Life Coaching News: Walking Can Lower Diabetes Risk

An old man going on a walk
Prevent diabetes and other diseases by keeping active and taking walks.

Life Coaching Shows Walking Reduces The Risk Of Diabetes.

The article, “Walking Every Day Linked With Lower Diabetes Risk: Study”, Source: Huffington Post

Even a little bit of exercise can have big gains.
Taking a few moments for a walk each day is enough to lower the risk of diabetes in high-risk people who don’t regularly exercise, according to a new study.

For the full article please go here.

Life coaching changes can be easy.   Park your car further away from the store or where you work.   Take the dog for a walk as soon as you get home.   Instead of a sit down lunch, go for a walk around your building.    All of these suggestions can fit a daily walk into your daily life.
If you want to earn your health care coaching certification then you might want to review our website for more information.

Dozens of Health Care Coaching Friendly Recipes

A picture of assorted vegetables.
Healthy meals start with healthy ingredients.

35 Health Care Coaching Healthy Recipes

The article, “Healthy Recipes: 35 Quick Low-Calorie Lunches”, by Laura Schwecherl states

“By the time noon rolls around, it may seem too easy to head to nearest pizza joint. But hold up: We have 35 healthy lunches that are 400 calories or less and can be made in no time!”

Click here for the list of recipes

With 30+ health care coaching approved recipes to try, you should have no problem finding a few you like.   I personally like using Greek Yogurt in place of mayo.   It is healthy and great tasting.

If you want to learn more about health care coaching, then please visit our webpage.


Health Coaching Advice on How to Beat the Heat.

Health Coaching Advice Heat Wave Quiz

The article, “Heat Wave! Do You Know The Symptoms Of Heat Illnesses? (QUIZ)”, Source: Huffington Post

“We’re barely over a week into summer and already we can’t beat the heat.
In fact, this past week alone, more than 1,000 new records were set for daily high temperatures across the country, the AP reported, especially surprising considering records are usually set in July and August.”

For the quiz please go here.

Anyone working in this heat should follow this health coaching advice.   Heatstroke and heat exhaustion can cause serious physical health issues or death.   Just remember to keep fluids in you to fight off dehydration and stay out of the sun.    If you have to work in the sun, take water breaks.   Lastly if you have elderly family members or neighbors, check on them if the heat gets too high.
If you want to earn an online health coach certificate or take online health care coaching courses then please visit our webpage.

Health Coach Advice: Workout Recovery

A young man obviously tired from working out
Exercising is great but you need to let your body recover too!










Health Coach Help for a Quick Workout Recovery

The article, “Ask the Health Coach: How Can I Recover After a Hard Workout?”, by Maura Manzo states

“Dear Maura,
For a high-level athlete, how much rest is best after high-impact competition?
~ Kristie (via Twitter)”

For the full answer please go here.

A health coach can be your best friend when you start seriously working out.   Remember you do not have to do it all alone.   There are health care coaches that will do their best to answer your questions and make sure you get the most out of your diet and exercise.

If you feel you would make a great health coach then maybe you would be interested in a health care coach certification?

Health Life Coaching Diet Advice

A simple mushroom and tomato salad

Thinking outside the box keeps your salads fresh and new. Try a summer tomato salad next time.

Health Life Coaching: Build a Better Salad

The article, “Healthy Salad Dressing: 8 Fats To Help You Get The Most Out Of Your Salad”, Source: Huffington Post states

“Last week, researchers from Purdue University released a study that showed why fat is an essential part of any salad. They argued that low- and no-fat salad dressings made the vitamins and nutrients in greens and veggies less available to the body.”

For the full article please go here.

Health life coaching dietary advice does not have to be hard.   On your next salad reach for a handful of almonds or make a tasty vinaigrette with olive oil.   Including healthy fats to your salads can be as easy and as tasty as you want it to be.  If nuts and oils are not your thing, shred some shape cheddar instead.
If you are interested in receiving your online health care coaching certificate then you might want to check out our website.

Health Care Coaching Fitness Quotes.

A lady jogging on the beach at sunrise
Health care coaching does not care what your motivation is.

Every field of study has inspiration quotes.   Health care coaching is no different.   Some quotes carry personal meanings.  Some lift us past the tire and sore feelings to do that last rep.   Others inspire us to make the change.   Anyway you look at it health coaching professionals know that they can be powerful motivators.  Health coaches know that a personal mantra can be the difference between a night on the couch and a night at the gym.

Fitness Quotes from Health Care Coaching Professionals.

The article, “Fitness Quotes: Sayings To Get You Moving”, Source: Huffington Post states

“Despite everything we know about the benefits of exercise, it’s still easy to make excuses to skip a workout. You’ve probably heard them all, and tried out at least a few: I’m too tired, I don’t have the time, I’m not good at it.”

For the full list please go here.

Health care coaching is not all about quotes.   It is about lifestyle changes and living a better, healthier life.   If they, however, get you to the gym then more power to them!

My personal favorite from the bunch is “No matter how slow you go, you are still lapping everybody on the couch”.   Get out there live healthy everyone!
If you like motivating people then perhaps you should earn a health care life coaching certification.

Life Coaches: Tips for Running Your Best Race

Three Coaching Tips to Help Someone Run His Best Race

Life Coaches can help their clients achieve many things in life.  Some life coaches deal with helping people reach physical goals such as races or running.
The September 2010 edition of Runner’s World, the article “Personal Best” lists three psychological tips to run one’s best race.
First, it lists pacing oneself.  Starting out to fast can lead one to quickly wearing out.  Gradually work your way up before you put into in “fifth gear”.
The second pointer includes practice talking.  Practice talking is a mental technique to coach oneself.  Key short mantras can help motivate one to achieve certain goals.
Finally, smile.  A positive attitude can help bring out one’s best.
With these things in mind, one will be able to maximize one’s physical training prior to the race to high results during the race.  What separates equally talented athletes is mindset.  What is your mindset?
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Health Care Coaching Deal With Depression From An Injury?

The Pain of an Injury is Deeper Than the Broken Body

When athletes or active individuals injure themselves, their physical injury is only the first problem.  At a deeper level, the inability to perform at the same level for an extended period of time can have negative affects on the mental mind and cause mental anguish and grief.
Overcoming the stages of grief in a physical injury is the first key to becoming whole again.  In the September , 2010 edition of Runners, Mackenize Lobby in her article, “Good Grief” how runners and other athletes can overcome the mental aspect of injuries.
In the article, the five stages of grief are listed and analyzed.  The first stage of denial happens quite frequently for athletes.  Instead of investigating the pain, an athlete will sometimes ignore it and hope it goes away.  This only makes it worst.  Jim Taylor, a sports psychology consultant believes that many minor injuries turn into worst injuries when people ignore the warning signs of pain.
The second stage of anger occurs when the athlete discovers they are indeed hurt.  Unable to perform or play in the big game, the athlete becomes angry or feels betrayed by one’s own body.  Experts say it is alright to be angry for a few days, but then recover and put your energy towards new goals of recovery.
After one works towards recovery, many try to bargain their injury away with unlikely recovery times.  They try to over work in rehab to achieve goals that the body cannot make.  In response to this, one must accept the time one must put in and not over load one’s body.  The ultimate goal is quality of healing not how quick one comes back at only 90%.
During the long hours and intense rehab work, sometimes things do not progress as quickly as one thinks.  It is during these cold and gray days that depression can set in.  During this point, it is important for athletes to stay the course and try to find time for other activities that are doctor approved and will not exacerbate the injury.
Finally, as in all grief stages, acceptance occurs.  In regards to rehab, the athlete is finally focused and driven in a healthy fashion.  The athlete sticks to the plan and works towards a proper rehab stint.

Ultimately, during rehab, one must avoid destructive thoughts and push towards the goal of recovery.  Dr. Taylor again suggests various voices of reason when destructive thoughts emerge.  When an athlete identifies himself as a runner only, one should counter that running is part of your life but not all of it.  Focus on other things.  Another destructive thought is that running keeps me fit and happy, without it I will lose my shape and gain weight.  In response, Taylor recommends finding alternative and safe options to keep oneself tone and in shape.
In conclusion, injuries are horrible things that many people must go through but they are not the end of the road.  A true athlete has the will power to reach any goal.  Unfortunately, recovery instead of victory is sometimes that goal.
If you are interested in Health Care Life Coaching, click here.

Health Care Coaching Exercise Advice

A man doing squat thrust exercises
Health care coaching can teach you the right way to do your squats!

Health care coaching professionals help people everyday setup exercise routines.  Health care coaches also help their clients use proper form to get the most out of their exercises.   Any good health care coach will tell you poorly executed exercises are just as bad as no exercise at all.   So for us to get the most out of our exercise time we need to learn proper form.

Health Care Coaching Teaching Us To Do Proper Squats.

The article, “Fix Your Form: How To Do The Perfect Squat”, by Sarah Klein states

“If you don’t know your way around a weight room, heading to the gym can be intimidating — and even dangerous. But paying attention to a few simple rules of proper technique can make you slimmer, stronger and healthier all over.”

For the full article please go here

Hopefully this health care coaching advice has helped fix your exercise form.   If you have questions on proper form for your other exercises you might want to consider consulting with a certified health care coach for more advice.

If you want to earn your health care coaching certificate or are interested in taking online health care coaching courses then you need to visit our webpage.

Health Coach Training

Health Coach Training is your first step to becoming a certified health coach.   In doing so you will be taking health coach courses to learn the techniques to pass on to your clients.   It is important that you learn the proper techniques if you plan on being an excellent health care coach.   The only way to do this is to ask questions about health coaching.
By Fred Phillips
From Coaches Training Blog

Health coach training should provide you with more questions than answers. We normally think that training provides students with answers, not questions. However, coaches should be asking questions, not providing all the answers. Any proper health coach training will not only provide you with skills, techniques, exercises, and methodology, it will also provide you with questions.
For the full article please go here.

A lady holding up a sign with a question mark
Do you have any health coach training questions?

As you can see to get the most of your health coach training, you need to ask questions.   It does not matter of you are taking traditional health coaching courses or online health care coaching courses.   Remember being a good student turns you into a good health coach.
If you are interested in earning a health coach certificate or just taking a few online health care life coach courses then you need to visit our site.