The Conflicting Emotions of Anticipatory Grief and Ambiguous Grief

When loss is less definite but lingering in the balance, one can begin to feel like life is a fog and one is living with a ghost.  This is very common with family and friends of the terminally ill.  The sentence has been passed and the loss is being experienced but it has yet to occur.  This type of anticipatory grief can cause confusion and create obstacles in loving the person who is still alive.  Instead of appreciating what time is left, one mentally is thinking of the funeral and the tomb.  This prevents the few joys that remain and the beautiful conversations that still can be shared.   In addition, this can later lead to complications of the loss after it occurs, as one may feel guilt over the final days.  Others may feel relief that the state of limbo is over but still feel guilty for feeling relief.  Many times Grief Counselors are needed to help individuals through the crisis.

Anticipatory grief is grief before the loss. It is anticipatory in many ways. It mourns the loss and fears the loss.

Anticipatory grief happens to many individuals and while it is natural during trying and stressful times, individuals must be alert enough to understand the presence and better able to navigate.  Primary caregivers, such as spouses, face caregiver burnout during this time.  They are not able to mourn or feel happiness, but instead deal with a magnitude of emotions.  Resentment, mental fatigue, grief, and guilt can all occur.  After the actual death, many primary caregivers feel a relief.  This is especially true of loved ones who no longer could communicate or barely function.

Ambiguous grief can be very similar to Anticipatory in that usually also deals with terminally ill but in most of these cases the loved one is no longer physically or mentally present.  So in many ways both griefs can exist.  However, there is no true way to find complete closure.  This is also the case with loved ones who are lost in war or go missing.  The individual is unable to find complete closure.

The article, “When There’s No Hallmark Card for Your Grief”. by Jessica Fein looks closer at ambiguous grief.   As the title describes, without closure or a loss event, there are no condolence cards because the death has yet to occur but nonetheless the grieving individual is experiencing and expecting a loss at the same time.   This type of confusion causes many conflicting emotions.  The article states,

“Coined by therapist Dr. Pauline Boss in the 1970s, ambiguous grief means mourning the loss of someone who hasn’t died but is no longer physically present or mentally present. In the former, your loved one might have gone missing in war, for example. In the latter, your loved one might be suffering from dementia or drug addiction or, as in my daughter’s case, a degenerative disease that slowly took away her ability to communicate. With ambiguous grief, there’s no closure because the grieving remains unresolved.”

“When There’s No Hallmark Card for Your Grief”. Jessica Fein.  March 9th, 2023.  Psychology Today.

To access the entire article, please click here


Anticipatory as well as Ambiguous grief causes many conflicting emotions as stated.  It is a place of limbo.  The loss itself is has yet to occur but it has been declared.  This can cause early reactions to loss or force individuals into a isolation and numb mode of existence.  The individual awaits the impending death sentence.  The issue at hand is the loss has yet to occur and time remains to experience love with the terminally ill person.

This can cause multiple emotions.  Grief Counselors can help individuals sort out the meaning of many of these emotions.

Anticipatory Grief

In regards to relief, many find a relief for a loved one who finally passes.  Seeing a loved one become more ill and less capable makes seeing the existence of the loved one more painful.  In many cases, individuals hope for the end.  As ironic as this is, the fear of the loss has been lessened by the pain and suffering of the loved one.  This in turn can cause relief in the actual death.  This relief can also be felt by those who have expended excessive energy in care of the loved one.  For some the experience of this relief can be an anchor of guilt.  Grief Counselors can help individuals see that this relief is natural and acceptable and that one should experience guilt.

In addition to relief, others may feel guilt based upon how they interacted with the loved one while the deceased was still alive.  They may regret their isolation or lack of communication due to their ambiguous grief.  They may feel like they needed to be there more for the loved one.  They may also feel guilt for during those times, seeking to enjoy life itself.  These types of guilt are very common with long drawn out terminal illnesses.  The person after the death begins to analyze every thing he or she did or do not do.  This analyzation can cause distress and complicate the loss itself.  It is important to identify this type of guilt in grief counseling and dispel it.

Ambiguous Grief

Ambiguous grief has some elements of anticipatory grief in it but it also lacks closure in itself. There is no closure in the loss due to the medical condition or absence of the person


In regards to ambiguous grief, the lack of closure is decided due to the terminal illness not the individual who cares about the person.  The person is mentally or physically incapable of discussion or resembling who he or she once was.  This leads to a another type of limbo.  In addition, ambiguous grief can also affect individuals who lose loved ones to war or those who go missing.  There is no closure.

The inability to communicate to a ill loved one or say a coherent goodbye, or never to know where a loved one is who has been displaced or assumed dead at war are painful events that can impede healing and also rise to complications in the grieving process.  In relation to those who are missing, there is a torturing decision between abandoning hope and accepting loss.  One cannot simply dismiss the emptiness but one is tortured with doubt about what happened?  Nightmares can haunt these individuals.

The viciousness of this type of grief prevents healing and closure, it permits a constant torture between hope and despair.  The survivor is subjugated to perpetual suffering.  Many feel the need to find hope that someone will awaken from a coma, or return home from missing.  Others contribute to causes that reflect the nature of their loss.  Yet, the splinter of hope that one will return always exists and this in turn leaves the grief wound constantly open.

Some experience guilt in ever experiencing happiness again after a loss of a loved one.  Others feel guilty for losing hope and giving into despair.  There is a definite feeling of helplessness and this contributes to the prolonged and complications of grief itself.


AICHP offers a certification in Grief Counseling for qualified professionals. The program is independent study and online.


Both anticipatory grief and ambiguous grief can cause complications and prolonged grief.  Ambiguous grief though is far more toxic because in all cases there is no resolution or closure which leaves a permanent emptiness.  Individuals can keep hope, if they need it, but ultimately the unknow and ambiguity haunts the survivor.   Finding causes or promoting social awareness to issues surrounding the issue may help give purpose but the grief wound cannot heal without concrete closure. With this in mind, emotions such as guilt, helplessness and utter despair can dominate.

Anticipatory grief offers closure but closure can become more difficult due to how one handled the terminal illness prior to the death.  Hence emotions of guilt and relief are very common.  Anticipatory grief can exist in ambiguity as well as one awaits impending news.  Relief of knowing whether one is alive or dead can equally confusing when the bad news does finally arrive.

Grief Counselors can help with the loss but in most cases a licensed counselors are needed to offer deeper form of cognitive grief therapies to help individuals cope from prolonged grief due to the complications found in both of these types of losses.

Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Grief Counseling.


Additional Resources

Locked in grief: a qualitative study of grief among family members of missing persons in southern Sri Lanka. Amila Isuru,  Padmakumara Bandumithra & S. S. Williams.  BMC Psychology volume 9, Article number: 167 (2021). BMC Psychology. Access here

“The Pain of Grieving for a Missing Person”. María Alejandra Castro Arbeláez. December 21st, 2022. Exploring Your Mind.  Access here

“Coping With Not Knowing What Happened to a Missing Loved One”. Raj Persaud, M.D. and Peter Bruggen, M.D.  June 17th, 2017. Psychology Today.  Access here

“What Is Anticipatory Grief?”. Cynthia Vinney.  November 10th, 2021. VeryWellMind. Access here

“Anticipatory Grief: Are You Mourning Before a Loss?”. Hillary Lebow. January 7th, 2022.  PsychCentral.  Access here

“Grieving Before A Death: Understanding Anticipatory Grief”. Litsa Williams. What’s Your Grief.  Access here


Finding Balance Between Work Stress and Home Life

Overworking and the stress associated with it can shorten lives.  Many individuals become slaves to their work.  They bring their work home and wherever they go.  When the stressors of work are constantly on one’s mind, one’s overall health is risked especially with higher risks of high blood pressure and heart attack.   It is important to set boundaries and properly utilize stress management and meditation skills to lessen stress.  In addition, those who have a difficulty balancing work and play enjoy less of what life has to offer.  This is why it is so important to establish a healthy balance and utilize Stress Management.

Many business professionals are tied to their work and the stress that goes with it. They have no balance in their lives.


The article, “5 Tips for Achieving Work-Life Harmony During Busy Seasons” by Amy Vetter looks closely at how to balance work and home life and how to counter the negative effects of stress. Her target audience is for tax accountants during the busy tax season but applies to anyone dealing with deadlines.  She encourages utilizing the numerous stress management techniques and tools available as well as meditation.  She also emphasizes the importance of hobbies or other activities that allow the mind to find other things to reflect on.  In addition she points out that boundaries are essential.  She states that it is OK to say no to non vital work related requests and to prioritize tasks.  Time management is also emphasized to maximize work efficiency.   Overall, in regards to work stress and finding balance, she remarks

“Whether it’s on the intensive four-month audit, or the upcoming tax season, we all have busy seasons. The key to a healthy work-life is maintaining balance and not letting the work creep into other areas of your life. Work to eliminate those distractions so you can focus on what matters—you and your loved ones.”

“5 Tips for Achieving Work-Life Harmony During Busy Seasons”. Amy Vetter. March 3rd, 2023.  CPA Practice Advisor.

To read the entire article, please click here


Stress is a natural part of life but when it becomes chronic it can wear down the body.  The body produces certain hormones to deal with stress in life.  Usually these hormones are for fight or flight situations but when they are utilized for office and work settings, this constant red alert state can damage the body.  It is hence important to utilize stress management in dealing with work stress by establishing boundaries, utilizing time management and finding time to give to family and friends.  This may involve saying no from time to time to work requests or taking a day off or prioritizing but overall it is essential for long term health.

The Negative Effects of Job Stress on Mental Wellness

Job stress can have a severe impact on mental wellness. It can interfere with personal relationships, disrupt sleep patterns, cause anxiety, and lead to overall poor mental health. When individuals are stressed at work, they often bring that stress home with them, causing additional tension and strain on personal relationships. Additionally, stress can cause sleep disturbances, which can further exacerbate mental health issues. Over time, chronic stress can lead to anxiety disorders and depression, making it essential to take steps to prevent and manage job stress.

The Benefits of Work-Life Balance on Mental Wellness and Productivity

Achieving a proper work-life balance can have a significant impact on mental wellness and productivity. By prioritizing personal needs and time, individuals can reduce job stress and maintain a healthy mental state. When individuals have a well-rounded life outside of work, they can return to their job with a clearer mind and increased focus, leading to higher productivity levels. Additionally, work-life balance can lead to improved physical health, including better sleep patterns, increased physical activity, and decreased risk for chronic illnesses.

Tips for Achieving Work-Life Balance

Achieving work-life balance can be challenging, but there are several tips individuals can follow to help achieve it. One tip is to prioritize personal time and set boundaries around work responsibilities. This can include limiting the number of hours worked per week or designating specific days for personal activities. Additionally, individuals can utilize time-management techniques to maximize productivity during work hours, allowing for more leisure time outside of work. It is also crucial to maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating well, exercising regularly, and getting adequate sleep.

Strategies for Managing Job Stress and Stress Management

Managing job stress is essential for maintaining mental wellness. One strategy is to practice mindfulness techniques, such as meditation or deep breathing exercises, to help manage stress in the moment. Additionally, individuals can prioritize self-care activities outside of work, such as hobbies or spending time with loved ones, to help alleviate job stress. It is also important to communicate with colleagues and supervisors about job stressors and potential solutions to reduce stress levels.  Ultimately Stress Management is key.

Techniques for Maintaining Mental Wellness

Establishing boundaries is key in preventing work from coming home


In addition to managing job stress, there are several techniques individuals can use to maintain mental wellness. One technique is to prioritize self-care activities, including exercise, healthy eating, and adequate sleep. Additionally, individuals can utilize therapy or counseling services to manage mental health concerns or issues related to job stress. It is also essential to maintain social connections and engage in activities that bring joy and fulfillment.

The Role of Employers in Promoting Work-Life Balance

Employers play a crucial role in promoting work-life balance for their employees. Employers can offer flexible work schedules, such as remote work or flexible hours, to allow employees to prioritize personal needs. Additionally, employers can offer mental health resources, such as counseling services or stress-management workshops, to support employees’ mental wellness. It is also crucial for employers to foster a healthy work culture that values work-life balance and encourages employees to prioritize personal time.

The Impact of Technology on Work-Life Balance

Technology has become a significant factor in work-life balance, often blurring the lines between personal and professional time. While technology has allowed for increased productivity and flexible work arrangements, it has also led to increased job stress and decreased personal time. It is essential for individuals to set boundaries around technology use, such as limiting work-related emails or notifications outside of work hours. Additionally, employers can encourage healthy technology habits and offer resources to support employees’ technology use.


Learn to prioritize what job needs done first and when. Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting program


Achieving a healthy work-life balance is crucial for maintaining mental wellness and overall productivity. By prioritizing personal needs and managing job stress, individuals can reduce the negative effects of job stress on mental health. Employers also play a vital role in promoting work-life balance by offering flexible work arrangements and mental health resources. Additionally, it is important to be mindful of technology use and set boundaries to promote personal time outside of work. Overall, prioritizing work-life balance is essential for maintaining a healthy and fulfilling life, both personally and professionally.

If you’re struggling to achieve a healthy work-life balance or manage job stress, consider seeking support from a mental health professional or reaching out to your employer for resources. Remember, prioritizing personal time and mental wellness is essential for overall happiness and productivity.  Stress Management Consultants can also help teach important stress reducing techniques

Please review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Stress Management Consulting.

Additional  Resources

“How to Keep Work Stress from Taking Over Your Life”. Cindy Lamothe. October 30th, 2019. Healthline.  Access here

“Balancing Work and Family”. WebMed Editorial Contributors. October 25th, 2021. WebMD.  Access here

“8 Tips for Work-Life Balance”. April 27th, 2022. Health Essentials. Cleveland Clinic. Access here

Health Care Managers Role in Preventing Staff Turnover

Healthcare managers are faced with multiple issues within their departments. One of the largest issues is maintaining good staff.  A educated and professional workforce in healthcare is pivotal to the success of a department.  What does it take then to keep healthcare workers?  With such a large demand for staffing, it is imperative that healthcare managers understand the needs of their employees and staff.  They need to understand the stresses and problems that may occur with supplies, long hours, less pay and lack of transparency at times.  In addition, they need to create a culture for success.  This culture needs to include better safety, inclusion, and have a strong goal to reduce the sufferings of patients.  Staff needs the ability to meet the needs of patients and help them recover.

A Healthcare Manager can play a key role in keeping the morale of staff and patient care high.


The article, “What Makes Health Care Workers Stay in Their Jobs?” by Patrick Ryan and Thomas Lee take a closer look at why healthcare staff has a large roll over and what key components to focus on to keep staff.  Healthcare managers can play a key role in preventing roll over of staff by creating a good culture within the department that focuses both on employee and patient respect. The article states,

“Leaders must be clear about their values, their commitment to safety, the reduction of suffering, and a culture of respect and inclusion. They must prove their authenticity by committing to measuring how things are going on these issues, being transparent with the findings, and using them to improve. The result will be greater workforce loyalty and resilience, which will translate to better performance of all types.”

“What Makes Health Care Workers Stay in Their Jobs?. Patrick Ryan and Thomas Lee. March 2nd, 2023. Harvard Business Review.

To read the entire article, please click here


A healthcare manager can implement a variety of strategies to reduce turnover and overall staff success


Employee retention is the ability of an organization to keep its staff for an extended period of time. In healthcare, employee retention is critical because it directly affects patient outcomes. When healthcare organizations experience high staff turnover rates, patient care and satisfaction can suffer. High turnover rates can also result in increased costs associated with recruitment, training, and lost productivity.  Healthcare Managers can play a key role in reducing turnover

Why Employee Retention is Crucial for Healthcare Managers

Healthcare managers need to value their employees and staff as persons and professionals. When employees feel valued and supported, they are more likely to be engaged in their work and provide quality care to patients. High staff turnover rates can lead to a decrease in staff morale, which can lead to a decrease in patient satisfaction and an increase in medical errors.

The Cost of Turnover in Healthcare

The cost of employee turnover in healthcare can be significant. It includes the direct costs associated with recruitment, hiring, and training, as well as the indirect costs associated with lost productivity and decreased patient satisfaction. The healthcare industry is also facing a shortage of skilled workers, which makes it even more important for healthcare managers to retain their employees.

Factors that Contribute to High Turnover Rates in Healthcare

Several factors contribute to high turnover rates in healthcare. One of the most significant factors is burnout. Healthcare workers are often overworked and underappreciated, which can lead to burnout and job dissatisfaction. Other factors include inadequate compensation, limited opportunities for professional development and growth, poor communication, and lack of work-life balance.

Strategies for Reducing Staff Turnover in Healthcare

Retaining employees in healthcare requires a multifaceted approach. The following strategies can help reduce staff turnover rates in healthcare organizations:

Building a Positive Work Culture in Healthcare

Building a positive work culture is essential for retaining employees in healthcare. A positive work culture includes a supportive and collaborative work environment, open communication, and recognition and appreciation for employees’ contributions. Healthcare managers can create a positive work culture by promoting teamwork, providing opportunities for social interaction, and encouraging employee feedback.

Providing Opportunities for Professional Development and Growth

Healthcare workers want to feel like they are growing and developing professionally. Providing opportunities for professional development and growth can help retain employees in healthcare. Healthcare managers can provide training and development programs, offer tuition reimbursement, and provide opportunities for career advancement.

Offering Competitive Compensation and Benefits Packages

Compensation and benefits packages are important factors in attracting and retaining employees in healthcare. Healthcare managers should offer competitive salaries, bonuses, and benefits packages, such as health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off.

Improving Communication and Transparency within the Organization

Effective communication and transparency are critical for retaining employees in healthcare. Healthcare managers should communicate regularly with their staff, be transparent about organizational changes and decisions, and encourage employee feedback. This can help create a sense of trust and loyalty among employees.

Creating a culture that values the patient as well is key.  When staff recognizes that management cares about the patient beyond the bottom dollar, then their vocational calling to provide excellent care is also re-energized.  Healthcare Managers can lead by example and show the same compassion for patients and also understand the concerns staff may have in caring for patients due to lack of resources.

Conclusion and Final Thoughts on Retaining Healthcare Employees

Healthcare managers play a key role in department success. Please also review AIHCP’s Healthcare Management Certification


Retaining employees in healthcare is crucial for the success of healthcare organizations and the well-being of patients. Healthcare managers can reduce staff turnover rates by building a positive work culture, providing opportunities for professional development and growth, offering competitive compensation and benefits packages, and improving communication and transparency within the organization. By implementing these strategies, healthcare managers can create a supportive and engaging work environment that attracts and retains skilled and dedicated employees.

If you would like to learn more about healthcare management and keys in retaining staff, then please review AIHCP’s Healthcare Management Certification Program.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified healthcare professionals looking to enter into the management field within healthcare.  Please review the program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.

Additional Resources

“Tracking Turnover Among Health Care Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-sectional Study”. Bianca K Frogner and Janette S Dill.  Observational Study. 2022 Apr 8;3(4):e220371.  doi: 10.1001/jamahealthforum.2022.0371. eCollection 2022 Apr.  PubMed.  Access here

“Understanding the American Nursing Shortage”. S. Behring. August 11th, 2021. Healthline. Access here

“What’s Really Behind the Nursing Shortage? 1,500 Nurses Share Their Stories”. Kathleen Gaines. October 10th, 2022.  Access here

Holistic Integrative care and Herbs

Various herbs play key roles in helping individuals with anxiety, depression, the flu, and other mild maladies with cholesterol and sugar levels.  These supplements can be utilized but should be utilized with caution as not to counter act any pharmaceutical drugs.  When exploring various herbs it is important to understand their use and how they are measured and applied.  They also need to used in harmony. Without proper guidance, Eastern herbs can be detrimental if not used properly.  This is why it is important to work with a primary physician or a holistic integrative healthcare specialist who can help guide one through the process of utilizing herbs

There are a variety of herbs for various maladies. Please also review AIHCP’s Holistic and Integrative Healthcare Certification


AIHCP offers a four year certification for qualified professionals in Holistic Integrative Healthcare.  The program is designed for Holistic Nurses and other specialists.  The program is online and independent study and can help professionals gain the knowledge to help others utilize holistic health and herbs.  Please review AICHPs’ Holistic and Integrative Healthcare Specialist certification



Please review the video below

Disenfranchised Grief

Many individuals’ grief are ignored or put to the side.  When certain these types of losses do not meet society’s standards of loss then they can be swept under the rug leaving the bereaved with no resources.  Some losses are considered insignificant or inappropriate.  Some suffer stigma due to the type of situation surrounding the loss.  The loss is hence ignored, hidden or demeaned.

Grief Counselors need to address all loss and the uniqueness each loss poses for different individuals.  Some individuals may have their own subjective circumstances that enhance a loss that would not be as big an issue to others, while others may feel shame or ridicule for expressing their grief.  It is critical to respect all grief and loss and allow individuals to have a platform to grieve and be accepted.

Grief Counselors can help others process disenfranchised grief. Please review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification


Examples of Disenfranchised Grief include pet loss, loss of a girlfriend or boyfriend, loss of a same sex partner, or the loss of someone due to a stigmatizing disease such as AIDs.  Family whose loved one dies by the one’s own hands with suicide suffer this type of grief as well.  When a loss is ignored, ridiculed, shamed or demeaned, the individual’s loss is not valued or recognized and this leads to an inability to properly express the grief and process it.

The article, “Disenfranchised Grief—Grief That Doesn’t Fit Society’s Standards and Is Not Often Acknowledged—Is Complex But Common” by Brina Patel analyzes the feelings and emotions associated with Disenfranchised Grief and why it is important to acknowledge all loss. The article states,

“Chances are you’ve experienced disenfranchised grief at some point—maybe during your last big breakup or when your childhood dog passed away. However, just because your situation doesn’t fit in with society’s mold of grief, that doesn’t mean that it shouldn’t be validated and processed. Skipping those all-important steps can have detrimental impacts on your mental health, and you may feel isolated and unsupported.”

“Disenfranchised Grief—Grief That Doesn’t Fit Society’s Standards and Is Not Often Acknowledged—Is Complex But Common”. Brina Patel. December 3rd, 2022. Well & Good.

To read the entire article, please click here


Grief is a natural response to loss, but not all types of grief receive the same level of recognition and support. Disenfranchised grief is a type of grief that is not socially recognized or acknowledged. It is often not openly expressed, and the person experiencing it may feel isolated, misunderstood, or invalidated. Disenfranchised grief can result from the loss of a person, relationship, or identity that is not widely acknowledged or socially sanctioned. Examples of disenfranchised grief include the loss of a pet, a miscarriage, the end of a non-traditional relationship, or the loss of a job.  Grief Counselors can help those suffering from these types of losses.

What is Disenfranchised Grief and How is it Different from Other Types of Grief?

Disenfranchised grief is different from other types of grief in that it is not socially recognized or acknowledged. This means that the person experiencing disenfranchised grief may not receive the same level of support or validation as someone experiencing a more socially recognized type of grief. For example, if someone loses a spouse, they may receive sympathy cards, meals, and flowers. However, if someone experiences the loss of a non-traditional relationship, they may not receive the same level of support and may even face stigma or judgment.

Disenfranchised grief can also be different in terms of the mourning process. The person experiencing disenfranchised grief may not be able to openly mourn or express their feelings, which can prolong the grieving process and make it more difficult to heal.

Common Types of Disenfranchised Grief

There are many different types of disenfranchised grief. Some common examples include:

Pet Loss

The loss of a pet can be a significant source of grief, but it is not always recognized as such. People who lose a pet may be dismissed or belittled by others who do not understand the bond between a person and their pet.


The loss of a pregnancy can be a traumatic experience, but it is often not acknowledged as such. Women who have experienced a miscarriage may feel like they are not allowed to grieve or that their loss is not as significant as other types of loss.

End of a Non-Traditional Relationship

The end of a non-traditional relationship, such as a same-sex relationship or a polyamorous relationship, can be a significant source of grief. However, people in these types of relationships may not receive the same level of support or validation as those in more traditional relationships.

Job Loss

Losing a job can be a traumatic experience, especially if the job was a significant part of a person’s identity. However, people who lose their job may not receive the same level of support or validation as those who experience other types of loss.

Signs and Symptoms of Disenfranchised Grief

Individuals suffering from disenfranchised grief feel forgotten, belittled, shamed and can intense anger


It can be difficult to identify disenfranchised grief because it is often hidden or not openly expressed. However, there are some signs and symptoms that counselors can look for. These include:

Difficulty Expressing Emotions

People experiencing disenfranchised grief may have difficulty expressing their emotions or may feel like they are not allowed to express their emotions. They may bottle up their feelings or avoid talking about their loss altogether.


People experiencing disenfranchised grief may feel isolated or alone. They may feel like no one understands what they are going through or that they are not allowed to talk about their loss.


People experiencing disenfranchised grief may feel guilty for grieving or for their loss. They may feel like they do not have the right to grieve or that their loss is not significant enough to deserve grief.


People experiencing disenfranchised grief may feel angry or resentful towards others who do not understand their grief or who dismiss their loss.

How to Support Someone Experiencing Disenfranchised Grief

Supporting someone experiencing disenfranchised grief requires empathy, validation, and understanding. As a Grief counselor, there are several techniques you can use to support someone experiencing disenfranchised grief.

Active Listening

Active listening is a technique that involves listening to the person without judgment and without interrupting. It involves reflecting back what the person is saying and validating their feelings.  Grief Counselors can play a key role in validating the feelings of others.

Listening, being empathetic, normalizing and validating one’s disenfranchised grief can help them heal and cope with these types of losses



Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of the person experiencing grief. It involves putting yourself in their shoes and imagining how you would feel in their situation.


Validation is the act of acknowledging the person’s feelings and experiences as real and important. It involves letting the person know that their grief is valid and that it is okay to feel the way they feel.


Normalizing is the act of letting the person know that their feelings and experiences are normal and that others have experienced similar types of grief. It involves educating the person about disenfranchised grief and letting them know that they are not alone.  Greif Counselors can help those suffering these types of losses realize that all loss is legitimate.

Techniques for Addressing Disenfranchised Grief in Counseling

There are numerous therapies to help individuals face disenfranchised grief and understand their particular loss


There are several techniques that counselors can use to address disenfranchised grief in counseling. Licensed Counselors can employ these therapies


Psychoeducation involves educating the person about disenfranchised grief and helping them understand that their grief is valid and normal.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a type of therapy that focuses on changing negative thoughts and behaviors. It can be helpful for addressing feelings of guilt or anger associated with disenfranchised grief.

Mindfulness-Based Therapy

Mindfulness-based therapy is a type of therapy that focuses on being present in the moment and accepting one’s thoughts and feelings without judgment. It can be helpful for addressing feelings of isolation and loneliness associated with disenfranchised grief.

Narrative Therapy

Narrative therapy is a type of therapy that focuses on helping the person create a new narrative about the loss.  It can be helpful for reframing the loss and creating a new sense of meaning and purpose

Case Studies Highlighting the Impact of Disenfranchised Grief

Case studies can be helpful for understanding the impact of disenfranchised grief. Here are a few examples:


Jane experienced the loss of a pregnancy early in her first trimester. She felt like she was not allowed to grieve because the pregnancy was not far along. However, she was devastated by the loss and struggled to move on. After seeking counseling, she was able to process her grief and find closure.


Sam lost his job after working at the same company for 20 years. He felt like he had lost a significant part of his identity and struggled to find a new sense of purpose. After seeking counseling, he was able to reframe his loss and find new opportunities for growth and development.


Maria experienced the end of a same-sex relationship. She felt like she was not allowed to grieve because the relationship was not recognized by society. She struggled with feelings of isolation and loneliness. After seeking counseling, she was able to process her grief and find a new sense of community and support.

Disenfranchised Grief and Cultural Differences

It is important to recognize that disenfranchised grief can be influenced by cultural differences. Some cultures may not recognize certain types of loss or may have different mourning rituals. As counselors, it is important to be sensitive to cultural differences and to adapt our approach accordingly.

Conclusion and Next Steps for Grief Counselors Seeking to Support Clients with Disenfranchised Grief

Grief Counselors can help individuals realize their loss is unique and special no matter what society says or dictates.


Disenfranchised grief is a type of grief that is often overlooked or misunderstood. As Grief counselors, it is important to recognize the signs and symptoms of disenfranchised grief and to provide empathy, validation, and understanding to our clients. By using techniques such as active listening, empathy, and validation, we can help our clients process their grief and find closure. There are many resources available for counselors supporting clients with disenfranchised grief, and it is important to continue to educate ourselves.

AIHCP offers a Grief Counseling Certification which can help prepare individuals to help others with disenfranchised grief.  The Grief Counseling Certification Program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals.  Please review the program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.

Additional Resources

“What Is Disenfranchised Grief?”. Sanjana Gupta. April 16th, 2022. VeryWellMind. Access here

“All About Disenfranchised Grief”. Cathy Cassata. July 27th, 2021. PyschCentral. Access here

“Disen-whaaaat?? Understanding Disenfranchised Grief”. Litsa Williams. July 8th, 2013. What’s Your Grief.  Access here

“Disenfranchised Grief Might Be the Hardest Kind to Process—Here’s What It Is and Why, According to Experts”. Claire Gillespie. August 5th, 2021. Health. Access here

ADHD Coaching: Does It Work?

ADHD can negatively affect adults in their work life, academic life and relationships.  It is hence important to minimize the negative effects of ADHD on one’s life.  So many times, ADHD can sidetrack individuals from completing tasks, or make them feel overwhelmed to the point nothing is accomplished, but with good ADHD management skills, one can learn to skills to better cope. ADHD coaches actually are an excellent source in addition to counseling and medication.  ADHD Coaches can give the necessary guidance and tips to help an individual stay focused and not lose pace. AIHCP actually offers a program for qualified professionals in ADHD Consulting.

ADHD Coaching can help many adults better manage ADHD. Please also review AIHCP’s ADHD Consulting Program and see if it meets your goals


The article, “Does ADHD Coaching Work?” by Michael Ascher, M.D., and Lauren Ascher, J.D. M.S.T. takes a closer look at the benefits of ADHD Coaching for adults.  Among the benefits, the article points out that ADHD Coaching can help individuals better vocalize and hear own visions and ideals and goals.  In addition,  ADHD Coaches help clients with executive functioning to overcome disorganization, distraction and memory.  Coaches can then help clients learn to stay on track and not lose motivation.  Helping clients also handle one thing at a time and simplify is key to the overwhelming feelings associated with ADHD.  The article states,

“In sum, ADHD coaching leads to beneficial client outcomes by providing opportunities for verbal processing, accountability, decreasing overwhelm, and body doubling. As we move more towards multimodal treatment approaches to ADHD, coaching is becoming increasingly recognized as an indispensable piece of the treatment puzzle.”

“Does ADHD Coaching Work?”. Michael Ascher, M.D., and Lauren Ascher, J.D. M.S.T. February 12th, 2023. Psychology Today.

To read the entire article, please access here


ADHD coaching is an effective tool for managing Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). It can help people with ADHD to develop better strategies for coping with the challenges of the disorder and reach their goals. This article will explore what ADHD coaching is, how it can help, the benefits, what to expect from an ADHD coach, ADHD coaching methods, the benefits of online ADHD coaching, resources for finding an ADHD coach, the cost of ADHD coaching, and how to find the best ADHD coach for your needs.  AIHCP also offers an ADHD Consulting Certification for qualified professionals.

What is ADHD coaching?

ADHD coaching is a relationship between a coach and a client with ADHD. The coach helps the client to identify and work towards their goals. They provide guidance, support, and accountability. ADHD coaches are typically certified professionals who have a background in psychology, education, or mental health. They specialize in helping people with ADHD to develop better skills and strategies to better manage their condition.

ADHD coaching is different from therapy or counseling. It is more goal-oriented and focuses on helping clients to develop practical strategies to reach their goals. Coaches help their clients to identify and prioritize goals, create action plans, and develop strategies to stay on track. They also provide encouragement, accountability, and support.

How ADHD coaching can help

ADHD coaching can help adults better manage ADHD in their daily lives


ADHD coaching can help people with ADHD to better manage their condition and reach their goals. It can help them to become more organized, improve their focus and concentration, and reduce their impulsiveness. It can also help them to develop better skills for managing their emotions and relationships.

ADHD coaching can help people to identify and prioritize the goals that are important to them, develop action plans to reach those goals, and build the skills needed to stay on track. Coaches can also provide encouragement, support, and accountability.

Benefits of ADHD coaching

There are numerous benefits to ADHD coaching. It can help people with ADHD to increase their self-awareness, develop better problem-solving skills, and improve their time management. It can also help them to become more organized and efficient.

ADHD coaching can also help people to develop better communication and relationship skills. It can help them to identify and manage their emotions and manage their relationships more effectively.

What to expect from an ADHD coach

ADHD Coaches can help clients better organize, avoid distractions and remain motivated in their daily tasks


When working with an ADHD coach, you can expect to be treated with respect and dignity. Your coach will listen to your needs and goals, and help you to develop strategies to reach them. Your coach will also provide guidance, support, and accountability.

ADHD coaches typically use a variety of techniques to help their clients. They may use cognitive-behavioral techniques to help clients to identify and change unhelpful patterns of behavior. They may also use motivational interviewing techniques to help clients to explore their goals and develop action plans to reach them.

ADHD coaching methods

ADHD coaches use a variety of methods to help their clients. They may use cognitive-behavioral techniques to help clients to identify and change unhelpful patterns of behavior. They may also use motivational interviewing techniques to help clients to explore their goals and develop action plans to reach them.

Coaches may also use goal-setting techniques to help clients to identify and prioritize their goals. They may also use mindfulness and relaxation techniques to help clients to reduce stress and anxiety.

Resources for finding an ADHD coach

Finding the right ADHD coach can be challenging. There are a few different resources that can help you to find an ADHD coach that is right for you.

The first place to look is online. You can find a range of websites that offer information about ADHD coaching and help you to find an ADHD coach. Additionally, there are professional organizations such as the International ADHD Coaches Organization (IACO) that can provide information on certified coaches.

Another resource is to ask your doctor or therapist. They may be able to recommend a coach that is right for you.

One can also search for ADHD Coaches certified through AIHCP and its ADHD Consulting Certification

The cost of ADHD coaching

The cost of ADHD coaching varies depending on the coach and the services they offer. Generally, you can expect to pay $100 to $200 per hour for ADHD coaching services.

Many coaches also offer packages and discounts for multiple sessions. It is important to ask about these when you are looking for a coach.

How to find the best ADHD coach for your needs

When looking for an ADHD coach, it is important to find one that is right for you. You should look for a coach that has experience working with people with ADHD and is certified in ADHD coaching. It is also important to find a coach that you feel comfortable with and that has the right strategies for your needs.

You can also ask for references from previous clients or look for online reviews. This can help you to get an idea of the type of coach they are and the quality of their services.


Please also review AIHCP’s ADHD Consulting Certification and see if it matches your academic and professional goals


ADHD coaching is an effective tool for managing Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). It can help people with ADHD to develop better strategies for coping with the challenges of the disorder and reach their goals. This article has explored what ADHD coaching is, how it can help, the benefits, what to expect from an ADHD coach, ADHD coaching methods, the benefits of online ADHD coaching, resources for finding an ADHD coach, the cost of ADHD coaching, and how to find the best ADHD coach for your needs.

If you are looking for an ADHD coach, it is important to do your research and find one that is right for you. There are many resources available to help you to find the right coach. With the right ADHD coach, you can unlock the benefits of ADHD coaching and reach your goals.  Please also review AIHCP’s ADHD Consulting Certification and see if it meets your professional goals.  As an ADHD Coach one can help thousands of individuals learn to cope with ADHD in their daily lives.

Additional Resources

“What Is ADHD Coaching and How It Can Help”. Carly Vandergriendt. October 22nd, 2019. Healthline.  Access here

“Executive Coaching Of Leaders With ADHD: Part 1”. Antonia Bowring. March 17th, 2021. Forbes.  Access here

“What Can You Expect From ADHD Therapy?”. Janelle Cox. January 11th, 2022. PsychCentral. Access here

“ADHD in the Workplace”. Psychology Today. Access here



SANE Nurses and Forensic Exams

The horrendous crime of sexual assault leaves physical and emotional wounds.  Initially those physical wounds and evidence of them need to be documented.  Forensic Nurses who work as Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners or SANE play a key role on the front line in protecting women, children and victims of all gender, race and age in sexual and physical abuse cases.  They play an important role in examining, collecting and preserving critical evidence of a crime.  AIHCP offers a four year certification in Forensic Nursing to help SANE nurses earn more educational background.

Forensic and SANE nurses can collect and preserve evidence from a sexual assault


In addition to treating and supporting victims and collecting evidence during sexual assault or abuse, SANE and Forensic Nurses also supply expert testimony in many cases that go to court.  Their on site knowledge of the situation with the victim can be used in testimony and presented to a jury to help convict and put dangerous sexual predators behind bars.   In this way, SANE and Forensic Nurses also work in close connection with the police and prosecutor’s office in sexual abuse and rape cases.

Commentary for Forensic and SANE nurses

In the wake of the #MeToo movement, there has been an increased focus on the safety of those affected by sexual assault. One of the key elements of the movement is to ensure that victims are able to access the necessary services and resources to help them through their healing journey. One such service is the role of a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE), which is a specialized medical professional that provides medical care and forensic evidence collection during a sexual assault examination. In this article, we will explore the role of a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) in examining victims, their qualifications, the process of a sexual assault nurse examination, aftercare for victims of sexual assault, the benefits of having a SANE, the legal rights of victims of sexual assault, and resources for victims of sexual assault.

A Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) is a specially trained nurse with advanced skills in providing medical care and forensic evidence collection to survivors of sexual assault. The SANE program is a specialized service that provides comprehensive care to victims of sexual assault, including physical, emotional, and legal support. The SANE program is a multi-disciplinary approach that includes nurses, social workers, law enforcement, and prosecutors.  Many SANE nurses are also Forensic Nurse Certified.

The SANE program is designed to provide a safe, non-judgmental environment for victims of sexual assault to receive medical care and forensic evidence collection. The SANE program is also designed to ensure that victims have access to the necessary services and resources to help them through their healing journey.

Qualifications of a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE)

In order to become a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE), one must be a registered nurse (RN) with at least two years of experience in a related field. The SANE program also requires that nurses have completed specialized training in forensic evidence collection and sexual assault examination. The SANE program also requires that the nurse complete continuing education to stay up-to-date on the latest developments in the field.

Forensic and SANE nurses can help victims find justice. Please review AIHCP’s Forensic Nursing Certification


The SANE program also requires that the nurse have excellent communication skills, as they must be able to interact with victims in a non-judgmental and sensitive manner. Additionally, the SANE program requires that the nurse have an understanding of the legal system and the criminal justice system.  Many SANE nurses are also Forensic Nurse Certified as well.

The role of a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) is to provide comprehensive medical care and forensic evidence collection to victims of sexual assault. The SANE is responsible for providing physical, emotional, and legal support to victims of sexual assault.

The SANE is responsible for providing medical care, which includes conducting a physical examination, collecting evidence, and providing treatment for any physical injuries. The SANE is also responsible for providing emotional support, which includes providing a safe and non-judgmental environment for victims to express their feelings, providing information about the legal process, and providing referrals to other resources.

The SANE is also responsible for collecting forensic evidence, which includes collecting biological evidence, photographing injuries and other evidence, and documenting the findings. The SANE is also responsible for providing expert testimony in court proceedings, if necessary.

Easy to see then that it takes a special type of nurse to become SANE and enter into Forensic Nursing.  The individual must not only be highly intelligent in nursing and healthcare  but also a detective in many ways that is not scared away from gruesome sexual assault stories.  These stories can bring many in the criminal justice system to a dark place and it takes an individual able to rise about that and give victims the help they need.

Preparing for a Sexual Assault Nurse Examination

Before a Sexual Assault Nurse Examination (SANE) can be conducted, there are certain steps that need to be taken to ensure that the examination is conducted in a safe and comfortable manner.

First, the SANE will assess the physical and emotional condition of the victim, to ensure that the victim is in a safe and comfortable environment. If necessary, the SANE will provide emotional support to the victim to help them feel more comfortable.

Second, the SANE will explain the process of the examination to the victim, to ensure that they understand the process and are comfortable with it. The SANE will also explain the legal rights of the victim and the resources available to them.

Third, the SANE will provide the victim with all the necessary materials for the examination, such as gowns, swabs, and slides. The SANE will also provide the victim with any necessary medications or treatments, if needed.

Finally, the SANE will take photos of the victim and any evidence that may be present. The SANE will also take swabs, slides, and other samples as necessary.

The Process of a Sexual Assault Nurse Examination

During the SANE examination, the victim with the utmost respect is treated and evidence of assault collected.


Once the SANE has prepared the victim for the examination, the actual examination can begin. During the examination, the SANE will collect physical evidence and document any findings.

First, the SANE will conduct a physical examination, which includes checking for any physical signs of injury, such as bruises, scratches, or tears. The SANE will also collect any biological evidence, such as swabs, slides, and other samples.

Second, the SANE will take photos of any evidence or injuries that are present.

Third, the SANE will document any findings in a detailed report. The report will include any physical evidence, photos, and other relevant information.

Finally, the SANE will provide the victim with any necessary medical treatment or medications, if needed.

Aftercare for Victims of Sexual Assault

After the examination is complete, the SANE will provide the victim with aftercare to ensure that they are safe and supported. The SANE will provide information about the legal process and rights of the victim, as well as referrals to other resources and services.

The SANE will also provide emotional support to the victim to help them cope with the trauma of the assault. The SANE will provide a safe and non-judgmental environment for the victim to express their emotions and feelings. The SANE will also provide referrals to counseling services and other resources to help the victim cope with the trauma.

The Benefits of Having a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE)

Having a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) available to victims of sexual assault provides numerous benefits. The SANE program is designed to provide comprehensive care to victims of sexual assault, including medical care and forensic evidence collection.

The SANE program also provides a safe and non-judgmental environment for victims to receive medical care and forensic evidence collection. The SANE program also provides victims with access to the necessary services and resources to help them through their healing journey.

The SANE program also ensures that victims have access to expert testimony in court proceedings, if necessary. The SANE program also ensures that victims have access to legal rights and resources to help them through the legal process.

Legal Rights of Victims of Sexual Assault

It is important for victims of sexual assault to be aware of their legal rights. Victims of sexual assault have the right to seek medical care, receive evidence collection and forensic examination, and access legal services.

Victims of sexual assault also have the right to receive information about the legal process and their rights and to access resources to help them through their healing journey. Victims also have the right to confidentiality and privacy in all matters related to their assault.

Resources for Victims of Sexual Assault

There are numerous resources available for victims of sexual assault. These resources include crisis hotlines, counseling services, support groups, and legal services.

Victims of sexual assault can also access websites and online forums to connect with other survivors and to find resources and services to help them through their healing journey. Additionally, victims of sexual assault can access educational materials to learn more about the legal process and their rights.


Forensic nurses are on the front line of defending the victim against sexual predators and utilize DNA and other forensic samples to find justice for the victim


The role of a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) is an important one in ensuring that victims of sexual assault receive the necessary medical care and forensic evidence collection. The SANE program is a specialized service that provides comprehensive care to victims of sexual assault, including physical, emotional, and legal support. The SANE program is also designed to provide a safe and non-judgmental environment for victims to receive medical care and forensic evidence collection.

The SANE program also ensures that victims have access to the necessary services and resources to help them through their healing journey. The SANE program also ensures that victims have access to expert testimony in court proceedings, if necessary. The SANE program also ensures that victims have access to legal rights and resources to help them through the legal process.

If you or someone you know has been a victim of sexual assault, there are resources available to help you through the healing journey. If you need help or support, please reach out to a local SANE program or to a crisis hotline

Nurses who are SANE can also earn a Forensic Nursing Certification to boost their knowledge in the area of forensics.  AIHCP offers a four year certification in Forensic Nursing for those who are already SANE or are looking to potentially enter into the SANE field.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Forensic Nursing.

Additional Resources

“How to Become a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE)”. Kathleen Gaines. Access here

“What Is a SANE Exam?”. Elizabeth Boskey. August 10th, 2022. VeryWellHealth. Access here

“Sexual Assault Nursing Care Plan”. Paul Martin. March 1st, 2023. Nurselabs. Access here

“After a sexual assault, where can you get a medical and forensic exam?”.   and 


Behavioral Addiction

Addiction is both physical and mental.  Behavioral addiction is very common from anything to gaming to gambling to pornography to sex.  The mindset of resetting the mind and overcoming addictions due to behavior is a long task that sometimes involves a variety of coping methods.  Whether substance or action, certain behaviors can be broken over time if the person is willing to acknowledge the issue.  Meditation and hypnosis as well as support groups can all play big roles in helping others overcome addiction.  The key is reshaping old behaviors and habits into better productive and healthy ones.  Moderation is key

Behavioral addictions can range from gambling to gaming to multiple things that dominate a person’s habits. Please also review AIHCP’s Substance Abuse Counseling Program


Please also review AIHCP’s Substance Abuse Counseling Certification and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification.

Please also review the video below on Substance Abuse and behavioral addiction

Minority and Black Grief in the United States

From a white male perspective, things for other people of color may look improved historically, but within the shadows, many of the same demons still lurk and at times reimpose themselves.  Yes, slavery has been eradicated, separate but equal denounced, and African Americans elected to almost every position of government, but there still are large issues.  The George Floyd case shows it.  While there is a new color, “blue”, that has its own brotherhood, those who are black or brown in color face greater threat of profiling and violence during arrest.  Not all cases can be validated, but there are enough cases to point towards an inherent problem.  In addition, due to socio economic barriers since the time of slavery, African Americans suffer a heritage of disadvantage in where their families came from, lived, and were educated.  This imbalance still reveals itself in poverty and crime statistics.  It also showed its ugly face in how African Americans received unequal care during the Covid Epidemic.

Many African Americans suffer from a subconscious trauma and are faced with a variety of stressors that incur the idea of a collective “Black Grief”


These types of inequalities and historic pains and scars lead to a unique experience of grief and loss coined as “Black Grief”.  Many experts have referred to this as a type of subconscious trauma as well that lingers within the DNA of Black Americans who suffer from this type of treatment by the police, or other agencies.  Anxiety, depression, and hyper vigilance are added emotions to Black communities due to national issues with police brutality and other types of unequal treatments.  There are simply more social stressors associated with one’s color of skin.

This in no way frees individuals from personal responsibility.  In no way is this a free pass for African American to commit a crime against a White American.   Black culture calls for responsibility of oneself, but the lingering affects of over a century of racism, poverty and displacement, plays a key role in current situations of many impoverish African Americans who did not receive a fair handshake with the American dream.  In many ways without progressing too far down a “woke” agenda, there is a privilege being a White American every time an officer pulls someone over or when someone acts erratic in public or when someone applies for a position.  This does not mean the individual has not earned or worked hard and deserves credit for achievement, but it does point towards a system that put Black ancestors at a totally unfair and immoral disadvantage.   It is true certain European immigrants faced hate and ridicule but none experienced the immorality of slavery itself.

While on the outside the Civil Rights Movement has made great strides and racism is considered heinous and a political and financial death sentence,  there exists within the modern African American communities a disadvantage and a trauma that causes Black grief.  It manifests in poverty, lack of opportunity for many, and police treatment.  While many African Americans boast of succeeding, their unique stories should not dismiss the many that are trapped in a system that has left them without an equal hand since they were born.

Many African Americans face depression, anxiety and hypervigilance due to stressors that other races do not face


The same can be true for other peoples of color or different descents that do not blend into the Caucasian colors.   Spanish descent individuals face a blatant racism equating them to cartels and illegal immigration.   While the Lady Liberty supposedly calls all to her shores, these individuals are rejected at the border.   Let us not also forget the great grievances and murders against the Native Americans whose land was stolen.  These individuals were relocated time again and again and some faced genocide at the hands of the American army in the 19th Century.  The loss of self and land closely is tied to Native Americans is a lingering subconscious and collective trauma.  Finally, let us not forget the unfair treatment of Asian Americans and Japanese Americans during World War 2 and the camps they were illegally assigned to. within the United States and currently the anti-Chinese hate due to Covid-19.

There is a dangerous balance in play in American history as America attempts to understand itself.  On one side is a proud movement that recognizes the Founding Fathers and the beauty of the Declaration of Independence and its profound affect on the entire world.  It sees America as the City on the Hill and as a birth place for democracy.  Yet in love of country, sometimes one loses sight of patriotism and fosters nationalism.  Patriotism loves one’s country and defends it but does not dismiss other cultures and expressions.   Nationalism on the other hand proclaims one’s nation and nationality as superior as others and looks to maintain purity of it.  It is racist and warlike.  It is a distortion of patriotism.  It fails to reprimand one’s own nation for past ills and proposes a select history that only sees on view and one side.  Nationalism is what led to the World Wars.

American exceptionalism is a myth.  The United States, while a great nation, is not a perfect state, nor has ever been.  Not only did the United States support slavery and utilize it as a key part of its economic survival, the White Anglo Saxon Protestant (WASP) had infiltrated itself into the core of the nation at its conception.   This can be seen in the its puritan roots where it was viewed as the City on the Hill and its nationalistic Manifest Destiny expansion West.  Horribly also, was the Know Nothing Movement/Nativist Movement and political party that worked against all forms of immigration.  Irish and Catholics and Jews were all discriminated against in the Early and Mid-Nineteenth Century and bias continued into the 20th Century.  Well after the Civil War, these White Nationalist Movements based on WASP principles demeaned not only Blacks but also any immigrants.  It is terrifying to see such ideals manifest itself today under such nationalist slogans under MAGA.  The insurrection at the Capitol only shows the movement of WASP like cells looking to revive nationalism and nativism over patriotism.

Does this mean as Americans we turn against our past heroes?  The “Woke” movement looks to erase the past, as much as the Nationalists look rewrite it, but there is balance.  Some monuments should be removed, but not all.  Some bases may need renamed, but not all, but for the most part, past American heroes should still be revered but also ridiculed for their faults.  They can be revered for their service of country but also criticized for moral decisions.  As the future proceeds, new monuments can be created for those who were left in the past or treated unfairly to show the progress of American enlightenment against past wrongs and commitment to betterment.  Those who were immorally enslaved, or murdered or relocated from homes, deserve recognition of their past trauma.  This does not undo the evil but it does help current generations find some collective justice and recognition of their grief.


Two forces are looking to tear the country in two.  Extreme rightists who favor a nationalist agenda and extreme leftists who looks to eradicate the past, but in the balance is found in true patriotism that loves the nation but recognizes its wrongs.  Tearing down the past is not the answer to collective trauma but rebuilding the future with recognition to that grief.

African Americans, Native Americans and immigrants have all faced unequal treatment in the past.  While it has improved, the collective trauma manifests in these cultures through anxiety, depression hypervigilance.  This is only re-awakened when incidents such as George Floyd erupt.  African Americans, especially, face an equal uphill battle and face anxieties that White Americans do not face during simple traffic stop.

While America is not the City of the Hill that many nationalists envision, she is still a great nation trying its best.  Most Americans are good people and are patriotic enough love her but also see her wrongs.  It is especially to critical to the future to acknowledge the wrongs of the collective trauma experienced by Americans of ethnic minority.

Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Diversity Program which focuses on African American, Native American and other minorities


If interested in the concept of grief and especially collective grief of minorities, please review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification.  Please also review AIHCP’s new Grief Diversity Program which is open to qualified and certified Grief Counselors.  The program is online and independent study and addressed the particular issues facing minorities and their collective grief.


Additional Readings

“The Imposition of Black Grief”. Nneka Okona. February 27th, 2023. Yes: Solutions Journalism. Access here

“A hidden pandemic: Grief in the African American community”.  Mishel Reja.  February 2nd, 2021.  ABC News. Access here

“America’s Most Oppressed Minority “. Candy Raye. February 22nd, 2020. Odyssey Online.  Access here

“Cultural perspectives of death, grief, and bereavement”. Paul T Clements 1Gloria J VigilMartin S MannoGloria C HenryJonathan WilksDas SarthakRosie KellywoodWil Foster. 

2003 Jul;41(7):18-26.  doi: 10.3928/0279-3695-20030701-12.  Psychosoc Nurs Ment Health Serv. Access here
“Nativism and the Know-Nothing Party”. Kimberly Kutz Elliot.  Khan Academy. Access here

Exercising for a Healthier Heart

One of the most common reasons individuals exercise is for cardiovascular health.  Strengthening the heart and lowering risks of heart attack are good reasons to exercise and usually most aerobic exercises suffice in helping individuals keep a healthy heart.  Those who already have a weakened heart may need care in what type of higher aerobic exercises are safe through the guidance of a primary physician and life coach or exercise trainer.  It is also important to gradually work one’s way up with any type of cardiovascular exercise.  Over time, one can adjust or increase a workout as the body and heart become more acclimated to the intensity.  One sure way to hurt oneself or cause damage is to start to fast or too intense.  Hence gradual increase over time and proper warm ups and stretches are critical for a novice to understand.

Life coaches can help individuals choose the right cardiovascular exercise programs


The article, “4 Excellent Ways to Exercise for a Strong, Healthy Heart” by Karen Asp looks at ways to train for a healthier heart.  She lists brisk walking, intense cardiovascular workouts, strength training and yoga as excellent ways to find better heart health.  Some exercises are more paced towards younger individuals who can do higher intensity while others are for those who cannot endure a higher intense workout.  The article states,

“To gauge how hard you should be working, use what experts call the rating of perceived exertion, which uses a scale that goes from zero to 10. Zero is how you feel when you’re doing nothing; 10 means you’re going all-out. During the “on” or hard work periods of intervals, you should be somewhere between seven and 10; during recovery periods remain around level three or four, according to the American Council on Exercise.”

“4 Excellent Ways to Exercise for a Strong, Healthy Heart”. Karan Asp. February 6th, 2023. Real Simple

To review the entire article, please click here


Cardio workouts are one of the best ways to get your heart rate up, improve your health, and reduce your risk of heart disease. But how do you maximize the benefits of cardio in order to get the most out of your workouts? In this article, we’ll look at what cardio is, why it’s important, different types of cardio exercises, how to set up a cardio workout plan, and how to stay motivated to stick with a cardio routine.  Healthcare life coaches and fitness experts can help put one on a great plan that fits one’s health needs and expectations.

What is Cardio and Why is it Important?

Cardio, or aerobic exercise, is any physical activity that increases your heart rate and breathing for an extended period of time. It is important for maintaining a healthy heart and circulation, burning fat, improving lung capacity, and increasing stamina and endurance. Regular cardio exercise is essential for a healthy lifestyle, and has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other health problems.

The American Heart Association recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio exercise per week for adults. This can be broken down into 30 minutes of exercise five days a week, or even 10 minutes three times a day.

Benefits of Cardio Exercise

Cardio exercises strengthen the heart, increase endurance, lower cholesterol and sugar, and can help clear a sad mind


Cardio exercise offers a number of benefits for your health. Regular cardio can help improve your cardiovascular health, reduce your risk of heart disease, strengthen your bones and muscles, improve your balance and coordination, and reduce stress and anxiety. It can also help you maintain a healthy weight, as it burns calories more quickly than other types of exercise.

Understanding Heart Rate and Cardio Intensity

When you’re engaging in cardio exercise, it’s important to understand your heart rate and the intensity of your workout. Your target heart rate should be between 50 and 85 percent of your maximum heart rate, which you can calculate using a simple formula. This can help you ensure that you’re getting the most out of your cardio workouts.

The intensity of your workout also matters. You should aim for moderate-intensity cardio exercise, which means that you should be able to talk but not sing while exercising. This is the most effective way to burn calories and get the most out of your workouts.

Types of Cardio Exercises

There are a variety of cardio exercises that you can do, including running, jogging, swimming, cycling, rowing, walking, and aerobics. You can also try high-intensity interval training (HIIT) or circuit training, which are shorter, more intense workouts that involve alternating between short bursts of intense activity and brief periods of rest.

Frequency and Duration of Cardio Workouts

To maximize your cardio workouts, it’s important to understand the frequency and duration of your workouts. Aim to do cardio exercise three to five times a week, for at least 30 minutes each time. If you’re just starting out, you can start with shorter workouts and work your way up to longer ones.

Setting Up a Cardio Workout Plan with Life Coaches

To maximize the benefits of your cardio workouts, it’s important to have a plan. Start by setting realistic goals and then create a schedule that will help you stay on track. You should also make sure to switch up your workouts to keep them interesting and challenging. Life coaches can help one better make a good cardio workout plan.   Cardio can depend on one’s health and heart strength.  One should never start a plan without consulting a healthcare professional.  In addition, some plans may be geared to younger individuals, while others may be more age appropriate for older individuals.

Different Cardio Workouts for Different Goals

If you’re looking to lose weight, you should focus on shorter, high-intensity workouts. If you’re looking to increase endurance and stamina, you should focus on longer, lower-intensity workouts. It’s important to find the type of cardio workout that works for you and your goals.

Staying Motivated to Stick With a Cardio Routine

Sticking with a cardio routine can be tough, especially if you’re just starting out. To stay motivated, try to find a workout buddy and make it a point to exercise together. You can also set small rewards for yourself to keep you motivated and focus on the long-term health benefits of regular cardio.  A life coach can help keep someone motivated and accountable.

Cardio Workouts for a Heart-Healthy Lifestyle

Regular cardio exercise is essential for a heart-healthy lifestyle. To get the most out of your workouts, it’s important to understand your heart rate, the intensity of your workouts, and the types of exercises that are best for your goals. It’s also important to have a plan and to stay motivated to stick with your routine. With a little dedication and hard work, you can maximize your cardio workouts and lead a heart-healthy lifestyle.


Life coaches can help one find the best cardio plan. Please review AIHCP’s Healthcare Life Coaching Program


Cardio workouts are an important part of any exercise routine and can help you maintain a healthy heart and reduce your risk of heart disease. To get the most out of your workouts, it’s important to understand your heart rate, the intensity of your workouts, and the types of exercises that are best for your goals. With a little dedication and hard work, you can maximize your cardio workouts and lead a heart-healthy lifestyle.

Again it is important not to start plans without consulting a physician and under the guidance of a life coach or fitness trainer.  Different levels of heart health and age require different intensities.  Life coaches can help one learn the intensity and duration that best fits an individual.  In addition, one should gradually increase intensity and duration as well as always warm up to prevent potential injury.

Please also review AIHCP’s Healthcare Life Coaching Program.  The program is online and independent study and geared to healthcare professionals and life coaches looking to add a certification to their resume.  The program deals not only with healthy life styles, but also mental coaching and nutrition.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals.


Additional Resources

“3 Best Exercises for Heart Health”. Kristen Gasnick. December 16th, 2021. VeryWellHealth. Access here

“Exercise and the Heart”. John Hopkins Medicine.  Access here

“American Heart Association Recommendations for Physical Activity in Adults and Kids”. American Heart Association.  April 18th, 2018. Access here

“20 cardio exercises to do at home with minimal equipment, from beginner to advanced”. Rachel Nall.  January 26th, 2023. MedicalNewsToday.  Access here