Health Care Coaching Weight Loss Facts and Myths.

Woman wearing jeans too big for her showing off weight loss
Health care coaching tips can lead to huge weight loss.









Health Care Coaching: Separating the Facts from the Fiction.

The article, “Weight Loss, Fact and Fiction: What Works and What Doesn’t”, by Mark Hyman states

“A recent analysis of weight loss research by The New England Journal of Medicine, entitled “Myths, Presumptions, and Facts about Obesity,” attempts to answer these questions. Some findings are surprising, some are not, and some common notions about weight loss are yet to be proven or disproven.”

For the full article please go here.

Health care coaching is full of great dieting ideas.   We just need to make sure that we are following the right ones and not the myths.
If you are interested in learning more about health coaching or taking a few health care coaching courses then you should spend some time on our website.

Health Care Coaching Ways to Kick Start Your Metabolism.

green tea fields
What other health care coaching friendly foods can you think of to increase your metabolism?

Quick Health Care Coaching Tips to Speed Up Your Metabolism.

The article, “7 easy ways to kickstart your metabolism”, by Kate Ashford states

“Raise a hand if you have a fast metabolism. Anyone?
Truth is, we all think our metabolic rate is slowww — and assume that speeding it up would require two-hour runs and boot camp till we’re wrecked.”

For the full article please go here

Health Care Coaching professionals agree that it is not only your exercise routine that ultimately revs up your metabolism.   What you eat and when you eat it have just as big of an effect.   Next time you are eating something, splash on some hot sauce then reach for a large glass of water instead of soda or a sugary drink.    You will be surprised how fast you start losing weight.
If you are interested in earning your online health care coach certificate then you should visit our website.

Health Care Coaching Advice On Muscle Building

No Nonsense Health Care Coaching Tips To Build Muscle Fast

There are many methods out there for building muscle quickly and easily, but if you’ve been trying them, you may already know that many of them are not very effective. Some of these methods can even be dangerous! That’s why it’s important to get the best information possible. Read on to learn the real ways health care coaching professionals suggest to build muscle safely.
It is extremely important that you stand correctly when doing standing exercises, such as overhead presses and squats. These exercises call for a type of athletic stance. In order to achieve this, you should stand with your feet at about the width of your shoulders. Then, slightly point your toes outward, bend the knees, and arch your lower back. Always make sure that your eyes are looking forward.
You can efficiently exercise every muscle of your body with three basic life coach approved exercises. For each muscle, you should work on a stretching, contraction and mid-range movement. After each exercise, move on to a different part of your body to let your muscle a few minutes to relax before coming back for the next exercise.
Use visualization exercises to picture what you need to do to reach your goals. Having vague, undefined goals with no real sense of how to accomplish them is a sure road to failure. Picture yourself sticking to your workout routine and visualize what you will look like in the future. This will keep you motivated.
Make sure that you keep on increasing the number of weights that you lift. In order to build big, strong muscles, you need to constantly extend your current muscles to their limit. If your muscles are not intensively worked out, they will not grow. You could also increase the number of repetitions that you do to increase the intensity of your workout.
You should ensure you are getting enough protein late at night. Your growth-hormone levels actually peak during the night. This means that your body is ready to build muscle. In order to prevent muscle from being cannibalized, consume casein protein immediately before going to bed. Casein protein slowly digests throughout the night and provides your muscles with needed amino acids.
Set short-term and long-term goals. While you should have an idea of what you want to look like eventually, you will only reach that goal by sticking to smaller goals. For instance, try doing just two more bicep curls in your next workout. If you hit a plateau, do not worry. This happens to everyone. Give it time, and you will see progress soon.
Always try to mix up your workouts when trying to build muscle mass. Every few weeks completely change your routine and throw your body off course. Your body will grow much faster when you change the routine and catch it off guard. This will keep your workouts interesting, and also build muscle.
Although some bodybuilders disdain them, body weight resistance exercises, such as push-ups and pull-ups, can play an important role in a good weight-lifting routine. These exercises can be combined with lifting exercises that target the same muscle groups in order to build “super” sets that really push the muscles to perform. Body weight exercises can also “prime the pump” by loosening up muscles prior to weight lifting.
Consider using strip sets when working out. This involves doing as many reps of a weight as you can, and after doing this, reducing the weight by up to twenty to thirty percent and going to failure again. Health care coaches say this method can help you grow those stubborn muscles that just won’t grow anymore.

Lady working out
Health Care Coaching advice can help you build lean muscle and stay healthy!

Be patient. Building muscle is not a quick fix; it takes time before you start seeing muscle development. This can be discouraging and make you want to quit. However, if you are training with the proper technique and doing what you need to do, trust that the results will come on time.
Perform your lifting regimen every other day. After a vigorous workout, the protein synthesis process can take up to 48 hours to complete. In other words, your body builds muscle for up to two-day post-workout, and working out while your body is still recovering may undo your hard work. Enjoy the day of rest–it will help to maximize your results.
Genetics are going to play a role in the amount of muscle building success that you see. If your family has not provided you with the right genetics to have the body that you dream of, you may have to work doubly as hard to see any results. That does not mean it is impossible, it just means more hard work.
As you can see, safely building muscle is something you can accomplish with some knowledge and common sense. Applying these tips rather than a dangerous fad workout will give you the best chance of succeeding in building a body you can be proud of. Soon you’ll be looking and feeling great!
If you are interested in earning your online health care coaching certification then you should go to our homepage and apply today!

Health Coaching Tips To Get You In Shape!

Great Health Coaching Tips To Help You Lose Weight

You’re a well-educated person, and you know what you want out of life. And what you want right now is to lose weight. But, what is the most effective way to do it? If you’re like most people, knowing how to lose weight, and keep it off, has got you stumped. The information in this article will address those challenges that you’re facing.
Before giving into your cravings, have a drink of water. The body can’t tell whether you are hungry or whether you are just in need of a drink; so before assuming that you are starving, try a glass of water and wait about 15 minutes. This can save your waistline and your pocketbook as well.

A man on a couch
Get up off the couch with these Health Coaching tips!

Keeping an up-to-date food diary is an absolute necessity when trying to lose weight. Most people lose track of just what goes into their mouths on any given day and can’t remember when trying to compile a list later. Use a small notebook and pen or a hand-held voice recorder, that can be kept in your pocket at all times, to record every bit of food and drink consumed and you will have an easier time figuring out why the pounds aren’t coming off and where you need to cut back.
If you are trying to lose weight and love coffee, then try decaf coffee suggests one health care coach. Decaff coffee is a great choice because it is very low in calories when you have a sudden craving. In addition, decaff coffee is an excellent source of antioxidants that your body needs to operate efficiently.
Create your own fun meal plan that you can enjoy. Whether you love cooking or love crafts, there are several ways that you can make preparation of healthy meals something that is fun and exciting. Create a meal plan that everyone can take part in so you can have fun making and eating healthier foods.
In order to lose weight properly, be sure to eat enough calories per day. Starvation diets of sorts are extremely bad for your body for many reasons. One such reason is that without food intake, your body will slow down its metabolism and attempt to hang onto the energy that you have already stored in the form of fat. This type of “diet” also leads to binge eating and a sure way to gain the weight back quickly once you do resume normal eating.
A great way to lose weight is to simply walk or ride your bike wherever you go. Choosing to walk to the grocery store instead of driving to it is a good example. You’ll be doing the environment a favor, and you’ll also be burning calories.
Losing weight can be as simple as eating more fiber with each meal. Foods high in fiber content are wheat bread, beans, and various leafy vegetables. Fiber-rich foods make you feel fuller faster which will assist you in losing weight. They will also enhance your digestive health, thus improving your overall well being as well.
A great health coaching tip is to add some flavor to your lean meat by adding low-fat salsa or cream sauce. This will prevent you from growing tired of consuming the lean meat that is needed every day to get the adequate amount of protein. This method will help you eat the protein your body needs to function efficiently.
If you’re trying to lose weight, it’s important to make sure you stay away from sugary-tasting foods and drinks, even those sweetened artificially! The reason for this is that when your body takes in a sweet taste, even if it’s not sugar, it primes your insulin pump for a sweet “hit” to come. Your body produces insulin, preparing for more calories to arrive and you become hungrier, making you eat more. So stay away from the sweet tastes and you will find that your appetite goes down.
Life coaching is not just about exercise and diet, it is about a life style as well.  It is important for you to pick a diet that you can actually follow. Many people make the mistake of attempting to get a diet that is not ideal for them. If you are someone, who loves to eat carbohydrates you will more than likely not be able to follow the Atkins Diet. There are a lot of options available to you.
Wear bright colors to help you lose weight. Having a positive attitude will help you keep up your drive towards weight loss, so try wearing bright colors to cheer yourself up. Lighter colors also don’t hide weight well, so it will be a reminder when you look in the mirror that you need to keep working. As you can see, the steps to achieve your weight loss goals are simple, effective, and very easy to implement. No matter what your daily schedule or lifestyle, you will be able to find a weight loss strategy that is right for you and your life. So what are you waiting for?
If you are interesting in learning more about Health Care Coaching, then you should visit our website. 

Health Coaching Tips for Sleep Apnea.

Health Coaching Tips That Can Work For Anyone

Sleep apnea is a very difficult thing to live with, both for the sufferer and for people living and sleep with him or her. If you fit into either of these categories, then you know just how frustrating it can be. Read through the health coaching tips found in this article to learn the best way to survive this problem!
There are some dental devices that are available to help manage your sleep apnea. A tongue retaining device or a mandibular repositioning device both will help open up your airway to help reduces your sleep apnea. They work by repositioning your jaw or tongue so that your airways are not restricted while sleeping.
Don’t drink alcohol, suggests health care coaches, especially at night. The reason most people drink alcohol is to relax, but it also causes the muscles that control your airways to relax as well. When you go to sleep with ultra-relaxed airway muscles, it can make your sleep apnea symptoms worse. Do your body and your wallet a favor and cut out the booze.
If you have just been diagnosed with sleep apnea and prescribed a CPAP, join a CPAP support group. It can be quite difficult to get used to sleeping with a mask on your face every night. Sitting in a room full of other people going through the same thing can be very empowering. You can learn from others who have had the same issues you are having and made adjustments to make it work.

woman sleeping
What different health coaching tips have you tried?

A newer, yet popular sleep apnea treatment is flower therapy. This is where a person sniffs flowers to help open up the airways to sleep better. Usually, it’s recommended that you try this treatment about 30 minutes prior to bed. Vervain is the most common flower used in this kind of treatment.
Alleviate you sleep apnea by loosing weight. Many studies have demonstrated that sleep apnea can be significantly improved or even eliminated when patients slim down. You can go to the gym, join exercise classes, consult with a health life coach for diet advice or just get out and walk. Taking off the extra pounds will help you sleep more soundly.
If you are one of the millions of people who suffer from sleep apnea, you need to avoid caffeine and large meals before you go to bed. Stop eating and drinking any caffeinated beverages at least two hours before you go to bed. Both of these are linked to sleep apnea and should be avoided before bedtime.
People who do not have a partner sleeping with them may not know they suffer from sleep apnea. If you wake up with a dry or sore mouth, wake up out of breath, have morning headaches, insomnia, and/or go to the bathroom frequently during the night, you may have sleep apnea and should talk to a doctor.
Try remembering the first time you were prescribed glasses if you have sleep apnea and are having a hard time adjusting to CPAP therapy. Remember how heavy they felt and how they rubbed the skin on your nose raw? It seemed like everywhere you looked, you saw those huge frames sticking out at the sides of your vision. However, over time you got used to them, and now you hardly even notice them. The same will be true of using a CPAP if you make the effort to stick with it.
Anyone who suffers from sleep apnea should avoid using sleeping pills. It can be tempting to try to use them to help you sleep better, but these pills can relax your throat muscles and make your sleep apnea worse. They also have a number of other side effects that can be unpleasant.
Your nasal breathing may contribute to sleep apnea. If you have a stuffy nose, make sure that you help open your airways with a nose spray. Your local drugstore sells over the counter sprays that are great for this purpose, but feel free to ask a pharmacist for help choosing the right one.
Get a CPAP mask that fits your face perfectly. If the mask that comes with your CPAP machine is too narrow or too loose, you will probably experience discomfort when you sleep and the machine might not work properly. Get a customized mask if you need to: the expense will be worth it.
Consider an alternative sleep apnea flower remedy therapy (also known as essence therapy). Vervain is used in this treatment for its calming and relaxing effects. This can help treat your symptoms, including insomnia problems associated with your apnea. As an added bonus, it also helps reduce overall stress and lower high blood pressure.
By reading through the great sleep apnea tips found in this article, you are ready to face your problem head on. While you may not be able to rid yourself of the problem completely, you will feel more confident and start working towards that all-important goal, a good night’s sleep.
If you are interesting in taking online health care coaching courses then you might want to visit our website for more information.

Health Care Coaching for Your Child.

Health Care Coaching to Help Your  Children Be More Healthier And Fit

Health Care Coaching and proper nutrition plays a huge role in how we feel each day. It is linked to our weight, to our health, and to our energy levels. It even affects our state of mind. This article will give you some important tips about what you can do to get the essential nutrients that your body craves.
When you want to gain weight you need to do it the healthy way. When you take in more calories than you can burn, you gain weight. Fat is a common ingredient in our food and has twice the amount of calories as protein or carbohydrate. To stay healthy, you need to get your extra calories from a beneficial combination of nutrients not just from fats.
Looking for an quick and easy way to sneak those eight 8oz of water in that experts recommend you drink each and every day? Drink two full glasses of water with each meal, and carry around a 16os water bottle with you during the day to sip from occasionally.
An unknown boon to many, studies have shown that red wine is actually a healthy choice. Compared to white wine, red wine has less sugar and more healthy nutrients. Nutritionists believe that drinking one glass of red wine per day may increase your life expectancy. The same idea applies to dark chocolate.
You should eat breakfast every day so your body has the energy it needs to function. Studies have shown that people feel better and eat less during the day if they start the morning with a good breakfast. Avoid eating highly processed foods. Make sure your breakfast has some protein in it to help you feel satisfied.
When you go to the grocery store, you should take your children shopping with you at least once so that they can understand what is really in the foods they want. You can show them the label on the products and allow them to see how unhealthy the foods are and let them see why you do not want them to eat the foods.

Health care coaching suggests eating plenty of fruits and vegetables to keep a healthy diet.

Make sure that you eat breakfast every morning. Suppose you’re writing tips for someone’s Article Builder product. If you don’t eat breakfast, you may feel sluggish and find it difficult to write well, but if you do eat breakfast, the metabolism boost will make your brain work faster and improve your writing quality.
In order to help ensure you are getting enough nutrients in your body, consider eating a wide variety of foods. Vegetables are very important as they are an excellent source of so many essential vitamins and minerals the body needs. Meat can also be a great source of iron and protein and, consequently, can be a key component in a well-balanced diet.
Try not to use dessert as a reward for eating healthy. If a child sees dessert as a reward, they’re going to think that it is the best food. This will only reinforce their desire to have sweets. If you want to use dessert as a reward, try offering fruits and other healthy foods.
Feed your body throughout the day with foods that maximize your energy and health. Three meals and two snacks or even five small “meals” which consist of fresh, organic foods will keep your system functioning at peak levels. Consistent fueling allows for a higher, more consistent metabolism which in turn keeps your weight down.
A great nutrition tip if you have diabetes and you’ve eaten too much, is to get out and exercise a little bit. We all make mistakes and if you’re a diabetic and you’ve eaten too much, there’s no need to panic. Exercise helps to keep blood sugar levels down.
Color is a key factor in choosing vegetables for good nutrition, the darker the color the better. Vitamin A can be found in yellow, orange and dark green vegetables such as pumpkin, peppers, carrots and spinach. The nutrition found in these delicious vegetables can boost your immune system function by neutralizing the free radicals that attack healthy cells.
As stated in the beginning, nutrition plays a huge role in our lives because it is what gives us the energy we need to get through the day, as well as playing a huge role in our health, weight and mood. If you take the tips given here and apply them to your life, you will be healthier and happier.
If you are interested in learning more about health care coaching then you should visit our website to learn more.

Health Life Coach Training and Diabetes

Diabetes Tips That Improve The Quality Of Your Life: Health Life Coach Training

Even if you’re as healthy as a horse, you can still get diabetes. It’s genetic in some cases and some people just have what amounts to bad luck with how their system handles sugar. If you need help controlling your diabetes or just need to learn about it, check out these great diabetes tips in the article. Health Life Coach Training can help you also to learn more about this.  Below are some facts you can learn about.
When a child has Diabetes, you need to ensure that everyone in their life is aware of the consequences of not adhering strictly to their new eating rules. If they go to their Grandparents’ house, ensure they know how important it is for the child to only receive healthy snacks.
Be vigilant when monitoring your glucose levels. If your blood glucose levels are especially high before mealtime, this may be an indication that your liver is producing far too much glucose. Try taking your insulin 60 to 90 minutes before your meal, rather than 30 to 45 minutes beforehand. This will give your body’s insulin a head start needed to more effectively manage blood glucose.
To prevent complications of diabetes, work hard to improve your blood glucose level. As you improve your blood glucose levels, you will prevent or delay numerous health problems, including problems with your eyes and kidneys, heart disease, and stroke. Take control of your diabetes care now to avoid complications in the future.
You can add some herbal supplements to help your body with the issues of diabetes. Ginseng tea is a great tea to add to your diet with many fruitful health benefits including the chance of lowering blood sugars. Cedar berries are helpful to the pancreas. Bilberry, dandelion root and uva ursi may also be beneficial.
Diabetes is nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about. Do not sneak off to a dimly lit, germ filled bathroom to give yourself an injection of insulin. Do it right where you are and there is a good chance that nobody will even notice what it is that you are doing.
If you suffer from diabetes, it is essential that you get a proper amount of exercise. Everyone needs exercise, but those suffering from diabetes definitely need daily exercise in order to keep blood sugar under control. If you struggle with finding time to exercise, then try walking during your lunch break, and always be certain to take the stairs when you can.
If your blood glucose level is low, you should not choose chocolate to help you increase the level. Chocolate contains fat and because of this, it takes longer for you body to absorb the food. Instead, you want to use something that has sugar but is low in fat to give you a sugar boost.
Diabetics have to watch their carbohydrate intake, and bread is a major player in a typical American’s diet. Try to find a bread with at least 5 grams of fiber AND protein per slice so that eating it is validated by the nutrients it’s carrying. Also avoid preservatives as they’re not healthy either.
To start managing your diabetes immediately, get moving and make regular physical activity a part of your life. Steady actions in sustainable bursts offer several advantages in managing insulin levels. Any weight loss helps, but exercise also lowers blood sugar levels as it gets burned for fuel. Exercise also elevates your sensitivity to insulin, which helps keep levels in a normal and comfortable range.
To make sure your glucose and blood sugar levels stay stable, eat at the exact same times every day. When your body knows when to expect food, it will have an easier time processing it, and dramatic rises or drops will be less common. Try setting an alarm that beeps every time you need to eat.
Changing your breads, cereals and pasta products to whole grains could help your glucose levels. It is not clear how but eating whole grains may help to maintain your sugar levels. So the next time, your buying bread or cereal look for the word whole grain in the ingredient list.
To be sensitive to those with diabetes, use diabetic friendly recipes anytime you have guests over and you are cooking. Instead of asking if anyone has diabetes, just assume everyone at the table does. Even non-diabetics are sure to enjoy tasty yet healthy cooking that leaves them feeling great but not bloated.
Have your eyes examined annually by a specialist in order to prevent vision problems that can be caused by diabetes. The blood vessels in the retina can be damaged by diabetes, causing a condition called Retinopathy. This causes problems with visual acuity and it can cause blindness if it’s severe in form.
Stay active and find an activity that you enjoy doing. When you have diabetes, exercising is crucial to helping you lower your cholesterol and your blood pressure. You can walk, ride your bike, or even dance; it doesn’t matter what you choose as long as you do something. Exercise can even impact how much medication you need to take each day.
To help yourself deal with a diabetes diagnosis, arrange to meet with a diabetes expert or take a class. Diabetes may seem as though it’s overwhelming to live with, but a good instructor can help simplify the disease and give you ways to cope. Getting good advice from a knowledgeable source is invaluable to any diabetes sufferer.
Whether you got the disease through genetics or just a fluke instance of your body not being able to metabolize sugars properly, the real issue now is that you do whatever you have to in order to learn about and control this disease. If you can use the tips you have just read in the above text, you can manage and thrive with diabetes.
If you are interested of courses in health care coaching, then please review the program.


Training Tips for Health Care Life Coaches

Life Coach Training Tips: Trey Hardee’s Tips for Working Out Efficiently

Working out without a plan can be painful
Working out without a plan can be painful
Trey Hardee, a world champion decathlete is constantly working out and knows what needs to be done.  In an article by Ryan Krogh from “Outside” magazine (July 2012), Krogh lists some important tips from Hardee regarding working out.  Life coaches should also include these training tips.
Hardee encourages these few tips.
1.  Work on both speed and endurance
2. No matter what sport you do, weight training is important
3. Warming up is not just simply stretching but actually warming up the body and preparing it for a workout
4. Water is essential during training.  Drink till your heart is content.
5. Always properly cool down after a work out
6. Theres no such thing as an off day.  On non training days, do things to keep the metabolism up
7. Eating includes high vitamin quality in the morning, high carbs for lunch and protein in the evening to repair muscles.
8. Mentally always set goals.  Long term goals and short term goals.
9. Realize you can never be at your peak perfomance all year long.
For more detail, review the article in the July 2012 edition of “OutSide”.
If you are interested in Health Care Life Coaching, please review the program.
Troy Starks

Health Coaching Program Success Stories

A checkers board with apples vs cookies
Battle of the waistline!

When following a health coaching program it can be hard at first.   There will be set backs.   There will even be times when you feel like quitting altogether.   Even the best health coach sometimes cannot keep you motivated and on track.   You need something different to renew your weight loss and healthy living focus.   You need to see that dieting and exercise really do work and your efforts will pay off.   That is why success stories are so important.   They show us that everyday people are sticking to the plan and seeing huge results.    It inspires us and helps us get back on the proverbial horse.
By Corey Barton
From Huffington Post

Following a Health Coaching Program Can Have Big Results!

The article, “I Lost Weight: Corey Barton Started Biking To Work And Lost 130 Pounds”, Source: Huffington Post states

How I Gained It: For many years I was involved in a lot of unhealthy relationships that were causing me to make poor life choices — especially when it came to food! One poor decision led to many more poor decisions and before I knew it, six years had gone by and I was now a pack-a-day smoker, morbidly obese and completely miserable.”

For the full story click here.

He found a health coaching program that worked for him and he stuck to his guns. We can all transform our unhealthy lifestyles.  All we need to do is find a driving force behind the change and a way to incorporate these changes into our daily lives.    We all can make dramatic changes in our lives, if we put our minds to it.    Live well!
If you are interested in helping others fulfill their healthy lifestyle goals then maybe you should look into earning your health coach certification? 

Health Coach Programs

A lady stretching before a jog
Getting out and getting fit is what health coach programs are all about.

Health coach programs are structured programs where coaches themselves teach and educate others on becoming healthier people. These programs will assist you in learning about health itself, along with different ways you can get healthier. A health coach is somebody who helps people with their health, making dietary suggestions for the person being diagnosed. Health coaches can help both alcoholic victims and people who are overweight achieve a better lifestyle, so they are able to help a lot of people in the world. A coach teaches the patient everything about eating healthier, changing their lifestyle, and removing whatever needs to be removed in their health or diet. These people can also help others with their mind and their overall mindset when it comes down to achieving the perfect health. These people can guide you and anybody in the world achieve their personal wellness goals while also receiving a good income for their expertise.
By Andrew Craig