Grief counselors need to have an understanding of Asian culture to better assist grieving Asian Americans with their unique challenges and losses they face. Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification by clicking here
grief counseling certification
Grief Counseling with African Americans VIDEO
African Americans have unique struggles and losses from personal to collective issues regarding grief and social stressors. With collective soul wounds originating with the slave trade to prejudices and discrimination throughout history, they face issues that grief counselors must be able to address. When non-African American counselors work within the African American community they need to be aware of these differences and issues
Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification.
Arab Americans and Grief Counseling Video Blog
Arab Americans face unique challenges and losses that grief counselors must be aware of. Cultural competency helps grief counselors understand the issues Arab Americans face and how their culture interprets loss and stress. Unique to Arab Americans is cultural differences with the West as well as stereotypes regarding Islam.
This video takes a closer look at these issues and how grief counselors can better assist Arab American clients. Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification as well as its Grief Diversity Certification. Both programs are online and independent study with instructor mentorship as needed
Grief Counseling and Native American Populations Video
Cultural competency is important in counseling. Grief counselors or any counselors need to be aware of their own biases and beliefs as well as how they are perceived by diverse populations. They also need to be adequately trained in target populations to better help them. Native Americans have their own unique strengths, challenges, history, traumas, and cultural expressions that need to be understood to better help them in counseling.
Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals
Resistant Treatment Depression Video
For some individuals depression does not seem to go away when treated initially. After multiple SSRI fail to work and if counseling fails to produce results, then other ways will be needed to help the person get through the depression. This video looks at resistant treatment depression and some ways individuals can find a way to overcome depression
Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals. The programs are online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification
Stuck in Grief Video Blog
Some individuals remain in grief longer. Some because of prolonged grief or in other cases depression, while others develop maladaptive coping strategies that keep them in acute grief longer. It is important to realize one never recovers from grief or loss because the object or person lost was loved, but one does learn to adjust and process through the acute grief phase. Those who do not usually do not because of poor coping and views on the loss.
Spirituality and Grief Video
Spirituality is an important part of grieving for many. For some it may be a source and anchor to help adjust to the loss, while others it may be a source of comfort and helps reframe the loss to a greater ending that is eternal. Sometimes, spirituality if maladaptive can also cause issues in the grieving process and this can cause internal and existential havoc for the person as he or she tries to connect belief with loss.
While many grief counselors may be hesitant to discuss spirituality in secular settings, spirituality and its role should in each individual should be understood and the utilization of any outside resources within the community to help aid in a person’s healing should be encouraged.
Please review the video for further information and do not forget to review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification.
Role of Spirituality In Grief Video
Spirituality is usually a topic many secular counselors like to avoid but it is an inherent part of many individual’s lives and plays an even larger role in the grieving process. Spirituality generally is good for grieving but sometimes it can present issues that complicate grieving. Grief Counselors need to be aware of how spirituality can also complicate the grieving process and how to help individuals grieve in a healthy way. This video takes a closer look at these issues
Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification and see if it matches your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year Grief Counseling Certification
Psycho Dynamic Therapy and Grief Video
Psycho dynamic therapies are Freudian in base and look at past traumas in early life and other emotional scars to explain present behaviors. In understanding why one acts a certain way, one can then address the current behavior. How one grieves and reacts to loss can also be understood in one’s past. Grief counselors who utilize aspects of Psycho Dynamic theory help individuals understand their past losses to better cope with their present. This can also include how they dealt with loss and grief in the past and how those grieving patterns are negatively effecting a current loss.
Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study with mentorship as needed and open to qualified professionals in human services, mental health, ministry, and healthcare with appropriate degrees or licensures.
Grief Counseling and Animal Therapy Video
Animal Therapy helps individuals who are hurt by intense trauma and have a hard time expressing themselves from it. It also has benefits for those who have issues communicating, such as those with Autism or even children. The type of animal used also plays a role pending on the need and personality of the person. Animals love unconditionally and hence can help people experience love and warmth but also learn ways to express, care and feel needed through responsibility.

Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals.