Substance Abuse Counseling Certification Article on Abuse and Addiction

Child abuse is seen to be a closely related to issues of later substance abuse

The article, Research finds substance abuse varies widely in association with child abuse, neglect, Source; The University of Kansas states

“Alcohol and other drug use are regularly linked to child abuse or neglect in families, but simply assuming the former causes the latter is not taking a deep enough look. A University of Kansas professor has authored a pair of studies examining how a range of parental alcohol and substance use behaviors are related to abusive and neglectful parenting behaviors and argues that a more thorough understanding can help address the associated problems to better serve families.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review our Substance Abuse Counseling Certification

Substance Abuse Counseling Article Modern Strides Being Made in Addiction and Mental Health

Modern Strides Being Made in Addiction and Mental Health

Modern strides for aiding addiction recovery and helping in overcoming mental health disorders are creating opportunities for individuals to incorporate new perspectives, healing, and new tools and techniques in the quest for the best possible health outcomes. With new ways of looking at and treating addiction, will come less stigma attached with the disease.

The Evolution of a Theory

No longer seen as a sign of weak character or moral shortcoming, there have been great advancements made in helping individuals to recover from addiction and to overcome mental health disorders. Modern theory over the last fifty years now views addiction as a treatable disease and there are a number of treatment plans available to help the individual struggling with addiction or mental health issues.

At the Beginning

Most drug and alcohol recovery programs begin with the process of detoxing. Once the substance that has been abused is removed and the addict is allowed to work on recovery with a clear mind and body the foundation is laid for addressing the issues that led to addiction.


One of the tools used in recovery is therapy. It is now recognized that many addicts have undiagnosed or untreated mental disorders, such as depression, anxiety, bipolar, PTS, and other issues that need to be addressed. Therapy can include individual, group, immersion, cognitive, behavioral counseling, and other types of counseling.

Skills for Living

Another useful tool is to develop skills for living. This is useful for both addiction recovery and mental health issues. These skills may include anger management, priority setting, visualization, and learning appropriate self-talk and interpersonal communication skills. Many modern Addiction Treatment centers work with patients to come up with plans to work on these skills.

A United Front

Another modern stride toward working with addiction and mental health issues is recognizing the body/mind/spirit connection. Being united and holistic in looking at healing both in body and mind can be beneficial in working about the greatest change.

Food is the First Medicine

Nutrition is paramount. Many addicts are malnourished which exacerbates problems. Recognizing the connection between health and nutrition, addiction recovery centers take pride in not only providing nutritious cuisine but often try to use organic foodstuffs whenever possible.


Exercise is a major component in the goal of attaining health. In numerous studies, exercise has proven a wonderful method for restoring both physical and mental health.

The Skills of Mindfulness

Meditation and mindfulness practice is an ancient system that is now being studied by scientists and added to the tool chest to help individuals in every walk of life have a better quality of life. Mindfulness training is a method to calm and quiet the mind and is proving extremely useful for people seeking help in overcoming addiction and mental illness.


Supplements, vitamins, herbs, tinctures, and teas are a method now being employed to help people live their best lives. The benefits of natural supplements are gaining acceptance with allopathic healthcare providers.


Many people have had good outcomes with the use of medication to control mental illness. Pharmacological modalities are one more possible way to handle the challenges that come with mental illness and addiction. The individual should work closely with his/her healthcare provider to reach the right dosage as it not only varies with each person, but one person’s plan may change over time.


One of the obstacles and/or symptoms that add to the problems of addiction and mental illness is a tendency for people in that state to isolate. We now recognize this as a symptom of the disease, and one that lends itself to the dilemma of the downward spiral. One of the best ways to deal with mental illness and addiction is to develop a connection with others. Whether it is through therapy, family, friends, or a group with which one shares common interests, it is beneficial to form healthy alliances.

Animal Companions

Another avenue for healing is through interacting with animals. Their non-judgmental affection enables people to find peace and comfort. The responsibility of nurturing and enjoying the company of an animal companion is therapeutic. So much so that some addiction recovery centers are now adding an animal care component, such as equestrian therapy, as part of their healing services.


One of the best things that an individual on the road to recovery can do is to find an arena of satisfaction. Whether it’s a hobby, sport, intellectual pursuit, or cause, finding something that brings personal satisfaction is a way to maintain mental and emotional equilibrium. In addiction and mental illness, hobbies and goals are often jettisoned and restoring them is one of the roadways back to health.

In the sphere of mental health and recovery from addiction, there have been incredible modern strides made in diagnosis and treatment.

Please also review our substance abuse counseling program

Becoming an Addiction Counselor – Who is Affected?

The article, “Jubinville: Judges must understand drug abuse”, by Robert Jubinville

“As a former Massachusetts State Police detective and now a defense attorney of 34 years, I have seen the ruin that addiction to drugs and alcohol causes in the lives of many of those who end up ensnared in the criminal justice system.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:

Becoming an Addiction Counselor to Help Those in Need.

Thinking about becoming an addiction counselor?   Maybe a little motivation would help you along in your educational journey.   Many times drugs and alcohol addictions can send good people down a spiral of criminal activities and ultimately lead them to long term prison sentences.    This does not have to be the end result.   With good substance abuse counseling advice you can help these people avoid being part of the criminal justice system.   You can help them put their lives back together and save their families as well.   Note not everyone is able to be saved and some just do not care altogether.   You will not be a counselor for those types.   You will be doing this for the ones that will listen and the ones you can reach.

The legal system needs to start helping rehab people and not punish them regarding substance abuse


Substance Abuse Counseling: A Look at Cocaine.

Substance Abuse Counseling: The Psychological Effects of Using Cocaine

Substance abuse counselors today are seeing more cases of cocaine abuse. The coca plant is a native to South America which has been cultivated for centuries and then refined into a substance called cocaine. This popular recreational drug is also a powerful central nervous system stimulant apart from being a mild topical anesthetic. The most popular method of consuming cocaine is to insufflate it in a powder form. It can also be injected intravenously into the bloodstream. Yet another method of consuming cocaine is to smoke crack or freebase cocaine. This allows a far more intense high that only lasts a short while.

Cocaine in a pile on a black surface
What substance abuse counseling techniques do you have for someone with a cocaine addiction?

Cocaine causes a myriad of psychological effects. Such effects are dependent on the user and his/her tolerance to the drug. Cocaine is often used as a party drug because it causes euphoria and extreme happiness. Other effects of the drug increase its popularity with party goers. One of these effects lowers fatigue and weariness making cocaine perfect for dancing throughout the night. Like amphetamines, some use cocaine as a fuel for their work. It helps them to concentrate and stay awake and therefore work more productively for longer periods of time.
An individual’s behavior may change in many different ways after consuming significant amounts of cocaine. People on high doses of cocaine are often irritable and irrational. Hallucinations can occur as well as intense feelings of paranoia. These factors all lead to aggressive, violent and antisocial behaviors. In addition to its adverse psychological effects, cocaine takes quite the toll on the human body. The circulatory system undergoes serious adverse effects. As cocaine is introduced to the body, pupils begin to dilate and perspiration may take place. A loss of appetite and decreased desire to sleep is also common. The heart rate as well as the blood pressure increases rapidly. The risk of stroke, heart attack and seizures increases when consumption of cocaine is coupled with the rigorous physical activity.
Compared to opiate withdrawal, withdrawal from cocaine is not nearly as dangerous to the user. The neurotransmitters involved with producing the highs associated with cocaine use include norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine which also play a role in psychological function. To learn more detail regarding these effects you can seek out the consultation of a professional who has achieved substance abuse counseling certification.
Withdrawal symptoms for cocaine include depression, anxiety, fatigue, chills, aches, pain, tremors, increased cravings, and even suicidal thoughts. Panic attacks are much more pronounced as soon as a man or woman undergoes withdrawal due to the fact there is no longer the psychologically “stabilizing” effect of the drug. Men and women undergoing withdrawal are so addicted to having “crack” on hand that they are almost mentally incapacitated by being deprived of it. This means that once the high wears off, users report feelings of sadness and depression which makes them anxious to consume the drug again or they will start experiencing withdrawal symptoms. Insomnia is also an acknowledged side effect when one is forcibly withdrawn from cocaine abuse as cocaine prevents the user from being able to sleep. Nevertheless, insomnia encountered for the duration of withdrawal has a shorter variety of impact compared with typical cases of insomnia.
Mild headaches and occasional periods of extreme fear and anxiety are also achievable signs and symptoms of prolonged abuse although they are not deemed widespread. Such symptoms can be very powerful and frightening for both the person experiencing them and those around them. Therefore, it is best to undergo withdrawal or detox under medical supervision. Cessation of cocaine abuse can also lead to paranoid thoughts, loss of sexual drive, suicidal tendencies and an overall sense of apathy. These symptoms are enough to tempt users to use cocaine just to get rid of them and such self-medication often leads to a cycle of abuse, addiction and eventually a prolonged dependency on the drug.
The long-term risks of using cocaine are basically more serious versions of the short-term psychological effects. Extreme restlessness and anxiety can lead to a barrage of paranoid thoughts and violent mood changes. Insomnia over a longer duration of time combined with the other effects of cocaine can lead to dangerous weight loss while on the drug. A host of health problems (such as lung damage, blockage of arteries etc.) associated with insufflation can occur when cocaine is used by snorting it into the nose.
It is to be kept in mind that cocaine is indeed a dangerous drug. Ironically, the risks of consuming cocaine are downplayed significantly by its reputation as a feel-good party drug. In reality, cocaine can not only cause death after one usage but the psychological effects it imposes on addicts can certainly lead to a violent lifestyle full of paranoid delusions. Enrolling into a substance abuse education courses will help health care professionals stay on top of the new information related to cocaine abuse.
If you are interested in learning about substance abuse counseling then you might want to review our site.

Teen Drug Abuse and What you can do!

Substance Abuse Counseling and Detecting Teen Drug Abuse

Substance Abuse Counseling and its counselors can detect teen drug abuse through various signs.  In the article below are listed eight tips to see if your teen is possibly abusing drugs.

Sair Harrar of writes about ways parents can detect or be better prepared to prevent their teens from falling into substance abuse.  In her article, “Teen Prescription Drug Abuse: 8 Tips for Parents” she outlines suggestions from a family who dealt with their teen and his drug abuse.

“Previous posts told the story of Tim Rader, a high school football star from Ashland, Pa., who became addicted to prescription pain pills while undergoing cancer treatment at age 17. He is now in recovery after a 10-year battle with addiction. Yesterday his parents, Lou and Patty Rader, talked about their own struggle as their son sunk into addiction.”

To read the entire article, please click here

If you are interested in substance abuse counseling, please click here


Doctors need to Help! Substance Abuse Counseling

Doctors Need to Treat Substance Abuse Better

Substance abuse continues to plague our society and where it can be met on a regular basis is at the doctor’s office.  Unfortunately, many doctors are not well equipped to deal with the issues of substance abuse.  Maybe they should look into receiving an certification in substance abuse counseling?

Sandra Boorman of the “Washington Post” writes in her article, “Few Doctors Know How To Treat Addiction” that certain changes could be on the horizon to better train doctors.

“They are seen every day in doctors’ offices, outpatient clinics and hospital emergency rooms: men in their 50s with bleeding ulcers; young adults pulled from car crashes; middle-aged women fighting a losing battle against chronic pain.”

To read the full article, please click here

With better trained doctors in this area, perhaps the war against substance abuse can be met early.   By working together doctors and counselors can help turn the tide in the war against substance abuse.   Also they will be not only saving lives but helping put families back together as well.

If you are interested in Substance Abuse Counseling, please review our program and click here.

Substance Abuse Continues to Plague America

Substance Abuse Is Still High Among Americans

Substance Abuse remains to be an issue in America as high rates of addiction continue to plague our nation.   It is a problem that needs to be addressed with compassion and proper training.   Many addicts use drugs and alcohol as a way to not deal with issues they are facing.   The physical addiction then makes sure they are sunk into substance abuse.

LJ Anderson writes in his article, “The Changing Face of American Addictions” about the continued problem of addiction.

“A study released by The Partnership at in March showed that 10 percent of American adults, ages 18 and over, consider themselves in recovery from drug or alcohol abuse. The organization’s president, Steve Pasierb, described the findings as a reminder that “addiction is a treatable disease and recovery can be a reality.”

The article from can be fully read by clicking here.

There are people in the world that believe they can stand up and make a difference.   These people are substance abuse counselors.   They are trained in ways to help addicts break their addiction and get back to normal productive lives.   If you would like to learn more about substance abuse counseling, please click here.

Substance Abuse Counseling: What are Bath Salts?

Substance Abuse Counseling for Bath Salts: A Psychological Time Bomb

Bath Salts‘ are a relatively new drug to hit the market, following in the wake of the ‘plant food’, methadrone.  Despite the name, they have no relation to the salts that you and I use for a relaxing soak; rather the name for another drug that has been manufactured specifically for the purpose of getting high. It has already spread across America, with the rate of spread increasing at an alarming rate. Sold under many names representing particular ‘strains’ the chemicals inside rarely differ to too much of a degree.

A picture of actual bath salts used in actual baths
These are real bath salts and do not have any drug properties at all.
A picture of white powder on a black background
Bath salts are actually synthetic cocaine. “Bath Salts” is just a street name.

The active chemicals, the parts that have an actual effect are pryovalerone, methylenedioxypyrovalerone and mephedrone. All of which are stimulants designed so that your heart beats faster and you have much more energy. The effects of bath salts could even be described as being LSD like in the hallucinations and visions that they invoke. While they are similar in effect to drugs such as ecstasy, cocaine or speed, there is a large distinction between them. Bath Salts do not offer the same euphoria as these drugs and typically will mean that the user will experience confusing and frightening times.
As they have hit the market and managed to circumvent the anti-drugs legislation, they are quickly becoming a very popular drug amongst young people. The fact that it is legal means that it is sold by head shops and on the internet in large quantities.  One of the few ‘advantages'(the term used loosely) of the legality of bath salts is that purveyors will have no reason to pollute the drug with cheaper components, as they will already be available cheaply. It is shipped from the east: India, China and Asia, then packaged into whichever garb it is being sold under. The packages do contain a warning about not being suitable for human consumption. But the rest of the packaging makes it obvious to any reader exactly what the product is for.
The major problem with bath salts, as with all of the new designer drugs that hit the market is that since they are so new there is next to no information on the long term effects of abuse. Even a relatively well policed drug like thalidomide managed to make it to the market and be well used before the terrible effects were realized. These legal highs are already pushing the boundaries of toxic chemicals, the potential unknown long term effects could be devastating. Whilst even knowing the difference between a normal and a fatal dose is guesswork.
What is already known about the side effects of the drugs is extremely bad news. Users have displayed symptoms of stimulant overdose and brain damage. Delusions and paranoid hallucinations can be very common. With studies showing  that up to 50% of users are likely to develop a form of schizophrenia.
There are already a great many cases where people high on bath salts have had psychotic breaks and been driven to commit quite violent and disturbing acts.
The news story that has been at the forefront of peoples’ minds lately is of the man, Randy Eugene  who ran naked through the streets until he found a homeless pensioner, who he brutally attacked and tried to eat the face of.  He actually took bites out of another man’s face. Apparently bath salts were already illegal in Miami Florida where the attack took place. But this incident and many others like it are causing a stir amongst the authorities. There are already plans in place to ban the active components of the drug.
It is clear from the sheer numbers of people being admitted to hospitals and poison control centers that this drug is already out of control. Topped off with the amount of violent and bizarre crimes being committed  by the users. There are many tales of people becoming scared of the paranoid hallucinations that are afflicting them and trying to escape. In most cases this means putting other people at serious risk. This means for most cases that the users who are already delusional and a huge risk to their own and public safety are then extremely likely to direct their anger towards the very people who are trying to diffuse the situation.
What is clear is that anyone using such a drug is putting their physical and mental health under a massive strain. No good can come of this and if we do not act to curb the drug soon as schizophrenia and madness could reach epidemic proportion.

A zombie girl reaching out of a bath tub
In conclusion: Bath Salts have nothing to do with baths or zombies.

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Substance Abuse Counseling Must Also Be Spiritual

Substance Abuse Counseling must also be Spiritual Counseling too

Substance Abuse is more than just a physical analysis of the body and its dependency on a drug.  It is even more than a psychological issue.  The reality is that when one is treating someone for a dependency on a drug, one must treat the unique wholeness of that individual.  This is where Christian Counseling or even merely Spiritual Counseling comes into contact with Substance Abuse Counseling.
From a more theological perspective, one must go beyond the physical and psychological manifestations of addiction but also see the spiritual elements that are at play.  In essence, if one accepts the reality of the soul, then one also accepts the reality of sin.  Sin is a rejection of truth and an acceptance of something in its place.  Some sins are occasional, while others can become habitual.  It is when a sin becomes habitual that it becomes a vice that pollutes the beauty of the soul and dampens one’s spiritual life with God on a consistent basis.
The particular vice of addiction correlates with drunkeness, which is one of the seven capital

sins.  This root vice can be applied to any substance that is used in excess to lessen reason.  This vice is counter to the virtue of temperance which teaches one to moderate any physical pleasures.  It also contradicts the teaching to respect one’s body as a temple of the Holy Spirit.  Through the misuse of substances, one not only hurts one’s body but also damages other social relationships.  One’s family, schooling and career can be ruined via substance abuse.  Furthermore, the substance becomes one’s god in many ways.  Everything else is put second to this devouring new god that demands finance and time at the expense of spiritual and physical well being.
With these things in mind, what does the virtue of temperance include?  Does it demand complete abstinence from all substances that can alter the mind?  This is a divided question among religious.  Islam strictly forbids any form of alcoholic drink, much less any addictive drugs.  Christianity, however, offers a mixed reaction.  While all Christian denominations condemn drunkeness and drug use, there is division upon moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages.  Some denominations of Christianity condemn all drinking of alcohol and strictly forbid it.  Other denominations, including Catholicism, do not condemn drinking if it is done so moderately and without the production of an altered state.  These denominations primarily site

the story of Christ at the Wedding Feast of Cana, where Jesus turned water into wine.  They also site the Last Supper where Christ turned wine into his blood.  All cases showed that Jesus partook in the consumption of wine and did not officially oppose it usage.
Yet, despite moderate usage, alcohol still can pose a threat to addicts.  In these cases, recovering addicts must avoid occasions of sin and temptations by completely removing themselves from the environment this vice lurks.  Counselors of both Substance Abuse and Christian Counseling need to understand the addictive nature of these substances to their clients.  The power of addiction as a physical force is strong enough.  One simple slip can enslave the person again to its power.  In this way addiction is more than a physical force but also a spiritual vice.  From a spiritual view, addiction is demonic in origins and hopes to lead the soul down a dark path void of the light of Christ.  In this way, whether a religious counselor or a substance abuse counselor, one needs to see the spiritual war that is taking place within the soul.  The person needs to find virtue and grace to finally overcome any addiction.  By replacing their vice with virtue and filling the void that addition gives with the love of Christ, one can overcome any addiction.  In this way, a spiritual rebirth or rediscovery is essential for spiritual healing.  This is key because usually what initially turned the person to the drug was due to a spiritual wound.  The drug and the subsequent addiction is an attempt to escape the spiritual damage.  One must face their pain, heal it and move on.  This can only be accomplished via God.  In this way, I hope Substance Abuse Counselors also discover the need to become Spiritual Counselors because the whole nature of the person needs treated not just merely the physical and psychological manifestations.
If you are interested in Substance Abuse Counseling or Christian Counseling Certification, please review both programs.

Mark Moran, MA, GC-C, SCC-C