Multicultural Counseling with African Americans

Multicultural counseling proficiencies are essential to good counseling.  Since Western counseling initially emerged from Europe it is culturally immersed with European culture values.  European culture is very individualistic, self-centered and free of many forms of oppression due to the fact Europe was the colonizing force between the 16th and 19th Centuries.   Furthermore, while Europe’s secular awakening drove a wedge between its Christian culture and itself, Christianity still plays a key part of life   in millions of individuals of European descent, as well as a driving force behind the intent of nations to colonize.   With these things in mind, the classic male European descent counselor must be aware of his cultural identity and how that same identity translates his world views, as well as how others of different cultures perceive him as a person when counseling.   Within melting pots nations, such as the United States or Canada, many minority cultures can look upon counseling itself with suspicion as a Western custom created by white men.

Grief and loss is also cultural and is expressed differently.  This type of difference that inherently exists within different grieving cultures needs to be understood and respected within the grief counseling session itself.  Kastenbaum points out that many from a different culture can misinterpret expressions of grief or rituals within another culture (2018, p.372).  Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification, as well as its Grief Diversity Counseling Certification to learn more about responding better to other cultures during times of grief.

The African American Experience and Counseling

It is important to have a strong understanding of African American heritage but also African American oppression to fully help individual blacks in counseling

African American culture has an intense pride in its African heritage and its rich spiritual and cultural beliefs and rituals.  While many in America have been culturally separated from the home continent and completely interwoven into a unique African American culture with its own history and adaptations, there still remains a strong echo of the past for many who look to rediscover their roots.  African consciousness possesses ancestral wisdom, naturalistic attitudes, rhythm, and creativity (Pedersen, 2018, p. 147),  These images help many African Americans tie to a greater power and consciousness to face the oppression they have faced for centuries.  This consciousness helps blacks create a stronger self concept, self esteem and self image about themselves that was stolen so many centuries ago (Pedersen, 2018, p.147)

Due to imperialism, oppression and the slave trade, many African Americans cannot trace their lineage and families as European Americans. Many tribes of the Congo, Yoruba, Wolof and Ibo were targeted for the salve trade (Pederson, 2018. p. 145).   Many of the records and identities of abducted human beings into the slave trade were erased from history and replaced with new roles and titles on various American plantations.  In many cases, these individuals took upon the name of the slave owner or when emancipation occurred chose a simple American name.   Hence some African Americans have a yearning to reconnect to their cultural heritage that was stolen from them.

When counseling with African Americans, there is large diversity to consider.  Many marginalized blacks in America have been robbed of economic stability for generations.  This has led to a succession of poverty, less education and less opportunity.  Some blacks have been able to bridge the gap and are successful and resent the idea that they are marginalized and find pride in their work ethic and success.  Some black communities are very religious and hold strong to the Christian faith, especially in Baptist congregations.  Immigrant Africans hold stronger to the older ways of tribalism, honor, family, ancestors and have a far more spiritualistic religion than many Christian blacks.  Some African immigrants share a combined spiritualism and Christian belief system as well.

Yet, within all the diversity, their exists the soul wound of imperialism and slave trade that forever scarred the continent of Africa.  Whether from Africa and enduring genocide and civil wars due to European imperialism of the 18th and 19th Centuries, or from the United States and scarred from the history of slavery, segregation, economic theft, and racism, both African groups have historically faced collective wounds that have been transmitted from one generation to the next.  This type of historical disadvantage has created numerous imbalanced economic opportunities.  In addition, overt racism or systematic racism that exists within the system, has made the African American experience a far different experience than the European experience.  Racial profiling, job discrimination and prejudices continue to haunt the black community.  These incidents make even a random police stop into an entirely different ordeal for an African American than a white person. Hence when counseling a black client, one must realize racism and oppression have shaped the development and experiences of black people worldwide (Pedersen, 2018, p. 145).

It is important also when counseling African Americans to understand the value of family and groups within their grieving processes as well as life issues.  Many African Americans turn to family and support and church before they look for mental health care.   Group therapy and community interventions are more relatable to these social structures and can be beneficial for many African Americans (Pedersen, 2018, p.154).  African Americans in general also prefer more naturalistic healing interventions, and prefer more so to face personal issues with action (Pedersen, 2018, p. 155).  Again, these are collective statistics and each individual is different.  When counseling across culture, it is important to remember the dictum of Kluckhohn and Murray (1949) that “each person is like all other persons, like some other persons and like no other person (Pedersen, 2016. p.42)”.

When helping African Americans who are grieving it is important to understand the numerous social issues that apply daily anxiety and sadness to the unique black experience in America.  In addition, utilizing African American spirituality, family and church structures as well as modeling coping strategies after African American strengths can all play a key role in helping African Americans grieve in a more healthy way.


Counseling Mistakes with African Americans

Like many minorities, there can exist a mistrust for white mental health counselors.  Even though African Americans make up the second largest non-white group in America, they still only represent 12 percent of the population (Pedersen, 2018, p. 144). With this in mind, counselors need to understand that blacks may not always be comfortable with a white counselor or someone from a different socio-economic background.  Many blacks do not feel that the suburban American truly understands their concerns or fears.

It is important to understand the role of oppression, slavery, racism and discrimination when counseling African Americans.

White counselors need to understand the importance to acknowledge the concept of “White Privilege”.  This refers to the unearned societal awards that are given to the white culture based on color of skin (Pedersen, 2018, p. 146).  While liberals sometimes have taken the notion to far as to dismiss personal achievement and ignore poor life choices of others, one must conclude due to the centuries of oppression as well as economic imbalance given to the black community that better life opportunities have been granted overall to more whites than blacks in the present day.  It is important to acknowledge this in counseling as well as publicly. It helps heal past soul wounds and helps generate awareness to possible past thefts against the black community and present day attempts to rectify those injustices.  Again, this does not justify a black person to live a life of crime but it does suggest a better understanding of why so many blacks fall victim to a life of crime due to inherited poverty due to past injustices against their community.  Hence in counseling, it is important for a white counselor to check him/herself and understand the role their color and experiences brings to the counseling room (Pedersen, 2018, p. 146).

In addition, Pedersen points out that ignoring race in counseling can also be negative.  He refers to this concept as “Color Blindness” (2018, p. 146). When one attempts to ignore the role of color and race in a client’s life struggles and problems, then the counselor can miss the importance that oppression and soul wounds can play on a particular group’s mental health.  The APA suggests that counselors always consider how racism and discrimination can be sources of distress for black populations (Pedersen, 2018, p. 146).    In addition, conversely, imagining no color exists between counselor and client can also play a negative role in the counselor understanding his/her color as a factor in the counseling process.

Another mistake to avoid is the historically and inherently prejudice studies on black populations.  Assumptions on African American attitudes and reactions to life have in the past resulted in an over diagnosis of schizophrenia and an under diagnosis of depression and anxiety (Pedersen, 2018, p. 152).  While African American communities have historically suffered less from suicide due to family and church connections, studies also show like anyone, if an African American suffers from depression or substance abuse, his or her chance of suicide rises like anyone else. Also, it is important to note that when working with African Americans, there is a far higher chance of the clients exposure to violence or PSTD (Pedersen, 2018. p. 153).  This greatly leads to a higher trajectory of African Americans who suffer from depression, grief, loss and anxiety.


Helping African Americans through grief by utilizing the deep spirituality within the heritage can be useful for healing. Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification

African American heritage is rich and beautiful with family, heritage, ritual, and spiritual life.  Tapping into these elements give blacks a higher appreciation of self and worth and tie them to a greater story. Unfortunately, slavery and oppression stole this identity centuries ago and many African Americans in the United States suffer intense soul wounds associated with the history of slavery, oppression, racism and discrimination.  These things cannot be ignored but must be understood in factors leading to many modern day issues African Americans face.  Counselors need to be aware of these issues as well as their own color and race when working interracially with a black person.  White persons must understand that differences exist and sometimes need addressed to help promote healing.  Also, like in all multi cultural issues, counselors must be alert not to over generalize or under generalize a person.  Each person is unique but at the same time within a particular race or culture usually shares some common issues or problems.

Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification.  The program is online and independent study with mentorship.  For those who are already a Certified Grief Counselor, then please also review AIHCP’s Grief Diversity Counseling Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals in working with diverse populations.


Pedersen, P. et. al (2018). “Counseling Across Cultures”. (7th). Sage

Additional Resources

Williams, M. (2011). “Why African Americans Avoid Psychotherapy”. Psychology Today. Access here

Watkins, S. & Andrews, A. (2021). “Creating & Maintaining Safe Therapeutic Spaces for Black Clients”. Advances in Addition Recovery (Winter 2021). Access here

Alang, S. (2019). “Mental health care among blacks in America: Confronting racism and constructing solutions”. Health Serv Res. 2019 Apr; 54(2): 346–355. Published online 2019 Jan 27. doi: 10.1111/1475-6773.13115.  National Library of Medicine. Access here

Carrouthers, Z. (2014). “Yes, There’s a Stigma with Counseling in the African-American Community”. ThriveWorks.  Access here

Multicultural Awareness in Spiritual Counseling

Multicultural proficiency exists not only in race, age, gender and culture, but also within the confines of religion and spirituality.  Counselors working in grief or merely spirituality need to be well versed in the multitude of spiritual beliefs that may exist within a particular person or target population.  In many cases, religion and spirituality can play a key role in the grieving process, as well as emotional and mental outlooks.  Many individuals tied to some world view are better able to find meaning in loss and religion and spirituality can be a great tool in helping clients find resolution and peace.  Religion and spirituality can also sometimes be a double-edged sword and also cause conflict and stress with outcomes and faith.  Regardless, counselors need to be able to understand the importance of faith, religion and spirituality in a client’s life because whether a counselor has a particular belief or any belief at all does not matter when it comes to helping a person who may.

Role of Faith

Clients are diverse in spirituality and faith and these aspects play key roles in multicultural counseling

Many secular counselors trained solely within the confines of modern psychology and behavioral studies especially from numerous schools of Freud may be hostile to faith and see faith as a neurosis to the mind (Pedersen, 2018, p. 480).  Despite this, the value of the religious experience, whether believed by the counselor or not, is an important aspect of the wholeness of the person and the person’s emotional well being.  Even William James understood the importance of the religious experience within the mind, and other prominent humanist psychologists such as Carl Rogers and Victor Frankl understood the value of spirituality for a person (Pedersen, 2018. p. 480).  Modern counseling demands a counselor’s proficiency with multicultural issues such as spirituality, faith or religion.

Faith is a universal human experience that spans across all of humanity.   Spiritual and religious beliefs play a key role in all cultures in every aspect of health, life and death (Pedersen, 2018, p. 478).  While within the United States there has been a drop in religious and church attendance, this decline is supplemented in other areas with individual spiritual practices.  Even said, the dominant culture within the United States still holds true to a Judeo-Christian background that reflects itself in cultural norms even for some of the most anti-religious people.  In the United States alone, a 2007 Gallup poll listed that 86 percent of Americans believe in God and another 55 percent still pointed out that religion is still important to them (Pedersen, 2018, p.478). Hence it is important not to dismiss the importance of faith and religion in counseling.

Yet even within this innate spiritual pursuit, there still remains a high level of diversity within religious individuals.  The United States exists in itself as a melting pot of creeds.  Christianity is far from monolithic but a diverse population of Catholics, Orthodox and various Protestant denominations which can range from very structured to very charismatic and individual.  Beyond Christianity, exists numerous faiths not from the dominant culture, including Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and various smaller religious sects, as well as pantheistic creeds.  If one then also considers some individuals are more spiritual than religious and follow a myriad of concepts, then one can find almost any combination of spirituality that may exist within a client.  Some may be more dogmatic and religious, while others may be more spiritual and less defining, or one may be a combination of the two.

Within this diversity of faith also comes various different paths of thought.  Spirituality, according to Pedersen, is a commitment to choose a context to understand and act within one’s relationships with all that is, whether within confines of person and creator, or between community, or nature itself.  It is an awareness of something more in this world.  It includes values that guide one’s meaning of life, sense of mission and how to help others for a better world (Pederson, 2018, p. 480).    Many individuals share these similar views but express them in multiple different ways.  In addition, religion, the social and dogmatic mechanism of the person provides the means and methods within the religious group (Pedersen, 2018. p. 480).  In this day and age, one constantly hears the term “I am spiritual but not religious”.  This points to this less dogmatic binding life style.  Within these differences alone exist a multitude of different spiritual as well as religious ideals about God as a being, a source of being, or an infusion and connection within all humanity.  A transcendent God reflects to a person a very ordered moral code of not only obedience but also justice.  In more immanence theology, God exists literally within all and plays a part in all.  This does not dismiss a moral code but it is far less dogmatic and refers more to a balance of life.  These different theological concepts of God as one, many, transcendent or immanent, all play key roles in how a person morally acts and responds to many issues in life.


Spirituality in Counseling

In settings where Spiritual Counseling or Christian Counseling, or Spiritual Direction is not expected, such as within pastoral settings, one may seem from a professional or secular view anxious about discussing faith and religion.  In the secular and professional world, religion is a question that is usually best left avoided.  When asked to discuss religion or spirituality, many feel as if they may offend others, or be judged, or that faith is personal, or that one seems less academic (Pedersen, 2018, p. 478).   The reality is faith plays a key role in a person’s life and hence plays a key role in healing, coping, finding meaning in loss, and facing adversity.  Counselors, whether religious, atheistic or agnostic, should not dismiss the valuable part of the client to help one find healing.  In fact counselors, like in all multicultural proficiencies, should take into account their own religious background and potential biases before helping someone of a different spiritual or religious background.

In addition, the counselor should attempt to help guide the client by understanding the client’s religious and spiritual background.  Within the first interview, spiritual questions should be an important element of understanding the client.  A spiritual genogram should be conducted which looks to examine religious and spiritual family history to analyze any cross section impacts upon the mind of the person (Pedersen, 2018, p,489).   In addition, the client should be asked about questions regarding identification with religious groups, one’s perception of God, or special spiritual and religious beliefs one may hold.  In addition, the counselor should attempt to discover if any life styles or actions may contradict one’s moral code and way of operating.  Counselors can also ask what gives life meaning, the importance of one’s faith in life and healing, as well how the religious community can be helpful in one’s healing.  Finally, counselors should ask if clients wish to address these spiritual issues moving forward (Pedersen, 2018, p. 488).

Understanding how spirituality plays a role in a client’s emotional health is critical in spiritual counseling

Counselors working with particular religious groups, especially those of a smaller religious community, such as Native Americans, or Asian Americans, may find the need to address healing and spirituality from the client’s perspective by working with local religious authorities within that group.  If the client wishes, a joint healing model can be placed into action with conjunction with the client’s spiritual community.

Sometimes, religion can be a powerful anchor of meaning for the individual but sometimes, faith can also cause issues within a person’s life.  When tragedy strikes, individuals may question their faith and lash out against God.  They will doubt their faith and question meaning itself.  Some may reject faith, others will turn to it more.  Some may see their faith as a contract if left unfulfilled by God, they may terminate, while others may find God as a source of strength and covenant in suffering.  Others within other dogmatic and strict denominations, may see faith as a block to their expression and look to free oneself from the morality the faith of one’s parents taught oneself.  Others on the other hand, may feel extreme guilt if their moral actions contradict the morality of faith and the teachings of it.  Many LGBTQ individuals who are spiritual and wish to hold to their faith can find one of these two reactions within Christianity, where their faith either torments and guilts them regarding life style or pushes them into total rejection of it or at least adjustment of their personal moral paradigm.  Fukuyama in the Pederson text rightfully points out that religion and spirituality can be  functional or dysfunctional when it comes finding solutions (2018, P. 489).   This is very important for the counselor to identify when helping someone through moral issues, suicide, or other social issues that affect religious individuals.  Is the spirituality properly function to help the person find meaning, or is it instead a sick faith that is tormenting and guilting the individual to a point of pathology?  Spiritual Directors work with others in a pastoral capacity and help use healthy spirituality to guide those who seek guidance, but sometimes, they even need to identify spiritual pathology that corrupts.  Scruples, guilt, torment, anger towards God, or unhealthy compliance to the Will of God as a way to escape the situation, are all examples of when spirituality can become dysfunctional.  Unlike spiritual directors, counselors however are called not to give moral direction or dictate what moral code is right but instead to determine if spirituality is healthy or unhealthy in a particular situation and help the client heal.


Spirituality and religion are not opiates of the people.  They are important elements of what it means to be human.  When properly in tune, spirituality and religion can play key roles in helping individuals find meaning and guidance. However, when spirituality becomes dysfunctional it can also become a problem for the person’s ability to cope or heal.  Since spirituality and religion is important, counselors need to be culturally aware of faith and religion and the target population they are working with.  Regardless of the counselors own beliefs or lack thereof, counselors need to respect spirituality and discuss it in a healthy and non biased way.  Spirituality and faith are a key aspect of understanding the client and is a key element of multicultural counseling.  Utilizing it properly in counseling can be a great benefit, but one must like in all cultural aspects understand that diversity exists within spiritual and religious persons and not every treatment or intervention serves one best over the other.  Individuals may be spiritual but not religious, or a combination, or have a myriad of different religious beliefs within their family history.  These all play unique roles in forming the person before the counselor.  These religious and spiritual beliefs will also play a key role in how many clients see the world, react to it and heal from it.

Please also review AIHCP’s Spiritual Counseling Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals

Please also review AIHCP’s Spiritual Counseling Certification as well as AIHCP’s Christian Counseling Certification.  The Spiritual Counseling Certification represents a more broad spirituality that encompasses human experience with spirituality without any one dominant religious paradigm, while the Christian Counseling Certification presents a biblical and Christian perspective from multiple Christian communities.  Both programs are integrative in nature and present spirituality with psychology.  The programs are online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Spiritual or Christian Counseling.  The programs accept Human Service professionals, those in ministry, licensed counselors, as well as pastoral counselors, and those who work in healthcare.


Pedersen, P. et. al (2018). “Counseling Across Cultures”. (7th). Sage

Additional Resources

Bartley, J. & Cashwell, C. (2014). “Integrating Religion and Spirituality into Counseling”.  Access here

“Spirituality”.  Good Therapy.  Access here

Hull. C. et al. (2016). “Developing Spiritual Competencies in Counseling: A Guide for Supervisors”.   Wiley. Online Library. Access here

Aten, J. (2020). “The Importance of Spirituality in Therapy”. Psychology Today. Access here

Richards, P. S., & Barkham, M. (2022). Enhancing the evidence base for spiritually integrated psychotherapies: Progressing the paradigm of practice-based evidence.Psychotherapy, 59(3), 303–306.   Access here





Reframing Loss Video

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy helps individuals alter bad behaviors through reframing.  In depression and grief, reframing can help build new perspectives and to approach life differently.  Reframing and labeling something in a positive light can help an individual understand life differently and move forward with healthier behaviors.  In grief and loss meaning reconstruction and reframing is especially important in understand loss but also understanding one’s reaction to loss.

Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Grief Counseling..  The program is for both clinical professional counselors as well as pastoral counselors.  Please also review the video below on reframing and meaning reconstruction

Multicultural Counseling in Grief with Native American Populations

Multicultural counseling proficiencies are essential to good counseling.  Since Western counseling initially emerged from Europe it is culturally immersed with European culture values.  European culture is very individualistic, self-centered and free of many forms of oppression due to the fact Europe was the colonizing force between the 16th and 19th Centuries.   Furthermore, while Europe’s secular awakening drove a wedge between its Christian culture and itself, Christianity still plays a key part of life   in millions of individuals of European descent, as well as a driving force behind the intent of nations to colonize.   With these things in mind, the classic male European descent counselor must be aware of his cultural identity and how that same identity translates his world views, as well as how others of different cultures perceive him as a person when counseling.   Within melting pots nations, such as the United States or Canada, many minority cultures can look upon counseling itself with suspicion as a Western custom created by white men.

Native Americans have unique ways of expressing grief. Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification

Grief and loss is also cultural and is expressed differently.  This type of difference that inherently exists within different grieving cultures needs to be understood and respected within the grief counseling session itself.  Kastenbaum points out that many from a different culture can misinterpret expressions of grief or rituals within another culture (2018, p.372).  Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification, as well as its Grief Diversity Counseling Certification to learn more about responding better to other cultures during times of grief.

Basic Understandings When Helping Others

There is  strong scientific documentation that minority cultures mistrust counseling services (Pedersen, 2016. p.14).   Also from a human perspective and counseling perspective, when similarities become less and differences rise between groups one can see a correlated sharp rise in disinterest.   Grief Counselors need to be aware of these realities and be able to utilize inclusive cultural empathy to increase awareness against false assumptions, increase knowledge to better comprehend and improves skill for proper calls to action (Pedersen, 2016, p.28).

Different Native American populations experience different levels of integration. Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Diversity Counseling Certification

While employing multiculturalism on grief counseling or any counseling is critical, it is still important to identify a few clear points when working with a group outside one’s cultural circle.  Leong cautions against homogeneity to all clients from a particular group (Pedersen, 2016,. p. 44).    This simply means, one should not assume certain individuals exist a stereotypes of their particular culture.  If working with a culturally distinct client, the grief counselor or counselor should not assume the problem of this individual automatically correlates with the problem of the race or population itself.  Different individuals will have different levels and ties to their cultural heritage, creed, race or forms of expression.  It is important to realize different persons exist at different facets and are unique hence requiring individual focus, or in some cases universal focus.  When counseling across culture, it is important to remember the dictum of Kluckhohn and Murray (1949) that “each person is like all other persons, like some other persons and like no other person (Pedersen, 2016. p.42)”.

This ideal of personhood is key.  Many within populations have varying degrees of cultural awareness.  Some are aware of microaggressions even against themselves, while others may be very naive to not only differences but also microaggressions.  Many individuals within diverse populations exist at an integrated level where they maintain their culture of origin but adopt the culture of the majority.  They exist at a dual level.  Others my completely assimilate and function and exist within the majority culture.  Still others may separate from the majority culture and exist primarily within their culture of origin, or oppositely exist within marginalization that adopts the majority culture (Pedersen, 2018. p. 103).

In any of these four cases, this presents a diverse reaction from ethnic individuals who may appear a certain way but may personally very different.  In grief counseling, it is important to understand the individual and not hold that individual to a particular paradigm of how to grieve.

Multicultural Issues and Grief within Native Populations

Within Native American populations and other indigenous people worldwide, European contact has left extreme historical trauma due to centuries of war, massacres, exploitation, relocations, betrayals and disease (Pedersen, 2016, p. 103).  This concept of past wrongs that leave a history of cultural trauma is referred to as soul wounds.  These wounds shape the culture because the history of it not only shaped the present but also the community living in the present.  Present conditions due to massive trauma to ancestors greatly affect present day living conditions and economic wealth due to past exploitation and theft from previous generations.  Many tribes were stripped of identity when children were cruelly separated from their families and culturally indoctrinated into European culture.  Hence, these type of soul wounds are essentially an intergenerational transmission of trauma from one generation to the next (Ivey, 2018.p. 33).  Native Americans hence have a unique collective grief of past historical wrongs against their tribes at the hands of European aggression.  These past wrongs has been transmitted into a strong and heavy mistrust of indigenous communities with Western forms of counseling (Pedersen, 2018, p.103).

Native American populations due to these wrongs look to reassert cultural identity and pursue more traditional forms of treatment as well ritual.  Numerous cultural recovery programs exist within the country that looks to help these groups rediscover their culture (Pedersen, 2018, p. 105).   This strive for identity has at times also put native populations at odds with European and conventional forms of counseling with suspicion.

Counselors must be multicultural proficient to understand the different ways native communities communicate

Grief counselors who work with native populations need to be self aware of their own ethnic background and how this is perceived by native populations.  Pedersen notes that counselors cannot blindly pretend a cultural difference does not exist between a client and counselor, especially with native populations (2018, p. 105).   In some cases, counselors can also sometimes question the efficacy of conventional methods of treatment for depression or other mental disorders when working with a mistrusting client.  Of course, all persons are still persons and genuine empathy, warmth and respect are critical for any person much less one of a different culture (Pedersen, 2018, p. 106).

Many Native Americans are essentially spiritual in healing and those spiritual traditions are important to their identity.   Hence counselors working in indigenous populations should work with healers within the community.  Counselors should seek the advice of healers and when clients request it, form a care team that best meets the overall needs of the client.  Presenting a ethnocentric therapeutic approach to a population with distrust can be disastrous and lead to no healing.   Pederson recommends a healing combination of both Western and Native modalities that link the community and spiritual nature of native populations (2018, p. 110).

In addition, Pedersen points out that counselors need to become comfortable with ways natives express themselves, not only in grief but also in communication.  Within Native American populations, clients are usually more comfortable with silence and long pauses and responses (2018, p. 107). If a counselor is ignorant of these types of responses or pauses, then the counselor may perceive it as a form of pathological grieving, or denial, or lack of intelligence.  Grief counselors need to properly understand the social patterns of interaction within natives to better understand their grieving process.  Obviously, grieving and ritual within these populations is also more communal in nature and the community plays a key role in helping others grieve.  When natives are isolated or stripped from this population then it can negatively affect their ability to grieve in a healthy way.

In conclusion, Herring points out that counselors should discuss differences instead of pretending one does not exist between client and counselor, secondly, schedule appoints that are flexible and even open to family if requested, third, the allowance for natural trust to grow, fourth, the respect of silence and pause, fifth, a strong respect and honor for the client’s culture and application when necessary of it, and finally, the universal ideal of all counseling, confidentiality (Pedersen, 2018, p. 114).


Counseling across multicultural scopes is difficult.  This is especially true when one is a counselor of European descent.  With that ancestry carries a history of incidents, that through no fault of oneself. can lead to mistrust between client and counselor.  It is important to be self aware of these differences and to be able to show empathy and respect cross cultural lines to the client if one truly hopes to help the client.  This involves adaption and flexibility in how one approaches certain clients.  This is especially true of Native Americans who have their own unique views on counseling and healing and how they express and communicate grief.  It is also important to have a true understanding the of the nature of soul wounds that exist within the Native American population and how this not only affects grief but also present day economic and social life.   While it is still critical to acknowledge this, a counselor still cannot assume each Native American is cultural.  Every person is diverse and only through communication and genuineness can one truly understand the subjective nature of the individual.

Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a grief counseling certification.  In addition to AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification, AIHCP also offers for Grief Certified Counselors a specialty program in Grief Diversity that covers in greater detail many multicultural aspects of grief and diverse populations.


Ivey, A. et, al (2018). “International Interviewing and Counseling” (9th). Cengage.

Kastenbaum, R & Moreman, C. (2018). “Death, Dying and Human Experience” (12th). Routledge

Pedersen, P. et. al. (2018). “Counseling Across Cultures” (7th). Cengage

Additional Resources

“Healing Trauma, Attending To Grief – Native Wellness Institute & Jillene Joseph” Click here

Lovering, C. (2022).  “Mental Health in Native American and Indigenous Communities”.  PsychCentral. Click here

Franco, M. (2020). “Culture Impacts How We Grieve”. Psychology Today.  Click here

Stringer, H. (2022). “The healing power of Native American culture is inspiring psychologists to embrace cultural humility”. APA. Click here


The Problem Management Model Video

A key part of counseling involves helping the client identify the problem, propose solutions and execute those plans into action with assessment of progress.  This is the core of the Problem Management Model in counseling and is key in helping track a client’s progress.

Please also review AIHCP’s multiple behavioral health certifications ranging from Grief Counseling and Christian Counseling to Crisis, Stress, Life Coaching and Anger Management Programs.  The programs are online and independent study and open to qualified professionals in both the behavioral health and health field areas.

Animal Therapy with Grief and Stress Issues

In the area of grief and loss, anxiety, trauma, or in special needs, individuals are or can become more closed off from other human beings.  Many are unable to express emotions properly, communicate with others, or feel independent to do things or interact with others.   Individuals can become closed off to the world and unable to communicate with it.  Counselors can utilize a variety of the therapies to help individuals cope better with emotions and also open back up with the world, but sometimes, especially in the case of those with mental defect, individuals need other ways to communicate and express emotion.

Animals and pets can help individuals suffering from anxiety and depression find healing. Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification

Animals and pets are an excellent source of love and way to heal.  Animals can bring out the best in people and their presence can reduce stress and depression.  Animals hence can play a key role in helping individuals who are grieving or dealing with anxiety.

Animal Therapy for Grief, Depression and Anxiety

Animal Therapy is broad spectrum approach to healing and helping those with autism express themselves, but also those who have experienced trauma, or even those who have anxiety or depression issues.  Animals help individuals in a broad variety of ways to rediscover self, heal and move forward.  While those who face life long mental issues can gradually improve through animal therapy, those with trauma or temporary issues can also benefit greatly with the company of an animal.

Animal Therapy has a long history, back to even Sigmund Freud, and with the advances of the its modern father, Boris Levinson.  The idea of the comforting nature of an animal or pet and his/her presence has a calming effect on human beings.  The company of animals can increase serotonin and dopamine, as well as lower cortisol levels by awakening the para sympathetic system.  The presence releases tension and allows the person to find healing.

There is no limit to the types of animals that can be utilized.  Horses, dogs, cats, rabbits, ferrets and other small mammals, birds, fish and even lizards can all be utilized.  Different species have different end goals that can help individuals with particular needs.  Dogs play a key role providing comfort and unconditional love, while cats help with individuals who are more awkward with initial touch and need.  Horses and equine therapy play a large role in animal therapy and are provided at various locations for those who need to form better connections, trust, and responsibility.  Even birds or fish can play a role in helping individuals find connection but also responsibility.

Benefits of Animal Therapy

Animal Therapy helps those with a wide variety of mental issues, but also those dealing with stress, anxiety, loss and depression.  Physically, animal therapy, reduces stress and lowers blood pressure and increases dopamine and serotonin.  It reduces cortisol and helps the person find comfort and calm.  Emotionally, animal therapy, helps individuals find love and support.  The unconditional love an animal can supply, or the fact, the animal needs the person, can help the individual feel love when sometimes love is absent in the person’s world.

Psychologically, animals help individual feel love and from that love individuals can find stronger self esteem to feel loved but also to express love to a fellow creature.  The need and dependency of the animal upon the person helps build the person’s purpose.  In addition, this purpose gives the person duty and responsibility.  During therapy, the person is called to care for the animal, supply food and water, or provide basic care such as grooming or walking.  Even the smallest duty of having to feed a fish and supplying a need to another creature can have huge therapeutic effects on the person. This sense of purpose also increases self esteem especially with the depressed.

Animals can help the bereaved form new bonds, feel loved and find purpose again

In addition, training and teaching an animal helps individuals improve communication skills, social interaction, and independence to push forward in an endeavor or task.  Individuals plagued with depression or other psychological maladies may be less receptive to enter the social arena of human interaction, but through animals, they can find it easier to communicate, wake up and do tasks, and exercise.  This also increases one’s sense of trust between another being.  Horse riding, or walking form bonds of trust which may be difficult with another person.  This trust permits the person to feel more safe in social settings and to put oneself into the hands of another while also giving purpose to care for the other.  Individuals experiencing loss may need to form new bonds and the bonds of love and trust and the social skills that are re-introduced through animals can be physically, emotionally and mentally rewarding.

Overall, animal therapy helps form new bonds, increases social interaction, improves communication skills, teaches trust and responsibility and reduces the physical manifestations of stress and anxiety.  It gives the person purpose and responsibility again and helps the person re-enter the social world of other human beings or at least better skills to reintegrate oneself into society after trauma or loss, or if dealing with a mental issue.  Animal Therapy can help with emotional release, talk therapy, and relief of various negative symptoms.

Obviously animal therapy is not for everyone.  Some individuals may have issues that may endanger the animal, or others may be allergic to certain animals.  Like all therapies, it depends upon the person but overall animal therapy is a very successful therapy when applied.  One can find animal therapy through the referral of a therapist.  Many are offered through campuses, hospitals and special programs at rehab centers or correctional facilities.


Animal Therapy can be supplemental with other therapies or a sole therapy. Ultimately, those with deeper issues such as Autism or permanent conditions can benefit greatly from animal therapy.  Animals have the ability to help individuals form new bonds, express feelings and explore new skills necessary in social settings.  Animals have the ability to bring out physical and emotional wellness by reducing stress and anxiety.  Those who experience grief and loss can also form new bonds and find new purpose through animal care and the reciprocity of love that is shared between a person and animal. While animal therapy may not be the answer for everyone, it is highly successful for those suffering from various mental ailments and temporary issues with anxiety or depression.

Horses can play a large role in animal therapy. Please also review AIHCP’s Grief and Stress Management programs

Please also review AIHCP’s mental and behavioral health certifications, as well as in particular, it’s Grief Counseling Certification as well as its Stress Management Certification.  The programs are online and independent study with mentorship as needed and is open to qualified professionals in the Healthcare, Human Service and Ministry fields.  Please review and see if the programs meet your academic and professional goals.

Additional Resources

Baer, B. (2024). “Animal-assisted therapy (AAT) and emotional support animals”.  Access here

Jelinek, J. (2022). “All About Animal-Assisted Therapy”. PsychCentral.  Access here

“Emotional Support/Therapy Animals”. (2017). Good Therapy.  Access here

Olivine, A. (2024). “What Is Animal Therapy?” Very Well Health.  Access here

“Animal-Assisted Therapy” (2022). Psychology Today Staff.  Psychology Today.  Access here


Challenging and Confronting in Grief Counseling and Mental Health Counseling Video

This video discusses confronting and challenging clients to transform and find change.  Counselors many times have to help push clients see the truth when the client’s own view is distorted.  This involves careful and empathetic ways of challenging and confronting.  Empathetic confrontation is a key concept within this video.  Sometimes to help transformation, clients need have their view and story challenged or emotions confronted.

Please also review AIHCP’s mental health certifications, including Grief Counseling.  The certification programs are online and independent study with mentorship as needed.  The programs are designed for pastoral as well as clinical counselors in behavioral health, human service and ministry.  Please review and see if the programs meet your academic and professional goals

Responding Skills in Counseling Video

Good response skills are critical to help clients receive feed back. Good responses can help the client move forward in the conversation, hear his/her own words, supply additional insight and help give direction.  Responding skills are essential micro skills in counseling and Grief Counselors should be able to utilize good responding skills to help clients better find meaning and emotional validation.

Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Grief Counseling.

In addition to Grief Counseling, AIHCP offers a variety of other mental and behavioral health certifications for human service and health care professionals.  The programs include Christian Counseling, Spiritual Counseling, Stress Management, Anger Management, Crisis Intervention and Life Coaching.  These programs are aimed to help others in existing counseling fields.  Be aware to differentiate one’s role as a counselor when only pastoral versus one who is licensed.  This is key when applying these certifications to your various levels of academic and professional levels.

Counseling and Attending the Client Video

Counselors study psychology, various therapies and devote themselves to understanding the science of the mind and behavior, but if the counselor is unable to communicate and attend the client properly, then the knowledge is useless.  Counseling hence is also an art.  Counselors must possess interpersonal skills that allow them to help their clients.  Various micro skills help the counselor attend the client.  Basic fundamentals of attending include empathetic listening, observation skills, and appropriate responses.  This forms the foundation of the counselor and client relationship and allows therapy to flourish.

Please also review AIHCP’s numerous behavioral health and healthcare certifications in Grief Counseling, Crisis Counseling, Christian Counseling, Spiritual Counseling, Anger Management, Life Coaching and Stress Management.  The programs are online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification.

Complications in Grief Trajectory Video Blog

Grief while natural can go many different directions and become in some cases pathological.  There are many unique singularities that can make one loss different than another and transverse normal and healthy trajectories into abnormal and pathological trajectories.  Grief Counselors can play a key role in guiding clients and helping identify possible clues that can lead to complications in grief. While pastoral counselors who are grief certified can help those along normal trajectories, only licensed and clinical counselors can help those with complications.

Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in grief counseling.  AIHCP certifies both clinical as well as pastoral professionals within the Human Service professions. as well as others within the healthcare fields.