10 Different Options for Dealing With Back Pain (Including After Surgery) 

Patient with back pain consulting a doctorWritten by Veronica Turner

Living with back pain can be a daunting experience; that’s where various effective options come into play to bring relief. Ranging from physical therapy, yoga, and pilates to locally injected pain relievers and self-care practices, each approach carries unique benefits to combat this ailment.

This variety is especially important considering the complexities of back pain, as symptoms can occur due to numerous reasons, including injury, aging, surgery, or chronic conditions.


10 Options for Dealing With Back Pain Before and After Surgery

By exploring these options in-depth, we aim to empower you with knowledge so you can be proactive in managing discomfort and improve your overall quality of life substantially.


  1. Physical Therapy

Conducted by trained therapists, physical therapy incorporates a variety of structured exercises designed to stretch and strengthen back muscles. Focusing on key areas responsible for supporting your spine, physical therapy can alleviate pain by improving stability and posture.

It’s important to note that the exercises are often tailored to cater to individual needs, meaning there’s little chance you’ll get hurt. Regularly engaging in these activities enhances long-term recovery and helps mitigate future relapse of back pain while accelerating healing after surgery.


  1. Yoga and Pilates

Embracing yoga and pilates can be a beneficial approach to managing back pain. These practices bring a holistic perspective that emphasizes the harmony of the whole body. Yoga, for instance, uses specific poses that help alleviate back pain by stretching the muscles.

On the other hand, pilates mainly concentrates on building core strength—a critical component for supporting your spine. With regular practice, both options can provide long-lasting relief from chronic back discomforts and support overall muscular health as long as you’re careful.


  1. Massage Therapy

Massage therapy has been identified as a powerful tool in relieving back pain. The simple act of applying pressure to affected muscles aids in reducing tension, improving blood circulation, and promoting relaxation. Increased circulation can expedite healing after back surgery.

Session frequency will depend on the severity of the pain, but even occasional massage appointments can bring about noticeable improvements. Licensed therapists can utilize various techniques depending on your precise need, making this approach versatile.


  1. Self-Care Practices

Self-care practices play a vital role in managing back pain, and they can be as simple as daily lifestyle changes. Healthy habits such as maintaining a balanced diet, resting adequately, avoiding heavy lifting, and incorporating regular exercise are beneficial for your back.

Being proactive about managing stress through various techniques can improve your overall well-being, which indirectly impacts your health. Integrating these habits into your routine aids in effective pain management post-back surgery and contributes positively to long-term recovery.


  1. Pain Medication

Non-prescription (over-the-counter) pain medications/drugs like NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs) or acetaminophen can be handy for controlling mild to moderate symptoms. They function by reducing inflammation and blocking pain signals, respectively.

However, with more serious or chronic conditions, stronger prescription medications may be necessary. These should always be used under the supervision of a healthcare professional. Pain medication is often most effective when combined with other treatments.


  1. Heat and Cold Treatment

Heat and cold treatment is a readily accessible and often effective method to manage back pain. Applying heat, using tools like electric heating pads or warm compresses, helps soothe stiff or achy muscles by improving blood circulation. It promotes healing and can aid mobility.

Conversely, cold treatment with ice packs reduces swelling and numbs sore areas to dull pain. The key is to alternate between the two therapies for optimal results. This technique is usually best used for temporary relief of minor back pains or post-exercise soreness.


  1. Topical Analgesics

Applied directly onto the skin, topicals or ointment products provide localized relief from pain and inflammation. They work by producing a warm or cool sensation that distracts you from the pain or by delivering medication directly to the painful area for transdermal absorption.

Topical Analgesics come in various forms, such as gels, sprays, and patches, and are typically used in conjunction with other treatments. While they may not solve all back pain issues, especially if they’re chronic, they can provide much-needed temporary reprieve in daily life.


  1. Locally Injected Pain Relievers

Injected pain relievers are administered directly to a specific area of the body that’s generating intense discomfort, such as near-strained muscles or pinched nerves. For instance, conditions like sciatica that involve nerve pressure often respond well to these injections.

This approach can swiftly deliver higher concentrations of medication to where it’s most needed, providing rapid relief and reducing the side effects associated with systemic distribution in oral medication. This method should always be performed by a trained healthcare professional.


  1. Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care is another important therapeutic intervention to consider when dealing with back pain. A chiropractor, trained in spinal manipulation and alignment, can help pinpoint the source of your pain before applying specific adjustments designed to address irregularities.

Studies have shown that these treatments can effectively alleviate discomfort in the lumbar region, promoting mobility and enhancing overall quality of life. This approach usually works best as part of a comprehensive treatment plan involving physical therapy or exercise programs.


  1. TENS Unit

The TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) Unit is a non-invasive device often used in pain management, including backaches. It functions by delivering small electrical currents through electrodes that are adhered to the skin over problem areas.

These currents interfere with the body’s pain signals, persuading your nervous system to either diminish or entirely block these signals, thereby reducing the sensation of pain. This compact device is especially handy as its portable nature allows for home use and immediate relief.


In Conclusion…

Back pain may be a common issue, but you don’t have to endure it silently. There are numerous effective options available today to manage and relieve your discomfort. It’s crucial to remember that every person is unique; what works for one might not work for another.


Author Bio.

Veronica Turner is a health and lifestyle writer with over 10 years of experience. She creates compelling content on nutrition, fitness, mental health, and overall wellness.



Please also review AIHCP’s Health Care Life Coach Certificate program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  These programs are online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification.


How Childhood Illnesses Can Impact Long-Term Mental Health

Sick little girl in bed. Mother with thermometer is sitting near the bed.Written by Veronica Turner


The effects of childhood illnesses can linger, shaping mental health for years to come.

For instance, chronic conditions like asthma or diabetes require frequent medical care and lifestyle adjustments, which can contribute to feelings of difference or exclusion. In turn, long-term mental health can be significantly impacted.


The Role of Early Bonds and Attachments

Childhood illnesses can majorly impact the development of early bonds and attachments, which are the foundation for future relationships.

A child constantly in medical care might have less opportunity to cultivate strong connections with peers or siblings. Over time, these disruptions can lead to difficulties in forming close relationships, potentially stimulating long-term feelings of loneliness or isolation.

This could then contribute to mental health problems such as depression and social anxiety disorders later in life.


Social Exclusion

Following on from the last point, social relations can take a hit when battling health issues during the early years.

Difficulty in keeping up with peers physically often leads to withdrawal from social activities or rejection by peer groups, which may trigger depression in later life stages.


Stress Factors

Dealing with illnesses in childhood can create an inherent level of stress. Often, that can result in anxiety symptoms as a reaction to the situation.

For example, fear of recurring symptoms or impending medical appointments can lead to prolonged periods of worry.


Impact on Self-Image and Identity

One of the profound long-term mental health impacts can be seen in the child’s developing self-image and identity.

Chronic illness might cause children to feel different or develop the perception that they are ‘abnormal’.

Over time, this negative self-image can lead to problems like body dysmorphic disorder or eating disorders.

Thus, addressing these distorted perceptions early is vital for preventing future mental health issues.


Psychological Effects

Dealing with physical discomfort and pain frequently plays out in one’s mental arena, affecting sufferers’ perceptions of self and overall satisfaction in life.

It’s not uncommon for such circumstances to lead to low self-esteem and a pessimistic worldview.


Impact on Education

Educational opportunities may be hampered by chronic sickness, as well.

In addition to the physical toll it takes, illness may cause cognitive impairments or interruptions in schooling that hinder academic progress.

Consequently, this educational disruption feeds into one’s mental well-being resulting in feelings of insecurity or dissatisfaction.


Long-Term Trauma

The traumatic experience of prolonged medical treatments during formative years can carve deep emotional scars and even lead to PTSD in some cases.

Also, the repeated pain and invasiveness related to certain treatments can leave lingering fears or aversions tied closely to one’s self-sense.


Resilience Development

There is a flip side. Some children who experience illnesses early in life develop extraordinary resilience over time.

In dealing with adversity at a young age, they may acquire coping skills that fortify them against future mental health challenges.

Therefore, outcomes are not always negative. Childhood illness can sometimes lead to heightened emotional robustness in adulthood.


The Importance of Professional Helpsick teddy bear with injury in a bed in the hospital

Entrusting mental well-being with professionals who specialize in child psychology becomes crucial when dealing with the aftermath of childhood ailments.

The intervention of experts at an early stage can help individuals to manage issues such as anxiety and depressive symptoms. In turn, that can reduce the chances of long-term mental health ramifications.

Additionally, mental health professionals can offer strategies to help people navigate the social and educational hurdles that can be caused by illnesses.

This professional involvement and support can act as a strong buffer against more serious future mental health implications.


Wrapping Up

Early intervention and supportive environments can mitigate the potential long-term mental health effects of childhood illnesses.

So, if your child has an illness, make sure you take steps to lessen the impact that the illness could have on their mental health later in life. The first step is to contact a mental health professional.


Author Bio: Veronica Turner is a health and lifestyle writer with over 10 years of experience. She creates compelling content on nutrition, fitness, mental health, and overall wellness.”


Please also review AIHCP’s Health Care Life Coach Certificate program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  These programs are online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification.

5 Ways to Regulate your Sleep Schedule

5 Ways to Regulate your Sleep Schedule

Written by McKenzie Jones 

Your whole life will suffer if you are not getting the right amount of sleep each night. Disrupted sleep schedules can affect both your physical health and your mental and emotional well-being. This is why it is so important to address any potential sleep disruptions and fix the problem before it becomes a serious issue. Here are five ways that you can regulate your sleep schedule so that you can get the rest that you need.

Promote Healthy Circadian Rhythm

Your sleep and wake cycles are controlled by the body’s natural circadian rhythm. Without a well-functioning circadian rhythm, your body does not know when it is time to sleep and when it is time to be alert.

There are a number of things that you can do to promote a healthy circadian rhythm. Exposing your body to natural light when you wake up sends the signal to your brain that it is time to get energized. It is also a good idea to avoid taking naps. If you must take a daytime snooze, make it quick and do it early in the afternoon rather than later in the day. Being diligent about exercising regularly can also help to support your body’s internal clock so that it functions at optimal levels.

Implement a Regular Bedtime Routine

You will be able to fall asleep more quickly if you train your body by implementing a regular bedtime routine. Your personal needs and preferences will dictate your routine. Perhaps you want to start the process with a relaxing bath or a warm mug of herbal tea? Other people find success in dimming the lights and reading for a bit before trying to fall asleep.

Another good way to signal to your body that it is time to go to bed is to engage in a consistent skincare routine before turning in for the night. Nourishing your skin with nutrients and hydration should be a part of your nightly routine, prepping your body and your mind for a good night of sleep. The right products from Happy Healthy You will also leave you feeling refreshed and relaxed and ready to welcome a night of quality sleep.

Minimize Blue Light

Your smartphone or tablet habit may be hindering your ability to get the rest that you need. Smartphones, tablets, and computer screens all emit blue light. This light can negatively affect circadian timing.

In order to prevent this from happening, you should avoid blue light the hour or two before bedtime. Rather than reaching for your phone before closing your eyes, try reading a book instead. You should also be intentional about limiting the amount of artificial light around you in the evening hours.

Create a Comfortable Sleep Environment

You cannot expect to get a restful night of sleep if you do not have a comfortable sleeping environment. Taking active steps to make this as relaxing as possible can have a profound effect on the quality of sleep that you enjoy.

In addition to cozy bedding and a mattress suited for your needs, you also need to be mindful of sleep and light pollution. You may find that you sleep better if you invest in a good pair of blackout shades. A white noise machine can be instrumental in blocking out extraneous noise so that you sleep more soundly. Experiment with a few different tools to find what works best for you in your quest to sleep better.

Limit Alcohol and Caffeine

What you drink in the hours before bed may also impact how quickly you fall asleep and if you are able to stay that way through the night. While you may fall asleep more quickly after a night of indulging in alcoholic drinks, the booze is also more likely to disrupt your rest and wake you up in the middle of the night.

Too much caffeine in the hours before bed can make you too wired to fall asleep. Reducing your consumption of both alcohol and caffeine starting in the late afternoon hours can prove beneficial in supporting healthy sleep patterns.

These five tips are all great ideas to help you to regulate your sleep schedule so that you wake up refreshed and ready to take on the day ahead.




The American Institute of Health Care Professionals offers a full continuing education program leading to Certification as a Health Care Life Coach, you may preview our program by accessing this link.

Why Hire a Certified Health Care Life  Coach?

Health care life coach By: Tara Tonsetic, CHC

Have you ever started a fitness program, but didn’t see it through to completion? Or, on the flip side, change your way of eating but it just didn’t feel right to you? Maintaining good overall wellness is super important to our everyday lives. Partnering with a Health Care Life Coach might just be the perfect solution to finding what works best for YOU!

Having good insight on your own personal wellness journey is invaluable. There are so many areas to consider, not just what you eat and how you exercise, but your mindset, attitude, how you live, and so much more. Consider hiring a Health Care Life Coach to help guide you through this process. A Coach can help to define your goals, make you conscious of your highs and lows, and most importantly help you to make a plan and hold you accountable to work that plan. A Health Coach is going to help to connect together all the areas of your life for the better.

When hiring a Health Care Life Coach, you want to build a trusting relationship where there is open and honest communication. Your coach will want you to be successful in whatever you define as your success and will help you get there through one-on-one sessions, hands-on exercises, and take away reading homework, to name a few. You may also look to hire someone who can assist with a specific focus that needs attention such as weight loss, stress management, increasing your energy levels, and addiction. There are many coaches out there that specialize in these various areas and more. Define what you would like to accomplish overall and research to find the best person out there to help you do YOU!

Remember to keep these few tips in mind when choosing the best coach for You:

A Health Care Life Coach should provide one-on-one support and take a genuine interest in helping you achieve your goals. A Health Care Life Coach will help you define the life YOU want to live and help you to make a plan to get there.

MOST IMPORTANT: Remember, YOU are always in total control of your actions and goals. The process of working with a coach will allow you to become more self-aware so that you can make the best decisions in any situation that may pop up. You will know what success means to you and you will become your own expert overtime. Happy coaching!

If you are Health Care Professional and are interested in becoming a Professional Life Care Coach, the American Institute of Health Care Professionals, Inc. offers a full curriculum of Continuing Education Courses that leads to a national Certification in Health Care Life Coaching. You may access information on our program by visiting this page.


Additional Readings:

What is a Health Coach and Should you Hire One?  Access here ( https://bit.ly/3xSTZd5 )

Health Coaching for Patients with Chronic Illness  Access here (https://www.aafp.org/fpm/2010/0900/p24.html )

Why Health Care Needs Health Coaches  Access here  (https://www.physicianspractice.com/view/why-healthcare-needs-health-coaches )


Tara Tonsetci, CHC, is a Certified Health Coach. She may be reached at: tara.tonsetic@gmail.com



Challenges Facing New Nurses during the COVID-19 Crisis

Doctor examining a little girl with a stethoscope at home.

Written By Lucy Peters

If you are new to nursing and you have recently started working at a hospital or health center, then without a doubt you have thought about what a big challenge the start of your working life will be. A recent survey by the American Nurses Association of 32,000 nurses showed that a vast majority (87%) of nurses are afraid of going to work and 36% have had to care for COVID-19 patients without adequate PPE. What are the biggest challenges facing new nurses, and what steps can be taken to ensure they stay safe during COVID-19 and future pandemics?

A Need for Greater Preparedness

As stated by Forbes, the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of integrating more public health emergency preparedness and response (PHEPR) content into nursing curricula. Previous crises had already highlighted the need for training in this area, but previous attacks (such as the 2001 Anthrax attack) were more short-lived and did not affect either the health system or the global economy to the extent that COVID-19 is. Offering post-graduate emergency preparedness and conducting emergency drills can help nurses be more prepared for public health emergencies.

Better PPE Provisions

In late May, a survey conducted by the National Nurses United (NNU) found that a majority of respondents said they were having to reuse protective equipment meant for single use. One third also said that their employer expected them to rely on their personal sick leave, vacation days, or paid time off if they were to become infected with the virus. A separate study released by the California Nurses Association also showed high PPE reuse rates. Clearly, the need for reliable protective equipment is an issue affecting new as well as more experienced nurses. Other protective measures that should be adopted include creating separate treatment zones for persons attending emergency due to COVID-like symptoms and having strict isolation plans for infected patients.

Increased Pay Opportunities

Nurse.org reports that some high-need areas are offering sign-on bonuses for nurses. Learning institutions are also making it easier for people to enter the profession — for instance, by offering nursing qualifications in one year to those who have a Bachelor’s degree in another field. Accelerated programs appeal to millennials studying medicine since many are concerned about college debt and/or the amount of time required to complete standard college degrees. Younger students are keen on newer approaches to medicine (including telemedicine) and they are meaning-driven rather than salary-driven. However, many are already shouldering debt from former college courses, meaning that searching out better pay has become a necessary priority for many.

The Benefits of Starting Nursing during the Pandemic

Despite all the challenges, some nurses who have started in the profession during the pandemic have reported a great sense of achievement and joy at making a positive difference to the lives of so many. Working at a time in which staff shortages and long working hours have become the norm in many hospitals also puts their skills and commitment to the test. Even seasoned nurses have reported feeling overwhelmed at times yet they have also reported a great sense of achievement as they observe patients heal and obtain their release from the hospital.

Nurses who have just graduated or who are completing accelerated programs to start working during the pandemic have many challenges ahead. Although some states seem to have passed the worst of the pandemic, others are still struggling with issues such as PPEs and long working hours. Nurses are here to heal, but not to be martyrs because of a lack of equipment and safety measures. Without a doubt, COVID-19 has only highlighted the importance of preparing health teams for future health crises of a grand scale.



Please also review AIHCP’s  Health Care Life Coach Program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.  The program in online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a health care life coach program

How Will Travel Change for Healthcare Professionals in the Near Future?

air plane wing over a landscape

Written By Lucy Peters

Despite still-rising rates of COVID-19 in some parts of the world, airports across the globe are already reopening as part of lockdown easing restrictions. The U.S. Travel Association has already outlined what travel will look like for people in the near future. Their report, Travel in the New Normal, indicates that health care professionals completing residencies abroad, attending key medical conferences, or applying for jobs interstate or overseas will be able to do so safely. The report covers many parts of the travel ecosystem that doctors, nurses, and other passengers will have to negotiate when opting to travel during the era of ‘new normality.’

Newly Designed Public Spaces and Airports

Until the COVID-19 vaccine is manufactured and received on a wide-scale basis, traveling healthcare workers can get used to new designs in airports. Thus, sanitation stands with antibacterial gel, physical barriers such as transparent screens in areas where customer attendants are dealing with people, automated entrance, and contactless check-ins will be prevalent. Payments via mobile, contactless ticketing and identification, and automated ordering and pick up for food and services during travel may also grow in importance. Because healthcare workers have a higher risk of exposure to the virus, it will be vital to follow physical distancing and PPE use seriously — both for the health worker’s health and those of passengers flying in close contact with them.

Training for Employees

The U.S. Travel Association recommends that healthcare and other workers who will be traveling frequently invest in training for employees regarding implementing safety measures. Resources can and should also ideally be provided to families traveling during the health crisis, since health workers completing a residency or stint of work abroad or interstate will most likely be bringing families unless they normally live alone. Resources should be provided regarding currently unsafe places to travel. This way, families can avoid flight routes that go through high-risk areas. Supplemental health travel coverage for family members may also be helpful if medical assistance is needed while you are abroad or in another state. Health workers should additionally be fully informed of the respective risks of different modes of travel.

Health Screening and Immunity Passports

One of the most frequently reported trends in travel involves the use of ‘immunity passports’ indicating that the travel has already recovered the COVID-19 virus. The arrival of the highly awaited vaccine may also herald a new era in which travelers will only be permitted access to planes or other means of transport if they have already been vaccinated. The extent to which immunity passports are feasible remains to be seen. At this point in time, airports, trains, subways and other public spaces are simply redesigning spaces, conducting temperature checks in some cases, and/or asking travelers to walk through sanitizing ‘spray tunnels’ that emit a sanitizing mist.

The nature of travel is already changing at a fast pace. From the use of methacrylate separators in customer service areas to new regulations with respect to serving food, many measures are being adopted by airports, food service companies, and other services related to the industry. Until the arrival of the vaccine, the requirement of ‘immunity passport’s remains a possibility. In order to keep healthcare workers and their families safe, employees should provide quality training regarding destinations and safety measures, and provide advice on the safest way to fly or travel on wheels.




Please also review AIHCP’s Health Care Life Coach Program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.  The program in online and independent study and open to qualified professionals.

Can The Air Quality Of Homes Be Responsible For The Occurrence Of Asthma?

Young woman using an inhaler during an asthma attack.

Written By Lucy Peters

Approximately one in 13 people live with asthma, according to the Center For Disease Control. That equates to 25 million adults and children in America that are going through the daily routine of avoiding asthma attacks and triggers. While one of the most commonly cited triggers is outdoor pollen, there is also overwhelming evidence that the quality of the indoor environment can just as easily trigger or cause asthma or related illnesses. Around two-thirds of people living with asthma say that the air quality worsens their symptoms. However, a key part of resolving this lies in understanding the indoor elements that can trigger asthma and educating asthma patients on avoiding these triggers.

Tobacco And Indoor Smoke

The presence of smoke has been well documented as a trigger for both asthma and asthma-related illnesses such as lung disease. People living with asthma who are exposed to second-hand smoke from cigarettes are more like to have an asthma attack or develop sinus infections. Children also face an increased risk of developing respiratory illnesses and airway inflammation. In 2009, toxic fumes given off by candles was also shown to increase indoor air particulates. This has been shown to compromise lung and respiratory function. Instead, patients can opt for paraffin-free alternatives and maintain moderation when lighting candles to avoid these effects. For tobacco smoke, avoiding smoking in the home or close to it minimizes contact with it.

The Presence And Encouragement Of Allergens  

The presence of certain allergens in the home can cause both asthma and allergies related conditions, including eczema and exercise-induced bronchoconstriction. The American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology estimates that around 90 percent of those with asthma also have exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (EIB). The symptoms include tight chest feelings, sneezing and other signs commonly seen with seasonal and outdoor allergies. However, the triggers can also include pet dander, dust mites and cockroaches – all synonymous with the indoor environment. Other studies have shown that exposure to dust mites and termites such as cockroaches is a key trigger of asthma in children. However, a Tulane University study showed that the use of elimination measures such as cockroach bait in a home resulted in as many as 50 fewer days of asthma symptoms a year.

The reduction of these allergens to aid indoor air quality revolves around simple ongoing habits in the home like identifying the source of allergens such as pets, bedding, wall to wall carpet and damp areas. To avoid dust mites, the practice of weekly cleaning habits such as vacuuming and wiping down any surfaces that may attract dust can help. For those with pets, regular brushing and bathing may help reduce the shedding of pet dander. Steps can also be taken to reduce the buildup of moisture in the home by addressing any leaks, using a humidifier, and opening windows after a shower. A damp environment fosters the growth of slow-growing fungi like Stachybotrys, which releases airborne mold spores and can cause skin rashes, breathing difficulties and lung disease. Exposure to mold types like black mold has been shown to trigger severe asthma attacks in asthma patients.

Transmission Of Outdoor Air Pollution

While proper ventilation of the home is key to preventing humidity buildup, it is also important to limit the transfer of outdoor pollens to the indoor environments. Several studies have shown that lengthened exposure to air pollution can both exacerbate and cause asthma in children and adults. Pregnant women who have been exposed to high levels of pollution are not only more likely to develop asthma, but their unborn child is also more likely to develop the condition or have a compromised immune system.

Checking pollution forecasts for high pollen times can identify ideal times to close windows and other openings of the building. Additionally, asthma patients can utilize extractor fans and air conditioners to remove any existing pollens in the home. Finally, ensuring the doors and windows are properly sealed can help avoid outdoor irritants like pollen or smoke from entering the home.

Finally, if the current indoor environment contains any of these triggers, being aware of the early signs of asthma or asthma-related illness will alert patients about when to seek medical help. Frequent coughing, shortness of breath, nasal congestion and other signs of allergies may indicate it may be time to speak to a doctor.



Please also review AIHCP’s Health Care Life Coach Program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.  The program in online and independent study and open to qualified professionals.

Certified Health Care Life Coach: How can Adults Eradicate the Obesity in Kids

The startling increase in the rate of obesity in children has worried the WHO (world health organization). The kids with extra pounds in their bodies tend to suffer from various physical ailments. They are also prone to the risk of developing asthma and heart diseases. The obese children get affected in an emotional way because of their excessive weight. They tend to lose their confidence due to frequent teasing at schools and public places. Even if it doesn’t happen, they become shy and do not wish to step out of the house.

Lack of activity leads to increase in their fat and weight. Obesity makes the child physically and mentally incompetent. Often they are excluded from the school activities, which make them lonesome and depressed. If the feeling persists then these young kids would start hating their body which may lead to some dangerous situation at a later stage.

Prospects of Physical Activities

According to a research conducted in the year 2012, parents revealed the chances of getting their kids involved in physical activities to decrease their fat, and vice-versa increase their self-confidence. The concerned age was from 0-8 tears. However in 2013 there was an improvisation seen in the health of kids by 61 percent.

The years 2012-13 witnessed the chances amongst the young children to get involved in the physical activities like sports and swimming. It gradually rose according to the age-group. The children who were benefitted by the exercises were mostly from American Indians, children of natives of Alaska, Arab and American children, and the young ones of Latin and Spanish parents. Amongst this brood the adults figured more chances of white kids involving in the physical activities, and getting better results than the kids from other nationality or tribe. The reason was unknown but these gave chance of studying the life of colored people in a better way.

Kids suffering from obesity also sometimes suffer from speech problems. They might stutter or cannot speak the exact words. To heal this problem the speech pathologists Newcastle provide verbal communication reviews and healing to the child. The aspect of family focused therapy is used by the speech pathologists Newcastle so that both the child and the parents get attuned with goals and concept of speech therapy sessions.

Reduced Ratios of Obesity

Fresh surveys and trends amplify the fact that the rising risk of obesity in children has slowly reduced. In the year 2011 the ratio of reduction in obesity moderately decreased by 0.3% in the kids aged from 2-5 years. Similarly, the kids suffering from their weight problems indulged in the physical activities and got better health aspect, it reduced the obesity problem by one percent.

Encouraging Analysis

There were appreciated efforts made by the grown-ups to eradicate this problem by developing recreation centers, sports-club and parks for kids. The survey further emphasized the investment in organizing camps for children, and gymnasium for those living in the lower income group. Parents, teachers and other responsible adults working with children encouraged the children to indulge in activities like sports, hiking, swimming which helped in reducing the fat cells from the body and thereby increased the power of immune system.

Autho’s Bio

Jenna is a certified music therapist who uses music to heal the autism in children. She often writes blogs for health topics. 

If your interested in Coaching and helping others find better diets, then consider becoming a certified Health Care Life Coach.  Qualified professionals can apply and after completion of required coursework can become certified with AIHCP

Become A Certified Health Care Life Coach

    What Does a Certified Health Care Life Coach Do?

With busy schedules, conflicting issues and unrelenting stress many professionals are turning to life coaching. Life coaching involves helping others achieve goals via good health in all aspects of life. Life coaching pertains to counseling, diet, goal setting, physical education, and stress management. In many ways a life coach becomes a mentor and guide to his or her patient pointing out the path to a healthy life style. If you fulfill the necessary pre-requisites in health and counseling, you can become a certified health care life coach. As a life care health coach, you can assist gyms, businesses and individuals in their personal goals of health. Certified Health Care coaches are first health professionals who specialize in coaching techniques to assist clients in making positive changes in their life styles to enhance wellness and prevent illness. AICHP offers the certification in health care life coach. By taking the required courses, you can become eligible to become certified in this field.

Certified Health Care Life Coach
Certified Health Care Life Coach