How Stress Affects Your Health

Wondering How Stress Affect Your Life?

Stress can strike anyone.   It is a natural part of life.   It can help us be at our best or it can bring us down to our worst.   How stress affects our health is by increasing blood pressure, keeping us up at night, to mental issues as well.   Stress can also cause chronic health issues as well.   It can affect our immune system, give us heart trouble, help us gain weight AND keep it on, etc.   So as you can see reducing stress does not only help you mental but can have long term health benefits as well.   A good article has more:

By Nick Tate
From NewsMaxHealth

“Job demands. Family squabbles. Relationship troubles. Financial pressures. All are common causes of stress, with studies showing at least two out of three Americans report experiencing moderate to high levels of it over the past month.”

Read the full article here

Large sign that says stress
Wondering how stress affects your life?

Still don’t believe stress can have that big of an impact on your life?   Take something that you worry about EG your job, bills, projects, etc and then imagine your life without it.   Does the thought of that stressor not being in your life give you a feeling of relaxation?   If so then that is how stress affects you.   You might benefit from stress reduction exercises.   For more please visit our certification in stress management consulting website.

Want to Relieve Stress? Try These Tips!

7 Effective and Soothing Ways To Relieve Stress

Stress is a normal part of our daily lives. Waking up early, getting ready for the office and the daily hustle bustle can get really stressing at times. This is why we should find a way to break free from stress from time to time.

Here are 7 effective and soothing ways to get rid of the stress that you are feeling:

Take a mini vacation.

No, you do not have to go to the other end of the world just to relieve stress. Also, you do not have to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars just to get the relaxation that you most want. Doing that would just make you even more stressed afterwards. Your mini vacation can be as simple as a weekend getaway or an overnight stay at the resort. Being away from your stressors or just having a change of scenery will surely relax and calm your mind.

Take a break.

Do not expect that you can easily get rid of stress if you will keep on doing the things you usually do. Keep yourself relaxed in the middle of the day by taking a break. Pause for a while. A 15 minute break every three hours can certainly do wonders for you. When you do this, you will have the energy to finish all your to-do tasks for the day a lot more efficiently and in a more relaxed manner.


If you have pent up emotions that are already making you go crazy, sing it out! One of the most common stressors that we have in life is these emotions. Letting it go through singing is one good way to positively release all your emotion, stress and worries. You do not have to be a good singer to do this. It’s the act that of releasing your emotions that you are after, not the sound of your voice.

Have a massage.

This has been proven time and time again, massage is a wonderful way to say goodbye to stress. Having a massage will surely bring relaxation not only on your body but on your heart and mind too. Stress manifests itself in our body in tensed and stiff shoulder muscles, headaches, muscles aches and the like. Massage is the greatest solution to these problems.

Take a walk.

Walking is the most relaxing thing you can ever do. The good thing about it? You do not have to spend money to do this! Walk with the purpose of just walking. Enjoy the sights. Take a look around you and calmness would surely dawn on you. Since walking is one form of exercise, your body would also release some happy hormones that would make you feel more relaxed throughout the whole day.

Do something you love doing.

With so many activities that we have to finish on a daily basis, we sometimes forget to allocate some time to do the things that we love doing. Do you love to dance? How about draw? Listen to music? Then do it! You will be amazed at how much energy you will have afterwards.

Do yoga.

Meditation and balancing will surely get your mind off the things that stress you. When you focus on what the instructor wants you to do, you will be able to rest your mind from worrying even for a while. Plus, this is considered an exercise too. This is why you can get to be physically fit and relaxed at the same time.

Keep in mind that you do not have to shell out huge amounts of money just to have the relaxation you need, Truth is, there are very simple things that you can do to say goodbye to the stress that you are feeling.

About The Author:

Ron is the online representative of Happy Head Massage. He believes that having a body massage once a week can greatly ease the stress our body receives.

Sources of Modern Day Stress: Stress Management Training Program

Sources of Modern Day Stress:  Stress Management Training Program

Sources of modern day stress are everywhere.  What was once a non issue for other generations has become major issues for people of the Twenty-First Century.  While modern conveniences make the world smaller and information at the tips of our fingers, one can find stress lurking in every corner.

One of the biggest modern inventions is the internet.  The revolution of the internet changed everything, especially the exchange of information.   But how much is too much?  Many people become absorbed in their phone as they search for information or converse with others. Stories that never would have surfaced now surface and flood individuals with information overload.  These smaller stories can be a source of frustration.

Another offshoot invention from the internet is Social Media.  Social media has a played a large role.  No longer is the issue just general information but a display of personal information that stems from Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter, Youtube and Pinterest to name merely a few.  People we barely know are unloading their stress on the net on all these social platforms.   We can turn our heads or become caught up in the drama.   Stories that one would never hear now have the ability to irk a person.  Someone’s opinion on this or that becomes center stage.  Of course, on the net, not all opinions are written nicely and this can be a cause of stress to others.  How silly does it seem to see a fellow worker come to work irritated because of a comment on Twitter or Facebook?  Yet that is the reality of Social Media.  Everyone now has a voice and sometimes that voice can be very annoying and stress inducing.

What of cell phones in general? It would appear they have become an evolved appendage.  How many people today cannot exist without the cell phone at their side.  How ever did the archaic peoples of the late Twentieth Century exist without the comfort of on the second updates of what this actress or actor did or tweeted about?   A frenzy of stress can result if one simply misplaces their cell phone or forgets it at home.  The person feels naked and out of place.

With new technologies also comes new stresses.  New innovation comes with new bugs that need sorted out.  New technologies also create new ways of thinking.  Businesses never once thought that page ranking on Search Engines would ever be an issue, now it is center stage and a huge stress upon businesses.  We are attached to these things and cannot escape it.  But what about the freedom and peace that comes from being “unplugged”?

It is a good thing to unplug ourselves from modern sources of stress once in awhile.  It is important to release ourselves from the necessity of immediate information.  I think it is important as cell phones, tablets, search engines, and innovation in general become more advanced, that we all take a step back and relax.  We need to remember our roots.  We need to recall the importance of personal interaction, a simple hello, and real world conversation with our customers.  We also need to de-stress ourselves with things that the modern technology cannot give us; A good work out, shooting some hoops, or taking a long walk with someone we care about.  While stress is everywhere, sometimes getting away from the modern technology is a good way to escape stress.

I once joked that if technology today existed hundreds of years ago, there would be less saints.  No saint ever had to deal with a lagging internet page, the loss of internet during work hours, forgetting to save your last report,  or a crashed server.  In fact, go back twenty years and no one had to deal with these stresses.  Yet, the stress is definitely worth the reward–or is it?

Some people may find the stress worth it.  It is true the internet, the transfer of information and the ability to share and advertize on the net is a blessing, but I think we need to put everything in perspective and not allow ourselves to become overwhelmed or maybe like so many science fiction programs allude will come true–we will become technology ourselves!

Stress Management Training Program

If you are interested in learning more the American Institute of Health Care Professional’s Stress Management Training Program, then please review.  The program itself consists of core courses that help prepare qualified professionals to become certified as a Stress Management Consultant.  After completion of the core courses in Stress Management Training, one can apply for certification.

Certification lasts for three years and is renewable.  Those wishing to become recertified in the Stress Management Training Program will need to accumulate over five hundred hours of clinical work within the field and fifty hours of academic continuing education courses.  These courses can be taken online with the Institute or at local workshops.

Qualified professionals  include those in the Psychological field.  Degrees in counseling, psychology, nursing, health care professions, and ministry are all accepted.  Licensed professionals in the medical fields, as well as social fields are also accepted.   Certified professionals with sufficient academic background are also accepted.  Such examples would include certified yoga instructors, or certified meditation instructors.

A Stress Management Consultant Certification is an excellent way to amplify or add to an already existed career.  It can give you the necessary training and knowledge to help others with stress and also allow you to share you skills at a professional level.  Stress Management can be utilized as a home base business or can be utilized in counseling.  Other opportunities include working with firms who wish to promote stress management skills to their employees.  The examples for this are endless.

If you feel our program can help you professionally and academically, then please look into the courses and Stress Management Training Program.  If the program matches these needs, then you could be utilized this new found skill set in your profession.

In the meantime, thank you for interest in Stress Management and please feel free to review rest of the blog.  If you have any questions, please let us know and we will get back to you.


Health Care and Good Health and How to Become a Certified Holistic Nurse, Life Coach, Stress Manager or Meditation Instructor

Health Care and Good Health and How to Become a Certified Holistic Nurse, Life Coach, Stress Manager or Meditation Instructor

Good health and exercise is the theme of the Twenty First Century.  People by the groves are seeking natural and holistic answers to health concerns and questions.  Exercise and fitness are also important elements to modern day life as people hope to cut off the fat and erase unhealthy eating and exercise habits.   With this need comes a demand for expert advice on all levels from nutrition and fitness professionals.

An array of professionals exist to meet these needs.  Licensed dieticians and other qualified professionals offer expert advice.  There are also an array of certified professionals in the health field that can help and promote health.  These professionals may be both licensed and certified or merely certified.  As a certified professional, one still meets a certain criteria of academic and professional excellence, but they are not considered licensed or regulated by the state.

These certifications are open to many health care professionals and health care degreed academics who have the skill sets and academic background to meet the needs of individuals.  Among many of these positions include certified Health Care Life Coaches, Holistic Nurses, Stress Management Consultants or Meditation Instructors.   These professionals are able to help people with a variety of issues surrounding everyday health concerns.  They can help people better cope with stress, reach goals, exercise better and eat better.   Since these issues deal with no specific or acute medical issue, certified professionals who are not licensed, but educated within the area can become sources of information.  

Qualified professionals can give their time and service on a personal level or at a corporate level.  In some cases, gyms and other health recreation centers will look for certified professionals in these areas.  Ultimately, the possibilities are endless.

The American Institute of Health Care Professionals offers a variety of certifications for health care givers who hope to enhance the health of their patients and customers.   These certifications can be found in health care life coaching, meditation instructor, stress management consultant, and our holistic nurse programs.   Those who qualify are either in the health care field or possess licensures in general health and physical instruction.   The certifications are useful in that they can enhance an already existing career in the health field and enable a professional to advertise his expertise in the certified area.

All of the programs are online and are divided into modules that consist of a text book and open book exam.   They are designed for working professionals with a desire for self-paced learning.  Of course, mentorship as needed is offered for all courses.  After completing each individual course, qualified professionals are eligible for three year certifications. 

Professionals seeking re-certification in any of the specialties must show clinical hours and academic hours in the field.   Usually clinical hours consist of five hundred hours and academic hours consist of 50 hours of continuing education.  After these prerequisites are completed, one can then re-apply for certification.

For each certification and individual continuing education course, one receives a certificate of completion with a stamped seal.  These are sent to those who complete the course. In addition to a certificate, one also receives a wallet size card with certification dates included.   This comes in  the mail in a certificate packet, usually ten days after certification.

If you are wondering how to become a certified Holistic Nurse, Health Care Life Coach, Stress Management Consultant or Meditation Instructor, then look no farther.  The online courses at the American Institute of Health Care Professionals offer the needed education for working professionals.

In the meantime consider how these certifications can impact your career.  They can increase your marketing diversity to other crowds of potential patients and amplify an already existing career.  Remember, a certification is not a licensure and is not under the direction of the state.  Hence it is designed to complement professional licensures or degrees.

Here is a short review of these exciting health related certifications.

Stress Management Certification:  This certification is designed for health care professionals who wish to help their clients manage stress.  It incorporates a variety of stress management strategies to help reduce stress and identify stressors.   Some of the strategies include hypnosis and meditation.  

Meditation Instructor Certification: This certification falls back upon a variety of meditative traditions to help health care professionals properly instruct the art of meditation.  Meditation and health are closely correlated realities and can be a great benefit to one’s patient.   The program teaches a variety of meditative practices and skills that an instructor can pass on to student.

Holistic Nursing Certification:  Unlike the first two certifications, this certification requires that one at least be a registered nurse.  Combining one’s previous nursing knowledge with new holistic and natural medication knowledge, one can then become certified as a Holistic Nurse.   A certified Holistic Nurse can take the best from both West and East and present a fully comprehensive nutritional supplemental plan for overall health.

Health Care Life Coaching Certification:  This program is designed for coaches, nutrition gurus and physical therapists.  As a certification it can supplement a licensed professional but if one is not a licensed dietician it does not give one the legal right to perform dietician duties.  It does permit one to recommend a variety of diets for overall health and also exercise regiments.   In addition to this, it helps one learn to encourage and propel others towards their life goals.   Half of this certification’s course work is taken with the CCMS while the other half is taken with AIHCP.

These certifications represent AIHCP’s ongoing patronage of mental and physical health and give qualified professionals the necessary academic skills to apply their talents and knowledge to those in need of a better life style.

If you are interested in learning how to become a certified  holistic nurse or any other health related specialist, then please review our program.   If you have any questions let us know .

In the meantime, enjoy the blog!

How to Become Stress Management Certified: Stress Lives in Chaos

How to Become Stress Management Certified: Stress Lives in Chaos

Stress does exist in chaos.  It thrives in it and feeds off the chaos of everyday life.  Where chaos is rampant, stress has the ability to inflict itself upon individuals.  This is not to say organized people have no stress in their life, but it does show that on average, most organized people are in control.  When one is in control, stress has less of a chance of inflicting itself upon an individual.

One example is of a person who has his life together emotionally, spiritually and physically.   Unchecked emotions are a huge stressor.  A person who exists in emotional turmoil is far more inclined to experience emotional breakdowns and outbursts over unexpected stressors.  The constant state of emotional chaos leaves the person in a state vulnerable to this.   Some individuals are victims to emotional upheaval and are going through a natural phase of adaptation but others remain in this constant state and do not have the coping strategies or skills necessary to escape and adapt.

Of course spirituality and meditation can play a key role in helping people cope.  Whether dealing with an emotional issue or merely stuck in emotional chaos, a person who has the organization and time to pray, meditate or find some type of spiritual leisure has a better chance of rebounding and refocusing.   Again the key word here is refocusing.  Refocus is organization of mind and stress hates organization.   Also, meditation and spirituality can have a calming effect on the body.  It can reduce tension and allow the body and mind time to heal.

Physical health is also key.  A person with a routine of physical exercise is taking control of their physical wellbeing and finding some type of organizational plan to exercise.  The organization, the physical benefits and retreat from life can play large dividends in reducing the chaos of daily life and stress.

Another example is a person who is professionally organized.   Stress, again, loves chaos and disorganization.   If someone has a bad day and comes home to a messy house, their reaction is different than a person who enters a clean and organized home.  There is some sense of accomplishment, security and comfort in a home that is clean.   The term cleanliness is next to godliness cannot be under emphasized here.   Another example of professional organization is the work station.  A messy desk can produce a stressor of irritation, but an ordered work desk can allow the day at work to go smoothly and efficiently.

So How Can Organization Be Implemented?

Organization comes with a plan; A daily, weekly and monthly routine.  While one does not want to turn this into an obsessive compulsive ritual, a basic routine that is carried out to one’s best ability can help reduce stress by creating an environment conducive to order and discipline.   If one is already existing in an ordered atmosphere, a stressor has less ability to multiply and create a domino effect of chaos.

A daily example would include a checklist of spiritual, physical and professional needs.  As one accomplishes the goals of the day, one will naturally feel satisfied and also be occupied with what needs done.   If something should stressor should erupt that day, it is easier to contain it, instead of taking it home with oneself. 

Weekly checklists are also important.  They allow one to spread out duties throughout the week.  If one day becomes too stressful, then you have six other days to accomplish the goal.  This type of planning ahead takes pressure off the individual day.

Monthly checklists also apply the same principle.  While some things need weekly diligence others require monthly.  If one can plan and adjust these duties within a monthly window, then the stress of something not being accomplished maybe on week one, is not as devastating.  It is key to make reasonable duties with a fair timetable when making check lists that correspond with a day, week or month.

I would also encourage having a yearly set of goals.  If something needs done for the home or there is a company goal, then set it for a particular year.  The monthly goals should eventually put one in the position to accomplish the yearly goal.

Order also includes placement.   Certain stressors need to be organized to the particular duty.  Work stressors should stay at work.  Home stressors should stay at home.  While this is difficult, if one creates boundaries in every facet of their life, then stressors will have less ability to hitchhike from one area to another.  Of course, when major stressors strike this is near impossible—such as the death of a family member, but we are referring to everyday stressors.

Ultimately, stress management and time organization is a personal choice.   Certified stress management consultants will encourage order and placement of stressors, but it is up to the individual to implement the stress management keys.

If you are interested in learning more about stress management or wish to learn how to become a stress management certified and help others, then please review AIHCP’s program in Stress Management Consulting.

The program consists of core online courses for qualified professionals.  Each course includes a text and open book exam with mentor help as needed.  After completion of the courses, one can apply for certification in Stress Management.   The certification lasts three years and can be renewed.

Those wishing to recertify in stress management consulting can do so after providing five hundred hours of clinical work and fifty hours of academic education.

We encourage those wishing to learn how to become a stress management consultant to review our program.  Qualified professionals include anyone in the health and counseling fields as well as those in physical and meditative fields. 

In the meantime, thank you for your interest in the program and if you have any questions then please do not hesitate to ask.

Please enjoy the blog and stay stress free!


How To Stay Jolly With A Stress Management Program

The article, “3 Tricks to Prevent a Nervous Breakdown at Work This Month”, by Tasha Eurich states

“The bottom line: Time off helps maximize the good stuff about this time of year. And in the battle to keep your cool this month, time with your loved ones may just be the best medicine of all.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:

Stress management is key to a healthy and productive working environment.  This article looks at how to stay happy and stress free during the Holidays.

Stress Managers can help teach workers and managers to work in harmony and keep office life and the work place to be a happier place.  This article recommends one to take care of your mindset and to give yourself a break where needed.

This is especially true during the holidays.  The holidays can bring lots of stress not only to the home life but also to the office.  Good stress management techniques can help keep a happy and festive environment in the office during the Holidays.

If you would like to learn how to become certified in stress management, then please review the stress management program.  The Stress management program at AIHCP has core online courses that must be completed to become certified.  Those qualified to enter into the stress management program can become certified after the courses are completed.

Hopefully the stress management program matches your education and professional needs.  In the meantime, please enjoy the blog and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to call us.




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Using Meditation to Reduce Stress, Prevent Burnout in Medical Professionals | Health content from EHS Today


American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:

Stress is not foreign to medical professionals.  Nurses, physicians and other health care professionals face long hours, live or die situations and multiple emergencies.  It is no wonder that health care professionals need some sort of stress management advice or practice.  The mere requirements of the job demand focus and skill with no time to relax.  Stress management and meditation are critical during the off time for these individuals to be able to recharge and relax.

With this type of stress, many professionals are utilizing meditation as a way to reduce stress and prevent burnout.  Certified Stress Management Consultants can help you reduce stress through a variety of techniques, including meditation.

If you are interested in learning more about stress management, then please review this informative article.  Qualified health care professionals can become certified stress management consultants through the program at AIHCP.  By simply taking the core courses in stress management, health care professionals can become certified stress management consultants.

After three years, certified stress management consultants can renew their certification.  In that time period they need 500 hours of practice and fifty hours of continuing education courses.


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Want to Learn How to Reduce Job Stress? Pay more!

The article, “What Makes Work Less Stressful? More Money”, by Sara Angeles states

“No wonder your boss looks so relaxed. Roughly two- thirds of Americans are stressed at work. Here’s how employers can help.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:

How to Reduce Job Stress?   Start by Paying Your Employees a Little More.

What is workplace stressWorkplace stress is a productivity killer.  It costs millions a year to businesses.   It also ends careers and has negative physical side effects to your employees.   How to reduce job stress?   One answer is pay your employees more.

A new study showed that money matters, A LOT!   Salary was the number one reason for job stress.   The second leading cause?   Again money matters not related to salary.   Not making enough at a job can cause productivity to slip and your employees to get burned out or look for other opportunities.

What affect does higher pay have on stress?   It allows the employee to relax and have financial security.   This will lead to the same relaxed and motivated feelings while at work.    Not only does this lead to higher levels of productivity but employees will also be more willing to voice ideas and problems with the office.

How to make work less stressful for you employees can start with the hiring process.    It is suggested that bonuses and raises are fine but you should also try hiring in employees at a higher rate of pay.    Paying a higher rate of salary from the beginning can greatly reduce stress and remove negative workplace outcomes.


In short, do not see employee salary as a cost associated with business but as an investment in your company’s future.   Because employees are the face of a business.    Do you really want your potential customers seeing a burned out frown or a pleasant smile?

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Ways to Combat stress with proper diet, water intake

The article, “Combat stress with proper diet, water intake”, by IANS states

“Nail biting, excessive smoking, obesity and overeating are some of the symptoms of stress, which can be overcome with a balanced diet and by drinking enough water in a day.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:

Diet, Exercise, Water and Sleep are all Ways to Combat Stress!

Stress!   Everyone has it.   Everyone deals with it.   However can everyone get rid of it?

Truth is there are ways to combat stress that you can do everyday!    Using a good diet to reduce stress can be an excellent way to improve your life both physically and mentally.   By using exercise to reduce your stress you can get in better shape and have more energy as well.    Sometimes by simply having more energy you can eliminate the run down stress feeling.

Another way that is good at reducing your stress is to increase your water intake.    By drinking more water you flush out your toxins and keep yourself hydrated.    Drinking plenty of water also has been shown to increase your energy levels as well!

Lastly sleep is an important step is stress elimination.   If you are not getting enough sleep then your mind and body start to feel the effects.    By making sure you get enough sleep you can refresh and relax your body and mind.    For more information on Stress Management techniques, you should check out our website.

How Stress Can Hurt A Business

Stressed out woman
Employee burnout, higher turn over rate are all how stress can hurt a business.

The article, “Study finds work stress costs economy $14.81b annually”, by tannett states

“Work stress is causing sleep deprivation, harm to physical health and costing the economy $14.81 billion annually.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:

Learn How Stress Can Hurt A Business And How To Stop It!

The truth about work related stress is that is costs businesses billions of dollars each year.   A stressed employee is a nonproductive one.   From illnesses and anxiety to employee burnout and lower quality of work are all signs of too much stress.

What is the cost of work stress?   A new study shows stress costs businesses nearly 15 billion dollars annually.    Losing that much in employee productivity and turn over can kill any business.  It is clear to see how stress can hurt a business.   It is why learning to manage your stress is important and should be a key part of any management plan.

What causes workplace stress?   It can come from a number of sources.   Large workloads, long hours, job insecurity and conflicts at work can all cause job stress.    If you know anyone who suffers from work related stress, suggest to them that they seek out stress management advice to help them deal with their workplace stress.

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