Conversational Hypnosis

By: Dominick L. Flarey, Ph.D, RN-BC, ANP-BC, CH-C
       Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist by the American Board of Hypnotherapy
       Executive Director, The American College of Hypnotherapy


Conversational hypnosis (1), also known as covert hypnosis, is a type of hypnosis that is often used by therapists, counselors, and coaches to help their clients achieve specific goals. This type of hypnosis is different from traditional hypnosis in that it does not require the use of formal trance induction techniques. Instead, conversational hypnosis relies on the use of conversation and rapport-building techniques to induce a state of relaxation and suggestibility in the client.

Conversational Hypnosis article Photo of a woman holding up a sign that reads HYPNOSIS

Conversational Hypnosis is a technique employed in order to get others to do as you direct them to, during everyday situations, without their knowledge of your influence. All forms of hypnosis, conversational or therapeutic, are based on very simple rules, steps that eventually lead a person into a state of hyper-suggestibility. According to John Kappas, founder of the Hypnosis Motivational Institute, 25% of the people you encounter during your lifetime will be naturally suggestible to you; the other 75% you will have to work on in order to exercise influence over their subconscious thoughts. Subconscious thoughts are those that exist below the level of conscious awareness. They are the product of the unconscious mind, which is constantly active, even when we are not aware of it. Subconscious thoughts (2) can influence our behavior, emotions, and decision-making, even though we are not aware of them. This is where knowing the basic rules and processes of hypnosis can come in handy, and give you the edge over the competition.

The Steps of Conversational Hypnosis

Step I

Step one is building rapport. Rapport is built on trust, and trust is based on the belief that whomever you are dealing with is just like you, or at least has your best interests in mind. In order to build rapport with someone you have never met, you must see yourself through their eyes, and experience a dialectical exchange from their point of view. Mimicking their posture, attitude, and affection can send strong cues to them that you are two of a kind. During this phase of the process, it is all about listening to what the other person is saying, and how they are saying it, then agreeing and affirming that what they believe is valid. Without rapport it will be impossible to exercise any type of influence.

Building rapport is important for several reasons. First, when we feel comfortable with someone, we are more likely to trust them and feel safe around them. This is important in both personal and professional relationships. Second, rapport helps us to feel more connected to others, which can improve communication and lead to better relationships. Finally, building rapport can help reduce stress and anxiety, and create a sense of well-being.

Conversational Hypnosis Photo of a pocket watch that is swinging back and forth with blurring images in the background

Step II

Step two is to create an overload in the conscious mind (confusion). Overloading the conscious mind (3) refers to a state where the level of information or stimuli in the environment exceeds the capacity of the individual’s working memory. In this state, the individual is unable to process all of the information and may experience feelings of confusion.

At this point the other person should feel comfortable with you. “Hey, this guy isn’t so bad; he understands where I’m coming from,” and of course, you do.  Now, what is needed is a statement that while affirming what the subject believes to be correct, also seems to contradict that which has already been established as agreed upon. These statements should include words that appeal to the subject’s suggestibility type. Physical people respond to words that describe concrete ideas, while emotional subjects respond more readily to inferences and words that describe states of feeling. Crowding the subject and making physical contact, if they are physical, can also help create an overload in the conscious mind. This leads to the conscious mind’s desire for an outlet, an escape from the state of disequilibrium, which is exactly what will be provided in the next step.

Step III

Step three is where influence is exercised by giving the subject a suggestion that allows them to gain a state of homeostasis, and at the same time is beneficial to the cause. Giving the subject a weakly phrased statement they can agree with provides the subject’s conscious mind with the escape it needs, thereby allowing direct access to the unfiltered unconscious. The last statement is then followed immediately with a more strongly phrased suggestion that is in accordance with the directive. While in this state of hyper-suggestibility, the suggestion is implanted directly into the subconscious mind. It then becomes part of the subject’s belief system, without the subject’s conscious awareness. Hypersuggestibility is a state of heightened suggestibility in which individuals are more responsive to suggestions than usual. This can occur in both positive and negative contexts, with people being more likely to either accept or reject suggestions depending on the nature of the suggestion. Hypersuggestibility is often associated with altered states of consciousness, such as hypnosis or sleep, but it can also be induced by drugs, trauma, or other forms of psychological stress.

Conversational Hypnosis and Hypersuggestibility

The benefits of hypersuggestibility are numerous. For one, hypersuggestibility can help individuals overcome negative emotions and experiences. Additionally, hypersuggestibility can help people learn new information more quickly and easily. Finally, hypersuggestibility can also increase creativity and imagination.

Conversational Hypnosis Overview

That’s it. That is all there is to it: Creating rapport; overloading of the conscious mind leading to a state of disequilibrium, thereby triggering the conscious mind’s need to escape; providing a means of escape for the conscious mind, creating a direct route to the subconscious. The subconscious mind is the part of the mind that controls automatic processes and is not accessible to conscious awareness. It has been described as a hidden reservoir of knowledge and feelings that influence our conscious thoughts and behaviors. The subconscious mind is not a separate entity but is a part of the overall mind system. Franz Mesmer, the father of hypnotism, understood this from the very beginning. However, just knowing the techniques will not guarantee you success. As in the case of every good hypnotist, personality goes a long way and determines in large part how effective these techniques will be for you.

Conversational Hypnosis Woman laying on a table with eyes closed being hypnotized

In Conclusion

In conclusion, conversational hypnosis can be a powerful tool to influence others. When used correctly, it can help you get what you want and achieve your goals. However, it is important to use it ethically and responsibly, as it can be easy to abuse. Conversational hypnosis must be used in ethical and legal ways. This means that the trained hypnotist should only use suggestion for good, and never to exploit or control someone. When used correctly, conversational hypnosis can be a powerful tool to help people make positive changes in their lives. It is often used in sales and marketing, but is also becoming increasingly popular in healthcare. There are many potential benefits to using conversational hypnosis in healthcare, such as helping patients to relax and feel more comfortable during procedures, increasing compliance with treatment plans, and reducing stress and anxiety levels. We see it being used in pre-op anesthesia to help patients relax prior to surgical procedures. It is also being used in dental practices to assist patients to relax and become more calm prior to dental procedures. There are a wide range of uses of this type of hypnotic technique that are being employed in health care practices today.

If you are a health care professional and are interested in expanding your practice in the area of Clinical Hypnotherapy, The American Institute of Health Care Professionals, Inc. (AIHCP) offers a full curriculum of continuing education courses with Board approvals, leading to Certification. Upon successful completion of the program, graduates receive Certification as a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist in the American College of Hypnotherapy. The American College of Hypnotherapy is a subdivision of the AIHCP. You may preview our Clinical Hypnotherapy Certification program here: access information here.


1. Convert Hypnosis. Wikipedia. access here.

2. Subconscious Definition: The Hidden Power of Your Mind. Matt Coates. Mindvalley. November 27, 2018. access here.

3. The Role of the Conscious Mind. Kendra Cherry. Very Well Mind. September 1, 2022. access here.

4. Franz Mesmer. Wikipedia. access here.


Hypnotherapy Certification Program Article on Hypnosis and Panic Attacks

Hypnotherapy has a myriad of uses to help individuals with mental and emotional problems.  Panic attacks are no exception.  Many individuals utilize the calming effect of hypnosis to help them overcome chaos and panic and to find serenity and healing.

Hypnosis can help individuals find peace against panic and worrisome thoughts. Please also review AIHCP’s Hypnotherapy Certification Program


The article, “What Is Hypnotherapy? Reese Witherspoon Says She Used ‘Hypnosis’ for Panic Attacks” looks at how Reese Witherspoon also utilized it to help herself.  The article also covers questions regarding hypnotherapy.  The author Korin Miller states,

“Reese Witherspoon earned an Oscar nomination for her role as novice backpacker Cheryl Strayed in 2014’s Wild, and she says in a new interview that she struggled mentally with the role. Witherspoon told Tracee Ellis Ross for Interview‘s summer cover that she needed to have hypnotherapy before she could start working on the project. Witherspoon specifically said she, “had hypnosis, I was so scared.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review AIHCP’s certification program in Hypnotherapy and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  The Hypnotherapy Certification Program from AIHCP is independent study and online and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy Certification Program on Hypnotherapy and Anxiety

Hypnotherapy is an excellent way to treat anxiety.  Many individuals need to learn how to calm oneself and hypnosis is an excellent way to calm and teach one subconsciously to handle anxiety.  Anxiety can be a big problem for many and it can cripple many individuals.  Hypnotherapy can play a big role in helping people.

Hypnotherapy can play a large role in helping people with anxiety. Please also review our Hypnotherapy Training Program


The article, “How Hypnotherapy Eases Anxiety” from “healthessentials” of Cleveland Clinic looks at how hypnotherapy is an excellent way to help with anxiety.  The article states,

“There are a number of excellent treatments for anxiety but one that deserves a fresh, new look is hypnotherapy. While the presence of the word “hypnosis” may trigger skepticism in the minds of some potential patients, hypnotherapy is a safe, guided experience that involves intense concentration, and focused attention to gain insight regarding how past experiences, emotions and traumas play a large role in creating behavioral patterns.”

To read the entire article, please click here

With hypnotherapy as an alternative method to treat anxiety and becoming more mainstream, it is definitely an option for anxiety.  Please also review our Hypnotherapy Certification program and see if it meets your academic needs.

Hypnotherapy Certification Article on Insomnia

A good’s night rest is a key to good health.  Sleep debt is a huge problem for many adults.  Lack of sleep can lead to many health issues and poor daily work or academic performances.   Individuals who deal with lack of sleep and insomnia look for many ways to try to find the best way to fall to sleep.  Hypnotherapy is an alternative therapy that has helped some find the sleep they so desperately need.

Hypnotherapy has been observed to help others overcome insomnia. Please also review AIHCP’s Hypnotherapy Certification


The article, “Hypnotherapy Promises Hope for Insomnia Sufferers” by Robert Mueller looks at how hynotherapy can help one find sleep.  He states,

“Frustrated with her medication and irritable from sleep deprivation, Celine attended her first hypnotherapy session after searching for a different type of treatment. She saw rapid changes, sleeping through the night for the first time in over a year. In an interview with the TMHR, Andrew Gentile, certified hypnotherapist, notes that it is “not uncommon that hypnotherapy is a one-time session in treating insomnia.”

To read the entire article, please click here

With so many Americans suffering from lack of sleep and insomnia, it is to get the help needed to achieve healthy sleep hours.  To learn more, please review AIHCP’s Hypnotherapy Certification and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.


Hypnotherapy Certification Article on Hypnosis and Pain Reduction

Hypnosis has a variety of useful applications.  Hypnosis can help with mental trauma, past fears, as well as eliminating bad habits.  It can also help with pain management.  The ability to help the subconscious is amazing in hypnosis and hypnotherapy has the ability to help individuals through the process of pain.

With opioid use so dangerous and also the limitation of it for individuals who may need them, hypnosis is one of many alternative options for individuals to utilize.  Hypnosis can play a key role in helping the reduction of pain.

Hypnosis can help one manage pain and limit it. Please also review our Hypnotherapy Certification and see if it meets your professional goals


The article, “Hypnosis vs Painkillers” by  Dr. Sanchari Sinha Dutta, Ph.D, reviews how hypnosis can play a big role in limited pain.  She states,

“Chronic pain can be associated with many severe health conditions, as well as can reduce the overall quality of life. It is often difficult to treat chronic pain because the reason for pain often remains unidentified. On a positive note, recent studies have identified that hypnosis and hypnotherapy can act as an effective alternative intervention to medication to treat both active and chronic pain.”

To read the entire article, please click here

If one is seeking to alleviate pain, alternative therapies are one starting point.  They are not addictive like pain killers and more easily accessible.  Qualified professionals can learn more about hypnotherapy and how to utilize it in their practice by review the American College of Hypnotherapy.  The Hypnotherapy Certification is a four year certification and help individuals learn the necessary skills to properly utilize hypnosis within their practice


Hypnotherapy Certification Article on The Realities of Hypnosis

Many think hypnosis and hypnotherapy are like the movies with a swaying watch and a brain washed individual devoid of free choice.  This is farther from the truth.  Hypnotherapy does create a subconscious state but instead of a state of a control it is a state of relaxation and suggestion.   It looks to not reprogram but open and heal.

Hypnotherapy is not like stage shows but is actually very scientific and professionally based. Please also review our Hypnotherapy Certification and see if it meets your goals


Some individuals may not be as prone to suggestion while others may successfully react to the treatment.  The therapy looks to heal deep seeded trauma and looks to help individuals heal but it also looks to help individuals overcome bad habits and other phobias.

The article, “What Is Hypnotherapy? (Hint: It’s Nothing Like the Hypnosis You See on TV)” from Cleveland Clinic Health Essentials, dismisses man of the myths of hypnosis and directs one to a better understanding of its aims and functions.  The article states,

“When you hear the word hypnosis, does it bring to mind a stage show where a hypnotist puts people to sleep and then wakes them up to make them cluck like chickens and perform other embarrassing tasks? If so, you might be surprised to learn that hypnosis is commonly used in medical care.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review our Hypnotherapy Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  Through the training from the College of Hypnotherapy, you will be able to better help clients via hypnotherapy.


Is Hypnotherapy an Effective Treatment for Panic Disorders?

Many people who suffer from panic disorders are reluctant to treat the disorder with prescription drugs. At least some of that trepidation is justified; the mood-altering medications used to treat depression, anxiety and panic disorders can have some very troubling side effects for some people.


Perhaps that is why so many people are turning to alternative treatments like hypnotherapy to treat their panic disorder. Some patients use hypnotherapy alone, while others use this natural treatment as an adjunct to medication, therapies and other traditional approaches to the problem.


If you are thinking about seeking treating for your own panic attacks with hypnotherapy, it is important to understand how the process works. During the typical hypnotherapy session, the hypnotist will guide the patient to a relaxed state of mind. Once the patient is feeling calm but still alert, the hypnotherapist draws their attention to the behavior they want to change. That behavior can be virtually anything, from smoking and overeating to succumbing to stress and panic disorders.


Research has shown that hypnotism can be particularly well suited to treating stress, anxiety and related conditions. Hypnotherapy has been shown to be one of the most effective treatments for getting rid of phobias, and there is evidence to show that it can be just as good at treating panic disorders.

What is Panic Disorder?

Panic disorders have been found to be a strong presentation of the “flight or fight” reaction of the sympathetic nervous system. An over exaggeration of this reaction that occurs suddenly for no apparent reason or due to a mild stressor. There tends to be a genetic component to the disorder as well. It is believed that the problem lies within the amygdala in the brain. A key to treating the disorder is to calm down the amygdala and thus the flight or fight reaction.  Calming the sympathetic nervous system is key to treating this disorder.


Panic attacks tend to come with triggers. Triggers can be anything that brings on a panic attack for the patient.  They may include a sudden stressor, a memory or anticipation of a stressor. Or, in this disorder, an attack or experience may occur out of nowhere, for no apparent reason at all.


Panic attacks often involve feelings of being out of control, feels of extreme anxiety, fear, feelings of impending doom or death, feelings of “losing my mind.” Many physiological feelings and symptoms are also experienced such as rapid heartbeat, nausea, shacking, blurred vision and other symptoms of an over active sympathetic nervous system.



Hypnotherapy for Panic

A good hypnotherapist can guide the patient and help them recognize the triggers that bring on a panic attack and teach the patient how to induce immediate relaxation to overcome the sympathetic flight or fight reaction.  That in turn can help the patient control the trigger, which can help sufferers avoid or lessen their next panic attack. The hypnotherapist teaches the patient how to do self-hypnosis as well.  This is so the patient can master self-relaxation on an ongoing basis and train their nervous system to be in a state of more calm and relaxation and thus lessen over activity of the sympathetic nervous system. Over time this can significantly assist in reducing the number of panic attacks and the severity and the intensity of the attacks.


Hypnosis and hypnotherapy work with the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is the “master mind” so to speak and can significantly influence our body’s processes, including our nervous system. Our subconscious mind, through hypnotic suggestions, can be trained to reduce the incidence and severity of inappropriate exaggerated reactions of the sympathetic nervous system.


If you suffer from panic attacks or generalized anxiety, it is important to talk to your health care provider before embarking on a course of hypnotherapy. Getting a firm diagnosis from a doctor can help you choose the right course of treatment and get the help you need.


A growing number of medical professionals are open to alternative treatments for conditions like stress, anxiety, phobias and panic disorders. In some cases your doctor might recommend hypnotherapy as a first course of treatment to see if it will relieve the symptoms or at least make them less troublesome.


Other physicians may prefer to use hypnotherapy in combination with medication, talk therapy and other traditional treatments. The combination of traditional medication and hypnotherapy can be very effective for many patients, and many people have already seen great results.


Whether used alone or in combination with other treatments, there is reason to believe hypnotherapy is an effective treatment for panic attacks. If you suffer from these debilitating attacks, you owe it to yourself to talk to your doctor and see if hypnotherapy can help you overcome your fear.

Selecting a Certified Hypnotherapist

When selecting a hypnotherapist to see, it is advised that you seek out a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, one that has gone through an extensive training program and is duly credentialed and certified by an organization or association that provides for high standards for its members. The American College of Hypnotherapy is an Organization that provides an extensive education and training curriculum, as well as official certification for health care professionals seeking to achieve professional certification status as a Clinical Hypnotherapist. You may access information here for more information: Hypnotherapy Certification.

Marketing your Hypnotherapy Certification Via Social Media

Attracting Hypnotherapy Clients through Social Media

Businesses that operate online have several options when it comes to getting an audience. There are plenty of ways to get yourself noticed, but these methods require different amounts of time and money to succeed. Social media marketing lets companies attract a lot of people and entertain many fascinating marketing options. If you have a hypnotherapy practice, you need to be engaging potential clients via social media.  This article will assist hypnotherapists in understanding social media marketing.
You should always interact with visitors, just like how you would handle a call from a hypnosis client,  using social media sites. A single-sided conversation throughout your page can be the end of your business presence. If readers care enough to comment, then you owe them the respect of a reply.
Use a variety of social marketing venues for the greatest success. It’s well known that Facebook is one of the most popular social sites, but don’t sell yourself short by sticking with Facebook only. The greater the exposure, the greater the chances of a successful marketing.
When people comment on your site or ask questions, make sure you respond promptly and professionally. It’s easy to just skim over some kind of message or comment, so seek out these comments every time you log in.
Your social media updates should engage Facebook fans by incorporating fun, interesting and directly relevant content. Use this as an opportunity to let them know more about your hypnotherapy techniques and what you can offer. For example, you might share links to intriguing articles, unique images or off-the-wall videos from media sites like YouTube. Find the right balance between being friendly and professional.
Take the time necessary to produce a strong online presence but remember that a profitable enterprise is the real goal. Because you want to be thought of as a niche expert, you should not post shaky opinions or advice. Just post relevant and appropriate, amusing videos. These techniques makes sure your social media marketing strategy end up successful.

A business man sitting on a couch alone
Is this your hypnotherapy business? Learn to market yourself!

Don’t be careless when it comes to putting yourself out there on social media. Twitter is a great site to reach out to your subscribers without putting in too much effort. If you make factual and grammatical errors in the content you create, it can make you look bad to your followers and customers. Even though social media sites tend to be laid back, it’s important to always present yourself professionally while you use them.
It’s always a great idea to research any type of campaign or strategy you’re going with. Social media constantly changes, and you don’t want to miss the boat on anything new. Social sites are different. By knowing the differences between them, you can better utilize your time and effort. There might be a site that reaches more people and may require most of your time.
Followers can easily share your content with Facebook. When a person comments on a post on your page, all of their friends can see it. Have readers connect with you more and more so you get more exposure for your hypnotherapy business.
Where is your target audience? Go to them. Look for people who need to quit smoking or want to lose weight.   Search for them and let them now about you have a hypnosis certification and are up to date on the latest hypnosis techniques.
Include different types of animations and pictures on your website to improve the content. Let people know about you and show them a picture of yourself or the business you are running.
Make comments on social media blogs regularly. The term social media implies interaction and communication. Always make sure that you are focusing on your niche to highlight your strengths. Network with other business owners whose companies are related to yours.

3 penguins walking on an icy beach
Without marketing you might as well open your hypnotherapy practice in Antarctica.

Be sure your postings have eye-catching titles. Your reader makes his or her first impression when reading a headline. You do not want to simply say “Hi I have a hypnotherapy certification!” Use strong keywords and original titles that will make people want to learn more about your topic. Don’t just write anything; give it the thought it deserves.
You should have regular interesting blogs. If you offer new content when readers expect it, they are sure to become routine visitors. This has been proven with newspaper and magazine subscriptions. Keep it regular to maximize your rate of return visitors.
Add a review area on your Facebook page. This widget makes it easy for anyone following you to review your business. You can edit the reviews and take out the ones you wish. One way to get people to submit reviews is to enter anyone who writes a review into a drawing.
Common adds and vapid articles are no longer the way to make your marketing plan a winner. All sorts of media which entertains people can be used to attract a big audience in very quick order. The information in this article can help you build a strong audience and create a successful social media marketing strategy.

How to Become a Hypnotherapist

Become a Hypnotherapist

Have you thought about becoming a Hypnotherapist? Hypnotherapists utilize the state of hypnosis (deep relaxation) to treat their patients’ physical and psychological elements. Hypnotherapy has been effective at treating anxiety, depression, eating disorders, weight problems, sleeping disorders and addictions to alcohol and smoking. To become a hypnotherapist, you must undergo training in a solid and reputable hypnotherapy education program.

While there is not yet a central national organization that regulates the certification of hypnotherapists, you may become a certified hypnotherapist by meeting the certification requirements of bodies such as the American College of Hypnotherapy. This program provides for 220 hours of education and training. This includes a full practicum course where students practice inductions as well as using various hypnosis and hypnotherapy scripts. Once passed on this by the instructor, the students then work with actual subjects in conducting hypnosis and hypnotherapy sessions. Full faculty mentoring is provided. All courses are provided in online, distance education classrooms. Students complete a major online examination for each of the core courses that are provided in the curriculum.

 Training Costs

Costs vary depending on the program of education and training that you select. Costs are generally seen in the range of $ 1,500.00- $ 2,000.00. In some instances, some program costs are much higher. The tuition fees usually do not include required textbooks. Upon successful completion of the education program, those completing their education/training at the American College of Hypnotherapy are eligible for official certification. Certification costs are reasonable and provide certification for a three-year time period.


The American College of Hypnotherapy also offers a full “recertification” program. Re-certification comes due every three years. To apply for recertification the professional must complete a required amount of continuing education as well as have attained a defined number of hours of practice, within the time-frame that they are certified. Recertification is for another three-year term.

 What Does it Take to become a Hypnotherapist?

A hypnotherapy career may not be your best choice if you lack empathy and good communication skills. You should ideally be a people person; somebody who is able to connect with other people and their feelings, and have the will to assist them to overcome their problems.
In terms of qualifications, the American College of Hypnotherapy requires that one first be a licensed health care professional, in order to be considered for acceptance into the program. There are other programs available, and each have their own specific entry requirements.
If you feel confident about wanting to become a hypnotherapist, then you can begin you path to this career by enrolling in a course that meets your needs as well as the requirements of the state and those of the certification boards. To learn more about the American College of Hypnotherapy, click here.