Pets Lower Stress!

Pets Lower Stress
Pets Lower Stress

The article, “Vitamin P: The Secret to Health and Longevity”, by Mark Hyman states

“We all know that techniques such as yoga and meditation can offer major health benefits by reducing stress. They’re great. But did you know that the companionship of a dog can provide similar stress relief and other health benefits?”

American Institute Health Care Professionals‘s insight:

Looking to reduce stress?   Maybe you should look to a local animal shelter.   A new article states that pets lower stress.    Our furry friends are excellent at being there when we need stress relief.  Petting your pooch can also have a positive effect on our stress.   The action of petting seems to allow us to forget about our stress and focus on something else.

For more information on stress management counseling please feel free to visit our site.

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Sleep is critical in stress management

stress management
stress management – Not enough sleep can lead to a whole lot of stress! Bust it with 8 hours of sleep.
American Institute Health Care Professionals‘s insight:

Everyone is looking for ways to relieve their stress.    With stress management becoming more mainstream, terms like “managing stress” are trending on google and other major search engines.    What if, however, reducing your stress was as easy as counting sheep?   That’s right!  Getting plenty of sleep could be the way to fight stress.   A new article says that sleep is critical to combating stress.    Perhaps you should try and get a good sleep schedule.  For more on this subject go to: Stress Training Courses.

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Becoming a Stress Manager? Here is Some Advice.


American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:
Looking for some stress advice to help you get through the day?    Maybe not managing your stress is the answer?   In this article it is suggested that stress might actually be good for you.   As it turns out some stress can boost our brain power!    Being alert from stress has positive benefits.   If you are interested in becoming a stress manager then you should check out our site.

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Stress Management Consulting with Spirituality

The article, “STRESS MANAGEMENT THROUGH SPIRITUALITY”, by Welearnindia states

“The term “stress” is nothing new to modern life. Estimates suggest that one in every three individual today is a victim of stress, depression and various kinds of phobia.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:
What is stress?   By now everyone knows the answer to this question.   The real question should be: What stress management tactics work?   The answer is a bit difficult.   It really does depend on the person.   For some stress management through spirituality might be the answer they are looking for.   Spirituality and meditation has a calming effect on us.   Being able to use it to reduce stress seems like a great idea.    By knowing that the little things do not matter in the grand scheme of things, many of us can put them aside and learn how to react to stress better.
In this article they go into how spirituality can be used to combat stress.    Want to learn more?  Click here:  Stress Management Consulting

Stress Management Consulting
Stress Management Consulting gives helps to those who are in need. You don’t need an SOS sign when stress management is around!

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How To Break 5 Bad Stress Habits

Bad Stress Habits
Bad Stress Habits

The article, “How To Break Bad Habits Brought On By Stress”, by Amanda L. Chan

“Picking at your nails. Chewing your hair. Cracking your knuckles. Are you guilty of any of these?.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:
Do you have any “go to” bad stress habits you like to use to get you through the day?   These bad habits can be harmful to us in the long run.   They are also not a good way to deal with stress.   It is important to learn how to identify them and find healthier ways of stress management.   Some even use smoking and alcohol as means to combat their stress.   This has a severe negative affect on our bodies.   Never use narcotics and alcohol as a way to deal with negative aspects of your life.    They can lead to addiction and learned behaviors for dealing with stress.   Try to keep the two separate.
For more advice on stress management our website is a click away!

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Stress Management Under Pressure

Stress Management
Stress Management

The article, “Stay Calm! How To Perform Under Pressure”, by Marie Proeller Hueston states

“Do you freeze up under pressure? Experts share their best tips for staying composed when the floor is all yours.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:
We all can feel the mental pressure caused by stress.   Some of us excel while others fall apart.   Stress management is key to keeping it together.   Learning to manage stress can help us excel and not fall apart.   Dealing with stress effectively can help you lead a healthier life both mental and physically.   If you are like me then you might benefit from some of the advice offered in this article.
For more on stress management feel free to drop by our site.

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How to Release Stress Through EFT

release stress
release stress

The article, “How to Release Stress Through EFT”, by Gabrielle Bernstein states

“In this vlog I will lead you through a tapping session that will lessen your stress and help you feel physically and mentally calmer. As you tap on the specific meridians, I will guide you to address certain emotions that come up around your stress.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:
Great article on how we can release stress via EFT.   EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique is like acupressure for the psychie.    By stimulating your energy points in your body you can unblock your fears, stop negative behaviors and even use it for stress reduction!   Tapping as it is nicknamed is a growing field.   It is just how it sounds.   You physically tap on certain points on your body.    These points help calm your stress.   If you want to learn more about other alternative health care fields you can always visit our webpage.

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About Stress Management and Burn Out

The article, “10 Signs You’re Burnt Out”, by LearnVest states

“Looking back, it’s obvious that my lifestyle wasn’t sustainable. But back then, I wore my workaholism like a badge of honor. The way I saw it, I had an awesome job and would work as hard as it took to do well.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:
Suffering from burn out can be a potentially career threatening stress situation.    That is why learning about stress management is important to our professional careers.   Far too often we allow our stress to rule our lives.   We do not take vacations.   We do not find time away from our jobs.   Common signs of burnout due to stress are: a lack of motivation, lack of energy, hatred of your job, lack of emotional control and sometimes substance abuse after work.   If you have any of these signs, you might need help.   For more on stress management advice, please go here.

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Manage Stress with 6 Shortcuts To Inner Peace

manage stress
manage stress

The article, “Shower Bliss: 6 Habits to Create Peace as You Start Your Day”, by Ashley Davis Bush states

“The morning is a critical time for setting the tone of your day. You can start out of the gate frenzied, frantic, and flummoxed or confident, cheerful, and calm. Which way sounds more appealing to you?”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:
There is no better way to manage stress and to achieve inner peace.   When you are at peace, stress does not bother you.   It can affect how you wake up.   It can affect your body and your mind.   The positive affects of this can help you in your professional and private life as well.  By making changes like this, you can really help manage stress.   So please try these 6 tips to help with your inner peace.   For more tips on how to manage stress please take some time and visit our site.

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A Heart-Centered Meditation For Managing Stress

managing stress
managing stress

The article, “Manage Pain and Stress With Heart-Centered Meditation”, by By Susanna Bair states

“Whatever circumstances are going on in the outer world, outside your control, you always have the power to create a peaceful and harmonious inner world.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:
Sometimes the best form of stress management is meditation.  Meditating is a great way to relax and focus on what matters and what does not.  It helps with managing stress.    It also helps add benefits from meditation as well.   Being able to stay calm and keep your mind at peace can help you mental and physically.   So lower your stress by daily meditation.  For more on meditation courses, you should go to our site.

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