The High Financial Cost of Depression

Depression is on the rise and it is not cheap.  While loneliness and the post pandemic world wrestle with the mental health issues that have added, individuals are beginning to see the rising cost of depression.  While only world wide, 5 percent suffer from depression, it still costs the world economy over 1 trillion dollars.  Also, for every dollar, it is important to note that additional funds go towards negative ways of coping.

The financial cost of depression and similar treatments are in the trillions of dollars worldwide


The article, “Depression is costing the global economy a ‘profound’ $1 trillion per year, warns U.S. Surgeon General” by Alexa Mikhail takes a closer look at these stats and how it is costing the global economy.  He states,

“As health officials continue to sound the alarm on the growing loneliness epidemic, U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy says the prevalence of depression is closely linked. Loneliness and social isolation increase the risk for mental health problems, including depression. About 280 million people—or 5% of adults globally—have depression, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).”

“Depression is costing the global economy a ‘profound’ $1 trillion per year, warns U.S. Surgeon General”. Mikhail, A. (2023). FortuneWell.

To review the entire article, please click here

In the United States, the cost for depression is over 250 million alone and it continues to rise as more become depressed through the years.  What is causing this? Many blame loneliness.  Some blame the pandemic as well.  Regardless, investment needs to be put into helping individuals cope better with loss and if depressed, find the right help and learn how to cope and find healing.   Remaining permanently dependent on medication is not the answer for everyone either.  Some severe cases may need long term, but those with minor cases need coping as well to balance the issue within the mind.  The high cost of pharmaceutical drugs is astounding and depression is only aspect of it.  In addition anxiety, OCD, ADHD and other minor disorders are constantly treated rising the price globally.

So in essence, it is important to find the reason why depression is increasing, treat it more cost effectively and help people return to normal with stronger coping mechanisms.

Healthcare expenses related to mental health

One of the primary financial costs of mental health is the healthcare expenses associated with diagnosis, treatment, and ongoing care. Mental health services, including therapy, medication, and hospitalization, can be prohibitively expensive for many individuals and families. Insurance coverage for mental health varies widely, with some plans offering limited coverage or high out-of-pocket costs. As a result, individuals often face significant financial strain when seeking the help they need.

Moreover, the lack of accessible and affordable mental healthcare options exacerbates the financial burden. Limited availability of mental health providers, especially in rural areas, means that individuals may have to travel long distances or pay exorbitant fees for specialized care. This further contributes to the hidden costs of mental health.

Lost productivity and economic impact

Another significant financial cost of mental health is the loss of productivity in the workforce. Mental health conditions can lead to decreased work performance, absenteeism, and even long-term disability. According to a study conducted by the World Health Organization, depression and anxiety disorders alone cost the global economy over $1 trillion in lost productivity each year.

Employers also bear the financial burden of mental health issues among their workforce. They face increased healthcare costs, decreased productivity, and higher turnover rates. Additionally, the stigma surrounding mental health often leads to a reluctance among employees to seek help, resulting in prolonged suffering and further financial strain.

The cost of untreated mental health conditions

Unaddressed mental health conditions can have severe consequences, both for individuals and society. Without proper diagnosis and treatment, these conditions often worsen over time, leading to increased healthcare costs and reduced quality of life. The cost of untreated mental health conditions extends beyond the individual, affecting families, communities, and the economy as a whole.

Individuals with untreated mental health conditions are more likely to engage in risky behaviors such as substance abuse, which further compounds the financial burden. The costs associated with addiction treatment, legal issues, and lost productivity due to substance abuse can be astronomical.

Financial burden on individuals and families

The financial burden of mental health falls heavily on individuals and their families. The cost of therapy sessions, medication, and other treatments can quickly add up, straining budgets and depleting savings. In some cases, individuals may be forced to choose between paying for mental healthcare and meeting other basic needs, such as housing or food.

Furthermore, the impact of mental health on employment can lead to job loss, reduced income, or increased healthcare expenses. This creates a cycle of financial instability and stress, exacerbating the mental health condition and making it even more challenging to seek help.

The role of insurance coverage in managing mental health costs

Insurance coverage plays a crucial role in managing the financial costs of mental health. The Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act, passed in the United States in 2008, requires insurance plans to provide equal coverage for mental health and substance abuse services. However, despite this legislation, many individuals still face significant barriers to accessing affordable mental healthcare.

Employers can play a vital role in ensuring comprehensive mental health coverage for their employees. Offering robust insurance plans that prioritize mental health services and provide adequate coverage can help alleviate the financial burden on individuals and families. Additionally, advocacy for broader insurance coverage for mental health treatments can contribute to a more inclusive and supportive healthcare system.

Strategies for reducing the financial burden of mental health

Addressing the hidden financial costs of mental health requires a multi-faceted approach. Here are some strategies that can help reduce the burden:

  1. Early intervention and prevention: Investing in early intervention programs and preventive measures can help identify and address mental health issues before they escalate. By providing accessible and affordable mental healthcare at the early stages, individuals can receive timely support, reducing the need for more extensive and costly treatments later on.
  2. Education and awareness: Raising awareness about mental health and destigmatizing seeking help is crucial. By promoting understanding and empathy, society can create an environment where individuals feel comfortable seeking treatment, reducing the financial burden associated with untreated conditions.
  3. Integration of mental health into primary care: Integrating mental health services into primary care settings can improve access and reduce costs. By offering mental health screenings and treatments in the same setting as physical health care, individuals can receive holistic care that addresses all aspects of their well-being.
  4. Community support and resources: Communities can play a vital role in supporting individuals with mental health conditions. By establishing support groups, providing resources, and fostering a sense of belonging, communities can help reduce the financial burden on individuals and families.

Conclusion: Investing in mental health for a healthier and wealthier society

The financial costs of mental health are often hidden behind the emotional and psychological toll that these conditions take on individuals and their loved ones. However, addressing these costs is essential for creating a healthier and wealthier society. By investing in accessible and affordable mental healthcare, promoting early intervention and prevention, and reducing the stigma surrounding mental health, we can alleviate the financial burden on individuals, families, and communities. It is time to recognize and prioritize mental health as an integral part of overall well-being and work towards a future where everyone has equal access to the support they need.

Depression care has numerous costs. Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification


Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification.  Grief Counselors can better help individuals cope with loss and take workload from LPCs and other necessity of medicative needs.  While certified Grief Counselors can only help with basic loss and not depression or more severe maladies, they can play a key role in helping those suffering.  Some Grief Counselors are also LPC’s though and with a certification in Grief Counseling can confidently help those with depression.


“The Economic Cost of Depression is Increasing; Direct Costs are Only a Small Part”. (2021). American Psychiatric Association. Access here

“How Much Does Depression Cost?”. Cherney, K. (2020). Healthline.  Access here

“The Costs of Depression”. Kessler, R. (2012). National Library of Medicine.  Access here

“Depression Cost the US $326 Billion Per Year Pre-Pandemic, a 38% Increase Since 2010”. (2021). Cision.  Access here


Holistic Health and Holistic Nursing Needs More Publicity

AIHCP offers a Holistic and Integrative Health Care Certification to qualified professionals who seek to utilize the use of herbs and other complimentary and alternative practices of medicine in conjunction with Western Medicine.  Through this certification, healthcare professionals who specialize in Holistic Nurses can give holistic health more publicity it needs.  This is important because holistic health helps individuals take more personal control over their health. It helps them understand the inner dynamics of the body, how organs function, how systems interact and how herbal and alternative methods while working with Western medicine can grant greater well being.

Holistic Nurses can direct individuals on what herbs are complimentary or not to a prescription drug


Publicity to this is imperative.  In the article, “Alternative medicine needs more publicity” by Sonali Whittle, the importance of more publicity to natural medicine is encouraged.  She points out that with higher pharmaceutical prices, restrictions on certain medications, adverse side effects of certain medications and overall lack of sound guidance on general health, individuals need to be more aware of holistic health itself.   She states,

“According to the Cleveland Clinic, Western medicine can be understood as the traditional health care that is received in the U.S. Whether a visit to urgent care due to a fever or a yearly wellness check, almost everyone in the U.S. has come in contact with Western medicine. The techniques are based on empirical scientific work, and thus, there is a major emphasis placed on Western medicine as the golden standard of care. Although Western medicine helps many, there should be alternative healthcare methods such as holistic, herbal and complementary medicine instead of letting people think that they do not have options beyond traditional Western treatments.”

“Alternative medicine needs more publicity” Whittle, Sonali. (2023). The Highlander

To review the entire article, please click here

Holistic Nurses and Holistic and Integrative Health Care Professionals can be important influences on making alternative and herbal medication more public to patients.  Most, however, are not trained in these fields.  Those in mental health and healthcare seem to adhere to Western only medications or procedures.  While this may work for some, the importance of herbal remedies in prevention as well as helping overcome acute issues is very important.  Individuals need to be aware but also guided.  For instance, a person who is facing depression and is prescribed a SSRI, should never seek over the counter herbal remedies for depression such as St John Wort or Hypericum, or even 5-HSP, since these substances and herbs produce Serotonin.   If already on an SSRI, the added Serotonin level can lead to a toxic increase for the body and mind.  Hence, it is so important that whether facing diabetes, cholesterol, depression or any issue, that one consult healthcare professional to properly diagnose if a particular herb can co-exist with an existing pharmaceutical drug.

The benefits can be great and also free individuals over safe and regulated time from a particular drug for ADHD or OCD and allow one to have a more natural approach with the same results.  The issue is knowing about it and also having someone trained to guide individuals in utilizing it.  This is why the certification in Holistic Nursing for AIHCP is important to making public the benefits of alternative medicine and also providing the public with certified professionals to guide the patients through the process.

We will below quickly highlight benefits and downfalls of holistic medication.  Bear in mind,  we are looking at both, Western Medicine and Holistic Medicine being used complementary and under guidance of a healthcare professional

Benefits of Holistic Health

One can find less expensive ways to face minor issues such as OCD, ADHD, or even depression through the use of Holistic Medication or herbs.  These less expensive routes include less need of prescriptions and also can supplement an existing prescription. Caution must be taken though with certain SRRI as not to double dose through an herb.  This is why these less expensive remedies should be utilized through the guidance of a healthcare professional.  While online blogs and resources are available from reputable sources such as Cleveland Clinic or WebMed, it is still important to consult health care professional before ever discontinuing a prescription or supplementing.  For the most part, information can be found on many herbs, what they do, and which ones are complimentary with each other or with certain prescriptions and which one do not mix well.

There are numerous benefits to Holistic Health and herbs. Taking control of health and being preventative with disease are two important ones.


In addition, Holistic Health introduces the person to a higher level of personal accountability for health.  Individuals study and learn more about body systems, organ functions and how the herb helps heal the body or promote overall wellness.  Individuals are then more likely to make better health decisions as they build a health blue print for themselves in regards to their mental and physical health.

Holistic herbs and methods are also preventative.  If family history has diabetes, then certain herbs can be utilized to help protect the body prior to entering into diabetes.  The same can be true for mood and mental health, ADHD, OCD, as well as depression.  Many herbs also have preventative characteristics for cancer prevention, heart health, and so forth.  Prevention is an important key in health.  Holistic health is not reactive but proactive.  It looks for harmony in all the systems of the body instead of a more narrow look found in Western Medicine.  Holistic Health looks to prevent, prepare and coordinate between body systems for overall health in mind, body and spirit.

Finally, there are also many less side effects with herb than pharmaceutical drugs.  While certain herbs can cross each other out or cause damage if used with a drug or different herb, if one is able to work with a healthcare professional with education in holistic health, one will be able to create a far superior health plan for overall health without side effects of pharmaceutical drugs.

Downfalls of Holistic Health

This title is slightly misleading because there are truly no downfalls to Holistic Health, but when individuals misuse it, play doctor, or mix things that should not be mixed, then downfalls can emerge.

Holistic Health is empowering if studied and under care of a professional but it can become a dangerous endeavor for individuals who play doctor or think they know best.  These individuals do not understand the universal nature of holistic health that is more preventative in nature.  In some cases, these individuals may stop taking a prescription which may cause withdraws, or even worst, cease treating the issue, while supplementing with another drug.  An example may be someone who immediately goes off a Statin for cholesterol and replaces it with an herbal remedy.  This can be extremely dangerous.  As stated earlier, it can also be dangerous if someone starts to take St John Wort with SSRIs.  Hence it is important to be empowered in health but also educated and follow the advice of a healthcare provider in regards in discontinuing a medication or supplementing one with an herb.  It is important to also note, some Western Drugs are needed for more severe or acute situations.  Drugs for cancer care may be more powerful for acute diseases despite side effects.  In addition,  herbs that may ease minor OCD or ADHD, may need the stronger pharmaceutical for severe and extreme cases of mental health, despite side effects.  Again, playing doctor with Holistic Medicine without knowledge and a healthcare expert can be dangerous.

In addition, it is important to remember that many Holistic medications are not placed under the tighter scrutiny of the empirical verification and approved case studies.  Many are known to work and do, but many are not pressed under the same case study regulations found in pharmaceuticals.  They are more known through time and culture to provide certain advantages.  There has been more work and progress to understand the nature of the herb, its make up and ability to proceed with some fact, but again herbs are not regulated.  This again does not mean they are not beneficial and work, but it does point to some lack of in-depth study.  With more publicity, the more scientific data can be gathered in promoting the benefits of Holistic medicine.


Holistic mediation needs to be made more public, but within a restrained and protective way.  Individuals must know what Holistic offers and what it cannot offer.  Individuals must understand how to supplement or not supplement with pharmaceuticals.  This involves an educated and trained base of healthcare professionals who do not only see medication under a Western prism, but also under a Holistic one.  Holistic Nurses can better guide individuals and educate individuals through the process of utilizing alternative and holistic medications to better their lives.

Understanding and utilizing Holistic Health is key. Please also review AIHCP’s Holistic Nursing Certification


Please also review AIHCP’s Holistic and Integrative Healthcare Specialist Program. Also known as Holistic Nursing, the program is online and independent study and offers a four year certification in Holistic Nurses.

Additional Resources

“When medicines and supplements don’t mix”.  (2020). Mayo Clinic.  Access here

“6 Tips: How Herbs Can Interact With Medicines”. National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. NIH.  Access here

“A holistic approach to integrative medicine”. (2023). Mayo Clinic.  Access here

“MERGING conventional and complementary medicine in a clinic department – a theoretical model and practical recommendations”. Perard, M. et. al. (2015). National Library of Medicine. Access here






Postpartum Depression Video

After the birth of a child, it should be a celebratory time, but for some, postpartum depression can strip one of the joy of a newborn and as well limit one in the new responsibilities of infant care.  If symptoms persist for longer than a week, it is important to contact a mental health care professional who better help one with diagnosis and proper steps to correct the issue.  Primarily a woman issue, men can also fall victim to it, so it is important that partners watch each other after the following days of child birth to ensure each are properly coping with excitement but also stress that comes with a new born child.

Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals.

Life Coaching Advice on Diabetes Prevention and Management

By – James M. Katz, BA

Life coaching advice can cover a wide range of subjects including diabetes prevention and management. Living with diabetes can be challenging, but with the right support and guidance, it is possible to effectively manage the condition and lead a fulfilling life. One powerful tool that can aid in diabetes management is life coaching. Life coaching advice can provide individuals with the necessary tools and strategies to navigate the complexities of living with diabetes. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of incorporating life coaching into diabetes management and how it can help individuals unlock their full potential in managing their health.

A picture with Balance, Life and Work listed on it
Life Coaching Advice: Find balance!

The article quoted below shows us one of the many ways life coaches advise others on how to prevent type 2 diabetes. It discusses a simple yet very effective way to combat it. Simply by walking at a faster pace, you can “out run” diabetes! For more, please review the article (Walking could lower your risk of type 2 diabetes, and your speed may affect how much, study finds) below.

“Previous studies have indicated that frequent walking was associated with a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes in the general population, in a way that those with more time spent walking per day were at a lower risk,” said the study’s lead author Dr. Ahmad Jayedi, a research assistant at the Social Determinants of Health Research Center at the Semnan University of Medical Sciences in Iran.

Walking could lower your risk of type 2 diabetes, and your speed may affect how much, study finds. Rogers K., CNN
Updated 11:08 PM EST, Tue November 28, 2023“

Full Article Here


Benefits of incorporating life coaching into diabetes management

Life coaching advice offers numerous benefits for individuals with diabetes. One of the key advantages is the personalized approach to diabetes management. A life coach works closely with individuals to understand their unique challenges and goals, helping them develop a customized plan to manage their diabetes effectively. This tailored approach ensures that individuals receive the support and guidance they need to make sustainable lifestyle changes and achieve their desired outcomes.

Another benefit of incorporating life coaching into diabetes management is the focus on holistic well-being. Diabetes is not just about managing blood sugar levels; it also involves maintaining a healthy lifestyle and managing stress. A life coach can help individuals develop healthy habits such as regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and stress-reduction techniques. By addressing these aspects of well-being, life coaching can contribute to overall improved health and diabetes management.

The role of a life coach in diabetes management

A life coach plays a crucial role in diabetes management by providing guidance, support, and accountability. They act as a trusted partner, working alongside individuals to identify their goals, explore their motivations, and develop strategies for success. A life coach helps individuals uncover their strengths and build resilience, empowering them to take control of their diabetes management.

One of the key responsibilities of a life coach is to help individuals set goals and create an action plan. With their expertise in goal setting and action-oriented strategies, life coaches can guide individuals in defining realistic and achievable goals related to their diabetes management. They assist in breaking down these goals into smaller, manageable steps, ensuring that individuals stay on track and make progress towards their desired outcomes.

A book on its side titled "Life Coaching"
Life Coaching!

Setting goals and creating an action plan with a life coach

Setting goals is an essential component of effective diabetes management. With the help of a life coach, individuals can identify specific goals related to their health, such as achieving target blood sugar levels, losing weight, or improving fitness. A life coach can assist in setting realistic timelines and creating an action plan to achieve these goals.

When setting goals, it is essential to make them specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). For example, instead of setting a vague goal of “improving blood sugar control,” a life coach can help individuals define a SMART goal like “maintaining blood sugar levels within the target range of 80-130 mg/dL before meals and below 180 mg/dL after meals, every day for the next three months.” This specific goal provides clarity and enables individuals to track their progress effectively.

Developing a positive mindset and overcoming obstacles

Living with diabetes can often lead to negative emotions such as frustration, guilt, and anxiety. A life coach can help individuals develop a positive mindset, empowering them to overcome these challenges and embrace a more optimistic outlook. By focusing on strengths and celebrating small victories, a life coach can help individuals build resilience and navigate the emotional rollercoaster that often comes with diabetes management.

Additionally, a life coach can assist individuals in identifying and overcoming obstacles that may hinder their progress. Whether it’s addressing self-limiting beliefs, overcoming fear of failure, or finding strategies to manage stress, a life coach provides the necessary support and guidance to help individuals overcome these barriers. By reframing obstacles as opportunities for growth, a life coach can empower individuals to turn setbacks into steppingstones towards success.

Implementing healthy habits and lifestyle changes

Developing and implementing healthy habits is key to effective diabetes management. A life coach can provide individuals with the necessary tools, strategies, and accountability to make sustainable lifestyle changes. Whether it’s adopting a balanced diet, incorporating regular exercise, or managing stress through relaxation techniques, a life coach can guide individuals towards healthier choices.

By working closely with a life coach, individuals can explore their current lifestyle habits and identify areas that require modification. A life coach can assist in developing personalized strategies to implement healthy habits, ensuring that individuals make gradual and lasting changes. With the support and guidance of a life coach, individuals can cultivate new habits that support their diabetes management goals and overall well-being.

Tracking progress and staying motivated with life coaching techniques

Tracking progress is essential in diabetes management. It allows individuals to monitor their achievements, identify areas for improvement, and stay motivated on their journey. A life coach can introduce various techniques and tools to help individuals track their progress effectively.

One such technique is journaling. By keeping a daily journal of food intake, exercise, blood sugar levels, and emotions, individuals can gain valuable insights into their diabetes management. A life coach can guide individuals in analyzing these records and identifying patterns, enabling them to make informed decisions and adjustments to their diabetes management plan.

Furthermore, a life coach can utilize visualization and affirmation techniques to help individuals stay motivated. Visualizing success and affirming positive beliefs can strengthen individuals’ commitment to their diabetes management goals and increase their confidence in achieving them. A life coach can provide individuals with personalized visualization exercises and affirmations tailored to their specific needs and aspirations.

A photo with a bronze lock and key.
What Life Coaching Advice would you give to unlock your potential?

Life coaching tools and resources for managing diabetes

In the digital age, there are numerous life coaching tools and resources available to support individuals in managing their diabetes. These tools can enhance the effectiveness of life coaching advice and provide individuals with additional support between coaching sessions.

One such resource is mobile applications specifically designed for diabetes management. These apps can help individuals track their blood sugar levels, log food intake, monitor physical activity, and even provide reminders for medication. Additionally, some apps offer educational resources, meal planning guidance, and community support, fostering a sense of connection and empowerment.

Other valuable resources include online forums and support groups dedicated to diabetes management. These platforms allow individuals to connect with others who share similar experiences, exchange tips and advice, and gain inspiration from success stories. By participating in these communities, individuals can find encouragement, motivation, and a sense of belonging in their diabetes management journey.

Finding a qualified life coach for diabetes management

Finding a qualified life coach for diabetes management is crucial to ensuring the effectiveness of the coaching relationship. When seeking a life coach, it is essential to consider their credentials, experience, and specialization in diabetes management. Look for certifications from reputable coaching organizations and inquire about their experience working with individuals with diabetes.

Additionally, take the time to interview potential life coaches to assess their coaching style, communication skills, and compatibility with your personality and needs. A good life coach should be empathetic, supportive, and able to create a safe environment for open and honest discussions. Trust your instincts and choose a life coach who resonates with you and inspires confidence in their ability to guide you towards effective diabetes management.

Conclusion: Embracing the power of life coaching in diabetes management

In conclusion, life coaching advice holds tremendous potential for individuals managing diabetes. By incorporating life coaching into diabetes management, individuals can benefit from a personalized approach, holistic well-being, and the support of a trusted partner. Life coaching can help individuals set goals, develop a positive mindset, implement healthy habits, track progress, and overcome obstacles. With the abundance of life coaching tools and resources available, individuals can find additional support and guidance in managing their diabetes effectively. Ultimately, embracing the power of life coaching can help individuals unlock their full potential in managing their diabetes and living a fulfilling life.

If you’re a healthcare professional and would like to learn more about health / life coaching, we offer an online certification program in Healthcare Life Coaching. For more details please go here.


US Bureau of Labor Statistics – Life Coaching 

National Library of Medicine – Can Life Coaching Improve Health Outcomes 

Additional Resources:

 Effectiveness of Health Coaching in Diabetes Control and Lifestyle Improvement: A Randomized-Controlled Trial. Lin C-L, et al. Nutrients. 2021; 13(11):3878.

Access link here 

Effect of Diabetes Health Coaching on Glycemic Control and Quality of Life in Adults Living With Type 2 Diabetes: A Community-Based, Randomized, Controlled Trial. Diana Sherifali, et al. Canadian Journal of Diabetes, Volume 45, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 594-600, ISSN 1499-2671

Access link here 

Understanding how different mechanism of life coaching offered to young adults with type 1 diabetes can improve their ability to see opportunities and overcome barriers. Jette Ammmentorp, et al. Patient Education and Counseling, Volume 103, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 544-548, ISSN 0738-3991

Access link here

Electronic Health Lifestyle Coaching Among Diabetes Patients in a Real-Life Municipality Setting: Observational Study.  Komkova A, et al. JMIR Diabetes 2019;4(1):e12140 DOI: 10.2196/12140

Access link here 

Stress Management: Stress Reduction Strategies

By – James M. Katz, BA

A corkboard with handwritten notes on stress management tactics
What other reminders would you add to this board?

Stress Reduction Strategies are used to combat stressors in our daily lives. Stress is a common experience that affects everyone at some point in their lives. It can be caused by various factors, such as work pressure, personal relationships, financial difficulties, and health issues. When we are stressed, our bodies release hormones like cortisol, which can have negative effects on our physical and mental well-being.

Chronic stress can lead to a range of health problems, including high blood pressure, heart disease, and depression. It can also impair our ability to think clearly and make rational decisions. Understanding the causes and effects of stress is the first step towards finding effective stress reduction strategies. In the article below details ways you can combat your holiday stress. They list several easy to follow techniques. For the full article (The 5 best tips for dealing with all your holiday stress, according to experts. ) please visit the link below.



“Whether you need to get yourself or your whole family organized, setting up a plan for the busier times of year can help feel less frazzled when they arrive.

“I’m a big advocate of planners and use them to schedule both work and personal activities,” says Carolyn Kraut, founder and owner of Hands of Time Concierge. “There are also families that still hang wall calendars in their kitchens to track family activities, keeping them separate from their work calendars/planners.”

The 5 best tips for dealing with all your holiday stress, according to experts. Edwards T., CNN Underscored, 4:48 PM EST, Mon December 4, 2023 “

Full Article Here


The importance of stress reduction strategies

Given the detrimental effects of stress on our health and well-being, it is crucial to prioritize stress reduction strategies in our daily lives. By implementing these strategies, we can minimize the impact of stress on our physical and mental health, improve our overall quality of life, and enhance our ability to cope with challenges.

Stress reduction strategies can help us develop resilience, improve our emotional well-being, and increase our productivity. They provide us with the tools to manage stress in a healthy way, rather than letting it overwhelm us. By incorporating these strategies into our daily routine, we can achieve a better balance between work, personal life, and self-care.

Stress reduction techniques: Breathing exercises and meditation

One of the most effective stress reduction techniques is practicing deep breathing exercises and meditation. These practices help to calm the mind, relax the body, and promote a sense of inner peace. By focusing on our breath and being present in the moment, we can reduce anxiety and tension.

To practice deep breathing exercises, find a quiet and comfortable space. Sit or lie down in a relaxed position and close your eyes. Take a deep breath in through your nose, filling your lungs with air. Hold your breath for a few seconds, then exhale slowly through your mouth. Repeat this process for a few minutes, focusing on the sensation of each breath.

Meditation involves sitting in a quiet space and bringing your attention to the present moment. You can focus on your breath, a mantra, or simply observe your thoughts without judgment. Regular practice of breathing exercises and meditation can help to reduce stress levels, improve concentration, and promote a sense of overall well-being.

Physical activities for stress reduction: Yoga and exercise

Engaging in physical activities is another effective way to reduce stress. Regular exercise releases endorphins, which are natural mood boosters that can help alleviate stress and anxiety. Yoga, in particular, combines physical movement with deep breathing and mindfulness, making it a powerful stress reduction tool.

Yoga involves a series of poses, known as asanas, that promote flexibility, strength, and balance. It also incorporates breathing exercises and meditation, further enhancing its stress-relieving benefits. By practicing yoga regularly, you can improve your physical fitness while also reducing stress and promoting relaxation.

In addition to yoga, other forms of exercise, such as jogging, swimming, or dancing, can also be effective stress reduction strategies. Find an activity that you enjoy and make it a part of your routine. Not only will it help you manage stress, but it will also contribute to your overall health and well-being.

Cognitive strategies to manage stress: Positive thinking and reframing

Our thoughts and beliefs have a significant impact on our stress levels. Negative thinking patterns can contribute to increased stress and anxiety, while positive thinking can help us cope with stress more effectively. By practicing cognitive strategies, such as positive thinking and reframing, we can change our perspective and reduce the impact of stress on our lives.

Positive thinking involves focusing on the positive aspects of a situation, rather than dwelling on the negative. It can be helpful to challenge negative thoughts and replace them with more positive and realistic ones. For example, instead of thinking, “I’ll never be able to finish this project on time,” you can reframe it as, “I’ll do my best and ask for help if needed.”

Reframing is a technique that involves looking at a stressful situation from a different perspective. It allows us to see the situation in a more positive light and find solutions or opportunities within it. By reframing our thoughts, we can reduce stress and develop a more optimistic outlook on life.

Time management and organization for stress reduction

Poor time management and disorganization can contribute to feelings of stress and overwhelm. By implementing effective time management and organization strategies, we can reduce stress and increase our productivity. This, in turn, allows us to have more time for relaxation and self-care.

Start by prioritizing your tasks and creating a schedule or to-do list. Break down larger tasks into smaller, more manageable ones, and allocate specific time slots for each task. Avoid multitasking, as it can lead to increased stress and decreased productivity. Instead, focus on one task at a time and give it your full attention.

Organize your physical and digital spaces to minimize clutter and create a sense of order. Keep your workspace clean and tidy and establish systems for organizing your files and documents. By decluttering your environment, you can declutter your mind and reduce stress.

Building a support system: Friends, family, and therapy

Having a strong support system is essential for managing stress effectively. Friends and family members can provide emotional support, understanding, and a listening ear when we need it. Sharing our thoughts and feelings with loved ones can help us gain perspective, feel validated, and find solutions to our problems.

In some cases, professional support may be necessary. Therapy or counseling can provide a safe space to explore our stressors, learn coping strategies, and gain insight into our thoughts and behaviors. A therapist can help us develop personalized stress reduction techniques and provide guidance on how to navigate difficult situations.

Remember, seeking support is not a sign of weakness, but rather a sign of strength and self-care. Building a support system and seeking professional help when needed are crucial steps towards managing stress effectively.

Creating a healthy lifestyle: Nutrition and sleep

A healthy lifestyle is a key component of stress reduction. Proper nutrition and adequate sleep are essential for maintaining physical and mental well-being. When we nourish our bodies with nutritious food and give ourselves enough rest, we are better equipped to handle stressors and maintain a balanced state of mind.

Eating a well-balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats can provide the nutrients our bodies need to function optimally. Avoid excessive caffeine, sugar, and processed foods, as they can contribute to increased stress and energy crashes.

Getting enough sleep is equally important. Aim for 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night. Establish a bedtime routine that promotes relaxation, such as reading a book, taking a warm bath, or practicing relaxation techniques. Create a sleep-friendly environment by keeping your bedroom cool, dark, and quiet.

By prioritizing nutrition and sleep, you can support your body’s ability to cope with stress and maintain overall well-being.

A road with no stress painted across it.
What leads you on the path to no more stress?

Stress reduction at work: Time management and setting boundaries

Work-related stress is a common problem that can significantly impact our overall well-being. Implementing stress reduction strategies in the workplace is crucial for maintaining a healthy work-life balance and preventing burnout. Time management and setting boundaries are two effective strategies for managing stress at work.

Effective time management involves prioritizing tasks, setting realistic deadlines, and delegating when necessary. Avoid overcommitting yourself and learn to say no to additional responsibilities or tasks that are not essential. Break down larger projects into smaller, more manageable tasks, and allocate specific time slots for each task.

Setting boundaries is equally important. Clearly communicate your availability and limitations to your colleagues and superiors. Learn to say no when your workload becomes overwhelming or when you need time for self-care. Establish a work-life balance by setting aside time for relaxation, hobbies, and spending quality time with loved ones.

By implementing these strategies, you can reduce work-related stress and create a more harmonious and fulfilling work environment.

Overcoming stressors in daily life: Dealing with relationships and financial stress

In addition to work-related stress, daily life can present a variety of stressors, such as relationship issues and financial difficulties. Learning how to cope with these stressors is essential for maintaining a balanced and stress-free life.

When it comes to relationships, effective communication is key. Express your feelings and needs openly and honestly and listen to the perspectives of others with an open mind. Seek compromise and find solutions together. If necessary, seek professional help or couples therapy to work through more challenging relationship issues.

Financial stress can be overwhelming, but there are steps you can take to manage it effectively. Create a budget, track your expenses, and prioritize your financial goals. Seek professional advice if needed and explore options for increasing your income or reducing your expenses. By taking control of your finances, you can reduce stress and create a more secure future.

Remember, everyone faces challenges in their relationships and finances. It’s how we choose to handle these challenges that can make all the difference in our stress levels and overall well-being.

Incorporating stress reduction strategies into your daily routine

To effectively manage stress, it’s important to incorporate stress reduction strategies into your daily routine. Consistency is key when it comes to reaping the benefits of these strategies. Here are some tips for integrating stress reduction techniques into your daily life:

  • Start your day with a few minutes of deep breathing or meditation.
  • Schedule regular exercise sessions throughout the week, whether it’s yoga, jogging, or dancing.
  • Practice positive thinking and reframing throughout the day. Challenge negative thoughts and replace them with more positive ones.
  • Take regular breaks throughout the day to relax and recharge. Use this time to engage in activities that bring you joy and promote relaxation.
  • Prioritize sleep and establish a bedtime routine that promotes restful sleep.
  • Make time for social connections. Schedule regular catchups with friends and family or join a support group.
  • Incorporate healthy eating habits into your daily life. Prepare nutritious meals and snacks and avoid excessive caffeine and sugar.
  • Set boundaries at work and establish a healthy work-life balance. Avoid overcommitting and prioritize self-care.
  • Practice stress reduction techniques whenever you feel overwhelmed or anxious. Take a few deep breaths, practice mindfulness, or engage in a calming activity.
  • By making stress reduction strategies a part of your daily routine, you can build resilience and lead a more balanced and stress-free life.

Conclusion: Achieving a stress-free life

A red stop sign that says "Stress Free Zone"
What Stress Reduction Strategies would you use for your “Stress Free Zone”?

Stress is an inevitable part of life, but with the right strategies, it can be effectively managed. By understanding the causes and effects of stress, prioritizing stress reduction techniques, and implementing them into our daily lives, we can achieve a more balanced and stress-free existence.

From breathing exercises and meditation to physical activities like yoga and exercise, cognitive strategies like positive thinking and reframing, and lifestyle factors such as time management, organization, and building a support system, there are numerous techniques to choose from.

By incorporating stress reduction strategies into our daily routine, we can improve our physical and mental well-being, enhance our ability to cope with stress, and lead a more fulfilling and joyful life.

Remember, managing stress is a lifelong journey. It’s important to be patient with yourself and practice self-compassion along the way. With perseverance and the right tools, you can overcome daily stressors and achieve a greater sense of peace and well-being.

Now, take a deep breath, and start implementing these stress reduction strategies into your life today.

Stress Management is an important aspect of every walk of life. It is part of the healthcare system, mental healthcare system as well as the business world and even our private lives. Stress Management Consultants are key to maintaining a healthy environment for our employees. If you would like to learn more about how to become a stress management consultant, then please review our online stress management courses here

References: – Managing Stress – Coping with Stress

Additional Resources:

Stress, Resilience, and Coping of Healthcare Workers during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Croghan IT, Chesak SS, Adusumalli J, et al. Journal of Primary Care & Community Health. 2021;12. doi:10.1177/21501327211008448

Access link here 

Mental Health Crisis and Stress Coping among Healthcare College Students Momentarily Displaced from Their Campus Community Because of COVID-19 Restrictions in Japan. Tahara M, Mashizume Y, Takahashi K. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021; 18(14):7245.

Access link here 

Stress, burnout and coping in health professionals: a literature review. Journal of Psychology and Brain Studies.  Costa, Bárbara; Pinto, Isabel C. (2017). 1:4, p. 1-8

Access link here 

Mental Rehearsal Strategy for Stress Management and Performance in Simulations.
Jeanette Ignacio, et al. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, Volume 13, Issue 7, 2017, Pages 295-302, ISSN  1876-1399,

Access link here 



Chronology of Addiction and Substance Abuse

Addiction always begins with simple curiosity and eventually develops into habitual or biological and neurological dependence.   A simple taste, smoke, snort, drink, or injection can lead to a life long battle with addiction.   Peer pressure and escapism from issues can all open the door into these unhealthy habits.  Some have an easier escape via counseling and coping, while others have a more difficult escape due to withdraw and physical and neurological cravings for the substance itself.  Depending on one’s family history, the nature of the drug itself, personality,  and commitment and support, addiction recovery can have a long chronological path with many different stages and outcomes for different people.  Again, it simply begins with curiosity gone terribly wrong.

The process and chronology of addiction goes in phases but the entrance and exiting of addiction is different for many people based on numerous subjective aspects the addiction and its story.


The article, “The Chronology of Addiction: Watch Out for Key Warning Signs” by Dr Sachin Mangla looks at the chronology of addiction and paths it can take.  In the article, Mangla states,

“Although the factors that lead to addiction are varied, it is extremely hard to pull oneself out of the vicious cycle of addiction. Additionally, in a recent study, it has been found that individuals who are caught in one addiction are at an increased risk for developing another new addiction. While this is especially true among patients with alcohol dependence, this could be equally applied to other forms of substance abuse, including opioids, sedatives, inhalants, cocaine, amphetamines and cannabis, among other things”

“The Chronology of Addiction: Watch Out for Key Warning Signs”. Mangla, S. (2023). HealthShots.

To review the entire article, please click here

Entering Addiction

If one is seeking answers why individuals become addicted, then one will find a wide variety of reasons.

Age itself plays a key role.  Individuals in their teens are more prone to experiment and try new things that can be harmful due to peer pressure but also due to depression and hormonal changes.  With life seeming more dramatic that it is, individuals with low self image and chemical changes into adulthood may seek relief from substances, especially if good family support and example is not present in the home.  Teens can easily become attached to smoking, drinking and weed at an early age.  Some will later through these gateway drugs experiment with worst drugs in college and later life, especially if life takes an ugly turn.  While some may be able to “grow out” of it, some do not.  Family life and support, morals and upbringing, mental stability, and genetic predisposition are all issues that point to one “growing out” of it or going down a darker path.  Ultimately, curiosity can play a key role that can lead to a regretful decision.

In addition to age itself, many find themselves addicted through misuse of pharmaceuticals.   Adults who are hurt on the job in the past were ordered opiates, a time of pain reliever with highly addictive qualities.   Through misuse of prescribing, many became addicted well after their healing from the injury.  While the pain went away, the addiction to the opiate continued.  This led to massive pill abuse over the years and is another ugly path and chronological process of addiction.

Others enter into the devastating process of addiction through mental anguish.  Those suffering from depression, suicidal thoughts, extreme anxiety and loss in life, turn to drinking and other substances to alleviate the pain.  They enter into a chronic relationship with the substance as a way to cope with the issue.  This improper coping method leads to a disastrous addictive behavior.

Exiting Addiction

Entering addiction is far easier than exiting.  While many have their own stories why they became addicted, those exiting have multiple different struggles.

Those with genetic predisposition can face a harder path than without.  Family history can reveal genetic predispositions to addiction of a particular substance.  In terms of alcohol, some may have no predisposition while others will develop into alcoholism and have severe physical and mental repercussions when they try to escape the substance.  Hence, those without these genetic predispositions have an easier time leaving the addicting path than others.

However, there are some substances that are far more insidious than alcohol and leave a higher rate of addiction.  Cocaine, Heroin, Opiates and Meth are examples of drugs that are far more addictive in nature and leave a far higher percentage entranced by its power.   Beyond the gateway drugs, more advanced drugs have a strong ability to trap individuals in a physical and mental addiction that has severe withdraws and a life long craving.

Exiting addiction is also a different story for those with poor coping abilities.  Those without support systems and coping strategies will find it much harder to escape addiction.  If an individual has family support, peer groups, and healthy strategies when coping with issues, then exiting is far more easier than people who have not these things.  Peer support groups are an excellent way where like minded individuals can come together and share their stories and mutual support. AA has created a system based upon peer support and better coping that emphasizes responsibility and admitting the problem.  Hence exit can be easier for some but harder for others without the necessary tools to mentally cope and deal with the pressures of exiting addiction.

Different Paths

Hence everyone has different entrance and exit stories regarding their personal addiction.  There are many subjective issues that create different stories and outcomes for different people.  Addiction Counselors are able to identify and classify these subjective elements and help create the best exist plan for an individual.  They can identify the issues and habits and also understand the unique situation for the individual and help find the best exit path, strengthening and supporting against particular weaknesses for that particular person.  Some may have different needs to exit an addiction, but due to their unique path, will have different addiction exit plans of action.  Substance Abuse Counselors or Substance Abuse Practitioners can help individuals find the best tailored plan.

Substance Abuse Practitioners can help individuals understand their unique situation with addiction and the best ways to fight it. Please also review AIHCP’s Substance Abuse Practitioner Training Program


It is important to note for some, addiction may be a life long cross.  Relapses happen, and in many stories, relapses are common.  Relapses should not be a sign of shame but a sign of how powerful the addiction is and how hard it is to overcome.  One who relapses must find the courage and strength to continue the plan.  By admitting one is human and imperfect and that one has a problem, then one can better face addiction and possible relapse with a stronger resolve next time.  Support groups, substance abuse practitioners and family and friends can all play a positive role in helping those who fall, to get back up again.

Stages of Addiction

After curiosity or for whatever reason one decides to try a substance, one may become enticed by it.  Some may though choose to never do it again due to a negative social experience, but some will continue to experiment with the drug on a social level.  Some may binge the drug during the weekend or only on particular days.  This type of abuse is known with alcohol and binge drinking.  Usually this begins only as a social experimentation with the drug itself but will later catapult into other parts of life.  Many simply the stages with binging, withdraw and negative effects and finally preoccupation and anticipation as the brain craves the drug again.  Hence the vicious cycle.

Dr. George E. Valliant listed and more detailed explanation in his three core phases of drug abuse.  As shown above, the asymptomatic phase results in various social settings for amusement and has random occurrences of hangover or physical discomfort following binge episodes.  It is sporadic.  However, this is not say minus addiction, it is not abuse of the substance.  If multiple social events occur, and the individual continually over consumes, or participates in dangerous behaviors it can become a serious issue in itself.  It can become in some ways a dangerous social habit while not per say addicted to the drug.  If one cannot cope in public or social settings without a particular substance, then one seriously needs to reflect on one’s life and where it is going and how bad it can become if something were to go wrong.

Valliant’s second phase results in abuse.  While considering social settings that result in continual misbehavior as abuse, when abuse of the substance is in response to poor coping with life at work or in relationships, or to deal with loss or depression, then it can become a more addictive problem in traditional sense.  Individuals at this phase may drink or abuse the particular drug alone and find themselves facing negative social, legal or physical health issues, but still find the need to abuse the drug despite these issues.

Finally, Valliant points out the final phase of dependency. In this case, addiction is in full display.  The person needs the drug to function in life.  Valliant listed four qualities associated with this level of addiction.  He points out a high tolerance for the drug, the development of withdraw symptoms when the drug is absent in the system, inability to regulate intake of the drug, and significant disruption in all aspects of life.   While some of these qualities may also exist in the second phase it merely shows the danger of addiction when any abuse takes place.

So many do not escape addiction.  Lives are ruined due to it.  Some die of over doses and are found later.  Others waste away family relationships and finance to pay for the substance.  Others destroy family relationships and betray responsibilities.

If anyone sees signs of these qualities even at a mere social level, there is still time to address the issue.  Whether it is due to coping or merely because one needs a substance to be social, these are signs of a deeper need that needs met.  Drugs are not the answer to meet these issues.  If one needs help, they can turn to substance abuse practitioners, LCPs, or peer support groups to find the solution and better coping needed to overcome potential disaster.


People become addicted for different reasons and the nature of the addiction varies dependent upon a variety of factors.  For some exiting addiction may be easy, but for others it may a long process with relapses, but with good guidance via a substance abuse counselor or support group, one can find the courage to push forward and exit substance abuse.

Understanding the stages of addiction is important. Please also review AIHCP’s Substance Abuse Practitioner Training Program


Please also review AIHCP’s Substance Abuse Counseling Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification as a Substance Abuse Practitioner.

Additional Resources

“What Are the Physical and Mental Stages of Addiction? “.  American Addiction Centers. (2022). Access here

“Addiction: Stages, signs, and treatment”. Richards, L. (2023). Medical News Today. Access here

“What Is Addiction?”. Tyler, M. (2018). Healthline.  Access here

“The 3 Stages of the Cycle of Addiction”. Swain, E. (2023). Addiction Group.  Access here

Legal Nursing and Expert Witness

Malpractice is a common occurrence in health care.  When a standard of care deviates and causes significant injury, individuals can look for recourse to the legal system to find justice.  Malpractice lawyers can help find fair and just settlements.  In addition, Legal Nurse Consultants can play a key role in helping cases through their expert testimony, as well as guidance to the legal team regarding standards of care and the details of a particular procedure.  They can create briefs and present statistics and studies on certain cases to portray how a particular health care professional may have strayed from proper standards.

Legal Nurses can supply their expertise on the stand in malpractice cases as an expert witness


There are a multitude of types of malpractices in a variety of health care fields.  The article, “UNDERSTANDING THE DIFFERENT TYPES OF MEDICAL MALPRACTICE CLAIMS” by Intizzar Ali presents a detailed list of the types of malpractice cases that can occur in health care.  He states,

“Medical malpractice is a serious issue that can have severe consequences for patients. When healthcare professionals fail to meet the standard of care, it can lead to devastating outcomes. As a patient, understanding the different types of medical malpractice claims is crucial to protect your rights and seek justice when necessary. Here are six distinct categories of medical malpractice, shedding light on their unique aspects.”


To read the entire article, please click here

There are many types of issues that can lead to injury to a person.  They range from medication errors to surgical errors to even follow up errors.  They can occur in any field.  It is the particular wisdom of the Legal Nurse Consultant as expert witness that can help a case be won or loss in court.  Their opinion and expertise in a particular field allow them to testify to certain procedures as to whether they were performed negligently or properly within the standard norm of care.  They play a critical role in any malpractice case and are sought after by malpractice attorneys to strengthen cases and break down the cases of others.  Legal Nurse Consultants can serve as expert witnesses for the health care provider in defense or for the patient’s legal team.

Expert witnesses have an abundance of knowledge via advanced degrees, licensures and research within and within the field of study.  Many are also board certified in their field. Within the Daubert Standard in conjunction with rule 702,  an expert witness possess knowledge, skill, training, experience and education. Through this standard, they are able to write and supply written reports, statements and an oral disposition to help the jury come to a clear understanding of the civil or criminal case regarding malpractice (Maggio, E. 2023).

The rule demands that the expert witness’ scientific and specialized knowledge help the trier come understand and come to a proper conclusion of the fact.  Furthermore, the testimony must be based on sufficient facts and data.  Also, the the testimony must be based on reliable principles and methods.  Finally, the testimony of the expert must reflect a proper reflection of those principles, methods and facts regarding the issue.

To review, please review “Federal Rule 702: What Constitutes Expert Witness Testimony” by Maggio, E. (2023).Expert Institute by accessing here

In the world of litigation, the expertise of a legal nurse consultant can be invaluable. These professionals bridge the gap between the medical and legal fields, offering their knowledge and experience to attorneys and clients involved in medical-related cases. A legal nurse consultant is a registered nurse who possesses specialized training and qualifications that enable them to provide expert opinions and insights in legal matters. They play a crucial role in assisting with the preparation and presentation of cases, as well as providing valuable guidance throughout the litigation process.

AIHCP helps train professionals as well as nurse in both legal nurse consulting and healthcare legal consulting to learn the necessary information to utilize their skills as an expert witness in malpractice cases.  The program trains individual with case history and helps them learn how to present a case.

The Role of a Legal Nurse Consultant in a Case

The role of a legal nurse consultant varies depending on the specific needs of the case. They often serve as a liaison between the medical and legal teams, helping attorneys understand complex medical jargon and terminology. By reviewing medical records, conducting research, and analyzing relevant healthcare data, they can identify and highlight critical issues that may impact the outcome of a case. Their expertise allows them to provide objective opinions on the standard of care provided, potential breaches in that care, and the causal relationship between medical actions and patient outcomes.

Furthermore, legal nurse consultants play a vital role in the discovery process. They assist in organizing and summarizing medical records, identifying missing or incomplete documentation, and preparing questions for depositions and interrogatories. Their knowledge of medical procedures and protocols enables them to identify any discrepancies or deviations from accepted standards of care. By thoroughly analyzing the medical evidence, they can identify potential areas of negligence or malpractice that may strengthen the client’s case.

How a Legal Nurse Consultant Can Strengthen Your Case

The involvement of a legal nurse consultant can significantly strengthen a case. Their expertise allows them to critically evaluate medical records and identify any inconsistencies or red flags that may be crucial to the client’s position. By carefully examining the medical evidence, they can identify and explain complex medical concepts to the legal team and the court. This helps attorneys build a compelling narrative that supports their client’s claims and increases the chances of a favorable outcome.

A legal nurse consultant can strengthen your case. Please also review AIHCP’s Legal Nurse Consulting Program


Moreover, legal nurse consultants can provide valuable insights during settlement negotiations or mediation. Their understanding of both the medical and legal aspects of a case allows them to effectively communicate with all parties involved. By presenting the facts in a clear and concise manner, they can help facilitate a settlement that is fair and equitable for their client. In cases that go to trial, legal nurse consultants can serve as expert witnesses, providing testimony that carries significant weight due to their specialized knowledge and experience.

Common Tasks Performed by Legal Nurse Consultants

Legal nurse consultants perform a wide range of tasks to support attorneys and clients in medical-related cases. These tasks include but are not limited to:

  1. Medical Record Review: Legal nurse consultants meticulously review medical records to identify any gaps, inconsistencies, or deviations from accepted standards of care. They analyze the records to understand the sequence of events, identify potential negligence, and determine causation.
  2. Research and Analysis: They conduct extensive research on medical conditions, treatments, and procedures relevant to the case. This helps them gather evidence and identify expert witnesses who can provide valuable insights and opinions.
  3. Expert Witness Preparation: Legal nurse consultants assist in preparing expert witnesses for deposition and trial testimony. They help them understand the legal process, formulate effective responses to questions, and ensure they present their opinions clearly and convincingly.
  4. Case Strategy Development: They collaborate with attorneys to develop case strategies that align with the unique circumstances of each case. Their insights and expertise contribute to the development of a strong and persuasive argument.
  5. Trial Support: Legal nurse consultants provide support during trial, helping attorneys with the presentation of medical evidence, preparing demonstrative exhibits, and assisting with the examination of witnesses.

Key Qualifications and Skills of a Legal Nurse Consultant

To excel as a legal nurse consultant, certain qualifications and skills are essential. These include:

  1. Registered Nurse (RN) Licensure: Legal nurse consultants must possess a valid RN license, ensuring they have a fundamental understanding of medical concepts and patient care.
  2. Clinical Experience: A strong clinical background is crucial for legal nurse consultants. They should have experience working in various healthcare settings, such as hospitals, clinics, or long-term care facilities, to gain practical knowledge of medical practices and procedures.
  3. Legal Knowledge: Legal nurse consultants need to have a solid understanding of the legal system, including medical malpractice laws, healthcare regulations, and litigation procedures. This enables them to effectively bridge the gap between the medical and legal worlds.
  4. Analytical and Critical Thinking Skills: Legal nurse consultants must possess strong analytical and critical thinking skills to review and interpret complex medical records and identify key issues that may impact the case.
  5. Communication Skills: Effective communication is crucial for legal nurse consultants. They need to be able to clearly and concisely communicate medical concepts to attorneys, judges, and juries who may have limited medical knowledge.
  6. Attention to Detail: Legal nurse consultants must have a keen eye for detail to identify discrepancies or inconsistencies in medical records and other evidence. Their attention to detail ensures that no crucial information is overlooked.

Finding and Hiring a Reliable Legal Nurse Consultant

When seeking a legal nurse consultant, it is essential to find a reliable and competent professional who can meet the specific needs of your case. Here are some steps to follow when hiring a legal nurse consultant:

  1. Research and Referrals: Start by conducting thorough research and seeking referrals from trusted sources, such as attorneys, colleagues, or professional organizations. Look for legal nurse consultants who have experience in the specific area of healthcare relevant to your case.
  2. Review Qualifications and Credentials: Carefully review the qualifications and credentials of potential legal nurse consultants. Ensure they possess the necessary licensure, certifications, and professional affiliations.
  3. Interview Process: Conduct interviews to assess the consultant’s knowledge, skills, and compatibility with your case. Ask about their previous experience, their approach to case analysis, and their familiarity with relevant medical procedures and standards of care.
  4. Check References: Reach out to references provided by the legal nurse consultant. Ask about their experience working with the consultant, their professionalism, and the outcomes of their cases.
  5. Agree on Terms and Fees: Discuss and agree upon the terms and fees associated with the legal nurse consultant’s services. Ensure that both parties have a clear understanding of the scope of work, payment structure, and any additional expenses that may arise.

By following these steps, you can find a reliable and qualified legal nurse consultant who can greatly contribute to the success of your case.

Case Studies: Successful Outcomes with the Help of a Legal Nurse Consultant

To illustrate the significant impact a legal nurse consultant can have on a case, let’s examine a few real-life examples:

Case Study 1: Medical Malpractice

In a medical malpractice case, a legal nurse consultant reviewed the medical records of a patient who suffered complications following surgery. Through meticulous analysis, the consultant discovered a crucial error in the administration of anesthesia. This error significantly contributed to the patient’s complications and subsequent decline in health. The consultant’s expert opinion and testimony played a pivotal role in proving negligence and securing a substantial settlement for the patient.

Case Study 2: Personal Injury

In a personal injury case, a legal nurse consultant was instrumental in evaluating the extent of the plaintiff’s injuries. Through a comprehensive review of medical records, the consultant identified additional underlying conditions that exacerbated the plaintiff’s injuries. This information allowed the legal team to pursue additional claims for damages, resulting in a significantly higher settlement for the client.

Case Study 3: Product Liability

In a product liability case involving a defective medical device, a legal nurse consultant played a crucial role in identifying the product’s design flaws and potential risks to patients. By thoroughly analyzing the device’s specifications and reviewing adverse event reports, the consultant provided expert opinions that supported the plaintiff’s claims of negligence on the part of the manufacturer. This ultimately led to a successful verdict in favor of the plaintiff.

The Potential Impact of a Legal Nurse Consultant on the Opposing Side

When facing an opposing legal nurse consultant, it is essential to recognize the potential impact they can have on the outcome of your case. Just as a competent legal nurse consultant can strengthen your position, an equally skilled consultant on the opposing side can challenge your arguments and evidence. It is crucial to thoroughly prepare and anticipate their strategies, ensuring your case remains strong and resilient.

Legal Nurse Consultant Fees and Considerations

Legal nurse consultant fees can vary depending on various factors, such as the complexity of the case, the consultant’s experience and qualifications, and the geographical location. It is important to discuss and clarify the fee structure before engaging their services. Some common fee arrangements include hourly rates, flat fees for specific tasks, or contingency-based fees where a percentage of the settlement or award is paid to the consultant.

When considering the cost of a legal nurse consultant, it is essential to weigh it against the potential benefits they can bring to your case. Their expertise and insights can significantly increase the chances of a successful outcome, potentially resulting in a more substantial settlement or verdict.

Conclusion: The Value of a Legal Nurse Consultant in Litigation

In conclusion, the role of a legal nurse consultant in litigation cannot be overstated. Their unique blend of medical and legal knowledge allows them to provide invaluable support and expertise to attorneys and clients involved in medical-related cases. By thoroughly analyzing medical records, conducting research, and offering expert opinions, they can strengthen a case and increase the chances of a favorable outcome.

Please also review AIHCP’s training program in Legal Nurse Consulting


When seeking a legal nurse consultant, it is essential to find a reliable and qualified professional who possesses the necessary qualifications and skills. Through careful research, interviews, and reference checks, you can find a legal nurse consultant who is best suited to meet the specific needs of your case.

While legal nurse consultant fees should be considered, it is important to recognize the significant value they bring to the litigation process. Their contributions can make or break a case, ensuring that justice is served and fair compensation is obtained for those who have suffered due to medical negligence or malpractice.

By harnessing the expertise of a legal nurse consultant, you can navigate the complex intersection of medicine and law with confidence and achieve the best possible outcome for your clients.

“How an Expert Medical Witness Shows Negligence”. Goguen, D. All Law.  Access here
“The Many Ways a Legal Nurse Consultant Can Serve as an Expert Witness”.  Access here
“Always a Nurse: The Legal Nurse Consultant”. Howland, W. (2020). NAQ Nursing Administration Quarterly. Access here
“Rule 702. Testimony by Expert Witnesses”.  Legal Information Institute.  Access here

Stress Management Consulting – Top Stressors and How to Reduce Them

By James M Katz, BA

A sign that says Stress Management
What is Stress Management Consulting?

In today’s fast-paced world, stress has become a common and often overwhelming part of our lives. The demands of work, personal relationships, and societal expectations can take a toll on our mental and physical health. That’s where stress management consulting comes in. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the importance of stress management, the role of stress management consultants, and effective strategies for achieving balance and wellness.

Before you can consult someone on their stress, we need to know what triggers it! There are plenty of common as well as uncommon triggers of stress. Several of these stressors are highlighted in the article (These Are The Top-Ranked Stressors Of 2023. Here’s How To Manage Them.) below.


Unlike worry about a work presentation or the coordination of a family wedding, these stressors aren’t things that you can just squash with a simple action.

“It’s not an area that you have a lot of control over … and then on top of that, you still have to figure out, how do I pay for my groceries? Will I make the rent this month?” Bufka said.

Below, experts break down the most common issues highlighted in the report and share how you can manage them if you’re struggling, too:

These Are The Top-Ranked Stressors Of 2023. Here’s How To Manage Them. Wilson J.  Nov 14, 2023, 05:45 AM EST Huffington Post

For the Full Article Please Go Here


  1. Understanding Stress: The Good and the Bad

Before delving into the realm of stress management consulting, it’s important to understand what stress is and how it can affect us. Stress is not always a negative thing. In fact, there is a healthy amount of stress that can help us perform at our best. This is known as eustress, which provides motivation and focus. However, when stress becomes excessive or prolonged, it can lead to detrimental effects on our physical and mental health.

  1. The Impact of Stress on Performance

Excessive stress can impair our cognitive abilities and hinder our performance in various aspects of life. When we are under stress, our brain’s capacity to think clearly and make rational decisions becomes compromised. We may find ourselves unable to see the bigger picture, make nuanced judgments, or build meaningful relationships. Additionally, chronic stress can lead to a range of physical and mental health issues, including anxiety, depression, cardiovascular problems, and more.

  1. The Need for Stress Management

Given the negative consequences of stress on our overall well-being, it is crucial to prioritize stress management. Stress management consulting is the process of identifying and implementing strategies to cope with and reduce stress levels. It involves recognizing stressors, understanding their impact on our lives, and developing effective techniques to manage them. Stress management is not a one-size-fits-all approach; it requires personalized strategies tailored to each individual’s needs and circumstances.

A large button with text that says Stressed Out?
Stressed out? Try stress management!
  1. What is Stress Management Consulting?

Stress management consulting is a specialized field that focuses on helping individuals navigate the challenges of stress and develop effective coping mechanisms. Stress management consultants are trained professionals who provide guidance, support, and personalized solutions to help individuals manage their stress levels. They employ a holistic approach, considering various aspects of a person’s life, such as work, relationships, and lifestyle, to develop comprehensive stress management plans.

  1. The Role of a Stress Management Consultant

A stress management consultant plays a crucial role in assisting individuals in their journey towards stress-free living. They conduct comprehensive assessments to identify the underlying causes of stress and develop tailored strategies to address them. These professionals guide individuals in recognizing their stress levels, understanding the impact of stress on their lives, and implementing effective stress management techniques. By working closely with a stress management consultant, individuals gain the tools and knowledge to take control of their stress and achieve greater overall well-being.

  1. The Benefits of Stress Management Consulting

Engaging in stress management consulting offers numerous benefits for individuals seeking to improve their quality of life. Some of the key advantages include:

  • Enhanced self-awareness: Stress management consulting helps individuals gain insight into their stress triggers and develop a better understanding of how stress affects their mental and physical health.
  • Customized solutions: Stress management consultants provide personalized strategies and coping mechanisms that align with each individual’s unique circumstances and goals.
  • Improved resilience: Through stress management consulting, individuals learn how to build resilience and effectively navigate life’s challenges, developing the ability to bounce back from stressful situations.
  • Better overall well-being: By effectively managing stress, individuals can experience improved mental and physical health, increased focus, better decision-making abilities, and enhanced relationships.
  1. Strategies for Effective Stress Management

  • Stress management consulting incorporates various evidence-based strategies to help individuals reduce and cope with stress. Some of the key strategies include:
  • 8.1 S.O.S Method: Stop, Observe, Strategize The S.O.S method is a simple yet powerful technique that helps individuals gain control over their stress response. By pausing, observing their physical and emotional state, and strategizing the appropriate action, individuals can interrupt the stress cycle and make more informed decisions.
  • 8.2 The Power of Breath: Deep Breathing Techniques Deep breathing exercises are a valuable tool in stress management. By consciously focusing on slow, deep breaths, individuals can activate their body’s relaxation response, calm their nervous system, and reduce stress levels.
  • 8.3 Personalized Stress Management Plans Stress management consultants work closely with individuals to develop personalized stress management plans. These plans take into account specific stressors, triggers, and goals, and provide a roadmap for effectively managing stress in daily life.
  • 8.4 Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques Practicing mindfulness and relaxation techniques, such as meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, or guided imagery, can help individuals cultivate a sense of calm and reduce stress. These techniques promote present-moment awareness and can be easily incorporated into daily routines.
  • 8.5 Cognitive-Behavioral Stress Management Cognitive-behavioral stress management focuses on identifying and challenging negative thought patterns and behaviors that contribute to stress. Through this approach, individuals learn to reframe stressful situations, develop positive coping strategies, and build resilience.
  • 8.6 Coping Strategies for Everyday Life Stress management consultants provide individuals with practical coping strategies tailored to their specific challenges. Whether it’s managing workplace stress, addressing relationship issues, or dealing with health concerns, these strategies equip individuals with the tools to navigate daily stressors effectively.
  • 8.7 Building Resilience to Stress Building resilience is a key component of stress management. Stress management consultants guide individuals in developing resilience by teaching them how to bounce back from setbacks, maintain a positive mindset, and cultivate healthy habits that support overall well-being.
  1. Integrating Stress Management into Daily Life

Effective stress management consulting goes beyond specific techniques; it involves integrating stress management strategies into daily life. This includes creating a supportive environment, setting boundaries, practicing self-care, and prioritizing activities that promote relaxation and stress reduction. By making stress management a priority and integrating it into daily routines, individuals can experience long-term benefits and maintain a healthier, more balanced lifestyle.

  1. The Role of Stress Management Consulting in Overall Wellness

Stress management is a crucial component of overall wellness. By effectively managing stress, individuals can experience improved mental and physical health, enhanced cognitive abilities, better emotional well-being, and stronger relationships. Stress management is not a one-time fix; it is an ongoing process that requires self-awareness, commitment, and the support of a stress management consultant or other resources.

  1. Finding the Right Stress Management Coach

A coach talking to his team.
Stress Coaching starts with you!

When seeking stress management coaching support, it’s important to find the right stress management coach who aligns with your needs and goals. Look for a qualified professional who has experience in stress management consulting and a deep understanding of the challenges individuals face. Consider their approach, expertise, and compatibility with your personality and communication style. A good stress management coach will provide guidance, support, and practical tools to help you effectively manage stress and achieve greater overall well-being.

  1. Conclusion

Stress management consulting is a valuable resource for individuals seeking to overcome the challenges of stress and achieve a healthier, more balanced life. By working with a stress management consultant, individuals gain the knowledge, skills, and support needed to effectively manage stress, build resilience, and prioritize their well-being. Stress management is not a luxury; it is a necessity in today’s fast-paced world. Take the first step towards a stress-free life by exploring stress management consulting and embarking on a journey of self-discovery and wellness.

If you would like to learn more about how to become a stress management consultant then you should review our Stress Management Consulting Certification Program 


Wikipedia Stress Management 

World Health Organization: What is Stress?

Additional Resources:

Chapter 13 – Psychological Stressors: Overview. S.M. Monroe, G.M. Slavich. Academic Press, 2016, Pages 109-115, ISBN 9780128009512,

Access link here 

Coping the Academic Stress: The Way the Students Dealing with Stress. Q Aina, P Hermilia Wijayati. KnE Social Sciences / International Seminar on Language, Education, and Culture (ISoLEC) / Pages 212–223. Mar 17, 2019

Access link here

Dealing With Stress: A Review of Plant SUMO Proteases. Rebecca Morrell, Et Al. Front. Plant Sci., 18 September 2019 Sec. Plant Physiology Volume 10 – 2019

Access link here 

Coping strategies of nursing students for dealing with stress in clinical setting: A qualitative study. Foozieh Rafati, Et Al. Electron Physician. 2017 Dec; 9(12): 6120–6128. Published online 2017 Dec 25.

Access link here 

Nursing Impact and Opportunities

Nursing has many opportunities and nurses should take advantage of the many available ways to be a larger and stronger impact on nursing itself.  One does this by not only great and professional care for patients but also excelling in the career itself through associations, boards, mentorships, and diversification of talents.  One can indeed make a large splash in the nursing field by immersing oneself into the many ways to bring others together professionally and perform at a higher level within whatever field one finds oneself.

As a nurse, you can make a huge impact on the industry and patients by utilizing your talents and character


With so many ways nurses can proceed professionally, one can find a perfect niche to find satisfaction and the ability to make the profession a positive experience for fellow peers as well as the patients cared for.  The article, “5 Ways to Make a Positive Impact in the Nursing Profession” by Farah Laurent looks at five particular ways to be a positive impact.  She states,

“Nursing does not always get the glory that it deserves and sometimes gets portrayed in a negative light, but it is one of the best professions in the world. If you are a nurse looking to make an impact, you surely can.”

“5 Ways to Make a Positive Impact in the Nursing Profession”. Laurent, F. (2023). Daily Nurse.

To read the entire article, please click here

The fifth option Laurent highlights is of extreme importance.  It relates to expanding horizons.  There is so much more to nursing than merely bedside care.  Many talented nurses utilize their skills in the courtroom, behind the desk, managing, working in forensics, or creating their own healthcare educational institutes.  The options are endless for certifications.  AIHCP offers numerous certifications for nurses to make a big impact and specialize in.  In addition, those with nursing degrees can later enter into special nursing licensures at the level of Nurse Practitioner and other fields.  With so many ways to make an impact, one’s particular interest can grow from basic nursing into so many other venues where nursing as a base can catapult one into other areas.


Nursing is a noble profession that plays a vital role in healthcare. Nurses are the backbone of the medical industry, providing compassionate care and support to patients in various settings. The field of nursing offers a wide range of career opportunities, each with its own unique demands and challenges. In this article, we will explore the different types of nursing fields and discuss what makes a good nurse.

The Importance of Good Nurses

Good nurses are essential for the smooth functioning of healthcare systems. They are the primary caregivers, responsible for providing physical, emotional, and psychological support to patients. A good nurse has the power to make a significant impact on a patient’s well-being and recovery. Their expertise and dedication help create a safe and comfortable environment for patients, ensuring that they receive the best possible care.

Different Types of Nursing Fields

Nursing offers a diverse range of career paths, allowing individuals to specialize in different areas based on their interests and skills. Some common nursing fields include:

1. Medical-Surgical Nurses: These nurses work in hospitals and are responsible for caring for patients before and after surgery. They manage medications, monitor vital signs, and provide wound care.

2. Pediatric Nurses: Pediatric nurses specialize in providing care for children and adolescents. They are trained to handle the unique physical and emotional needs of young patients.

3. Critical Care Nurses: Critical care nurses work in intensive care units (ICUs) and provide specialized care to critically ill patients. They are trained to handle complex medical conditions and emergencies.

4. Psychiatric Nurses: Psychiatric nurses work in mental health facilities and assist individuals with mental illnesses. They provide counseling, administer medications, and help patients develop coping strategies.

5. Geriatric Nurses: Geriatric nurses specialize in caring for elderly patients. They assist with daily activities, manage chronic illnesses, and promote healthy aging.

Other specialties are open to Nurse Practitioners who also have higher areas of expertise, in addition to non licensed fields such as Legal Nurse Consulting, Holistic Nursing, Nurse Patient Education, Forensic Nursing or Case Management.

Characteristics of a Good Nurse

Being a good nurse requires a unique set of qualities and characteristics. Here are some key traits that distinguish a good nurse:

1. Compassion: A good nurse is empathetic and compassionate towards their patients. They genuinely care about the well-being of others and strive to make a positive difference in their lives.

2. Strong Communication Skills: Effective communication is crucial in nursing. Good nurses are skilled listeners and can convey information clearly and concisely. They are able to establish trust and build rapport with patients and their families.

3. Critical Thinking: Nursing often requires quick decision-making and problem-solving. A good nurse possesses strong critical thinking skills, allowing them to assess situations, analyze data, and make sound judgments.

4. Emotional Stability: Nursing can be emotionally challenging, as nurses witness the pain and suffering of their patients. A good nurse has emotional stability and the ability to remain calm and composed in stressful situations.

5. Adaptability: Healthcare is constantly evolving, and a good nurse must be adaptable to change. They are open to learning new techniques, technologies, and best practices to provide the highest quality of care.

Skills Required for Each Nursing Field

While the core nursing skills are similar across different fields, each specialization requires additional skills and knowledge. Here are some essential skills for each nursing field mentioned earlier:

1. Medical-Surgical Nurses: Strong organizational skills, attention to detail, and the ability to multitask are crucial for medical-surgical nurses. They should also be adept at wound care and patient education.

2. Pediatric Nurses: Patience, a nurturing attitude, and the ability to communicate effectively with children are important for pediatric nurses. They should be skilled in administering medications and managing childhood illnesses.

3. Critical Care Nurses: Critical care nurses need to have advanced knowledge of life support systems, ventilators, and other critical care equipment. They should be skilled in interpreting complex medical data and responding quickly to emergencies.

4. Psychiatric Nurses: Psychiatric nurses should possess excellent communication and interpersonal skills. They need to be knowledgeable about different psychiatric disorders and have expertise in therapeutic interventions.

5. Geriatric Nurses: Geriatric nurses should have a deep understanding of the aging process and common geriatric conditions. They should be skilled in managing multiple chronic illnesses and coordinating care for elderly patients.

Education and Training for Nursing Fields

The educational requirements for nursing vary depending on the specialization. However, all nursing fields require a minimum of a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree. Some specialized nursing fields may require additional certifications or advanced degrees. After completing their formal education, aspiring nurses must pass the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) to become a registered nurse (RN). Continuing education and professional development are essential for nurses to stay updated with the latest advancements in their field.

AIHCP offers a variety of certification in Legal Nurse Consulting, Holistic Nursing, Nurse Patient Education, Forensic Nursing or Case Management.


Certification, especially from AIHCP can help nurses also diversify in a variety of areas such as Legal Nurse Consulting, Holistic Nursing, Nurse Patient Education, Forensic Nursing or Case Management.

Challenges and Rewards of Being a Nurse

Nursing is a demanding profession that comes with its fair share of challenges. Nurses often work long hours, handle physically demanding tasks, and face emotional stress. However, the rewards of being a nurse far outweigh the challenges. The opportunity to make a positive impact on patients’ lives, the satisfaction of helping others, and the potential for career growth and advancement are some of the rewards that nurses experience.

How to Become a Good Nurse

Becoming a good nurse requires dedication and continuous self-improvement. Here are some tips to become a good nurse:

1. Seek Mentorship: Find experienced nurses who can guide and mentor you in your career. Learn from their expertise and seek feedback to enhance your skills.

2. Stay Updated: The field of healthcare is constantly evolving. Stay updated with the latest research, advancements, and best practices to provide the best care possible.

3. Practice Self-Care: Taking care of your own physical and mental well-being is crucial to be a good nurse. Prioritize self-care activities like exercise, meditation, and spending time with loved ones.

4. Embrace Continuous Learning: Nursing is a lifelong learning journey. Embrace opportunities for professional development, attend conferences, and pursue advanced certifications to enhance your knowledge and skills.

The Impact of a Good Nurse on Patient Care

A good nurse has a profound impact on patient care. Their expertise, compassion, and dedication contribute to positive patient outcomes. A good nurse can provide comfort to patients, advocate for their needs, and ensure that they receive the highest quality of care. The presence of a good nurse can alleviate anxiety and fear in patients, fostering a sense of trust and security. The role of a good nurse in patient care cannot be overstated.

Conclusion: The Role of a Good Nurse in Healthcare

In conclusion, the field of nursing offers a wide range of career opportunities, each requiring unique skills and knowledge. A good nurse possesses a combination of qualities, including compassion, strong communication skills, critical thinking abilities, emotional stability, and adaptability. They play a crucial role in the healthcare system, providing compassionate care and support to patients. By becoming a good nurse, one can make a significant difference in the lives of others and contribute to the betterment of society as a whole.

Please also review AIHCP’s multiple certifications for nurses and other healthcare professionals


Please also review AIHCP’s multiple nursing and healthcare certifications.  The certifications are four year certifications and can be earned by nurses.  The certifications include Legal Nurse Consulting, Holistic Nursing, Nurse Patient Education, Forensic Nursing or Case Management.

Ultimately you can make a huge impact in nursing by not only being a nurse but by also picking a particular nursing area you like and becoming successful at it!


“Jobs for Nurses: 50+ Different Nursing Positions”. Nurse Journal Staff. (2023). Nurse Journal. Access here

“15 Nursing Jobs Can Work Instead of Bedside”. Nurse Journal Staff. (2023)., Nurse Journal. Access here

“The Many Ways Nurses Make a Positive Impact in Health Care”. (2019). Advent Health.  Access here

‘Nurses can and do make a real impact’. Bennett, V. (2017). Nursing Times. Access here


SAD or Seasonal Affective Disorder is a type of depression that coincides with the change of seasons.  It can be during any type of season but primarily occurs during the Winter months.  It is quite different than the Winter Blues in that it is consistent every year.  It is hard enough without longer days and sunlight to function but with Winter, especially after the Holidays, many will fall into SAD.

Individuals can find help, medication, as well as light therapy to help.  It is important to identify if you do have SAD and find the appropriate help from a licensed counselor who can guide you in the right direction.  SAD is more than being upset about the weather but a type of depression that needs professional care.  Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification.  While certified grief counselors who are not licensed counselors as well cannot treat depression, they do have the training to spot it and send you to a professional counselor who can treat it.

AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals.  Please review the program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.