Mental Stress is Harder on Women than Men

A new study has shown that mental stress is harder on a woman’s heart than a man’s heart.   During the study, men and women underwent several mental stress inducing exams.   It showed that the blood flow to the men’s heart increased as stress increased and that women did not have any increase in blood flow.   For more information on this study please review the article below by Kathleen Doheny from WebMD

Mental Stress is Harder on Women than Men

With the mental and physical health risks from stress, more businesses are introducing stress management policies.   In this growing field there will be a greater need for trained stress management counselors.   If you wish to learn more about stress management counseling, then you should visit our webpage. 

Herbs that help reduce stress

A pot and two cups of tea
Reduce stress one sip at a time!

Everyone wants to reduce stress levels in their lives.   Most of us, however, do not have the time to try to manage stress.  Luck for us there are several herbs that can be incorporated into almost anything.   These herbs can make stress management easy.   An article written by Dr. Patricia Fitzgerald from Huffington Post has the complete list.

Reduce Stress with these 7 Herbs

The article, “Wired and Tired? 7 Herbs to Reduce Stress and Increase Vitality”, by Dr. Patricia Fitzgerald states

“If you’re like a lot of us, you tell yourself things like this every day but still struggle to make it all fit. You wonder: Who are these people anyway, who eat only home-cooked vegan, organic meals, get regular massages, meditate daily, work, raise their kids, and still find time to blog about how they “have it all”?
Who are these people who reach for their yoga mats in times of stress?”

For the full article please go here.

Once you find a way to fit stress management into your diet, perhaps you then make time to reduce stress through other methods.   When you are ready, you should check out our stress management counseling website. 

Is stress management counseling to better health?

Stress management counseling could be the answer you are looking for in regards to health and wellness.   Far too many times we all ignore signs of stress induced health risks.   Lack of sleep, hypertension, high blood pressure, depression can all be signs of stress.    Getting stress counseling can help identify what it triggering the stress and teach you stress management practices that can relieve your stress and help you become a healthier you.

Stress Management Counseling and Your Health

The article, “Stress management is key to good health”, by Tanya Wilke states

“Many people think of stress as another word for tension or pressure.

Actually, stress is the way each of us responds to change. Understanding stress can help you use it to your advantage and potentially turn “stressors” into positive energy.”

For the full article please go here.

If you want to learn more about stress management counseling, please feel free to visit our site.

Managing Stress at Work.

A man at his desk surrounded by files
Managing stress at work does not have to be hard.







Managing stress should be a priority.    Pressure from work can be a good thing.  It can keep us focused and helps us meet our goals.   Stress from work, however, is not.   Learning to manage stress is something we should all try to achieve.   It will lead to lower anxiety levels, higher production levels, and a more relaxed state of mind.   If you are like most people, you are wondering what causes stress and what can be done about it?  An article wrote by Carole Spiers from has more:

 Managing Stress

The article, “Managing Pressure At Work: Best practice in stress management”, by Carole Spiers

“Many people who were unable to attend last week’s keynote address Show Stress Who’s Boss that I delivered to Dubai Knowledge Village Training delegates, wrote to me to ask whether I could cover some of the highlights of that presentation in my column, so here is a synopsis.”

For the full article please go here.

Once you know the causes of stress and what it can (mental and physically) do to you, you can create a plan of action.   Managing stress can be as easy as avoiding your triggers or taking time out of your day to relax and take a minute for yourself.   Lastly simply understanding that you are not alone can ease stress and effectively manage stress as well.    Just let your HR department know you are feeling overly pressured and ask if they have any procedures in place to help with employee moral.    If you wish to learn more about stress management you might want to give our stress management consulting page a visit.

Managing Stress For A Successful Life

 How to manage stress for a successful life?

Managing stress is key to a successful life. Stress attacks everyone on all fronts. Whether it is personal, financial, or professional, one must be able to cope with stress in a healthy way. If one cannot develop the necessary coping strategies in life to deal with stress, then one’s life will   

become a disorganized and emotional struggle. Stress managers help people with stress and aide them in better ways to cope with it. While individual professionals seek stress management, one is beginning to see a large demand also by corporations. Corporations want their employees to be as stress free as possible to maximize their talents in the work place. AICHP offers certifications in stress management for qualified individuals who would like to learn more about stress management and utilize their skills in helping others. If you feel you are qualified and have a strong understanding of stress and stress management, feel free to apply at AIHCP, take the ceu courses, and become certified in Stress Management.

Stress Management for the Soul

A common trend in every workplace across the world is that due to the rise of stress levels stress management is becoming key to any career.   The first step to managing stress is to realize that there is a part of you that is always at peace.   Finding this inner bunker can be the hardest part.   Once you do, however, you will find peace and quite is only a thought away!   An article from the Huffington post by Russel Bishop goes into detail on how to find your peace.

A youth man with his hands on his head.
Stress can overcome us all if we let it.

Stress Management from within your Soul

The article, “Soul-Talk: Got Stress? Wake Up to Your Soul”, by Russell Bishop states

“Just as a GPS system in a car helps recalculate your route, GPS for the Soul will help you notice when you’ve gone off-course. And it will provide instant, on-demand feedback to help you course-correct.”

For the full article please go here.

Learning to reduce stress levels from within your soul might sound hard at first but given time you will learn to master this skill.    Once you have this powerful tool for stress management will be at your disposal.   After you have achieved inner peace, you will find that these stressors hold no power over you anymore!   If you would like to learn more about other stress management techniques please visit our webpage here.

Stress Management for Students Facing Final Exams

As the season of spring starts to turn to the beginning of summer, students across the nation start to feel the heat.   Stress Management can help student relax as they prepare for their final exams.   An article from the Daily Sundial by Fredy Tlatenchi illustrates how some students are managing stress from their finals.

A picture of a blackboard with Final Exams wrote on it.
Test anxiety can cause a lot of stress.

Students use Stress Management.

The article, “Options for relaxing during Stress Awareness month”, by  Fredy Tlatenchi states

“With April officially being national Stress Awareness Month, preparing for the Spring 2012 finals seems almost ironic for the of students CSUN. Mastering the fine arts of scheduling, money management and learning when to relax will be a skill most freshman will need to have in order to survive the weeks and exams ahead. In a campus wide poll of 60 students, the following five places located within or around the CSUN campus were voted as the most relaxing for students and their wallets.”

For the full article please go here.

Now most of you might not be in college anymore but that does not mean you still do not feel stressed out because of exams.   Many professionals continue their education throughout their lives and need stress management techniques to deal with the added pressure.   If you would like to find out more about stress management please go to our site.

Managing Your Stress

We encounter stress in our lives most everyday. It is a common denominator among all people. While stress abounds today, many people do not have any learned strategies to cope effectively with it. In this new book, the author does an excellent job in teaching us how to cope better. It is a wonderful addition to the ever growing literature on stress management.

This new work is an uplifting read. Learning to become more tranquil will go a long way in dealing effectively with stress and as an illness prevention strategy. To learn more about stress management, click here.

Stress Management: 7 Easy Ways to Relieve Stress

Stress is a normal part of our lives.   It affects our personal and professional lives.   This is why Stress Management is an ever growing faucet of the workplace.   An article by By Amanda L. Chan from the Huffington Post gives us 7 ways to combat stress.

Man sitting at his desk suffering from stress.
Worker in need of stress management

Stress Management

The article, “Natural Stress Relief: 7 Ways To De-stress For National Stress Awareness Month”, by Amanda L. Chan states

“In case you haven’t heard (you know, because of all the stress in your life) — April is National Stress Awareness Month.”

For the full article from Huffington Post, please click here.

We can all agree relieving stress would remove a lot of problems in our daily lives.   Hopefully you can use the stress management techniques to help you become a more productive worker.
If you are interested in learning more about Stress Management please click here.

How Stress Management Therapy Can Help

Stress Management Therapy

Stress management therapy in it’s various forms, has the potential to do a lot of good in people’s lives. This is because stress can adversely effect our overall health for long periods of time, and have a large detrimental impact on our health during the course of our whole lives.
Many illnesses and ailments can be traced back to stress as a significant underlying cause. Increased stress levels can be a contributing cause or exacerbating factor to heart disease, irritable bowel syndrome, high blood pressure, frequent colds and many other illnesses.
Not only does stress effect us physically, but also mentally. The symptoms can limit people’s lives by causing them to avoid situations where triggers for their stress might arise. If an individual suffers from anxiety attacks or panic attacks, this can lead to them avoiding public places and becoming prisoners in their own homes.
Stress management therapy may not completely cure all the symptoms, or the underlying causes of the stress factors for everyone, but it can help people get to a stage where the effect of stress on their lives is diminished to levels where it is minimal. This will mean the impact on their lives from stress is vastly reduced, and both their physical and mental well being can improve dramatically.
It can encompass many types of proven techniques to help people suffering from stress to control and reduce the amount of stress they feel.

Stress Therapy Interventions

Relaxation therapy is one of the main forms of stress management therapy. This can help individuals feel relaxed in their normal daily lives, but it can also give the individuals a set of techniques that may help reduce their stress once the symptoms have been triggered. When a person feels a panic attack or an anxiety attack starting to occur, they can use relaxation techniques to head-off the problem before the symptoms culminate into a full-on attack.
Just as emotional stimulation can cause these attacks, there are relaxation techniques that can help manage them and prevent them from becoming a problem.
As mentioned earlier, these therapies do not only help at the time of the attack, but also help the patient be more relaxed during the course of their daily lives. A person who is in a relaxed state of mind is far less likely to suffer from these attacks. Relaxation therapy helps people reach this state of mind by simply teaching them how to relax. It sounds very simple, but during modern living we often forget how to relax. These therapies can give a person techniques to practice at home to help them maintain a relaxed and healthy state of mind.
There are many different therapies that come under the umbrella of relaxation therapy, some will be of far more benefit to one individual than to another, so different techniques can be used to tailor relaxation therapy to the individual.
Aversion therapy can also help. Some people self-medicate with various substances to help them cope with their stress. Aversion therapy helps them by forcing the mind to associate the addictive substance with a negative stimulus.
Therapy which uses a positive stimulus to help someone associate that with desirable behavior can also help. This is similar to aversion therapy in the way it works, but rather than a negative stimulus being used to prevent undesirable behavior, a positive stimulus is used instead to reinforce desirable behavior or feelings. This can help the mind change the way it feels about the triggers of your stress, and associate them with something pleasant.
Hypnosis can also help, this causes the mind to be “reprogrammed” on a subconscious level, which can both reduce stress and reduce the symptoms and frequency of the attacks themselves.
There are many more techniques that can be used. All of them can help a person manage their stress to prevent it becoming a problem. Some people turn to a pharmaceutical solution for their stress, this can help but it is only a short-term fix. It does not teach people how to manage their stress. Prescription drugs also often have serious side effects that can cause problems in other areas of your life, as well as health problems.
A comprehensive program to help people with their stress, is the best solution to the problem. If you suffer from anxiety attacks, panic attacks or other forms of stress, stress management therapy can make a major positive influence on your life.  To learn about stress management education courses, access here.