Many Christians lose their faith because of scandal and abuse in the Church. Those of high standing and public view hold a far greater responsibility before Christ to live by a code of good moral conduct. Hierarchy, pastors, priests, leaders and counselors need to represent the best the faith has to offer but unfortunately on many occasions, they fail to display those standards. As human beings, anyone is subject to error, mistakes and sin, and one cannot judge others short comings but when the face of the faith is on display, these individuals should be examples of virtue not vice.
The Church as the Bride of Christ can be seen in two ways. From a spiritual sense and metaphorical sense, the Church is perfect. The Church is inspired and fueled by the grace of the Holy Spirit. It is protected and guaranteed through the words of Christ that the “gates of Hell shall not prevail against it”. Yet, it is also a Church that exists on Earth. The Church Militant on Earth is comprised of sinners and imperfect beings. The Church on Earth is comprised of sinners for sinners. It is a society of saints and sinners and everything else in between.

Some of the worst human beings bore the name Christian at one time, while some of most saintly persons professed the faith with equal vigor and love for Christ. Yet the Church at times fails throughout history. It always finds a way, through the Holy Spirit, to find reform, but it shows the reality of human beings and the temporal world. Satan looks to destroy the Church from without but finds special delight in corrupting it from within in his attempt to capture souls.
Divine and Human Institution on Earth
It is important to realize that the Church is founded by Christ. It is energized and fueled by the grace of the Holy Spirit. Its foundation is the blood of Christ. In this, it is Divine. Although, it always exists as the Church Triumphant in Heaven, it also exists albeit imperfectly as the Church Militant. The word militant is fitting. On Earth, the Church is an constant war with the evil one for souls. The Church as the face of Christ on Earth, looks to bring truth and the Gospel to nations, but within this war, Satan looks to destroy and corrupt it. He can never truly corrupt the faith itself, but he can distort it and corrupt individuals who profess it but ultimately, he can never prevail.
The Church as a human institution on Earth consists of the baptized who become part of the Mystical Body of Christ. As a human institution, it possesses human qualities. The Church possess a human organization of things. It is structured to deal with human issues in a fallen world. It is made of imperfect people trying their best to preach the Gospel. In this as a human institution, people can make mistakes. Individuals can disagree, splinter and divide. Through Satan’s cunning, the Church itself is divided into Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant pathways. The Great Schism between East and West and the Protestant Reformation are all glaring examples of the human side of the Church. It shows the division and hate that can be utilized between brothers and sisters of Christ.
Church Corruption
The history of the Church Militant is beyond mere grievances but also horrible atrocities and corruptions. Many evil church leaders used the Church and Faith as a way to galvanize the people against others. Horrible crimes against Jews spread throughout Europe since the Middle Ages. Others through the Inquisition, executed heretics or other Christians who viewed aspects of the faith differently. Witch hunts in Europe and America sought the death of so many women. In times of war, the image of Christian nationalism was invoked. Propaganda through Christ to commit the most un-Christlike crimes were authorized in the Wars of Religion which scarred Europe between Catholics and Protestants. In all probability, like the Pharisees before them, these type of “Christians” would have also crucified Christ if He spoke against them.
Beyond atrocities, corruption within the institution of the Church have also been rampant throughout history. Religious offices for sale, or religious leaders fighting for power and wealth within a religious institution have occurred throughout history. The Papacy during the Dark Ages and Renaissance Periods was one of the most corrupt offices in Europe. The Popes of his era behaved more like princes and war lords resorting to killing and bribing for office. Many scandals involved mistresses and various worldly pleasures over the austere life and love of the poor demanded by Peter and his successors. One can still witness today these scandals within the Church but also so-called Mega-Churches where “men of God” are later found to funnel money or have side mistresses at their call.

The most grievous offense is seen today as well with the corruption of the priesthood in the Catholic Church. In the Latin and Western Church, this offense spread through the seminaries and led to various pedophile priests preying upon children. To make matters worst, Bishops downplayed or hid these corruptions for fear of marring the image of the Church and their power and office. Bearing in mind that the percentage of bad to good priest was nonetheless low, the damage still was in the thousands to numerous young children forever traumatized by these evil men posing as pastors. Again, the most unforgivable element was the cover up and fear of loss of power, prestige and money over the care of souls.
Role of Heresy
Satan also looks to corrupt the human side of the Church through corruption of doctrine. Many “isms’ counter to the teachings of Christ, claiming to be Christian, have emerged from within Christian communities. Many heresies have dealt with the nature of Jesus Christ as both God and man. Other heresies deal with other doctrinal issues that deviate from Scripture, Church Councils, or teachings from the Apostle’s Creed.
While free will is essential, corruption of the soul through false teaching is a dangerous death to the soul. It is important to proclaim the true Gospel of Christ and warn others of false and untrue teachings. Unfortunately, throughout the history of the Church, individuals have been cruelly tortured and executed over the matter of heresy. Satan was able to corrupt even the defense of truth to violate human rights. This is an extreme that can never be taken. In defense of truth, Christians are called to correct others without judgement and hate but only with love and compassion. The moment forceful conversion and change is exhibited upon another human being, one commits an even greater sin that any heresy can hope to become.
The Inquisition and Wars of Religion all showed the dark side of justified opinion of truth. In defending Christ, Church authorities become the most un-Christlike. It is hence important to live a truthful life to the doctrine of Christ but also a respectful life of the views of others. Christian charity demands defense of the truth but in such a gentle way it is seen as love and exhibited more through good example.
Reactions to Corruption
Christian Counselors will see many individual reactions to this type of corruption within the Church. Many victims of abuse especially will have anger and hate in their hearts. This type of scandal destroys faith and turns many away from the Church. This scandal is a great scar on the Church and Christ will certainly proclaim justice over the evil, but in the meantime, the faithful and laity face uncertain times. Many suspect leadership, others abandon services or Mass, others utterly walk away from the institution.
The biggest problem is many associate the sins of humanity within the Church with the Faith itself. Those who proclaim the Gospel but are hypocrites turn many away from the Faith to other religions or secular life styles. For some it may be an excuse to exercise religious laxity, but for others, who are truly mortified by the corruption, or traumatized personally, the choice to move on from the Faith is a painful and personal choice. These individuals lose faith in Christ or any moral teachings. This type of ad hominem view where one hates not only the messenger but also the message is a large problem in the modern Church. Repairing these breaks will take generations.

There is yet another reaction to the corruption. Instead of rejecting the faith, one seeks to reform it. The seed of faith within the individual is so strong that the love of Christ and His message can never be stolen. Instead of hating the message, these individuals look to punish the wicked. Many work for reform within the Church and found organizations that watch those in power. This is nothing new. Throughout the history of the Church, reforms and counter reforms have occurred. The grace of the Holy Spirit encourages saints of the time to rise up against the evil within the Church. Numerous religious orders and movements have existed within the Church which have turned against the corruption. Orders have revitalized spirituality within the world through their example and preaching. Individual reformers from the local level to the global level throughout the history of the Church have also risen to reform institutions. Great councils of the Church have been called and reformed evil practices and corrected false ideas.
Proper Guidance
Church leaders need to address corruption within the faith, whether thousands of years ago or yesterday. One should not deify the Church or condemn the Faith, but one cannot put one’s head into the sand and ignore historical realities. In understanding that many evil individuals have sabotaged the Church in the past, then only then can one find ways to prevent future sabotage. Good Christians should never allow the face of Christ to become nationalized, or used for secular propaganda and should hold individuals accountable for their crimes and sacrilege.
It is hence important for Church leaders to apologize for past errors and offer reparations for these sins. The hierarchy needs to realize that while its purpose is to teach it can also learn from the laity. While the ministers teach and lead, they must also acknowledge their own weaknesses and seek mutual guidance when in doubt. While authority is God given by Christ, one must be accountable for that authority. Hence Church leaders must acknowledge short comings, expose corruption and hold themselves accountable to God and their flock. In lieu of Christ, the Good Shepard, the ministers, priests and bishops hold a high standard to Him. It is a fearful position to hold and they should recognize this grave responsibility in correlation with their own salvation.
Christian Counselors can help others through this abuse and corruption by explaining that the Church is both human and divine and laying down the differences in these two paradigms. Christian Counselors can also help others find justice and healing of trauma. Counselors need to address trauma, condemn the action and individuals but also re-direct the justified anger to the corrupters not the message of the Faith itself. Those who corrupt the faith cause so much scandal and pain, but one cannot allow them to also steal one’s treasured faith. Instead, one should fight for their faith and like a reforming saint proclaim the Gospel and expose the wolves in sheep’s clothing.
The Church is both human and divine. On Earth it is open to corruption and has been corrupted numerous occasions but Christ foretold that the gates of Hell would not prevail against it. Individuals can reject the faith due to the hypocrisy of others or fight for its purity.

Every person within the Church has a particular talent and it is up to that individual to best serve the Church. Allowing human corruption to destroy one’s faith and turn one against it is ingenious way Satan steals souls. It is hence important to hold to one’s faith, to fight corruption within the Church, and to spread the Gospel of Christ.
If you would like to learn more about Christian Counseling and helping others through trauma, then please review AIHCP’s Christian Counseling Certification. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification as a Christian Counselor.
Additional Resources
“Medieval Church Corruption”. June 6th, 2017. World History. Access here
“How Can We Help Victims of Clergy Abuse?”. Romeo Vitell, PhD. February 27th, 2019. Psychology Today. Access here
“Popes Behaving Badly: 8 Dreadful Papal Scandals From the Middle Ages”. Stephanie Schoppert. March 26, 2017. History Collection. Access here
“When Religion Promotes Violence”. Andy Tix, Ph.D. January 31st, 2018. Psychology Today. Access here
“Top 10 Heresies in the History of Christianity”. J. Patrick Hornbeck II. October 24th, 2011. Fordham News. Access here