What holistic health care changes do you plan on making in 2013?
Holistic Health Care Substitutions for 2013
The article, “Foods That Are ‘In’ and ‘Out’ in 2013”, by Heather Bauer states
“Food and fashion aren’t so different. One season you’re in, and the next you’re out. Throughout the years, we’ve seen the good, the bad and the ugly.”
I personally cannot wait to start using crystallized honey for my first holistic health care change of the year! All of the flavor plus a big boost in anti-oxidants. What holistic diet changes are you looking forward to making this year?
If you are interested in earning an online holistic health care certificate then you might want to visit our webpage for more information.
Everyone Can Enjoy the Holistic Health Care Benefits From Homemade, Great-Tasting Juice
Juicing can be a fun and delicious way to get your daily fill of vitamins and antioxidants. A few simple tips can help you choose combinations of fruit and veggies that not only taste good together, but provide your body with essential nutrients. Juicing is so easy that there’s no excuse not to start today.
Berries can add that extra flavor and holistic boost to your next fruit smoothie.
Make one section of your kitchen your juicing area. Keep all of your juicing tools here, such as your cutting boards, favorite cups, bowls, peelers, knives and your juice machine. Keeping all of your juicing equipment centrally located will make it much easier when you do make your juices.
Why not try using some seeds in your juices? Shelled unsalted sunflower seeds, flax seeds, and pumpkin seeds are excellent options to try. You can even used cooked grains, but just remember to clean your juicer out well afterward as they may leave behind a lot of gunk.
Use your juicing as part of a holistic weight loss plan to see big results. Fresh juice made from your fruits and veggies alone tends to be low in calories. It can be a very helpful addition to your weight loss plans. The fibrous nature of most veggies will help you fill up without adding in too many extra calories.
If you want to juice leafy green vegetables, roll them together in a ball before placing them in the juicer chute. Follow with vegetables that are more firm. You should alternate between the leafy and firm vegetables if you are making a large quantity.
Want to know another way that juicing will save you money? You’ll be able to skip the expensive anti-wrinkle and deep moisturizing skin treatments you’ve been buying at the department store! Juicing fruits and vegetables leads to healthier, better looking skin as they are full of moisturizing compounds. The anti-oxidants found in many produce items also can slow down the aging of skin itself.
A single cup of juice will be equivalent to a much larger amount of actual vegetables or fruit, meaning one cup of juice can also be equal to make more servings on the food pyramid. For example, a single cup of carrot juice is equivalent to four cups of diced carrot!
Making healthy juice from vegetables is wonderful, however, do not go overboard with variety. Stick to using 2-3 vegetables in your juice blends and incorporate apple into the mix. You will minimize the amount of flavors you are trying to combine and the apple will add the right amount of sweet to the mix for extra enjoyment.
If you are going to juice, be sure that you have a designated area set up just for this purpose. Although juicing is a very good idea, it does take up a lot of space an can get messy at times, which is why it is good to have your own area when doing it.
Getting your kids to eat their vegetables can be tough, but getting them to drink their vegetables is a snap!
Getting kids to get the vitamins that are in vegetables, is not as difficult if you juice. Holistic Health Care Professionals agree juicing has come a long way in a very short amount of time. You can juice many fruits and vegetables together to create a delicious juice cocktail that your kids will surely enjoy. You will enjoy it, too, because you know they are getting the vitamins and minerals that they need, so they will be strong and healthy.
Juicing your vegetables is a great way to get the vitamins and minerals that are in them without having to actually take the time to prepare them. Many people simply do not have the time to prepare a gourmet meal each and every night. Juicing vegetables allows you to quickly and easily get the most nutrients out of them that you possibly can without spending a ton of time on them.
There are a million-and-one recipes of items to include in your juicer. You can try a combination like apple with carrot and ginger, or celery and pear. My favorites are apple with lemon and pear, apple with cinnamon and honey, and, my daughter’s favorite, banana with mango and orange. Try new ideas to find your own favorites!
Once people start to get interested in juicing, they many times find it difficult to slow down. There are so many winning fruit and vegetable concoctions that can be thrown together in a juicer, that it can boggle the mind. It’s nice to not have to sacrifice flavor for nutritional goodness.
If you are interested in learning more about living healthy with holistic health care then you might want to visit our homepage.
The article, “16 Most Misleading Food Labels”, by Danny Deza states
“Have you ever picked one grocery item over another because of the health claims on the label? You may have been duped. That’s because terms like fat free or all natural are often slapped on a food item that may not be healthy at all.”
Hopefully you can now tell the difference between 100% multigrain and 100% whole wheat. In holistic health care everything is “All Natural”. Lastly you should always check the serving sizes as well. When it says only 100 calories per serving, it might sound healthy but if the container has 5 servings then well you do the math. When in doubt stick with an apple.
If you are interested in taking a holistic health care program then you should go to our site.
Holistic health care suggests trying these 50 super foods for a healthy diet. With 50 items to choose from it is easy to design a wide range of meals that are healthy and taste great too. For the full list please read below:
From Huffington Post
Top 50 Super Foods From Holistic Health Care
The article, “Healthy Food: 50 Of The Best In The World”, by Laura Schocker
Each month at HuffPost Healthy Living, we compile lists of the most in-season, fresh superfoods — this June, for instance, we celebrated figs, zucchini and apricots, among others. But these monthly articles got us thinking — what are some of the healthiest foods generally, despite the season?””
Holistic health care is about fresh and not processed.
Holistic Health Care cooking does not have to be bland and flavorless. Holistic nutrition can be quite good tasting and good for you as well! Using whole foods and fresh ingredients, you can make a nutritious meal that will have your guests asking for more. The secret? Keeping your foods as unprocessed as you possibly can. Stay close to the source, to so speak. Instead of using canned vegetables either grow your own or shop at a local farmer’s market. Another way to incorporate healthy alternatives into your cooking would be to use whole wheat products instead of white flour or blanched products.
Holistic Health Care and How Can Cook Healthy!
The article, “Recipes Galore… The Path to a Healthy Life”, by Mark Hyman states
“In my work as a functional medicine doctor, I often have patients ask me how they will achieve their health goals with cravings for the foods they have always loved.”
Holistic health care suggests that we avoid drinking cola due to its calorie and sugar contain. True is there are a lot of far worse drinks out there for us. Some of these drinks disguise themselves as healthy alternatives or better for you options. These drinks, mostly fruit smoothies and iced teas, are actually a lot worse. You would be surprised if you checked out the calories and sugar of that tea you might have drank over the weekend. For example most sweet teas are loaded with sugar and artificial flavors. These usually make them worse than Coke or Pepsi. Holistic nutritionists have come up with a list of common worse for you drinks:
Holistic health care says that your alternative to cola might not be any better.
Drinks Worse Than Cola From Holistic Health Care Point Of View
The article, “11 Sugary Beverages With More Calories Than Cola”, Source: Huffington Post states
“The commentary over New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s proposed ban of large sugary beverages in restaurants is still largely divided. Some say cutting back on the empty calories is a smart move, while others think the plan doesn’t go far enough and still others cry foul when the government aims to control what they eat and drink.”
Holistic Health Care professionals suggest you drink water, unsweetened tea, black coffee, freshly squeezed fruit juice or infused waters instead of anything with added sugars this summer. We need to break the addiction to sugary drinks. Alternatives exist, we just need to reach for them instead of the purple stuff.
If you are interested in earning an online holistic health care certification then you should check out our website.
Holistic health care does not have to taste bad to be good for you.
Holistic health care promotes healthy living in all facets of our lives. Be it from eating fresh, locally grown fruits and vegetables to eliminating toxins from our diets. Now we are offering holistic nutritional advice for all natural alternatives to often sugary and bad for you energy drinks. Holistic and integrative health care specialists state these so called “energy drinks” are nothing more than sugary, HFCS, unnatural beverages. Our bodies do not need them.
Energy Boosting Holistic Health Care Advice
The article, “11 All-Natural, Instant Energy Boosters”, by Jessica Smith states
“Try these expert recommended tips to revitalize — right now.”
Holistic health care does not have to be hard as you can see. All you need to learn is that alternatives to unhealthy dietary choices exist. You just have to be willing to do them.
If you want to earn your online holistic health care certificate or just take a few online holistic health care courses then you should visit our webpage.
A new holistic health care clinical study is showing promise in the fight against cancer. The turkey tail mushroom (Trametes versicolor) improves the immune system of breast cancer patients. How it works is simple, after radiation treatment the turkey tail mushroom is used to quickly boost the immune system to eliminate the remaining cancerous cells. This is not the first time Turkey Tail Mushroom has been used in a holistic sense. Holistic and integrative health care specialists have been using this mushroom to treat various illnesses for years. For more on the study please read below:
By Paul Stamets
From Huffington Post
Holistic Health Care Approach to Fighting Cancer
The article, “Turkey Tail Mushrooms Help Immune System Fight Cancer”, by Paul Stamets states
“A promising clinical study shows that the turkey tail mushroom (Trametes versicolor) improves the immune systems of breast cancer patients.”
It is wonderful that we are now looking at holistic health care to solve modern medical problems. Together Eastern and Western Medicine can cure anything.
What other Holistic Health Care herbs could help fight cancer?
If you are interested in taking online holistic nutrition courses, please visit our website.
Holistic health care is when a doctor or practitioner looks at a person’s whole body versus their current condition. This is in contrast to traditional health care, where only a specific portion of the body is examined. Holistic care examines each specific person and determines exactly what is affecting the person’s whole being. The mind, body, spirit and spiritual aspects of a person are all examined with the idea that specific illnesses can be cured naturally, rather than treated with medicine. Once the various problem areas are cured, the illness will be cured too.
Holistic Health Care in a basket!
Holistic health care does not include the various medications a traditional doctor would prescribe. Instead, holistic care believes in balancing the mind, body and spirit by utilizing natural herbs. These herbs, accompanied by a change in the person’s diet, help to fix the imbalance inside of the body. Since there is a source for all symptoms, this has proven to be a very effective method in curing people’s ailments.
Since herbs are natural they will not cause any adverse side effects, unlike those seen in various medications. The idea is that nature, along with all of its nutrients and vitamins will work together to heal the patient. However, if a doctor can not find a cure for a patient, they will recommend medicine or a surgical procedure if needed. Unfortunately, there are times when a patient has waited too long and Western medicinal practices might be the only way to ensure that they will be cured.
Holistic Health Care
The doctors who provide holistic care often have their own areas of expertise. That is to say that there are holistic dentists, dietitians and general practitioners. However, there are many other areas of specialties that a holistic doctor may recommend. Some of these areas include:
Acupuncture: Acupuncture was developed in ancient China and utilizes needles in its practice. These needles help to open up the flow of energy throughout the body. This essentially helps the body balance its internal energies. When these energies, or qi, are blocked, they are said to cause diseases or other ailments.
Applied Kinesiology: These practitioners study the body’s muscles to provide feedback about the energy in the body. The feedback will indicate areas of the body where pressure or stimulation should be applied. Once applied, the body’s natural energy can flow normally which helps the body return to a balanced state.
Chiropractic: Chiropractors are widely used throughout the world. These doctors are recommended when there is a misalignment of a vertebrae in a person’s back or neck. These misalignments are believed to stop the flow of nerve impulses throughout the body. When these nerve impulses are allowed to flow freely, they enhance the body’s healing process.
Dentistry: Holistic dentists use non-toxic materials to repair the teeth of their patients. The mercury found in normal dentistry materials is actually toxic to the body. Holistic practitioners believe that healthy and strong teeth are vital to the health of a person’s body.
Reflexology: Reflexology is the use of pressure to a person’s hands and feet. These areas, when targeted, help promote blood circulation and relaxation. This assists the body’s transition into a normal and balanced state.
Reiki: Reiki is a practice where a practitioner transfers their energy from their palms into their patient. This energy that is transferred helps the recipient’s body naturally heal itself and be restored to a state of equilibrium. The areas that are targeted are aligned with the body’s chakras in an effort to help them open up and send energy through the patient at the same time.
These types of care, along with herbs and a proper diet, are used to help the energy inside the body flow uniformly. Holistic health care is a growing field that has seen the increased use of massaging, breathing and relaxation as well. Holistic nurses often teach relaxation classes to clients. When the body is in a harmonious state, the body will start to heal itself naturally. The holistic healing process is said to be more complete than Western methods because it finds and cures the root causes of a problem. Once the root causes are eliminated, the body will be back to a harmonious state of being. As the study of the body’s internal energy progresses, holistic health care will expand even further.
For more information please go to our website.