Like any family, the Christian Church, whether a Catholic parish, or Non-Denominational congregation all have unique talents and gifts within the individuals who participate in the life of the church. Whether these gifts are spiritual, or financial, or in organization, they all bring special aspects to properly function from both material and spiritual parts. Since the dawn of Pentecost, the Apostles set forth and founded Christian communities and Churches throughout the Roman Empire. The apostles organized these small Christian churches with guidelines and blue prints to function both physically and spiritually. In the spiritual sense, the Church collectively was seen as the Body of Christ, Christ the head and all baptized believers various members of the body with different functions. Ecclesiastically, the presbyters and deacons played a key role in local communities, answering to apostles and disciples who founded the various churches. These communities were diverse depending on their location within the Roman Empire but all shared one common faith.
Like today, those communities came together to celebrate the Eucharist, share Christian values and spread the word of Christ. Yet also like today, they shared in their own local issues. They too had to get along with each other and many differences did arise. For instance, the issue of circumcision for non-Jewish converts was a hotly debated church issue that divided even Peter and Paul. Yet, all these issues were usually resolved with Christian charity despite grave differences of opinion.
Today, many churches have missions and goals and ideas how to best serve Christ, but within the local church exists numerous opinions that sometimes come at odds with one another. This can lead to un-Christian behaviors and sometimes division within the Church. It can lead to resentment, frustration, isolation and division between members. In some ways the local church can become a club where others wish to be heard or seen more than others or push their agendas above others. In fact, many “religious” individuals may be very well superficial in faith and look more for human favor among the members that serves their own egos rather than serving Christ. Others may have an agenda and that agenda while good may consume them and when rejected by others become a personal slight. Hence the church while serving a spiritual goal and agenda can and does become a political and social club many times. Some may wish simply to show up Sunday and be done with the church politics, while others may find church social life rewarding, but it is important to treat the church not as a social club or a place to be seen but instead as a supernatural unit dedicated to spreading the Gospel. Sometimes financial discussions and social discussions are needed and can raise temperatures of individuals in debate on how funds should be allocated, but ultimately, the primary goal and mission statement of any church is to spread the Gospel and when that spirituality is lost, then the church might as well become a social hall than a spiritual organism.
On a larger scale, other issues may also look to divide the faithful. Politics can be a very divisive tool used by Satan. Only moral issues in the public sphere should be discussed within the Church, such as abortion or marriage laws. Support of a particular candidate or shunning others of a different political thought or party has no place within the Church. Christ clearly divided Caesar and God and so does the United States constitution. The Church as a tax exempt organization should never show support for any party or politician nor dismiss others who disagree with the majority. Politics has no place in any church and can be a poison to the unity and spirituality of the Church.
In addition, theological issues can divide the faithful. Issues of a woman’s role in the Church, homosexual marriage and rights, and other theological issues and differences on interpretation of Scripture can divide members. It is important to maintain the creed of Christ, the Bible and dogma of the Church, but there is also in some cases wiggle room for more conservative and liberal members to give and take on current church law or human made institutions. What is most dangerous is when one openly rejects a tenet of the faith or when one becomes so self righteous as to condemn others. The pastor or priest must play the role of mediator and teacher in these instances
Even within spiritual discussions human ego can emerge. Arguments over liturgical music, or how a ceremony should be organized or what date can all play roles for more church politics. In essence, everyone sometimes wants to be heard, seen, or approved. When these things do not occur, then the inner arguing and jealousies can emerge much to Satan’s delight. Unfortunately, this is human nature and will almost always occur. Pastors, ministers, priests, and leaders within the congregation all have to manage these emotions as the early apostles did. The first step always is remembering the spiritual goal and mission statement first and harboring a strong spirituality to weed out those who are there for themselves instead of God.
Because of divisions, human arguments and bad behaviors it is important to set forth guidelines for meetings. It is also crucial to set forth proper meeting agenda rules, schedules and formats to maximize time. This involves articulate communication skills, as well as organization. Those with ideas should be respected and listened to with empathy and charity. When differences arise, the commonality of Christ and the grace of the Holy Spirit should guide the conversation. Whether it is budget or liturgical music selections, every conversation in meetings should be monitored and regulated to avoid over speaking of each other and insults. Again, the Church is also a spiritual place and it should reflect the early apostles in their spirit of spreading the Gospel whether in different ways or not. This involves basic skills of communicating, listening and showing respect. Ultimately the success of these meetings or events relies heavily upon the leadership of the Christian leader.
Christian Leadership and Mission Statements and Goals of the Church
It is important to return to the goals of the church which is bring Christ to the world. Mission statements may be worded differently but each church serves a spiritual purpose to make the world a better place. The church while physical on earth is also spiritual. The Church Militant on earth serves to spread the Gospel and to share the truths of Christ through the sacramental life of the Eucharist. When these goals and mission statements are lost, then the church can become more temporally orientated. This is not to say festivals, or fund raisers or social picnics are not wonderful things to bring the community together, collect funds for the church and poor, as well as pay the bills to keep the lights on, but it when these things become so much that they cloud the goal and mission statements of the church, then the spirituality of the faith can be damaged. This is where more secular minded members thrive with festivals and games and fund raisers. Some may be good financial advisors and serve the church economically well but others may only see this social status.
What gets lost in this? Food drives, collections for the poor, counseling services, marriage and divorce support, spiritual events, prayer groups, and other ministry based projects. How many more are concerned with the social outings than the spiritual meetings of prayer? A parish or local church’s spiritual life is correlated with its spiritual practices. Within Catholic parishes, are groups more concerned about Bingo or the festival, or more so about Eucharistic adoration, prayer, or food drives? Does the Church pride itself on the size of its festival and how much collected each week, or on its outreach programs to the local poor as well as services to guide the youth, troubled, grieving and promotion of theological education?
Christianity is not just a singular religion but a social one. It involves interaction and giving back to the Body of Christ. Even the most spiritual saints understood they could not escape the cry of the Christian population. Those close to Christ always find themselves returning to the people and finding Christ in them as well. Hence those in Christian leadership are critical to controlling the secular impulses of the congregation as well as regulating emotional outbursts and petty jealousies. While one would assume Christians would already adhere to a particular ethical rule of business as treating each other as Christ, this is hardly the reality. So sometimes it involves laying forth a set of rules and ways Christian people conduct church or parish meetings. This involves starting all meetings with prayers and blessings that look to dismiss hubris, to focus on the necessary temporal but understand the greater importance of the spiritual goals and missions of the church. It involves carving out a Christ like description of meeting rules which shows mutual respect, understanding, nonjudgement and empathy to fellow parish members. It involves setting forth a way committees treat each other as well as dismissing bullying or other forms of harassment.
When leadership is lacking and events or meetings occur, it can sometimes seem like a club meeting or a job with individuals who need authority somewhere in life and finally find it in the wrong place, namely the church.
So one must turn to the early Church and apostles as examples of best leadership. A Christian leader understands his/her own limitations and finds the charisms and talents within the congregation to aid the growth of the church. The Christian leader is able to take criticism with humility, bridge diverging opinions, bring the best out of others and encourage others in Christ. A Christian leader is humble and understands the first will be last in heaven. While utilizing authority when needed, the Christian leader is gentle and compassionate in decisions. The Christian leader leads by example not commands. Like Christ, the Christian leader “washes” the feet of the “apostles”. The Christian leader embodies service, shepherding, stewardship while exhibiting humility. A Christian leader in many ways is called by Christ to lead. It is a sacred vocation accepted by the congregation.
However, within any church or parish, it is essential to respect authority. The Church has never been a true democracy within itself. There has always been a emphasis on spiritual authority. When spiritual authority is disregarded or a church leader dismissed, then there is no shepherd for the flock. Every flock needs a leader and respect to that authority is essential. Unfortunately, due to scandal and abuse, many have lost faith in leadership within Christian Churches. Only through good example and accountability can this authority again earn respect. Because of this, the Christian leader is also called to the highest standards of ethical and moral behavior. The Christian leader is not sinless, but strives to give the best example as possible. The Christian leader hence needs mutual support from other leaders. Confession, or counsel should come from other trusted mentors or fellow leaders to help one with self care, spirituality and possible times of desolation. Christian leaders continue to learn, study and focus on spirituality and discernment of the fulfillment of their calling.
The Church is a dynamic organism. Within Scripture, it is a living body with Christ as its head. It involves those on earth and those in heaven, who collectively work together as one body. This spiritual calling is primary but due to temporal existence the church is also a building that needs upkept. Finances emerge. Festivals and fun outings need planned. But when these things overshadow the mission statement and goal to spread Christ to the world and share and enhance each others spirituality, then the church can lose its spiritual identity.
Within the Church, like any family, there will exist divisions and arguments, but they need to be maintained in a charitable way with rules and regulations. Christian leaders are more than priests and pastors but also organizers and communicators. They not only preach and heal, but also lead and unify. It is essential despite differences in theology, meeting disagreements, or event planning that the Christian communities work together and constantly behave with Christian charity with one another. Ultimately Church is not a social club to be seen or heard or abuse authority or demean others, but a place to grow together in Christ and spread the Gospel. This involves humility, charity and prayer in all Church gatherings.
Please also review AIHCP’s Christian Counseling Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification. The program is especially beneficially for training of ministers and clergy or professionals within the church community who are looking to offer basic spiritual direction and counseling services at a non clinical level.
Additional Resources
Tenny-Brittian. “The Effective Church Group”. Access here
Neffiner, V. (2019) “Here Are 8 of the Most Controversial Issues in the Church Today”. Crosswalk. Access here
“20 ways to prevent and resolve conflict in the church” (2023). NC Baptists. Access here
Perry, T (2020). “Effective Christian Leadership for Today: Key Aspects, Stages & More”. Access here
Faulkner, B. (2024). “7 Biblical Models of Leadership”. LifeWay. Access here
Grief while universal to humanity is expressed differently across cultures. Latino Americans due to their own unique culture, family structures, spiritualty and life values can face grief and cope with it in different ways. They also face different internal and external stressors than can complicate the grieving process.
The fastest growing minority group within the United States are Latino Americans (Pedersen, 2018, p. 164). Hence counselors are very likely to come into contact with the Latino American communities which are comprised of multiple different locations comprised of Hispanic mixtures ranging from the Mexico to the Caribbean islands such as Puerto Rico and Cuba to Central America throughout South America. All of these Latino ethnic groups share a common heritage but also a very diverse one in regards to the differing nations and local traditions. Most of these groups will stem from deeply religious groups with Roman Catholicism being the dominant faith, with other Protestant denominations existing within the population due to Protestant missions to Latin America as well as exposure to the United States and its many non-denominational faiths.
When helping these populations with grief, Grief Counselors need to have a larger understanding of their struggles, social needs and norms, and need for family ties. In particular, Grief Counselors who are also Grief Diversity Specialists can play a key role.
Latino Americans and the Importance of Family as Structure
Latino Americans have strong family ties (Pederson, 2018, p. 176). Individualism is replaced with a collective need to work together and cooperate instead of competition. The needs of the family and respect of the family is key. This leads to a deep sense of commitment and also obligation to family needs before one’s own needs. Caretaking and protecting of family in times of distress and illness are calls to action which brings the family unit together. Family events, birthdays, holidays and deaths are more emphasized and prioritized as a time of coming together in happiness and sorrow and sharing of life and death. The family dynamic is hence critical to the emotional and mental health of many Latino-Americans.
Within the family unit, there are also extensions to friends and non blood relatives, such as god parents, best friends or individuals who share special roles within the family dynamic. Elders are given maximum respect, while children are expected to be obedient and respectful. Men are expected to display strong machismo typo characteristics that provide for the family while women are expected to be submissive, nurturing and self-sacrificing for the needs of the family. There does exist some forms of emancipated women where Latino women are more liberated and provide for the family as well, so again, over generalization can be counter productive because diversity still exists within any family dynamic. Also, while exploring the need of family over individual, Latino Americans still have a sense of cultivating individualism of inner qualities that build towards self worth. This is tied greatly to their very spiritual and religious backgrounds that mold many of them in their daily lives.
External and Internal Challenges that Affect Grief and Loss in Latino Americans
Latinos in America deal with a variety of external and internal challenges that can affect grief and loss in their lives. According to Pedersen, Latinos face racism, segregation, discrimination, poverty, significant educational disadvantages and immigration trauma. Issues dealing with fitting in and acculturation also can become stressors and factors for some. These issues can lead a variety of internal and external stressors that can cause distress to many Latinos, whether born in the United States or immigrated to it. Some may arrive illegally and have a constant stress of being deported, while others deal with the disconnection from the family at home. Those who are alone in the United States can suffer greatly without the importance of the family structure to help them cope with daily stressors or losses. This fear leads to the immigrant in possibly never seeing his or her family again and pushes him/her to find new surrogate families or find local Latino American communities to find commonality.
With internal strife and fear, and external factors such as poverty or racism, the need for counseling among many Latino Americans is necessary but many refuse to look for external helps outside the family structure, or if male, feel it as a sign of weakness to seek state services.
Counseling with Latino Americans
Obviously the diversity of Latino Americans prevents one sole solution for all. Some Latino Americans are second generation and fully acculturated. Some may be partially acculturated in public but have a very strong sense of culture at home. Of course, acculturation is the term to describe when two cultures come into first contact and when the primary ethnicity of the person adjusts to the new dominantly present culture (Pederson, 2018. p. 174). When acculturation presents itself to isolated immigrants or those with strong cultural identities, this can lead to issues with mental health (Pederson, 2018, p. 174). Grief Counselors need to take into account the degree of acculturation has occurred for different individuals. When dealing with any minority group, it is critical to identify a three dimensional model in which the first reviews acculturation degree, the locus of the problem and the goals for helping (Pedersen, 2018, p. 176).
In the case of Latino Americans, this may involve an indepth inquiry about the nature of the Latino Americans life history. Is the Latino client born in the United States, a legal or illegal immigrant as well as his/her family support systems? Is the Latino client alone or does the Latino client with family? Is the Latino client a male and displaying traditional macho behaviors that may hurt the healing process, or is the Latino client a woman displaying overtly submissive behaviors? All of these issues can affect grief from internal and external pressures in how one can cope with a loss or deal with a stressor. One can definitely not dismiss the role of racism and prejudice that many Latino Americans also face which can complicate grieving. According to Pedersen, any minority or immigrant is more than likely to experience some form of racism (2018, P. 174).
Finally, it is sometimes difficult to convince Latino Americans about the credibility of the counseling process (Pederson, 2018, p. 175). This can be partly due to the Latino attitude of utilizing family support to deal with emotional and mental issues as well as avoiding including strangers into their problems. Many Latinos utilize spirituality and family strength as a source to cope and find resilience (Pedersen, 2018, p. 176). With this understanding, counselors should utilize family when available as well as spiritual resources to help Latinos sometimes face issues. Family support in counseling can play a large difference in outcomes.
Without overtly over-generalizing in light of different individuals, one can basically state that most Latino Americans are spiritual, family based, and value centered individuals. As an ethnic minority, all face racism to some extent, while immigrants face an even tougher uphill battle that sometimes involves isolation from family or illegally present, fear of deportation. With such strong family ties and certain emotional grieving patterns, outside counseling can sometimes be difficult but grief counselors need to remember the various internal and external issues they face to better understand their grief and help them better cope. Utilizing spirituality and family ties, if present, can be useful tools in helping Latino Americans in counseling.
Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification, as well as its Grief Diversity Specialist Program for already certified Grief Counselors. The programs are online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification.
Cuellar, I., & Paniagua, F.A. (2000).Handbook of multicultural mental health: Assessment and treatment of diverse populations. San Diego, CA: Academic Press. McGoldrick, M., Giordano, J., & Garcia-Preto, N. (Eds.) (2005).Ethnicity and family therapy(3rded.). New York: Guilford Press. Schwarzbaum, S. E., & Thomas, A. J. (2008).Dimensions of multicultural counseling.Los Angeles: Sage Publications. Sue, D. W., & Sue, D. (2003).Counseling the culturally diverse: Theory and practice(4th ed.). New York: John Wiley and Sons.
Pedersen, P. et al. (2018). Counseling Across Cultures (7th ed.). Sage
Additional Online Resources
Fortuna, L. “Working with Latino/a and Hispanic Patients”. APA. Access here
Benton, E (2023). “8 Mental Health Resources for the Latino Community”. Very Well Mind. Access here
Mental Health Disparities: Hispanics and Latinos. APA. Access here
Hari, L, et, al. (2020). “Mental Health Needs of an Emerging Latino Community”. J. BehavHealth Serv Res. 2020; 47(3): 388–398. Published online 2020 Jan 30. doi: 10.1007/s11414-020-09688-3. National Library of Medicine. Access here
Overcoming Mental Health Stigma in the Latino Community (2017). Cleveland Clinic. Access here
The role of a Christian Counselor is twofold. On one hand, the counselor is a professional who must adhere to ethical standards of the field echoing the axion “do not harm”. On other the hand, the Christian counselor is called to bear witness to the faith. These ideals can collide when a counselor is also a clinical professional counselor working in the secular realm where personal bias and religious conviction are separated from the counseling process. While the divine mandate to preach to all nations is important, in professional settings, such religious proclamations are not only inappropriate but also counter productive. Showing Christian example in these cases are always better than words. As for the Christian Counselor, who may be licensed or non-licensed in counseling, the opportunity to express Christian doctrine is ethical because the client is seeking Christian answers for his/her issues in life. Of course, the Christian Counselor is still called to express empathy, love and non-judgement to those who express different gender or moral questions.
With this guideline in place, it is important for Christian Counselors or counselors who are Christian to have a better understanding regarding the conflict between Christianity and the role of gender ideology and oppression. Please also review AIHCP’s Christian Counseling Certification.
Christianity and Oppression
The Church is divinely founded institution by Jesus Christ but made for human beings Human beings are imperfect and hence subject to corruption. The Church while divinely inspired via the Holy Spirit still makes mistakes because of its human element. These mistakes are highlighted throughout history through the numerous atrocities made in the name of Christ through discrimination, persecution and war. It is unfair to say Christianity is the sole religion to be hijacked by fanatics and misused. Throughout history, human beings have used religion as a way a propaganda tool for horrendous things, but does this dismiss the faith itself? Humanity would find new vehicles to promote hate and war if faith ceased to exist. An atheistic world would find ways promote different groups against one or the other. Still, those who wish to divide, hate and control misuse religion. Christianity itself has been utilized for evil ends never intended by Christ Himself.
Jesus Christ came to free the oppressed, namely every soul under the oppression of Satan and the sin of Adam. Christianity within its founding is non-oppression creed that looks to find equality within Christ. St Paul states that whether Gentile or Jew, slave or free, male or female we are all equal and one under Christ (Gal;3:28). Yet despite this, evil men and women have corrupted the faith throughout the centuries and caused great pain and suffering to various oppressed groups throughout Europe. In turn, Christianity as the major cultural identifying and unifying force of Europe became an instrument and tool to imprison and enslave the world under the promise of saving souls. Numerous European nations, used faith as a justification to subjugate Africa, the Americas and Asia. While the sweet gift of Christ was awarded to many individuals and spiritual salvation was found, the enormous cultural and ethnic raping of other civilizations created the third world that we know today. European pride, colonization and imperialism became associated with Christianity for many others.
It is important as counselors within the Christian tradition to understand this historical reality. Christianity is seen by many diverse groups as an oppressor due to its affiliation with Christian nations of Europe and also Christian missionaries who behaved like colonizing agents of change instead of messengers of the Gospel. This is not to dismiss the great work of many missionaries in both Protestant and Catholic traditions. Many good people spread the Gospel. Many saw the equality of all cultures and their beauty while trying to share Christ, but many also looked to Europeanize and destroy the indigenous culture. These scars and hatreds against the Church are real.
So while as a faith, Christianity is non-oppressive, in action, imperfect human beings have utilized it as an oppressive agent within Europe and across the world. Jesus Christ, Himself, would spew these bad examples of faith, as He did the numerous Pharisees of His time, but this sometimes brings little comfort to those who have faced oppression through the Church. As a Christian Counselor, one must understand that Christianity is seen to many as the “common enemy” and not be naive to think everyone sees the face of a Christian as an inspiration, especially in counseling.
Oppression Ideologies
Oppression is real in the world and to deny it because one has not seen it is a grave error. While many Christians, especially those of European descent, may exist in a bubble of the perfect world, many other Christians and non-Christians alike in different cultures experience oppression and racism daily. Whether at the micro-level, or at higher levels, individuals suffer numerous slights and injustices. These potential clients also bring to the counseling room these injustices and Christian Counselors or merely counselors who are Christian must be aware of their target populations and the injustices associated with them.
Approaches to facing oppression exist within and without Christianity. Liberation Theology in Latin America is a critical theory that combines Christian values with Marxist ideologies. Karl Marx, the social philosopher and Father of Socialism taught that there is a clash between the classes. Between the haves and have nots, there has also existed class warfare, whether slaves and owners, serfs and lords, or workers and labor barons. Different names and times but the same class war has always existed, according to Marx. Liberation occurs when the masses take control and find justice through constant revolution. Liberation Theology took a critical look at the Church and its structure as a hierarchal structure of class between clergy and the people. This of course also analyzed the role of women as an oppressed group within the faith and the power of the clergy within the faith. As a Jesuit Catholic theory, it questioned the power of the papacy and hierarchy, as well as questions regarding women priesthood.
Ultimately, the outgroup or group that suffered discrimination looks to find a seat at the table. Ways to address these issues are found usually in two common theories, the Common Humanity Theory or the Common Enemy Theory. Those under the umbrella of the Common Humanity school look to rectify social injustice and inequality by denouncing differences and injustices and condemning inequality and seek to emphasize that all human beings are equal in dignity. Humanity must work together to resolve past injustices and eliminate present examples of racism or oppression. Common Humanity approaches embrace solidarity and the common human solution. In contrast, Common Enemy, focuses more on the oppressor. It searches to eliminate racism and oppression by turning on past oppressors or institutions and weakening their power. In many ways, the ideology looks to burn it all down. It is more Marxist in thought and identifies the “other” more so than the common. Hence those associated with the oppressing past through no fault of their own must be educated and balance must be restored through recognition of division.
There is good from both ideologies and usually a mixed approach is best. Common Humanity can sometimes dismiss differences which are important to understanding oppression but also the diversity within humanity. While it embraces a beautiful Christian concept that we are all children of God and one people, it over generalizes and can dismiss how these differences are real and important while still attempting to eliminate oppression. It can sometimes belittle past injustices and only wish to push forward. Common Enemy obviously is more destructive and dividing with its Marxist ideology. It can make progress difficult because it looks to divide between the haves and have nots and punish those who are descendants of the oppressing group. It essence it can seek to attribute punishment on the descendants of the past oppressive group. This ultimately turns the past oppressor into a new outgroup that faces its own discrimination. Christianity and white males face discrimination for white privilege or Christian morality that finds some acts immoral. Personal belief becomes bigotry and this is wrong.
A mixed road acknowledges common humanity and how everyone must work together to eliminate oppression but this mixed road also accepts the past wrongs and histories and acknowledges privilege in a non-hostile fashion. The common road recognizes the past but also works towards a common future while identifying the beauty of diversity. In the world today, we see protestors demanding the churches be torn down, or statues defaced, or absurd reparations for actions hundreds of years ago, while we also see individuals ignoring history , their own privilege and blessings because of their race or ethnicity, or not willing to offer fair compensation to certain cultures such as Native Americans or oppressed African Americans.
Dealing with Gender Based Ideologies in Christian Counseling
With these important guidelines have been set, one must carefully identify the pain of gender based groups that include women, homosexuals and transgenders. In counseling, many Christians who counsel or in fact perform Christian Counseling services may come across the marginalized within these groups. It is critical within our purpose to present a mixed approach that recognizes the pain of these groups, the wrongs of the Church but also a presentation that defends the integrity of Christ’s original message. This unfortunately, while condemning oppression, lead to extremely different moral outcomes that need to be mutually respected by both sides. Unfortunately, as an ex oppressing group, many Christians are not given this common and mutual respect of disagreement and can be labeled as medieval, prejudice or misogynistic. In order for true freedom to exist, Christian morality cannot become the newly oppressed. Yet, if the counselor, one must sometimes withhold personal opinions or beliefs, or if within Christian Counseling itself, withhold anger or judgement against an an angry client or one who professes a different life style. In counseling, empathy and healing is the desired result and the client is also a patient in which one must do no harm.
Women have unjustly been discriminated throughout human history. Women have been seen as the weaker sex due to physical limitations. Various gender roles have attempted according to different cultures to place women in certain stations instead of validating individualism. Different cultures have different disparities of gender based oppression (Pedersen, 2018, p. 211). Many men have experienced a privilege based on the group they belong to and not based on what they have done or not done (Pedersen, 2018, p. 211). Hence women have been held back in many social spheres in religion, politics, work and the family. Women who are of a certain ethnic minority suffer a second oppression as well. This is referred to as double minority status (Pederson, 2018, p.214).
The feminist moment in the late 19th and early 20th Centuries looked to alter the oppression faced by women. It sought to remove the illusion of male superiority over females based on merely biological appearances. From a Christian perspective, movement within itself embraced the idea that God created both male and female and that all under Christ are one. Its success led to multiple triumphs in woman rights including the right to vote, as well as the appearance of women participating in politics and governance. While opening women to the work force, there still exists unequal pay barriers as well as natural prejudices that exist within social norms of Western civilization. While women have made great leaps in gaining equal treatment in society, there still exists numerous prejudices and inequalities. These issues are common problems for many women in counseling sessions and counselors need to address these issues and also advocate. This is especially the case in rape and domestic abuse which is a critical issue for women world wide.
Yet, despite these great advances, the Church finds itself at odds with many Feminist ideologies. Some denominations pending on their level of conservative values have less friction than others but for the most part, radical feminist ideologies remain in contrast to the Christian faith. Working from least to most controversial, the role of women within the Church has greatly changed since the 1960s. Women are more seen in the Church in regards to liturgical presence than ever before. In Protestant denominations, many women serve as ministers or even bishops. In Catholicism and Orthodoxy, while the priesthood remains for males only, women now participate in liturgical services as lectors, servers, and eucharistic ministers. Permitting this has laid to rest many class/gender war ideologies within the Church but still many within the Catholic and Orthodox Churches see the theological dogma of a male only priesthood as a class struggle as identified in Liberation Theology instead of a moral absolute.
However, radical feminism has pushed into other areas there is little debate within Christian morality. Feminism pushed for a less constrained morality of the female body. Radical feminism, not true feminism, assaulted the role of husband and wife within the Sacrament of Marriage, the nature of the conjugal or sexual act, as well as attacking the rights of the unborn child. Ironically, early feminist movements condemned birth control and abortion as ways males escaped accountability. Recent radicalism has seen it as autonomy of the woman over male restrictions. All of these cases of oppression whether it is state of a woman’s role within the Church to sexual rights have disguised these questions about oppression. Radical groups have taken issues of oppression into issues of faith and morals. The radical movements look to not seek relief from oppression but looks to alter the institution and the morality of Christianity- and turn any Christian, male or female, who opposes it as an oppressor and bigot. Unfortunately, movements against oppression, or least some parts of it, can become radicalized and seek to cause damage and turn those who profess the faith as the newly oppressed.
Still, as Christian Counselors, we need to identify and show empathy with women who face true discrimination issues but also show patience with those who become angry with the Church and its morality. Those who are secular counselors must learn to balance profession and faith and attempt to focus more so on the issues female clients face without further angering or enraging them but instead listening and understanding the pain they experience as women in an unfair world and when appropriate showing action on their behalf.
One group that has faced extreme oppression are those who express different forms of sexual orientation or preferences. The LGBTQ movement has looked to cause awareness regarding the plight and suffering of these marginalized groups. Obviously the dominant group and socially accepted is the hetero-sexual community which makes up most sexual orientations. Those with hetero-sexual inclinations are seen as “normal” and experience far less bias and social hate. Heterosexism is the belief that any sexual relationship that is not between a man or woman is not normal and inferior (Pederson, 2018, p. 221). In addition, Homosexuals have been targeted throughout history with hate crimes and club shootings solely based on their sexual orientation. Only since the 1990s have stigmas of social outcasts been removed and the right to marry and other legal statuses granted, yet, hate still permeates under the cracks of society and this marginalized group still faces discrimination, jokes, hate and violent crimes.
Of course, this type of oppression is condemned by Christianity and Christ commands to love one’s neighbor. While Christianity continues to recognize the homosexual act as unnatural and sinful, the Catechism of the Catholic Church points out that the feelings and the urges themselves are not sin but a result of one’s broken nature, like any impure thoughts, they are to dismissed. The catechism also calls for those with this un-natural inclinations to live a life of purity and prayer. The Church forbids any hatred to the person who expresses this life style but condemns the action itself. Radical movements would label this as oppression but the Church and most of Christianity holds a moral absolute principle. It in no way seeks to restrict homosexuals in public and secular life but holds them accountable if they wish to confess the Christian creed. Restrictions within the faith are not oppressions. Christians are restricted from many moral acts, homosexuality is just one of many and if one wishes to follow Christ, one must take up one’s cross and follow the commandments.
Christian Counselors are ethically held to show nothing but love and empathy for any homosexual clients and must while highlighting the moral truths of the faith show patience and non judgement. In addition, ideas such as conversion therapy can be very dangerous to the mental health of homosexuals who come to Christian Counseling. Many who wish to live chaste lives struggle and to ignore or pretend the emotions are not real can cause intense mental damage. Every moral temptation, for whichever vice in life, needs to be acknowledged, understood and coped with as a cross in life. Attempting to make a person who is homosexual to heterosexual in terms of what they find attractive is something beyond mere wishing or desiring but a true feeling that needs to be discussed. When this feeling is cast aside as dirty or evil or fake, then this can leave a person in a very dark place. As for those Christians in secular counseling, the counselor must restrain their own bias and look to help the client despite any moral disagreements. In cases of extreme distress in counseling between counselor and client, a mutual agreement can be made for reference to another counselor but this to must be done with the utmost professionalism and concern for the well being of the patient. It is unethical to abandon any client due to moral differences.
In addition to homosexuality within the LGBTQ movement are transgenders who identify as a different sex and gender than biologically born as. Pederson points out that transphobia ranges from fear, disgust as well as hatred towards those who alter their gender or cross dress (2018, p.215). Transgender people have faced sharp ridicule and are also victim to many hate crimes, as well as discrimination. Pedersen labels those of one gender as possessing cisgender privilege without the discrimination faced by the transgender community (2018, p.215). Pederson lists various definitions of sex, gender, gender identity and gender role. He states sex is the biological traits that determine a male or female, while gender is defined as learned behavior or social construct that influences gender and its role (2018, p. 210). Gender identity, according to Pedersen, is the perception of one’s own gender as a man, woman, boy, girl, non-gendered, bigendered, or transgender (2018, p. 210).
As a counselor, those facing transgender issues or homosexuality issues face other issues beyond discrimination but a variety of conflicts within. Many experience high levels of depression, anxiety, low self esteem and abandonment. Families and friends can abandon them leaving them without support and leaving them in total isolation.. In addition, many may experience suicidal ideation. The conflict of who I feel I am and what I was born or what my faith states can cause great internal torment. Many may feel guilt or shame or become obsessed with radical alterations.
While gender roles play a part in social norms of society of how a boy or girl acts, it is important to note that certain gender roles can be constrictive to expression of individuals and sometimes within themselves harmful to emotional outlets. For instance, men should never cry, or women are meant to stay at home, or boys should play with trucks and girls with dolls are prominent in society. These are social norms, but when individuals look to express their individuality, then these norms can be dangerous, however, what about when they constrict gender discovery? Christian Counseling does not find the Pederson definitions as binding. Christian Counseling conforms with a conservative psychology perspective that transgenderism is a dysphoria from reality vs the current mainstream definition. With only main stream protocol currently accepted, counselors are encouraged to help clients identify and associate with the self that best fits and to find support and groups that affirm one’s feelings. Because of this , within the modern era for Christian Counselors, it has become the unfavorable statement albeit the most obvious that something is mentally wrong . Yet due to the highly flammable and emotional state, only the most highly trained counselor should attempt to discuss these issues since the person is already extremely distressed. When treating a transgender person, a counselor must approach it very carefully to protect the client against suicide and to not only discuss the external oppressions but also the internal anguish of conflict that exists within the person and how to properly cope and address these intense feelings in a healthy way. This is why in secular counseling, a counselor must leave personal bias aside and address the symptoms.
While oppression exists within these communities and it must be acknowledged and addressed by counselors, there is a deeper issue and more dividing issue when radical forces attempt to challenge Christian morality. In Genesis, God created them both male and female. In Christianity, one’s gender is more than one’s biological shell but an intimate part of the human person tying together the body, mind and soul. In St. Pope John Paul II sermons ranging from 1978 to 1984 regarding the human body, formerly referred to as the Theology of the Body, John Paul II paints a beautiful image of the journey of the body and soul throughout life and its continued existence in the glorified body after the General Resurrection. Hence the body and its gender plays a large role in the total person, body, mind and soul, not just the body itself. Of course, other religious traditions place less emphasis on the body but for the Christian Counselor, ones sexuality and essence are closely tied together through the creation of God. This can lead to issues of moral disagreement between the transgender community as well as the Christian community. The radical movement will label Christian morality regarding transgenderism as oppression while the Christian community will label it merely as a sin and choice that is rejected. This does not mean the Christian community wishes to oppress, but it looks to make a moral statement on a moral issue that best fits its own moral code. In many cases, the Christian community can then become oppressed like the transgender community because of non Christian values that see it as prejudice or oppressive.
As counselors, one must do no harm and perform according to the standard in helping someone with this diagnosis. It is important to acknowledge their oppression and the hate that exists against them, but many would say not to confront it but to merely show empathy and help the person find happiness. In a secular counseling session, this may be the best course of action. However, within the Christian Counseling setting, again, one is more free to discuss gender dysphoria, as well as the scriptural elements of gender, especially since the client is asking for Christian guidance. Christian Counseling is able to escape the restrictions of secular limitations when discussing immorality.
Multicultural counseling with groups who experience oppression require sensitive approaches that acknowledge oppression an advocate for social justice. Approaches that utilize Common Humanity and Common Enemy are best utilized as a combination to solve the oppression issues within the world. Christianity unfortunately has been misused by evil individuals throughout the centuries to perpetrate oppression. Sometimes, Due to religious and moral differences, attempts can be made to label Christians as bigots, when in reality they are merely holding to a belief.
In addition, gender and choice of sexuality continues to be a difficult issue addressed in counseling for counselors who are Christian, as well as those who provide Christian Counseling to those targeted groups. Differences in faith and moral choices can be a conflict for a counselor, especially within transgender ideology. Counselors nonetheless are held to hold to the axiom of do no harm and treat each patient with empathy and non judgement. Christian Counselors have more freedom than secular counselors but while able to address morality still must show love and not abandon their client. Any issue of oppression is evil and must be rectified. The groups discussed are targeted for gender or sexuality and this is wrong within a secular society. Some of the movements answered great injustices while other aspects of it became radicalized. Be careful not to over generalize. From a Christian perspective, it is OK to disagree with certain parts but still agree on others. Believing something is a sin or wrong does not make someone a bigot. However, when one seeks to oppress or hate another group, then one commits an even greater sin of hate. Between alt left groups who wish to catalogue believing Christians as bigots regarding gender morality and alt right groups hoping to ignore history and hate the person but not the sin, little dialogue can occur. Believing Christians and social progressives can find common ground by respecting each other and finding commonality. Ultimately, Christ calls all to love one another. Christ alone judges.
Please also review AIHCP’s Christian Counseling Certification and see if it matches your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification as a Christian Counselor.
Pedersen, P, et, al. “Counseling Across Cultures” (7th). Sage.
Additional Resources
Keathley, K. (2024). “Thinking Biblically about Transgenderism: A Biblical Response to Current Trends”. Center for Faith and Culture. Access here
Lynn, S. (2019). “How should Christians respond to those experiencing gender dysphoria?”. Christian Post. Access here
“Guidelines for Psychological Practice With Transgender and Gender Nonconforming People” APA. Access here
“Transgender: Ensuring Mental Health” Cleveland Clinic. Access here
“Voices of women and girls essential to fight for human rights” (2022). United Nations. Access here
“The 11 biggest hurdles for women’s equality by 2030”. (2023). UNwomen. Access here
Hancock, K. (2006). “APA’s Guidelines for Psychotherapy with Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Clients: The Fundamentals for Practice”. APA. Access here
Hays, D. et, al. (2007). “Addressing Privilege and Oppression in Counselor Training and Practice: A Qualitative Analysis” . Journal of Counseling & Development ■ Summer 2007 ■ Volume 85. Access here
Multicultural counseling proficiencies are essential to good counseling. Since Western counseling initially emerged from Europe it is culturally immersed with European culture values. European culture is very individualistic, self-centered and free of many forms of oppression due to the fact Europe was the colonizing force between the 16th and 19th Centuries. Furthermore, while Europe’s secular awakening drove a wedge between its Christian culture and itself, Christianity still plays a key part of life in millions of individuals of European descent, as well as a driving force behind the intent of nations to colonize. With these things in mind, the classic male European descent counselor must be aware of his cultural identity and how that same identity translates his world views, as well as how others of different cultures perceive him as a person when counseling. Within melting pots nations, such as the United States or Canada, many minority cultures can look upon counseling itself with suspicion as a Western custom created by white men.
Grief and loss is also cultural and is expressed differently. This type of difference that inherently exists within different grieving cultures needs to be understood and respected within the grief counseling session itself. Kastenbaum points out that many from a different culture can misinterpret expressions of grief or rituals within another culture (2018, p.372). Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification, as well as its Grief Diversity Counseling Certification to learn more about responding better to other cultures during times of grief.
The African American Experience and Counseling
African American culture has an intense pride in its African heritage and its rich spiritual and cultural beliefs and rituals. While many in America have been culturally separated from the home continent and completely interwoven into a unique African American culture with its own history and adaptations, there still remains a strong echo of the past for many who look to rediscover their roots. African consciousness possesses ancestral wisdom, naturalistic attitudes, rhythm, and creativity (Pedersen, 2018, p. 147), These images help many African Americans tie to a greater power and consciousness to face the oppression they have faced for centuries. This consciousness helps blacks create a stronger self concept, self esteem and self image about themselves that was stolen so many centuries ago (Pedersen, 2018, p.147)
Due to imperialism, oppression and the slave trade, many African Americans cannot trace their lineage and families as European Americans. Many tribes of the Congo, Yoruba, Wolof and Ibo were targeted for the salve trade (Pederson, 2018. p. 145). Many of the records and identities of abducted human beings into the slave trade were erased from history and replaced with new roles and titles on various American plantations. In many cases, these individuals took upon the name of the slave owner or when emancipation occurred chose a simple American name. Hence some African Americans have a yearning to reconnect to their cultural heritage that was stolen from them.
When counseling with African Americans, there is large diversity to consider. Many marginalized blacks in America have been robbed of economic stability for generations. This has led to a succession of poverty, less education and less opportunity. Some blacks have been able to bridge the gap and are successful and resent the idea that they are marginalized and find pride in their work ethic and success. Some black communities are very religious and hold strong to the Christian faith, especially in Baptist congregations. Immigrant Africans hold stronger to the older ways of tribalism, honor, family, ancestors and have a far more spiritualistic religion than many Christian blacks. Some African immigrants share a combined spiritualism and Christian belief system as well.
Yet, within all the diversity, their exists the soul wound of imperialism and slave trade that forever scarred the continent of Africa. Whether from Africa and enduring genocide and civil wars due to European imperialism of the 18th and 19th Centuries, or from the United States and scarred from the history of slavery, segregation, economic theft, and racism, both African groups have historically faced collective wounds that have been transmitted from one generation to the next. This type of historical disadvantage has created numerous imbalanced economic opportunities. In addition, overt racism or systematic racism that exists within the system, has made the African American experience a far different experience than the European experience. Racial profiling, job discrimination and prejudices continue to haunt the black community. These incidents make even a random police stop into an entirely different ordeal for an African American than a white person. Hence when counseling a black client, one must realize racism and oppression have shaped the development and experiences of black people worldwide (Pedersen, 2018, p. 145).
It is important also when counseling African Americans to understand the value of family and groups within their grieving processes as well as life issues. Many African Americans turn to family and support and church before they look for mental health care. Group therapy and community interventions are more relatable to these social structures and can be beneficial for many African Americans (Pedersen, 2018, p.154). African Americans in general also prefer more naturalistic healing interventions, and prefer more so to face personal issues with action (Pedersen, 2018, p. 155). Again, these are collective statistics and each individual is different. When counseling across culture, it is important to remember the dictum of Kluckhohn and Murray (1949) that “each person is like all other persons, like some other persons and like no other person (Pedersen, 2016. p.42)”.
When helping African Americans who are grieving it is important to understand the numerous social issues that apply daily anxiety and sadness to the unique black experience in America. In addition, utilizing African American spirituality, family and church structures as well as modeling coping strategies after African American strengths can all play a key role in helping African Americans grieve in a more healthy way.
Counseling Mistakes with African Americans
Like many minorities, there can exist a mistrust for white mental health counselors. Even though African Americans make up the second largest non-white group in America, they still only represent 12 percent of the population (Pedersen, 2018, p. 144). With this in mind, counselors need to understand that blacks may not always be comfortable with a white counselor or someone from a different socio-economic background. Many blacks do not feel that the suburban American truly understands their concerns or fears.
White counselors need to understand the importance to acknowledge the concept of “White Privilege”. This refers to the unearned societal awards that are given to the white culture based on color of skin (Pedersen, 2018, p. 146). While liberals sometimes have taken the notion to far as to dismiss personal achievement and ignore poor life choices of others, one must conclude due to the centuries of oppression as well as economic imbalance given to the black community that better life opportunities have been granted overall to more whites than blacks in the present day. It is important to acknowledge this in counseling as well as publicly. It helps heal past soul wounds and helps generate awareness to possible past thefts against the black community and present day attempts to rectify those injustices. Again, this does not justify a black person to live a life of crime but it does suggest a better understanding of why so many blacks fall victim to a life of crime due to inherited poverty due to past injustices against their community. Hence in counseling, it is important for a white counselor to check him/herself and understand the role their color and experiences brings to the counseling room (Pedersen, 2018, p. 146).
In addition, Pedersen points out that ignoring race in counseling can also be negative. He refers to this concept as “Color Blindness” (2018, p. 146). When one attempts to ignore the role of color and race in a client’s life struggles and problems, then the counselor can miss the importance that oppression and soul wounds can play on a particular group’s mental health. The APA suggests that counselors always consider how racism and discrimination can be sources of distress for black populations (Pedersen, 2018, p. 146). In addition, conversely, imagining no color exists between counselor and client can also play a negative role in the counselor understanding his/her color as a factor in the counseling process.
Another mistake to avoid is the historically and inherently prejudice studies on black populations. Assumptions on African American attitudes and reactions to life have in the past resulted in an over diagnosis of schizophrenia and an under diagnosis of depression and anxiety (Pedersen, 2018, p. 152). While African American communities have historically suffered less from suicide due to family and church connections, studies also show like anyone, if an African American suffers from depression or substance abuse, his or her chance of suicide rises like anyone else. Also, it is important to note that when working with African Americans, there is a far higher chance of the clients exposure to violence or PSTD (Pedersen, 2018. p. 153). This greatly leads to a higher trajectory of African Americans who suffer from depression, grief, loss and anxiety.
African American heritage is rich and beautiful with family, heritage, ritual, and spiritual life. Tapping into these elements give blacks a higher appreciation of self and worth and tie them to a greater story. Unfortunately, slavery and oppression stole this identity centuries ago and many African Americans in the United States suffer intense soul wounds associated with the history of slavery, oppression, racism and discrimination. These things cannot be ignored but must be understood in factors leading to many modern day issues African Americans face. Counselors need to be aware of these issues as well as their own color and race when working interracially with a black person. White persons must understand that differences exist and sometimes need addressed to help promote healing. Also, like in all multi cultural issues, counselors must be alert not to over generalize or under generalize a person. Each person is unique but at the same time within a particular race or culture usually shares some common issues or problems.
Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification. The program is online and independent study with mentorship. For those who are already a Certified Grief Counselor, then please also review AIHCP’s Grief Diversity Counseling Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals in working with diverse populations.
Pedersen, P. et. al (2018). “Counseling Across Cultures”. (7th). Sage
Additional Resources
Williams, M. (2011). “Why African Americans Avoid Psychotherapy”. Psychology Today. Access here
Watkins, S. & Andrews, A. (2021). “Creating & Maintaining Safe Therapeutic Spaces for Black Clients”. Advances in Addition Recovery (Winter 2021). Access here
Alang, S. (2019). “Mental health care among blacks in America: Confronting racism and constructing solutions”. Health Serv Res. 2019 Apr; 54(2): 346–355. Published online 2019 Jan 27. doi: 10.1111/1475-6773.13115. National Library of Medicine. Access here
Carrouthers, Z. (2014). “Yes, There’s a Stigma with Counseling in the African-American Community”. ThriveWorks. Access here
Multicultural proficiency exists not only in race, age, gender and culture, but also within the confines of religion and spirituality. Counselors working in grief or merely spirituality need to be well versed in the multitude of spiritual beliefs that may exist within a particular person or target population. In many cases, religion and spirituality can play a key role in the grieving process, as well as emotional and mental outlooks. Many individuals tied to some world view are better able to find meaning in loss and religion and spirituality can be a great tool in helping clients find resolution and peace. Religion and spirituality can also sometimes be a double-edged sword and also cause conflict and stress with outcomes and faith. Regardless, counselors need to be able to understand the importance of faith, religion and spirituality in a client’s life because whether a counselor has a particular belief or any belief at all does not matter when it comes to helping a person who may.
Role of Faith
Many secular counselors trained solely within the confines of modern psychology and behavioral studies especially from numerous schools of Freud may be hostile to faith and see faith as a neurosis to the mind (Pedersen, 2018, p. 480). Despite this, the value of the religious experience, whether believed by the counselor or not, is an important aspect of the wholeness of the person and the person’s emotional well being. Even William James understood the importance of the religious experience within the mind, and other prominent humanist psychologists such as Carl Rogers and Victor Frankl understood the value of spirituality for a person (Pedersen, 2018. p. 480). Modern counseling demands a counselor’s proficiency with multicultural issues such as spirituality, faith or religion.
Faith is a universal human experience that spans across all of humanity. Spiritual and religious beliefs play a key role in all cultures in every aspect of health, life and death (Pedersen, 2018, p. 478). While within the United States there has been a drop in religious and church attendance, this decline is supplemented in other areas with individual spiritual practices. Even said, the dominant culture within the United States still holds true to a Judeo-Christian background that reflects itself in cultural norms even for some of the most anti-religious people. In the United States alone, a 2007 Gallup poll listed that 86 percent of Americans believe in God and another 55 percent still pointed out that religion is still important to them (Pedersen, 2018, p.478). Hence it is important not to dismiss the importance of faith and religion in counseling.
Yet even within this innate spiritual pursuit, there still remains a high level of diversity within religious individuals. The United States exists in itself as a melting pot of creeds. Christianity is far from monolithic but a diverse population of Catholics, Orthodox and various Protestant denominations which can range from very structured to very charismatic and individual. Beyond Christianity, exists numerous faiths not from the dominant culture, including Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and various smaller religious sects, as well as pantheistic creeds. If one then also considers some individuals are more spiritual than religious and follow a myriad of concepts, then one can find almost any combination of spirituality that may exist within a client. Some may be more dogmatic and religious, while others may be more spiritual and less defining, or one may be a combination of the two.
Within this diversity of faith also comes various different paths of thought. Spirituality, according to Pedersen, is a commitment to choose a context to understand and act within one’s relationships with all that is, whether within confines of person and creator, or between community, or nature itself. It is an awareness of something more in this world. It includes values that guide one’s meaning of life, sense of mission and how to help others for a better world (Pederson, 2018, p. 480). Many individuals share these similar views but express them in multiple different ways. In addition, religion, the social and dogmatic mechanism of the person provides the means and methods within the religious group (Pedersen, 2018. p. 480). In this day and age, one constantly hears the term “I am spiritual but not religious”. This points to this less dogmatic binding life style. Within these differences alone exist a multitude of different spiritual as well as religious ideals about God as a being, a source of being, or an infusion and connection within all humanity. A transcendent God reflects to a person a very ordered moral code of not only obedience but also justice. In more immanence theology, God exists literally within all and plays a part in all. This does not dismiss a moral code but it is far less dogmatic and refers more to a balance of life. These different theological concepts of God as one, many, transcendent or immanent, all play key roles in how a person morally acts and responds to many issues in life.
Spirituality in Counseling
In settings where Spiritual Counseling or Christian Counseling, or Spiritual Direction is not expected, such as within pastoral settings, one may seem from a professional or secular view anxious about discussing faith and religion. In the secular and professional world, religion is a question that is usually best left avoided. When asked to discuss religion or spirituality, many feel as if they may offend others, or be judged, or that faith is personal, or that one seems less academic (Pedersen, 2018, p. 478). The reality is faith plays a key role in a person’s life and hence plays a key role in healing, coping, finding meaning in loss, and facing adversity. Counselors, whether religious, atheistic or agnostic, should not dismiss the valuable part of the client to help one find healing. In fact counselors, like in all multicultural proficiencies, should take into account their own religious background and potential biases before helping someone of a different spiritual or religious background.
In addition, the counselor should attempt to help guide the client by understanding the client’s religious and spiritual background. Within the first interview, spiritual questions should be an important element of understanding the client. A spiritual genogram should be conducted which looks to examine religious and spiritual family history to analyze any cross section impacts upon the mind of the person (Pedersen, 2018, p,489). In addition, the client should be asked about questions regarding identification with religious groups, one’s perception of God, or special spiritual and religious beliefs one may hold. In addition, the counselor should attempt to discover if any life styles or actions may contradict one’s moral code and way of operating. Counselors can also ask what gives life meaning, the importance of one’s faith in life and healing, as well how the religious community can be helpful in one’s healing. Finally, counselors should ask if clients wish to address these spiritual issues moving forward (Pedersen, 2018, p. 488).
Counselors working with particular religious groups, especially those of a smaller religious community, such as Native Americans, or Asian Americans, may find the need to address healing and spirituality from the client’s perspective by working with local religious authorities within that group. If the client wishes, a joint healing model can be placed into action with conjunction with the client’s spiritual community.
Sometimes, religion can be a powerful anchor of meaning for the individual but sometimes, faith can also cause issues within a person’s life. When tragedy strikes, individuals may question their faith and lash out against God. They will doubt their faith and question meaning itself. Some may reject faith, others will turn to it more. Some may see their faith as a contract if left unfulfilled by God, they may terminate, while others may find God as a source of strength and covenant in suffering. Others within other dogmatic and strict denominations, may see faith as a block to their expression and look to free oneself from the morality the faith of one’s parents taught oneself. Others on the other hand, may feel extreme guilt if their moral actions contradict the morality of faith and the teachings of it. Many LGBTQ individuals who are spiritual and wish to hold to their faith can find one of these two reactions within Christianity, where their faith either torments and guilts them regarding life style or pushes them into total rejection of it or at least adjustment of their personal moral paradigm. Fukuyama in the Pederson text rightfully points out that religion and spirituality can be functional or dysfunctional when it comes finding solutions (2018, P. 489). This is very important for the counselor to identify when helping someone through moral issues, suicide, or other social issues that affect religious individuals. Is the spirituality properly function to help the person find meaning, or is it instead a sick faith that is tormenting and guilting the individual to a point of pathology? Spiritual Directors work with others in a pastoral capacity and help use healthy spirituality to guide those who seek guidance, but sometimes, they even need to identify spiritual pathology that corrupts. Scruples, guilt, torment, anger towards God, or unhealthy compliance to the Will of God as a way to escape the situation, are all examples of when spirituality can become dysfunctional. Unlike spiritual directors, counselors however are called not to give moral direction or dictate what moral code is right but instead to determine if spirituality is healthy or unhealthy in a particular situation and help the client heal.
Spirituality and religion are not opiates of the people. They are important elements of what it means to be human. When properly in tune, spirituality and religion can play key roles in helping individuals find meaning and guidance. However, when spirituality becomes dysfunctional it can also become a problem for the person’s ability to cope or heal. Since spirituality and religion is important, counselors need to be culturally aware of faith and religion and the target population they are working with. Regardless of the counselors own beliefs or lack thereof, counselors need to respect spirituality and discuss it in a healthy and non biased way. Spirituality and faith are a key aspect of understanding the client and is a key element of multicultural counseling. Utilizing it properly in counseling can be a great benefit, but one must like in all cultural aspects understand that diversity exists within spiritual and religious persons and not every treatment or intervention serves one best over the other. Individuals may be spiritual but not religious, or a combination, or have a myriad of different religious beliefs within their family history. These all play unique roles in forming the person before the counselor. These religious and spiritual beliefs will also play a key role in how many clients see the world, react to it and heal from it.
Please also review AIHCP’s Spiritual Counseling Certification as well as AIHCP’s Christian Counseling Certification. The Spiritual Counseling Certification represents a more broad spirituality that encompasses human experience with spirituality without any one dominant religious paradigm, while the Christian Counseling Certification presents a biblical and Christian perspective from multiple Christian communities. Both programs are integrative in nature and present spirituality with psychology. The programs are online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Spiritual or Christian Counseling. The programs accept Human Service professionals, those in ministry, licensed counselors, as well as pastoral counselors, and those who work in healthcare.
Pedersen, P. et. al (2018). “Counseling Across Cultures”. (7th). Sage
Additional Resources
Bartley, J. & Cashwell, C. (2014). “Integrating Religion and Spirituality into Counseling”. Access here
Hull. C. et al. (2016). “Developing Spiritual Competencies in Counseling: A Guide for Supervisors”. Wiley. Online Library. Access here
Aten, J. (2020). “The Importance of Spirituality in Therapy”. Psychology Today. Access here
Richards, P. S., & Barkham, M. (2022). Enhancing the evidence base for spiritually integrated psychotherapies: Progressing the paradigm of practice-based evidence.Psychotherapy, 59(3), 303–306. Access here
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy helps individuals alter bad behaviors through reframing. In depression and grief, reframing can help build new perspectives and to approach life differently. Reframing and labeling something in a positive light can help an individual understand life differently and move forward with healthier behaviors. In grief and loss meaning reconstruction and reframing is especially important in understand loss but also understanding one’s reaction to loss.
Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Grief Counseling.. The program is for both clinical professional counselors as well as pastoral counselors. Please also review the video below on reframing and meaning reconstruction
A key part of counseling involves helping the client identify the problem, propose solutions and execute those plans into action with assessment of progress. This is the core of the Problem Management Model in counseling and is key in helping track a client’s progress.
Please also review AIHCP’s multiple behavioral health certifications ranging from Grief Counseling and Christian Counseling to Crisis, Stress, Life Coaching and Anger Management Programs. The programs are online and independent study and open to qualified professionals in both the behavioral health and health field areas.
The allure of the world in the fallen and temporal reality that humanity exists is an illusion or mirage in the desert. As pilgrims in this fallen world, our senses are dulled, our will distracted, and our eyes sometimes blinded towards truth and beauty. The inherited broken nature from Adam hinders our ability to sometimes distinguish right from wrong. According to St. Thomas Aquinas, the concupiscible appetite of humanity’s fallen nature is associated with initial desires of the senses. Unlike Adam prior, humanity lost perfect control of the passions after Adam’s fall. The end result is humanity’s appeal to these senses which can in some cases be good but in other cases bad. Hence illusionary goods that are immorally distasteful but physically pleasing can blind humanity. In addition, the broken human nature not only sees illusion in the near and present but also abstract and secondary goods. Greed, power, status and worship become end goals leading multiple individuals down a dark path.
The conscience always seeks good. In that our human nature is not totally devastated but the conscience while perceiving a goal as good does not always objectively choose correctly. Hence the illusion that can exist even within those with good intentions. Individuals can become so distracted by the noises of the world that they can lose sight of the truth and reality. Before Christ and His ultimate sacrifice on the cross, our broken natures were left without grace, but through the cross, Christ grants grace and guidance to His creation. This can help humanity see the noise, uncover the illusions, and focus more solely on truth. Christian Counselors, ministers, priests, clergy, and other ministry based vocations can help individuals see truth. Like Paul, we sometimes need the scales removed from our eyes to see before we can truly flourish.
The Noises of the World
St Teresa of Avila in her masterpiece “The Interior Castle” guides the soul through the world to deeper connections or castles with God. The first castles are very much consumed by the world. Outside of the castle exists the world and those who are flooded with false illusions. Once one understands the inherent malfunction of this world and understands the need of God, one is able to enter into the first castle, the entry room with God. This exist from the world of illusion into the world of reality though is nevertheless filled with noise that exists outside. The noises can pull one back and forth from truth and reality to untruth and illusion. The broken conscience and will seek the world but the intellect and mind through the grace of the Holy Spirit invite it to truth. This tug of war between the the world and God exists according to St Teresa throughout the first three mansions before the soul can become more stable. Christian Counselors primarily work with individuals in these sincere but still incomplete relationships with God. Where vice and virtue, right and wrong and truth and illusion pull at clients or spiritual children.
While the world, while marred by Original Sin, is broken, it is still beautiful. Unlike Manichean views that draw a dichotomy between the world/evil with the spiritual/good, Christian theology still sees the temporal world as still retaining goodness since it was created by God. Even our fallen human nature, still retains beauty for it is not totally corrupted. Christ became human, lived among humanity, existed within the temporal world, highlighted its beauty but also pointed out its noises and imperfections. So, while broken, nothing is totally destroyed. Not all noises of the world are evil. In Christian Counseling, it is hence important to help guide individuals through these noises, labeling them and better understanding them.
In creating a hierarch to judge the noises of the world as good, bad, or neutral, one needs two fundamental measurements. First, and foremost, do noises distract from the ultimate purpose of existence to know, love and serve God? Our primary goal in life is always spiritual. The ultimate end is always God. Things that lead to another end are noises within the world that are not good but inherently evil. Do the noises or actions from those noises correlate with God’s Law or violate it? Do they even if neutral seem to distract one from God? Secondly, some noises of the world can be more difficult to discern. Discernment involves deep spiritual prayer and reflection upon choices. What are the fruits of certain actions? Are they, as St. Ignatius Loyola point out, lead to the banner of Satan and the world, or under the banner of Christ? So noises can be difficult sometimes to discern and it is important to be able to discern what ultimately leads to God and not away from Him. So, noises within the world can be good, neutral or bad. So, we will look at some of these noises and try to better understand their role in our existence. As temporal beings, these noises although not always tied to our ultimate end are still nonetheless sometime very important. In addition, as we will see, some noises are also completely un-necessary but allow them to enter and destroy our peace.
Good Noises
As physical beings, we have physical needs and the good noises of the world meets those needs. Pieces of heaven pierce through the veil that separates and gives sunshine to the broken nature of things in temporal reality. Things that are physical but also connected to higher values such as love will exist here and in the next world. A beloved family member, friend, or even pet, is more than a temporal bond but a bond that is beautiful on earth and heaven. The noises of the world that call one to serve one’s fellow brother or sister are good noises. Seeing Christ in other human beings and being called to the temporal needs of others in this world are good noises. They do not distract but are means to the end. Unfortunately because we exist in a fallen world, happiness associated with our loved ones ultimately ends in suffering because of death and loss but these connections are re-made again with God in the eschatological reality which is perfect and true. So the noises of this world that call us to special bonds and helping our neighbor are good noises that build our union with others and God.
Some good noises are less binding to the next world and exist only in this world. They are good when in balance with our spiritual needs and understood within their proper context. Jesus who existed on earth lived as a human being and understood that existence requires not only spirituality but also physical dependence to survive. So many noises direct oneself to temporal needs because one cannot always focus on the spiritual end. These noises include the joys of a good meal, exercise, health, career and income which make survival possible. Jesus within His first thirty years of life followed in His foster father’s footsteps and worked as a carpenter. He worked, he collected income for Himself and His mother, and existed. Jesus also as a human person experienced joy with social communal meetings. He ate with friends, attended parties and weddings, and experienced the goodness that exists in this dark world.
In many ways, good noises are healthy. We have duties and obligations. We cannot always contemplate the mysteries of God but must make a living, or prepare a meal, or sweep the house, or attend a friend’s wedding, or enjoy a song or movie, or go on a vacation! Jesus understands this because He is also one of us. The good noise does not take away from God but focuses one on the daily duty ahead that is required in this important phase of our existence. What Jesus did not do though is turn these good noises into distractions to primary duty. When secondary duties consume, or events take away from God, that are not inherently bad, but in some cases good or neutral, then they can become corrupted. When one allows temporal activities to become an obsession over duty to God, then they can become detrimental. Jesus never put prayer second to anything. He also corrected Martha, when Mary focused on worship, while Martha was more concerned about preparing the house or serving the guests. Martha was not distracted by a bad thing to do, but it was her timing that Jesus corrected in regards to duty to first Himself as God, and then later temporal duties. This is why good noises must always be tied to God. One cannot focus on God every minute, but one can in the morning offer all duties and obligations to God as prayer. St Theresa the Little Flower would turn a simple action as sweeping the convent floor into an act of love by giving her daily duty to God. In this way, one can spiritualize the temporal duties and vocations one may have at home, work, or school and turn them into living prayers.
Now obviously, some urges are neutral noises. Hunger, fatigue, even sickness, can distract one from God, but again God understands when hunger or fatigue affects prayer. He understands when basic human needs push one to focus on those needs. Jesus endured all the basic human needs we do but as God was also able to teach us how to offer up those needs when suffering or upset or hungry. These minor neutral and natural distractions are noises that can distract from prayer but when offered up can become powerful tools for growth in grace. Our most beautiful prayer may be our least focused due to pain or hunger, but the effort to still say it, is most pleasing to God.
Bad Noises
Bad noises in the world are inherently evil noises of the world or neutral or initially good noises that are imbalanced or lead to distraction from the spiritual. If someone is working for his or her family with long hours or attending events with family and friends, this is good or neutral within itself, but if this causes neglect of prayer life or leads one to miss spiritual obligations then it becomes a distraction. If a sporting events prevents spiritual obligations that are due to God to become unmet, then the sporting event, while good or neutral, becomes in this particular case a bad and distracting noise. When one creates an imbalance on earthly duties or leisure events at the expense of God then God is put second and the this particular noise steals from God and distracts one from one’s duty to the ultimate end. It is important to have a hierarchy of needs within one’s life. Spiritual needs should always exist on the top of the list. When spiritual needs are neglected, these noises create spiritual sloth. This in turn creates laziness and imbalance. Imagine if one neglected teeth hygiene but over focused on skin hygiene. Hence we need to balance and meet all human needs from mind, body and soul. Obviously the soul should be at the top of the list, but when other things take away from the soul, then the soul suffers. This type of neglect or spiritual sloth occurs because of outside noises that are inherently good or neutral but distort balance and lead to spiritual sloth. One must identify what is most important and also find balance to ensure the ultimate end is not neglected.
Of course, some noises are inherently bad. Sins and vice not only distract one from God, but also call us away from God and harm the soul. They damage the soul and replace virtue and good habit with vice and bad habit. They become the illusions that present themselves as good options and look to replace God as our new idol. These bad noises pull and drag us from the first mansion of union with God and dump us again in the cold barren world. The bad noises of the world are very loud. They fall under the banner of the world and Satan and make false promises. They are cheap thrills and pleasures that ultimately lead to no long term happiness but only brokenness. Like the Sirens of ancient Greek mythology, they lure wayward sailors to impending doom.
It is important to discern the bad noises from the good noises and fight temptations that lead to the wrong path of life. These noises not only distract but lead to alienation from God and entrap the soul into the follies of the world. As Christian Counselors, we must try to help individuals escape the mire and mud of the bad noises that sometimes refuse to release. That involves identifying the true nature of these noises but also ways to help form new and better habits. As Christians, we can at any moment make a poor decision. We can not only become distracted by inherently neutral or good things but also fall victim to a bad noise. When this happens, we will feel guilt and sorrow, however, we are not perfect, nor claim it, but acknowledge our broken nature and dependence upon Christ and the grace of the Holy Spirit to seek forgiveness. So, while some may be entrapped by bad noises constantly, Christian Counselors, pastors, priests, as well as anyone in ministry should be aware that there are many who slip on the trail from time to time and need an encouraging word to get back up. Within Catholicism, confession exists, but for those within other denominations of Christianity, counseling and words of love can be very helpful. Ultimately God forgives everyone who slips. The Church is comprised of sinners. We cannot escape it, so if distracted, we must sometimes acknowledge our brokenness with humility and seek forgiveness and refocus on becoming closer to God.
Helping Christians Through Un-necessary Noises
Understanding what noises are both good and bad is an important first step but there is more sometimes in finding true balance in life. The first point is to be spiritual first. This involves the moment one wakes up, offering the entire day to God. Spiritualizing the daily duty and offering to God through Christ sets the tone for the day. Furthermore, the evening and night should end with thanksgiving.
As spiritual beings, it is important that the spiritual end with God comes first in life. Hence, even good noises, need to find placement second to spiritual obligations throughout the week. There is an abundance of opportunities throughout churches not to forgo spiritual obligation for secular event. God asks for one hour a week.
Christian Counselors can help individuals better plan times and find better management for spiritual hygiene. Clergy can help people understand the best ways to implement prayer on the go during busy schedules. One can fulfill daily temporal duties and still worship God and find time for God. This may involve also properly balancing time. Idle time on chat, social media, or tv can be moderated if in excess. When these simple neutral noises become so loud that they dominate a larger part of the day at the expense of daily duty as well as spiritual duty, then one needs to step aside and re-evaluate priorities and possible addictions. Christian Counselors, pastors, and clergy can help individuals better time manage and also balance life in regards to social distractions not in moderation.
The peace that comes with time with God can better adjust attitudes and emotions that are soiled by the constant useless idle addiction to the world. The irritations of the world cannot only make one bitter but they can also distract one from God, while focusing on useless and meaningless trivial issues on social media, or what someone is doing or not doing. Prayer refocuses and filters out the unnecessary noises. I think that is another good adjective for noise beyond good, neutral and bad. The temporal world thrusts many necessary but also many un-necessary noises on individuals that dominate their day and distract them from what is important not only spiritually but also temporarily. These distractions cause frustrations at the emotional level causing unneeded stress and bitterness for many things that do no even involve a person. The news, politics, or what someone said on a social media outlet that you will never meet can all cause unneeded anger and frustration that un-necessarily dominates the day and most negatively steals peace for oneself and prayer towards God. So, it is important to take inventory of time management on fruitless endeavors and meaningless and un-necessary noise that steals peace but also distracts one from God.
We are pilgrims in a fallen world. We ourselves are broken through Original Sin but through the graces obtained by Christ on the cross and administered by the Holy Spirit, we can walk through this temporal world. While broken, the world itself is not completed corrupted and through the example of Christ, we can see the importance of merely existing in it and offering everything to God. It is important however for us while existing to understand the ultimate end which is God. Through a morning offering, we can spiritualize our daily lives and instead of them becoming distractions allow them to become living prayers. Yet, we can sometimes be tugged by distractions and noises of the world and must find balance and priority with God. There are many good or neutral noises that are necessary but when they become first over God then they become big issues. Of course there are also bad noises that are inherently evil within themselves and we must try as hard as we can to limit these mistakes in life. Our goal is to live in this world, as Christ did, but to also to focus on the next. Christ is out ultimate example as both God and Man to filter through the noises of the world, discern them and offer them to God, while existing here but also hoping for there.
AIHCP offers a Christian Counseling Certification for behavioral health or human service professionals or those in ministry who wish to help counsel others to Christ. The program is online and independent study and helps equip the student with the necessary knowledge and abilities to help individuals find God. Please review the program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.
Additional Resources
“Understanding ‘The Interior Castle’ by St. Teresa of Ávila”. Root Classics. Access here
“Ignatian Discernment”. Office of Ignatian Spirituality”. Access here
Blevins, K. (2020). “What Is the Sin of Sloth and Why Is it Worse than Laziness?”. Crosswalk. Access here
Vannoy, C. (2021). “How to Stay Spiritually Focused in a Distracted World”. Life Way Voices. Access here
This video discusses confronting and challenging clients to transform and find change. Counselors many times have to help push clients see the truth when the client’s own view is distorted. This involves careful and empathetic ways of challenging and confronting. Empathetic confrontation is a key concept within this video. Sometimes to help transformation, clients need have their view and story challenged or emotions confronted.
Please also review AIHCP’s mental health certifications, including Grief Counseling. The certification programs are online and independent study with mentorship as needed. The programs are designed for pastoral as well as clinical counselors in behavioral health, human service and ministry. Please review and see if the programs meet your academic and professional goals
Good response skills are critical to help clients receive feed back. Good responses can help the client move forward in the conversation, hear his/her own words, supply additional insight and help give direction. Responding skills are essential micro skills in counseling and Grief Counselors should be able to utilize good responding skills to help clients better find meaning and emotional validation.
Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Grief Counseling.
In addition to Grief Counseling, AIHCP offers a variety of other mental and behavioral health certifications for human service and health care professionals. The programs include Christian Counseling, Spiritual Counseling, Stress Management, Anger Management, Crisis Intervention and Life Coaching. These programs are aimed to help others in existing counseling fields. Be aware to differentiate one’s role as a counselor when only pastoral versus one who is licensed. This is key when applying these certifications to your various levels of academic and professional levels.