Clinical Hypnotherapy Program Article on Positive Mindset

Hypnosis is known to help individuals face situations, fears, and bad habits with success.   In doing so, it helps reframe the subconscious to produce a better conscious outcome.   It can reframe mindsets and help individuals become more successful just not in the task but also in life itself.  Positive mindsets that lead to success can stem from subconscious training during hypnosis.   Please also review AIHCP’s Clinical Hypnotherapy Program

Clinical Hypnosis can lead to better mindsets. Please also review AIHCP’s Clinical Hypnotherapy Program


The article, “How clinical hypnosis can create winning mindsets” by Shelia Menon looks closer at how hypnosis and clinical hypnotherapy can better train positive mindsets.  She states,

“Clinical hypnosis is one of the simplest methods for cutting through the cobwebs and connecting people to their inner resources. Just the experience of going into hypnosis can clear your mind, strengthen your focus, and boost self-confidence.  Clinical hypnotherapists teach their clients to create clear mental images that make their desired goals or outcomes more realistic. The client can make adjustments or discuss these outcomes during the session, and the therapist will help remove any emotional blockages that may slow down the progress.”

To review the entire article, please click here

Please also review AIHCP’s Clinical Hypnotherapy Program and see if it meets your academic and professional program.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in hypnotherapy.


Clinical Hypnotherapy Certification Blog on Weight Loss

Hypnosis can help with many issues individuals face in life.  From bad habits to better life choices, hypnosis can help individuals at the subconscious level overcome many issues that plague them.  Losing weight is definitely an issue that hypnosis can help one with.  Hypnosis can better help one make wiser diet choices and be more motivated to exercise and work out.  Utilizing hypnosis for weight loss is an excellent alternative tool to get into better shape. Please also review AIHCP’s Clinical Hypnotherapy Certification

Clinical Hypnosis can help one achieve weight loss goals. Please also review AIHCP’s Clinical Hypnotherapy Certification


The article, “Hold Up: Does Hypnosis for Weight Loss Work? Here’s What Experts Say” from Prevention discusses how hypnosis can better help one achieve weight loss goals.  It states,

“Hypnosis is not a magic bullet, so don’t walk into a hypnotherapy session and think you’ll start shedding pounds at the snap of a finger. As Dr. Gaies says, hypnosis is a tool that can help break patterns of thinking that prevents someone from developing healthier routines. It’s those lifestyle shifts that will lead to weight loss over time.  Most people who approach hypnotherapy are already preparing themselves to make lifestyle adjustments, such as altering their food choices or buying a gym membership, says Dr. Chon.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review AIHCP’s Clinical Hypnotherapy Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Hypnotherapy

Clinical Hypnotherapy Program Blog on OCD and Hypnosis

Hypnosis is known to help individuals with many mental quirks.  It can also help calm people with a variety of issues they may face.  OCD is no exception.  Hypnosis can help individuals be more calm and less upset with OCD tendencies.  Please also review AIHCP’s Clinical Hypnotherapy Program

Hypnotherapy may be able to help some with OCD although little clinical trials have been done. Please also review AIHCP’s Clinical Hypnotherapy Certification


The article, “Hypnotherapy for OCD: Does It Work?” by Traci Pederson looks at how hypnosis can help people with OCD.  She states,

“Proponents of hypnotherapy say that, theoretically, during the relaxed state of hypnosis, a person could safely address some of their OCD intrusive thoughts or obsessions.  For instance, a person with an intense fear of germs can consider these thoughts under hypnosis without experiencing the anxiety that usually accompanies them. Then any insights achieved during the hypnosis state may be brought back to the conscious mind. This could allow you to discuss them with your therapist and work on coping skills to reduce the distress these thoughts cause.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review AIHCP’s Clinical Hypnotherapy Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Hypnotherapy.


Clinical Hypnotherapy Program Article on Science of Hypnosis

Hypnosis is a powerful alternative tool to healing.  Many do not understand its inner workings and have many misconceptions what true hypnotherapy looks like.  It is important to have a proper understanding of hypnosis and can how it can be utilized to help heal people.  Please also review AIHCP’s Clinical Hypnotherapy Program

There is a true science behind clinical hypnosis. Please also review AIHCP’s Clinical Hypnosis Program


The article, “How Hypnosis Works, According to Science” by Eleanor Cummins reviews the inner workings of hypnosis and how it can work.  She states,

“When you think about hypnosis, what do you visualize? For many, it’s a clock-swinging magician or a comedy act that forces an unwitting volunteer to make embarrassing public admissions on stage.  But hypnosis has a surprisingly robust scientific framework. Clinical research has shown that it can help relieve pain and anxiety and aid smoking cessation, weight loss, and sleep.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review AIHCP’s Clinical Hypnotherapy Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Hypnotherapy.

Hypnotherapy Certification Article on Benefits of Hypnosis

Hypnotherapy is emerging as a more common approach to helping individuals face trauma, phobias, bad habits and grief.  It is a alternative type of treatment but nevertheless a very effective treatment for some in helping the mind heal.   It is safe and can help many individuals suffering from a variety of mental issues.

Hypnosis has numerous benefits and is safe. Please also review AIHCP’s Clinical Hypnotherapy Certification


The article, “Is Hypnosis Therapy Real? Here’s How It Works” by Michelle Brooten-Brooks takes a closer look at the many things hypnotherapy can help someone with.  She states,

“Psychotherapy helps people with mental health conditions improve their well-being, usually through methods like talk therapy. Hypnotherapy, also known as hypnosis therapy or clinical hypnosis, is the therapeutic use of hypnosis in psychotherapy with a trained mental health provider.1 Hypnosis is a state of trance-like consciousness that makes the mind more open to suggestion.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review AIHCP’s Hypnotherapy Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking to utilize clinical hypnotherapy in their practice.

Hypnotherapy Certification Blog on the Nature of Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy is a very misunderstood holistic therapy.  With many images of stage hypnosis, it is no wonder many doubt its effective nature, however this is farther from the truth.  Hypnotherapy under the guidance of a qualified professional can help one through deep trance and relaxation face past phobias, traumas and correct bad habits.

True hypnotherapy is holistic tool to help with emotional healing. Please also review AIHCP’s Hypnotherapy certification


The article, “What is hypnotherapy really like?” by Suzanne Shenderey looks at the true nature of hypnotherapy and how it has helped many people.  She states,

“Hypnosis as a healing tool has been seen in many cultures for centuries; ancient relics from Egypt depict something similar to hypnosis. Recounting the history of hypnosis in his book, Hidden Depths: The Story of Hypnosis, Robin Waterfield describes practices resembling the trance state used by Aboriginal Australian, Native American, and Hindu cultures. But in reality, these practices bear little resemblance to my work.”

To review the entire article, please click here

Please also review AIHCP’s Hypnotherapy Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Hypnotherapy.

Clinical Hypnotherapy Certification Article on Sleep Hypnosis

Falling asleep can be very difficult.  Many adults deal with insomnia and unhealthy sleep habits.  Whether stress or over active mind, falling asleep is critical to overall health.  The body must find the rest it needs to function at a high level.  Fortunately, instead of utilizing medications with various side effects, hypnosis can offer some help.

Hypnotherapy can help with sleep issues. Please also review AIHCP’s Clinical Hypnotherapy Certification and see it meets your goals


The article, “Sleep Hypnosis—What It Is, How It Works and Who Can Benefit” by Soo Kim looks closer at how hypnosis can help one find a good night sleep.  The article states,

“In a basic sense, sleep hypnosis works by preparing your mind and body for sleep. “When your mind is calm, your body is relaxed and you are confident in your safety and ability to sleep well, you’re creating the perfect foundation for a great night’s sleep,” Garside said.  The hypnosis process helps you to leave behind the events of the day that’s just ended and keep at bay any thoughts about the day ahead, placing you in the middle in “a bubble of protected sleep,” he said.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review AIHCP’s Clinical Hypnotherapy Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in hypnotherapy.


Clinical Hypnotherapy Certification Article on Bad Habits

Hypnosis can help with a variety of issues that plagues one’s life.  Many deal with various vices such as smoking or drinking or gambling.  Clinical Hypnotherapy can help the person curb those impulses and help the brain reject them.

Clinical Hypnotherapy can help with bad habits, but also many other things. Please also review AIHCP’s Clinical Hypnotherapy Certification


The article, “Can hypnotherapy help me overcome my vices?” by Kat Nicholls takes a closer look at how hypnotherapy can help an individual better control bad habits.  She states,

” Vices like drinking, smoking and gambling have become a crutch for some and with services across the country stretched, getting support hasn’t been easy. With traditional routes to support unavailable, some have sought alternative approaches like hypnotherapy. Working at a subconscious level, the aim of hypnotherapy is to make deep changes to our responses, encouraging us to choose something more helpful to help us cope with the stress and anxiety we experience. ”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review AIHCP’s Clinical Hypnotherapy Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals and needs.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification as a Clinical Hypnotherapist


Clinical Hypnotherapy Certification Article on Fear of Needles

Many individuals fear needles.  During this pandemic is not the time to allow fears and phobias to prevent healthy decisions.  Hypnosis can help one overcome irrational fears.  Individuals with anxiety over needles and utilize calming techniques and self hypnosis to help themselves receive the vaccines or shots they need to live a safe life during the pandemic.

Hypnosis can help with a variety of irrational fears and phobias. Please also review AIHCP’s Clinical Hypnotherapy Certification


The article, “Use Self-Hypnosis to Get Ready for Your Jab. How to Treat Irrational Fear of Needles with Hypnotherapy: by Elena Volodchenko takes a closer look at how one can calm him or herself prior to a shot.  She states,

“Fear of needles affects up to 25% of population, according to research. Although it may be brushed off as irrational, it is however very real for the person who is afraid and may prohibit them from getting the vaccine or, in an event of getting a vaccine, will likely to cause an extreme overwhelm, anxiety, panic attacks or fainting.”

To read the entire article, please click here

It is important not to let irrational fear prevent your from protecting your own health.  Hypnosis and other calming techniques may be able to help

Please also review AIHCP’s Clinical Hypnotherapy Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Hypnotherapy.


Certification in Clinical Hypnotherapy Certification Article on Reaching Goals

Hypnosis can help the mind find focus and become more centered to achieve goals.  Many turn to hypnosis, as well as meditation, as ways to rewire the mind and teach how to focus to achieve goals.  Individuals sometimes need the extra mental boost to to meet the needs to achieve goals.  Hypnosis can offer this type of help.

Clinical Hypnotherapy can help individuals reach goals. Please review AIHCP’s Clinical Hypnotherapy Certification


The article, “Could self-hypnosis help you achieve your goals?” by Jacinta Tynan looks closer how self hypnosis can help individuals reach goals.  She states,

“It’s like meditation, but with intention,” Claire explains. “Hypnotherapy helps you to shift your beliefs by breaking through the ‘thinking mind’ while making powerful suggestions to our impressionable unconscious mind, building new neural pathways.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Self affirmation, refocus and new shifts in the mind can all help an individual through hypnosis find ways to better reach goals.

The American College of Hypnotherapy offers a four year certification in Clinical Hypnotherapy.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification