Holistic Healthcare Dieting Advice: A guide to Herbs

By – James M. Katz, BA

As a holistic healthcare professional, I have always been fascinated by the power of nature to heal our bodies and minds. Holistic healthcare herbs have been used for centuries to treat a wide range of health conditions, from physical ailments to mental health issues. In this article, I will provide a comprehensive guide to the benefits of using holistic healthcare herbs, the different types of herbs available, and how to incorporate them into your daily routine.

Holistic  herbs are natural plants and herbs that have been used for centuries to promote healing and wellness. Unlike conventional medicine, which usually treats specific symptoms or conditions, holistic healthcare takes a more comprehensive approach to treating the whole person, including physical, emotional, and spiritual health.

Herbs have been used for thousands of years by different cultures around the world, and their use has been documented in ancient texts and writings. Many of these herbs are still used today to treat a wide range of health conditions, from the common cold to more serious illnesses like cancer. For more insight on the various herbs and spices that can be used holistically please read the article below.

“Herbs and spices have been used by people around the world since ancient times for both culinary and medicinal purposes.
In addition to adding flavor and nutrients to recipes, herbs and spices contain a variety of compounds that may help reduce inflammation, improve symptoms of certain medical conditions, and protect against the development of chronic diseases.
Here are the best herbs and spices for better health and how to use them in your diet. “

Full Article Here 

Commentary:bunches of healing holistic healthcare herbs on wooden wall, mortar with dried plants and bottles, herbal medicine

Understanding the Concept of Holistic Healthcare

Holistic healthcare is a form of healthcare that focuses on treating the whole person, rather than just the symptoms of a specific condition. This approach recognizes that physical health is connected to emotional and spiritual health, and that all aspects of a person’s life need to be addressed in order to achieve optimal health and wellness.

Holistic healthcare practitioners use a range of different therapies and treatments to help their patients achieve optimal health, including chiropractic care, acupuncture, massage therapy, and herbal medicine. Holistic healthcare is based on the belief that the body has an innate ability to heal itself, and that by supporting this natural healing process, we can achieve optimal health and wellness.

Benefits of Using Holistic Healthcare

There are many benefits to using holistic healthcare herbs to support your health and wellness. One of the main benefits is that they are natural and free from the harmful side effects of many conventional medicines. Holistic healthcare herbs are also often more affordable than conventional medicines, making them accessible to a wider range of people.

In addition to being safe and affordable, holistic healthcare herbs can also be highly effective in treating a wide range of health conditions. Many of these herbs have been used for centuries to treat specific health conditions, and there is a growing body of scientific research to support their use.

Types of Holistic Healthcare Herbs and Their Uses

There are many different types of holistic healthcare herbs, each with its own unique set of health benefits. Some of the most commonly used herbs include:

• Echinacea: Used to boost the immune system and fight off infections
• St. John’s Wort: Used to treat depression and anxiety
• Turmeric: Used to reduce inflammation in the body
• Ginger: Used to ease nausea and promote digestion
• Chamomile: Used to promote relaxation and improve sleep

These are just a few examples of the many different types of herbs available for holistic healthcare. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional before using any herbs to ensure that they are safe and appropriate for your individual needs.

Preparing and Using Herbs

There are many different ways to prepare and use holistic healthcare herbs, depending on the herb and your individual needs. Some common methods include:

• Teas: Many herbs can be steeped in hot water to make a tea, which can then be consumed for its health benefits.
• Tinctures: Tinctures are concentrated extracts of herbs that are usually taken in small doses.
• Capsules: Some herbs are available in capsule form, which can be taken orally.
• Topical applications: Some herbs can be applied topically to the skin to treat specific conditions, such as arnica for muscle pain.

It is important to follow the instructions for preparing and using herbs carefully, as different herbs may require different preparation methods and dosages.

Incorporating Holistic Healthcare Herbs into Your Daily Routine

Incorporating holistic healthcare herbs into your daily routine can be a great way to support your overall health and wellness. Here are a few tips for getting started:

• Start slowly: Begin by trying one or two herbs at a time, and gradually increase as you become more comfortable with their use.
• Consult with a healthcare professional: It is important to consult with a qualified healthcare professional before using any herbs, especially if you have a pre-existing health condition or are taking prescription medications.
• Experiment with different methods: Try different methods of preparing and using herbs to see what works best for you.
• Make it enjoyable: Incorporating herbs into your daily routine can be a pleasurable and enjoyable experience. Experiment with different flavors and aromas to find herbs that you enjoy.

The Science Behind the Healing Properties of Herbs

While many herbs have been used for centuries to treat specific health conditions, there is also a growing body of scientific research to support their use. Many herbs contain compounds that have been shown to have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties, among other health benefits.

One of the most well-researched herbs is echinacea, which has been shown to boost the immune system and reduce the duration and severity of colds and other respiratory infections. St. John’s Wort has also been extensively studied for its ability to treat depression and anxiety, with many studies showing that it is as effective as prescription antidepressants for mild to moderate depression.

Common Myths and Misconceptions about Healthcare Herbs

There are many myths and misconceptions about holistic healthcare herbs, which can make it difficult for people to know whether they are safe and effective. One common myth is that all natural remedies are safe, which is not necessarily true. Some herbs can interact with prescription medications or cause side effects in certain individuals.

Another common myth is that herbs are not as effective as conventional medicines, which is also not true. While herbs may not work for everyone, there is a growing body of scientific research to support their use in treating a wide range of health conditions.

Holistic Healthcare Herbs for Mental Health

Many herbs are also used to promote mental health and wellness. St. John’s Wort, as mentioned earlier, is commonly used to treat depression and anxiety. Other herbs, such as valerian root and passionflower, are used to promote relaxation and improve sleep.

Holistic Advice for Physical Health

Holistic healthcare herbs can also be used to promote physical health and wellness. Ginger, for example, is commonly used to ease nausea and promote digestion, while turmeric is used to reduce inflammation in the body.

Finding the Right Holistic Herbs for You

Finding the right holistic healthcare herbs for your individual needs can take some trial and error. It is important to consult with a qualified healthcare professional before using any herbs to ensure that they are safe and appropriate for your individual needs.


In conclusion, holistic healthcare herbs can be a powerful tool for promoting health and wellness. They are natural, safe, and effective in treating a wide range of health conditions, from physical ailments to mental health issues. By understanding the different types of herbs available and how to incorporate them into your daily routine, you can take control of your health and wellness in a natural and holistic way.

If you’re a healthcare professional interested in learning more about Holistic Healthcare and integrative wellness and would like to receive more information on becoming certified in holistic healthcare then please submit a request here


British Holistic Medical Association – What is Holistic Nursing? 

WebMD – What is Holistic Medicine? 

Additional Resources:

A Concept Analysis of Holistic Care by Hybrid Model. Indian J Palliat Care. Jasemi M. Et Al. 2017 Jan-Mar;23(1):71-80. doi: 10.4103/0973-1075.197960. PMID: 28216867; PMCID: PMC5294442.
Access link here 

Effective factors in providing holistic care: a qualitative study. Zamanzadeh V, Et Al. Indian J Palliat Care. 2015 May-Aug;21(2):214-24. doi: 10.4103/0973-1075.156506. PMID: 26009677; PMCID: PMC4441185.
Access link here 

Teaching Spiritual Care Within Nursing Education: A Holistic Approach. Holistic Nursing Practice. Booth, Leigh EdD, MSN, RN Et Al. 32(4):p 177-181, July/August 2018. | DOI: 10.1097/HNP.0000000000000271
Access link here 

Holistic health care: Patients’ experiences of health care provided by an Advanced Practice Nurse. Irene Eriksson RN, APN, PhD, Et Al. International Journal of Nursing Practice 25 October 2017
Access link here 

Healthcare Management Waste Spending Reduction

By – James M. Katz, BA

Health care costs are rising, and the challenge of finding new ways to reduce them can feel overwhelming. Fortunately, there are strategies you can use to successfully cut costs in health care. Healthcare Management decisions can range from improving processes and taking advantage of technology, to restructuring services and looking for alternative funding sources, there are a range of strategies that can help you achieve significant savings in healthcare. In this article, we will explore seven essential strategies that can help you reduce costs in healthcare, and why they are important. You’ll learn how to develop a plan of action, assess and analyze costs, and identify opportunities for cost-cutting. With the right approach, you can make a real difference to your hospital, clinic, or medical practice’s bottom line.

Healthcare Management can help reduce their wasteful spending in a number of ways. Most hospitals and care providers use a volume payment style for specialists, instead health care managers can move towards a value-based care style. This approach as seen in the video linked below along with other methods can help to greatly reduce wasteful Healthcare Management spending.

How can we do a better job of removing low-value, wasteful care from the health care system?

The quick and easy answer is you stop paying for it. There’s not been a lot of will to do that, so, the question is: what else can you do? There’s really 2 things. One is, you change how you pay specialists. So, 93% of the specialists in this country are strictly volume based, and that does not foster a value-based care environment. You need to build incentive models so that about a third to up to 50% of the revenue that a specialist makes is based on incentives for value-based care, for population health management, and not based for volume. It’s a tricky thing to do, because the specialty incentive model needs to look completely different for each specialty. They have to be designed specialty specific. It’s difficult, not impossible. We’re actually hard at work doing that now.

Link to the Video


Business woman standing in the middle of an office.

Assessing Costs: Looking at the full range of healthcare costs

Before you can find ways to reduce costs, you need to be sure that you are looking at the full range of costs in your healthcare organization. It’s very easy to only consider direct costs, or costs related to the delivery of a medical service, such as the cost of staff salaries, drugs, supplies, and equipment. However, there are a number of indirect costs that are just as important to reducing costs in healthcare management. These costs may be less obvious than the direct costs, but are nonetheless an important part of the total cost of healthcare. Indirect costs include the cost of facilities and equipment, as well as depreciation costs. They also include the cost of administration, which includes costs such as marketing, finance, and human resources. If you are satisfied only looking at the direct costs, you could miss out on significant cost-saving opportunities. By taking a more holistic approach to assessing costs, you can better identify how to reduce costs in healthcare.

Streamlining Processes: Optimizing current processes to reduce waste

Healthcare organizations are often plagued by inefficiency and waste. For example, some processes are designed to be inefficient, meaning that they generate no real benefit for the organization, but simply consume resources. By discovering inefficiencies within your processes, you can find opportunities to reduce waste and make significant cost savings. For example, if you use paper records, you are wasting a large amount of paper. Once you have assessed your paper records, you can see where you can reduce these costs. If you have a procedure where patients are asked to sign a form, but the form is never used, then the sign-up time is wasted. Consider making the form a digital record, which can then be reused instead of being thrown away once the patient has signed it.

Exploring Technology: Taking advantage of new technology to increase efficiency

There are many opportunities to reduce costs through technology. For example, some hospitals have found success in using virtual care technologies such as video conferencing and web-based software. Virtual care can be a perfect solution for remote areas with no nearby medical facilities. Technology can also be used to improve the efficiency of routine tasks in healthcare management. For example, many organizations use EMR systems to record and manage patient records. However, these systems are often used to record information that is far from essential. With careful assessment, you can reduce the cost of using EMR systems, and increase the efficiency of the technology at the same time. Consider using paper records where possible, and transfer less essential information from the EMR to digital systems. You can also find ways to make EMR systems more efficient. For example, you could schedule daily or weekly reports to update less essential information. This can help to reduce the cost of using EMR systems, while still benefiting from the technology.

Restructuring Services: Reorganizing services to maximize efficiency

As services are implemented, it is important to assess their efficiency. For example, if your organization offers a walk-in clinic, you may assume that it is an efficient service. However, walk-in clinics often have long waiting times, which is inefficient. An efficient walk-in clinic can help to reduce costs for your organization. To find ways to reduce costs in healthcare, it is important to assess the efficiency of services. If a walk-in clinic is offered to patients, it could be an efficient service. However, if a specific surgery is offered only at a walk-in clinic, then the service is less efficient and could be restructured. It is also important to assess the efficiency of individual surgeries. For example, it may be possible to perform a less invasive procedure with the same amount of time. The more invasive the procedure is, the more time it takes, so it is important to assess the efficiency of individual services.

Securing Alternative Funding: Pursuing new sources of funding

Many health care organizations struggle to cover their costs, which can lead to a shortage of staff, restricted services, or even closure. To reduce the risk of this happening, some organizations have sought alternative funding, such as self-funding or crowdfunding. Alternative funding options can provide a new way to secure funding for your organization, or for new initiatives. For example, healthcare management team may choose to use a portion of its own funding to support innovative projects, such as a new diagnostic service. Alternatively, funding from alternative sources can help to support a new initiative, such as a new clinical trial. Alternative funding options can be a way to secure funding for your organization. Alternative funding options can be a new way to secure funding for your organization, such as crowdfunding, or a portion of your own funding.

Creating a Plan of Action: Developing a plan to implement cost-cutting strategies

It can be difficult to reduce costs when you are relatively new to the sector, or have only started your cost-cutting efforts recently. However, it is important to remain committed to the strategies that you have chosen, and to make sure that they are being implemented effectively. A key part of developing an effective plan of action is to analyze the results of your cost-cutting efforts. This can be done by documenting your progress, and making regular assessments of the efficiency of your cost-cutting strategies. Healthcare Management should also consider involving your staff in the process of cost-cutting, and making sure that they are all aware of the benefits of cost-cutting. This can help to make your organization more efficient and cost-effective, while also helping to make your staff more cost-conscious.

Conclusion: Summarizing the importance of cost-cutting in healthcare

Health care costs are rising, and many organizations are struggling to cover these costs. Fortunately, there are many cost-cutting strategies that you can use to successfully reduce costs, and make significant savings in healthcare management. It is important to remember that the best way to reduce costs is to assess the full cost of your current health care model, and then look for ways to reduce this cost. This requires a more holistic approach to cost-cutting, in which you take into account indirect costs as well as direct costs. Health care costs are rising, and many organizations are struggling to cover these costs. Fortunately, there are many cost-cutting strategies that you can use to successfully reduce costs, and make significant savings in healthcare.

Healthcare Management can be an excellent transition from the nursing field. If you are interested in becoming certified in Healthcare Management then you might want to check out our certification program here. 


Wikipedia: Unnecessary Health Care

CDC: Healthcare Budgeting

Additional Resources:

Waste in the US Health Care System: Estimated Costs and Potential for Savings. Shrank WH, et al. JAMA. 2019 Oct 15;322(15):1501-1509. doi: 10.1001/jama.2019.13978. PMID: 31589283.

Access here 

Reducing Administrative Waste in the US Health Care System. Kocher RP. JAMA. 2021;325(5):427–428. doi:10.1001/jama.2020.24767

Access Here 

Eliminating waste in healthcare spending. Kalipso Chalkidou, et al BMJ 2017;356:j570

Access Here 

Excess Medical Care Spending: The Categories, Magnitude, and Opportunity Costs of Wasteful Spending in the United States. Matthew Speer, et al.  2020: American Journal of Public Health 110, 1743_1748,

Access Here 

Case Management Certification Article on Quality Care in Health

Quality improvement in any industry is important and healthcare is no exception.  If so, healthcare even carries a higher call for quality since it deals with human lives.  Case Managers can play a pivotal role in ensuring quality care at every phase of admission to follow up care.  Without good quality measures, outcomes would drop and most importantly quality of human life or even death can result.


Quality improvement in healthcare starts with admission and ends with follow up care to ensure the best outcomes. Please also review AIHCP’s Case Management Certification Program and see if it meets your needs.


The article, “What is Quality Improvement in Healthcare?” by Danielle Gagnon looks closer at quality care in healthcare and how to maintain and improve it.  He states,

“When healthcare leaders set goals for their organizations, such as preventing patient falls, or a medical system aims to lower opioid use after surgery, they use a process called quality improvement. But what is quality improvement in healthcare really about?”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review AIHCP’s Case Management Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Case Management.