Impulsive, angry personalities more prone to aggressive driving, accidents, study finds

Drivers with impulsive, angry personality characteristics are more likely than other drivers to engage in the kind of belligerent driving that potentially leads to accidents, a new study confirms. These conclusions could be used in designing more effective traffic safety publicity campaigns, authors say.


Aggressive driving and road rage come from more impulsive and angry personality characteristics,

Rage and anger in a car are the most dangerous places it can be where split second emotional reactions and have life long lasting scars

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Impact of domestic violence on women’s mental health

In addition to their physical injuries, women who are victims of domestic violence are also at a greater risk of mental health problems such as depression and psychotic symptoms. “We studied the impact of domestic violence on the risk of mental health problems, particularly depression,” explained the first study author. “We also studied the role of certain factors from the victims’ personal history, such as childhood abuse and economic poverty,” she explained.


Women in addition to being physically injured are also at greater risk of mental health problems who face domestic violence.  Domestic Violence needs to be seen as a risk to mental health as well.

If you would like to learn more about Anger Management Consulting Training, then please review the program


Anger Management Techniques for 2015!

Control anger in 2015 and receive love as a reward!

by Abe Kass , M.A., R.S.W., R.M.F.T.

Many of us make the same ole New Year Resolutions each year. We want to lose weight, stop smoking, exercise more, eat better, become debt free; etc. Rarely do we hear resolutions that deal with the way we think and react to the stresses of everyday life.  Anger is a leading cause of stress in our everyday lives and everyday people in your life are adversely affected it. Road rage is one very good example of anger that is not managed.

A lady who is angry with her hands on her head
Start off the new year with some anger management techniques to help you reduce stress and have a peaceful 2015.

Anger hurts three people. The one expressing it, the person it is directed at and anyone present! We could also add a fourth: The relationship that exist between the expresser of anger and the person the anger is directed at is also injured–and sometimes beyond recovery.

Anger can be compared to a hot coal. A person expressing anger is a person holding a hot coal and then tossing it at the person who is the target of his or her anger. Both individuals–the person angry and the person receiving the anger–are damaged; they are both burned by the coal. As well, anyone present is also likely injured by stray bits of burning coal. Anger causes pervasive destruction to anyone around you.

Is anger controlling your life? If the answer is yes, that you do have an anger problem, the first step is to admit it. The second step is to accept responsibility for having this problem and finding a solution. The third step is to actually solve the problem and then go on to live an anger-free life.

Here are just a few of many physical symptoms that you may feel when something happening in your life at the moment has triggered rage or anger inside you.

•             Pain or sense of fullness and pressure in the head or sinus cavities

•             Tingling sensations around the extremities of your body

•             A rapid heart rate and/or tightening of your chest wall muscles

•             Increase in blood pressure

•             Headaches and lack of energy

If you often feel these physical sensations, then you may have a serious anger problem and are at risk of letting anger ruin your life, injuring others, and seriously damaging your relationships. If you are single and looking for love in 2015, it is vital that you learn ways to control your anger, know your triggers, and most importantly, know how to not act on your feelings of insecurity, rage and anger.

There are many life skills needed to make a healthy relationship. Being anger-free is the most important one. Anger and love don’t mix. If you want to love and be loved–get rid of all expressions of anger. Yes, it’s that simple and straightforward. No, this is not unrealistic. This just is reality! You want love? Get rid of anger.

Abe Kass, M.A., R.S.W., R.M.F.T., is a registered Social Worker, registered Marriage and Family Therapist, certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, and award-winning educator and writer.

He is a former part-time professor of psychology at the Beth Jacob Academy of Higher Learning in Toronto. He is a steady contributor to local newspapers, writing as an authority on personal and family life, and is frequently reprinted in other publications throughout North America. Occasionally, he gives public lectures.

And for other Anger Management Techniques, please visit our site as well.

The Various Effects of Anger on Your Body.

The Effect Of Anger At Your Body and Overall Health


It’s quite crazy how anger can get the best of us sometimes. It can make even the purest and most innocent soul transform into a lady love sent from hell, and believe me, this is not a pleasant sight. This is proof that no matter how frustrating or hell-like your life is, one fact still remains—anger is, and will forever be, a curved blade.

Aside from losing the once deep connections you had with the people you love, anger could highly affect your holistic health as well. Yes, anger is a poison and as much as you would like to make yourself believe that it is natural and ok to keep these feelings buried deep in your heart, trust me when I say that you are only making your world smaller, bleaker and darker.

Anger is Your Heart’s Deadly Pill

No one survives in life without saying ‘hi’ to this very poisonous emotion. However, what you do and do not do to get anger out of your system will greatly impact your health in all levels. I’m positive that all of you have felt your heart hurting whenever you get very angry—yes, I can see some nods there.

The more you let anger remain in your heart, the higher the chance for you to contract heart-related illnesses. Studies have shown that those who get angry quickly and lash out are more prone to atherosclerosis. Conversely, if you let anger reside in your heart for a very long time, your risk of suffering from heart attack triples. Therefore, it is best that you look for a way to make peace with your past and release all the anger out—that is, if you still want to live a long life.


You may not have suffered heart attack yet, but anger can cause your blood pressure to really spike up. This will ruin your daily routine and it also exposes you to more health-related risks.

Sleepless Ugly

Yes, you read the heading right. Anger will not help you become your own version of a Sleeping Beauty because I promise you, holding anger will not help you sleep well at night. Physically, you’ll look more tired and stressed. And of course, this will not facilitate your body’s cell regeneration over the night. Not only this, people who suffer from insomnia do less and always become less. So if you aim to be the best version of yourself, let your anger out my dear friend.

From Flawless to Flaw-FULL

If you love your skin, let go of that anger. It’s way better to be beautiful and happy than to be hideous inside and out. Anger can cause chemicals and hormones within the body to act differently, and this in turn could be the reason why you are experiencing an acne outbreak. Even though an effective acne treatment can really help you bring back your flawless skin, it will be much better if you bid goodbye to the main culprit—anger.

Frowns and Lines

Aside from the many diseases you could contract from keeping an angry heart, you will also age un-beautifully if you keep that anger in. Studies have proven that the lines on your face when you grow old are reflections of your daily facial expressions. It’s quite better to age with ‘smiling’ lines on your face than those fine lines and wrinkles on your eyes and brows that make you look angry every day, isn’t it?

How to Become an Anger Management Counselor and the Need For Anger Help

How to Become an Anger Management Counselor and the Need For Anger Help

Learning how to become an Anger Management Counselor is an important answer to a worldwide problem of uncontrolled anger.   Anger as one of the classic Seven Capital Sins has plagued the passions of humanity since the dawn of time.   While an Anger Management Counselor does not hope to eliminate anger, he or she does hope to help clients control anger.

Anger has never been viewed as something evil in itself.  In fact anger has many benefits.  It allows a release of tension and stress that if not released could cause health problems.  It also has a communicative benefit of expression to others.  It allows others to know that a person is expressing great displeasure over an event.  Sometimes anger can also be a good and just emotion.  Whenever anger leads one to noble action against the evil deeds of others, then it helps society.   One should definitely feel anger at abuse of others or inhumane treatment of others or various animals.

Understanding that anger in itself is not an evil, a certified Anger Management Consultant looks to identify what causes anger in individuals and how to curb it.   While anger has many good points in its favor, the necessity of curbing it is still important.  Loss of control can lead to violence and death.  Loss of control can also lead to health issues related to blood pressure.   In some cases, even if the anger is justified it can lead to horrific events if not controlled.

Unfortunately, in many cases, anger is not even justified.  Due to drugs and alcohol, anger can lead to physical and mental abuse of a spouse, children, or pet.  These can lead to multiple domestic violence cases.  In these situations, families are broken and in some horrible cases, a spouse injured or killed.

Controlling anger, whether just or unprovoked, is a key element of Anger Management.  Anger Management looks to identify the stressors or causes of anger.  It teaches the person to identify certain things that can “set” one off.   

These stressors or irritants can be found at work, home, school or in some dangerous cases, while driving a car.  It is important that an Anger Management Consultant find the root of certain issues that erupt anger in others.  It is equally important for counselors to teach individuals how to react to these irritations in a healthy and safe way.

With proper identification and reaction to stressors and irritants, a person has a greater chance to handling one’s inner rage in a safe and healthy fashion.   Some ways to react are intellectual, while others are more deeper at the subconscious level.  

Proper intellectual reactions identify the problem and logically look at consequences before the emotion of anger can overtake.  Outcomes of actions are better analyzed.   The use of reason is key but in many cases, individuals need more help when the habit of anger is so powerful in their lives.

Some individuals are asked to breathe, or close one’s eyes and meditate on something peaceful.  Others are told to escape the situation and follow procedures for “cool down”.

A person with a severe temper is a threat to himself and others.  Anger Management Counseling is key in teaching these individuals the importance of controlling one’s inner rage and how to do it.  If you are interested in learning more about Anger Management, or would like to learn how to become a Anger Management Counselor, then review the program at the American Institute of Health Care Professionals.

The program consists of key courses that cover the basics of anger and Anger Management.  Dr Conte presents a variety of online lectures to accompany the text books that are needed to complete the courses.  All the courses are online and can be completed within the privacy of one’s own home.

After completing an online course, one proceeds to the next course until all course work is completed.  Once course work is complete, one can then apply for certification in Anger Management Counseling.  Certification lasts for four years until re-certification is required.  Among the re-certification requirements, one must complete sixty hours of continuing and academic education and also complete five hundred hours’ worth of clinical work within the field of Anger Management.

The Program in Anger Management is an excellent way for qualified professionals to be able to enhance their career and help others control their rage.  Qualified professionals include those with the academic background necessary or professional licensures necessary.  Academic requirements can be met through most undergraduate degrees in the social sciences.  Examples of these would include degrees in ministry, social work, psychology, counseling and health care.   State licenses in ministry, social work, health care or counseling can also apply towards any prerequisite.

Thank you for considering the American Institute’s Program in Anger Management.   It has all the necessary components and elements to help a qualified professional become successful and certified Anger Management Counselors.

If you would like to learn more, then please review the program.  If you have any questions, then please let us know.  In the meantime, please review and see if the Anger Management Program meets your academic and professional needs.

Enjoy the blog and good luck!


The Aspect of Abuse and Children

Anger Management Certification: The Aspect of Abuse and Children

Abuse introduces a massive change into the life of a boy or girl no matter what the age. Witnessing abuse be in from an outsider, a family member or even worse from one of his or her parents tends to take a heavy toll on the mind and emotional well being of a child. Here are various types of it.

Types of child Abuse

Abuse of children and disregard happens in a reach of scenarios, for an extent of explanations. In this area, we plot diverse manifestations of ill-use which are most generally recognized via research and a percentage of the results of this ill-use for victimized kids and mature people. In damaging homes, kids are infrequently subject to one type of misuse. They regularly preserve numerous manifestations of ill-use on the double. The most intense impacts of kid misuse frequently don’t come to be evident until the misused youngster develops to adulthood, at which focus the grown-up may experience a reach of mental, enthusiastic and social issues identified with youth ill-use.

  • Physical abuse – Physical assaults that might not be kidding criminal offenses if carried out by limited against an alternate case in point, hitting, slapping, or hitting with an article – have been legitimately and socially authorized when perpetrated by a man against his wife and youngster, or by folks against their kids.
  • Neglect – Complaints of disregard has a tendency to get constituted when a guardian or parental figure neglects to satisfactorily accommodate a tyke’s needs through procurement of sustenance, sanctuary and garments, by guaranteeing their right to gain entrance to therapeutic forethought when vital, by giving them mind, adore and back, by practicing sufficient supervision and control of the youngster, by indicating fitting ethical and lawful direction or by guaranteeing that the kid customarily goes to class.
  • Emotional abuse – Emotional abuse alludes to the mental and social parts of kid ill-use, and it is one of the primary drivers of damage to mishandled kids. Numerous folks are zealously damaging without being brutal or sexually injurious. Psychological mistreatment does not just happen in the home. Youngsters might be enthusiastically misused by the educators and different mature people in a position of control over the child.
  • Sexual abuse – Sexual abuse portrays any occurrence in a grown-up captivates a minor in a sexual enactment, or opens the minor to wrong sexual conduct or material. Sexual misuse likewise depicts any episode in which a kid is pressured into sexual action by an alternate kid.
  • Family violence – Family violence or down home roughness, for the most part alludes to the physical ambush of youngsters and ladies by male relatives, ordinarily a father or a male figure.

There can be different kinds of anxieties, bed-wetting, crying at bed times, whining, tantrums, clinging and temporary loss of established self-care skills, all of which can compel parental attention so that they stay with the child all the time. This way, the child ensures that he or she is safe and will be monitored round the clock. This is where Educare can come handy and make children come out of such symptoms. It makes them more confident, independent and self reliant as children, which makes it easier for them to cope up with the situation.

Author Bio

Educare possesses expert psychologist that deals with children who are affected by abuse irrespective of the nature. He feels that educating the parents of their actions can make them deal in an intelligent manner.


Anger also plays a big role in abuse.   An Anger Management Certification can be utilized for counselor to help people manage anger and not be abusive.  I hope you enjoyed the informative blog above and also hope you review our Anger Management Certification Program.



What is My Anger Telling Me and How Do You Cope with Anger?

cope with anger
How to cope with anger

The article, “What is My Anger Telling Me?”, by Wendy Van Eyck states

“I’ve been angry a lot lately, and I became curious about whether my anger was telling me something about my heart.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:

Anger in itself is not evil or wrong. It is how anger is utilized that matters most.  Sometimes anger is trying to tell us something.  Anger Management counselors can help you understand the nature of anger and how to cope with anger.

In the meantime, enjoy our blog and read some of our article on the subject.  You may learn a few important things regarding yourself and the nature of anger.


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Becoming an Anger Management Counselor.

Role Of The Anger Management Counselor

Everyone experiences anger in their life; however, some people do not develop the skills and techniques needed in order to move past the anger or deal with it effectively. This is where an anger management counselor can come in. They help clients learn how to move past or deal with the anger.
The Main Role Of An Anger Management Counselor
The anger management counselor is responsible for helping a client develop the knowledge and skills to control their anger and react differently to situations. Through proper knowledge and skills, the client should be able to control their anger by recognizing circumstances that ignite the aggressive and angry behavior, and deal with those circumstances in a healthy and non-violent way. As an anger management counselor, it is important to be able to recognize the triggers in a client in order to move forward with treatment.
Once triggers are identified, the anger management counselor can teach his or her client specific skills to deal with their triggers and their anger. These skills are often traits that the client has never been exposed to, such as recognizing thought patterns and changing the way they view or think about a situation that would normally evoke anger.
Other skills that an anger manager may teach involve breathing and relaxation practices that help a client calm down and react from a calmer place, communication skills to help clients express their feelings and needs instead of allowing anger to build up, and problem solving skills that allow clients to tackle frustrating situations and create a solution without anger.
Techniques Used In Anger Management Sessions Explained

A child screaming
An anger management counselor can help deal with anger issues in children and adults.

There are many different types of techniques that have been developed to help clients deal with their aggression issues. Some of the most widely used techniques involve cognitive-behavior methods including problem-solving, social skills, coping methods, and behavior modification.
For instance, relaxation is a coping method to deal with anger, and it helps to lower the emotional and physiological response that occurs when negative stimulation arises. This simple technique of relaxation often opens up access to other techniques that cannot be accessed until a client has become calm both in body and mind.
Social skills help a client interact with other people on a level that discourages anger. For instance, a client may be taught how to communicate in a way that helps them address key triggers to their anger. They may also learn how to negotiated, give proper feedback, and listen without injecting a negative and distorted view into the conversation.
Problem-solving skills are often needed when a client does not lack certain social skills, but instead lacks the ability to solve problems and quickly becomes angry because of stressful and intense issues that will not go away. Often the ability to look at a situation differently and find a positive outcome can completely change the way a client will react to almost every situation they face that normally triggers their anger.
If the above techniques do not work, then other strategies may need to be included as part of counseling. For instance, a possible change in environment may be suggested or complete avoidance of situations that make the client angry. Of course these techniques are only temporary solutions and the client will need to develop proper social, communication, or problem solving skills in order to overcome their anger issues.
How To Ensure Skills Are Used Outside Of Counseling
The role of the anger management counselor does not only include teaching their client about the skills needed to control anger, but also implementing strategies that the client can use to effectively utilize those skills outside of their counseling session. In short, it is the counselor’s job to ensure that the skills have been adopted by the client.
In order for change to occur in the client the counselor needs to ensure that their client feels safe in their environment as is able to practice their new skills without hesitation or restraint. In addition, the client needs to be supported and encouraged in a manner that allows them to desire adopting the new skills they are learning. And, the client needs to play an active part in the changing rather than just learning the new techniques.
Often it is necessary to be present in the moment of anger in order to effectively teach a client how to handle the situation. This helps the counselor support the client’s cognitive process and encourage specific skills for dealing with the issue that caused the anger. Being present in a moment of anger also allows the counselor to adjust the techniques according to their client’s personality and needs.
In the end, the role of the anger management counselor is to effectively teach and implement new behavior and coping skills to stimulus that provokes anger. Even though there are many different skills and strategies that can be taught, it is important to look at the client as an individual and use skills and strategies that will benefit the way they react to frustrating and stressful situations.
For information on online anger management courses please visit our website.

Anger Management: Parents’ Arguing in Front of Baby Alters Infant Brain Development

anger management
One good reason to practice anger management is for the sake of your baby

The article, “Parents’ Arguing in Front of Baby Alters Infant Brain Development”, by Ashik Siddique states

“Constantly hearing parents’ angry voices could make babies’ brains more vulnerable to stress and conflict.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:
Anger management is essential for the good of your own child.  Getting angry and arguing with the spouse in front of your baby can alter infant brain development.  It is best to practice anger management skills and remain calm until the child is out of the room.  And then even, still, try to control your temper.  If you are interested in learning more about anger management, then please review our program

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