Christian Counseling: What we Know About Mary Magdalen in the Gospels

Mary Magdalen stands out as one of the most significant women in the Gospels, often linked to powerful moments in the life of Jesus. You’ll discover that she is portrayed as a devoted follower, recognized for witnessing the crucifixion, and notably, the first to encounter the resurrected Christ. Her role has often been misrepresented, overshadowing her importance in early Christianity. For a deeper understanding of her significance, you can explore The Meaning of Mary Magdalene.

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Historical Context of Mary Magdalen

Mary Magdalene repented from a sinful life to follow Christ. Please also review AIHCP’s Christian Counseling Program

Before entering into the life of Mary Magdalen, it is vital to understand the historical and societal context in which she lived. The Gospels present her as a pivotal figure in the narrative of Jesus Christ, yet her story unfolds within the broader tapestry of first-century Jewish society. This backdrop greatly influences how you perceive her role and significance within the Christian tradition.

Jewish Society and Women’s Roles

At the time of Mary Magdalen, Jewish society was heavily patriarchal, with strict delineations of gender roles that often relegated women to the background. Women had limited legal rights and were generally expected to fulfill domestic roles. Despite this, they played vital roles in their families and communities, often engaging in economic activities such as textile production and trade. The Gospels, however, present women like Mary Magdalen who, through their actions and devotion, challenge these societal norms.

At the same time, religious observance was a key aspect of daily life, with women participating in various rituals and festivals. Mary Magdalen’s presence and involvement with Jesus illustrate that despite societal constraints, women could hold positions of influence and significance within religious movements. Understanding these dynamics allows you to appreciate Mary’s role as one of the few women prominently mentioned in the Gospels and highlights her potential as a leader in a transformative religious movement.


Galilean Origins and Social Status

An exploration of Mary Magdalen’s origins reveals that she hailed from Galilee, a region characterized by its vibrant mix of cultures and beliefs. This setting was significant, as Galilee was not only a geographic boundary between the major centers of Jewish life—Jerusalem and the surrounding regions—but also a melting pot for various social and economic classes. It was here that Mary likely experienced both the challenges and opportunities that helped shape her character and commitment to Jesus.

An often overlooked aspect of Mary Magdalen’s story is her potential socioeconomic status. The Gospels imply that she may have come from a background that allowed her to support Jesus and his disciples financially, given her involvement with them. This raises interesting questions about her independence and agency as a woman in a society that typically restricted such freedoms.

Contextually, you may find it revealing that Mary is often referred to simply as “Magdalen,” which likely indicates her hometown of Magdala, situated near the Sea of Galilee. This etymological detail suggests a sense of geography and identity, providing insight into her heritage. The historical significance of her name also reflects a connection to her role as a follower of Jesus, emphasizing her impact on the early Christian community.

Name significance extends even further when you consider that “Mary” was a common name in ancient Judea, often associated with various women in the Gospels. This prevalence contributes to a layered understanding of her identity and the importance of distinguishing her from other figures, such as Mary the mother of Jesus. You can appreciate how this distinction enhances your understanding of Mary Magdalen’s unique mission and contributions to the early Church.


Mary Magdalen in the Synoptic Gospels

The portrayal of Mary Magdalen in the Synoptic Gospels—Matthew, Mark, and Luke—offers a glimpse into her significant role in the early Christian narrative. These texts, while varied in style and emphasis, consistently depict her as a figure of immense importance in the life and ministry of Jesus. Through her first mentions and early appearances, you will discover how she transitioned from an ordinary life to a devoted follower of Christ, a transformation that marks her as a pivotal character in the Gospels.

Across the Synoptic accounts, Mary Magdalen is introduced as a woman from whom Jesus expelled seven demons. Her initial appearances set the stage for her vital role in the Gospel narratives. In the Gospel of Luke (8:2), you can find her referenced among other women who supported Jesus and his disciples, highlighting her significance within the community. By the time you reach the Gospel of Mark (16:9), her identity as a devoted follower has been firmly established.

Around the time when Jesus began his public ministry, Mary Magdalen was dramatically transformed after her encounter with Him. The Gospels affirm that before meeting Jesus, she was possessed by seven demons, which in the cultural context of the time symbolized not just physical ailments but also deep spiritual turmoil. This striking narrative emphasizes the power of Jesus’ healing and the profound change it brought to her life.

And this remarkable story of deliverance serves as an illustration of her faith and the profound transformation she experienced. It underscores the idea that no matter your past struggles or the demons you may face, redemption and purpose are attainable through Christ. Mary’s journey from torment to tranquility resonates deeply, inspiring countless individuals in their struggles.

Early accounts of Mary Magdalen also highlight her role as a supporter of Jesus’ ministry. Alongside other women, she contributed financially, using her resources to assist Jesus and the disciples during their travels and teachings. This aspect of her story illustrates that women played an integral part in the ministry and outreach efforts, challenging the stereotypical views of their roles in society during that era. You may find it noteworthy that these actions depicted her as not just a passive follower but an active participant in the mission of Jesus.

The financial support provided by Mary and other women is a testament to their dedication and belief in Jesus’ message. You could consider this as a reflection of their understanding of the importance of facilitating Jesus’ work in spreading the Gospel. It portrays a strong community of women contributing significantly, often without the recognition they deserved.

Magdalen’s presence at the crucifixion of Jesus is a significant moment that highlights her unwavering loyalty. Unlike many of the male disciples who fled in fear, Mary stood at the foot of the cross, witnessing the culmination of Jesus’ earthly ministry and sacrifice. Her steadfastness during this harrowing time emphasizes not only her dedication but also her deep emotional connection to Jesus and his message.

But it is important to consider the broader implications of her presence there. It signifies that despite societal expectations, women played an important role in the narrative of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. They were witnesses to the events that shaped the Christian faith and helped bear the burden of grief. Mary Magdalen’s actions during the crucifixion serve as a powerful example of loyalty and the importance of women in the foundational moments of Christianity.


The Easter Narrative

Now, as you investigate into the Easter narrative, you may find Mary Magdalene’s presence to be particularly striking. Her role in the resurrection story marks a profound moment not only in the Gospels but also in early Christian tradition. If you’re interested in expanding your knowledge, you might explore the Gospel of Mary Magdalene: Summary, Dating, & Little-Known … This text provides unique insights that complement what you read in the canonical Gospels.

Below, you will find that Mary Magdalene is the first person identified in the Gospels as a witness to the empty tomb of Jesus. In all four Gospels, she plays a vital role in discovering that the body of Jesus is missing from the tomb, which sets the stage for the resurrection narrative. This moment signifies a pivotal turn in the story of Christianity, as the empty tomb proves the resurrection and provides the foundation for the faith that follows. Additionally, the Gospel accounts highlight her emotional reaction to this discovery. The despair and confusion she feels resonate strongly with many believers today, showing a deeply human side of this monumental event. Her initial encounter with the angels at the tomb further accentuates her importance in this narrative, as she is the bearer of the news of the resurrection.

After discovering the empty tomb, Mary Magdalene remains steadfast in her search for answers. You will notice that she is also the first person to encounter the risen Christ, which is a significant detail that reinforces her importance in the Easter narrative. In this very moment, when she recognizes Jesus, her role transitions from a grieving lover of Christ to a pivotal figure in the resurrection storyline.

The appearance of the risen Jesus to Mary is profound; it signifies not only her faithfulness but also highlights the honor bestowed upon her. In John 20:17, Jesus asks her not to cling to him but instead tells her to go to the disciples and announce the good news of his resurrection. This moment underscores her unique position and loyalty among Jesus’ followers.


The Apostle to the Apostles Role

Role as the “Apostle to the Apostles” is a title that some early Christians ascribed to Mary Magdalene. This designation stems from her mission that Jesus entrusts to her after his resurrection. In telling the disciples about the risen Christ, she not only acts as a messenger but assumes a leadership role among them. This elevates her status within the early church and challenges traditional gender roles of the time.

At this juncture, it becomes clearer how vital Mary Magdalene was in the establishment of early Christian doctrine. Her experience and witness give weight to her testimony, and early followers of Jesus recognized this by relying on her account. Her role as “Apostle to the Apostles” not only affirms her importance within the resurrection narrative but also signifies the broader acceptance of women in leadership positions within the early church. Mary Magdalene stands out as a figure who bridges the gap between the human experience of loss and the transformative power of faith.

Below the surface of John’s narrative, you uncover a distinctive Johannine portrait of Mary Magdalen that sets her apart from other Gospel accounts. Mary is depicted as one who possesses deep spiritual insight and an unwavering commitment to Jesus. Her character is marked by profound emotional intelligence, especially evident in the moments of her grief and confusion after the resurrection. You see her transformation from a mourning figure into the first apostle of the resurrection, illustrating that she holds a significant role within the early Church.

An necessary feature of John’s Gospel is the powerful garden encounter between Mary Magdalen and the risen Christ. This moment happens in the garden near the tomb where she initially confronts the reality of Jesus’ resurrection. You can observe how this encounter is filled with personal recognition and emotional depth as Mary initially fails to recognize Jesus, mistaking Him for the gardener. It is only when He calls her by name that she realizes who He is, which emphasizes the intimate relationship they share.

Another aspect of this encounter worth noting is the duality of grief and joy that permeates the scene. Mary, full of anguish over the disappearance of Jesus’ body, is quickly transformed into a messenger of hope. The shift from sorrow to joy encapsulates the essence of her journey and highlights her vital role in the resurrection narrative, making her not just a witness but a proclaimer of the incredible news that Jesus has risen.

Distinctive to John’s account is the special commission that Mary Magdalen receives from the risen Christ. After recognizing Him, Jesus instructs her to go and tell His disciples about the resurrection, giving her an necessary mission that validates her as a significant figure within the early Church. You can see how this commission not only elevates her status but also empowers you to appreciate that women held crucial roles in spreading the message of Christianity.

To further emphasize her important mission, it’s significant that Jesus chooses Mary to deliver the news of His resurrection, thus underlining her reliability and faithfulness. This act of commissioning Mary Magdalen serves as a powerful testament to her role as the first evangelist, demonstrating that the message of the resurrection was entrusted to her. In doing so, Mary exemplifies a model of discipleship that resonates with all believers, encouraging you to carry the promise of resurrection into your own life and community.

We should all emulate the courage of Mary’s conversion in our own spiritual life

Common Misconceptions

Many people hold misconceptions about Mary Magdalene, often conflating her character with other figures or attributing qualities and stories to her that are not supported by the biblical texts. By dissecting these misunderstandings, you can gain a clearer perspective on her role within the Gospels and her significance in early Christian history.

Biblical texts mention several women named Mary, which often leads to confusion. For example, Mary, the mother of Jesus, and Mary of Bethany, sister of Martha, are distinct individuals, yet many people mistakenly identify Mary Magdalene with these other Marys. This conflation diminishes Mary Magdalene’s unique contribution to the Gospel narratives where she is explicitly portrayed as a devoted follower of Jesus, present during critical moments of His ministry, crucifixion, and resurrection.

Your understanding of who Mary Magdalene really is must come from her specific portrayal within the Gospels. Unlike her namesakes, she is recognized for her dramatic transformation and steadfast loyalty; she was not just another follower but a pivotal witness to the resurrection, emphasizing the importance of her role in the early Christian movement.

Misconceptions about Mary Magdalene often include the erroneous belief that she was a prostitute. This narrative likely arose from a misinterpretation and conflation of Mary Magdalene with the unnamed sinful woman mentioned in Luke 7:36-50. However, the Gospels do not present any evidence that supports the claim of her being a prostitute.

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Christian Counseling: Dating a Narcissist

I. Introduction

Dating a narcissist can be a difficult thing and cause multiple problems for the relationship

Understanding the complexities involved in dating a narcissist requires a nuanced exploration of both psychological traits and relational dynamics that are often overlooked. Narcissism, characterized by an inflated sense of self-importance, a profound need for admiration, and a troubling lack of empathy, poses significant challenges not only to the narcissists themselves but also to their partners within romantic relationships. When individuals find themselves entangled with a narcissist, they frequently encounter a turbulent cycle of idealization and devaluation, which ultimately leads to emotional turmoil, confusion, and a deep sense of disorientation. As the relationship progresses, victims may initially be captivated by the narcissist’s charm, charisma, and seemingly enchanting personality, only to later find themselves on the receiving end of manipulation, gaslighting, and emotional invalidation. This essay seeks to unravel the multifaceted nature of dating a narcissist, with a focus on the psychological implications for the partner, the distinct behavioral patterns exhibited by the narcissist, and the potential paths to recovery that can help those affected rebuild their self-esteem and emotional well-being. By illuminating these deeply ingrained aspects of such relationships, a clearer understanding of the detrimental effects of involvement with a narcissist can emerge, empowering individuals to make more informed and healthier relational choices. This insight not only serves to educate those currently in or considering such relationships but also contributes to a broader discourse on mental health and the importance of self-awareness in navigating the complex terrain of interpersonal connections.

Please also review AIHCP’s behavioral health certifications, including its Christian Counseling Education Program.


A. Definition of narcissism

Narcissism is a complex psychological concept that has two main types: grandiose and vulnerable. These types greatly affect personal relationships, particularly in dating. Grandiose narcissism shows up as obvious self-importance, entitlement, and a commanding attitude. In contrast, vulnerable narcissism shows signs like insecurity and shyness (Joshua D Miller et al., 2017). This combination makes it hard to grasp how narcissistic people act in romantic relationships, which can often create emotional issues for their partners. Studies show that narcissism is a major factor in negative behaviors and also contributes a lot to poor relationship dynamics, like fights and unhappiness (Grijalva E et al., 2014). Therefore, understanding these types of narcissism is important for those dealing with narcissists in relationships, as being aware of these traits can aid in setting realistic expectations and dealing with the difficulties that arise in those relationships.


B. Overview of narcissistic traits

Understanding traits of narcissism is important for anyone involved with such people. Narcissists often mix confidence with sensitivity and have a strong need for approval from others, while showing little real care for others. Their charm and self-confidence can hide deeper arrogance and aggression, making interactions hard to interpret (A Sabah et al., 2024). Additionally, the home environment plays a key role in shaping narcissistic traits. Kids in narcissistic families often take on specific roles, leading to emotional abuse and favoritism among siblings. This upbringing creates a pattern of narcissistic behavior that continues through generations, making these traits common in adult relationships (Victor A Torres H, 2023). Therefore, identifying these traits is vital for spotting warning signs in romantic relationships with narcissists and grasping how they affect interactions.


C. Importance of understanding narcissism in relationships

Understanding narcissism is important for dealing with relationships, especially when dating a narcissist. Narcissistic people often have a love style that involves manipulation, driven by a desire for control and independence, which can lead to an unstable emotional situation for their partners (Craig A Foster et al., 2002). Spotting these patterns can help individuals notice warning signs early in their relationships and possibly reduce emotional damage. Additionally, from a feminist theory perspective, narcissism can show up as self-alienation, where people form relationships based on their own need for approval instead of a real connection (Lopes M et al., 2021). This perspective encourages individuals to look beyond the narcissist’s behaviors and examine the relationship dynamics that enable these harmful patterns. In the end, a thorough understanding of narcissism improves one’s capability to develop healthier and more satisfying relationships, emphasizing that awareness is essential for self-protection and personal development.


II. Recognizing the Signs of a Narcissist

It is important to recognize the signs of a narcissist. Please also review AIHCP’s Christian Counseling Training

Recognizing the signs of a narcissist is crucial, particularly within the context of dating, as these traits can significantly affect interpersonal dynamics and the quality of one’s emotional well-being. Narcissism often manifests in various harmful behaviors, such as a stark lack of empathy, an exaggerated sense of self-importance, and a pronounced tendency to exploit others purely for personal gain, placing their own needs above those of their partners. Individuals who display narcissistic tendencies may also exhibit forms of collective narcissism, a mindset in which they cling to a fragile self-concept that is overly reliant on the recognition, validation, and admiration they receive from others (Golec A de Zavala et al., 2019). As a partner, this can lead to a toxic relationship characterized by manipulation, emotional upheaval, and ongoing conflicts, as their needs often eclipse the needs of those around them. Additionally, the intricate power dynamics involved in a relationship with a narcissist are often influenced by factors such as the individual’s expectations of support from their partner, as well as the narcissist’s need for control and dominance (Donald C Hambrick et al., 2019). Understanding these destructive behaviors empowers individuals to evaluate their relationships critically, enabling them to discern healthy connections from toxic ones and thereby protect themselves from the emotional toll associated with narcissistic partners. By being aware of the signs and symptoms, one can better navigate the complexities of relationships to foster healthier, more fulfilling connections.


A. Common behavioral patterns of narcissists

Understanding the common behavioral patterns of narcissists is essential for those considering relationships with such individuals. Narcissists often exhibit traits of grandiosity and entitlement, which can lead to self-centered behaviors that significantly impact their partners and the dynamics of the relationship. According to research, there exists a distinction between grandiose and vulnerable narcissism, with grandiose individuals displaying overtly arrogant and domineering tendencies, while vulnerable narcissists may appear neurotic and insecure, yet exhibit similarly self-centered behaviors that can be just as damaging in interpersonal interactions (Joshua D Miller et al., 2017). These behaviors frequently manifest in social settings, where narcissists initially present themselves as charming and assertive individuals. However, their popularity tends to wane over time, largely due to their untrustworthy actions and aggressive rivalries, which often alienate others (Leckelt M et al., 2015). Initially appealing, their charisma may mask a deeper pattern of manipulation, emotional exploitation, and a blatant disregard for the feelings of others that ultimately becomes detrimental in a dating dynamic. The cycle of idealization followed by devaluation can leave partners feeling confused and emotionally drained. Recognizing these patterns is crucial, as it can empower partners to set boundaries, maintain their self-esteem, and make informed decisions about their relationships. Additionally, understanding the underlying motivations driving narcissistic behavior can provide insight into how to navigate interactions with these individuals, enabling healthier relationship choices moving forward.


B. Emotional manipulation tactics used by narcissists

Narcissists use emotional manipulation tricks that can really change how people relate to each other in a relationship, often making their partners feel lost and worn out. These people skillfully apply methods like gaslighting, love bombing, and the silent treatment to dominate and keep an image of being better than others. Gaslighting makes the victim question their reality, leading to self-doubt and a need for the narcissist’s approval. Love bombing brings in a strong feeling of affection and attention at first, tricking the partner into feeling safe. Plus, narcissists easily switch from giving affection to pulling away, using the silent treatment as a way to punish. Although they can show some understanding of others’ feelings, they mainly use this ability to control people rather than to really connect, which shows they are mainly focused on their own interests ((Syropoulos S et al., 2023); (Duradoni M et al., 2023)). Knowing these tactics is very important for people dealing with these difficult relationships, as being aware can help them take back their independence.


C. The impact of narcissism on relationship dynamics

Narcissism changes how relationships work, creating problems that can trap partners in harmful ways of interacting. People with narcissistic traits often care more about their own image and validation than their partner’s needs, causing an imbalance marked by manipulation and emotional instability. This self-focused behavior can lead to the dark triad of personality traits—narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy—which hinder healthy communication and emotional give-and-take in the relationship (Linda D Hollebeek et al., 2022). Additionally, social media makes these issues worse, as it can enhance narcissistic actions and create competitive environments that favor shallow validation. These situations may cause partners to experience fear of missing out (FoMO), increasing insecurities and dissatisfaction, which deteriorate overall relationship quality (Tandon A et al., 2021). Therefore, dealing with a narcissist in a relationship needs greater awareness and emotional strength to reduce these harmful effects.


III. The Psychological Effects of Dating a Narcissist

The toll of dating a narcissist can be highly emotional on the other person

Dating a narcissist can lead to a profound array of psychological effects on the partner, often leaving deep, long-lasting scars that take time to heal. Initially, victims may be captivated by the charm and attention that narcissists exude, but this early affection often quickly devolves into manipulation and emotional abuse, creating an environment ripe for anxiety and depression. As the relationship progresses, victims frequently experience a significant decline in self-esteem, as their self-worth becomes dangerously intertwined with their partner’s ever-fluctuating approval. This emotional volatility can evoke a range of distressing feelings that mimic the emotional turmoil often seen in other traumatic experiences, drawing parallels to grief-related responses observed in individuals enduring heightened stressors, such as during the COVID-19 pandemic, where profound loss can exacerbate existing psychological pain (Reitsma L et al., 2023). Furthermore, the insidious and unpredictable nature of narcissistic behavior can lead to prolonged feelings of confusion and a troubling sense of identity loss, echoing psychological symptoms that are often associated with obsessive-compulsive tendencies (Terence H W Ching et al., 2024). Victims may find themselves second-guessing their perceptions and realities, which can further distort their sense of self. Without clear intervention or therapeutic support, the cycle of emotional turmoil may perpetuate, leading to potential long-term mental health issues, including chronic anxiety, depression, and an ongoing struggle with self-identity that can linger long after the relationship has ended. The journey to recovery from such an experience often demands patience, reflection, and sometimes professional guidance to rebuild one’s life and self-esteem.


A. Emotional toll on the partner

Dating a narcissist can impose a profound emotional toll on partners, leading to feelings of confusion, low self-worth, and emotional instability that can persist long after the relationship has ended. The cycle of idealization followed by devaluation creates a turbulent environment that undermines the partner’s mental health and contributes to a pervasive sense of uncertainty. Constant fluctuations in affection and attention can lead partners to question their reality and self-perception, resulting in a diminishing sense of personal identity that is difficult to restore. This instability makes it challenging for them to cultivate healthy relationships in the future, as trust issues and anxiety about being valued can seep into their interactions with others. Moreover, the emotional manipulation often employed by narcissists can manifest in behaviors that resemble intimate partner violence, which not only causes psychological harm but can also lead to physical repercussions in severe cases. Studies analyzing stress and its impact on relationships have shown that this manipulation leaves lasting scars, illustrating the deep psychological wounds inflicted on those involved. For instance, considerable research highlights the correlation between stressful events—such as political turmoil or personal crises—and increased aggression in relationships (C Collins S, 2023). This further emphasizes the notion that the emotional strain is not merely temporary but can have long-lasting effects. It is crucial for individuals involved with narcissists to recognize these damaging dynamics, as they may need to seek support or intervention to reclaim their emotional well-being and navigate the complexities of such a toxic relationship effectively. Building awareness and seeking help can be the first steps toward healing and rediscovery of one’s true self, free from the shadows of manipulation.


B. Long-term psychological consequences

The long-term mental effects of dating a narcissist can be deep and varied, often showing up as lower self-esteem and ongoing anxiety. Relationships with narcissistic people form a special environment marked by manipulation and emotional neglect, which causes partners to internalize feelings of unworthiness and self-doubt. This situation fits with the idea that women might internalize systemic inferiority, as seen in feminist views on alienation related to narcissism, where individuals see themselves as both the subject and target of their lives (Lopes M et al., 2021). Additionally, the evidence linking narcissism to a game-like approach to love shows how these relationships can block real emotional connections and commitment, making feelings of loneliness and rejection worse (Craig A Foster et al., 2002). Over time, these mental wounds can stop personal development and satisfaction, leaving people struggling to regain their identity and emotional balance after the relationship.


C. The cycle of abuse and its effects

The cycle of abuse from narcissistic partners usually shows as a complicated mix of manipulation, lack of emotional support, and mental confusion, which deeply hurts those involved. Girls who grow up with narcissistic mothers often find it hard to feel good about themselves and to set boundaries, which affects their future relationships. This pattern is found in the study by (Shiri-Horowitz R, 2021), which says that daughters of narcissistic mothers have a tough time escaping their roles in the family, resulting in a deep sense of being not good enough. When these women start dating, they might unknowingly repeat the emotional abuse they experienced as children, accepting and normalizing harmful behavior. Furthermore, (Becky F Antle et al., 2020) notes that teens who see domestic violence are likely to be more tolerant of abusive behavior in their own dating lives. Therefore, the hidden nature of this cycle of abuse not only causes lasting trauma but also makes it very hard to build healthy and satisfying relationships.


IV. Strategies for Coping and Healing

Dealing with the aftermath of a relationship with a narcissist requires good ways to cope and heal so one can get back their sense of self and emotional health. One helpful method is to set clear boundaries, which not only keeps the person safe from more manipulation but also helps regain personal control. Going to therapy or support groups can help people share their stories and work through their trauma in a safe space. Also, practicing mindfulness and self-care can boost resilience, helping someone reconnect with their natural strengths and values. Recent studies show that people with dark traits, like narcissism, often use ghosting to end relationships without thinking about the emotional effects (cite23). Therefore, recognizing these patterns can help individuals heal and move forward. In the end, building a supportive network and developing self-kindness are essential to the healing process after the challenges of dating a narcissist.


A. Setting boundaries with a narcissistic partner

Establishing boundaries is essential when navigating a relationship with a narcissistic partner, as it helps mitigate the potential emotional abuse that often accompanies these dynamics. Individuals involved with narcissists frequently experience significant psychological distress stemming from manipulation and emotional turmoil, which underscores the necessity of having clear boundaries established to protect one’s mental well-being. Research has highlighted that those with narcissistic traits can create environments rife with emotional abuse, causing partners to grapple with evolving self-views and cyclical patterns of attachment and detachment that can be both bewildering and exhausting (Knott et al., 2023). Effective boundary-setting not only empowers individuals to reclaim their autonomy but also fosters healthier relational interactions overall, providing a critical buffer against the often erratic and unpredictable behaviors exhibited by narcissistic partners. Moreover, these boundaries serve as a robust framework for personal recovery and growth, enabling individuals to process their diverse experiences within the relationship more effectively and cultivate valuable insights that may contribute to long-term healing and resilience (Knott et al., 2023). It is important to recognize that creating and maintaining these boundaries is not merely an act of self-preservation but a vital component for the overall well-being of anyone involved with a narcissistic partner. By firmly establishing what is acceptable and what is not, individuals can help ensure that their emotional needs are acknowledged and respected, paving the way for healthier interactions or, if necessary, facilitating a departure from an unconstructive dynamic altogether. In essence, setting boundaries is a critical step towards empowerment, fostering self-respect, and ultimately reclaiming one’s sense of agency in the relationship.


B. Seeking support from friends and professionals

Dealing with a relationship with a narcissist can be very hard emotionally and can hurt your mind, so getting help from friends and professionals is very important. Friends can give vital emotional support, giving understanding and approval that a narcissistic partner often does not. But, it is key to know that not all friends are ready to deal with the tricky problems of these kinds of relationships; this makes professional help very important. Mental health experts can provide people with good ways to cope and tools for healing. Research shows that people with personality disorders often deal with judgment, which can stop them from getting the help they need during mediation ((Berstein et al., 2024)). Also, the effects of psychological harm caused by a narcissistic partner can be serious, requiring professional help to deal with these hidden wounds and support healing ((Șerban et al., 2023)). Therefore, having both social and professional support is crucial for recovery.


C. Developing self-esteem and self-worth

Dealing with a relationship with a narcissist can really hurt a person’s self-esteem and sense of self-worth. These kinds of relationships often create a messed-up view of oneself, as narcissistic partners may use manipulation, put-downs, and gaslighting to keep control, causing their partners to feel less valuable. This damage to self-esteem gets worse due to common traits of narcissism, like a lack of empathy and a strong need for validation, which lead to a harmful situation where real emotional support is missing (Joshua D Miller et al., 2017). Using self-determination theory (SDT) can help explain how autonomy and competence are weakened in these relationships, showing the need for a caring and supportive environment to rebuild self-worth. So, it’s very important for anyone coming out of such a harmful relationship to work on fixing their self-esteem (Richard M Ryan et al., 2018).


V. Conclusion

Narcissism can play a devastating role on a relationship. Please also review AIHCP’s behavioral health certifications as well as its Christian Counseling Certification

In conclusion, dating a narcissist presents a complex interplay of psychological dynamics that can significantly impact one’s emotional and mental well-being in profound ways. As evidenced by recent studies, while subclinical narcissism may be linked to certain adaptive advantages such as resilience and mental toughness, it is crucial to recognize the potentially detrimental effects on interpersonal relationships that can arise over time. Specifically, the traits associated with narcissism often lead to manipulative behavior, an alarming lack of empathy, and difficulties in sustaining healthy connections with partners, friends, and even family members. Furthermore, understanding the dual nature of narcissism can elucidate how individuals with these traits may experience both higher ambitions and increased risk-taking. However, this drive for achievement often comes at the cost of stable and meaningful relationships, further complicating social interactions. Those who engage with narcissists may find themselves entangled in a web of emotional highs and lows, ultimately struggling with relationship stability and facing ethical dilemmas in social exchanges (Zsolt Péter Szabó et al., 2021), (Liu D et al., 2021). Therefore, individuals engaging in relationships with those exhibiting narcissistic tendencies must navigate these complexities with awareness and caution, emphasizing the importance of emotional intelligence and self-care. This dual approach not only helps in recognizing harmful patterns but also promotes healthier dynamics that can lead to more fulfilling relationships, making it essential for those involved to prioritize their mental health and set appropriate boundaries where necessary.


A. Recap of key points discussed

To sum up, the talk about dating a narcissist has shown some important points about these relationships. First, it is important to know that narcissists can be very charming and likable, which can hide their manipulative behavior. This can create a back-and-forth cycle of putting someone on a pedestal and then tearing them down, causing emotional distress for the other person. Traits commonly seen in narcissists, such as not caring about others’ feelings and needing constant praise, also make it hard to maintain stable relationships. Additionally, being involved with a narcissist can lead to feelings of worthlessness and confusion about one’s own reality (C Manzo et al., 2024). Therefore, spotting these patterns is crucial for anyone who is thinking about or is already in a relationship with a narcissist, as it can aid in making better choices for their emotional health and personal boundaries (A V Martynenko et al., 2024).


B. The importance of awareness and education

Awareness and learning are key in dealing with the problems that come with dating someone who is a narcissist. They help people see unhealthy relationship patterns and understand the psychological effects involved. When people have a better grasp of narcissism and how it shows up, they can spot warning signs in their partner’s behavior more easily. This early detection reduces the emotional and psychological pain that often comes with narcissistic relationships, highlighting the need for programs to educate potential partners about narcissistic traits and what happens if they get involved. Additionally, education supports the creation of healthy relationship norms and helps individuals build the skills needed for setting boundaries and maintaining self-respect. For example, programs focused on emotional intelligence and self-awareness can change how people view relationships, making them less likely to be manipulated. Relevant research indicates that community awareness campaigns are vital, suggesting that specific interventions can help people build resilience and improve their mental health ((Paul J R Valera et al., 2024), (R Aboutorabi, 2024)).


C. Encouragement for those in or leaving such relationships

Dealing with a narcissist in a relationship can be confusing and tiring, often making people feel alone or worthless. It’s important for individuals in these situations to see their own worth and recognize that a better future is possible. Ending a relationship with a narcissist takes a lot of bravery because it means facing emotional manipulation and taking back one’s identity. Having support from friends, family, or therapists can give necessary help and reassurance, helping to build strength and confidence. For those thinking about leaving, it’s important to know that getting away from harmful situations is possible and can lead to personal development. As people start to rebuild their lives, focusing on self-care and developing healthy relationships can improve self-esteem and emotional well-being. In the end, moving on from a narcissistic partner is not just a conclusion, but a new start towards a more rewarding and true life.

Please also review AIHCP’s numerous behavioral health certifications for professionals, including Grief Counseling but also Christian Counseling Training. Please click here


  • Revital Shiri-Horowitz (2021). Challenging the Narcissistic Mother: About narcissistic mothers and their daughters in the stories. International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences.
  • Becky F. Antle, E. Karam, Anita P. Barbee, D. Sullivan, Amanda Minogue, Amanda Glover (2020). Intergenerational Transmission of Intimate Partner Violence and Its Impact on Adolescent Relationship Attitudes: A Qualitative Study. Volume(25), 1 – 21. Journal of Loss and Trauma.
  • A. Sabah, Musheer A. Aljaberi, Salima Hamouda, Djamila Benamour, Keltoum Gadja, Yu-Chen Lai, Chuan-Yin Fang, et al. (2024). Psychometric characteristics of the Narcissistic Admiration and Rivalry Questionnaire (NARQ): Arabic version. Volume(12). PeerJ.
  • Victor A. Hurtado Torres (2023). Multigenerational Clinical History of a Family with Several Members Carrying Narcissistic Personality Disorder. International Journal of Social Science and Human Research.
  • Melo Lopes, Filipa (2021). ‘Half Victim, Half Accomplice’: Cat Person and Narcissism.
  • Craig A. Foster, Eli J. Finkel, W. Keith Campbell (2002). Does self-love lead to love for others?: A story of narcissistic game playing..
  • Terence H. W. Ching, Lucia Amoroso, Calvin Bohner, Elizabeth D’Amico, Jeffrey A. Eilbott, Tara Entezar, Madison Fitzpatrick, et al. (2024). Safety, feasibility, tolerability, and clinical effects of repeated psilocybin dosing combined with non-directive support in the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder: protocol for a randomized, waitlist-controlled trial with blinded ratings. Volume(14). Frontiers in Psychiatry.
  • Lyanne Reitsma, C. Killikelly, Heidi Müller, L. Larsen, P. Boelen, L. Lenferink (2023). Prevalence and correlates of positive and negative psychological effects of bereavement due to COVID-19: A living systematic review. F1000Research.
  • Joshua D. Miller, Donald R. Lynam, Courtland S. Hyatt, W. Keith Campbell (2017). Controversies in Narcissism. Volume(13), 291-315. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology.
  • Emily Grijalva, Daniel A. Newman (2014). Narcissism and Counterproductive Work Behavior (<scp>CWB</scp>): Meta‐Analysis and Consideration of Collectivist Culture, Big Five Personality, and Narcissism’s Facet Structure. Volume(64), 93-126. Applied Psychology.
  • Linda D. Hollebeek, David E. Sprott, Sigitas Urbonavičius, Valdimar Sigurðsson, Moira Clark, Rein Riisalu, Dale L. Smith (2022). Beyond the Big Five: The effect of machiavellian, narcissistic, and psychopathic personality traits on stakeholder engagement. Volume(39), 1230-1243. Psychology and Marketing.
  • Anushree Tandon, Amandeep Dhir, Nazrul Islam, Shalini Talwar, Matti Mäntymäki (2021). Psychological and behavioral outcomes of social media-induced fear of missing out at the workplace. Volume(136), 186-197. Journal of Business Research.
  • Zsolt Péter Szabó, Ágota Kun, Blanka Erzsébet Balogh, Evelin Simon, Tekla Csike (2021). Dark and Strong?! The associations between dark personality traits, mental toughness and resilience in Hungarian student, employee, leader, and military samples. Volume(186), 111339-111339. Personality and Individual Differences.
  • Dege Liu, Ting Zhu, Xiao-Jun Huang, Mansi Wang, Man Huang (2021). Narcissism and Entrepreneurship: A Systematic Review and an Agenda for Future Research. Volume(12). Frontiers in Psychology.
  • John Paul R. Valera, Kayvee Mae D. J. Castillo, Crystel May B. Mendez, Eleonor R. Basilio (2024). Evaluating Awareness and Practices in Household Wastewater Management in Riverside Dwellers: Implications for Policy and Education. International Journal of Environment, Engineering and Education.
  • R. Aboutorabi (2024). The Implications of Attunement and Understanding on Heidegger’s Viewpoint in Education. Education Journal.
  • Richard M. Ryan, Bart Soenens, Maarten Vansteenkiste (2018). Reflections on self‐determination theory as an organizing framework for personality psychology: Interfaces, integrations, issues, and unfinished business. Volume(87), 115-145. Journal of Personality.

Christian Counseling Training Video on Theistic Evolution

An interesting debate within Christianity is if evolution has a place within the creation process of God.  Was creation ex nihil or was it through a process designed by God.  Creationism or Theistic evolution presents an interesting debate that looks at how Christians interpret Scripture literally and allegorically as well as the role of science and faith.   The video below looks at the debate more in depth.

Please also review AIHCP’s Christian Counseling Training and see if it meets your academic and professional needs.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Christian Counseling.


Please also review the video below

Christian Counseling Training Video on Conflict Resolution

In counseling there are many ways to help individuals find conflict resolution.  Conflict resolution is key to helping groups come together and find solutions.

Please also review AIHCP’s Christian Counseling Training and see if it meets your academic and professional needs.   The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification

Christian Counseling Training Article on Martin Luther King Jr and Ignatian Spirituality

The spirituality of great men and women guide them. It allows them to pour out the inner grace God has given them and share it with the world.  St Ignatius Loyola was one such visionary who dived deep within to ultimately pour back out to all.  Martin Luther King Jr shared very similar views as St Ignatius, in how he looked to find Christ in everyone.  Like St Ignatius, he looked to give service to humanity through love of Christ.

Ignation spirituality and Martin Luther King Jr vision of giving to the world are very similar. Please also review AIHCP’s Christian Counseling Training


This ultimately led to a social platform of peace, love and equality.  The same teachings of St Ignatius that was handed down originally from Jesus Christ.

The article, “The Jesuit Spirituality of Martin Luther King Jr.” by Marcia Chatelin looks deeper at the comparisons of both these great men in their love of Christ and search of social justice.  A social justice that is both a hallmark of Martin Luther King Jr. as well as the Jesuit Order.  The article states,

“We are able to return to King’s writings and speeches, and when paired with a review of the Spiritual Exercises, we can sharpen our gaze and our resolve to do justice to these compatible visions. Both provide us inspiration in seemingly opposite models, which are both necessary to identify and repair our fractured world: Ignatius’ mystic experience and King’s most humble revelations of faith; Ignatius’ great emptying of ego while alone and King’s luminous spirit in front of many”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review AIHCP’s Christian Counseling Training and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four certification in Christian Counseling.

Christian Counseling Training Article on Christianity and the Good Citizen

Christ’s famous words, “give unto Caesar what is for Caesar and give unto God what is for God” was important clarification to Christians on how to be good citizens.  Christ knew His Kingdom was not of this world but He also knew that Christians live in the temporal world.  Under such conditions, certain things must be given to God for spiritual salvation, but there were also duties to give to lawful authority.

The Christian citizen is thus not only brining the joy of the good news to the world, but also existing within society, obeying its laws and contributing not only at a spiritual level but also at a social level.  Christians share their many talents with their community and nation and serve as examples of good moral character while obeying and serving their nation.  Whether it is as mere citizen or political post, a Christian is meant to obey law and represent just cause within society.

What does it mean to be a good Christian citizen? How can one balance duties to the state and the faith? Please also review AIHCP’s Christian Counseling Training Program


A good Christian citizen while obeying just law and serving as a good civic and moral example also pushes for just and good social reforms through the proper legal and peaceful channels.  The good Christian protects the rights of others, opposes unjust laws that discriminate and impose suffering on others and protect the right of the weak.  Obviously abortion is a key issue here in regards to an unjust law that must be opposed through civic and legal discourse.  Those who take upon public office have a dual duty to both their faith and state.  While they cannot allow religious based ideals to overwhelm those who believe differently, Christian political leaders must adhere to the moral natural law in all legislation.   Those who break from those fundamental truths that bind all humanity, for the sake of secular glorification, fail both their duties as a statesperson and Christian.  Again this is why all Christian political leaders MUST oppose abortion legislation and denounce it for the evil it is.

A Christian hence is called to represent Christ in the nation and promote social morality.  This is done through voting according to conscience based on Christian ideals and also by supporting and promoting social justice to all.  While Christians may disagree with current social laws, they promote change to truth through peaceful measures that reflect the example of Christ.  Christian citizens also stand up against anti religious laws that look to remove reference of God to society.  The constant attack of atheism is found in society and this atheism looks to remove the freedoms and expressions of God in the public square.  The Christian citizen is called to peacefully battle this insult to God.

A good Christian citizen will also avoid extremism and nationalism.  Christian citizens will promote love of country and patriotism, but they will not support nationalistic values that place value over others of different race or creed.  In a pluralistic society, Christians while promoting the teachings of Christ, nonetheless, respect the values and opinions of others.  They do not look to force the teachings of Christ on others, but look to gently teach by word and example.

A Christian citizen however never places civic duty over the duty to God.  When the state over steps its boundaries, like Christians who endured death centuries before and in communist nations today, the Christian citizen stands up for religious freedom and the teachings of Christ at the expense of even one’s own life.  This is an unfortunate reality for many nations under communist control who denounce religious freedom and expression of one’s own personal worship.  In these cases, the Christian is called to duty to God first and overthrow of the evil government.

There should never be a conflict between being a good citizen and a good Christian in a democracy and just republic.  When balance is given to both, Christianity can flourish and add to the value of the secular state by producing good citizens that respect law and the social needs of others.

Love of nation is never a bad thing.  In fact, it is a prerequisite of any good person.  It places the love of neighbor over oneself which is a central teaching of the faith.  Christian citizens hence are always willing to sacrifice for their home and fellow citizen.

If you would like to learn more about Christian Counseling or would like to become a certified Christian Counselor, then please review the program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and designed for qualified professional seeking a four year certification in Christian Counseling.

Christian Counseling Training Article on Pastoral Burnout

Pastors, Priests, Ministers and Pastoral Caregivers can all face burnout. It is human nature to burnout if over worked, or bombarded with other needs.  It is important to also care for oneself and ensure enough sleep, rest and spiritual retreat is given.  It is also important to identify signs of burnout and how to properly deal with it.  God’s grace can go a long way but our human bodies need an occasional spiritual and physical retreat.

Many pastors, minister or priests face burnout but keep pushing themselves. Please also review our Christian Counseling Training Program

Pastors need time to heal.  They also need their own spiritual advisors to help guide them through it.

Please also review our Christian Counseling Training Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.

Christian Counseling Training Article on Disaster, Plague and Faith

Whenever evil, plague, war, death and disaster befall society, various reactions emerge spiritually within the community; From the secular atheist, a cynical mocking of the all good God; From the doubting faithful, a existential dilemma of faith and reason; From the faithful, a twofold reaction, one of faith supplied with reason and prayer, and the other, fueled with a faith devoid of reason and careless actions.

The primary and first question deals with evil and a good God.  The cynical atheist will mock the faithful for believing in a God that allows disaster and plague to befall creation.   The atheist will offer a false two fold conclusion that either God is not all good to permit evil, or not all powerful to prevent it.   What is being ignored is the fundamental fact that humanity through its own choice lives in a fallen world.  Free will chooses evil, not God.   The price of being autonomous is evil.  It is something that God in his all omniscient mind found well worth the price of evil.   The price for His sentient life forms to choose good or evil.

God’s gift of free will to humanity is the source of evil. God did not create evil, but evil is an absence of good and the choice of sentient life.


This choice of free will plays a key role why evil exists.   God did not create evil nor does He will it, nor does he not have the ability to control it.  God permits it for a greater cause, humanity’s autonomy and overall eternal life outside the temporal world.   While this does not address the day to day hardships of disaster and plague, it does illuminate a path beyond this valley of tears.

In Christianity, God does not abandon His creation.  Instead, God Himself, takes upon human nature, binding to His Divinity the the Person-hood of Jesus Christ.  Jesus accepts the cold of the temporal world and opens Himself to the pains of disaster and plague.  Jesus allows Himself to be the sacrifice for all sin and bears its ugly face, but before that, He also endured the pains of this world and the suffering of loss, grief, death and tragedy.

Jesus shows that God did not abandon His people but accepted suffering, grief and evil to His very death as the price of sin. He serves as an example and not a distant echo from a far away throne


Christianity presents an excellent answer to the problem of evil.  It presents a God, who does not watch from a distant throne, but one who enters into the human condition and suffers with His creation as an act of free will and love.

While this question will not answer the disbelief of an atheist it at least answers the supposed riddle of a good God and evil.  God is clearly good and His reason for permitting evil is clearly understood.

The doubting faithful represent the second response to spirituality and disaster and plague.  The doubting faithful question why God permits them to suffer.  Some may understand the theological response listed above, while others may not, but the doubting faithful, begin to doubt God Himself, His existence, and even their own faith.  When plague or disaster strikes humanity, they wonder if God is there or if even God can hear their prayers.

They doubt the value of prayer.  They begin to doubt if God can perform a miracle and save others from disaster.   They question their prayer’s worth.  Why pray if God will not act?  The doubting faithful see prayer as a contract not a covenant.  If prayer is not answered, then either God is not there or their prayer is insufficient.  This leads to a poor understanding of suffering and grief in Christian spirituality.

Prayer when offered as petition definitely has a request but when the end of that request becomes the only driving spiritual force then the prayer is open to only one’s will and not God’s will.   One should pray with the fervent attitude of deliverance, but if that physical deliverance does not come, one should not doubt God’s presence or one’s lack of  one’s own spirituality.  Instead, prayer while seeking one’s desired end, should also seek God’s end. It may seek conclusion but must be open to a conclusion that is not what one desires.  Prayer must seek God’s presence to help carry one through grief, disaster and plague, whether cure or deliverance is given or not.


Prayer is covenant not contract. One must be open to God’s will. Miracles can happen but they do not always occur


If a prayer is not answered according to one’s will, it does not mean God cannot perform miracles, or that God does not care, but it means that God has a different path and will than one’s own.  One must instead believe that God knows best despite the suffering.  One must instead, imitate Christ, who accepted the Father’s will even if it meant His own death.  One may rejoice in the miracles that can occur, but if they do not, one must rejoice silently in God’s plan, no matter how painful or confusing it may be.

Ultimately, the spiritually doubtful, must re-evaluate their own spiritual life and the true essence of prayer, if they wish to understand why God answers and not answers some prayers.

Finally, in disaster and plague, one can see the two responses from the faithful whose faith is not suppressed but strengthened in times of chaos.   The first response is one of prayer and reason.  The second, is a prayer and faith devoid of reason and careless action.

The first response is the response of the church faithful.  It understands the theology of good and evil, one’s role in it and the role God plays in answering prayer.  The faithful pray in covenant with God, knowing that God will always be present physically and spiritually in their lives.  The faithful believe miracles can happen but are also prepared to suffer and offer suffering through Christ to God the Father.  They are willing to prayer but are also equally willing to carry their cross.

The second response though is devoid of reason.  It challenges reason and in many ways tests God.   Like those who handle serpents as a testimony of faith, these individuals will disregard precautions in time of plague in the name of faith.  They will congregate together in Jesus name despite a contagious virus and will question the faith of others for believing bad things can happen.   While the bible and church history is full of stories of God preserving individuals from illness or disaster, there are also equally many stories of disaster.

While it is possible that during reception of communion that Christ would preserve a person from a contagious virus, it is also possible that the virus still could infect.  This is based on multiple issues regarding the person’s spiritual state but also the will of God.  It is unadvised to tempt God unless God Himself has appeared to oneself.  To boldly take dangerous actions within the spiritual community is not only unsafe and illogical but also not Christ centered.

In some cases, one has seen saints survive disease in care of others, while in other cases, history has witnessed saints who have died for those they cared for.   Hence, acts of faith against logic and reason cannot be presumed to be immune to natural consequences.   Yes, God can miraculously prevent the transmission of a virus during Communion, but it does not necessarily happen.  This is why in times of plague, the Church while optimistic, always errors on the side of caution.  Services, masses and gatherings are closed during times of plague because the Church does not wish to tempt God.  This is not a lack of faith.  If God so chose to command faith, He would, but if He does not, following reason and safety in no way invalidates faith.

Instead, God expects obedience.  Obedience to ecclesiastical and civil authority over one’s own ideas.

In times of disaster and plague, we must focus on Christ to walk with us. Please also review our Christian Counseling Training Program


Hence, prayer and reason is the proper response to any disaster or plague.  It is measured with faith and believes in miracles but it is also measured with reason and obedient to authority in time of crisis and disaster.  Prayer in times of crisis is not a useless endeavor but carries great merit and can produce great things, but ultimately is tied to the will of God and not one’s own will.  It is a prayer of covenant and not contract that seeks to imitate Christ.

Bad things can happen to the most devout, even in one’s most deepest prayer, so one should not take heart that one’s prayer was not answered. Instead, one should understand that like Christ, miracles can occur, but when they do not,  one must be ready to suffer like one’s Master.   Christ suffered, He grieved and He offered His will to the Father.  Christians and followers of Christ are asked to accept no less.  The world denounced Christ and Christians can expect no less than their Master.

During disaster and plague, pray, pray and pray more.  Expect great things but also expect suffering if it is God’s will, but know no matter the outcome, Christ will be with the suffering in this fallen world.

If you would like to learn more about Christian Counseling Training, then please review the certification program offered through AIHCP.  The program is online and independent study and offers a four year certification for qualified professionals.



Christian Counseling Training Article on the Salvation of the Cross

The redemption by Christ is referred to in Theology as Soteriology.  Jesus’ death on the cross was the ultimate and perfect sacrifice which gave humanity a second change and a rebirth.  It opened the founts of heaven once again.  The blood of Christ energized the channels of grace to humanity. It reconnected the life of humanity with the Creator.

The historical incident, where the perfect man represented humanity as its high Priest, as a perfect sacrifice, being God as well, allowed humanity to repay the infinite debt of the sin of Adam.  Where Adam said no, Christ said yes.  Jesus hence offered reparation for our sins and brought humanity salvation.


Christ’s death and blood freed humanity from sin. Please also review our Christian Counseling Training and see if it meets your academic and professional goals


The article, “5 Ways the Death of Jesus Saves You” by Lesli White looks at how the death of Jesus plays a pivotal role in our salvation.  She states,

“To be saved, or born again is to accept the plan of salvation that Jesus offers us. In order to understand salvation, it’s imperative that we understand the death and resurrection of Christ which points to our salvation. The son of God was made human, and during His earthly life, he lived a perfect life, and died not because He wanted to but because we needed salvation”

To read the entire article, please click here

Hence the sacrifice of Christ was a necessity.  A sacrifice was needed.  One that was perfect and offered atonement for the infinite debt of sin.  Only a person could represent the offending party, but only a God could cover the infinite price.  The Second Person of the Blessed Trinity becoming man, or as scripture says, the Word became Flesh was the moment in history when God and man became unified in one person.  Two natures that existed in perfect harmony.

Through the Incarnation, humanity was open to redemption.  It is through Christ, and his mother Mary’s yes, that Adam and Eve’s curse was removed from the human race.  Through the fonts of Baptism which are fueled through the Blood of Christ, original sin would be removed from the world one person at a time.  Through one’s faith realized through Baptism, all are born again in Christ and put on Christ.

If you would like to learn more about theology or would like to learn how to become a Christian Counselor, then please review our Christian Counseling Training program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.


Christian Counseling Training Article on Christian Contentment

Materialistic society is always seeking for more or the very best and always concerned who has more or who has less.   This type of behavior is contrary to the Gospel and Christian values.

In the parable of the workers and their wage, Christ referred to a generous employer who paid a number of employees for a fair day’s work.  The project not nearing completion by mid-day required more work, so he hired additional workers to finish the job.   Upon payment, the initial workers harbored resentment to the employer for paying the fellow employees who worked only half the day the same wage.

This parable points to how people naturally are always looking at what others receive instead of being thankful for what they have or possess.  The natural inclination to want more or be envious of others possessions is a fruit of the society of materialism.

Materialism seeks to enhance one’s life without gratitude or spiritual enhancement and instead makes objects man’s final end.   This can only lead to disaster in a fallen world, where objects are far from infinite and can be stolen or taken away at any moment.

This false philosophy of materialism that seeks the object as the end itself fails to quest man’s search for complete happiness because it places man’s hope in false idols that cannot satisfy man’s deeper needs.   It also induces a misery upon those who prescribe to it.  Always looking what another person possesses or seeking more and more is quite a compulsive waste of energy that can only lead one down a path of unhappiness.

Christ, in his parable, rebuked the workers who complained to their employer about his kindness and generosity to others.  He reminded the disciples that people must be content with what they possess and be thankful for it to God.

Materialism eliminates any chance to be content or thankful in this life.  Its empty promises of possession never can fill the needs that drive man, but only diverts man from his true purpose and end with God.  When one seeks false ends of illusion, one will never find true happiness but only find despair and misery

If you would like to learn more about Christian Counseling training or would like to become a certified Christian Counselor, then please review our program and see if it matches your academic or professional needs.