Stress and Anxiety Lessens with Practice of Yoga

Yoga Reduces Stress?

Various forms of stress management hope to reduce anxiety.  One way to lower one’s anxiety according to Carol Krucoff of Yoga Journal is to practice yoga.
Yoga students who learn the yamas and the niyamas or observances of attitudes such as nonviolence, surrender and contentment showed significant reductions in anxiety and the stress hormone, cortisol.  Due to the spirituality, one’s life principles have more meaning when practicing yoga and the overall picture presents itself to those who do it.  Spirituality as noted in many studies has an effect on one’s world view and how one copes with grief or stress.
In the meantime, yoga as both a spiritual and physical exercise has proven numerous times that it can reduce stress and anxiety and help people relax.  With this in mind, stress management should include frequent yoga sessions to help someone find peace.
If you are interested in Stress Management Consulting, please review the program.