Ways to Use Awards to Keep Healthcare Staff Motivated

Engaging and retaining healthcare staff requires thoughtful recognition. Discover 10 ways to use awards that will keep your team motivated, appreciated, and deeply connected to your mission.

  1. Recognize Individual Achievements Publicly

Acknowledging your healthcare staff’s achievements in public settings can significantly boost morale. A public commendation, like naming someone “Nurse of the Year” during a staff meeting, makes the recipient feel valued and noticed by their fellow peers and managers.

It also sets a precedent for excellence within the team, encouraging others to follow in their footsteps. This type of recognition becomes a powerful motivational tool that promotes a culture of acknowledgment and striving for high-quality care among all staff members.


  1. Celebrate Team Successes with Group Awards

When a group within your healthcare facility excels, it’s vital to celebrate their success collectively. By presenting group awards, you underline the importance of teamwork in providing outstanding patient care. This is essential, as your business couldn’t survive without teamwork.

Whether it’s finishing a major project ahead of schedule or achieving high patient satisfaction scores, acknowledging the collective effort builds unity and enhances collaboration. This recognition can take many forms, but all of them should demonstrate appreciation for the team.


  1. Create Custom Award Plaques for Your Team

Crafting custom award plaques and trophies shows your team that you recognize their unique contributions and value their dedication. These personalized and classic tokens of appreciation capture the essence of what makes each role within your healthcare staff special.

By incorporating symbols or phrases that reflect their hard work and commitment, you create a tangible representation of their achievements. Whether displayed on their desk or at home, these plaques become enduring reminders of the meaningful impact they have on patients.


  1. Provide Continuing Education Opportunities as Rewards

Using continuing education as a reward not only recognizes your healthcare staff’s hard work but also fosters their professional growth. When you offer courses or training sessions as incentives, it demonstrates your commitment to their career and personal development.

This approach transforms an award from a mere token of appreciation into an investment in their future and the future of patient care. It’s a win-win scenario: staff members expand their expertise while the practice benefits from updated knowledge and skills.


  1. Integrate Reward Programs with Career Advancement Paths

Linking your reward programs directly to career advancement opportunities can greatly motivate your healthcare staff. By doing this, you’re not just acknowledging their present accomplishments, but you’re also investing in their professional futures.

For example, a series of awards leading to a higher position or specialized training incentivizes consistent performance and loyalty. This strategic approach shows employees that their hard work and dedication can lead to tangible progression within the organization.


  1. Make Use of Peer-to-Peer Recognition Programs

Implementing peer-to-peer recognition programs can be an extremely effective way to boost morale and strengthen team bonds. In the high-pressure environment of healthcare, it’s the colleagues working side by side who best understand the challenges each of them faces.

Encouraging staff to nominate and celebrate their peers for exceptional work gives them a sense of ownership over the recognition process. This type of program promotes a supportive work culture where everyone’s contributions are valued by those they work with most closely.


  1. Offer Practical Gifts That Suit Each Individual

Understanding the individual needs of your healthcare staff and offering practical gifts as rewards show thoughtfulness and consideration. Instead of one-size-fits-all items, tailor your gifts to suit each recipient. If you’re not sure what to give your staff, simply ask them.

Personalized, practical gifts will not only be genuinely appreciated but will also enhance their day-to-day work life. Such gestures make it clear that you recognize and care about their personal contributions to the workplace, reinforcing their value to the team.


  1. Honor Years of Service with Special Celebrations

Celebrating the dedication and longevity of your staff with special recognition for years of service is a heartfelt way to express gratitude. These milestones are significant. They showcase an individual’s commitment not only to the healthcare field but also to your organization.

Whether it’s a personalized gift, an elegant dinner, or a tribute during a team gathering, these celebrations are memorable moments that affirm the value of loyalty and experience. Honoring these anniversaries inspires others to build their careers within your supportive environment.


  1. Incorporate Unexpected Surprises Throughout the Year

Sprinkling unexpected tokens of appreciation throughout the year can keep your healthcare staff engaged and feeling valued. It’s these unforeseen gestures, like surprising your team with a catered lunch after a hard week, that often make the most impact on your staff members.

Such surprises break up the routine and serve as delightful morale boosters, reminding employees that their hard work does not go unnoticed. This can also prove to your healthcare workers that there’s always something positive potentially around the corner waiting for them.


  1. Tie Recognition to Patient Feedback

Connecting employee recognition to positive patient feedback is a powerful way to affirm the impact of your staff’s work. When a patient goes out of their way to talk about the care they’ve received, acknowledging this praise reinforces the importance of patient-centered service.

It also provides a personal sense of accomplishment for the recognized healthcare worker, knowing that their efforts have made a significant difference in someone’s life. Rewarding this feedback with certificates or personalized gifts further highlights your appreciation.


In Conclusion…

Now that you’re equipped with a plethora of strategies to supercharge your healthcare team through thoughtful recognition, it’s time to put these ideas into action. Remember, the most vibrant workplaces are those where appreciation is a core part of the culture.

Start today—identify someone for public praise, design a custom award, or simply celebrate a team’s success. Every gesture counts. Embrace the power of personalized recognition and watch as motivation soars and engagement deepens within your healthcare staff.

Author Bio: Veronica Turner is a health and lifestyle writer with over 10 years of experience. She creates compelling content on nutrition, fitness, mental health, and overall wellness.


Please also review AIHCP’s Health Care Manager Certification program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  These programs are online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification.

Employee Retention Strategies For The Healthcare Industry

Doctor's uniform and stethoscope isolated in a white backgroudWritten By Lucy Peters

In the current labor market, employee retention is more important than ever. Some are describing the current period as ” the great resignation.” With the impacts of the Coronavirus pandemic causing many to reassess their employment and change jobs, this is doubly true in the healthcare industry, which was of course the industry most involved with dealing with the pandemic. Employers are looking for effective strategies to increase employee well-being and therefore retention, which will reduce turnover and costs associated with hiring new employees.

Why Do Employees Leave?

To come up with useful employee retention strategies, it is first important to understand why employees leave their positions. Once we understand this, we can attempt to mitigate these circumstances as much as possible. The two biggest quoted reasons are usually salary and benefits or feeling overworked. In the healthcare industry, the second option here is usually key. In fact, even pre-pandemic, the turnover rates of US hospitals were seeing a small but steady climb, reaching 19.5% in 2020. Replacing employees is expensive and time-consuming, which is why employee retention planning is also a budgetary issue. One sensible idea is to implement an exit interview or survey when an employee moves on, in which you ask them to outline exactly why they are leaving. This data will help you more effectively design your benefits and retain future employees.

Retaining employees is critical to building strong teams and nurturing talents. The key to employee retention is keeping employees both happy and motivated. This can be a particular struggle within healthcare, an industry where long hours and a high-stress environment is commonplace. All is not lost though, as there are still effective ways to increase happiness and motivation in any work environment, and they might just be the key to reducing your turnover rates.

Review Salaries And Provide Better Work Arrangements

The first thing that should be assessed is the salaries offered. Are they lower than the industry average? Remember, lower salaries may seem like a smart financial decision but can incur “hidden” costs if they are contributing to a high turnover rate, as money is spent on replacing and onboarding new employees. These days, employees are also seeking more flexible working arrangements, and this should be implemented wherever possible.

Make Employees Feel Valued

The next step is to ensure employees feel rewarded outside of salary. Some of the most effective ways to reward employees don’t have to cost the earth, and although salary should be considered here, smaller gestures can go a long way in making an employee feel valued – rewarding employees on a budget is perfectly possible. One idea you could implement is to start weekly or monthly lunches to build morale and foster teamwork. Also, ensure hard work is recognized – for example, the gesture of sending a card can go a long way and lets employees know their work is being noticed.

Offering wellness perks such as discounted gym memberships or free classes are also a great idea, as employees that are fit and healthy are much more likely to be happy. Regular surveys where employees can express their concerns or ideas is a great option – as long as you then act on these. Not only will this increase workplace morale but it also gives your employees the chance to change their working environment for the better, empowering them to do better work.

Employee retention can be a particular struggle within the healthcare industry, which has such a high turnover rate. However, there are some important strategies that can be implemented to help mitigate this. Offering perks to increase employee happiness will go a long way, but overall, the most important thing is understanding why employees leave. The use of employee surveys will help you optimise your strategy and create a working environment that they want to be in.



Please also review AIHCP’s Healthcare Manager Program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.  The program in online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a Healthcare Manager Program


Health Care Management Reimbursement Systems.

health care management
health care management

The article, “How Do Medicaid, Medicare and Private Insurance Reimburse for Telehealth?”, by BHM states

“Telehealth is rapidly increasing in popularity. The major challenge is the varying methods of reimbursement, if they exist at all.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals‘s insight:
With new technologies in health care management, comes new ways to manage them.  Telehealth is an innovate way to visit the doctor without leaving your home.

See on

Health Care Management Should Read This.

man with clipboard
Health Care Management should always have great leadership.

Health Care Management Information.

The article, “Healthcare businesses need better managers”, by Donald Tex Bryant states

“Good leaders and managers use their authority to keep employees using processes that have been agreed upon by their teams or use processes that have been delineated in contracts or agreements with payers.  If a team has decided that a certain process will achieve a better product or outcome for clients and patients, then it is the responsibility of the manager to see that everyone use the process.”

For the full article please go here.

As you can see from the article there are a number of qualities that are involved in good health care management.    You do not always have to be the smartest person in the room to be a great manager.    You only need to know how to get the most out of your health care professionals and lead them to a job well done.
If you are interested in furthering your health care education then you should go to our site.