What does a Health Coach Do?

The article, “Partnering With a Health Coach to Achieve Personal Transformation”, by Karen Phillips states

“Many people find themselves in the grocery store, enticed by sugary treats or purchasing the same processed foods every week. Yet, they still find themselves with a mid-afternoon energy crash, unable to get through the day without a cup of coffee or working extra hard at the gym and not seeing the results they would like to.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals‘s insight:

If You Have To Ask “What does a Health Coach Do” Then Read This.

#holisticnutrition #howdoesahealthcoachhelp #whatdoesahealthcoachdo  A popular healthcare trend is holistic nutrition and healthcare coaching.   However many might not understand how does a health coach help them or exactly what does a health coach do?   Your health coach helps you identify your fitness goals, helps you eat healthy and shows you what exercises you should be doing and how to do them correctly.

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