Foods that Can Improve Your Brain Power

Health Care Life Coaching and Important Foods For the Brain

We have all come across various posts that advise us about the best foods that can help build muscles, lose weight or even those that we should avoid. All these help us to bring out the external beauty of our body and make us look good and presentable. But, what about the necessary nutrients that our body needs? The most important part being the brain. You need to be determined to be that amazing “Beauty with Brains”! And for the guys; make sure you  build up your brains too.

It’s not only the external beauty that matters. You need to be clever enough and brainy to handle every situation in life. You need not learn about the historical World wars, neither would you be asked the distance between the two countries. But, all you have is a mind that works well and is alert enough to respond to situations. Now, this is where we would see some natural foods that are found to be extremely helpful in improving the brain power.

  1. Nuts: Vitamin E plays a very important role in the functioning of the brain. This Vitamin helps in the prevention of the Cognitive decline. You can have Walnuts and Almonds, as they are a great source of Vitamin E. Cashews and Sunflower seeds are known to boost the serotonin levels and thus lower stress. If you are not quite sure of which nuts you should eat, the best way to remember walnut, is its shape. The walnut resembles the brain. It contains high amounts of the Omega 3 Fatty Acids that are also beneficial for the brain.
  2. Eggs: The egg yolks contain high amounts of Choline. This nutrient is known to help in strengthening the memory and reduce the effects of age related mental decline. It is also found to be helpful in improving the communication between the brain cells. Thus, eating one egg per day is a standard way of staying healthy and keeping your brain healthy too.
  3. Pumpkin Seeds and Peas: Pumpkin seeds are usually a part of the waste we throw away after cleaning a pumpkin. But, did you know that these seeds are a rich source of Zinc? Peas too are a rich source. Why does our body need zinc? Zinc is known to be a powerful nutrient for memory building and thinking. It regulates the communication between the neurons and the hippocampus, the part that is responsible for higher learning function and memory.
  4. Green Tea: Tea is a refreshing drink that is now consumed in different parts of the world. The nutritional composition in Green tea helps prevent the breakdown of acetylcholine. The acetylcholine is a chemical that deals with the memory and is usually less or absent in people suffering with the Alzheimer’s Disease. Both; black and green tea are found to be effective for an Alzheimer’s patient. But, the Green Tea is considered to be more effective because of the additional antioxidants that it contains.
  5. Fish: Fish and fish oil is known to be  among the greatest sources of the Omega 3 fatty acids that are needed by the body. It not only helps in proper functioning of the brain, but also contains some anti inflammatory substances that the body needs. Therefore, consuming fish, or even fish oil, will contribute towards a healthy mind and body.
  6. Dark Chocolate: This yummy dessert is indeed a good and healthy food that we all can eat with lots of love. Prefer dark chocolates that contain at least 70% cocoa. It increases the blood flow to the brain and prevents it from early ageing. Chocolates also contain high amounts of antioxidants and help improve one’s mood. Thus, an ounce of dark bitter chocolate every day is acceptable.
  7. 7.      Blueberries: These tiny blueberries are a rich source of antioxidants and help protect the brain from oxidative stress that is usually caused by the accumulated free radicals in the body. These berries also enhance the memory and improve the learning abilities. They also prevent age related issues from affecting the brain and thus prevent the signs of Alzheimer’s Disease.
  8. 8.      Broccoli: The Broccoli is the best alternative for an egg. Vegetarians can prefer consuming Broccoli instead of an egg. This too, is rich in Choline and thus helps in improving the memory and prevents the mental decline caused due to ageing. Apart from this, Broccoli is also a rich source of Vitamin K that helps in increasing the speed of the brain functions and improves memory abilities. You can eat some 2 cups for about 3 to 4 times a week.
  9. 9.      Carrots:  We all have heard about carrots being good for the eyes. But, they are good for the brain too. A compound called luteolin helps reduce age related memory deficits and inflammation in the brain. You can thus have a lot of carrots now. They will help you improve your eyesight and your brain too.
  10. Lentils: If you are on a look out for food that will give you enough of folate and Vitamin B, lentils are the best sources you can consume. They help in boosting the brain power like none other and reduce the effects of amino acids on the brain.

These foods will surely contribute well towards the well being of the brain. Many of these also contribute towards the overall health of the body. Thus, consuming them will surely help you in maintaining a healthy body and a healthier brain. Go ahead a grab those healthy bits for a healthy mind and body.

By James Hundson


If you are interested in learning more about health care life coaching, then please review our program.



Certified Health Care Life Coach: How can Adults Eradicate the Obesity in Kids

The startling increase in the rate of obesity in children has worried the WHO (world health organization). The kids with extra pounds in their bodies tend to suffer from various physical ailments. They are also prone to the risk of developing asthma and heart diseases. The obese children get affected in an emotional way because of their excessive weight. They tend to lose their confidence due to frequent teasing at schools and public places. Even if it doesn’t happen, they become shy and do not wish to step out of the house.

Lack of activity leads to increase in their fat and weight. Obesity makes the child physically and mentally incompetent. Often they are excluded from the school activities, which make them lonesome and depressed. If the feeling persists then these young kids would start hating their body which may lead to some dangerous situation at a later stage.

Prospects of Physical Activities

According to a research conducted in the year 2012, parents revealed the chances of getting their kids involved in physical activities to decrease their fat, and vice-versa increase their self-confidence. The concerned age was from 0-8 tears. However in 2013 there was an improvisation seen in the health of kids by 61 percent.

The years 2012-13 witnessed the chances amongst the young children to get involved in the physical activities like sports and swimming. It gradually rose according to the age-group. The children who were benefitted by the exercises were mostly from American Indians, children of natives of Alaska, Arab and American children, and the young ones of Latin and Spanish parents. Amongst this brood the adults figured more chances of white kids involving in the physical activities, and getting better results than the kids from other nationality or tribe. The reason was unknown but these gave chance of studying the life of colored people in a better way.

Kids suffering from obesity also sometimes suffer from speech problems. They might stutter or cannot speak the exact words. To heal this problem the speech pathologists Newcastle provide verbal communication reviews and healing to the child. The aspect of family focused therapy is used by the speech pathologists Newcastle so that both the child and the parents get attuned with goals and concept of speech therapy sessions.

Reduced Ratios of Obesity

Fresh surveys and trends amplify the fact that the rising risk of obesity in children has slowly reduced. In the year 2011 the ratio of reduction in obesity moderately decreased by 0.3% in the kids aged from 2-5 years. Similarly, the kids suffering from their weight problems indulged in the physical activities and got better health aspect, it reduced the obesity problem by one percent.

Encouraging Analysis

There were appreciated efforts made by the grown-ups to eradicate this problem by developing recreation centers, sports-club and parks for kids. The survey further emphasized the investment in organizing camps for children, and gymnasium for those living in the lower income group. Parents, teachers and other responsible adults working with children encouraged the children to indulge in activities like sports, hiking, swimming which helped in reducing the fat cells from the body and thereby increased the power of immune system.

Autho’s Bio

Jenna is a certified music therapist who uses music to heal the autism in children. She often writes blogs for health topics. 

If your interested in Coaching and helping others find better diets, then consider becoming a certified Health Care Life Coach.  Qualified professionals can apply and after completion of required coursework can become certified with AIHCP

Health Care Life Coaching Program: Stretching

Health Care Life Coaching Program: Fast Facts about Bones and Stretching

The Human Body is the most complex machine that could ever be understood. It comprises of many things that are being held together for the proper functioning of the body. The bones and joints, muscles, blood cell, organs, cartilages and many more minute parts are responsible to perform some necessary functions in order to contribute to the entire working. Thus, it is necessary for us to take care of each of these parts that in return help us perform better.

Let us now concentrate on the importance and the well being of bones. Have you thought of a boneless structure like the Amoeba? Have you ever imagined of being boneless? We could actually fit in anywhere. We would be less heavy and also easy to be carried around. But, more than these, there would be other difficulties that we would face. We will not have feet to stand on. Nor will we have hands to hold onto something. The absence of bones will not only make movement difficult, but also prevent us to hold on to something.

A human body is born with a total of about 300 bones, which are later reduced to 206 because of the merging of a few bones. Have you ever tried knowing a little more about our bones rather than the facts that you might have read in your science classes? A few rarely known facts about the human bones are as follows:

  1. The Face of a Human comprises of 14 bones.
  2. The number of bones in the neck of a human and that of a Giraffe is the same.
  3. Most of the bones in a human body are present in the hands. There are about 54 bones present in the human hands.
  4. The longest bone in the human body is the femur, called the thighbone.
  5. The femur is also the strongest bone although it is hollow.
  6. The femur is about ¼ the height of the individual.
  7. The smallest bone in the human body is the stapes bone in the ear. It is about 1/10 of an inch.
  8. The bones weigh almost 14% of the total body weight of an individual.
  9. The only bone that is fully grown at the time of birth is the one present in the ear.
  10. The foot has about 26 bones in it.

There is another important fact that people rarely know about the bones and the effect the gravitational force has on them. This force compels the bones to maintain the density that is needed to hold the body. Thus, when astronauts are floating in zero gravity conditions, they tend to experience bone loss and are more prone to bone fractures when they return.

The most important parts of the bones are the joints. Aging of the bones may result to joint pain. The joints or the bones are covered by a cartilage which in turn is protected by fluid producing synovial membranes. This fluid comprises of nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide gases. Have you observed the cracking sound that may come when you stretch your bones or the joints? It is the release of these gases that causes the sound. However, one needs to take utmost care of such joints as it is because if their well being that we will be able to move around easily.

Joint pain and problems are usually found in people who are inactive or even overactive at times. A human body requires enough movement of both joints and muscles to maintain their health. Old age is one common reason that keeps people away from being active. For people who are suffering from joint related problems and have weak joints, there are a number of joint supplements and joint health shakes that help in keeping them healthy and active. If you are facing a problem to remain active all day long, you can make use of supplements such as Dendrobium and Mucuna Pruriens that are natural supplements and do not cause any harm.

Most importantly it is necessary to take good care of your joints and make sure you get them treated at an early age so that it may not grow up to become a larger and a more complex issue in your old age. Just a few precautionary steps along with some nutritional supplements will help in keeping your bones and joints fit and strong to carry you all through your life.



James Hundson is a fitness trainer who has been helping people achieve their fitness goals faster in a healthy manner. He believes in the natural way of dealing with health issues. He has been writing on various natural ways to maintain health and fitness, lose weight and also build strength and muscles.


Also if you have any interest in helping others reach better health, then consider becoming a health care life coach.  The Health Care Life Coaching Program can help qualified professionals learn how to help others train and learn other important health related tips.

Complete guide of – How Many Calories Should I Eat Daily

Complete guide of – How Many Calories Should I Eat Daily

People now a days are searching out for ways that will help them lead a better and a healthier life. This includes people of all ages. Right from school going kids to elderly people, fitness is an important factor that everyone needs to think about. Exercising the way others do and following a diet that has helped others, is what most of the people think they should be doing. This has been the most common myth that many people tend to follow and also advice others to do so. Each individual is made up with a unique body structure. Although they may look the same, the internal metabolism of each individual is different. There are no two individuals; even twins that can be considered to have the same metabolism. It is thus important that each of you know what is best for your body and the things that can get you maximum benefits.

What are the things that you need to focus on? Are you looking for a weight loss plan, a muscle strengthening plan or simply a fitness regime? What are the best exercises that will help you reach your goal? What kind of a diet do you need to follow? Most importantly, how many calories do you need to consume and how much should you burn? All these are factors that cannot be simply predicted or assumed according to your wish. You will have to look into different other things that will help you calculate the above mentioned factors and thus will help select the most suitable method to stay fit or even lose weight.

The Harris-Benedict equation that was created for women can help considerately to calculate the amount of calories a woman can consume. Before you know the equation, the basic things that you would have to know are the age, height and weight. These are the most common things that every woman knows about herself. You simply need to add these numbers in the equation mention below:

BMR = 655 + ( 4.35 * weight in pounds ) + ( 4.7 * height in inches ) + ( 4.7 * age in years )

BMR stands for basal metabolic rate. This equation helps you to calculate the number of calories that you would need to consume per day. You would be wondering about how to go about calculating the BMR. Let us see an example for the same. Suppose you are a lady whose age is 50 years and the height and weight is 5’ 7” and 160lbs respectively, according to the Harris-Benedict equation, the standard amount of calories that can be consumed in a day are found to be 1441.

Maintaining ones weight:

Let us now take a look at the calculations for women who would want to maintain their weight. It is a matter of fact that an average person usually burns out more calories than the above mentioned number. Thus, one should consider the amount of work done in a day or the number of calories that one tends to burn to conclude with the final number of calories that can be consumed. There are a number of activities that one would be performing in a day. We need to calculate the activity factor of each activity that we take up in a day.

Let us consider activities in which we include minimal movements, such as watching television, reading or simply listening music. The activity factor here would be about 1.4. The activity factor of an entire day spent in office work with approximately 1 hour of moderate exercises or an activity can be said to be 1.5. Similarly, the activity factor of more activity and an active lifestyle will be about 1.6. Finally the most active people who are athletes or are involved in military activities will have an activity factor of 1.9.

The total number of calories that need to be consumed in a day in order to maintain the energy and weight is calculated by multiplying the activity factor with the BMR obtained above. Let us consider the activity factor to be 1.6 and the BMR 1441. The amount of necessary calorie intake could be stated as 2305. You can consume about 2305 calories in a day if you tend to be active throughout the day at the age of 50 years and your height and weight as mentioned in the example considered above.

Calorie Count for Weight Loss:

There are many people who prefer losing weight by adapting to methods that will help burn calories. You need to make sure that the calorie burning methods that you use help in burning fat and not muscles. If you are on a weight loss regime, all that you have to do is consume fewer amounts of calories.

While one is focusing on weight loss, it is important to focus on many other factors that contribute to the entire regime and thus you can calculate the calories taken in and the amount that needs to be burnt.

Factors that your calorie intake depends on:

Type of Exercises: The amount of calorie being used up depends a lot upon the type of exercise that you do. If you have included vigorous forms of workouts or aerobics that help burn more calories as compared to mere walking or yoga, it means that you would have to consume a few more calories than the others.

Diet you follow: A high protein diet usually takes time to digest and thus burns a lot of calories during this process. Proteins not only help you burn calories in the process of digestion, but also help in enhancing ones metabolism and provide enough strength to work out more vigorously.

Individual Metabolism: Every individual has different levels of metabolism. The intensity in which one can perform an activity can be determined by the level of metabolism. There are many health supplements that claim to enhance weight loss, actually follow the principle of increasing the metabolism levels. Some of these are Raspberry Ketones, Dendrobium and green coffee beans.

Although all these above mentioned methods and factors may help you calculate an amount of calories that you can consume in a day, you cannot rely on any particular factor or method. The BMR calculated using the Harris-Benedict equation mentioned above can also be considered to be just an estimate amount of calories that one can consume.

The best practice is to consume food and drinks as supplements and green tea that give us more energy without adding to the calorie content in the body. This will help us workout more vigorously that will increase the amount of fat being burnt and thus enhance weight loss.


Author: James Hundson is a certified personal trainer. He  earned the reputation as an expert in the field of weight loss, health and fitness. James helped many peoples to achieve their personal goals through private consultations and training, as well as public speaking and numerous publications.

Also if you would like to learn more about our certification in Health Care Life Coaching, then please review the program and see if it matches your educational and professional needs.

Health Care and Good Health and How to Become a Certified Holistic Nurse, Life Coach, Stress Manager or Meditation Instructor

Health Care and Good Health and How to Become a Certified Holistic Nurse, Life Coach, Stress Manager or Meditation Instructor

Good health and exercise is the theme of the Twenty First Century.  People by the groves are seeking natural and holistic answers to health concerns and questions.  Exercise and fitness are also important elements to modern day life as people hope to cut off the fat and erase unhealthy eating and exercise habits.   With this need comes a demand for expert advice on all levels from nutrition and fitness professionals.

An array of professionals exist to meet these needs.  Licensed dieticians and other qualified professionals offer expert advice.  There are also an array of certified professionals in the health field that can help and promote health.  These professionals may be both licensed and certified or merely certified.  As a certified professional, one still meets a certain criteria of academic and professional excellence, but they are not considered licensed or regulated by the state.

These certifications are open to many health care professionals and health care degreed academics who have the skill sets and academic background to meet the needs of individuals.  Among many of these positions include certified Health Care Life Coaches, Holistic Nurses, Stress Management Consultants or Meditation Instructors.   These professionals are able to help people with a variety of issues surrounding everyday health concerns.  They can help people better cope with stress, reach goals, exercise better and eat better.   Since these issues deal with no specific or acute medical issue, certified professionals who are not licensed, but educated within the area can become sources of information.  

Qualified professionals can give their time and service on a personal level or at a corporate level.  In some cases, gyms and other health recreation centers will look for certified professionals in these areas.  Ultimately, the possibilities are endless.

The American Institute of Health Care Professionals offers a variety of certifications for health care givers who hope to enhance the health of their patients and customers.   These certifications can be found in health care life coaching, meditation instructor, stress management consultant, and our holistic nurse programs.   Those who qualify are either in the health care field or possess licensures in general health and physical instruction.   The certifications are useful in that they can enhance an already existing career in the health field and enable a professional to advertise his expertise in the certified area.

All of the programs are online and are divided into modules that consist of a text book and open book exam.   They are designed for working professionals with a desire for self-paced learning.  Of course, mentorship as needed is offered for all courses.  After completing each individual course, qualified professionals are eligible for three year certifications. 

Professionals seeking re-certification in any of the specialties must show clinical hours and academic hours in the field.   Usually clinical hours consist of five hundred hours and academic hours consist of 50 hours of continuing education.  After these prerequisites are completed, one can then re-apply for certification.

For each certification and individual continuing education course, one receives a certificate of completion with a stamped seal.  These are sent to those who complete the course. In addition to a certificate, one also receives a wallet size card with certification dates included.   This comes in  the mail in a certificate packet, usually ten days after certification.

If you are wondering how to become a certified Holistic Nurse, Health Care Life Coach, Stress Management Consultant or Meditation Instructor, then look no farther.  The online courses at the American Institute of Health Care Professionals offer the needed education for working professionals.

In the meantime consider how these certifications can impact your career.  They can increase your marketing diversity to other crowds of potential patients and amplify an already existing career.  Remember, a certification is not a licensure and is not under the direction of the state.  Hence it is designed to complement professional licensures or degrees.

Here is a short review of these exciting health related certifications.

Stress Management Certification:  This certification is designed for health care professionals who wish to help their clients manage stress.  It incorporates a variety of stress management strategies to help reduce stress and identify stressors.   Some of the strategies include hypnosis and meditation.  

Meditation Instructor Certification: This certification falls back upon a variety of meditative traditions to help health care professionals properly instruct the art of meditation.  Meditation and health are closely correlated realities and can be a great benefit to one’s patient.   The program teaches a variety of meditative practices and skills that an instructor can pass on to student.

Holistic Nursing Certification:  Unlike the first two certifications, this certification requires that one at least be a registered nurse.  Combining one’s previous nursing knowledge with new holistic and natural medication knowledge, one can then become certified as a Holistic Nurse.   A certified Holistic Nurse can take the best from both West and East and present a fully comprehensive nutritional supplemental plan for overall health.

Health Care Life Coaching Certification:  This program is designed for coaches, nutrition gurus and physical therapists.  As a certification it can supplement a licensed professional but if one is not a licensed dietician it does not give one the legal right to perform dietician duties.  It does permit one to recommend a variety of diets for overall health and also exercise regiments.   In addition to this, it helps one learn to encourage and propel others towards their life goals.   Half of this certification’s course work is taken with the CCMS while the other half is taken with AIHCP.

These certifications represent AIHCP’s ongoing patronage of mental and physical health and give qualified professionals the necessary academic skills to apply their talents and knowledge to those in need of a better life style.

If you are interested in learning how to become a certified  holistic nurse or any other health related specialist, then please review our program.   If you have any questions let us know .

In the meantime, enjoy the blog!

Solutions to Common Weight Loss Challenges which you are failing to overcome

Solutions to Common Weight Loss Challenges which you are failing to overcome

If you have ever tried to shed that extra flab, only to give up on your efforts after a few days or weeks, perhaps you know how the path toward weight loss is plagued with challenges. Whatever be the reason behind your weight loss regime (developing those flab abs or simply shedding weight to fit into that gorgeous dress), you need to understand what the hurdles are and how you can solve them if you are really serious with your weight loss objective.

Here are some common weight loss challenges that you might have failed to overcome until now with their solutions that can finally help you break the shackles and continue with your weight loss regime:

·         Fresh produce is too expensive to buy: Most weight loss experts suggest eating fresh fruits and vegetables. But many people complain that the cost of fresh produce is much higher than that of other foods that they may be buying. However, the real fact is that fresh produce is more affordable than you might think. Some people even say that prepackaged food often cost less than fresh, healthy food. But when you think about the unhealthy junk elements that such prepackaged foods contain, it surely pays to spend a tad more and buy healthy food that will ensure a fit body for you in the long run.

·         Vegetables taste bland: If your staple diet consists of French fries and burgers, you may find dishes prepared with fresh vegetables boring and bland. But rather than give up on them, why don’t you try to spice things up naturally? Use natural spices and condiments to rustle up delicious meals with fresh veggies that will taste great and also help you to lose weight.

·         Colas and sweetened juices are better than fruits: You may not be ready to give up on your sugar-laden soft drinks or juices, but did you know that you can use fresh fruits to create equally tasty juices sense the harmful sugar content? You can even mix and match fresh fruits and vegetables to create yummy juices. For example, try tasting a mixture of apple, spinach, celery, lemon and kale, or that of apple, orange and celery check it for yourself. You may even innovate and come up with recipes that suit your taste buds. If you are not very enthusiastic about juices, you can try green tea instead. Consumption of green tea is beneficial for weight loss, thanks to its active ingredient epigallocatechin gallate or (EGCG), which speeds up your metabolic process. Green tea is also known to decrease fats (triglycerides and cholesterol) in the human blood in addition to reducing the insulin secretion levels in the body, which in turn give a boost to your weight loss regime.

·         I can’t give up on snacking or my favorite ice-cream: Weight loss doesn’t mean giving up on the small pleasures of life. You can still indulge your taste buds to enjoy ice-creams or snacks, albeit in smaller portions and in lesser frequencies. If you don’t do this, you may gain back all the fat that you might have lost. After putting in all the hard work at your workouts, you surely won’t like to see all your efforts go down the drain, would you?

·         I don’t need supplements: Reliable and reputed weight loss supplements often have effective ingredients such as white kidney bean, raspberry ketone, and D-aspartic acid in the right dosage. When you consume such supplements, they complement your diet and exercise regimen, and help you to shed flab faster and more effectively.

Weight loss is a long-term goal that demands steady efforts from your side. You need to plan ahead and stick to your exercise and diet regimen if you wish to see the desired results. However, you should steer clear of the crash or fad diets, which usually emphasize a solitary food or food group, and can be dangerous for your overall health. Remember – the key to weight loss is balanced nutrition and proper exercises on a regular basis.

If you are interested in learning more about better life choices, then maybe consider working with a health care life coach or becoming a health care life coach.

Health Care Life Coaching Program: Healthy Foods and Benefits

Healthy Foods and Their Benefits

What is healthy food? What are the benefits of consuming healthy food? These are questions we often think of in our efforts to try and stay healthy. A healthy diet includes a blend of proteins, minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates and unsaturated fats. Healthy food doesn’t necessarily mean, it will cause a large hole in your pockets. Nutritionists suggest four types of foods namely the basic food, vegetables, fruits and side dishes. All of them have the essential nutrients needed for growth and development. If and when you need medication or supplements, All Day Chemist is the online pharmacy that can provide you with generic drugs. We are the online chemist who can surely prove to be the best online pharmacy you have ever seen. We deliver to you supreme quality products at the right time and cost.

Include these healthy foods in your diet and you are sure to see the results!
Juicy and tasty, watermelons are filled with antioxidants and glutathione that increase immunity levels.

Exotic and packed with nutrition, oysters contain a lot of zinc. Zinc is known to have benefits such as antiviral effects, strengthening immunity and helping in curing male infertility.

Eating four almonds a day can keep your stress levels at bay. Almonds are rich in vitamin E that boosts our immunity levels.

Cabbage is easily available and not expensive too. It red, white and China cabbage is loaded with glutathione that helps in improving our immunity system.

Grapefruit is a very good source of Vitamin C and flavonoids that can help in maintaining immunity levels and fighting cold or the flu.
Wheat Germ:
Wheat germ is the main part of wheat seeds that is filled with essential nutrients. It contains antioxidants, zinc, fibre, protein, unsaturated fats and vitamin B.

Low- fat yogurt:
The delicious Low-fat yogurt has active bacteria and fungi that are good for fighting the cold or flu. 

Lightly cooked or raw, green and leafy spinach is packed with many nutrients such as folate, fiber, antioxidants and vitamin C that help in our growth and for repairing DNA cells.


To keep your immune system strong, include peeled garlic in your daily intake of cooked food. Garlic is rich in antioxidants that increase immunity.

Tea contains polyphenols and flavonoids that aid in fighting diseases. Green tea is especially good for our system because of its various benefits. 
Sweet Potato:

Sweet potatoes have beta carotene that fights against free radicals. It also has Vitamin C that slows the aging process.

Broccoli is a good source of natural chemicals, vitamin A, vitamin C and glutathione that keep the human body immunity level high and enhance development.
Button Mushrooms:

Button mushrooms contain selenium and antioxidants. These minerals help in fighting flu. It also has riboflavin and niacin content that are antiviral, antibacterial and anti-tumor.

It has been noted in studies that herbs made from elderberry can block the virus that causes flu. To add to the benefits, it is also rich in antioxidants and can relieve inflammation.

These healthy food items can surely make you feel more energized and in robust good health.
A healthy diet and having the right supplements, medicines when needed plays an important role in maintaining your overall health. We are your ideal online chemist shop and the best online pharmacy for you. We sell high quality generic drugs for helping in you get well soon.
Author Bio:
Smith Amelia:
Being a shopping addict, avid reader, ardent writer, along with my love towards travelling and exploring the Globe (their culture and specialties). Also write about
top pharma companies.


Our Health Care Life Coaching Program can also help you grasp a better understanding of healthy foods and nutrition.  Health Care Life Coaches can help a variety of people lead better and healthier lives through care and advice.


health care life coaches: Five Important Things Before a Doctor Visit

People regardless of any geographical location consider themselves a patient after 100 degree Celsius of fever or something similar. They contact a doctor and doctor give them medicines, in all they waste their time and which can easily be saved if they wait a bit and go through certain checkups on their own and then decided to go to a doctor if there is a need of it.

Here are few of the checks  recommended by Health Care Life Coaches that you should consider doing on your own before contacting a doctor and paying their consultation fee.

–          Symptom check

Most people, women especially, tend to think they’re “sick” and need to check with a doctor about their illness. Why are you so excited about it? Stop. Take a moment to review the symptoms. Are you actually sick? If the symptoms suggest its normal and you can stay home, rest and get better on your own then you definitely don’t need to visit the doctor.

If the symptoms suggest otherwise, of course that’s when you step out of your home. Many medical websites offer the facility to help you check yourself against symptoms. So you definitely need not to panic.

–          Home Remedies

Now that your symptoms say “yes, you are sick”, you still don’t need to run for a doctor. You’ve heard a lot of people tell you of remedies for every single problem, right? Try those out. Of course not like experiments. Make sure they’re approved, tested and give results. If it is a fever, you know the simple old method of cold wet towel. If it is stuffed nose, you know how to steam it out. Even if it is something a bit bigger, try something a bit better.

Ask your nanny, your old aunt who always keeps telling you “you’ll get ill if you don’t …” or ask any friend who went through the same problem. The best thing to do is look online on medical websites that are trustworthy.

–          Stress check

This is important! Sometimes, it’s just our hectic routine; the change in schedule causes stress on our body. Be it backache, neck stretch trouble, eye pain, hair loss etc, they could only be because of stress. Our body needs rest; it needs us to take care of it.

Give your body some time to get out of stress. Take proper sleep, food and liquid intakes. You yourself will know whether what you’re facing is actually troublesome or not.

–          Not Improving

So before going to the doctor, does a patient really have to wait and go through all these processes which seem like they’ll take forever? No. Today, approximately 177,000 Americans will visit a doctor, even though they have absolutely no symptoms. That is the only reason why I want you to be careful about visiting the doctor unnecessarily. If your problem is a serious one like cardiac pain, genital pain, even unending fever or relentless flu, you surely need to go to the doctor. As soon as you realize your problem is not settling you don’t need to wait anymore. That’s when you run to the doctor.

–          Doctor Check

The last step and of course the most important one is to know whether the doctor you’re going to visit is a professional and renowned one or not. Don’t go and waste your money and time (the least of your actual problems) with a doctor who is just going to play with your money and order needless tests. Know who you will be visiting and prepare before going. Make a checklist of things you’ll need over there too. Like your prescriptions, allergies, reaction to any drug, questions you want to ask, symptoms you’ve been facing etc. Only good doctors will check your history and discuss with you in detail. When you are unclear with the doctor, it may result in wrong diagnosis thus wrong medicine. Also, doctors who just perform unnecessary surgeries and suggest useless tests must be checked before you go.

Visiting a doctor is important but when you are planning to visit unnecessarily, it wastes your time and money. The idea is to keep the above given checks in mind and then if you think visiting a doctor is important then you should not wait for a second more and visit the best doctor for your problem.

About the Author:

Selena  Mitchell use to write about medical and technology related topics. She also writes for Patient Sites, who considered being the leaders in building Physical Therapy websites.

Health Care Life Coaching can also supply information regarding if a doctor is needed or not.  Health Care Life Coaches not only can help us when we are healthy, but also when we are sick.  If you have a certified health care life coach working for you, then their information and guidance should definitely be utilized.


What is a Health Coach? And How Can They Help You?


American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:

What is a Health Coach?

In the healthcare landscape of America, most people react to their illnesses by going to the doctor.   The doctor looks them over and usually give them instructions and medication.    This reaction to sickness has caused doctors and healthcare professionals to become overworked.   Many doctors are now even telling their patients to take preventative measures such as more exercise and eating a healthier diet.   This leads to the question is life coaching advice better for you than an overworked doctor?

First what is a health coach and how can a health coach help you?  Simple!   Health coaching professionals specialize in dieting and exercise.   With their knowledge, they help you eat healthy and keep your body good physical and mental condition.    Many times being physically fit helps boost your immune system.

We are not saying a health coach should replace your doctor completely.   If you are sick please see a doctor!  What is being suggested is take preventative care of your body through healthcare coaching advice.    Keep your heart and lungs in good shape by doing moderate cardio exercises.   Keep your body lean by lifting and eating a proper healthy diet.    All of these things add up and increase your overall health.    By staying in good shape you can prevent the need to go to the doctor by preventing the illness from “getting you sick” to begin with!

So it is suggested that instead of sitting and waiting for your next cold, why not try and prevent it with healthcare coaching tips.    If you are interested in learning more about online health coach training courses please visit the American Institute of Health Care Professionals.   They offer online continuing education courses in several healthcare areas.

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Physical Fall Activities You Can Do! Health Coaching Advice

Health Coaching Advice on How to Stay Active During Fall.

The Fall is one of the nicest seasons to work out. It’s not insanely hot like the summer, and not as frigid as the winter. Before we get started with these great ways to work out, it’s important to know two things. The first – stay extra hydrated. Sometimes cool air doesn’t make us feel as thirsty, but it’s still important to keep hydrated. The second – wear proper attire. Layering is usually the best method. Wear a sweatshirt with a moisture wicking shirt underneath. When you get warm, you can take off the sweatshirt. Whether you’re making a last ditch effort to get fit for ski season, or simply trying to get in shape, try some of these easy fall activities:


Hiking is perhaps the most stress-free and relaxing fall workout. There’s not much that can beat walking through the refreshing air and checking out the fall foliage. It’s one of the best calorie burning workouts you can do, and it doesn’t stress the joints like running may. Plus, it’s a lot more interesting than running the same path every day. Take some coffee along for the trip, and have lunch at the top of the mountain. Christmas card pictures, anyone?

Ultimate Frisbee:

Ultimate Frisbee is fun for anybody, regardless of your age or gender. Think of something like football without the impact; as long as you have two hands and two feet, you can do it. It involves passing the frisbee along the field until you get to the goal. Although rules may differ, you can usually hold on to the frisbee for only a few steps. This usually translates into teammates throwing long tosses to try and get down the field as quickly as possible. And that means a lot of running.


Trampolines really aren’t just for kids. You’ll know if you’re truly in shape within one minute of stepping on one. If you find yourself saying, “Wow, I’m really tired” then it may be just the time to start a trampoline routine. It’s an excellent cardio workout. So go out and get one, and remember to be safe. Investing in a safety net may be a good idea, as well as practicing proper jumping technique. And hey, maybe you’ll learn a few tricks later on.


Biking is a cut-and-dried activity if you’re just riding around the neighborhood. You can make it a lot more interesting. Try ditching the car and taking a bike to work. Or how about mountain biking? And if you’re feeling really spontaneous, try a fixed gear bike. You can’t coast, so you’re basically forced to work out. If you’ve never ridden one, your local bike shop will probably have one for you to test. It’ll give you an amazing workout. Whatever type of biking you do, it’ll tone your body and boost your energy.


This might be the right activity if you’re a millennial, and you will see women doing it. Longboarding is technically a form of skateboarding, which is considered a “moderately intense aerobic activity.” Except on a longboard, you can just cruise around instead of doing tricks. It’ll improve your balance, increase your energy, and above all, it’s really fun. Just wear a helmet and pads!

Emily Carmichael is a health enthusiast and fan of the Fall season. Emily takes natural health supplements from Forrest Health to get more energy for her favorite types of exercise – hiking and trampolining.

For more information on health coaching advice,  please check out our website.