Healthcare Life Coach Program Article on Walking and Creativity

Physical exercise as simple as walking is obviously good for the body but it also is good for the overall existence and health of the entire person.  Studies show a correlation between creativity and walking.  More walking and physical movement is key for the brain to be more creative as well as overall physical health.  One study reviewed this.

Walking can open one up to better creativity as opposed to sedentary life styles. Please also review AIHCP’s Healthcare Life Coach Program


The article, “Can Exercise Make You More Creative?” by Gretchen Reynolds looked more closely at this study and correlation between walking and creativity.  She states,

“If you often exercise, there’s a good chance you also tend to be more creative, according to an interesting new study of the links between physical activity and imagination. It finds that active people come up with more and better ideas during tests of their inventiveness than people who are relatively sedentary, and suggests that if we wish to be more innovative, we might also want to be movers and shakers.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review AIHCP’s Healthcare Life Coach Program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Healthcare Life Coaching.  As a Healthcare life coach you can better help educate and motivate individuals to healthier life styles.


Healthcare Life Coach Program Article on Intensity in Exercise

Duration and intensity are two important aspects of exercise.  Both have their particular benefits and both are important to overall health and optimal results when exercising.   Both need to be utilized while working out or exercising for overall benefit.

Intensity is critical to beneficial exercise. Please also review AIHCP’s Healthcare Life Coach Program


The article, “Can 4 Seconds of Exercise Make a Difference?” by Gretchen Reynolds reviews the importance of intensity in exercising and analyzes a case study of intervals of 4 seconds of intensity within a one minute period.  She states,

“In what is probably the definitive word on how little exercise we can get away with, a new study finds that a mere four seconds of intense intervals, repeated until they amount to about a minute of total exertion, lead to rapid and meaningful improvements in strength, fitness and general physical performance among middle-aged and older adults.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review AIHCP’s Healthcare Life Coach Program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification as a Healthcare Life Coach.


Healthcare Life Coaching Certification Article on The Need of Exercise for Sitting Jobs

Sedentary life is unhealthy.  Yet, many Americans have job positions where sitting is a big part of their job.  With constant sitting, infused exercise is critical to good health.  Finding time to walk and have the necessary amount of steps for a day to keep blood levels and heart and lung health optimal is necessary.   Sometimes a percent can be in the office itself, with times to stretch and walk around but the implementation of exercise after work is critical for those who have sitting jobs.

Exercise is critically important for those in sitting jobs. Please also review AIHCP’s Healthcare Life Coaching Certification


The article, “11 Minutes of Exercise a Day May Help Counter the Effects of Sitting” by Gretchen Reynolds takes a closer look at how exercise can counter the ill effects of sitting all day.  She states,

“Walking for at least 11 minutes a day could lessen the undesirable health consequences of sitting for hours and hours, according to a helpful new study of the ways in which both inactivity and exercise influence how long we live. The study, which relied on objective data from tens of thousands of people about how they spent their days, found that those who were the most sedentary faced a high risk of dying young, but if people got up and moved, they slashed that threat substantially, even if they did not move much”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review AIHCP’s Healthcare Life Coaching Certification.  Qualified professionals can apply and see the program meets their academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study.

Pushing The Limits Of Visual Impairment: How Professionals Are Building A Career In The Medical Field

Doctor holding a clipboardWritten by Lucy Peters

Up until the 1950s, living with a disability was considered incompatible with continued medical practice. Yet nearly 50% of Americans with visual impairments are still not in the labor force today, according to the Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness. But with major advancements in medical technology, patient care has reached a point where physicians can now consult a patient and prescribe medications online, without the need for physical interaction. As a result, this helps professionals gain the advantage of erasing the stigma of individuals with visual disabilities and build their careers.

Physicians With Visual Impairment 

There have been cases of doctors having a visual impairment and still managing to achieve their dreams of becoming certified physicians. One example is David Hartman, who was diagnosed with retinal detachment and glaucoma in childhood. Through perseverance, he graduated from medical school and became a board-certified psychiatrist. His work on the addiction recovery field was rewarded in 2019 at the National Conference on Addiction Disorders. Although he faced numerous difficulties in building his career, he developed certain programs for patients as the chief of adult outpatient psychiatry in Carillon Clinic in Virginia. His work has inspired movies and literature that proves that blindness and other disabilities cannot stop someone from building a promising career.

Different Paths In The Medical Field

There are numerous programs and specializations that can be accessed by individuals with visual impairment. If one decides to pursue a career in medicine, specializations in psychiatry and psychology are the most suitable due to a reliance on speech and understanding rather than a keen eye for physical symptoms and immediate action in emergencies. This is heavily advantageous for the physician, as the patient is not made aware of the disabilities they may have, prompting them to return and not be worried to seek counsel.

Understanding The Potential Risks

These are trying times for those with blindness or visual impairment who have frequently relied on the sense of touch. With the recent coronavirus compromising the sense of mobility and independence for many, those living with blindness are at a higher risk of infection. Healthcare employees must follow extra safety measures to protect against diseases, such as keeping your body and daily eye care items sanitized at all times.

Perseverance Is Key

Each step will be difficult when it comes to achieving your goals and dealing with visual impairment. But this shouldn’t discourage anyone from building a promising medical career. Having a stable support system and a workplace that is strictly against discrimination is also important in defining one’s career, as there will always be challenges for those living with a disability.

Vision loss can be extremely frustrating to come to terms with, but it does not make a person incapable of doing the same things as their non-visually impaired peers. Having a successful medical career while living with a visual impairment is always possible when you have the proper mindset to overcome any obstacles along the way.




Please also review AIHCP’s Health Care Life Coaching Program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.  The program in online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a Health Care Life Coaching Program


Healthcare Life Coach Program Article on Resuming Exercise

Exercise should be part of everyday life.  When someone exercises consistently, there are changes throughout the body are beneficial.  Consistency and proper technique are important for the overall culmination of health

Getting back to shape can be difficult especially after the pandemic. Please also review AIHCP’s Health Care Life Coaching Program


The article, “How exercise changes your body after a day, a week, a month, a year” by Sophie Aubrey looks at the benefits of exercise as days and weeks and months go by, helping individuals see the transformation of overall health to the person.  She states,

“When you take a break from working out, your body shrinks muscle fibres and breaks down blood vessels in the muscles that are no longer being used. “The body is always trying to conserve as much energy as possible,” Robergs says.  It means when you return to exercise, you’re fatigued because high demand is being heaped onto your heart and lungs to increase blood flow through your contracting muscles, but your body has become less effective at doing this.”

Getting back after into shape, especially after the pandemic will present new challenges indeed.  To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review AIHCP’s Healthcare Life Coach Program.  The program is online and helps train qualified professionals in the area of healthy living and how to help others achieve that standard.



Life Coaching Program Article on Exercise and Mental Health

Exercise is well beyond diet and weight management but is also pivotal to overall health in every facet.  Mental health is also a a physiological benefit of regular exercise. Doctors prescribe exercise for many people especially when many jobs are sedentary.

A overall lack of exercise is due to the pandemic and sedentary lifestyles. This can be also bad for mental health. Please also review AIHCP’s Healthcare Life Coaching Program


The article, “How to Effectively Prescribe Exercise” by Brad Bergin Noel Amaladoss, MD , Antony Amaladoss, MBBS, D Psych, F Psych review the importance of exercise for mental health.  The article states,

“The access to recreation centers and fitness facilities has decreased significantly for public safety purposes. This has made it particularly difficult to advise patients on how to pursue exercise. Yet, in psychiatry, we all prescribe exercise as a natural therapy to improve mood and manage depression and anxiety symptoms. There is a large body of evidence to suggest its benefits”

To read the entire article, please click here

With recent the recent pandemic it has been difficult for many to exercise as much with restrictions to gyms.  It is important for others to find alternative ways to exercise to maintain not merely physical health but also mental health.

Please also review AIHCP’s Healthcare Life Coaching Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.


Healthcare Life Coach Certification Article on Exercise and Recovery

Many athletes and individuals who work out do not spend enough time in recovery.  Granting the body rest and refueling it for future work outs are key to productive muscle build and overall health.  It is imperative to allow the body the time it needs to heal and recover.

Recovery is an important part of the cycle of exercise. Please also review AIHCP’s Healthcare Life Coaching Certification


The article, “Why recovery is the key to effective exercise: How to reboot your workout routine” by Barbara Santas looks at the importance of recovery to the body as a critical part of the workout cycle.  She states,

“The reality is that exercise hurts our bodies. And recovery heals them. When we work out, we push our bodies to the point of cellular breakdown with the intention of building them back up stronger and more efficient. With every strenuous bike ride, weight training session or bout of high-intensity interval training, we give rise to this process.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review the Healthcare Life Coach Certification program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.


Healthcare Life Coaching Program Article on Exercise and Aging

Exercise improves quality of life in every aspect.  It helps with health issues, it helps keep the body strong and prevents disease.  It also studies show helps keep one younger.  Frequent exercise has the ability at the cellular level to reduce the effects of aging in numerous ways.

Exercise is a necessary component of any life style. It can help reduce the effects of aging as well. Please review AIHCP’s Healthcare Life Coaching Program


The article, “Work out and stay young” by Rita Matraia looks how frequent exercise can reduce aging effects.  She states,

“We’ve written in the past about many of the positive health benefits of exercise, including how it can help a person be more productive, help to prevent heart disease, diabetes, cancer and weight gain, and improve a person’s mental health. All of these benefits can, of course, slow down the aging process, enabling you to live a longer, healthier life. But there are other reasons that exercise will keep you young.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Exercise should be a constant staple in everyone’s life.  It is critical to longevity and a healthy life.  Please also review AIHCP’s Healthcare Life Coaching Program and see if you qualify to earn this certification.


Encouraging Isolated Patients to Spend Time Outdoors

Woman Walking Along Path In Autumn WoodlandWritten By Lucy Peters

The average American is believed to spend nearly 90% of their life indoors, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. This equates to being outdoors for a total of one half of one day per week.  Patients who are in isolation due to being immunocompromised or testing positive for a contagious disease may spend even less time outdoors. This can result in increased anxiety, a compromised circadian rhythm, and even an increasingly suppressed immune system. Thankfully, there are a number of ways in which a healthcare professional can help an isolated patient spend time outdoors.

Highlight the benefits of spending time outside

A patient is more likely to make an effort to spend time outside if they are aware of the benefits they may enjoy. There are a number of science-backed benefits that can be highlighted. Spending time outside can reduce cortisol levels which will boost your overall mood according to a Japanese nature therapy study. Spending time outdoors can also help accelerate healing according to the University of Pittsburgh while a Harvard Medical School publication concurs that outdoor time will boost Vitamin D levels significantly. Spending time outdoors can also aid in reducing the mental fatigue that often presents itself during periods of illness.

Suggest simple yet beneficial outdoor activities

Although structured outdoor therapy sessions may yield impressive results, it is not always a viable option. Healthcare professionals are in a good position to suggest simple yet beneficial ways that will increase the time an isolated patient spends outdoors. Going for a walk, even if just around the garden, will yield benefits both associated with being outside as well as physical activity. Patients can also be encouraged to conduct a range of everyday activities, such as reading and catching up on social media, outside. While a deck or porch is ideal places for these, finding a sunny spot near an open window will also suffice.

What if going outdoors isn’t an option?

For some isolated patients, going outside isn’t an option due to a variety of reasons. According to a study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, simply viewing natural settings can boost physiological well-being considerably. These findings can be supported in a number of ways. By encouraging patients to open windows to allow fresh air in, placing indoor plants or cut flowers in the home, or looking out into the garden, they may become privy to benefits typically associated with outdoor time.  Apart from noticing a reduction in anxiety and stress, cognitive function may also be improved.

Spending time outdoors is of pertinent importance to isolated patients. Although different strategies may need to be employed for each, there are many ways these patients can be exposed to the outdoors and reap the subsequent benefits.



Please also review AIHCP’s  Health Care Life Coach Program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.  The program in online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a health care life coach program

Challenges Facing New Nurses during the COVID-19 Crisis

Doctor examining a little girl with a stethoscope at home.

Written By Lucy Peters

If you are new to nursing and you have recently started working at a hospital or health center, then without a doubt you have thought about what a big challenge the start of your working life will be. A recent survey by the American Nurses Association of 32,000 nurses showed that a vast majority (87%) of nurses are afraid of going to work and 36% have had to care for COVID-19 patients without adequate PPE. What are the biggest challenges facing new nurses, and what steps can be taken to ensure they stay safe during COVID-19 and future pandemics?

A Need for Greater Preparedness

As stated by Forbes, the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of integrating more public health emergency preparedness and response (PHEPR) content into nursing curricula. Previous crises had already highlighted the need for training in this area, but previous attacks (such as the 2001 Anthrax attack) were more short-lived and did not affect either the health system or the global economy to the extent that COVID-19 is. Offering post-graduate emergency preparedness and conducting emergency drills can help nurses be more prepared for public health emergencies.

Better PPE Provisions

In late May, a survey conducted by the National Nurses United (NNU) found that a majority of respondents said they were having to reuse protective equipment meant for single use. One third also said that their employer expected them to rely on their personal sick leave, vacation days, or paid time off if they were to become infected with the virus. A separate study released by the California Nurses Association also showed high PPE reuse rates. Clearly, the need for reliable protective equipment is an issue affecting new as well as more experienced nurses. Other protective measures that should be adopted include creating separate treatment zones for persons attending emergency due to COVID-like symptoms and having strict isolation plans for infected patients.

Increased Pay Opportunities reports that some high-need areas are offering sign-on bonuses for nurses. Learning institutions are also making it easier for people to enter the profession — for instance, by offering nursing qualifications in one year to those who have a Bachelor’s degree in another field. Accelerated programs appeal to millennials studying medicine since many are concerned about college debt and/or the amount of time required to complete standard college degrees. Younger students are keen on newer approaches to medicine (including telemedicine) and they are meaning-driven rather than salary-driven. However, many are already shouldering debt from former college courses, meaning that searching out better pay has become a necessary priority for many.

The Benefits of Starting Nursing during the Pandemic

Despite all the challenges, some nurses who have started in the profession during the pandemic have reported a great sense of achievement and joy at making a positive difference to the lives of so many. Working at a time in which staff shortages and long working hours have become the norm in many hospitals also puts their skills and commitment to the test. Even seasoned nurses have reported feeling overwhelmed at times yet they have also reported a great sense of achievement as they observe patients heal and obtain their release from the hospital.

Nurses who have just graduated or who are completing accelerated programs to start working during the pandemic have many challenges ahead. Although some states seem to have passed the worst of the pandemic, others are still struggling with issues such as PPEs and long working hours. Nurses are here to heal, but not to be martyrs because of a lack of equipment and safety measures. Without a doubt, COVID-19 has only highlighted the importance of preparing health teams for future health crises of a grand scale.



Please also review AIHCP’s  Health Care Life Coach Program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.  The program in online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a health care life coach program