Top 100 Health Coaching Tips for a Healthy Summer

Summer is almost here and so are the health  care life coaching tips to get in “beach shape”, what super food to eat to lose weight or what killing new exercise is the latest craze.    When looking for advice in the health care coaching field see if the information provided is sound.   You can know this for yourself if the health coach states lifestyle changes instead of something that promises quick results.    Health coaches will always suggest proper diet and hard work pay off in the long run.   Health coaching tips like; eat fiber it’s filling with half the calories, eat fresh fruit instead of dried, and drink plenty of water instead of soda.    All of these tips are designed to get you to change your lifestyle instead of eating a miracle super food.    For a full 100 item list of things you might want to consider doing this summer please review below:

a picture of a wooden path leading down to the beach
Proper diet and exercise is the only health coaching advice you need!

The article, “100 Tips for a Healthier Summer”, by Cheryl Forberg states

“It’s time to fast track to get your body in peak fat-burning condition. By combining the right foods and beverages and amplifying your workouts, your bod will be in head-turning shape all summer long.”

For the full article please go here.

Following health coaching advice does not have to be hard.   If you were to following just 10 of the tips on this 100 item list then you would be making a change for the better.
If you want to learn more about health care life coaching then you might want to give our page a look.

Health Care Coaching Advice: Fix Your Form!

From time to time we all need health care coaching exercise advice.   Being it dietary, emotional or how we exercise.   When we exercise proper form is crucial to not only getting the most out of our exercise routine but making sure we do not pull a muscle or hurt ourselves.   Health care coaches can guide you on the proper form, from a visit to your health care coach or from health coach articles like this one:

An exercise bicycle class.
Health Care Coaching can help you get the most out of your exercise!

Health Care Coaching Advice: Fix Your Form!

The article, “Fix Your Form: Make Over Your Crunches”, by Sarah Klein states

“If you don’t know your way around a weight room, heading to the gym can be intimidating — and even dangerous. But paying attention to a few simple rules of proper technique can make you slimmer, stronger and healthier all over.”

For the full article please go here.

Health care coaching advice should be just as important as the exercise itself.    Far too often everyday people try an exercise routine without consulting a wellness coach.   The health coaching advice received could prevent an injury or keep a person from doing too much all at once.
If you think you could make a good health care coach, you might want to visit our site. 

Health Coaching Advice for your 40’s

an older couple smiling and posing for a picture
Health coaching suggests plenty of rest, a little exercise and a healthy diet.















Health care life coaching advice for everyone over 40 is simple; stay active, get your sleep, and eliminate toxins in your life.    Daily exercise, a holistic diet, and 8 hours of sleep are all you need!  Health coaches suggest that you start out slowly at first and integrate all of these steps into your daily life.   Wellness coaches say you should start with what you put in your body.   Health care coaching is all about healthy eating and a health lifestyle after all.    Start by making your own foods and not relying on manufactured foods such as fast food or premade foods from your supermarket.    Next wellness coaching tip is to exercise.  It could be something as small as 10 to 15 minute of exercise right after you wake up.    For a full 8 week schedule of what health care coaches suggest you should be doing, please review the following article.

Health Coaching Advice for your 40’s

The article, “Making Significant Changes in Your Early 40s”, by Nancy Deville states

“The early 40s are the years to make significant changes to head off accelerated aging. It’s a “make or break it” time of life. You can tailspin into aging, or you can revamp and renew yourself.”

For the full article please go here.

As you can see health care life coaching can help you well into your 40’s.   All you have to do is exercise more, eliminate toxins, eat healthy, and get your 8 hours of sleep.    Once you start doing this you will notice a healthy and better you.
If you want to learn more about health care coaching and its benefits then you should visit our page.

Health Coaching Diet Advice: Food Myths

3 eggs just sitting there.
Health coaching ending the debate once and for all. Eggs are good for you.

Health coaching is suppose to help us get and stay healthy.   Sometimes that means health coaches need to spread the truth about common food myths.   Myths like drinking juice is good for you.   Health care coaches would disagree.  A health coach would state that it has as much sugar as soda.   Health care coaching professionals would then state it is better for you to just eat the piece of fruit the juice is suppose to come from.   It is better for you.   For the list of common food myths please read below:

Health Coaching Diet Advice: Food Myths

The article, “5 Myths About Everyday Foods”, by  Susan B. Dopart states

“When it comes to nutrition, sometimes it’s hard to tell the fact from the fiction. Certain foods get a reputation as “bad for you,” whereas others get promoted as “natural” or “good for you” when they are really not.”

For the full article please go here.

The health coaching field is working hard to bust these myths about the foods we all avoid and the foods we all should avoid.   The best thing for you to do is contact a health coach or a wellness coach and have them design a diet that will work for you.

If you want to learn more about health care coaching, then you might want to check out our website.

Health Care Coach Advice: Organic or Local?

Health Care Coach Advice comes in many forms.   It can cover proper diet.   It can help you with proper form during exercising.   It can also advise you on the quality of foods you should be eating.   Some good health care coaching advice from a blog asked should you buy organic from a megamart if you cannot find organic locally.   The advice the health coach gave is here:

A display of random vegetables
Local or organic? Get the Health Care Coach answer.

Health Care Coach Advice: Organic or Local?

The article, “Ask the Health Coach: Should I Shop Organic or Local?” by Maura Manzo states

“This question is perfect for this time of year. As we roll into summer, produce stands and farmers’ markets are ripe with tons of local fruits and veggies. But, as you pointed out, local farmers don’t always grow organic. So, it presents a bit of a dilemma: If you can’t have both, should you buy local or organic?”

For the full answer please go here.

So in the end the health care coach advice is always shop local.   It helps support your local economy.   It saves gas and oil from shipping costs.   Lastly most of the time local farmers are organic anyways!
If you would like to learn more about health care coaches or how to become a health coach then you might want to visit our site.

Wellness Coaching: What Not To Say To Dieters

Wellness coaching or health coaching is not just all about proper diet and exercise.   It is about a proper mental health image as well.   Keeping this positive mentality is important and key to permanent weight loss. However things we say can have a negative impact as well.   Health care coaches have come up with a list of things you should not say to someone who is trying to lose weight:

Wellness Coaching: What Not To Say To Dieters

The article, “Worst Things to Say To Someone Trying to Lose Weight”, by states

“What’s the worst thing anyone ever said to you when you were trying to lose weight? That’s the question we put to Health’s Facebook audience, and boy, did we get an earful!”

For the full list please go here.

Wellness coaching can only go so far.    Ultimately it is up to you to stay with you diet.   You should not let anything anyone says push you away from your goal.    Keeping positive and listening to your health care coach will see you meet those goals.   If you are interested in health care coaching then you should visit our webpage. 

Health Care Coaching and Positive Psychology

A lady in a gym with a clipboard.
Health care coaching is about keeping fit and staying positive.











Can you through health care coaching and positive psychology think yourself thin? A health coach with a background in positive psychology thinks so!   It is not too hard to believe.   Health coaches routinely promote diet, exercise, and a positive mind set.   Through health coaching and positive daily affirmations, you could will yourself thin by reaffirming your commitment daily.   An article wrote by a health care coach has more:

Health Care Coaching and Positive Psychology

The article, “Can You Think Your Way to a Thinner You?”, byMarie-Josée Shaar states

“One of my coaching clients, let’s call her Nadine, once asked me what I thought of using positive affirmations to lose weight. Will repeating “I am losing weight every day” to herself and posting “I love to eat healthy” on her fridge help her drop a jeans size?”

For the full article please go here.

Believing you can do something is the first step to actually doing it.   With the right health care coaching advice from an excellent health care life coach, you can do anything you put your mind to.  just remember to stay positive and keep with it!
If you are interested in becoming a health coach then please feel free to visit our webpage.

Health Care Coaching Advice to Lose Weight Fast!

A group of fit people in a gym giving a thumbs up.
Health care coaching professionals ready to help you!

Looking for some Health Care Coaching advice to help you lose some of those stubborn pounds?  The secret is to live life and use proper diet and exercise.   How to fit this into your life you might ask?   Well an excellent health coaching article tells how to do just that:

Health Care Coaching Advice to Lose Weight Fast!

The article, “16 Ways to Lose Weight Fast”, by states

“It’s a familiar story: You pledge to honor a daily elliptical routine and count every last calorie. But soon, you’re eating cupcakes at the office and grabbing happy hour mojitos, thinking, Oops, diet over.”

For the full article please go here.

Simple health care coaching advice that can add up to big losses on your waist line.   From just getting up and moving, finding time for exercise to being satisfied with a small taste and learning self-control, you can lose those unwanted pounds.    All it takes is will power and a good health coach to keep you on track.    If you want to learn more, you should give our website a look.

Health Coaching News: Exercise Increases Lifespan

Young couple working out on a trendmill
Health Coaching suggests exercise can help lengthen your life!

Health Coaching professionals are always stating the obvious about exercise.   It is good for your heart.   It keeps you trim and fit.   It helps to lead to a better diet.  Now they are adding something new to the list.   Exercise can add years to your life.   For a list of the best exercises health care coaches suggest, check out this article:

Health Coaching News: Exercise Increases Lifespan

The article, “Exercises That Can Add Years To Your Life”, Source: Huffington Post states

“Working out isn’t only about how you’ll look in that bikini. Getting — and staying — in shape boosts heart health, helps your skin and improves your sleep, to mention just a few of the healthy perks.”

For the full article please go here.

These health coaching tips are easy to do as well.    It could be as simple as parking further in the back of the lot then walking to the store or taking a few flights of stairs.   Health care coaching to better your life ultimately starts with your personal commitment to a healthy, better you.   If you want to learn about health care life coaching or becoming a health care coach, you might want to visit our site.

Health Care Coaching: Diet and Exercise Cut Cancer Risks

Modern health care coaching professionals understand the risks people take with a life style devoid of proper dieting and exercise.   Not only does proper diet and routine exercise help maintain weight, keep your heart healthy, and relieve stress but now studies are showing that it can also cut your risk of cancer as well.   Ted Burnham from National Public Radio writes:

Health Care Coaching: Diet and Exercise Cut Cancer Risks

The article, “Evidence Mounts That Diet, Exercise Help Survivors Cut Cancer Risk”, by Ted Burnham states

“Eat right and exercise is about as basic as medical advice gets.
Follow it, and you’ll benefit from better overall fitness, improved quality of life, and a reduced risk for chronic conditions, such as heart disease and diabetes.”

For the full article please go here.

Health care coaching can help set up a diet and exercise regiment to get you on track to being a healthy and happier you.   Consult with a health care coach today to get started!
If you are interested in learning more about health coaching or becoming a health coach, feel free to visit our website