Ten Easy Tips To Manage Stress

A lady singing to herself
Does singing help you manage stress?










With the increase in workloads, lack of vacations, lack of benefits, etc it is no wonder why we need to manage stress.   Add this to personal life stress and we are in serious need of stress management.  Lucky for us all, there are plenty of ways managing stress can be achieved in today’s chaotic workplace.   Have you ever tried humming your favorite song when stressed out?   Or perhaps trying light meditating and chanting a matra?   Some of these might seem silly but they do work at relieving stress.

How to Manage Stress

The article, “10 Tips for Quickly Relieving Stress”, by Sonia Choquette states

“It’s helpful to have a few stress-busting techniques to reach for when stress starts to creep up on you and take you hostage. Here are a few of my favorite busters. Try them yourself and see if you find them as helpful for relieving stress as I do.”

For the full article please go here.

Now you know how to manage stress with these simple tips.    Once you get in the habit of doing them you should notice your stress levels lowering and relaxation increasing.   Remember stress might be a part of life but that does not mean you have to be a part of yours!
If you are interested in learning more about stress management consulting then you should check out our webpage.

Stress Management Certificate and Stress Relief

How a Stress Management Certificate can Help Relief Your Stress.

A business woman practicing yoga in her office
A stress management certificate can teach you ways to reduce stress.

I am an office manager at a big company and we have several heated arguments over the last few months. We are going through contract negotiations and things are very stressful. I would like to find a neutral stress management certificate that would help us all relax and get down to business. There is never an advantage to being all stressed out and it is not real good for a person’s health. I would like have a moderator come in to calm things down. I want us all to be able to be civil with each other and get this contract signed. I want this over with so we can get back to work as usual. We are losing a lot of productivity because of how stressed out people are. I know that I am having trouble getting my work done because I am so stressed out from the situation.
By Rachel Wiseman

Stress Management Program

How a Stress Management Program can Help Social Workers.

I’m a social worker and I want to incorporate stress management into my work. So many of the people I work with come to me with enormous amounts of stress and I want to do what I can to help them. They have so many issues to deal with in their lives. Many of them are unemployed, all of them are poor, and most of them have broken families. It’s hard for my clients to keep it all together and not take out their stress on other people and I would really like to be able to help them cope with it all. I would be a much better social worker if I could do this. If found out about a stress management program that I can take online. My job is so busy that I can’t go to a physical school but I could find the time to do it online.

By Bret Richardson

Stress Management Study: Stress in America

A hand squeezing a stress ball
Everyone needs stress management!










Stress Management is quickly becoming a growing field in the American workplace.   Stress studies are now being conducted to further understand stress and its demographics.  Stress consulting professionals have found out that stress regardless of the date have three major points in common; Women, People with low education and People with lower incomes all are more stressed out than another group.   These three groups should be the focus of any stress relief.

Stress Management and How It Can Help The American Workplace!

The article, “The State Of America’s Stress”, Source: Huffington Post states

“The study included examinations of stress at three specific points in time: 1983, 2006 and 2009. The researchers looked at all sorts of different demographic information, including gender, age, employment, race, education and income, to see if there were changes in stress among these groups over the 26-year period.”

For the full article please go here.

Stress management is not hard to implement into a business.   Creating a stress free workplace can be as easy as giving employee’s an extra break.   Allowing them extra time off in a crisis.  Lastly as an employer you could offer them small perks that show you really care about their contributions.

If you are interested in receiving an online stress management consulting certificate then you should visit our webpage for more information.

Worrying and Stress

Worrying Can Cause Unneeded Stress In One’s Life.  So How to Worry Less?

Worrying and stress over non-important things is a common thing in America.  Americans put so much emphasis on irrelevant things and cause so much unneeded stress in their lives that it has become epidemic in the American way of life.  Below are a few do’s and do not’s of worrying.

Healthy ways to deal with obsessive worrying include:
1. Setting aside certain times of the day where one is “allowed” to review and think about problems.
2. Enjoy exercises or hot soothing baths to reduce worry
3. Seek advice from others to reduce worries
4. Recall how you have faced similar worries before
5. Maintain a normal schedule even if worried
6. Put your worries into perspective with other people’s problems in the world
7. Divert your mind from worries by enjoying hobbies or television programs
8. Write down your worries with solutions and include alternative solutions
9. Help others to take your mind off your own issues
In regards to what not to do when worrying, these tips below will supply plenty to think about:
1. Do not constantly worry day and night
2. Do not let your worries ruin events or meals
3. Do not use your worries as an excuse to break a promise
4. Do not panic or get drunk to avoid a worry
5. Do not be ashamed to visit a doctor because you feel worries do not constitute medical help
6. Do not take your frustrations out on your friends and families due to worries
These hints can help one manage problems and worries more sufficiently.
If you are interested in Stress Management, please click here and review the program.
(Information from the Community Counseling Clinic at Youngstown State University)

Stress and Anger: How Does Anger Affect You?

Stress and Anger Causes Various Reactions.  Which One Is You?

Stress and anger in one’s life can cause a variety of reactions in people.  Some people handle it better while others simply explode.  From a peaceful resolution to an angry explosion, professionals have found three key reactions to stress and anger.
The first type is the person who holds their anger inside.  These people best resemble a time bomb ready to explode as they take in more and more stress without releasing it in a healthy fashion.  In time, these peaceful individuals erupt as “the Incredible Hulk” and wreak a rage of havoc on those unlucky enough to be in their path.  These type of individual exhibit various behaviors that include emotional withdrawal or the “silent treatment”.  They feel anger is inappropriate or that they do not have the right to become angry.  Some also have coping problems with strong and intense emotions and could also fear the consequences of losing their temper.
The second type is the person who lets it all out.  This “Donald Duck” type individual gives into rage at a moments notice and releases all the negative energy.  Their behavior includes blowing up at people, getting physical with others, shouting, blaming and breaking things.  Their reasons behind their behavior include the necessity to assert power, a lack of communication skills or a obsession with never being wrong.
The third and final type of person handles anger and stress properly.  These induvial handle anger by remaining calm and focusing on the behavior not the other person.  They stick to the subject and think logically about the issue at hand.  They understand that anger is a natural emotion but do not allow it to dominate them or become excessive.  Instead of overreacting, they want to solve the problem causing the stress not yell at it.
Ultimately anger is a natural emotion and at times can be just.  Good spirituality and understanding of this emotion can eventually help one overcome unjust anger and learn to control oneself.  If one considers the hurtful things that be said or done when in a fit of rage, then maybe they can eventually learn to monitor their levels of irritation and not allow things to get out of hand.  On the other side, people also need to learn to express themselves in a healthy fashion when somethings upsets them.
If you are interested in Stress Management Courses, please review the program.

Breathing to Reduce Stress

How to Breathe Better to Reduce Stress

Proper breathing when stress comes can reduce anxiety and anger.  Proper breathing can also help prevent stress later in the day.  In addition to this, breathing exercises can also be good for one’s overall health.
The Community Counseling Clinic at Youngstown State University offered these 10 key steps in breathing techniques for reduction of stress.
1. Sit in a comfortable and peaceful place
2. Rate one’s tension on a scale of zero to one-hundred, with zero being totally relaxed and one-hundred representing as tense as you have ever been.
3. Then take a deep breath and hold for four seconds, but remember to breath from your diaphragm.
4. This should be done three to four times a day
5. While breathing, become aware of yourself in regards to heartbeat or a specific external noise.
6. Switch from concentration on things that inside of you to things that are outside of you.  Take your time while you focus back and forth
7. Begin to focus more intensely solely on your breathing and begin to phase out the other thoughts and external stimuli around you
8. If you need extra help relaxing, use a key word, such as calm to trigger a peaceful relaxation as you exhale.
9. After 15 minutes of peaceful breathing, begin to awaken yourself.  Start simply with the hands and feet and then begin to awaken larger parts of the body.  Conclude with stretching.
10. Finally, open your eyes and re-rate your stress on the tension scale mentioned in step 2.
These relaxation strategies can help re-energize oneself and reduce stress.
If you are interested in Stress Management Consulting, please review the program.

Strategies to Reduce Stress at Work

Stressed at Work?

If you feel stressed at work and want to learn how to reduce stress at work, then you are not alone.  Numerous people share in that stress whether its a deadline, task or intolerable boss.  The key is removing the stress.  When I think of removing stress and intolerable bosses I automatically smirk and think of the movie, “Horrible Bosses”, but  I assure you “knocking off” your boss is not the answer!  So sit back, RELAX, and review these few tips.
The key is to decompress yourself at work.  First, be sure to take time to exercise.  Whether it is five or ten minutes worth of stretching or a short walk around the office building, one will feel a physical difference and less tension.   This not only allows one to stand and walk around but it also gives one an outlet to escape the chaos and confusion of the work place when needed.
From a spiritual standpoint, prayer, meditation and soothing sounds, if possible, may also contribute to a more peaceful day.  A healthier mindset can help prevent the stresses others my bring.  A spiritual mindset also helps one deal with others with a heart of charity and understanding.  It also allows one to see daily crosses and stresses as ways to gain spiritual  merit.
Finally, food intake is critical.  Take your time at lunch.  People who rush lunch or eat while working are more prone to stress.  Also consider what you eat.  Healthier foods can optimize one’s mental and physical output and help reduce stress.
If you are interested in Stress Managehttps://aihcp.net/stress-management-consulting-certification/ment Consulting, please review the program.
(Information from Community Counseling Clinic, Youngstown State University)

Work, Burnout and Stress Management Strategies

The Stress of Burnout

Whether we would like to admit it or not, at one time or another, we have all experienced burnout.  Constant deadlines, long hours, lack of sleep and no vacations all lead to this natural breaking down of the physical and mental body.  Stress management strategies are essential to maintaining a healthy outlook and preventing burnout.  Below are a few good tips on how to prevent or deal with burnout.  These ideas come from Ruth Luban and her article “Proven Ways You Can Combat Burnout” in the April 1997 Edition of Vitality.
1.  Breathing Exercises
2. Establishing boundaries between work and personal life
3. Celebration of a task completed before starting a new task.
4. Being still and finding a quiet place or spot during break.
5. Delegate a particular task for each day instead of downloading them all at once
6. Do not over schedule one’s time, whether at home or on vacation.
7. Count one’s blessings and realize you have alot of good things happening to you
8. Take control of situations and realize if you created it you can solve it
9. Leave yourself a message to relax and not to take everything so serious and to put the stress or task in perspective with life and death
10. Affirm in the morning that today will be a good day–usually verbally to yourself
11. Be patient with yourself, burnout and stress takes time to overcome

In the end, burnout is chaos, order can bring calm and peace, but only when you are ready to take control of the situation and find the peace that can exist.  No life is so hectic that one cannot find time for peace.
If you are interested in Stress Management Courses, please review the program.


Nursing Stress Management Advice

Nursing Stress Management can help nurses avoid burnout.  How to manage stress is the biggest question.    Luckily there are online resources to show us how managing stress can be easy.  First step to manage stress is to identify your stress triggers.   Once you “know the enemy” you can create plans to deal with it.   I know this aspect of stress management is easier said than done but an article below might help give a little more insight.
By Cynthia Howard, RN, CNC, PhD
From Nurse Together

Nursing Stress Management Made Easy!

A nurse at her desk who looks stressed
Nursing stress management can help you relax and keep focus.

Part 1:  The balance of care and over care: Caring at your expense
Got up late again… Had to bake those cupcakes for the school picnic. Sarah asked me to switch with her and work today even though I really wanted off so that I could get it all done and sleep too! Oh well, I just do not like to say no. It is really getting to me though. I am tired and testy with my family and I really have lost myself in this process. Some days I just want to run away and hide so no one knows where I am.
Do you relate to any of this?
For the full article please go here.

Again first step in nursing stress management is to identify the cause of your stress.   Are you doing too much or “over-caring”?   Perhaps you should learn to say “No” and take time out just for you.
If you want to learn more about stress management then you might want to take our online stress management consultant certificate program found on our webpage.