The article, “How Exercise Can Calm Anxiety”, by Gretchen Reynolds states
“Exercise leads to the creation of excitable brain cells, but it also creates neurons that can quiet parts of the brain and counter everyday stress, new research in mice shows.”
American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:
How to Calm Stress and Anxiety
Can exercise help calm anxiety and stress? Some feel so and it all comes down to the brain and how it functions. By understanding how we work and operate, we can target what causes stress. Once we know that it is a simple matter of knowing how to eliminate it or learn to deal with it. More stressful situations or causes of stress can be dealt with effectively once we understand them.
The article, “3 Steps to Eliminate Workplace Stress”, by Adam C. Uzialko states
“According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 25 percent of all employees view their job as the top stressor facing them.”
American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:
10 Great Effective Ways to Deal with Stress at the Workplace.
Stress reduction tips can be a life saver (yours or someone else’s) when you are having a horrible day. Good thing there are effective ways to deal with stressavailable to us all. Here is a great article on 10 ways to escape your stress and have a more productive day.
Feeling like you need more stress management advice? We have a certification program in stress consulting you might be interested in reviewing. With this program you can learn all the needed tools to manage stress. It is also worth taking a look at as well.
American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:
New Stress Management Method
A new stress management technique has come out. Dialectical behavior therapy or DBT. How DBT works is it uses distraction, distress tolerance and mindfulness to deal with stress. There are courses in stress management by DBT offered. By taking these courses you could become an expert in DBT. You could then use it to help people effectively deal with stress. If that is something you might be interested in then you would benefit from this information. For more you might want to read this article.
American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:
Tips to be Stress Free – 20 Great Ways You Can Combat Your Stress.
Stress is part of every life on this planet. It is a natural reaction to many situations. When it, however, becomes overbearing it becomes a problem. When stress takes over your life, it has nasty effects on your body and mind. These can lead to a whole host of problems and issues. That is why everyone needs tips to be stress free. These tips can help you overcome your stress and being a more relaxed you. This article has the top 20 ways to reduce stress.
The article, “Fight Stress With Food”, by Dr Vendryes
“It seems that more people than ever are mentally unstable. Depression, anxiety, violence, irrational and anti-social behavior are escalating in our society.”
American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:
A List of Foods for Stress Relief
Did you know there are foods for stress relief? It is true. There are holistic stress remedies you can use to combat your stress. Foods that are rich in B vitamins and Magnesium are excellent ways to receive natural relief from stress.
The article, “How To Prepare Yourself For The Perfect, Stress-Free Vacation”, by Sarah Klein states
“If you’ve ever found yourself wishing for another vacation before you’ve even finished unpacking your suitcase from the last one, it’s time to do something a little differently before you hit the road for this extra-long July 4th weekend.”
American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:
Learn to Relax with Training in Stress Management
Only in American do we have a term “vacation stress.” We are so tightly wound up that we need to learn how to relax and enjoy a stress free holiday weekend. Try planning ahead. By laying out your vacation you can forgo any surprises. Also try not caring if something does not go 100% right. You are on vacation. If you cannot get into a certain restaurant, go for something new and exciting.
Luckily for us all it does not take any special training in stress management. All you need are a few tips and a little bit of scheduling and you are off to relaxationville.
The start of summer has officially arrived. Between vacations, barbeques, outdoor sports and more time spent outside the office, this can be the most relaxing season of the year.
American Institute Health Care Professionals‘s insight:
Summer Time Ways to Reduce Stress.
Summer is officially upon us, along with all of the great outdoor stress relief activities. Summer should be our time to get out and enjoy ourselves. There are unlimited ways to reduce stress during these months. From vacations, bbqs, swimming, even just sitting in the sun is good for you. Getting a little sunshine boosts your bodies vitamin D. For more ways on how to relief stress during the summer please check out this article.
American Institute Health Care Professionals‘s insight:
How Stress Affects Our Physical Body.
Chronic stress can change your physical appearance. How stress affects your looks is by changing the levels of cortisol in your body. Cortisol is a hormone that can have negative effects on your physical appearance. Other stress related problems include; accelerated aging, dry or dull skin, weight gain, acne, and brittle nails. Stress can also add weight and make it near impossible to lose. It affects men and women differently. Men tend to store their stress weight in their stomachs whereas women normally store stress weight in their legs and thighs.
The article, “How Men Handle Stress Differently” by Dr. Gail Gross states
“If you’ve ever been frustrated with the way the opposite sex reacts to a problem you have shared with them, it helps to know there are innate differences in the way men and women handle stress differently. “
American Institute Health Care Professionals‘s insight:
How Men Handle Stress and How They Can Reduce It.
Is there any difference in how men handle stress? This article seems to think so. When men are stressed they tend to want to escape it, whereas women are more likely to discuss their feelings. What stress management for men advice is there? Be willing to work together, use a proper diet and exercise, and try to keep a normal sleep pattern. Whatever the case may be, we certainly could use some great stress management advice. Learning to deal with stress is a key part in anyone’s life. Try these tips to get your stress free life in gear.
The article, “Fish oil could play a role in blunting the effects of mental stress, a small study suggests.” source; Huffington Post states
“Researchers from Michigan Technological University, New York Medical College and the Mayo Clinic found that taking fish oil pills seemed to be protective against the effects of mental stress on the heart, particularly heart rate and muscle sympathetic nerve activity (key in the fight-or-flight response).”
American Institute Health Care Professionals‘s insight:
All Natural Stress Management Techniques to Fight Off Stress.
A new study is suggesting that mental stress could be stopped by the use of fish oils. This all natural stress management technique is also very heart healthy. Holistic stress relief is nothing new. It has been known for years that relaxing and calming effects of various teas and herbs.
Try eating more farm raised catfish. They are not only a great tasting fish but they are a sustainable food staple as well. Just make sure you check the country of origin. Many south east Asian fisheries have very questionable business practices. Remember you are what you eat. AND that applies to what you are eating as well. So stick with US or Canada raised fish.