Heart Healthy Stress Relief Techniques.

Simple steps to ease stress and protect your heart.

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:

Achieve Heart Healthy Stress Relief With These Tips!

Stress is bad for you.   It is hard on your every part of your body.    It advances aging, increased blood pressure and can cause heart related problems.   Luckily there are ways to fight stress and save your ticker!
Heart healthy stress relief can save you from heart attack, hypertension and other heart related illnesses and diseases.   For a full list of 12 steps you can take to protect your heart and combat stress please review this article.

See on abcnews.go.com

We Still Learn Even When Dealing With Stress

Dealing With Stress
Dealing With Stress

The article, “How The Brain Learns Successfully, Even Under Stress”, by Carolyn Gregoire states

“Although stress can negatively affect cognitive functioning in a number of ways, our brains are actually pretty adaptable when it comes to learning under stress.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:

Dealing With Stress Does Not Stop Our Learning Process.

Our bodies are capable of change and learning to adapt to any situation.   This even applies to how we handle stress.    Our bodies can adapt to stress just like anything else.    It becomes a negative in our system.   We keep weight on.  It raises our blood pressure.   It makes us crave junk foods.    By reducing stress, you can eliminate all these issues from your life.
When we are under stress constantly, we do not simply shut down.   Grant it we are more effective when not dealing with stress, but our brain still can learn and function normally.    An article from Huffington Post has more on this subject.

See on www.huffingtonpost.com

Manage Stress And Take Charge Of It.

Manage Stress
Manage Stress

The article, “Are You Taking Charge of Your Stressful Life?”, by Anca Dumitru states

“I’d been ignoring my symptoms for quite a while: I could no longer focus, I was exhausted, demotivated and unproductive.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:

Manage Stress and Learn to Take Charge of Your Life.

Many times through the day we simply take a reactionary stance against our stress.   We relieve stress temporarily but do nothing to take the bull by the horns so to speak.   Only by taking charge of stress can we truly conquer it.   Force yourself to identify your sources of stress then either plan to avoid them or learn the best ways to deal with them.   By doing this you could be saving yourself plenty of mental and physical issues.
Learning to manage stress is a great way to be in command of your stressors.   Through stress management you truly can defeat stress.   Once you have defeated it, you can reap in the rewards of relaxation and other helpful health benefits.    For some excellent ways to combat stress take a look at this article.  Do not stop there.   We have a wonderful certification program in stress management as well.   You can learn to help other deals with their stress.

See on www.huffingtonpost.com

The Side Effects of Too Much Stress.

Side Effects of Too Much Stress
Side Effects of Too Much Stress

The article, “How Your Job Is Slowly Killing You (INFOGRAPHIC)”, by Carolyn Gregoire states

“More than eight in 10 Americans are stressed about their jobs.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:

What Are The Side Effects Of Too Much Stress And How They Can Hurt You.

We all have experienced workplace stress.  Be it acute or chronic, we all have it.  However not a lot of us think of the side effects of too much stress and the damage they can cause.
Can stress hurt you?   Truth is, yes it can!  Too much can raise your risk of diabetes, heart attack, high blood pressure and it can also accelerate aging.   It also has mental and emotional side effects ranging from depression to burnout.   If you want to read more please take a look at this info graph on the side effects of stress in the workplace.

See on www.huffingtonpost.com

Negative Effects Of Stress On Your Body.

   Invisible SEO text.   Please Disregard this text.   Its only purpose is for SEO purposes.   Treat it like those pages in books that say this page was left intentionally blank.

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:

Simple Fixes for the Negative Effects of Stress.

Stress affects our minds and our bodies.  It weakens our immune system.   It can even prematurely age us. These are examples of the negative effects of stress.   This is why stress is bad for you.   It can raise your blood pressure, your cholesterol levels and make you keep on extra weight you do not need.   However dealing with stress and learning to combat stress are easier said than done.   How do you get rid of stress?  Well this article has a list of ways stress can effect your body and the quick fix.
For the full list feel free to read the article.   Find the ones you like and use them in your daily life.    Stress removal can help you live a stress free lifestyle and that would be a good thing.     By randomly trying new stress reduction techniques you can really make a difference.

See on www.today.com

How To Have A Stress Free Vacation

The article, “How to Unplug for Vacation”, by meQuilibrium states

“If you say you’re off the grid for vacation, you act that way. Because as soon as you respond to one work email, you change the game — and the expectations.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:

Go On A Stress Free Vacation

If you are one of the lucky few that actually get to take your vacation this year, you might know the difference between going on vacation and relaxing on vacation.   Many times you might be on vacation and have plans not work out or maybe the office won’t leave you alone.    Fear not, there is great advice on how to have a stress free vacation.
Another great point is to not rush back to work immediately after your vacation.   Take an extra day to get home and unwind from your trip.    Taking a red eye flight and getting into the office straight from the airport is a horrible way to end your vacation.   Try spending a day just laying around at home.    Treat it as a regularly scheduled day off.   You’ll find that going back to work is not as bad.

See on www.huffingtonpost.com

Unhealthy Stress Habits to Avoid.

The article, “We Resort To Habits Under Stress — Even Healthy Ones, Study Finds”, source; Huffington Post states

“Here’s more confirmation that healthy habits really do kick in when they matter most. Researchers found that when people stress-eat, they tend to seek out the foods they’re habituated to consume — whether those foods are unhealthy or healthy.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:

Unhealthy Stress Habits – Stress Eating!

Stress can effect our lives in a number of ways.   Stress eating is just one of the unhealthy stress habits that can form because of too much stress.   Sometimes people feel the need to cope by eating.   It does not make them bad people.   It makes them someone who needs to learn a better way of combating their stress and leaving it dead in its tracks!   Read this article to learn more about it.

See on www.huffingtonpost.com

Negative Effects of Stress Taking Their Toll?

Negative Effects of Stress
Stop the Negative Effects of Stress! It isn’t magic… just common sense.

The article, “Burnout Signs: The Invisible Ways Your Brain And Body Tell You They’ve Had Enough”, by Corrie Pikul  states

“Even though you’re not obviously melting down, your body and brain are trying to tell you that they’ve had enough.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:

Negative Effects of Stress Can Lead To Serious Problems

There is plenty of advice on how to reduce stress but rarely is the negative effects of stress discussed.    Burn out and the physical signs of stress are damaging if ignored.   They can lead to diabetes, high blood pressure, loss of sleep, aging, weight gain, etc.   Being continuously stressed out is not good for you.   If you or someone you know is like this then please review this article to find out stress relief techniques.   If you want to learn a few of them then please read this article.

See on www.huffingtonpost.com

Manage your Stress with these Mind Hacks!

Manage your Stress
Manage your Stress

the article, “6 Mind Hacks That Keep Stress In Check (Really!)”, by Kate Bratskeir states

“Stress is our perception of what’s happening outside of us and the power we give it,” says Lauren E. Miller, author and stress expert.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:

Can Mind Hacks Help Manage Your Stress

Here are several mind hacks to help manage your stress.    These tips can really help you with stress relief.   By tricking your mind, you can do some serious stress management.    Mind hacks are nothing new.   People have been doing them for years.   However this is the first time they mentioned mind hacks and stress.

See on www.huffingtonpost.com

Learn to Manage Stress With These Tips.

Learn to Manage Stress
Learn to Manage Stress

The article, “Practical Ways to De-Stress”, by Gracie Gordon states

“Over the past year I’ve learned that stress is not only unnecessary, but that being happy and stress-free actually lends to a more successful career and personal life.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:

Learn to Manage Stress And Be A Happier Person Too.

What to learn how to reduce stress?    Here are several ways to destress.    We all should learn to manage stress.   Being stress free helps us to be not only healthier but more productive.  It can lower or blood pressure and even our cholesterol.   It also allows us to be a better and more regenerative amount of sleep.     This can make you more relaxed and ready to face the day.   In turn it will make you more productive at your job and at home.   So you should really try and find ways to lower your stress.

See on www.huffingtonpost.com