Counseling through Church Corruption

Many Christians lose their faith because of scandal and abuse in the Church.  Those of high standing and public view hold a far greater responsibility before Christ to live by a code of good moral conduct.  Hierarchy, pastors, priests, leaders and counselors need to represent the best the faith has to offer but unfortunately on many occasions, they fail to display those standards.  As human beings, anyone is subject to error, mistakes and sin, and one cannot judge others short comings but when the face of the faith is on display, these individuals should be examples of virtue not vice.

The Church as the Bride of Christ can be seen in two ways.  From a spiritual sense and metaphorical sense, the Church is perfect.  The Church is inspired and fueled by the grace of the Holy Spirit.  It is protected and guaranteed through the words of Christ that the “gates of Hell shall not prevail against it”.  Yet, it is also a Church that exists on Earth.  The Church Militant on Earth is comprised of sinners and imperfect beings.  The Church on Earth is comprised of sinners for sinners.  It is a society of saints and sinners and everything else in between.

Due to Church corruption, many leave the faith and never return


Some of the worst human beings bore the name Christian at one time, while some of most saintly persons professed the faith with equal vigor and love for Christ.  Yet the Church at times fails throughout history.  It always finds a way, through the Holy Spirit, to find reform, but it shows the reality of human beings and the temporal world.  Satan looks to destroy the Church from without but finds special delight in corrupting it from within in his attempt to capture souls.

Divine and Human Institution on Earth

It is important to realize that the Church is founded by Christ.  It is energized and fueled by the grace of the Holy Spirit.  Its foundation is the blood of Christ.  In this, it is Divine.  Although, it always exists as the Church Triumphant in Heaven, it also exists albeit imperfectly as the Church Militant.  The word militant is fitting.  On Earth, the Church is an constant war with the evil one for souls.   The Church as the face of Christ on Earth, looks to bring truth and the Gospel to nations, but within this war, Satan looks to destroy and corrupt it.  He can never truly corrupt the faith itself, but he can distort it and corrupt individuals who profess it but ultimately, he can never prevail.

The Church as a human institution on Earth consists of the baptized who become part of the Mystical Body of Christ.  As a human institution, it possesses human qualities.  The Church possess a human organization of things. It is structured to deal with human issues in a fallen world.  It is made of imperfect people trying their best to preach the Gospel.  In this as a human institution, people can make mistakes.  Individuals can disagree, splinter and divide.  Through Satan’s cunning, the Church itself is divided into Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant pathways.  The Great Schism between East and West and the Protestant Reformation are all glaring examples of the human side of the Church.  It shows the division and hate that can be utilized between brothers and sisters of Christ.

Church Corruption

The history of the Church Militant is beyond mere grievances but also horrible atrocities and corruptions.  Many evil church leaders used the Church and Faith as a way to galvanize the people against others.  Horrible crimes against Jews spread throughout Europe since the Middle Ages.  Others through the Inquisition, executed heretics or other Christians who viewed aspects of the faith differently.  Witch hunts in Europe and America sought the death of so many women.   In times of war, the image of Christian nationalism was invoked.  Propaganda through Christ to commit the most un-Christlike crimes were authorized in the Wars of Religion which scarred Europe between Catholics and Protestants.  In all probability, like the Pharisees before them, these type of “Christians” would have also crucified Christ if He spoke against them.

Beyond atrocities, corruption within the institution of the Church have also been rampant throughout history.  Religious offices for sale, or religious leaders fighting for power and wealth within a religious institution have occurred throughout history.  The Papacy during the Dark Ages and Renaissance Periods was one of the most corrupt offices in Europe.  The Popes of his era behaved more like princes and war lords resorting to killing and bribing for office.  Many scandals involved mistresses and various worldly pleasures over the austere life and love of the poor demanded by Peter and his successors. One can still witness today these scandals within the Church but also so-called Mega-Churches where “men of God” are later found to funnel money or have side mistresses at their call.

The misuse of religion for war, greed and political power has occurred throughout the history of the Church


The most grievous offense is seen today as well with the corruption of the priesthood in the Catholic Church.  In the Latin and Western Church, this offense spread through the seminaries and led to various pedophile priests preying upon children.  To make matters worst, Bishops downplayed or hid these corruptions for fear of marring the image of the Church and their power and office.  Bearing in mind that the percentage of bad to good priest was nonetheless low, the damage still was in the thousands to numerous young children forever traumatized by these evil men posing as pastors.  Again, the most unforgivable element was the cover up and fear of loss of power, prestige and money over the care of souls.

Role of Heresy

Satan also looks to corrupt the human side of the Church through corruption of doctrine.  Many “isms’ counter to the teachings of Christ, claiming to be Christian, have emerged from within Christian communities.  Many heresies have dealt with the nature of Jesus Christ as both God and man.  Other heresies deal with other doctrinal issues that deviate from Scripture, Church Councils, or teachings from the Apostle’s Creed.

While free will is essential, corruption of the soul through false teaching is a dangerous death to the soul.   It is important to proclaim the true Gospel of Christ and warn others of false and untrue teachings.  Unfortunately, throughout the history of the Church, individuals have been cruelly tortured and executed over the matter of heresy.  Satan was able to corrupt even the defense of truth to violate human rights.  This is an extreme that can never be taken.  In defense of truth, Christians are called to correct others without judgement and hate but only with love and compassion.  The moment forceful conversion and change is exhibited upon another human being, one commits an even greater sin that any heresy can hope to become.

The Inquisition and Wars of Religion all showed the dark side of justified opinion of truth.  In defending Christ, Church authorities become the most un-Christlike.  It is hence important to live a truthful life to the doctrine of Christ but also a respectful life of the views of others.  Christian charity demands defense of the truth but in such a gentle way it is seen as love and exhibited more through good example.

Reactions to Corruption

Christian Counselors will see many  individual reactions to this type of corruption within the Church.  Many victims of abuse especially will have anger and hate in their hearts.  This type of scandal destroys faith and turns many away from the Church.  This scandal is a great scar on the Church and Christ will certainly proclaim justice over the evil, but in the meantime, the faithful and laity face uncertain times.  Many suspect leadership, others abandon services or Mass, others utterly walk away from the institution.

The biggest problem is many associate the sins of humanity within the Church with the Faith itself.  Those who proclaim the Gospel but are hypocrites turn many away from the Faith to other religions or secular life styles.  For some it may be an excuse to exercise religious laxity, but for others, who are truly mortified by the corruption, or traumatized personally, the choice to move on from the Faith is a painful and personal choice.  These individuals lose faith in Christ or any moral teachings.  This type of ad hominem view where one hates not only the messenger but also the message is a large problem in the modern Church.  Repairing these breaks will take generations.

Like Christ, we must face the hypocrites and preserve the faith despite corruption

There is yet another reaction to the corruption.  Instead of rejecting the faith, one seeks to reform it.  The seed of faith within the individual is so strong that the love of Christ and His message can never be stolen.  Instead of hating the message, these individuals look to punish the wicked.  Many work for reform within the Church and found organizations that watch those in power.  This is nothing new.  Throughout the history of the Church, reforms and counter reforms have occurred.  The grace of the Holy Spirit encourages saints of the time to rise up against the evil within the Church.  Numerous religious orders and movements have existed within the Church which have turned against the corruption.  Orders have revitalized spirituality within the world through their example and preaching.   Individual reformers from the local level to the global level throughout the history of the Church have also risen to reform institutions.  Great councils of the Church have been called and reformed evil practices and corrected false ideas.

Proper Guidance

Church leaders need to address corruption within the faith, whether thousands of years ago or yesterday.  One should not deify the Church or condemn the Faith, but one cannot put one’s head into the sand and ignore historical realities.  In understanding that many evil individuals have sabotaged the Church in the past, then only then can one find ways to prevent future sabotage.   Good Christians should never allow the face of Christ to become nationalized, or used for secular propaganda and should hold individuals accountable for their crimes and sacrilege.

It is hence important for Church leaders to apologize for past errors and offer reparations for these sins.  The hierarchy needs to realize that while its purpose is to teach it can also learn from the laity.  While the ministers teach and lead, they must also acknowledge their own weaknesses and seek mutual guidance when in doubt.  While authority is God given by Christ, one must be accountable for that authority.  Hence Church leaders must acknowledge short comings, expose corruption and hold themselves accountable to God and their flock.  In lieu of Christ, the Good Shepard, the ministers, priests and bishops hold a high standard to Him.  It is a fearful position to hold and they should recognize this grave responsibility in correlation with their own salvation.

Christian Counselors can help others through this abuse and corruption by explaining that the Church is both human and divine and laying down the differences in these two paradigms.  Christian Counselors can also help others find justice and healing of trauma.   Counselors need to address trauma, condemn the action and individuals but also re-direct the justified anger to the corrupters not the message of the Faith itself.  Those who corrupt the faith cause so much scandal and pain, but one cannot allow them to also steal one’s treasured faith.  Instead, one should fight for their faith and like a reforming saint proclaim the Gospel and expose the wolves in sheep’s clothing.


The Church is both human and divine.  On Earth it is open to corruption and has been corrupted numerous occasions but Christ foretold that the gates of Hell would not prevail against it.  Individuals can reject the faith due to the hypocrisy of others or fight for its purity.

We cannot allow others to nationalize and weaponize the face of Christ


Every person within the Church has a particular talent and it is up to that individual to best serve the Church.  Allowing human corruption to destroy one’s faith and turn one against it is ingenious way Satan steals souls. It is hence important to hold to one’s faith, to fight corruption within the Church, and to spread the Gospel of Christ.

If you would like to learn more about Christian Counseling and helping others through trauma, then please review AIHCP’s Christian Counseling Certification.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification as a Christian Counselor.

Additional Resources

“Medieval Church Corruption”. June 6th, 2017. World History. Access here

“How Can We Help Victims of Clergy Abuse?”. Romeo Vitell, PhD. February 27th, 2019. Psychology Today. Access here

“Popes Behaving Badly: 8 Dreadful Papal Scandals From the Middle Ages”. Stephanie Schoppert. March 26, 2017. History Collection.  Access here

“When Religion Promotes Violence”. Andy Tix, Ph.D. January 31st, 2018. Psychology Today.  Access here

“Top 10 Heresies in the History of Christianity”. J. Patrick Hornbeck II.  October 24th, 2011. Fordham News.  Access here


Video on the Existence of Hell

Fooling the world into thinking he did not exist is the Devil’s greatest triumph.  Many individuals deny the existence of Satan and Hell.  Through this denial, individuals play through life without fear of consequence or offending God.  It is important to understand Hell exists and one sends oneself to Hell through a life of self love and immoral behavior.  It is not some scary bed time story but a dire warning from Heaven from a God who loves us.

The video on the Reality of Hell reviews the theological aspect of Hell from Christian tradition stemming from Scripture and Tradition.  The video also discusses what Hell is, the torments one could possibly expect and how to avoid Hell.

Christian Counselors can help individuals live better moral lives and avoid Hell.

Please also review AIHCP’s Christian Counseling Certification

Addiction, Mindful Drinking and the Holiday Season

Those who suffer from addiction face difficulties during the Holidays.  Substance abuse especially is difficult for many facing addiction issues.  Parties and celebrations with obvious temptations of wine and holiday drinks present themselves at a much higher rate.  Individuals suffering from addiction may find it difficult to walk away or find a way to say no to the social pressures. Others may suffer from season depression or be recalling a recent death.  With such a happy time surrounded by sorrowful thoughts, many turn to alcohol to help cope with the stress and mental problems.  Substance Abuse Counselors can help individuals find better ways to cope and find alternative ways to celebrate the season.

Hence it is important to understand the nature of the season for people.  For some it is party overdrive and leads to excessive drinking.  For others it a sad occasion because others may have passed away leading to poor coping decisions.  Individuals need to find strong social support in these days and try to avoid certain occasions.  In addition, good exit strategies from situations that may tempt a return to drinking or a type of drug needs to be pre-determined.  Sobriety must be the top priority.  In addition, family and friends should be aware of other friends and family who may have addiction issues and try to remove excessive temptation.

For many, the Holidays is hard time to cope and can lead to excessive drinking or addiction temptations.


The article, “How to maintain sobriety during the holiday season | Parentally Speaking” by Ezra Hefland looks at how those facing addiction can better face substance abuse.  Hefland lists many important points for individuals as well as those who host parties who may know recovering alcoholics.  Planning ahead and being aware of the temptations of the Holiday season is the first step but also knowing better ways to cope and celebrate are also important.  Hefland states,

“Basically, festive gatherings and the holidays themselves are wrought with triggers for alcoholics and drug addicts. Simply put, the holidays are the hardest time of the year for substance abusers. Why? Because a lot of families are drinking more during this time of year and because the alcoholics themselves drank heavily during the holidays. In fact. Americans double their rate of drinking between Thanksgiving and Christmas.”

“How to maintain sobriety during the holiday season | Parentally Speaking”. Ezra Hefland. December 4th, 2022. MyCentralJersey.

To review the entire article, please click here


How to Tackle Drinking Addiction During Holidays – Tips and Strategies

During the holidays, we often find ourselves in a celebratory mood, and this often includes alcohol. However, for those who struggle with drinking addiction, the holidays can be an especially difficult time. The temptation to drink can be immense, and yet it’s important to remember that addiction is a serious issue. Fortunately, there are a number of strategies and tips that can help people struggling with drinking addiction to tackle the holidays. With the right approach and some self-discipline, even those with drinking addiction can make it through the holidays without a relapse. From learning healthier coping strategies to setting realistic goals, there are a number of ways to stay ahead of drinking addiction during the holidays.

What is Mindful Drinking

Mindful drinking is a strategy that can help people who struggle with drinking addiction to cut down or moderate their alcohol consumption. It involves paying attention to your thoughts and feelings when you drink alcohol, as well as your drinking behavior. The aim is to drink in a way that allows you to retain control over your alcohol consumption, without feeling guilty or ashamed. Ultimately, mindful drinking is about increasing self-awareness, so that you can make informed decisions about your alcohol consumption. It can help you to avoid alcohol abuse and the negative consequences that come with it, including addiction. For people who are alcohol dependent, mindful drinking may mean temporarily reducing alcohol consumption. For people who are not dependent on alcohol, but who may be at risk of becoming dependent, mindful drinking may involve reducing overall alcohol consumption while increasing water or non-alcoholic beverage intake.

Benefits of Mindful Drinking

– Mindfulness helps to reduce the risk of alcohol abuse and negative consequences associated with alcohol. – Mindful drinkers are less likely to engage in risky or reckless behavior while intoxicated. – Mindfulness can help reduce stress and negative emotions. – Mindful drinkers are less likely to have blackouts and memory loss when intoxicated. – Mindful drinkers have a reduced risk of developing alcohol dependence and a reduced risk of relapse if they are in recovery from alcohol dependence.

Even those not dealing with addiction need to practice mindful drinking and moderation during the Holiday Season.


Strategies for Mindful Drinking

There are a number of strategies that can help you to drink mindfully. These include: – Set a Limit Before you even start drinking, it can be helpful to set a limit for yourself. This can be particularly useful for people who are not currently dependent on alcohol, but who would like to reduce their alcohol consumption. In order to set a limit, you need to know your alcohol tolerance, and be aware of how much you regularly drink. This will help you to set a realistic and achievable limit for the amount of alcohol you consume during the holidays. Setting a limit can help you avoid alcohol abuse and the negative consequences that come with it. – Alternate Drinks Alternating alcoholic drinks with non-alcoholic beverages can help you to moderate your alcohol consumption and avoid blackouts. This is particularly useful for people who are not currently dependent on alcohol, but are at risk of becoming dependent. The best approach is to alternate drinks every one or two alcoholic drinks, with a non-alcoholic beverage. For example, alternating between one alcoholic drink and one non-alcoholic drink. This will help you to avoid the negative consequences associated with heavy alcohol consumption, while still allowing you to enjoy yourself. – Have a Buddy System Having friends or family on hand who can keep an eye on you, and offer you a non-alcoholic beverage when you need it, can be a great way to moderate your alcohol consumption. Having a buddy system in place can help to reduce the risk of alcohol abuse and negative consequences associated with drinking. It can also be a great way to make new friends, as well as having fun and enjoying the holidays even more.

a. Set a Limit

As discussed above, setting a limit can help you to moderate your alcohol consumption and avoid alcohol abuse. It can be helpful to set a limit before you even start drinking, as this will help to prevent you from losing control, or reaching a stage where you are drunk or intoxicated. Setting a limit, and also having a plan for what you will do if you reach your limit, can help you to avoid alcohol-related blackouts and accidents. It can also help you to avoid feeling guilty or ashamed about your drinking, and to avoid developing an addiction to alcohol.

b. Alternate Drinks

Alternating alcoholic drinks with non-alcoholic beverages can help you to moderate your alcohol consumption, and to avoid blackouts. This is particularly useful if you are not currently dependent on alcohol, but are at risk of becoming dependent. The best approach is to alternate every one or two alcoholic drinks with a non-alcoholic beverage. For example, alternating between one alcoholic drink and one non-alcoholic drink. This will help you to avoid the negative consequences associated with heavy alcohol consumption, while still allowing you to enjoy yourself.

c. Have a Buddy System

Having friends or family on hand who can keep an eye on you, and offer you a non-alcoholic beverage when you need it, can be a great way to moderate your alcohol consumption. Having a buddy system in place can help to reduce the risk of alcohol abuse and negative consequences associated with drinking. It can also be a great way to make new friends, as well as having fun and enjoying the holidays even more.

d. Avoid Triggers

Some people find that certain situations or environments make them more likely to drink and consume more alcohol. This could be due to a number of factors, including stress, anxiety, boredom, or feelings of social isolation. Being aware of your triggers can help you to avoid places and situations that may lead you to consume more alcohol than you intended. Avoiding your triggers can help you to moderate your alcohol consumption and avoid the negative consequences that come with heavy drinking, including alcohol dependence.

e. Drink Slowly

Drinking slowly can help to reduce the amount of alcohol you consume in one sitting. It can help you to avoid feeling rushed or under pressure to drink. Drinking slowly can also help to reduce the risk of blackouts and memory loss associated with heavy drinking. This can help to reduce the risk of alcohol dependence.

Tips for Managing Stress and Anxiety During the Holidays

While alcohol may seem like the best solution to dealing with stress or anxiety during the holidays, it is important to remember that this is not a long-term solution. In fact, it can be a very short-term solution, and will only make your problems worse in the long run. Instead, there are a number of strategies that people can use to manage their stress and anxiety during the holidays. These include: – Meditation Meditation has been shown to reduce anxiety, stress, and negative emotions, as well as improving overall health. It is a great way to relax and unwind, and can be done anywhere at any time. It can also be particularly helpful for people who are in recovery from alcohol addiction, as it does not involve consuming alcohol. – Progressive Muscle Relaxation Progressive muscle relaxation is a technique that involves relaxing and tensing different muscle groups. It has been shown to be an effective way to reduce stress and anxiety, as well as improving sleep. – Writing Down Your Thoughts and Feelings Writing down your thoughts and feelings is a great way to reduce negative emotions, such as anxiety and stress. This can also be a useful way to stay sober during the holidays, as writing can be a helpful distraction. – Yoga Yoga is another great way to reduce stress and anxiety, as well as improving overall health.


The holidays are a wonderful time to get together with loved ones. However, for people who struggle with drinking addiction, it can also be a stressful and challenging time. The temptation to drink is immense, and yet it’s important to remember that addiction is a serious issue. With the right approach and some self-discipline, even those with drinking addiction can make it through the holidays without a relapse. From learning healthier coping strategies to setting realistic goals, there are a number of ways to stay ahead of drinking addiction during the holidays.

Substance Abuse Counselors can help those struggling with addiction find better ways to avoid drinking during the Holidays.  Whether due to addiction, depression, or merely over stimulation of the season, individuals should moderate, or in some cases, completely avoid drinking.  It is crucial to pre-plan how to avoid the temptations.  It is also important for others to be mindful of those who face addiction and be supportive.

Individuals who suffer from addiction should find social peer support during this season and avoid the pitfalls of addiction.

Please also review AIHCP’s Substance Abuse Counseling Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification as a Certified Substance Abuse Counselor.

Additional Resources

“Holiday Drinking: How to Know When It’s A Problem And Ways to Cut Back”. Lambeth Hochwald.  November 24th, 2021. PsyCom. Access here

“Why the Holidays Are Hard for Recovery”. Buddy T. March 1st, 2021.  VeryWellMind. Access here

“Alcohol’s busiest season in here: How to avoid binge drinking and support sober loved ones”. Saleen Martin.  November 23rd, 2022. USA TODAY. Access here

The Use of Technology in Diabetes Care Management

By – James M. Katz, BA

Diabetes is one of the leading causes of death worldwide, but with the increasing presence of technology in our lives, it has become much easier to manage this chronic disease. Technology has revolutionized diabetes care management and is helping people with diabetes to monitor, analyze, and adjust their health. Smartphones, wearable devices, and apps enable people with diabetes to track their blood sugar levels, exercise, nutrition, and medications. With the help of technology, diabetes management can be done more accurately and efficiently, allowing them to live a healthier and more productive life. Additionally, technology has enabled doctors and healthcare managers to provide better quality healthcare to their patients by quickly and accurately diagnosing any issues and making adjustments to their treatment plans. Technology is also providing new treatments and therapies that can help people with diabetes better manage their condition. In short, technology is transforming diabetes care management, providing new opportunities to lead a better, healthier life.

The article linked below goes into further detail on the emerging use of new technologies in diabetes healthcare management. It looks in-depth at the use of insulin delivery systems, blood sugar monitoring devices, as well as other health care management apps. For more please read the quote below and press the link.

“The revised standards, issued this week, include a section devoted to technology, including continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) devices that allow people living with diabetes to check their blood glucose levels at any time, automated insulin delivery systems and digital health tools that offer coaching and access to resources.

The guidelines recommend that anyone living with diabetes have access to FDA-approved technology to manage their chronic condition, especially seniors and underserved populations. The ADA also points out that technology can be used to improve access to care and care management for those dealing with health inequity, or barriers to care caused by social determinants of health.“


Access Article Here

An infograph about diabetes care management


Overview of Diabetes

Diabetes is a condition in which the level of sugar in the blood is too high. There are two main types of diabetes: Type 1 diabetes, which usually appears in childhood or adolescence, and Type 2 diabetes, which usually appears in adulthood. In Type 1 diabetes, the pancreas does not produce enough insulin, which is a hormone that helps break down the food we eat and turn it into energy. In Type 2 diabetes, the pancreas makes enough insulin, but the body cannot use it properly. In both conditions, a person’s blood sugar level rises above normal, and they need to take steps to lower it. People with diabetes often also experience other health issues like cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, and eye disease.

What is Diabetes Care Management?

Diabetes care management refers to the process of managing diabetes and achieving optimal blood sugar levels to prevent complications. In recent years, there has been a growing focus on improving the quality of diabetes care management, with an aim to prevent the development of complications and reduce healthcare costs. Technology is playing a significant role in improving the quality of diabetes care management. Through the use of wearable devices, smartphone apps, and telehealth technologies, people with diabetes are better able to track their blood sugar levels, exercise, nutrition, and medications. Doctors, healthcare providers, and technology are working together to provide better quality healthcare management, enabling clinicians to quickly and accurately diagnose issues and make adjustments to their treatment plans to improve patient outcomes. Additionally, technology is helping people with diabetes better manage their condition and achieve better health outcomes, allowing them to live a healthier and more productive life.

How Technology is Revolutionizing Diabetes Care Management

Wearable Devices – Wearable devices such as blood glucose monitors, activity trackers, and sleep trackers can be used to track a person’s blood sugar levels, daily activity, and sleep quality. These devices can send data to a smartphone app and can also be programmed to send alerts when a blood glucose level is too low or a food or medication is scheduled to be taken. Smartphone Apps – Diabetes apps are available in a variety of forms, including lifestyle apps, social networks, blood glucose tracking apps, and medication reminder apps. Lifestyle apps can help people with diabetes track and improve their nutrition, sleep, and activity levels. Social networks allow people with diabetes to connect with each other and receive support and encouragement. Blood glucose tracking apps allow users to track their blood glucose levels throughout the day and receive alerts when the levels are too low or too high. Medication reminder apps can help people remember when to take their medications and make adjustments when the time is incorrect. These apps are designed to improve the quality of diabetes healthcare management by enabling people to track their blood sugar levels, exercise, and medication intake more accurately and efficiently.


Telemedicine is the use of information technology to provide medical care remotely. This technology is revolutionizing diabetes healthcare management by providing remote monitoring of blood glucose levels and medication adherence. In addition, remote monitoring enables patients and providers to detect health issues at an earlier stage and make appropriate adjustments to treatment plans to prevent complications. Remote monitoring also provides access to care for people who might not otherwise have access to physicians and diabetes management specialists.

Benefits of Technology in Diabetes Care Management

– Improved Compliance with Treatment Regimens – Technology can help patients adhere to their treatment regimens, which is essential for managing diabetes. When patients forget to take their medications or take them at the wrong times, their blood sugar levels are likely to increase and they are at a higher risk of developing complications. With the help of technology, patients can easily and accurately track when they took their medications and can receive alerts when they forgot to take them. – Improved Quality of Life – Technology is also revolutionizing diabetes care management by improving the quality of life of people with diabetes. It can help people track their blood sugar levels, exercise, and nutrition to a greater extent than they are able-bodied. Additionally, technology can help people with diabetes stay connected with others and feel less isolated. – Real-Time Data Accessibility – Another benefit of technology in diabetes care management is its ability to provide real-time data accessibility. Real-time data access allows people with diabetes to track their blood sugar levels and adjust their food intake or medication dosage if needed. Real-time data access also allows doctors and healthcare providers to track their patient data and make adjustments to their treatment plans as needed.

New Treatments and Therapies for Diabetes

Blood Glucose-Sensing Injectables – New blood glucose-sensing injectables are revolutionizing diabetes care management by delivering insulin directly to the bloodstream through a small, painless needle. This can help prevent low blood sugar during periods of exercise or after eating a meal. Artificial Pancreas – An artificial pancreas is a device that analyzes a person’s blood glucose levels, insulin levels, and food intake to determine the right amount of insulin required to keep blood glucose levels within a healthy range. This device automatically delivers insulin to the bloodstream, allowing people with diabetes to live a more normal life. Gene Therapy – Gene therapy is a new treatment that aims to stop the progression of Type 2 diabetes. In this treatment, a virus is injected into the bloodstream, where it travels to the liver and inserts a gene that produces insulin-producing proteins. This therapy aims to halt the progression of Type 2 Diabetes by controlling blood glucose levels and allowing people with diabetes to live a healthier, more normal life.


Diabetes is a serious and growing concern, but technology is revolutionizing the way it is managed and treated. Wearable devices, smartphone apps, and telehealth technologies are helping people with diabetes track their blood sugar levels, daily activity, and medication intake more accurately and efficiently to enable better diabetes care management. Additionally, technology is helping doctors and healthcare providers provide better quality care, enabling them to quickly and accurately diagnose issues and make adjustments to their treatment plans to improve patient outcomes. New treatments and therapies for diabetes are providing hope for people with the condition, enabling them to live a healthier, more productive life.

Diabetes and other health conditions require dedicated healthcare management professionals. Keeping up to date with the latest trends and technology is paramount to giving patients the best care they deserve. If you are in the care management field and would like to add to your education, you should visit our Healthcare Management certification program by pressing here.


American Diabetes Association

Mayo Clinic Diabetes Overview

Additional Resources:

Smartphone-Based Technology in Diabetes Management. Doupis, J., Festas, G., Tsilivigos, C. et al.  Diabetes Ther 11, 607–619 (2020).

Access Here 

Psychology, technology, and diabetes management. Gonder-Frederick, L. A., et al American Psychologist, 71(7), 577–589. (2016).

Access Here 

Active Care Management Supported by Home Telemonitoring in Veterans With Type 2 Diabetes: The DiaTel randomized controlled trial. Roslyn A. Stone, et al. Diabetes Care 1 March 2010; 33 (3): 478–484.

Access Here 

Chinese Medicine and Holistic Health

Chinese medicine is a venue many turn to in search of herbs and managing long term health.  Chinese medicine practitioners usually own local shops and expertise in these areas.  They consider balance to be the key in life itself and utilize Chi and concepts of Yin and Yang in managing health.  When something in the body is imbalanced, they look for herbs or practices to restore that balance in the body.

It is imperative though that individuals who look to these resources inform primary caregivers and have proper guidance to know what can mix with current medications.  Holistic and Integrative Healthcare Specialists understand both Eastern and Western concepts and how they interact.  Holistic Nurses can play key roles in helping individuals identify the best resources and Chinese herbs to utilize as well as individuals to potentially purchase from and work with.

Chinese medicine is about balance. It looks at Chi or breath as well as balance of Yin and Yang.



‍Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM) is a traditional form of healing that has been used for centuries in Asia and has recently gained popularity in the West. It is based on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) which is a holistic approach to health and wellness that emphasizes the balance between mind, body, and spirit. CHM involves the use of natural herbs and plants to treat a variety of ailments, from digestive issues to mental health. In this article, we’ll explore the history of CHM, its many benefits, the common herbs used in it, its relationship to Western medicine, how to get started with CHM, and its safety considerations.

What is Chinese Herbal Medicine?

Chinese Herbal Medicine is a branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that uses natural herbs and plants to treat a variety of ailments. It is a holistic approach to health that focuses on treating the whole person, rather than just a single symptom or condition. The herbs used in CHM are believed to be able to balance the qi, which is the energy that flows through the body and is responsible for its overall health. The herbs used in CHM are usually combined into formulas that are tailored to the individual’s needs.

CHM is one of the oldest forms of medicine, with a history that dates back thousands of years. It is still widely used in Asia and is gaining popularity in the West. CHM is often seen as a complementary form of medicine, meaning it can be used together with conventional Western medicine to treat a variety of ailments.

Traditional Chinese Medicine History

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has a long and storied history that dates back more than 2000 years. It is based on the ancient Chinese philosophy of Daoism, which emphasizes the balance between yin and yang and the importance of keeping the body’s qi (energy) in balance. The earliest forms of TCM used herbal medicines, acupuncture, and moxibustion (a form of heat therapy) to treat various ailments.

Over the centuries, TCM has been refined and developed and is now used to treat a wide range of ailments. It is still widely used in Asia and is gaining popularity in the West. In recent years, more and more Western doctors have begun to incorporate TCM into their practice, and it is now widely accepted as a valid form of medicine.

Benefits of Chinese Herbal Medicine

Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM) has many benefits. It is a holistic approach to health that focuses on treating the whole person, rather than just a single symptom or condition. The herbs used in CHM are believed to be able to balance the qi, which is the energy that flows through the body and is responsible for its overall health.

The herbs used in CHM have a wide range of therapeutic effects, from soothing digestive problems to boosting the immune system. In addition, the herbs used in CHM can be tailored to the individual’s needs, meaning the treatment is personalized and effective.

CHM is also seen as a complementary form of medicine, meaning it can be used together with conventional Western medicine to treat a variety of ailments. This makes it a great option for those who are looking for an alternative form of treatment.

Common Chinese Herbal Medicines

Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM) uses a variety of herbs and plants to treat a variety of ailments. Some of the most common herbs used in CHM include ginseng, ginger, astragalus, licorice, and dong quai.

Ginseng is believed to have a tonic effect on the body and is often used to boost energy and vitality. Ginger is used to treat digestive issues, while astragalus is thought to boost the immune system. Licorice is used to treat respiratory issues, such as asthma, and dong quai is used to treat menstrual cramps.

These are just a few of the herbs used in CHM, and many more can be used to treat a variety of ailments. The herbs used in CHM are often combined into formulas that are tailored to the individual’s needs.

Chinese Herbal Medicine and Western Medicine

Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM) and Western medicine have different approaches to health and wellness. Western medicine is based on the scientific method and is focused on treating the symptoms of a disease or condition. CHM, on the other hand, is focused on treating the whole person and restoring balance and harmony to the body.

Despite their differences, CHM and Western medicine can be used together to treat a variety of ailments. In fact, many Western doctors now incorporate CHM into their practice, and it is widely accepted as a valid form of medicine.

How to Get Started with Chinese Herbal Medicine

If you’re interested in trying Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM), the first step is to find a qualified practitioner. It’s important to find someone who is experienced and knowledgeable in CHM and can tailor the treatments to your individual needs.

Once you’ve found a practitioner, you’ll discuss your health concerns and the practitioner will create an individualized treatment plan for you. This may include dietary and lifestyle recommendations, as well as herbal formulas tailored to your needs.

Finding a Qualified Practitioner of Chinese Herbal Medicine

When looking for a qualified practitioner of Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM), it’s important to find someone who is experienced and knowledgeable in CHM and can tailor the treatments to your individual needs.

A qualified healthcare professional should work with anyone considering supplementing Chinese medicine with traditional medicine


It’s a good idea to do your research and ask for recommendations from friends or family who have used CHM. You can also ask your doctor for a referral or check online for practitioners in your area who specialize in CHM.

Once you’ve found a qualified practitioner, it’s important to discuss your health concerns and ensure that your practitioner is familiar with the herbs and formulas they are recommending.

Chinese Herbal Medicine for Holistic Health

Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM) is a great option for those looking for a holistic approach to health and wellness. It is based on the ancient principles of TCM and focuses on treating the whole person, rather than just a single symptom or condition. The herbs used in CHM are believed to be able to balance the qi, which is the energy that flows through the body and is responsible for its overall health.

CHM is also seen as a complementary form of medicine, meaning it can be used together with conventional Western medicine to treat a variety of ailments. This makes it a great option for those looking for an alternative form of treatment.

Chinese Herbal Medicine Safety Considerations

As with any form of medicine, there are safety considerations when it comes to Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM). It’s important to make sure that the herbs and formulas used in CHM are safe and appropriate for your individual needs.

It’s also important to make sure that the herbs and formulas used in CHM are of good quality and have been tested for safety. It’s a good idea to ask your practitioner for a list of ingredients and to make sure that the herbs and formulas they are recommending are safe for you.

Finally, it’s important to make sure that the practitioner you are working with is qualified and experienced in CHM. As with any form of medicine, it’s important to find a qualified practitioner who can tailor the treatments to your individual needs.


Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM) is an ancient form of healing that has been used for centuries in Asia and is gaining popularity in the West. It is a holistic approach to health and wellness that focuses on treating the whole person, rather than just a single symptom or condition. The herbs used in CHM are believed to be able to balance the qi, which is the energy that flows through the body and is responsible for its overall health.

AIHCP offers a comprehensive program for Healthcare Professionals to earn a certification in Holistic Health

CHM is often seen as a complementary form of medicine, meaning it can be used together with conventional Western medicine to treat a variety of ailments. It is important to find a qualified practitioner who is experienced and knowledgeable in CHM and can tailor the treatments to your individual needs.

Chinese Herbal Medicine can be a great option for those looking for a holistic approach to health and wellness. It is important to be aware of the safety considerations and make sure that the herbs and formulas used in CHM are safe for your individual needs. With the right practitioner, CHM can be a great way to achieve holistic health and wellness.

Please also review AIHCP’s Holistic and Integrative Healthcare Practitioner Program. Also known as Holistic Nursing, nurses and other qualified healthcare professionals can take the online and independent study program to earn the four year certification.  Please review the Holistic Nursing Program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.

Additional Resources

“Chinese Medicine and The Causes of Disease”. Emma Suttie.  March 24th, 2022. MindBodySoul.  Access here

. 2019;47(3):495-506. doi: 10.1142/S0192415X19500253. Epub 2019 Apr 25. National Library of Medicine.  Access here

“Holistic Health”. Suzan Walter, MBA. American Holistic Health Association. Access here

Christian Counseling: What is it? How does it work?

Unlock Your Potential Through Christian Counseling: A Guide to Spiritual Growth!

Image Source: Unsplash‍

Christian counseling is a type of counseling that combines psychological and spiritual approaches to help people navigate the challenges of life and their spiritual journey. It is a specialized form of counseling that uses Christian teachings and terminology to help people make sense of their struggles and find healing and inner peace.

Introduction to Christian Counseling

Christian counseling is a type of counseling that combines psychological and spiritual approaches to help people navigate the challenges of life and their spiritual journey. It is an interdisciplinary approach that seeks to address the whole person—mind, body, and spirit—in order to promote healing and personal growth.

Christian counseling is based on the belief that the Bible is the source of God’s truth and that it is the ultimate guide for living a life of faith. Christian counselors use the Bible and its teachings to help individuals understand their struggles and seek out the path to healing. The goal of Christian counseling is to promote spiritual growth and emotional well-being.

Christian counseling may be used to address a wide range of issues, such as depression, anxiety, addiction, grief, relationships, and more. It can also be used as a tool to help individuals gain a better understanding of themselves and their faith. It is an effective form of therapy for those who are seeking spiritual growth and healing.

What is Faithful Counseling?

Faithful counseling is a form of Christian counseling that is based on Biblical principles and teachings. It is rooted in the belief that the Bible is the source of God’s truth and that it is the ultimate guide for living a life of faith. Faithful counselors use the Bible and its teachings to help individuals understand their struggles and seek out the path to healing. The goal of faithful counseling is to promote spiritual growth and emotional well-being.

Faithful counselors focus on helping individuals gain a deeper understanding of their faith and how it impacts their lives. They use scripture and Biblical principles to help individuals make sense of their struggles and find healing. They may also incorporate prayer and spiritual exercises into their sessions in order to help individuals connect with God in a deeper way.

Benefits of Christian Counseling

Christian counseling can be beneficial for individuals who are struggling with mental health issues, addiction, grief, and more. It can also be beneficial for individuals who are seeking spiritual growth and healing. Here are some of the benefits of Christian counseling:

  1. It can help individuals navigate difficult circumstances and make sense of their struggles.
  2. It can help individuals gain a better understanding of their faith and how it impacts their lives.
  3. It can provide a safe and supportive environment to process emotions.
  4. It can help individuals develop healthy coping skills and strategies.
  5. It can provide individuals with spiritual guidance and direction.
  6. It can help individuals find healing and inner peace.

How to Find the Right Christian Counselor

Finding the right Christian counselor is an important step in the process of Christian counseling. It is important to find someone who is knowledgeable and experienced in the field of Christian counseling, as well as someone who is a good fit for you personally. Here are some tips for finding the right Christian counselor:

  1. Do your research: Research different Christian counseling centers and counselors to find one that is right for you.
  2. Ask questions: Ask questions about their approach, experience, and qualifications.
  3. Get referrals: Ask trusted friends and family for referrals to Christian counselors who they have had good experiences with.
  4. Schedule a consultation: Schedule an initial consultation with a Christian counselor to get a better understanding of their approach and to see if it is a good fit for you.

How to Prepare for Christian Counseling

Preparing for Christian counseling is an important step in the process. It is important to be prepared and to take the time to think about your goals for counseling and what you hope to gain from it. Here are some tips for preparing for Christian counseling:

  1. Be honest: Be honest with yourself and with your counselor about your struggles and goals.
  2. Set goals: Set realistic and achievable goals for yourself and your counseling sessions.
  3. Do your homework: Do any homework assigned by your counselor, such as reading scripture or writing in a journal.
  4. Bring a Bible: Bring a Bible to your counseling sessions so that you can read and discuss passages together.
  5. Pray: Pray and ask for God’s guidance before, during, and after your counseling sessions.

What to Expect from Christian Counseling

A Christian Counselor will present solutions to issues from a Biblical and Christ like way. Please also review AIHCP’s Christian Counseling Program


Christian counseling is an individualized approach that takes into account your unique needs and circumstances. Each session is tailored to the individual, so you can expect a different experience each time. Here are some things to expect from Christian counseling:

  1. Scripture: Your counselor may use scripture to help you understand your struggles and gain insight into your faith.
  2. Prayer: Your counselor may incorporate prayer into your sessions to help you connect with God in a deeper way.
  3. Confidentiality: Your sessions are confidential and your counselor will not share any information with anyone else.
  4. Professionalism: Your counselor will be professional and respectful of your beliefs.
  5. Support: Your counselor will provide a safe and supportive environment to help you process your emotions.

Biblical Counseling Techniques

Biblical counseling is a form of Christian counseling that seeks to address the whole person—mind, body, and spirit—in order to promote healing and personal growth. Biblical counselors use a variety of techniques to help individuals make sense of their struggles and find healing. Here are some of the techniques that are commonly used in biblical counseling:

  1. Scripture study: Bible study is used to help individuals gain insight into their struggles and faith.
  2. Prayer: Prayer is used to help individuals strengthen their relationship with God.
  3. Reflection: Reflection is used to help individuals gain an understanding of their thoughts and feelings.
  4. Listening: Listening is used to help individuals process their emotions and gain insight.
  5. Guidance: Guidance is used to help individuals make sense of their struggles and find healing.

Christian Counseling Resources

Christian counseling is a specialized form of counseling that requires a trained and experienced counselor. Here are some resources to help you find a Christian counselor:

  1. Christian Counseling Centers: Look for local Christian counseling centers in your area.
  2. Online Directories: Look for online directories that list Christian counselors in your area.
  3. Referrals: Ask trusted friends and family for referrals to Christian counselors.
  4. Professional Organizations: Look for professional organizations that specialize in Christian counseling.

How to Make the Most of Your Christian Counseling Experience

Christian counseling is an individualized approach that takes into account your unique needs and circumstances. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your Christian counseling experience:

  1. Be honest: Be honest with yourself and your counselor about your struggles and goals.
  2. Set goals: Set realistic and achievable goals for yourself and your counseling sessions.
  3. Do your homework: Do any homework assigned by your counselor, such as reading scripture or writing in a journal.
  4. Come prepared: Come prepared to your counseling sessions with any questions or concerns that you may have.
  5. Follow through: Follow through on any suggestions or recommendations made by your counselor.


Christian counseling is an effective form of therapy that combines psychological and spiritual approaches to help individuals navigate the challenges of life and their spiritual journey. It is a specialized form of counseling that uses Christian teachings and terminology to help individuals make sense of their struggles and find healing and inner peace.

Christian counseling can be beneficial for individuals seeking spiritual growth and emotional well-being. It is important to find the right Christian counselor who is knowledgeable and experienced in the field of Christian counseling, as well as someone who is a good fit for you personally. It is also important to prepare for and make the most of your Christian counseling experience.

If you’re looking for spiritual growth and healing, Christian counseling may be the right choice for you. Take the time to explore your options and find the right Christian counselor for you. With the right counseling and spiritual guidance, you can unlock your potential and find the healing and inner peace you’re looking for.

AIHCP offers a program for qualified professionals in ministry, counseling and academia looking a four year certification in Christian Counseling.  The program is online and independent study and offers the basic important topics to confidentially help others from a Christian and Biblical view.  If qualified, please review AIHCP’s Christian Counseling Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals

Additional Resources

“The Nature of Biblical Counseling”.  Dr.  Dale Johnson and Dr. Samuel Stephens.  July 20th, 2020. Association of Certified Biblical Counselors. Access here

“The Need and Imperative of Self-Counsel”. Kevin Carson. January 3rd, 2020. Biblical Counseling Coalition. Access here

“Four Purposes of Scripture When Counseling Others”. Brady Goodwin. July 12th, 2019. Biblical Counseling Coalition.  Access here

“Biblical Counseling and a Theology of Scripture”. David Murray. April 8th, 2016. HeadHeartHand. Access here


Video on Stress Management and Calmness

Numerous times, it can become difficult for individuals to find calm in the storms of daily life.  Individual stressors at work or school can negatively affect an individual.  It is important in these acute stressful moments for an individual to be able to find some peace and calm.  The video below discusses variety ways to find calm quick and to re-balance oneself after a stressful incident.  With chronic stress being such a health hazard to the heart, it is imperative to find ways to find calm and protect one’s body from the negative effects of stress

Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Stress Management Consulting.

Medical Malpractice Statute of Limitations

Unfortunately human error exists in any type of practice.  Sometimes the error can be mild or extreme.  Other times the error can be malicious or quite innocent in intent.  In the medical field, it can be the health care provider’s fault or a perceived injury by the patient.  In all cases, if malpractice does occur, there is a certain time frame, or statute of limitations that limits lawsuit.  Certain states have different deadlines and most states have extensions when discovery can occur.  Law practices usually utilize the expertise of legal nurse consultants to help with issues regarding medical malpractice and determine if a case is valid or if proper procedure was followed within the practice.

Medical errors need to be reported and litigated within a proper time frame. This is why it is important if unjustly injured to contact an attorney


Statutes of limitations are important because they prevent unreasonable litigation against healthcare providers.  If one is truly hurt, it is important to find the proper legal recourse within the time frame.  Fortunately for more unknown symptoms and secretly hidden activity, Discovery Rules in most states can help individuals find justice.  Legal Nurse Consultants and Malpractice Law Firms can help individuals find the justice they need.

Statute of Limitations in Malpractice

Statutes of limitation refer to the legal concept that outlines the maximum period of time after which a particular right or claim may no longer be enforced through the court system. These periods vary depending on jurisdiction, but all serve the purpose of protecting defendants from having to defend themselves against stale or unsupported claims. In essence, the statute of limitations sets a temporal boundary beyond which any claim brought forward is considered to have been waived by the claimant and is therefore inadmissible in court.

Statutes of limitation in medical malpractice refer to the timeframe within which a legal action for civil damages or other remedies must be initiated. This is a legal restriction that prevents a plaintiff from initiating an action after the expiration of a specified period of time. Statutes of limitation are designed to ensure that claims are brought in a timely manner, while simultaneously providing healthcare providers and entities with assurance that they will not suffer liability for alleged wrongdoing indefinitely.

The discovery rule is a legal principle that has been developed to enable claimants in medical malpractice cases to bring a claim beyond the statute of limitations. Specifically, it serves to extend the period of limitation when a patient’s knowledge or understanding of an injury caused by medical negligence is unclear until after the period of limitation has already elapsed. In such cases, the discovery rule applies and allows plaintiffs to pursue a claim up until two years after they have discovered their injury or should have reasonably known about it.

Role of Legal Nurses in Malpractice Cases

The role of legal nurses in medical malpractice cases is an integral part of the litigation process. Legal nurses are responsible for providing specialized knowledge and expertise to attorneys and other legal professionals that may be unfamiliar with the medical aspects of malpractice cases. Legal nurses are employed to review patient records, evaluate clinical outcome, investigate potential malpractice claims, assess liability and damages, provide expert testimony, and offer medically relevant opinion on the case.

Learn more about becoming a Legal Nurse Consultant through AIHCP’s online program. The program is online and independent study!



In conclusion, the statute of limitations for medical malpractice is an important consideration when determining whether to pursue a case. Depending on the state, the time limit may vary. Therefore, if you think that you or a loved one have been injured due to medical malpractice, it is important to consult with an attorney who can explain how the law applies in your particular situation. Understanding the statute of limitations for medical malpractice will help ensure that individuals receive justice and ethical care from their healthcare providers.

Please also review AIHCP’s Legal Nurse Consulting Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified nurses looking to become certified in Legal Nursing.  Nurses can then enter into the field of the courtroom and legal process and help utilize their expertise in nursing and medical procedure in numerous cases in both defense of healthcare professional or patient.

Additional Resources

“Always a Nurse: The Legal Nurse Consultant”. Howland, Wendie MN, RN-BC, CRRN, CCM, CNLCP, LNCC. Nursing Administration Quarterly: January/March 2020 – Volume 44 – Issue 1 – p 71-73. NAQ Nursing Administration Quarterly.  Access here

“The Many Ways to Extend a Limitations Period”. Mark E. Rooney. November 27th, 2019. American Bar Association.  Access here

“Medical malpractice in the United States” Wikipedia. Access here

“Effects of Malpractice Law on the Practice of Medicine”. Lee Black. Health Law June 2007. AMA Journal of Ethics.  Access here

Substance Abuse and SUD in Women

Substance Abuse is a big issue in the United States.  Substance Use Disorders or SUD prey upon all genders while men are more likely to fall victim, women are equally open to addiction and equally fall at rates  to SUD approximately to men.  Women, however, fall victim to addiction for varying reason and unfortunately treatments are sometimes only tailored to men.  Women also need a special treatment that reviews their gender and gender needs in regards to SUD.

Women face their own unique challenges with Substance Abuse and need treatment based on those unique gender needs


The article, “How substance use disorders affect women differently” by Sarah Handzel looks closer at the needs of women regarding addiction counseling and recovery.  She lists unique social and personal issues that affect women, as well as neurobiological.  One issue in particular is treatment.  Handzel laments the fact that many treatment plans fit one but not all, especially in the case of women.  She states,

“Unfortunately, a one-size-fits-all approach to substance abuse treatment is still relatively common, according to the NIDA research. While women typically have a shorter history of substance use, they are more likely to enter treatment with concurrent behavioral, medical, psychological, and sociocultural issues.”

“How substance use disorders affect women differently”. Sarah Handzel. December 7th, 2022. MDLinx

To read the entire article, please click here


Substance Abuse Disorders can be caused by a multitude of reasons.  Whether it is past trauma, poor coping, or teenage access, substance abuse can affect all genders.  Help is critical for many to find true permanent recovery.  Women in particular need their own special recovery plan that meets their particular needs.

Substance Use Disorder

Substance use disorder is a condition characterized by the frequent and recurrent use of substances in a manner that produces maladaptive impairments in functioning across multiple contexts. It encompasses a wide range of conditions, such as substance intoxication, substance withdrawal, and substance dependence. The etiology of this disorder is multi-factorial, with individual predisposition to misuse being a key contributing factor.  This disorder has been classified into three distinct subtypes: mild, moderate and severe.

Substance abuse is an issue that has long been studied in relation to gender, with the aim of understanding how gender-specific factors may be influencing the prevalence and types of substances abused. It has been suggested that biological and hormonal differences between genders can make certain individuals more susceptible to drug use and addiction. Furthermore, social differences such as family dynamics, economic opportunities, sense of identity, and access to resources have also been found to be influential in the development of substance misuse among different genders.

Substance use disorder (SUD) has been identified as a significant public health concern among women. Research indicates that SUD disproportionately affects female gender populations. The biological and psychosocial factors associated with SUD in women are complex and multifaceted, and have been hypothesized to include genetic predisposition, environmental exposure, and socio-cultural influences. Additionally, the concept of gender-based vulnerability has been proposed to explain the higher prevalence of SUD among women.

Substance abuse amongst women is a complex issue that can be attributed to multiple factors. The underlying causes for substance abuse in women typically involve psychological, physiological and socio-cultural influences. Psychological factors include stress, trauma, family history of substance abuse, depression and anxiety. Physiological factors may include the potential for genetic predisposition or underlying medical conditions that may increase vulnerability to substance use disorders.
The influence of gender-based pressures on women has been linked to an increased incidence of substance abuse. Specifically, existing research suggests that gender inequality creates a heightened societal stressor for female individuals, which in turn may foster the emergence of maladaptive behaviors such as substance use. This is thought to be due to the fact that women are exposed to more environmental obstacles than men, such as unequal access to resources and higher levels of discrimination, resulting in psychological distress and emotional instability.
Treatment for Women with SUD

Substance abuse treatment is a multifaceted, multidisciplinary approach that involves the use of evidence-based therapeutic interventions to reduce or eliminate maladaptive substance-related behaviors. The process typically includes an evaluation of the individual’s psychological, social, and physical well-being; identification of problematic patterns of behavior; implementation of appropriate psychotherapeutic techniques; and monitoring for relapse prevention.

Substance abuse treatment for women is a critical area of focus, given the unique needs and challenges that this particular demographic faces. The gender-specific model of treatment seeks to address the underlying issues such as social norms, expectations, and experiences that contribute to substance use among female populations. It is holistic in nature, encompassing aspects such as psychological evaluation and counseling, medical management, self-care strategies, relapse prevention planning, and family systems therapy.

When treatment is designed more for the male population and not focused to meet these unique needs of women facing addiction, then success becomes limited in helping women find the help they need.


In conclusion, gender is a significant factor when considering substance abuse. Men and women differ in their usage, motivations, and consequences of drug and alcohol use. Men are more likely to engage in risky, hazardous behaviors while women are more likely to suffer from physical and mental health issues due to addiction. It is important to understand the differences between genders when looking into substance abuse treatment and prevention methods. All genders should be provided with information and support they need to make healthy decisions related to drugs or alcohol.

It is important in substance abuse treatment to meet the social and personal needs women face. Please also review AIHCP’s Certification Program in Substance Abuse Counseling


Substance abuse treatment for women is essential to the health and wellbeing of the individual. Women often feel isolated, ashamed and fearful when it comes to seeking help, but with the right resources and support network in place, substance abuse treatment can be successful. It is important to understand that everyone’s journey is different and everyone needs a different path to recovery. Treatment should be tailored to each individual woman’s needs and that also includes family members as part of the healing process.

Please also review AIHCP’s Substance Abuse Counseling Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  The program is designed to help qualified professionals become better equipped to help others deal with addiction.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals.  Please review AIHCP’s Substance Abuse Counseling Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.


Additional Resources

“How Women Experience Addiction Differently Than Men”. Lipi Roy, MD. Forbes.  Access here

“Women and Addiction: An Update”. Nassima Ait-Daoud, etc. al. 2019 Jul;103(4):699-711.  National Library of Medicine.  Access here

“Women, Do We Need an Intervention?”. Ericka Andersen. April 3rd, 2022. New York Times. Access here

“Women Have Special Needs in Substance Abuse Treatment”. Promises Behavioral Health. May 26th, 2010. Promises Behavioral Health. Access here


Benefits of Having a Legal Nurse Consultant on Your Team

By: Dominick L. Flarey, Ph.D, MBA, RN-BC, ANP-BC, LNC-CSp.
       Certified Legal Nurse Consultant Specialist

Photo of a file folder with a document laying on top that is titled Professional Malpractice with a judge's gavel laying along side of the document

The benefits of having a Legal Nurse Consultant on the medical malpractice team has been realized time and time again by the legal world. With their knowledge and experience in the medical field, legal nurse consultants can provide critical insight into the nursing and medical issues at the heart of a case. They can break down medical terms, identify errors in medical care, and determine the likelihood of those errors causing harm to the patient. Legal nurse consultants can be the deciding factor in whether a case is won or lost. By examining the medical records and providing insight, legal nurse consultants can assist attorneys in deciding whether a potential case has merit for litigation. With their help, attorneys are able to build stronger cases and increase their chances of success. Legal nurse consultants can provide insight on many different nursing, health care and related medical issues. They can break down the medical terms in the medical records and explain what is happening in the patient’s medical care. They can identify mistakes made in the patient’s care and determine the likelihood of those mistakes causing harm. They can explain why mistakes were made and provide recommendations for how to improve the patient’s care.

These individuals bridge the gap between two fields of nursing and legal issues by employing their knowledge of nursing practice standards and regulations to assist attorneys, insurance companies, and other legal entities with malpractice cases. Specifically, legal nurse consultants provide a variety of services that encompass all aspects of litigation, including research, case analysis, and medical record review, determination of standards of care and damages assessment.

How Legal Nurse Consultants Help Attorneys Win Medical Malpractice Cases

Legal nurse consultants can help attorneys with many different aspects of a medical malpractice case. They can review medical records and provide feedback on whether the records are sufficient and complete. They can assess records for tampering and other forms of falsification. They can identify gaps in the records that should be filled and recommend additional testing that should have been done. Legal nurse consultants can assess the medical care provided to the patient and provide recommendations on how the care could be improved. They can provide insight into the patient’s condition, the patient’s response to treatments and medications, and the patient’s prognosis for recovery. Legal nurse consultants can also assess the actions taken by the medical team, including the decisions made by the physicians and the actions of the nurses and other medical staff, in their consulting role.

Legal Nurse Consultants’ Role in Analyzing Medical Records

Legal nurse consultants can provide critical insight into the medical records in a case. They can break down the medical terms used in the records and provide a layman’s explanation of what is happening in the patient’s medical care. They can identify mistakes in the medical records and determine the likelihood of those mistakes causing harm to the patient. Legal nurse consultants can explain why mistakes were made and provide assessments on how standards of care were likely violated. They can also provide insight on whether the medical records are sufficient and complete. They can identify gaps in the records that should be filled. They can recommend additional testing that should be done and provide insights into the legal implications of medical decisions and treatments. The ability to interpret and analyze medical records is essential for LNCs to effectively identify potential issues related to liability, negligence, and malpractice.

Legal Nurse Consultants’ Role in Providing Nursing and Medical Insight

Legal nurse consultants can provide insight into the patient’s condition, the patient’s response to treatments and medications, and the patient’s prognosis for recovery. They can provide critical insight into the medical issues at the heart of the case, including the patient’s diagnosis, the course of treatment being followed, and the patient’s response to that treatment. They can provide feedback on whether the medical care provided to the patient is appropriate and adequate. They are able to provide a valuable perspective on clinical matters through their knowledge of healthcare delivery, regulations, risk management and quality assurance. Acting as a bridge between the legal and healthcare professions, LNCs help lawyers better understand medical claims, procedures and treatments by utilizing their expertise in nursing, health care and law.


Legal Nurse Consultants’ Role in Assessing Medical Care

Medical laws and legal medicine or malpractice law as a group of hospital workers or doctor and nurse hands holding a justice scale as a health legislation symbol with 3D illustration elements.

Legal nurse consultants can assess the medical care provided to the patient. They can determine whether the care provided is appropriate and adequate. They can identify mistakes in the patient’s care and determine the likelihood of those mistakes causing harm. Legal nurse consultants can explain why mistakes were made and recommend ways to improve the patient’s care. Through their expertise in both legal and medical matters, they are able to provide important information to attorneys, insurance companies, and other interested parties on the standards of care and whether or not those standards were met. They may consult on medical care issues, but they are not permitted to testify as an expert witness on medical practice standards of care in a court proceeding.

Legal Nurse Consultants’ Role in Testifying in Court

Legal nurse consultants can provide expert testimony in court cases. They can provide their insight into the nursing issues at the heart of the case. They can break down the medical terms in the medical records and provide a layman’s explanation of what is happening in the patient’s nursing care. They can identify mistakes in the patient’s care and determine the likelihood of those mistakes causing harm. They can explain why mistakes were made and provide recommendations for how to improve the patient’s care. Legal nurse consultants can also explain the appropriate course of treatment being followed for the patient’s diagnosis. They can provide feedback on whether the nursing care provided to the patient was adequate. They can and do educate the jury and the judge on the nursing standards of care applicable to the case being heard. Legal Nurse Consultants (LNCs) possess the requisite knowledge and experience to provide expert testimony concerning nursing standards of care in a legal context. As such, they are uniquely qualified to serve as reliable witnesses on matters relating to nursing malpractice or other issues related to nursing negligence. It is important to note that the scope of their testimony is limited exclusively to matters pertaining to nursing standards of care.

If not testifying in court as an expert witness, then LNCs may consult with attorneys on other issues of a malpractice case outside of the scope of nursing standards of practice. They may present written consulting reports or provide verbal consultations to their attorney clients on other non-nursing related issues of a case.

Tips for Working with a Legal Nurse Consultant

If you are working with a legal nurse consultant on your case, there are a few tips that can make the process go more smoothly. Make sure to communicate well with your consultant. This can help the consultant understand your case and help you get the insight you need. Make sure to keep your consultant updated on any changes to the case or to the patient’s condition. This can help the consultant provide timely feedback and recommendations. You can also ask your consultant any questions you have as they are reviewing the records and providing insight. This can help you understand the process and get the insight you need.

In order to maximize the efficacy of a legal nurse consultant (LNC) in healthcare-related litigation, certain best practices must be observed. To this end, it is beneficial for attorneys to be cognizant of the LNC’s expertise and provide clear direction regarding the desired outcome. Additionally, open communication should be encouraged throughout the collaborative process to ensure both parties are apprised of relevant developments and can effectively collaborate to reach a resolution.

Finding a Qualified Legal Nurse Consultant for Your Case

Photo of a Stethoscope and judgement hammer or Judge's gavel. Gavel and stethoscope. medical jurisprudence.

Legal nurse consultants provide critical nursing, health care and medical insights that can help attorneys win malpractice cases. When searching for a legal nurse consultant for your case, there are a few things to keep in mind. Look for a consultant with experience in the practice of legal nurse consulting. This can help ensure the consultant understands the issues at the heart of a malpractice case and can provide helpful insight. Also, look for a consultant who has experience with the type of case you have. For example, if you have a medical negligence case, make sure the consultant has experience reviewing records from hospitals and other medical settings and can identify mistakes in those records. Also, consider contacting one of the certifying organizations, such as the American College of Legal Nurse Consulting, and ascertain if they have a list of Certified Legal Nurse Specialists in your area or who have expertise in the area of your specific case.

The Importance of Having a Legal Nurse Consultant on Your Team


Legal nurse consultants are critical members of a legal team. The benefits of having a legal nurse consultant are many and attorneys are realizing this more and more.  In summary, they can provide insight into the nursing and often overall medical issues at the heart of a case, helping attorneys win their cases. Legal nurse consultants can break down medical terminology and provide a layman’s explanation of what is happening in the patient’s medical care. They can identify errors in the patient’s care and determine the likelihood of those errors causing harm. With their expertise in the nursing and health care field, legal nurse consultants are able to provide critical insight into the patient care issues at the heart of a case. They can break down medical terminology and provide a layman’s explanation of what is happening in the patient’s medical care. They can identify errors in the patient’s care and determine the likelihood of those errors causing harm. They are expert at standards of care and identifying deviations from the standards of care. They are very valuable in assisting attorneys in establishing whether or not there was negligence in a malpractice case. Their presence on a legal team in medical or nursing malpractice is really imperative today. The number of Registered Nurse Legal Nurse Consultants continues to grow as demand continues to escalate.

While this article focuses more on the work of LNCs consulting for plaintiff attorneys, future article blogs will also address the LNC as consulting for medical malpractice work for defense attorneys as well.

Education and Certification of Legal Nurse Consultants

Registered Nurses may find the specialty practice of Legal Nursing Consulting an attractive option as a career goal. The American College of Legal Nurse Consulting offers a full curriculum of online, distance education courses that once successfully completed, leads to the attainment of Certification as a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant Specialist. You may view this program by accessing here: Legal Nurse Consultant Certification.

Suggested Readings

1. Always a Nurse: The Legal Nurse Consultant. Howland, Wendie.Nursing Administration Quarterly: January/March 2020 – Volume 44 – Issue 1 – p 71-73. access here

2. The Essentials of Expert Witnessing for the Radiology Nurse. Journal of Radiology Nursing. Vol 34(1);March 2015. access here.

3. Role of the Legal Nurse Consultant. The American Institute of Health Care Professionals, Inc. access here.

4. The Value of Legal Nurse Consultants in Medical Malpractice Claims. Patricia Pagels. Plunket & Cooney. Bloomfied Hills, MI. access here.

5. How To Become a Legal Nurse Consultant (Duties and FAQs). Ingrid Monteiro. Indeed. September 22, 2022. access here.