ADHD Consulting Program Article on ADHD and Sleep

How much does ADHD and sleep problems have in common?  It is true many with ADHD suffer from an inability to mindfully rest.  This could also play a role during sleep.  ADHD can cause problems that prevent the mind from resting.  Instead, the mind races from one thought to the next.  These issues can correspond with sleep issues.  The sleep issues can also play big roles in the ADHD itself surprisingly.  They tend to fuel each other.

ADHD and sleep deficit can coincide with individuals. Please also review our ADHD Consulting Program and see if it meets your academic needs.


The article, “How Much Do Sleep Problems Underlie ADHD Symptoms?” by Dr David Rettew looks closer at the inter relations of sleep deficit and ADHD.  He states,

“The study has some important implications. While clinicians have long been aware that sleeping problems are quite common among those diagnosed with ADHD, the degree to which these difficulties are responsible for attention problems is often underappreciated. These data suggest that if we can help people with ADHD “just” sleep better, their symptoms might improve. ”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review AIHCP’s ADHD Consulting Training Program.  If qualified, you can become certified in this field and help others cope and deal with the issues surrounding ADHD.



ADHD Consulting Training Article on ADHD Coping

One of the biggest ways to combat ADHD is actually acceptance of the state of mind.  Learning how the ADHD mind works and the best way to deal with issues that arise is important.  What works best for an individual with coping strategies or ways to circumvent ADHD is important.  Creating one’s own plan, own habits and own ways to counter balance ADHD is critical to success.

Learning how one’s ADHD brain works is the best way to cope with ADHD. Please also review our ADHD Consulting Training Program


The article, “Why ADHD Self-Awareness is the Key to Effective Action, Change, and Progress for Each of Us” by Susan Laskey looks at how individuals can create their own way to counter balance ADHD.  She states,

“So what unlocks real change and progress? Recognizing (not resisting) our ADHD differences — and embracing our true selves. The more we understand ourselves (self-awareness) and appreciate the way we are (self-acceptance), the easier it is to maximize our strengths and create workarounds where needed (the power of possibility and choice!).”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review our ADHD Consulting Training and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.  Qualified professionals can utilize this certification to help others cope and plan coping strategies to deal with ADHD.

ADHD Consulting Article on Modifications Before Medicine

Children with ADHD sometimes need medication but medication can hold a myriad of side effects as well as a life long dependency on a pill.  Modifications and coping strategies can limit the need for medication or remove it.  It may not be the first step but it can lead to improved outcomes over time and remove the need for medication.

Before medication, various modifications should be done to see if a child can cope with medications. Please also review our ADHD Consulting Program


The article, “The question of medication: Life modifications might be an option for children with ADHD” by Ed Condran looks at modifications for children in regards to ADHD.  He states,

“There is no doubt some children need medication to quell their impulses and home them in on schoolwork, but why is it that comparable countries around the world have far fewer children on ADHD medication? What should parents do when they suspect their children’s lack of attention could be a problem in school?  Before visiting a physician, parents should take a look at their child’s actions and environment. Examine their diet, activity and sleeping patterns. If a child is exhausted, it impacts their attention span”

Hence beyond coping strategies, there can be a variety of ways one can learn to reduce the behavior. To read the complete article, please click here

Please also review AIHCP’s ADHD Consulting program for professionals seeking certification.  The program is online and independent study.


ADHD Consulting Certification Article on Spending and a Budget with ADHD

ADHD can cause mass spending.  It can keep a person moving mentally into a spending spree where certain things are considered needed.  The person keeps spending and cannot settle.  This can cause a problem in a marriage, as well as for the budget of anyone.  In quarantine and times of pandemic, this can also be difficult to curb ADHD tendencies to want to buy and order online.

The article, “How to Spend Less When the ADHD Brain Wants More, More, More” by Linda Roggli looks at how to train the brain to relax on the spending.  She states,

“Without the structure of regular hours at a job or with the distraction of children who are home trying to e-learn, many of us have lost our ADHD compass. Strategies that once worked no longer do. When we are “floating,” our impulsivity goes wild. ”

Controlling urges and following steps can help reduce ADHD induced spending.  To read the entire article, please click here

ADHD can lead to compulsive spending, especially during quarantine. Please also review our ADHD Consulting Certification and see if it meets your professional goals

Please also review our ADHD Consulting Certification and see if it meets your professional goals.

ADHD Consulting Training Program Article on ADHD and Finances

Managing money, like many things, can become difficult with ADHD.  ADHD can create an uncomfortable urge to continue to upgrade or add to something.  It can make one unsettled.  ADHD can hence become a major issue for adults who try to save money or spend more money.

ADHD can make you everyone at once, including your bank account. Please also review our ADHD Consulting Training program


The article, “Managing finances when you have ADHD” from MONEYSENSE reviews ways to better save money despite the ADHD urges.  The article states,

“To break that down, we all have something called executive function: That’s a function of the brain that allows us to review and think about the decisions we are making, and create a strategy for seeing those decisions through. Now, people like me, who have ADHD—we don’t have as much control over that executive function. And what that looks like from the outside is impulsive and erratic behaviour, which can have financial consequences.”

ADHD can cause havoc with impulses and it is no wonder that financial issues can follow adults with ADHD.  To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review our ADHD Consulting training program.  Qualified professionals will be able to help those with ADHD face everyday decisions.  Please review and see if the program meets your academic and professional goals.

ADHD Consulting Certification Article on Adult ADHD Coping

Adult ADHD is a true reality for many.  ADHD can get in the way of career and relationships.  It is important for those with ADHD to know how to cope with it and have the professional help they need.  With the proper guidance and coping skills, those with ADHD can live with relative ease and less stress.

Coping with ADHD can be difficult. Please also review our ADHD Consulting Certification


The article, “I Have ADHD. Here Are 9 Productivity Tips That Really Help Me ” by Isabelle O’Carroll lists 9 ways others can learn to cope with ADHD.  She states,

“You might find these tips more helpful than ever right now as most of us are dealing with some pretty big changes to our routines while we practice social distancing during the new coronavirus pandemic. Given our new day-to-day and work environments, it’s a great time to integrate some tips and tricks that can help you focus.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review our ADHD Consulting Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.



ADHD Consulting Program Article on ADHD Triggers

ADHD like any issue can be triggered by multiple things.   ADHD usually manifests with mundane tasks.  Standing in line, or having to wait can all be unbearable for those with ADHD.  Likewise sitting for long periods or having to listen and focus on a speaker can be difficult.  One other element is hypersensativity.

Many things can trigger ADHD in adults. Please also review our ADHD Consulting Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals


Judith Gorsuch discusses the issue of hypersensitivity and her own triggers in the article, “Please Don’t Hug Me! Seriously. And More Weird Things That Trigger My Hypersensitive ADHD”.  She states,

“When you’re diagnosed with ADHD as an adult as I was, you have the benefit of looking back several decades, cataloging your challenges, and finally realizing that not everyone lives this way. I keep a running list of random things I thought everyone struggled with, but it turns out that isn’t the case.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review our ADHD Consulting Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.

ADHD Consulting Article on Alternative Nootropics for ADHD

ADHD affects many adults and children.  Medications, such as Adderall or Ritalin while effective can also side effects.  Individuals look for other ways to cope or other medications or herbal supplements to control the symptoms of ADHD.

Sometimes primary medications for ADHD have drastic side effects and individuals need to find alternative solutions. Please also review our ADHD Consulting Program


Various nootropics can come into play that can help those suffering from ADHD.  While these supplemental aids may help some, they may not help everyone.

The article, “The 7 Best Nootropics For ADHD” by Erik Abramowitz looks at seven nootropics that can be utilized.  He states, 

“One of the biggest reasons people look into nootropics for ADHD is to quit traditional medications like Adderall or Ritalin. These drugs can do wonders but also come with harmful side-effects. These include irritability, anxiety, high blood pressure, heart problems, lack of sleep, loss of appetite, and addiction”

To read the entire article, please click here

It is important if looking into alternative medications or herbal supplements to also contact your primary healthcare provider and ensure that the supplements listed are good for your unique situation.  AIHCP offers a certification in ADHD Consulting as well as a Holistic Integrative Specialist program.  These programs can also better prepare professionals in the fields of ADHD and helping individuals better cope and deal with the issues that arrive with it.


ADHD Consulting Certification Article on ADHD and Bad Behavior

Behavior from ADHD is can definitely be noticed by parents or teachers.  The bad behaviors though can sometimes be mixed with what is truly ADHD or bad behavior.  Knowing the differences between ADHD behavior and bad behavior is important.  In essence, ADHD behavior should not be classified as bad behavior.  It is important to learn how to reward the behaviors we want to limit with ADHD.

The article, “Don’t Mistake Your Child’s ADHD Symptoms for Bad Behavior” by James Greenblatt states,

“Your child is not deliberately willful, disobedient, scattered, demanding, obnoxious, aggressive, or lazy. ADHD is not a “behavior problem” or a “discipline problem.” ADHD is a neurological, genetic, nutritional, and environmental medical disorder that imbalances the brain.”

This is good advice for parents.  While the behavior may be not desired, one must understand that it is not bad in itself or intended.  This may also make it difficult to identify bad behaviors not associated with ADHD.  To read the entire article, please click here

Understanding bad behavior and ADHD behavior is key. Learn how to help children and their behavior through an ADHD Consulting Certification


Please also review our ADHD Consulting Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.


ADHD Consulting Certification Article on Complex ADHD

ADHD can become labeled as complex when various issues surround it.  Learning disabilities, anxiety, depression and poor reception to medication can all make ADHD become labeled as complex.  With such complexities, it is imperative to find the necessary counseling and help to overcome the issues.  Usually licensed counselors help in such situations.  Those qualified but not licensed in counseling, but who deal with ADHD Consulting, need to be sure to refer these cases to licensed counselors.

ADHD due to other additional factors can be labeled as complex. Please also review our ADHD Consulting Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals


The article, “Complex ADHD In Children And Adolescents: SDBP Guidelines” by Hina Zahid  looks complex ADHD and treatment guidelines.  She states,

“The Society for Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics (SDBP) has developed new clinical guidelines for children with complex attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). These recommendations complement existing ADHD guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). The new guideline is published in a supplemental issue of SDBP’s Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review our ADHD Consulting Certification and see if you qualify to help individuals face ADHD challenges.