How Will Travel Change for Healthcare Professionals in the Near Future?

air plane wing over a landscape

Written By Lucy Peters

Despite still-rising rates of COVID-19 in some parts of the world, airports across the globe are already reopening as part of lockdown easing restrictions. The U.S. Travel Association has already outlined what travel will look like for people in the near future. Their report, Travel in the New Normal, indicates that health care professionals completing residencies abroad, attending key medical conferences, or applying for jobs interstate or overseas will be able to do so safely. The report covers many parts of the travel ecosystem that doctors, nurses, and other passengers will have to negotiate when opting to travel during the era of ‘new normality.’

Newly Designed Public Spaces and Airports

Until the COVID-19 vaccine is manufactured and received on a wide-scale basis, traveling healthcare workers can get used to new designs in airports. Thus, sanitation stands with antibacterial gel, physical barriers such as transparent screens in areas where customer attendants are dealing with people, automated entrance, and contactless check-ins will be prevalent. Payments via mobile, contactless ticketing and identification, and automated ordering and pick up for food and services during travel may also grow in importance. Because healthcare workers have a higher risk of exposure to the virus, it will be vital to follow physical distancing and PPE use seriously — both for the health worker’s health and those of passengers flying in close contact with them.

Training for Employees

The U.S. Travel Association recommends that healthcare and other workers who will be traveling frequently invest in training for employees regarding implementing safety measures. Resources can and should also ideally be provided to families traveling during the health crisis, since health workers completing a residency or stint of work abroad or interstate will most likely be bringing families unless they normally live alone. Resources should be provided regarding currently unsafe places to travel. This way, families can avoid flight routes that go through high-risk areas. Supplemental health travel coverage for family members may also be helpful if medical assistance is needed while you are abroad or in another state. Health workers should additionally be fully informed of the respective risks of different modes of travel.

Health Screening and Immunity Passports

One of the most frequently reported trends in travel involves the use of ‘immunity passports’ indicating that the travel has already recovered the COVID-19 virus. The arrival of the highly awaited vaccine may also herald a new era in which travelers will only be permitted access to planes or other means of transport if they have already been vaccinated. The extent to which immunity passports are feasible remains to be seen. At this point in time, airports, trains, subways and other public spaces are simply redesigning spaces, conducting temperature checks in some cases, and/or asking travelers to walk through sanitizing ‘spray tunnels’ that emit a sanitizing mist.

The nature of travel is already changing at a fast pace. From the use of methacrylate separators in customer service areas to new regulations with respect to serving food, many measures are being adopted by airports, food service companies, and other services related to the industry. Until the arrival of the vaccine, the requirement of ‘immunity passport’s remains a possibility. In order to keep healthcare workers and their families safe, employees should provide quality training regarding destinations and safety measures, and provide advice on the safest way to fly or travel on wheels.




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The Role of Diet in Dealing With Anxiety 

Fried fish on green asparagus with salad

Written By Lucy Peters

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the United States, affecting 40 million adults or 18.1 percent of the population every year, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. While the healthcare industry has various medications and therapies you can use to calm or treat your anxiety, the answer could be hiding in plain sight; your diet. Over the years, nutritionists and doctors have realized that, just like other major body organs, the brain requires certain nutrients to maintain proper function and ward off mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression. While there are no magic foods that will cure your anxiety, there are various changes you can make to your daily diet to improve your symptoms and support your road to recovery.

Get your omega-3 fatty acids 

One nutrient that has been proven to be especially effective at reducing anxiety symptoms is omega-3 fatty acids which you can get from fatty fish like salmon, sardines, mackerel, and trout as well as walnuts, flaxseed, and chia seeds. Foods rich in omega-3 provide two essential fatty acids- docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) — that are needed to reduce inflammation, regulate neurotransmitters, and promote healthy brain function. For the best results, you can aim to get at two servings of fatty fish every week.

Keep your blood sugar in check 

Over time changes in your blood sugar levels can increase your risk of developing anxiety disorders and other serious health problems. Thankfully, there are various measures you can take to gain better control of blood sugar levels and keep them stable. The easiest way to do this is by eating a well-balanced diet, controlling your food portions, and avoiding skipping meals. Beyond that, you must also be careful about the types of carbs you eat since they are the biggest influencers of blood sugar levels. Try to eat foods rich in complex carbs such as oatmeal, whole-grain cereals, whole-grain bread, and quinoa. This will give your brain a serotonin boost which has a calming effect. Minimize your intake of refined sugar and simple carbs such as white bread, rice, and pasta that may exacerbate your anxiety disorder.

Supplement your diet 

Thanks to the growth of the supplementation industry in the US, there are many supplements available today that allow you to get the nutrients you need directly and in the right amounts. One key supplement that will help you in the battle against anxiety is magnesium. Magnesium is a key mineral that is needed to maintain full body function and is also an important element of managing anxiety episodes. Vitamin D is another essential supplement in managing anxiety since it promotes a feeling of well-being. Other supplements that may help include L-theanine, vitamin B-complex, and melatonin. Before taking any supplements, make sure you consult your doctor and adhere to the recommended daily allowance to be on the safe side.

What you drink matters too 

What you drink is part of your diet, and you must be mindful of it if you want to deal with your anxiety. First of all, you need to stay hydrated with good old fashioned water to prevent dehydration which is known to cause mood problems. Next, try to cut back on your coffee intake. Studies have shown that caffeine can cause symptoms of anxiety such as nervousness and shaking or even induce panic attacks in people with anxiety disorders. On top of that, too much coffee may mess with your sleep which further deteriorates your brain health. If you are itching for a hot beverage, try some chamomile tea which can play a role in anxiety reduction.

While changes to your diet can make a difference to your mood and sense of well-being, they’re not a substitute for the medications or therapies that may be recommended by your psychiatrist. Nutrition will work best as part of a comprehensive anxiety treatment plan that includes counseling, medication, getting regular exercise, improving sleep habits, and increasing social support.





Please also review AIHCP’s Health Care Life Coach Program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.  The program in online and independent study and open to qualified professionals.

Can The Air Quality Of Homes Be Responsible For The Occurrence Of Asthma?

Young woman using an inhaler during an asthma attack.

Written By Lucy Peters

Approximately one in 13 people live with asthma, according to the Center For Disease Control. That equates to 25 million adults and children in America that are going through the daily routine of avoiding asthma attacks and triggers. While one of the most commonly cited triggers is outdoor pollen, there is also overwhelming evidence that the quality of the indoor environment can just as easily trigger or cause asthma or related illnesses. Around two-thirds of people living with asthma say that the air quality worsens their symptoms. However, a key part of resolving this lies in understanding the indoor elements that can trigger asthma and educating asthma patients on avoiding these triggers.

Tobacco And Indoor Smoke

The presence of smoke has been well documented as a trigger for both asthma and asthma-related illnesses such as lung disease. People living with asthma who are exposed to second-hand smoke from cigarettes are more like to have an asthma attack or develop sinus infections. Children also face an increased risk of developing respiratory illnesses and airway inflammation. In 2009, toxic fumes given off by candles was also shown to increase indoor air particulates. This has been shown to compromise lung and respiratory function. Instead, patients can opt for paraffin-free alternatives and maintain moderation when lighting candles to avoid these effects. For tobacco smoke, avoiding smoking in the home or close to it minimizes contact with it.

The Presence And Encouragement Of Allergens  

The presence of certain allergens in the home can cause both asthma and allergies related conditions, including eczema and exercise-induced bronchoconstriction. The American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology estimates that around 90 percent of those with asthma also have exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (EIB). The symptoms include tight chest feelings, sneezing and other signs commonly seen with seasonal and outdoor allergies. However, the triggers can also include pet dander, dust mites and cockroaches – all synonymous with the indoor environment. Other studies have shown that exposure to dust mites and termites such as cockroaches is a key trigger of asthma in children. However, a Tulane University study showed that the use of elimination measures such as cockroach bait in a home resulted in as many as 50 fewer days of asthma symptoms a year.

The reduction of these allergens to aid indoor air quality revolves around simple ongoing habits in the home like identifying the source of allergens such as pets, bedding, wall to wall carpet and damp areas. To avoid dust mites, the practice of weekly cleaning habits such as vacuuming and wiping down any surfaces that may attract dust can help. For those with pets, regular brushing and bathing may help reduce the shedding of pet dander. Steps can also be taken to reduce the buildup of moisture in the home by addressing any leaks, using a humidifier, and opening windows after a shower. A damp environment fosters the growth of slow-growing fungi like Stachybotrys, which releases airborne mold spores and can cause skin rashes, breathing difficulties and lung disease. Exposure to mold types like black mold has been shown to trigger severe asthma attacks in asthma patients.

Transmission Of Outdoor Air Pollution

While proper ventilation of the home is key to preventing humidity buildup, it is also important to limit the transfer of outdoor pollens to the indoor environments. Several studies have shown that lengthened exposure to air pollution can both exacerbate and cause asthma in children and adults. Pregnant women who have been exposed to high levels of pollution are not only more likely to develop asthma, but their unborn child is also more likely to develop the condition or have a compromised immune system.

Checking pollution forecasts for high pollen times can identify ideal times to close windows and other openings of the building. Additionally, asthma patients can utilize extractor fans and air conditioners to remove any existing pollens in the home. Finally, ensuring the doors and windows are properly sealed can help avoid outdoor irritants like pollen or smoke from entering the home.

Finally, if the current indoor environment contains any of these triggers, being aware of the early signs of asthma or asthma-related illness will alert patients about when to seek medical help. Frequent coughing, shortness of breath, nasal congestion and other signs of allergies may indicate it may be time to speak to a doctor.



Please also review AIHCP’s Health Care Life Coach Program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.  The program in online and independent study and open to qualified professionals.

Healthcare Life Coach Program Article on Music and Workouts

Many individuals who exercise find music to be very uplifting and inspiring.  Music is able to push one further.  This type of benefit upon the mind allows one to mentally push oneself to a better and stronger workout.

Music can help one have a better and more productive workout. Please also review our Healthcare Life Coach Program


The article, “Upbeat Music Boosts The Benefits Of Exercise, New Study Shows” by Eric Mack looks at the impact of music on workouts.  He states,

“We found that listening to high-tempo music while exercising resulted in the highest heart rate and lowest perceived exertion compared with not listening to music,” explained Professor Luca P. Ardigò of the University of Verona in Italy. “This means that the exercise seemed like less effort, but it was more beneficial in terms of enhancing physical fitness.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Exercise is critical to a good life and some individuals need music for the motivation and the mindset to work through sets and miles.  Other good motivations can come from Healthcare Life Coaches who can help guide and prepare individuals for a better healthy life style.  Please review our Healthcare Life Coach Program and see if it meets your academic needs.


Exercise: A Natural, Powerful Way to Battle Anxiety in Teens

Written by Lucy Peters

Almost one in three teens aged 13 to 18 will experience an anxiety disorder at some point, as reported by the National Institutes of Health. The rise in anxiety is caused by a bevy of factors, including pressure to succeed academically and at sports, fears of threatening events such as shootings, and the link between their self-esteem and social media. Anxiety, when severe, can be debilitating, potentially stopping children and youths from attending school or leading a healthy social life. It is vital for children to learn how to stop an anxiety attack in its tracks, above all because this ability will place them in good stead for the rest of their lives. One method proven to be highly successful is that of physical activity – something that many children aren’t getting enough of (thus the growing obesity rates).

Exercise and Teen Anxiety

A study by researchers at the University of Vermont on highschool students found that regular exercise significantly reduces suicidal attempts by 23% in bullied teens. Research undertaken at the University of Toronto also found that participation in cardiovascular exercise and sports (including basketball, soccer, and gymnastics) enjoyed better mental health and lower levels of stress. As stated by Professor J. Raglin of the Kinesiology Department of Indiana University-Bloomington, working out regularly can improve clinical anxiety and depression “to such a degree that it rivals medication.”

Taking it Home

Older teens in particular can find it hard to find the time to play sport or head for the gym, particularly when they are preparing for final exams. Exercise in the great outdoors wields unique benefits, since nature itself is a powerful stress-buster. However, kids or parents with limited time can bring the gym home. Children can get their hearts racing by working out to recorded cardio sessions or by working up a sweat on a spin bike or treadmill. These machines have features that allow users to alter aspects like speed and inclination. Kids who are active and energetic can opt for either machine. However, if they have issues like backache or they simply prefer cycling, a stationary bike might be their best option. They are an ideal component of a home gym, which can also comprise a few free weights, space for dancing or doing aerobics, and a corner for a good sound system.

Welcoming Holistic Exercise

In addition to performing traditional forms of exercise, kids might like to try yoga or Tai Chi. Both practices have been found in various studies to lower levels of stress hormones like cortisol (which when present at high levels, can trigger anxiety and panic attacks). In one study published in the Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics, researchers found that yoga classes have powerful psychological effects for high school students, improving mood and anxiety. As a deeply mindful activity, yoga can also help children improve self-regulatory skills like resilience and control over how they express anger.

When it comes to tackling anxiety in teens, exercise is a beneficial tool to include in one’s strategy. From playing sports to exercising at home, there are many ways to naturally lower stress levels while also working on improving body mass levels, strength, and flexibility. In addition to cardiovascular workouts, kids should also complete resistance exercises and consider including mindful activities into the equation – to further boost the stress-relieving effects of physical activity.




Please also review AIHCP’s Health Care Life Coach Program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.  The program in online and independent study and open to qualified professionals.

Vitamin A: An Effective Acne Treatment

BY: Dominick L. Flarey, Ph.D, RN, ANP-BC

Acne has been found to have a genetic component to it. Its root cause is due to the skins pore cells turning over a large number of dead cells. This pathophysiology results in the development of acne. This is one scientific, modern day theory. Vitamin A works well for acne as its mechanism of action is to prevent and or significantly slow the rapid proliferation of cell turnover. (1)  The pharmaceutical companies have certainly capitalized on its high level of effectiveness. We see evidence of this in the prescription medications Isotrex and Accutane, in which Vitamin A make up a major component of the products. (2)

How can acne be treated effectively? We have found that there are really two main paths to its effective care and treatment: medications and nutrition. In both of these scenarios Vitamin A plays a significant role. A patient suffering with acne may be guided by a licensed health care practitioner to carefully increase their intake of Vitamin A in their diet through vitamin A enriched foods or by taking supplements. Another way is for clients to take prescribed medication treatments such as facial creams and lotions that contain Vitamin A, and have proven to be very effective treatments. (3)


Many patients prefer to use dietary means to boost their Vitamin A levels. However, this can be a difficult way to obtain the added boost needed to help with their acne problems. As such, it is often recommended by professional Dieticians and licensed Health Care Prof

essionals that clients also take a daily supplement of the Vitamin in order to provide effective care for acne. Many will recommend a dose of 5,000 IU a day. (4)  It is important that clients ask their health care provider what is the correct and recommended does to take for them. Clients should not self-medicate. Vitamin A is a fat -soluble vitamin and it stores up in the body. Taking too much Vitamin A can cause a toxicity and can ultimately be harmful.

It is interesting to note that one study that was conducted using the Vitamin to treat acne showed that is was non-effective. Doses used were somewhere between 50,000 and 100,000 IU. The researchers then repeated their study using very high doses; 300,000 IU for women and 500,000 for men. The subjects remained on these large doses for three to five months and then were gradually weaned off. The outcomes of the repeat study showed that the high doses were effective in treating the acne. It is noted that after controlling the acne in the research subjects, they went on to continue treatments without the use of Vitamin A, to remain in remission. (5)

More commonly today, physicians and other prescribing licensed health care practitioners are providing patients with topical creams and ointments which contain Vitamin A and are applied directly on the face or other areas of the body where the acne is. The pharmaceutical industry actually alters the Vitamin A and develops it into a Retinoid. The Mayo Clinic has stated that retinoids are actually a very preferred treatment for acne. They heal the skin rapidly and they have a real propensity to regenerate new skin. (6)

Can a Vitamin A deficiency in the body lead to the development of acne? It seems this can be so. When one is deficient in Vitamin A, the body can respond by developing inflammation and also by exacerbating any existing states of inflammation, such as an acne condition. (8) A high functioning immune system is dependent on many things, one of which is adequate and healthy levels of Vitamin A. Some of the benefits of having good Vitamin A levels include; keeping your skin resistant to acne causing bacteria, and balancing hormones so that your body does not produce excess sebum thus causing an acne breakout. (8)   Vitamin A is also vital in assisting the body to strengthen the skin’s tissues. (9)

In conclusion, as Vitamin A will rapidly increase skin cell maturity, stop over proliferation of cells, help balance hormones and actually strengthen skin tissue, it is really one of the best courses of treatment that we have available today in treating acne. It is important, again, to remember that with Vitamin A, too much is not good at all, and may even be toxic and harmful to one’s health. Always consult your health care provider before taking Vitamin A as a treatment for acne. You may also wish to consult with a Certified Health Care Coach who can help you learn all about Vitamin A and the safety issues when taking it.






Life Coaching Program Article on New Year Wellness

Good article on how to focus on wellness this New Year and great strategies on overall health.  It is critical to control stress by removing stressers in life.  Identify stress and do not allow it to take control and ruin the New Year and its many blessings

Wellness goals can be reached with life coaching help. Please also review our Healthcare life coach program
Wellness goals can be reached with life coaching help. Please also review our Healthcare life coach program

The article, “17 Ways to Make Focusing on Wellness Easier in the New Year” by Nadine Deninno states,

“After the holidays, getting back into the swing of fitness is difficult — especially when the gym is packed and the grocery aisles are overcrowded.  But making health a priority is easier than you’d think thanks to so many great at-home workout plans, meal kit services and nutrition guides to choose from. There’s truly something out there to fit everyone’s needs and we found them all!”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review our Stress Management Program as well as our Life Coaching Program.

Healthcare Life Coach Article on Weight-Loss Strategies That Truly Threaten Your Health

If you’ve ever had difficulty losing weight, you know what it’s like to feel desperate. You might even make some questionable decisions to help move the process along. If so, you’re not alone. Nearly everyone does at some point in their dieting life.
The problem is that while some weight-loss strategies are just unpleasant, others are downright dangerous. If you’ve embarked on a new weight-loss strategy, you’ll want to check your program against the list in this article. This list contains some of the most dangerous weight-loss mistakes that people can make.

  1. Detox Diets
    Money Crashers points out that many dieters look to detox diets for quick weight loss results. However, these diets also come with their own dangers. People who undergo rapid weight loss plans such as this one end up tired and irritable. They also lose muscle mass, which they need to lose weight. It’s better to eat a healthy diet over the long haul than to go on a detox diet.
  2. Starvation Diets
    The promise of quick weight loss traps many people: Starvation diets count among those types of weight-loss strategies. People who embark on starvation diets not only don’t get the nutrition they need, they also set themselves up for conditions like anorexia nervosa.
    The challenge with this and other eating disorders is that they may be difficult to overcome and may require some advanced treatment measures. According to Reasons Eating Disorder Center, these treatments could include inpatient therapies as well as hospitalization. In light of this, the dieter is better off cutting fewer calories and allowing him/herself to lose the weight at a slower pace.
  3. Too Much Exercise
    Exercising counts among the best ways to keep yourself healthy. However, if you’re in the habit of over-exercising because you’ve overeaten, you may be overdoing it. This practice can lead to exhaustion and injury. And if you do get injured, you lose the opportunity exercise and burn calories. Keeping your exercise routine consistent, whether you overeat or not, will set you up for some healthier habits in the long run.
  4. Not Enough Variety
    The dieter who sticks to a high-variety diet experiences better health than dieters who follow rigid diets. Rigid dieters typically don’t get a variety of nutrients. Some of them also tend to overeat, which actually makes them gain weight. Finally, the people who practice rigid dieting deal with more negative consequences like negative body obsession and mood problems than those who don’t. A diet filled with variety of healthy foods works best to counteract the effects of rigid dieting.
    Many dieters wind up following some dangerous weight-loss plans because these programs promise quick weight loss. However, quick weight loss is rarely healthy. Injuries, eating disorders, and too few nutrients are just some of the after effects of questionable weight-loss strategies.

If you’re considering a new weight loss plan have it checked out by a doctor to ensure that you’re following a healthy eating habit. The same goes for a new exercise routine. Taking these steps ensures your good health and vitality remains after your weight-loss efforts end.


About the author: Anica is a professional content and copywriter from San Francisco, California. She loves dogs, the ocean, and anything outdoor-related. She was raised in a big family, so she’s used to putting things to a vote. Also, cartwheels are her specialty.


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Healthcare Life Coaching Program Article on Keeping One’s New Year’s Resolution

Regain Momentum this Spring and Revamp Your New Year’s Resolution of a Healthier Lifestyle

By the time spring arrives, most people have lost the momentum to stick with their New Year’s resolutions to eat healthier, be more active, or choose healthier habits. In fact, 80 percent of people who set New Year’s resolutions don’t make it past February. Whether you want to incorporate healthy habits like yoga or meditation, reduce your intake of refined sugar, or start a weekly exercise routine, you can reaffirm your resolution this spring and make it a permanent behavior. Who says January is the only time to make a big change?




If you set goals that are too broad or too big or if you make too many goals at once, you may be setting yourself up for failure. Wanting to lose weight is too broad. Wanting to run a marathon when you’ve lead a sedentary lifestyle for two years is too big of a goal. Hoping to lose weight, run a marathon, learn a new language, and master a new instrument in the same year qualifies as having too many goals. You need a well-defined path to follow that’s feasible and gives you something specific to work towards without overloading your plate.

To reaffirm your goal and set yourself up for success, start by being honest with yourself. Don’t set a goal because you think you’re supposed to or because you want to please someone else. Otherwise, your goal isn’t meaningful or desirable, and your “motivation doesn’t come from within but comes from the outside and that doesn’t tend to lead to success,” warns CBS News. Figure out what changes are important and valuable to you, then set your goals. In order to be successful, you have to want the change for yourself.

Stick to one change at a time. Once you’ve mastered one, move on to the next. It’s easier to take small steps toward your end goal rather than trying to make a complete overhaul all at once. For example, if your ultimate goal is to eat a healthier diet, you may want to try cutting out your nighttime snack your first week; adding a serving of vegetables to dinner your second week; and finally, eliminating junk food from your diet (except for special occasions, of course!).


Making it Permanent


Obviously, no matter which goal you choose, you should follow the advice above; however, specific goals require more specific strategies. For sticking to your goal of eating a well-balanced diet, look at cooking as an opportunity to get creative and try new things. Host a dinner party with your friends to share recipes, or cook a meal that involves your whole family. You’ll eat healthy, learn new recipes, and spend time with loved ones.

If you want to build an exercise regimen, recruit a workout buddy or hire a personal trainer. Not only will someone else be there to cheer you on and motivate you, he or she will also hold you accountable. To achieve the goal of cutting down on alcohol consumption, pace yourself by drinking slowly, consume no more than one drink per hour, and have a nonalcoholic drink (water is best) after each alcoholic beverage. Also, avoid drinking on an empty stomach and try to eat food while you drink, even if it’s just a snack.


Reaping the Benefits


Don’t forget the mental, physical, and emotional benefits of opting for a healthier lifestyle. Exercise is a known stress-reliever and stress-reducer, and it helps improve mood, memory, and learning. Exercise also fights depression and other diseases, including Alzheimer’s. And fitting in your daily dose of activity doesn’t always have to mean taking a trip to the gym — exercise can be as simple as taking your dog for a walk or playing a game of tag with your children. Cooking with your family can set a positive example for your children, leading them to create healthy habits of their own, teaching them to cook, learning basic math and science, and even teaching them responsibility.


Certain people or places can influence you to drink more, and for alcoholics, this trigger effect can push them into an addiction relapse. If you cut back on your own drinking, you may influence someone around you to make the same choice to skip the drink, aiding in his or her addiction recovery. As you can see, choosing to live a healthy lifestyle will bring some obvious rewards, but there are subtle and invaluable benefits as well. Don’t wait until next January to make a change. Regain momentum this spring and revamp your resolution.


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Healthcare Life Coaching: How to lose weight without eating less?

Impossible! “It is not possible for me to control on food” – I heard a fatty girl explaining the disability. These may be the problem for so many of you. People want to lose their weight but are unable to control on food and follow the diet plan on daily basis. So I suggest you to eat certain nutrients to lose weight. Yes, I know that exercise is important but fat-melting food work in your favor for sure. So you can eat and live in an effective, realistic and reasonable way.

There are number of supplements which can help you in maintaining weight. The thing is, You have to consume them in an appropriate manner. So are you looking for those supplements?

Vitamin D : Your question is undoubtedly true, how vitamin D can help in melting the fat? The study says that vitamin D helps to ensure body cells listen and allow to respond to insulin, hormone secretion occurs from your pancreas. One of the major job is to help glucose to get into body cells, which burn glucose for energy. Remember, when a level of D is low, levels of parathyroid hormone rises up. A lack of vitamin D may also interfere with a hormone which indicates your brain to stop eating and signals the leptin too. Your body doesn’t know when it’s full, so you will try to eat continuously.


Calcium : Calcium is a mineral that works with vitamin D to help you in emitting fat. Calcium basically is stored in fat cells. And as per scientists, the more calcium a fat cell contains, the more fat that cell will release for burning. Calcium helps you for weight loss by binding that fat and preventing some of them from getting absorbed into your bloodstream.


Protein : While keeping hunger in check, eating protein at every meal helps to keep body balanced. Along with calcium and D, protein helps you to preserve the mass of muscle as you drop weight. According to recent research, women who consume protein twice a day will surely lose 3.9% more weight than women who consume less of it on a diet. Consumption of Protein is not only helping in weight loss but also help to become stronger than before. Like with their thigh muscles alone ending up with 5.8% more protein at the end of the diet.


Omega-3 fatty acids : Omega-3 helps in weight loss by selecting enzymes that trigger fat-burning in the cells. They also help to boost mood and help in reducing emotional eating. Plus, omega-3 will improve leptin signaling in the brain which may cause the brain to turn up fat burning and turn down appetite. Example, Fatty fish just like salmon which are having high vitamin D, are one of the richest sources of fat. Other foods, such as some nuts and seeds contain a kind of fat that can be converted easily into omega-3 after ingestion.


Monounsaturated Fatty Acids (MUFAs) : As per a Danish research, 26 men and women found that a diet includes 20% of its calories from MUFAs. The type is found in olive oil, seeds, peanut butter, chocolate and nuts etc. These fatty acids can improve 24-hour calories burning by 0.1% and fat burning by 0.04% after 6 months. While, some other research says that MUFAs zero in on melting belly fat. Some of the food having high MUFAs like peanuts, olive oil can help in keeping blood sugar steady and will reduce the appetite.


At last, controlling in food is not the only solution for weight loss. You can consume certain supplements in possible amount and get rid of overweight. Our body needs some nutrients in specific amount so little more or less will immediately affect your body. So be careful while consuming any. Do exercise daily and stay fit!



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