In diagnosis, psychologists are aware of the differences between Bi Polar and Depression. Both are mood disorders but Bi Polar Disorder has manic highs and lows, while depression is a permanent low. However, a manic low can last so long as to disguise itself as depression. It is important for licensed professional counselors to identify these differences.

The article, “Bipolar Disorder and Depression” from Healthline looks at these differences. The article states,
“A healthcare professional will examine you and ask about your mood and medical history. They may also request blood tests to rule out a thyroid condition or other medical condition that may cause symptoms similar to depression. A psychiatrist or other mental health professional can confirm the diagnosis.”
To read the entire article, please click here
It is important for non licensed professionals who do grief counseling not to attempt to treat depression or bi polar but to refer them to licensed professional care. Some grief counselors who are already licensed care givers, can treat a patient but those who are not, must not attempt to counsel beyond basic loss and grief. Depression and Bi Polar require a higher training and licensed position.
Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Training Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in grief counseling.