Grief Counseling Certification Article on the Place of Anger in Grief

Anger plays a pivotal role in the grief process.  Kubler Ross places it as the second step in the grief process after denial.  Of course, steps and phases are not science, many experience anger first as well, or even later, but anger definitely plays a role in the process.  For some, this emotion is more present in a loss depending on one’s own particular emotional makeup or the facts surrounding the particular loss.  Someone who may lose a person to a drinking and driving accident may experience more anger than one who loses someone to natural causes.  Others who are naturally more angry with life may lash out regardless.  Hence the amount and degree of anger in the grief process varies.

Anger nonetheless if felt is an important emotional release.  If one feels angry over a loss, it is important to express that anger in a conducive and healthy way.  If one lets anger remain dormant and does not express it, then the grief process itself can stalled.  Grief Counselors should encourage all emotional expression to be exhibited in a safe and constructive way.

Anger is a natural part of grief. Grief Counselors should allow the bereaved to express it. Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Program, as well as its Anger Management Program


Here are some things to consider regarding the circumstances of anger during the grief cycle.  First, anger over injustice is very common.  If the loss was due to drunk driving, a malpractice case, a crime, a foreign attack, or a preventable accident, then anger usually expresses itself early.  Later the anger is turned into social reform or the seeking of justice.  In the recent deaths of  George Floyd, we see constructive anger over the death of Floyd put to societal change and police reform.  Second, anger over personal difficult relationships occur.  A death can result in anger if the person deceased was not always the best person.  An abusive spouse, or a conflicting individual can leave someone with guilt and anger.  Some cases of anger are completely due to the person being felt left behind or alone.  A struggling widow may have resentment to a husband who did not take his health seriously.  Or in some cases, individuals may have resentment in how the person died.  Family members who have to deal with the fallout of a suicide victim, may feel resentment and anger as well.

In all these cases, it is important that anger is expressed properly and allowed to surface.   Anger itself is can damaging to someone who allows it to ferment within the soul.  It can lead to future issues and poor health.  Hence it is important for counselors to help it come out in individuals.  After the anger is released, individuals can then discover why they are angry and dismiss potential guilt issues or surrounding beliefs about the death of the individual.

Grief Counselors should also be aware that those in intense grief and experiencing anger lash out at others.  They displace their grief.  Displaced grief and anger is very common.  Those angry may lash out at a variety of things or persons.  In most instances, the person closest receive the emotional rage, but in other moments, counselors and friends may also experience the anger.  In some cases, God is a scapegoat for anger.  Those in intense grief can blame God for a loss and even begin to question their own faith and world views.

It is not uncommon for existential crisis and questioning of world views to occur for those suffering intense grief.  Meaning of life is questioned and anger at authority is common.  Those of faith usually rebound but the initial anger is part of their process of comprehending and experiencing the grief.  Grief Counselors in these cases do not enter into a logical or philosophical debate about their faith but instead patiently listen and allow the bereaved to express their anger at their faith, God, or world view.  After the person is able to better comprehend the true essence of his or her anger is one able to regain rationality.   Yet, still, this process is critical for many in the grief process.

Grief Counselors should never take personal attacks to heart. Instead they need to understand in their training the nature of displacement and how an individual sometimes utilizes anger in their pain.   Friends and family should also be patient with those who lash out in intense grief and not take emotional words personally.   Patients and love are key for the bereaved.   After emotion is permitted to display itself, then true healing and understanding can begin to occur, but the time has to be on the bereaved terms.

Grief requires expression. Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals


Anger hence is an important part of the grieving process.  It may be unpleasant but it has purpose towards healing.  It brings one ultimately to rationality and allows counselors to see the pain that may be preventing healing.  In many cases, anger is also healthy for social reform.

The American Academy of Grief Counseling offers a certification in Grief Counseling.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Grief Counseling.  If interested, please review the Grief Counseling Certification program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  Also, please review AIHCP’s Anger Management Consulting Program.  The program is based on similar grounds and is also open to qualified professionals.


Other resources

AIHCP’s video on Anger Management, please click here”

Grief and Sympathy article, “Anger Stage of Grief-It is Normal-How to Move on”, please click here



Anger Management and ADHD Consulting Article on ADHD and Anger

ADHD can enhance irritation.  People can be less patient, more irritable due to ADHD.  This is important to note especially with someone who may not know they have ADHD but always find themselves frustrated.  It may not be so much about irritability but ADHD.

Frustration from ADHD can leader to anger outbursts. Please also review AIHCP’s Anger and ADHD Consulting Programs


The article, “ADHD and Anger: What’s the Connection?” from Healthline looks closer at how anger can be enhanced through ADHD.  The article states,

“Irritability and ADHD appear to go hand in hand. In one recent studyTrusted Source involving 696 children with ADHD, 91 percent had at least one symptom of irritability. In this study, researchers found that irritability was associated with both anxiety and depression symptoms.”

To review the entire article, please click here

With such cases of irritation and moods from ADHD, anger can reduced with proper treatment of the ADHD.

Please also review AIHCP’s Anger Management Certification, as well as AIHCP’s ADHD Consulting Certification and see the programs meet any of your needs.  The programs are both online and independent study and are open to qualified professionals seeking four year certifications in Anger Management or ADHD Consulting.


Anger Management Training Program Article on Controlling Anger at Work

Anger can become a big issue at work.  It is important to keep work safe and not intimidating to others as well as protect oneself.  Anger however rarely listens to reason and it is important to be able to control anger, understand it and not allow it to interfere at work.

Anger at work is a big social problem. Please also review AIHCP’s Anger Management Training Program


The article, “How to manage your anger and frustration at work” by Nurhurda Syed explains why it is important to control anger at work and how to better cope with it.  The article states,

“It’s a difficult time to be a leader and it’s okay if things are starting to get to you, professionally or personally. The best way to manage your anger or frustration at work is through some self-awareness and honesty, said Maria Micha, a clinical mental health counsellor, psychiatrist and corporate trainer. If you feel like you’re losing grip of a situation at work, take the time to reflect on your life and the issues you’re handling.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review AIHCP’s Anger Management Training Program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Anger Management.


Anger Management Training Program Article on Positive Anger

Anger due to inappropriate reactions receives a negative connotation among emotions.  Anger in fact is a response to something that is dangerous or unfair or unjust.  It is a reaction that something is very wrong.  If anger is channeled properly, it is a useful tool.  If one can learn to become only angry in the right way, then it can be very beneficial and be stripped of its negative results.  Anger Management can play a key role in stripping anger of its negative results.

It is important to utilize anger in positive ways. Please also review our Anger Management Training Program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals


The article, “Anger Management: How to Get Angry the Right Way” by Gurudatta Somayaji H looks at how to become angry in a healthy way.  The article states,

“According to psychologists, anger is a normal emotion that always gets negative press. They view that anger is a sign of something which is not right and needs to be addressed quickly. When we take notice of that signal and rectify the problem, we’re usually much better for it. ”

To read the entire article, please click here

Anger Management can help many people who struggle with anger learn how to express it in healthy ways.  Please also review our Anger Management Training Program and see if it matches our academic and professional goals.



Anger Management Consulting Certification Article on Dr Conte Video

Anger can gain control over the best of people.  It is a natural emotion that is benign but can be utilized for both good and bad.  Unfortunately, anger is more misused and can cause profound problems for individual health and also social interaction.  Dr Conte, an Anger Specialist, and also an instructor at AIHCP offers five ways to curb and control anger.

Anger Management Consulting Certification program is offered by AIHCP and Dr Conte. Please review the program and see if it meets your needs


In the video, Dr Conte helps individuals learn how to control their rage and anger.

To review the video, “Five Keys to Controlling Anger”, please click here

Controlling anger is key in life.  If anger controls oneself, then it can lead to a life of stress, injured relations, and possibly crime.  It is essential to listen to the words of Dr Conte in controlling rage and anger.

Please also review our Anger Management Consulting Certification authored by Dr Conte and see how it can help yourself and others in managing anger.  The program is online and offered to qualified professionals seeking certification in the area of Anger Management.

Anger Management Consulting Article on Social Anger and Rage in Society

We live in an angry society.   Society is divided and angry.  Unhealthy ways of expressing emotion online, on social media and at rallies and events are becoming very common.   Anger and uncontrolled rage is also manifesting in domestic terrorist acts and school and public shootings.  The inability to control anger and rage is leading to multiple national tragedies and a continued unstable social environment for all of the United States.

Misused anger in the social sphere can lead to social unrest and rage.

This is not to say anger has not always existed and manifested in forms of rage in our society, but the particular modern climate is especially anger prone.  Reflection is needed on how we treat each other, respect each other and deal with social strife.   Anger inappropriately channeled is leading to tragedy after tragedy and to needless ruthless and cruel commentary between Americans.

One of the first aspects is the role of social media.  Social media despite its numerous advantages has become to many, a personal diary.  Instead of maintaining some sort of privacy, everyone feels the need to share one’s religious, political and social views.  Individuals without hesitation will impose their views on a thread on Facebook or Twitter, expecting all to agree.  Without the face to face social norms present, an individual is more likely to be rude or speak vulgarly inducing more angry interaction.

Misuse of social media is part of why society is so angry in the present day

This lack of a mental filter has led to countless outbursts of anger throughout one’s day and in far worst cases can lead to bullying as well as extreme reactions.   Everyone feels offended if their ideals are questioned and responds in ways social norms would reject.  Many fume for days over social media debates.  They allow it to alter their day and affect their interaction with individuals throughout the day.

A second element to the higher angry energy is politics.  Present day politics is more divisive than any time in American history since the Civil War.  Abortion, homosexual and transgender rights,  gun control, immigration, healthcare, and Democrat vs Republican idealogies can destroy a friendship.   The anger is so personal that other Americans demonize the other for being liberal or conservative.  When confronted by an opposing idea, Americans react in the most angry ways.  Whether at rallies or protests, Americans show the true division existing in the nation with the angry outbursts.

These political outbursts are also tied to social media, where everything is seen and instant reactions from any average Joe or Sue are shared with the viewing community.  It is in such a dangerous political environment that fringe extremist groups have re-emerged.  These unhinged groups, already exhibiting rage issues, utilize the political divide and role of social media to further propagate fear, hate and anger.

Individuals have become so attune to this type of social behavior that the loss of older values and social norms seems to be on the decline.  Respect of others, decent language and boundaries of social behavior are all being strained and tested.   Individuals feel justified in their anger and that their anger is righteous.  In this demonization of the other view, right and left, liberal or conservative, feel they are fighting a noble crusade.  They feel their anger and only their anger is justified.  They feel their unbridled passion and raw emotion are justified against the evil they face in society.

So in most cases, the anger running rampant is both untamed and erroneously seen as justified.  This is a very dangerous mix.

With such a chaotic environment, the unhinged and mentally unstable find refuge.  Whether an extremist group, hate group, or individual mentally ill person, all can find a spot to share views and ideas on the chaos.   This leads to more anger and violence.  The reactions of the mentally ill are especially alarming.   Shootings in public places have sky rocketed in the recent years.  There are shootings at schools, movies, malls, and public events.  Most of these shooters are mentally ill and have serious issues.  They possess a rage against society and an anger that has never been properly cured.   Instead they represent the outcasts of society and have turned their anger towards whatever perceived wrongs into manifestos.   The inability to help the mentally ill and abused and to teach them how to deal with anger in a healthy way is a big challenge and current failure of today’s society.

Hence anger and rage is something that needs to be dealt with.  It cannot be allowed to continue to go unbridled and without guard.   The sources of the anger can be minimized but there will always be chaos in the world.  There will always be something to be angry about.  How one controls that anger and properly channels it is the key.   The irritants must not be allowed to be completely blamed for society’s anger issue.  Instead, one must look at how they handle angry situations.

First and foremost it is OK to be angry.  It is how one handles anger and rage that is the key.   One should not bottle it up in a introvert style way nor release it carelessly.  Instead, one must learn despite the political divide, the mental instability, as well as the readiness of a social platform to learn to curb one’s emotion.  One must learn to control how one reacts.

It is OK to be angry, but how we channel anger is the key to a healthy and safe life style

This involves not allowing emotion to overtake and instantly allowing emotion to dictate the response but in such a complicated political environment it takes more.  It also after reflection demands a healthy and legal outlet for a justified anger.  It involves reacting within the norms of law and social graces that respect others.  It demands from politicians reasonable language that does not induce rage within his or her followers.  It demands a return to class.

Anger Management skills can play a large role.  Although Anger Management cannot help with mental illness and political divide, it can at least start helping the vast majority of the population in venting their anger in a healthy, productive and positive way.  It involves not only how one processes social injustice and how one expresses it, but also importantly how one reacts to others.   One must be able to process anger, express anger but also react to others who still exhibit immature or unhealthy angry behavior.

The American Institute of Health Care Professionals offers a certification in Anger Management Consulting.  This certification is meant to help train others in the process of teaching Anger Management.  While Anger Management is critical to everyday life, it is especially critical in such a volatile social environment.  Whether it is political, social or public, one can find oneself in a variety of anger situations merely at home, work or while traveling.  It is key to attempt to control anger in all phases of life.

Please review our Anger Management Consulting Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals. Utilizing anger properly is key to a better society

Anger is beneficial but it can also be dangerous if used improperly.  As a natural reaction, it is important to properly utilize it for not only public and personal safety, but also over health and long life.  If you interested in learning more about Anger Management Consulting then please review the program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.


Mark Moran, MA

Assistant Executive Director



Stress Management Consulting and Anger Management Article on The Deeper Understanding of Stress

Stress is a natural part of life.  Stress occurs daily but its universal impact is a subjective experience.  Many people succumb to stress and allow it to affect them while some are able to deal with stress and minimize its effects.  Some individuals respond as an extrovert, while others allow stress to eat them within as an introvert.   Some respond with rage, while others enter into isolation and depression.

Stress can originate from our daily schedule and the nature of one’s life.   If one understands his or her position in life and what comes with it, these natural stresses come less as a surprise.  Someone who commutes to New York City everyday, naturally expects the stress of heavy traffic and road rage scenarios.   While the stress is real and present, its effect is determined by the individual’s outlook on life and what he or she expects for that day.   The stress of this traffic can build over time but someone who has developed stress coping strategies can more effectively deal with the traffic and minimize its impact on daily life.

One can expect certain stresses on a daily and weekly life but how we handle unexpected stress and multiple stressors is key as well

The same is true for an individual who may work in a office.   One should expect numerous phone calls interrupting assignments, as well as multiple deadlines and potentially obnoxious co-workers.  These stresses while unpleasant are nevertheless expected stresses.   An individual who identifies stressors that are indigenous to one’s daily life will more successfully navigate the day and cope with the stresses that may confront them.

Likewise is the nature of one’s vocation in life.  Parents experience different stresses that single people never can imagine.  Parents are not only concerned with meeting the expectations of what need done in their own personal lives, but also must be concerned with the child’s needs.  Whether that stress is a crying baby, ensuring the children arrive at school, or take children to extracurricular activities, parents understand that certain stresses manifest throughout the day.  These potential stresses are certainly not foreign ideas that can emerge throughout the day but are sometimes expected or not entirely a surprise if they do occur.

Natural stresses that are part of one’s daily life are balanced to some extent.  They are expected.  One knows what to expect on Monday through Friday and what particular challenges come with those days.   The balancing act of coping with those stresses in a mild way and still managing the day is a very precarious balance though.   The degree of the stress or an unexpected stress can totally unravel one’s neatly planned day.  One may plan on heavy traffic on their way to the commute, but not be prepared for a fender bender.  One may be ready for the challenge to have all the children arrive to school on time, but not be ready to receive a call a from a teacher that your child skipped class or misbehaved.   These issues can unravel one already dealing with the everyday notion of stress.

One can identify stressors that are common and have a plan but when unexpected stressors occur, they can induce a panic, rage, or break down.   In addition to unplanned stress, multiple stressors can also play a role.   One may be fine with a rude honk from behind in traffic, but later, not be so fine with the person who cuts in front, or even later, the person at work who parks in one’s favorite spot.  Simply then add a spilled coffee on one’s favorite shirt and a lack of emotional control could emerge.   Certain singular stresses may be manageable but for many, multiple stressors, merely build up to a volcanic eruption.

So while individuals deal with natural stressors, they must also learn to deal with unexpected stressors and multiple stressors at once.   While one can expect certain stress to exist naturally within one’s day, one must be also able to cope with the unexpected and multiple issues that may appear uninvited on one’s schedule.

Life has order but it always does not keep to order.  This may be very difficult for an OCD person to accept but plans change.   One needs to have a plan, a set daily, weekly and monthly schedule, but stress, life itself and issues arise that deviate from anyone’s plan.   One can estimate what type of stress or difficulty may occur with a given project, day, or week, but to truly cope with stress, one must be ready to deviate from the path planned if necessary.

While life has general guideline, one can never plan completely without a few bumps and stresses in life. How one handles those detours is the key to living a physical and emotional healthy life

This goes beyond basic Anger Management and Stress Management which identifies issues that arise and teach trained responses to them, but goes a step even farther back basic recognition, and teaches expectations of not only the expected but unexpected as well.   One must be flexible in response and able to cope with new unexpected stressors in a better and healthy way.

Of course emotion is a key.  Emotion can be irrational and it can over react to stressors and various imperfections within one’s personality can emerge.   One truly must learn to know oneself, if one wishes to handle stress and anger on a given day.  This goes beyond expecting what stress goes with a day.  It goes beyond realizing that plans rarely go to plan.   It is even more than realizing that somedays are just bad days filled with multiple stresses at once.  It entails, one honestly examining one’s personality and identifying emotional responses to past stress and where personality defects exist within oneself.

This examination of self asks questions regarding oneself.  It asks if one is patient, if one is kind, if one is mature, if one is reserved as opposed to impatience, rudeness, immaturity and anger.  How we cope truly defines oneself.  One naturally likes to see the best of oneself.  One who rises to the occasion, controls emotion, and has intelligent responses to situations that are managed by reason not emotion, but this is not always the case.

A person who possesses these traits and is able to handle anger and stress is not only trained but also disciplined.  It probably did not occur by accident or over night, but was a skill that was painfully worked on everyday.  It was a virtue forged in fire, perfected over numerous falls and conscious restraint in stressful and angry situations.   Training one’s will and mind to respond a certain way that is not immature, rash, or angry is a difficult task.

So while it does ensue identifying stressors, preparation and expectation of the unexpected, it also revolves around spiritual and mental betterment.  It involves a conscious decision to change one’s response and emotional self to life situations.  It is a new spiritual outlook on life that accepts stress, not just daily stress, but every type of cross that may fall upon oneself.  It is a universal reaction to every situation that surrounds itself with patience, understanding, and kindness.

So Stress Management and Anger Management is more than just a few sessions of recorded response but is also a re-awakening of self to the world and how it works.  It is an acceptance of the temporal reality and how one is going to allow that reality to shape oneself.  One can go about as a crazed and AN unhealthy maniac reacting to stress in unhealthy and unsocial ways, or one can start to see the world in a less selfish way that puts others first and emphasizes vocation of life and giving back whatever troubles may occur from it.

Stress Management is more than a few key responses but also a change in life outlook. It is a spiritual awakening about the reality of life. Please also review our Stress Management Consulting Program

This giving back can be a spiritual one where everything is given to God, or for non religious, a giving back to society and its betterment.  If one is able to turn stress and how one reacts to it into a more positive spin, where one overcomes it and is able to make society better, or for religious and spiritually minded, offering to God, then one can truly start to see that all stress is natural to this world and no plan is concrete.   The plan that matters most is God or the universe’s plan and how one properly plays one’s role.

If one submits to the universal plan of life and starts seeing one’s unique role in the bigger picture, one can become more aware of reality and how stressors are merely noises taking one away from the bigger picture.  One needs to deal with stressors effectively.  In dealing effectively, one will experience a more calm, healthy, and quiet life.

Please also feel free to review AIHCP’s numerous certification programs in Stress Management Consulting, Anger Management Consulting and Spiritual, as well Christian Counseling Certifications.  These training programs can help anyone receive the training, and also information, to live and teach others a less stressful and angry way of living life.



Mark Moran, MA

Anger Management Consulting Program Article on Anger Issues

Anger is a natural human reaction.   Anger is not something evil in itself but still is something that can lead to many evil deeds.   Anger as a reaction to injustice promotes action which is good but when anger  disproportionately it can become true vice.

Anger as a vice can be seen when one loses rationality and reacts upon pure emotion.  The anger can be a reaction against injustice or the anger itself may be an injustice.  Regardless, when reason is absent, anger becomes a dangerous emotion.   If one reacts to a murder of a loved one in anger and revenge, the reaction is against an injustice but the reaction is guided by vengeance and hate.  Other times, one’s anger can be a reaction to nothing deserving of hatred.   Angry people abuse spouses, children and animals without even a reason.

Anger is an emotion we all deal with. It can either be useful and productive or unhealthy and dangerous

Anger is only truly virtuous when reason guides it with appropriate response and authority.  Anger can wake people up to social evils and also guide someone away from bad people.  In this anger is not a vice but a reaction and disgust of evil.   For Christians, Christ showed anger in the temple to the money lenders.  His reaction was just and proportionate and reasonable to the evil.

So in essence, anger can both be a good and bad reaction to things.  When properly tuned with reason, it can be a great emotion to help society overcome social ills.  It can help individuals avoid evil by the detest of the actions seen.   However, when anger becomes an unbridled passion, it can lead to multiple evils.  When it reacts without reason, it can lead people to abuse of others.  Anger can lead to domestic abuse, child abuse, animal abuse, fights, shootings and a barrage of other crimes.

More and more individuals are abused each other in relationships.  Physically, most reports deal with women being abused, but men are also abused physically but this is rarely reported.  Abuse is beyond physical, but anger can lead to also emotional abuse.  Emotional abuse may not have scars, but they devalue the human soul and can be devastating as well. (1)

Due to anger, domestic violence is a key health and criminal problem in the United States.  3 to 5 percent of adult relationships possess some type of domestic violence.  This only involves reported offenses.  Over 2 million women suffer from this and 800,000 men.  Women are more vulnerable to domestic violence from a physical perspective. (2)

Anger directs individuals in these cases of violence.  Whether it be children or spouses, anger that is uncontrolled leads to abuse.   The abuser is also very manipulative.   The abuser will blame the other person for the outburst.  The abuser will make the victim feel guilty.  The abuser will also seek silence from his victim.  Many victims, such as children and spouses, are financially tied to the abuser and have no way to escape.  Some from other cultures are tied to the abuse and become a perpetual victim.

Ultimately the pathology that causes the anger must be discovered.  Individuals convicted of abuse to family, children, friends and pets are usually forced to seek special help.  Many already possess drug problems or drinking issues, while others are in need of counseling for past abuse they faced.   Anger Management is also an effective treatment to help the individual learn to control his anger.

Abusers who are seeking treatment must learn to control the intense emotion of rage and direct it in a healthy and constructive way.  Anger techniques look to help others learn how to identify stress and other triggers that may cause an explosion of rage.  Some are able to identify triggers and are able to follow certain protocols to diffuse the anger or relinquish it in a non violent way.   Some are able to accomplish this, others are not and remain hostile individuals that need to be incarcerated.   Abuse, road rage, and other violent crimes are all fruits of uncontrolled anger.

Domestic abuse is a fruit of unchecked anger

Anger Management can help others learn to control and curb anger but it has to be ultimately the person who wishes to change one’s life and stop the cycle of abuse towards others.  Controlling one’s temper is the first step.  In fact, anger can eat at many non violent abusers.  Many suffer from anger outbursts with no abuse.  Some may throw a glass vase, or punch a wall.  These physical manifestations of anger on a consistent basis are signs of concern.

Those who merely yell or scream or restrain most of the anger within are still at high risk.  Anger that is not allowed to escape in a healthy fashion can cause numerous health issues, including high blood pressure, as well as heart attack.   Anger can also play a role in causing a stroke.  Studies show that anger has multiple short term but also long term negative health effects on the body.  So even if not an abuser, or violent person, anger needs to be controlled. (3)

So is anger a bad thing?  It is most definitely not as we have shown. It can expose evil and promote healthy action, but when anger is misused, it can cause harm to others we love and care for, and lead to multiple cases of domestic abuse and other dangerous crimes.  Yet anger is also a health risk for non violent offenders.

Anger Management is hence key for individuals who both are within the court system and merely those who deal with a non violent temper.  Individuals need to learn various strategies to overcome stress, identify triggers and in healthy way release the anger.   Anger Management can help in these cases, but one can also seek other therapies.  Meditation, prayer, and relaxation techniques can all help with not only controlling one’s anger but also keeping it in check.  One can learn from meditation on how to prevent things and people from causing severe irritation.   Meditation can help diffuse anger and create a better barrier against it.

Anger Management classes can help those with anger issues. Please also review our Anger Management Consulting Program

The American Institute of Health Care Professionals offers a program in Anger Management.  Online courses teach the basics of anger and Anger Management.  Individuals seeking to control anger as well those hoping to become certified as an Anger Management Consultant can take the courses.  Many professionals in counseling look to earn this certification, as well as other court officials.

Anger Management Specialists can utilize this certification in their private practice or offer it to a variety of social out reach programs, as well as court ordered program.  An Anger Management Certification is an excellent way to help a enhance a professional career.  Please review our Anger Management Consulting Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals and needs.




Anger Management Consulting Program Article on Conflict Resolution

Conflict resolution is important in all human interaction.  It is even more important in the business world.  Stress and anger all play key roles in causing problems at work or on the job.  Conflict resolution is an excellent investment to any business in helping employees work together.  Conflict resolution not only reduces stress but also increases productivity.

Conflict resolution is key to maintaining a healthy business. Please also review our Anger Management Consulting Program

The article, “5 Ways To Enable Your Team For Better Conflict Resolution” Rohan Bhargava states,

“Conflicts are a part of every team, starting from differences in opinions to business values, conflicts can arise due to all kinds of reasons. While every conflict will not have a severe impact on the overall performance of your team, some can considerably damage the team internally.”

Conflict resolution is hence critical to success.  To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review our Stress Management Program, as well as our Anger Management Consulting Program

Anger Management: Parents’ Arguing in Front of Baby Alters Infant Brain Development

anger management
One good reason to practice anger management is for the sake of your baby

The article, “Parents’ Arguing in Front of Baby Alters Infant Brain Development”, by Ashik Siddique states

“Constantly hearing parents’ angry voices could make babies’ brains more vulnerable to stress and conflict.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:
Anger management is essential for the good of your own child.  Getting angry and arguing with the spouse in front of your baby can alter infant brain development.  It is best to practice anger management skills and remain calm until the child is out of the room.  And then even, still, try to control your temper.  If you are interested in learning more about anger management, then please review our program

See on