health care life coaching – Weight loss is a key solution for healing diabetes

Health Care Life Coaching and Weight Loss For You

A significant segment of the population today suffers from Type 2 diabetes. No wonder why controlling the same has become a must as diabetes is known to worsen several chronic heart diseases. Doctors and those certified in Health Care Life Coaching often advise patients with excess weight and diabetes to keep a check on their weight and try and reduce it considerably and steadily over a period of time. Let’s find out the reason.

Diabetes and weight loss

Several research results have revealed that weight loss is an important solution to check diabetes. When a person, who is overweight, also suffers from diabetes, s/he has an increased risk of suffering from heart diseases. This is why it’s crucial to lose weight and once the weight is lost, to ensure that it stays lost and doesn’t return.

It is important to understand here that weight loss directly affects blood pressure and cholesterol levels by bringing them down and within manageable levels. Since exercises increase the rate of metabolism, doing the right workouts can help people shed those extra kilos. What’s more, the increased rate of metabolism will cause proper circulation of insulin in blood vessels and tissues, thus helping keep diabetes at bay. Insulin helps glucose enter tissues for metabolism and it is very important to reduce the resistance towards insulin to keep a check on type 2 diabetes. It is immensely important to circulate insulin throughout the body cells as anything otherwise will lead to the accumulation of fat because of the unused insulin. Insulin is an anabolic hormone that stores fat. It is advised by doctors worldwide to concentrate on exercise regimes and a balanced diet to lose weight and at the same time keep diabetes under control. In fact, weight loss can help control hyperglycemia of obese “diabetics” as is shown by some studies.

It has been found very difficult to achieve therapeutic weight loss in type 2 diabetic patients due to several reasons.  This is why it’s important to plan carefully to shed those extra kilos in people suffering from diabetes. Some remedies to combat diabetes keeping the simultaneous goal of weight loss in mind are:

  • Green tea: Sipping green tea twice a day always proves to be excellent for the body. It not only helps to burn excess fat, but also helps to keep cholesterol levels under control. It is a perfectly natural and herbal way to keep your weight and blood sugar levels under control. It is also known to increase the production of insulin to compensate for the inappropriate use of insulin. Green tea is known to prevent heart diseases since it relaxes the blood vessels, thereby facilitating proper blood circulation. It is also known to eliminate excess water from the body, thus reducing body weight significantly when it’s consumed regularly.
  • White kidney beans: These beans are convex shaped and hence known as kidney beans. They are very rich in fiber, proteins, vitamins and other essential minerals. These beans have soluble fibers that absorb water when food passes through the digestive tract. This is very important to slow the process of digestion and trap fat. This process can lower the body fat and cholesterol levels, which in turn can control diabetes, heart diseases and stroke. 
  • Raspberry ketones: Raspberry ketones offer a natural and effective way to shed the excess fat as they oxidize the excess fat accumulated in the body. The body needs to use up the essential calorie while the unwanted calories should be burnt or oxidized. This is exactly what raspberry ketone does for you. It helps emulsify the excess fat in the body, triggering insulin circulation between the body cells and tissues, thereby keeping a check on high glucose levels.
  • Dendrobium extract: Extracts from the genus of the orchid plant known as dendrobium can increase the rate of metabolism if consumed prior to a workout session. A study on rats done by researchers of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine showed how dendrobium mixture had a hypoglycemic effect on rat models of type 2 diabetes. The results revealed that the mixture can protect and restore pancreatic tissue’s structure and function.

When it comes to weight loss in diabetic patients, the approach needs to be carefully planned, and should include educational sessions with dietitians complemented by a personalized instruction manual on weight loss to suit an individual’s health condition.  Those certified in Health Care Life Coaching can also help set up a plan


Bio: By James Hundson fitness expert. I assist people in their weight loss goal and fitness. I write on weight loss tips and workouts.



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Health Care Life Coaching: Easy ways to flatten Your Belly and Reduce Stomach Fat

Health Care Life Coaching:  The Flat Stomach?

Who doesn’t dream of a flat belly and perfectly toned figure these days? Whether you are a teenager, about to enter college, or a mother of two, a flat stomach is something that everyone craves for. But it could get very difficult to reduce those nagging stomach fats when you are trying to get a flat belly. Even if you manage to lose the fats in other parts of your body and get an almost shaped figure, by doing lots of machine exercises at the gym, your belly fat will spoil it all! So, if you couldn’t get rid of them even after doing innumerable crunches and sit-ups, and are thinking of giving it up, this is the high time to try out some easy, yet effective alternatives. You just need to do some tricks with your diet as well as exercise plans in order to lose those belly fats. Here is a brief guide approved by those in health care life coaching and fitness trainers on how to treat your weight loss programs, both in terms of exercise as well as diet:

  • Try out some effective belly moves – If those leg-raise, sit-ups and kicks have not helped much, probably you should try out some other types. You may opt for some powerful planks like forearm side plank, mountain climber, plank reach etc. as these can help fight muscle loss and strengthen the core.
  • Kick up the cardio – Instead of doing cardio at a moderate pace, over a longer period of time, consider doing high intensity interval training (HIIT). Studies have shown this method of exercise turns out to be way more effective than the moderate ones. Do it for 20 minutes, thrice a week, and you will get to notice considerable effects.
  • Do some tricks with your diet – While it’s not recommendable to follow a crash diet as it causes lots of side effects in the long run, you need to a be a little more careful about what you eat. You don’t need to cut out all those foods that you love the most; rather, you just need to make little changes in your food habits. Include lots of whole grains in your food plan. While shopping for the grocery, look for labels that mention “100% whole wheat” and not just “wheat flour”. The former is quite effective for weight loss. Make it a point to exclude all those junk foods and try to replace those sweets and cookies with juicy fruits and green vegetables. Make sure you have at least a cup of green tea every day. Apart from having a number of health benefits, this also helps in weight loss since it contains a considerable amount of polyphenol, a nutrient rich substance. In fact, studies have shown that green tea helps burn the body fats and calories and thus speeds up the process of weight loss.
  •  Consider including some weight loss supplements – While being on a diet and following an exercise schedule, including some effective weight loss supplements will help you to achieve your goals at a much faster pace. You may opt for green coffee bean extract, which contains chlorogenic acid and helps improve the glucose tolerance in your body. Consequently, the fat accumulation gets reduced and the process of fat burning gets speeded up. With features like these, green coffee bean extract is known to work as an effective supplement for weight loss. Raspberry ketone, which is the major compound of red raspberries, is also considered to be an extremely effective weight loss supplement. The reason raspberry ketone is recommended as a food supplement is because it is a natural phenolic compound that enhances fat loss and even has some healthy anti-oxidants in it. L-Carnitine is yet  supplement that is highly recommended by most fitness experts for effective loss of belly fat. Cartinine turns out to be one of the most useful products for fat metabolism as well as optimal energy. L-Cartinine is produced following a refined formula and ensures the maximum absorption of L-cartinine into your muscle tissues. Garcinia Cambogia extract, which is derived from the yellow colored, pumpkin shaped fruit of the Garcinia Cambogia plant, is said to be highly effective in losing belly fats. This extract contains a huge level of HCA or Hydroxycitric Acid and is a natural ingredient helping in burning belly fat quickly. One of the magical effects of this extract is that the HCA reduces the craving for carbohydrates and junk foods by raising the level of serotonin in your brain up to 40%. As a result of this, people who are emotional eaters can resist themselves from having their favorite dishes.
  • Reduce sodium intake –Lowering the sodium intake proves quite effective for losing weight. It helps lessen the water preservation in your body and thus lets you lose weight faster. Consider avoiding table salt as well as salt in cooked foods and flavor up your dishes with spices like onion powder, garlic powder, , as well as some organic herbs so that you can lose belly fat without compromising on your palate.

By James Hundson fitness expert.  I assist people in their weight loss goal and fitness.

If you are interested also in learning more about AIHCP’S health care life coaching program, please also review it.  Health care life coaches are in demand and the time to become certified is now.


Wellness Coaching Advice on these Hot Fitness Trends.

The article, “5 Hottest Fitness Trends of 2013 (So Far)”, by Jennifer Cohen states

“Are you bored with the same old workout routine? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Many fitness fads come and go, but here are the fastest growing fitness trends of 2013 so far–which are sure to keep you sweating and motivated for a long time to come!”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:

Best Wellness Coaching Advice for Fitness Trends

Looking for the latest exercising has a list of them.   The hottest fitness trends of the year can be found here.
Health coaching tries to keep inventing new workouts.    However sometimes they can be rather hit or miss.    What wellness coaching advice would you give others wanting to try these 5 workouts?

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Emerging Profession of Health Coaching

The article, “Emerging Profession of Health Coaching”, by Meg Jordan states

“Although health coaches may be the newest actors among health care professional groups, they are burdened with the most significant task–helping people change and grow.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:

The Health Coaching Field Is Quickly Emerging In Healthcare.

The health coaching field is an emerging profession of healthcare in America.   With our way of thinking about our lifestyles and our healthcare switching from reactionary to proactive, health coaches are helping us stay fit and avoid illness.   These preventive measures include; a better diet, more exercise, avoiding certain types of unhealthy foods, etc.   Once you have started removing negative foods and practices from your life, you can focus on replacing them with proper diet and beneficial exercise routines.   With everyone trending towards a healthier lifestyle now is the time to seriously think about becoming a life coach.
If you want to learn about health coaching then you should try reviewing this page.

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Life Coaching: Health Benefits of Raspberry Ketone Extract

 Life Coaching and Dietary Supplements

Over the past few years, there have been many diets and dietary supplements, which have flooded the market, given their promises of ensuring weight loss. The problem with this deluge of dietary supplements, apart from causing confusion in the minds of the user, is that not everything actually delivers what it promises. In other words, while some diets and weight loss supplements actually work, most do not. Under these circumstances, the main question in the minds of most people wanting to lose weight is how to choose and what to choose. Additionally, the question of whether these supplements actually have certain health benefits or cause harm is another area of concern to many.  Life coaching advice can be helpful in these decisions.
However, despite there being many that have not lived up to their expectations, one weight loss supplement, which has indeed lived up to the expectations, and offers several health benefits is the raspberry ketone extract.

Before we go into the various health benefits of this dietary supplement, it is important to understand what this is, in order to understand why it is popular and most accepted today.  Raspberry ketone, very simply put, is a metabolite compound, which is found usually in red raspberries, and is the reason for the fruit having a sweet odor. This extract has already found several uses in creating perfumes and other cosmetics, which has led to these products having that fruity smell.  Over the years, after having realized the health benefits of this extract, people have started creating a supplement using this extract, which is being used today, essentially for weight loss. However, before using this extract or supplement, it is important to understand the health benefits of raspberry ketone extract.

  • Enhances metabolism: One of the key benefits of raspberry      ketone is that it enhances metabolism. This is largely due to the presence      of certain key dietary fibers, which is absolutely essential to the body      for enhancing metabolism. The very fact that your metabolism is increased      automatically decreases the chances of colon cancer, which is done by      ensuring normal and regular bowel movements.
  • Enables weight loss: Another essential health benefit of the      extract is that it enables weight loss and that too quickly. The enzymes      present in raspberry ketone increases the creation of the Adiponectin      hormone, which is essential for increasing the metabolism of the body.      This leads to the body thinking that it is thin, which in turn ensures      that the fat cells are broken down into energy. Once you achieve this, you      become more energetic and start shedding weight faster. Similarly, the      extract also works on the fat that is present in the liver, either due to      fat rich diets or alcoholic diets, and reduces them. Working on the      excessive fat in this region actually helps in reducing obesity. Moreover,      use of the raspberry ketone extract ensures that there is no further fat      build up in that region. This means that you will never have to worry      about putting on weight, irrespective of what you eat and how much you      exercise. Of course, for the best result, it is always advised that you      eat a healthy diet and practice some form of exercise.
  • Natural antioxidant: Raspberries, in general, are considered      to be rich sources of antioxidants. Therefore, there is no doubt that the      extract is full of rich antioxidants, which in turn helps in protecting      the body against diseases as well as damage to the cells. Because of the      high content of antioxidants, the extract is also considered to be      beneficial to the anti-aging process. The ellagic acid contained in the red      raspberries is essential for preventing the production of active oxygen in      the body. Experts believe that active oxygen produced in the body is the      root cause of bone and muscle decay, which in turn causes aging. The      ellagic acid in the extract reduces this production, which in turn means      that the decaying of bones and muscles is much slower. This means a slower      rate of aging. Additionally, the extract also propagates cell      regeneration, which again is essential for ensuring slower aging. Moreover,      the acid also reduces muscular skeletal pain, which is again caused due to      the aging process.
  • Better immunity: Another extremely important advantage of the      high level of antioxidants in raspberry ketone extract is the fact that it      improves the overall immunity of your body. In addition, you are also      getting high doses of various vitamins and minerals, including those like      Vitamin B, Vitamin C, magnesium and potassium, all of which are essential      for repairing tissues and muscle joints. Common illnesses like the cold,      flu etc are kept at bay, when consuming the extract. Moreover, you are      also blessed with better eyesight, given the rich levels of carotenoids      and lutein in the extract. While carotenoids improve the overall vision,      lutein is important for reducing and preventing retinal problems.
  • Controlling blood sugar: Finally, raspberry ketone is a good      way of ensuring that you have normal blood sugar levels in your body. It      is an excellent product to protect the body against type 2 diabetes.

While all the above health benefits definitely work in favor of the raspberry ketone extract as a diet supplement, its biggest advantage is that it works extremely quickly on the body. Therefore, if you are seeking a natural supplement to enhance weight loss, using this extract is definitely advisable, given its various health benefits.

This post is written By James Hundson fitness expert.
If you are interested in learning more about health care life coaching, please review our site.


Wellness Coaching Tips for a Healthier You!

The article, “8 Habits Of Insanely Fit People”, source; Huffington Post states

“Just a few simple habits can make the difference between a fit person and a coach potato, an everyday worker and the outrageously successful. That’s because those simple habits work.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:

8 Wellness Coaching Tips to Help You With Your Goals!

Ever wondering how some people can stay fit and healthy.   It is because they lead a healthy lifestyle and have developed ways to insure they are following it.
In this article there are 8 health habits that insanely fit people follow everyday.    These are excellent wellness coaching tips that could help you in your exercising and weight loss goals.    My personal favorite is, they do not diet!   My second is they are happy with how they look.   For the full list please check out the article.

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Free Health Coaching Advice with these Apps

The article, “5 Great Personal Training Apps To Help You Get Fit Without A Coach”, source; Huffington Post

“Dilemma: Hiring a personal trainer is pricey, but without any guidance, stepping into a weight room or sparking up a new fitness routine can be intimidating and confusing. But that’s no excuse!”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:

Free Health Coaching Advice on Your Smart Phone!

Not everyone can afford a personal trainer however everyone can benefit from their knowledge.    If you fit into this category then perhaps you should try these weight loss apps for your smart phone.    Exercising with these apps is like getting free health coaching advice in the palm of your hand.
View this article to find out 5 great apps for weight loss that you can use during your next trip to the gym.   The GAIN Fitness Cross Trainer looks really cool.

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Dieting Success Stories

The article, “From Misguided Food Addict to Health Coach”, by James Dyer states

“In January of 2009, at the age of 32, I weighed 400 lbs. — a result of years of addictive eating, fueled by a lifetime of loneliness, depression, and anxiety.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:

Inspiring Dieting Success Stories

Health coaching can have powerful transformations both physically and mentally.    Helping a person transform their lives for the better is the goal of health care coaching.   We know that dieting and exercise work.   Stories of success help us stay on path and achieve our own success.   For those that have not started their life style changes, these dieting success stories can also serve as hope for those looking to make changes in their lives.    Here is an excellent story for you to read.

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Wellness Coaching Advice For A Healthy Diet.

Wellness Coaching Advice
Wellness Coaching Advice on what you should be eating.

The article, “5 foods to improve your health”, source; News 4 Jax

“Everyone wants to live longer, look better, and be healthier but sometimes the “to do” list seems overwhelming; so we’ve simplified it for you. We have five easy ways to improve your health each and every day.”

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Need wellness coaching advice?   You should check out this holistic nursing list of 5 foods you really should be eating.     For example holistic detoxing is easy if you use apple cider vinegar.   A tablespoon a day is all you need.    They don’t say an apple a day for no reason!   For more healthcare coaching tips please review this great article.

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What does a Health Coach Do?

The article, “Partnering With a Health Coach to Achieve Personal Transformation”, by Karen Phillips states

“Many people find themselves in the grocery store, enticed by sugary treats or purchasing the same processed foods every week. Yet, they still find themselves with a mid-afternoon energy crash, unable to get through the day without a cup of coffee or working extra hard at the gym and not seeing the results they would like to.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals‘s insight:

If You Have To Ask “What does a Health Coach Do” Then Read This.

#holisticnutrition #howdoesahealthcoachhelp #whatdoesahealthcoachdo  A popular healthcare trend is holistic nutrition and healthcare coaching.   However many might not understand how does a health coach help them or exactly what does a health coach do?   Your health coach helps you identify your fitness goals, helps you eat healthy and shows you what exercises you should be doing and how to do them correctly.

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